Stephen Ainsworth: The Unrepentant Scofflaw!

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Bill Lumbergh
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Stephen Ainsworth: The Unrepentant Scofflaw!

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

I absolutely love it when a decision is released simply as a transcript of the proceeding. When dealing with OPCA arguments you get a much better sense of what occurred than you do from a judge’s summary.

Which brings us to R. v. Ainsworth:

Mr. Ainsworth, age 50, is about to be sentenced for one count of obstructing police, seven Highway Traffic Act violations and one count of driving with no insurance. In other words, your standard OPCA fare.

First off, the court notes that Ainsworth is looking at about $6000 fine for the lack of insurance:
Ainsworth has not made much in the way of submissions to me on the subject, other than to indicate that he does have a family and he would find a financial obligation onerous. I recognize that the fine – the minimum fine that the legislation provides for with respect to the Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act violation is a serious one, $5000. And I’ll advise you, Mr. Ainsworth, that all of these fines will be accompanied by a surcharge, which I have no control over, it’s approximately 20 percent. So, I think you’re going to see about a $6000

fine for the Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act violation. The reason that the fine is so high is that it’s such a serious thing to do. You seem to believe that the government’s going to pick up the tab for somebody that you accidentally run over and put into a wheelchair for the rest of their life. That is not the case and that is why this behaviour has to be stopped, and that is why the fine is so serious. With respect to that count, I’m going to impose a fine of $5000.
The other traffic violations racked up smaller fines:
With respect to the speeding infraction, I’m going to impose the set fine of $280. With the respect to the fail to identify yourself, a fine of $85. With respect to the fail to surrender a licence, $85, driver failed to surrender permit, $85, fail to have plates, $85, owner no permit applied for, $85, and fail to have current validated permit, also $85.
He's given some time to pay and the court notes that he was a whisker away from a flight police charge. Now on to the good stuff! The court explains the principles of sentencing and gives Ainsworth some valuable life lessons:
Having listened to you today and over the course of your trial, I have come to the conclusion that the only hope for your rehabilitation is to divert you from acting on this philosophy of life that you seem to have adopted. That philosophy makes you both a nuisance and a danger to your fellow citizens. You show no signs of even wishing to be diverted from that course of your own free will and thus any court effort to dissuade you likely falls more properly under the rubric of specific deterrenence, rather than rehabilitation. Let me be clear, you’re entitled to think what you want, but when you put those thoughts into action and you break laws, you must be stopped. There is a need to stop you and also to denounce your conduct. By your actions of February 2nd, 2014, you present an active danger to the public. Had you been charged with flight from police, as you might well have been, several months jail would be in order today. You do not accept that you present such a danger. You maintained this stance throughout your trial, you maintained it today.

Hmmm... things don't seem too promising for our protagonist at this point. If Ainsworth didn't have that sinking feeling at this point, surely he would with this next bit:
In your trial you went so far as to state under oath and I quote, “I cannot obey God and the government at the same time, I have chosen to obey God and all other laws have no effect on me. I do not obey them.” And I note the present tense. In argument you stated and I quote, “I formally and on the record reject all man made laws.” What this case absolutely cries out for is specific deterrence, that is speaking to you directly that you cannot go on in this fashion. You stand - you don’t stand you sit – before me as an unrepentant scofflaw. You argue that the government is a fictitious corporation whose laws are to be flouted. It falls to me to try to impress upon you that the force of the law is not fictitious.
Uh oh... not good. Next, it seems that Ainsworth was not the only person in the courtroom:
I will also take the opportunity to speak to general deterrence, to speak to your friends or as you referred to them, your colleagues, particularly the gentleman in the front row, from whom you have taken advice throughout this trial. You have so obligingly brought all these people along, so that I can speak to them directly. They need to get the message as well. Mr. Ainsworth and your friends and all other like minded people need to know that the courts will enforce the law.
A mystery man giving advice in the front row!! Who could it be? One of the established OPCA old heads or a new aspiring star?

Anyways, the end result was predictable:
And you are therefore sentenced as follows, I’m going to note the two days of pretrial custody and I’m going to give you credit at one and a half for one, as is customary, for three days credit. There will be a further 27 days incarceration for a total sentence of 30 days. You’re in custody under sentence, sir.
Our hero was NOT going to take this lying down! The following exchange occurs:
STEPHEN AINSWORTH: Objection, Your Honour. I do not consent to your privilege of benefits here.

THE COURT: Sadly, Mr. Ainsworth, consent is not required.

STEPHEN AINSWORTH: Objection, Your Honour. I don’t consent to any privilege of benefits here.
Privilege of benefits? I haven't heard of that one before...

A brief recess followed at which point Ainsworth was brought back up because the judge forgot to impose the victim fine surcharge as well as a probation order. This proved completely unacceptable:
STEPHEN AINSWORTH: Objection, Your Honour. I don’t accept any of your contracts or offers today.

THE COURT: Well, I think you’re learning, Mr. Ainsworth – I hope you’re learning – I hope you give it some thought while you’re in custody that...

STEPHEN AINSWORTH: You’re saying no one can follow their God, they must follow you. That is a tremendous breach of religious rights. And you’re saying that only person – I’ve caused no harm, no damage to anyone. And you’re saying I can’t freely go about this land...

THE COURT: You might want to re-read my judgment. We can provide it to you if you want. But you’re going to be bound by a probation order, it’s going to be for 12 months...

STEPHEN AINSWORTH: You can be bound by it.
What a retort! What colossal argumentation! The judge either ignored him or was so stunned by this rhetorical prowess that he moved right along to the terms of probation. Again, this was unacceptable:
STEPHEN AINSWORTH: Objection. I don’t accept any contracts or offers made today.

THE COURT: Mr. Ainsworth, if you don’t accept the orders of the court – these are not contracts and they are not offers. If you do...

STEPHEN AINSWORTH: I cannot go against my creator’s will and that – you’re condemning me to hell. I have to follow my creator. By rejecting him and following you - you cannot offer for me to do that. There’s nothing you can do to – I will not to do it.
The final word, however, belonged to the court in a brilliant one-liner:
THE COURT: If you don’t obey the law, then you can get used to taking up residence at Central East Correctional Centre.

STEPHEN AINSWORTH: That’s what has to be, then that’s what it is.
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Re: Stephen Ainsworth: The Unrepentant Scofflaw!

Post by Burnaby49 »

There is also this;

R. v. Ainsworth, 2015 ONCJ 98 ... ncj98.html

I couldn't find anything else about him. Perhaps a new convert just starting his descent into madness. A good opening act.
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Re: Stephen Ainsworth: The Unrepentant Scofflaw!

Post by notorial dissent »

My but the stoopit is fulsome in that one. I think I can safely predict an impending vacation in the local hoosegow.
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Re: Stephen Ainsworth: The Unrepentant Scofflaw!

Post by Hyrion »

THE COURT wrote: Sadly, Mr. Ainsworth, consent is not required.
Beautiful, concise, simple response to when someone has been convicted of a crime and will face their sentencing.

And yet, the OPCA crowd (from the bulk we witness) do not appear to want to accept the reality thereof.
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Re: Stephen Ainsworth: The Unrepentant Scofflaw!

Post by Hyrion »

notorial dissent wrote:I think I can safely predict an impending vacation in the local hoosegow.
I'm leaning more and more in the direction that's really what their goal is. I'm not quite totally convinced of that... but 98.???? % I am convinced.

After all... they have made it crystal clear they should be provided with housing, food, medical, etc. without having to actually do anything to earn it. And then there's the factor of not having to pay taxes.

If you're in prison you certainly are released from all the normal responsibilities of such things compared with those of us who stubbornly value our freedom outside prison walls.
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Re: Stephen Ainsworth: The Unrepentant Scofflaw!

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

Hyrion wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:I think I can safely predict an impending vacation in the local hoosegow.
I'm leaning more and more in the direction that's really what their goal is.
Funny you should say that because that was one of Ainsworth's main defences: getting arrested was the only way to exercise his rights!

The encounter began with Cst. Ouellette pulling over our hero for speeding and finding that his vehicle was entirely without insurance, registration, etc etc. Cst Oullette, having not yet learned that no good goes unpunished, decided to take away Ainsworth's keys but leave him in his own car rather than putting him in the back of the police car while the tickets were written out. I'll let the judge take it from here:
The Crown Attorney has urged me to find that what happened next is the basis of the obstruct police charge. P.C. Ouellette believed that he had Mr. Ainsworth’s only keys in his pocket. P.C.’s Prins and Seibert and Sgt. Heitzner had all arrived in separate vehicles to assist. Mr. Ainsworth urged the other officers to arrest P.C. Ouellette and invoked his “right of habeus corpus” so as to be taken before a Judge. Of course, as he was not even in custody, that particular writ was a non-starter. The officers declined. Mr. Ainsworth then indicated that he wanted his wallet and keys returned and shared that once they were he would be on his way. A discussion ensued wherein the officers, ultimately including Sgt. Heitzner, advised Mr. Ainsworth that it was not an option to drive his van as it was not insured. Sgt. Heitzner (who was called as a defence witness) went so far as to say that Mr. Ainsworth would be arrested if he attempted to drive away. Mr. Ainsworth did just that. After telling the officers that he was going to the van to make arrangements for a ride he produced a second set of keys and drove his vehicle forward onto the roadway.
[12] While the officer’s accounts differ somewhat as to his speed and the distance he travelled all agree that they including, P.C. Ouellette, had to maneuver their vehicles and stop Mr. Ainsworth with a rolling block. At this point Mr. Ainsworth was still under the lawful direction of P.C. Ouellette to wait and not to drive the van.

[13] Again Mr. Ainsworth quite cheerfully agreed with those facts. He indicated that he drove away because he had been told by Sgt. Heitzner that if he did he would be arrested and thus would have access to a judge via habeus corpus. Sgt. Heitzner was clear that he said no such thing.
So there you have it, our hero got himself a criminal record simply for the sake of getting arrested! Win!!!!!
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Re: Stephen Ainsworth: The Unrepentant Scofflaw!

Post by NYGman »

Hyrion wrote:After all... they have made it crystal clear they should be provided with housing, food, medical, etc. without having to actually do anything to earn it. And then there's the factor of not having to pay taxes.

If you're in prison you certainly are released from all the normal responsibilities of such things compared with those of us who stubbornly value our freedom outside prison walls.
Never thought of it that way, but perhaps this is the end goal of all FMOTL, to go to Jail, pay no tax, and get free housing, transport, medical care, food, drink, and entertainment. In fact, besides the not being free part of Jail, it sounds like a Freeman's Utopia.
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Re: Stephen Ainsworth: The Unrepentant Scofflaw!

Post by notorial dissent »

Fmotlgroupie wrote:So there you have it, our hero got himself a criminal record simply for the sake of getting arrested! Win!!!!!
Like I said, just plain damn stoopit. If he'd tried any of that around here he'd have been cuffed and stuffed so fast it would make his head spin. He really should have been arrested and charged with attempting to flee. Canadians are just too good natured for their own good.

I'm also betting that he'll be back at it short order. Did they seize his van like they should have?
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Re: Stephen Ainsworth: The Unrepentant Scofflaw!

Post by Burnaby49 »

A recent article about Ainsworth mentions Quatloos and Me! ... -scofflaw/

it's decidedly a step up from being identified as a piece of bathroom furniture at Walmart; ... s/40804849
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Stephen Ainsworth: The Unrepentant Scofflaw!

Post by Jeffrey »

Privilege of benefits? I haven't heard of that one before...
It's from Winston Shrout:

Argument is basically that jail is a privilege and you can waive it.

I believe there is another thread where another guy in Canada tried to waive the benefit of jail a few months back.
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Re: Stephen Ainsworth: The Unrepentant Scofflaw!

Post by NYGman »

Burnaby49 wrote:A recent article about Ainsworth mentions Quatloos and Me! ... -scofflaw/

it's decidedly a step up from being identified as a piece of bathroom furniture at Walmart; ... s/40804849
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I see you throwing that newly minted moderator tag around, and please tell us more about your particular interest in freemen, sounds kinky
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Re: Stephen Ainsworth: The Unrepentant Scofflaw!

Post by bmxninja357 »

Jeffrey wrote:
Privilege of benefits? I haven't heard of that one before...
It's from Winston Shrout:

Argument is basically that jail is a privilege and you can waive it.

I believe there is another thread where another guy in Canada tried to waive the benefit of jail a few months back.
it is a miswording of my friend irene. start at about 2:20 ... 4BA86049E2

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Stephen Ainsworth: The Unrepentant Scofflaw!

Post by Jeffrey »

I guarantee Irene got it from Shrout. The Shrout seminar in that video is early 2000's.
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Re: Stephen Ainsworth: The Unrepentant Scofflaw!

Post by bmxninja357 »

irene is the first i had heard that used in court. but i gave up on winston many many moons ago so i could have missed something.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »


Or something. I've only skimmed it but can't quite figure out what the hell is going on here. From Stephen Ainsworth on Facebook:
Good News everyone stephen one of the living people here from Canada. Just received a call from TD Bank reguarding my line of credit for 16,500. WeRE Cheque cleared and credited to my account. Started process on May 21, 2015 and again on Sept 10, 2015 with new instructions form them to send it: [TD internal Mail to go on Speical Clearing for Foren Cheques. That it was not to go via the normal Clearing Process. SO now that is what you need to do. Go to your bank MANAGER and ask him/her to send it via inter bank mail to there counter part in england and have them do a speical clearing.] And in fact she just told be i have a credit of 912.61 and i can go to any branch and remove those funds. Oct 19, 2015. SO to all do not give up and stay the course. Follow the process exactly. Get your documents in alignment and let them know that you are willing to go to court and be willing to go if you have to. But with all the edevence we have there is no way for them to win in court. One of the things you would ask the judge right at the start is: are we following the actual rules of the BOE for a bank to be a bank or are we doing whatever you and the bank feel like. For if the rules are not followed then i will be VOIDING anything that does not follow the rules and i have the documents ready to go. I just need to fill out anything you do, that does not follow the rules. Also the moment i feel that this court is not following the rules i will be challanging jersiduction and requiring this court be moved to a common low court of jursiduction if you prove yourself to be incompent. Everyone look up VOID JUDGEMENT look up CHALANGE of JURSITUCTION. know your rights and do not back down. Love to all your friend stephen tribe of manasseh, family of ainsworth, son of george.
And in the comments:
Peter Of England Thanks Stephen for posting that!! Great news - We worked hard on this

Stephen Ainsworth Just came back from bank took out the $912.61 and got statements all accounts $0.00
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by timcurgenven1 »

People should be screen printing and contacting TD bank via Twitter......

Or if you live in Cananda pop into a TD Bank branch (if one is near) and advise them ASAP, we have the customers name, exact amount of withdrawal, it wont take much to find this customer

Whos up for doing this :)
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by NYGman »

Trying to pay off a debt is one thing, creating a credit balance, then withdrawing it, is another. I hope TD peruse this idiot
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Zeke_the_Meek »

Funny it should come today, too - TD apparently just announced staff layoffs for cost cutting reasons. I'd say money lost to fraud is a fairly significant cost, so ass taxis like Stephen is in part responsible for people losing their jobs. Great work, moron.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Jeffrey »

That's quite literally check floating.
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Re: Peter of England: He's going to be in REal trouble

Post by Burnaby49 »

Zeke_the_Meek wrote:Funny it should come today, too - TD apparently just announced staff layoffs for cost cutting reasons. I'd say money lost to fraud is a fairly significant cost, so ass taxis like Stephen is in part responsible for people losing their jobs. Great work, moron.
While Stephen is an idiot and will pay for it I wouldn't go so far as to start blaming him for the TD's staff cuts. Just the usual Canadian bank quest for yet even bigger profits. All of our banks go through periodic purges seemingly unrelated to their current financial situations. The TD is doing quite nicely; ... 24512.html
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".