Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Gullible freemen should realize that Robert Menard has never set free a single wrongly accused or convicted individual. He has never brought a single bad cop to justice or even put such a cop under official or public scrutiny. No C3PO, including Menard, has ever stopped a single act of police brutality, despite that being the stated aim of the C3PO.

No individual has ever paid for a meal, or bought a pair of shoes using Menard's ACCP system. Nobody has ever gotten a dime from the secret accounts Menard claims the government holds for them. No one has ever paid a power and light bill using the 96 Fix.

However, Bobby has sat in a bar drinking while his paying clients stood defenseless in open court. He has told prospective clients he "kicked ass" in court went in fact he lost. He has been banded from playing lawyer in British Columbia.

In his youth he spoke at a lot of freeman gatherings. He's made a lot of Youtubes. He used to have a whiteboard. Now, like my 90 year-old aunt, he posts a lot on Facebook. . .mostly other people's videos. But in my aunt's defense she was not free to not do as was our favorite freeman layabout guru. She had a job and two kids to raise.

Just think what she could have done with old couch and cooler full of Moose Heads!

Coward Clock: It has been 30 days since Robert Menard was challenged to explain his embrace of Orlando false flag theories. So far Bobby has declined
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

True to form Bobby's Nazi apologist associate, Paul Alaimo, posted a loathsome screed on Menard's own Facebook page entitled: "If Germany Had Won the War." ... =3&theater

Bobby's Nazi apologist friend, Alaimo, continues in the comments section:
Right on Brother, Hitler never wanted to "conquer the world" He simply wanted to safeguard Europe and the greater Western World from all manner of nefarious Jewish Bolshevist Communist influence and, more broadly, safeguard the world-at-large specially from: 1) Usurious Jewish banking and 2) Jewish-driven cultural degradation.. Zionists News, Hollywood most lied about just happened to be past Enemies, Jesus & Adolf Hitler.
There's nothing Bobby won't do and nobody he won't associate with for a little attention!

Coward Clock: It has been 32 days since Robert Menard was challenged to explain his embrace of Orlando false flag theories. So far Bobby has declined
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

Coward Clock: It has been 32 days since Robert Menard was challenged to explain his embrace of Orlando false flag theories. So far Bobby has declined
It's also been six months since he posted that I'd be having an imminent visit from the RCMP to arrest me on the criminal charge of scaring poor Bobby so badly he hid under the bed by my asking how his squirrels were doing. They must still be gathering evidence for my impending trial and conviction.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:They must still be gathering evidence for my impending trial and conviction.
I wonder if Menard is trying to gather affidavits from the squirrels. It might explain why you are still running around free and not under the thumb of the RCMP.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Welcome back Burnaby!

There is something about Menard that is addicted to his next brilliant, bold idea and the tingling in his bowels that goes with it. The idea that he was going to chase down Burnaby and make him walk the plank was just to seductive an idea to yield to reason.

It's the same thing with all his projects and ideas.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Hanslune »

arayder wrote:
Right on Brother, Hitler never wanted to "conquer the world" .
Not the entire world just the old world Hitler and Japanese agreed on splitting Asia at 70E ... rld_War_II
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Hanslune wrote:
arayder wrote:
Right on Brother, Hitler never wanted to "conquer the world" .
Not the entire world just the old world Hitler and Japanese agreed on splitting Asia at 70E ... rld_War_II
Menard has fallen in with the Nazi apologist crowd such that he now posts his own Nazi propaganda pieces without any coaxing from his mentors. It seems the guru is now the supplicant.

It's truly pathetic to see this washed up freemen guru making excuses for a fascist government which trampled human rights as a routine matter. It is ironic to imagine layabout Bobby being placed in a Nazi work camp for his freeman activities.

Coward Clock: It has been 33 days since Robert Menard was challenged to explain his embrace of Orlando false flag theories. So far Bobby has declined.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

arayder wrote: Menard has fallen in with the Nazi apologist crowd such that he now posts his own Nazi propaganda pieces without any coaxing from his mentors. It seems the guru is now the supplicant.

It's truly pathetic to see this washed up freemen guru making excuses for a fascist government which trampled human rights as a routine matter. It is ironic to imagine layabout Bobby being placed in a Nazi work camp for his freeman activities.
Bobby's response on his fascistbook page:
WARNING: This will be seen by idiots as 'Nazi Apologist Propaganda' Questioning the Official Narrative is Nazism.
Bobby, you have said yourself that the Nazi apologisms you allow on your Facebook page and WFS page are merely alternative views of history. Above you imply they are corrected history simply because they are not an "Official Narrative".

It is not surprising that you accept anything "outside the box". That's your thing. But the truth is the way you go about seeking knowledge is just statism in reverse. The truth is you are as statist as the worst statist.

One wonders if you have ever read a book about Nazism, or if you have a library card. My guess is that you go cherry picking through alternative websites for the version of history you like. . .the same thing you did when you "studied" the law.

And we all know how badly that turned out.

Coward Clock: It has been 33 days since Robert Menard was challenged to explain his embrace of Orlando false flag theories. So far Bobby has declined.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Bobby says:
Apparently, merely being willing to associate with others who question to official narrative concerning historical events, means I am a Nazi Apologists! HAHAHAHA How desperate must they be to bring out the Nazi Label and try to apply that to me?
How very disingenuous of you, Bobby. You are doing more than merely associating with divergent thinkers.

You are allowing your Facebook page to be used to spread Nazi propaganda. . .like the notion that the world have been better off if the Nazis had won WWII. The material on your Facebook page says (among other things) that if the Nazis had won there wouldn't be such a "problem" with gays and Jews.

In light of your denial of the Orlando shootings one wonders what it is you have against gays.

Shame on you, Bobby!

Why don't you use your membership here to talk about these matters more directly?

Are you afraid of something?
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Now the web site administrator and chief Nazi apologist of the WFS, Patrick Hebert, has shown up at Menard's fascistbook page to offer support.
. . .Rob, you had your mind opened to the truth. Now through your words you have awaken so many more. Your words opened my mind to the truth and I will do my part to open as many others as I can. And the snowball gains size and speed. Anyone reading this need remember,.. your mind was opened, now help open 2 more. :)
My emphasis.

Menard says he is merely "associating" with divergent thinkers. But this isn't the first time Patrick has thanked Menard for opening his mind to the historical revisionism of Nazi apologism. He's been specifically thanking Menard for showing him the way to Nazi apologism for years!

I suspect that Menard, having lost credibility in the mainstream of freeman thought, has embraced Nazi apologism as his most recent cause celeb. In the sub-group Bobby gets the attention his narsassism demands. But it also means he's painted himself in a corner since now he can't reconcile Nazism with freemanism any more than a Red Sox fan can root for the Yankees.

I also suspect Bobby far enough into the nazi apologist subculture of freemanary that backing out of it, as a practical matter, would be very difficult. His web site administrator has drunk the kool-aid. There is a strong possibility that his friends, paltry client base and couch/internet providers would howl in protest should the fickle freeman guru turn his back on the idea that the world would be better off without Jews in it.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Bobby says:
Hey Patrick, apparently you are the WFS website administrator and a long time Nazi apologist and I am holed up in Alberta. At least that is what the idiot 'suspects'. He is so wrong about so many things I think his cheese has slipped from his cracker.
Duh? Last August Patrick admitted being a WFS site admin on TPUC forum.

But to the point. . .your way out of this hole is real simple, Bobby.

You reject fascism and Nazism in all its forms including Holocaust denial and Nazi apologism and you are part way back to freeman respectability.

Of course, to do that you have to put your boot on the neck of all your Hitler-wasn't-so-bad buddies.

You ain't got the stuff any more than you got the guts to use your membership here.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Bobby says:
Hey Patrick! Apparently YOU are the only person named Patrick on all of Facebook! Oh gawd his stupid is so deep and fundamental! hahahaha He claims I am in a hole for what he believes my beliefs are! But my beliefs are not even what he believes they are! [Keep trying arayder, you are a very sad deeply stupid man. ]
So come here and tell us what you believe.

So far your actions show you no problem giving Nazi apologists like Patrick a forum. Please don't insult the reader's intelligence by claiming WFS and your Facebook page are free speech havens.

I'll make it even easier for you, Menard.

Do you reject fascism and Nazism?

Yes or no.

tick. . .tick. . .tick. . .tick. . .tick. . .
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

arayder wrote:Bobby says:
Hey Patrick! Apparently YOU are the only person named Patrick on all of Facebook! Oh gawd his stupid is so deep and fundamental! hahahaha He claims I am in a hole for what he believes my beliefs are! But my beliefs are not even what he believes they are! [Keep trying arayder, you are a very sad deeply stupid man. ]
So come here and tell us what you believe.

So far your actions show you no problem giving Nazi apologists like Patrick a forum. Please don't insult the reader's intelligence by claiming WFS and your Facebook page are free speech havens.

I'll make it even easier for you, Menard.

Do you reject fascism and Nazism?

Yes or no.

tick. . .tick. . .tick. . .tick. . .tick. . .
Let the record show that, as of the time of this post, offered the chance to do so, Robert Menard has declined the opportunity to reject fascism and Nazism.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

arayder wrote: I'll make it even easier for you, Menard.

Do you reject fascism and Nazism?

Yes or no.

tick. . .tick. . .tick. . .tick. . .tick. . .
arayder wrote:Let the record show that, as of the time of this post, offered the chance to do so, Robert Menard has declined the opportunity to reject fascism and Nazism.
Below Bobby goes the long way 'round the barn so as not to answer directly and anger his Hitler loving buddies. He seems to be saying he does not embrace "isms" including fascism and Nazism. But if that is the case one has to wonder why he continues to allow Nazi apologist propaganda to be posted at WFS and his Facebook page.

Is "embracing" the same as "sharing" and "posting"? What next, Bobby, ya' post some child porn and then say you don't embrace it?

So what it is, Bobby? Do you reject fascism and Nazism?

Yes or no.

Why not just take all the Nazi sh*t down and be done with it, Bobby?

Reader should know that despite Robert "Bob-and-weaving" Menard's assertion that I am avoiding giving him an opportunity to settle his grievances with me my offer to him to electronically conference with myself and my attorney stands, as it did when months ago he filled up the email address I gave him with gay porn.

Feel free to read, folks. . . .
Dear Stupid Cowardly Insecure and Disingenuous Arayder
You ask that I ‘reject’ racism and nazism, but here is the problem with that, which I doubt you even have the intellectual capacity to understand.
When I stand, it is for something, not against something.
I am not anti-government, I am pro-good government.
I cannot reject something unless I have first accepted it.
I cannot spit something out unless I first put it in my mouth.
You cannot ask me to spit out some shit, unless I first put it in my mouth.
Nazism, racism, zionism, nationalism, capitalism, just about all of them are so odious to me that I cannot reject them, as I cannot first accept them.
You asking me to reject something, regardless of how evil it is, is asking I put energy towards it.
You should ask if I embrace either.
That would result in a resounding NO.
But you are a negative minded individual, lacking basic cognitive functions, so you do not even ask the right questions.
I embrace humanism, and do not embrace any ism which runs counter to the principles of that belief system.
I would prefer to put my energy into accepting the good instead of rejecting the bad. I would prefer to put my energy into making a new way of co-existing instead of attacking the old.
I know you cannot understand this, due to your outlook and information processing ability which is so incredibly poor. The emotional pain you suffer from knowing how badly you failed your friend and how your government abused their authority has twisted your cognitive abilities to such a point that you are now almost comical in your continued attacks upon me. You are a statist suffering from Stockholm Syndrome who rejects the concept of personal responsibility and need to place blame on me, a stranger you have never met.
You claim I am a coward for not going to your forum, and subjecting myself to the abuse of cowards who refuse to identify, but then you refuse to come here, identify yourself, and communicate here. And the comical thing is, you do not even see how incredibly ironically cowardly that actually is. You ask I come to your home and fight you and all your friends while you all wear masks, but you refuse to come here without a mask where the fight would be between you and I alone, and to YOU, I am the coward.
You do make me laugh however, I will tell you that.
You are the one I tried to identify years ago so I could meet you in court, and you hid like a scared little kitty. You arayder, are the coward. Prove me wrong, open a Facebook account under your real name, show us your face, and talk to me here. Why won’t you do that? The reason I won’t engage on your forum is they are all cowards who operate anonymously and expect me to go there and operate with only my identity revealed to the rest.
That seems very lopsided and quite unfair. So why do you not come here and identify and ask I defend my Facebook statements on Facebook? Face it arayder, you are the coward, and always have been. I will meet you anytime, anywhere, (funds and government travel restrictions permitting) here on Facebook, or IRL, but you have to not act like a coward and have to identify yourself. If you refuse to do that, sorry, you are just a coward, worthy only of my ridicule. And since you are operating a coward clock, you should operate one counting how long it has been since you have been refusing to meet me in court, or identify yourself online. THAT is cowardly.
So let’s talk about what I embrace, instead of what I reject.
I embrace humanism.
I embrace Freedom.
I embrace equality.
I do not embrace statism, fascism, communism, zionism, nationalism, or any other belief ism which does not support equality, freedom and human dignity.
That does not mean I am not willing to talk to people who do not share my beliefs or perspectives. Fact is I can’t change their minds unless we do talk.
It also does not create an obligation upon me to reject actively such belief systems, as doing so undermines my ability to embrace what I do believe in.
So now you can go tell people I refuse to reject any belief, wether it is racism, nazism, or satanic baby sacrifice, and it will be technically true, and you being the disingenuous coward you are, can simply fail to tell them why I do not engage in the active act of rejection, preferring the active act of acceptance and embracing.
Set up a Facebook Account, identify yourself, and come talk to me here, or be a coward all your life. You want to discuss what I post on my Facebook page, here is the place to do it, not a private forum where all members are cowards who refuse to even identify themselves.
You are a coward arayder.
It is established by your refusing to identify and meet openly.
But I thank you for all the laughs.
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Mr. Menard. . .take down the Nazi propaganda!

Post by arayder »

Bobby says:
Dear arayder, the Coward.
I will answer your question by answering its corollary opposite.
Do I embrace racism or nazism?
The answer to that is no I do not.
So now access what deductive tools you are poorly equipped with, and use those to determine for yourself whether I am a racist or a nazi.
Bobby, you have a way of talking out of both sides of your mouth at once.

You say you are a peaceful man and then you advocate violence against the police.

You say you don't want to harm anyone or steal anything and then you ask 100 freemen to rip off as many restauranteurs as they can over a weekend.

You say you don't "embrace" Nazism while you allow and actively encourage Nazi apologist postings on your Facebook page. At least one of the post was your own share. . .so the idea that you are just talking to the fascists doesn't hold water.

Hell, ole son, your buddy Patrick is the worst of the Nazi loving lot and you haven't said one public word to him about his propaganda.

To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, "Mr. Menard. . .take down the Nazi propaganda!"
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Dear Stupid Cowardly Insecure and Disingenuous Arayder . . . I will meet you anytime, anywhere, (funds and government travel restrictions permitting). . .
Sounds good to me, Fezboy. Having made this challenge you have painted your arse in a corner once again.

The next time I am in Toronto visiting relatives I will set up a meeting at the Toronto police station that handled your arrest for impersonating a peace officer. . .the charge you ran from.

Please don't whine. You have said you'd meet anywhere and that you'd beat the playing cop charge with freeman/narcissistic brilliance. . . so the presence of the same cops that pushed your big ole freeman lard arse over the hood of your brofriend's car shouldn't intimidate Your Brilliance one bit.

A few days before I go up north I will repost your challenge and email the details of the meeting.

If you don't show I'll have to figure that my mistake was in not leaving a trail of Moose Heads from your door step to the meeting place.

The fun will ensue, sonny.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by LordEd »

Looks like Psam is on Menard's facebook thread. Maybe they can team up and do something interesting. Better yet, they can continue to do nothing of importance or value.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

arayder wrote:
Dear Stupid Cowardly Insecure and Disingenuous Arayder . . . I will meet you anytime, anywhere, (funds and government travel restrictions permitting). . .
Sounds good to me, Fezboy. Having made this challenge you have painted your arse in a corner once again.

The next time I am in Toronto visiting relatives I will set up a meeting at the Toronto police station that handled your arrest for impersonating a peace officer. . .the charge you ran from.

Please don't whine. You have said you'd meet anywhere and that you'd beat the playing cop charge with freeman/narcissistic brilliance. . . so the presence of the same cops that pushed your big ole freeman lard arse over the hood of your brofriend's car shouldn't intimidate Your Brilliance one bit.

A few days before I go up north I will repost your challenge and email the details of the meeting.

If you don't show I'll have to figure that my mistake was in not leaving a trail of Moose Heads from your door step to the meeting place.

The fun will ensue, sonny.
Bobby says:
Sounds good.
Do it by identifying yourself here, with a proper account, revealing your face and name and date of birth, just like every other regular not hiding anything account.
Then and ONLY then can you 'set up a meeting' which involves me. Because I equally get to decide how a meeting between us is 'set up'.
So who painted themselves into a corner?
As soon as you set up an account here, and identify, Then and only then can you 'set up' a meeting with me in real life. Sorry that is how you 'set up' a meeting.
I look forward to you identifying yourself here truthfully.
I doubt it will happen, because you are a coward.y
Oh, my! The "I'll meet-you-any-where-any-time" boy has backed off his big talk. Ain't that just like the sisters said about the little brother. . .all talk and no do.

My next visit to Toronto is going to have a well publicized visit to a police station with an invite for you to attend and participate in a SKPE connection to my lawyer in Louisville.

If you don't show up, Bobby, the coward label is on you!

Off course you could do a SKPE with me and my lawyer, as I offer months ago, and spare yourself all this game playing.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Bobby says:
So, you don't want to set up a meeting? Ok... I knew that would happen. You are too much of a coward to set up a meeting properly, so you will claim I am refusing an offer, you never even make. Send forth your offer. I stand ready to receive it. Once received I will accept. But if you do not send an offer, I cannot accept it, and we cannot have a meeting. So send an offer. But I am not an idiot, and do not accept offers from unidentified people. I trust you understand. You said you would set up a meeting. Will you now chicken out? Ball is in your court, Coward.
Spare me the freeman jibber-jabber, Bobby. You said you'd meet with me anytime and anywhere. But now that we get down to brass tacks you can't follow through.

As in. . . "Hey, where's my ACCP card I paid for?"

I can set up a meeting at a police station to ensure safety and there you can talk to my lawyer via SKPE, if you bother to attend. My lawyer and I are perfectly willing to discuss your disputes at the meeting.

That's the "offer" Fezboy. You can pretend it was never make if you like.

Do you need a cab ride, sonny?
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

Sounds good.
Do it by identifying yourself here, with a proper account, revealing your face and name and date of birth, just like every other regular not hiding anything account.
Then and ONLY then can you 'set up a meeting' which involves me. Because I equally get to decide how a meeting between us is 'set up'.
So who painted themselves into a corner?
As soon as you set up an account here, and identify, Then and only then can you 'set up' a meeting with me in real life. Sorry that is how you 'set up' a meeting.
I look forward to you identifying yourself here truthfully.
I doubt it will happen, because you are a coward.y
Stop complaining. Those terms are very reasonable. Remember when he was going to have me thrown in jail? He was demanding that I surrender my pension before he would reconsider setting the RCMP on me. We never got a cogent explanation why my pension had any relationship to me sending him a letter but that was his demand nonetheless. Happily I still have my pension and, as yet, no knock on the door from Rob's retribution. To be fair to Rob the year isn't over yet and he did say "In the new year".

Got any squirrels playing in the yard where you are now Rob? Mine are pretty active trying to get into the wife's bird feeder. That was a pretty sweet setup you had in Quebec, too bad you had to lose it. That kitchen in your recent videos doesn't seem anywhere near as attractive a spot. I suppose, given your position, you have to take what you can get.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".