Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote:
I'd like to ask the Canadian experts here if Bobby's contention that he needs boat loads of money to file the sort of court challenges he promises is accurate?
No. I don't know what the specific costs are but if you'll recall Menard managed to start this lawsuit against the federal government last year on his own meager resources without begging for money.


. . .The big cost, and the big hurdle, is lawyer's fees. While Rob considers himself Canada's expert on freeman litigation (hence his frequent offers to advise others for a fee) whether or not he can self-represent depends on which court he plans to use. . . .

Does it matter in any case? There are two reasons why costs, legal strategies, choice of courts are irrelevant.

1 - He's not going to get any money. . . . He's exhausted his credibility.

2 - . . .It's just a con to get cash because he's broke and he needs something to keep him in beer and snacks. Gainful employment is out so all that is left is trying the same scams that failed in the past.

But he's gone to the well too often. . .
Thanks for the reply and information, Burnaby.

I agree.

But, what I am trying to establish is that there is very little stopping Menard from filing the sort of court challenges he promises, including not having the mound of money he says he needs. We all know about Bobby's fund raising ruses and we all know he's not going anywhere with this one anymore than he did the all the others he's tried.

The thing to note is that the projects/fund raisers/pitches are coming faster and faster as the weeks pass. This suggests that the speculations that Menard is broke and desperate are credible.

It remains to be seen, if faced with starvation or homelessness, the haughty Menard will shallow his pride and take his lard butt and his SIN down to Tim Horton's, or just try to swindle people in new and different ways.

Freddy Free Pickle is in a pickle since his fugitive status makes showing up at the family's door a poor option. Many of the family still live in Ontario and those that don't can't afford to get caught harboring a fugitive. He's becoming a persona non grata in the freeman community so crashing on the couch of an admiring freeman wannabe is a less likely option than a few years ago.

Coward Clock: It has been 56 days since Robert Menard was challenged to explain his embrace of Orlando false flag theories. So far Bobby has declined.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

He's certainly cycling though his money raising campaigns at an accelerated pace. He proposed the Freeman course on July 18th, just three weeks ago. And now this plea for money for something entirely different. The course must have been a total bust. It certainly got a tepid response. Some "if I had any money I might" replies but that was about it. He's also recently offered his services for freeman litigation support. Brian Alexander can tell us how much that is worth.

I note that he hasn't started a GoFundMe campaign for his proposed CHIRPP program. He's selling "memberships" now. I'd guess that this is because the pathetic amount he got through his GoFundMe attempt for his C3PO debacle was public so everybody could see how little his followers were actually willing to pony up. Even with the modest amount collected most of the donations in that campaign were listed as being "anonymous" which might have just been pump-priming by Rob to fake momentum and interest. By just selling memberships privately he can keep the extent of his pending failure to himself.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote: By just selling memberships privately he can keep the extent of his pending failure to himself.
Menard always has an excuse for his failures. He's been making them up since childhood.

There was a reason the neighbor kid blew off part of his hand after Bobby showed him how to make black powder bombs. . .and Bobby had nothing to do with it. Bobby didn't leave the military because he couldn't cut the mustard. . .it was because he didn't want to kill anyone. The government was behind him loosing Elizabeth Ann. Freeman valley failed because he couldn't finance the land purchase. . .not because he couldn't squat on federal land. . .and on. . .and on. . .and on. . . .

I suspect this time the excuse will be his oft repeated admonition to freemen for not sufficiently supporting him.

There used to be a time when this reproof to freemen made some sense in their subculture. It may have seemed to some that Bobby was working on their behalf and needed their support in order to achieve the group's common goals.

But it's pretty clear now that Bobby doesn't have the means to help anybody (not even himself) and the little bit of extra cash freemen may have is better used elsewhere.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

It's time to take Bobby to task for yet another of his money grubbing con jobs. This time it's the Canadian Human Individual Rights Protection Program. Or the CHIRPP.

The clock is running, Bobby.
Dope Clock III: It has been 6 days since Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Robert Menard.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Freemen considering CHIRPP membership should consider Robert Menard's practice of taking advantage of others to get what he wants and exaggerating his achievements and talents.

-- Around 2010 Menard sold freeman wannabe Lance Thatcher an $800 document that was supposed to how he could use Menard's theories to "fight the law" more effectively. ... -1.1224095

When the methods prescribed by Menard landed Thatcher in hot water Menard tried to get himself off the hook by claiming that Thatcher had not followed his instructions.

-- In 2011 John Morgunus of North Bay, Canada acted upon Menard's advice regarding freeman "claim of right" theories and squatted in a foreclosed house. . .only to have himself arrested. Again, Menard threw a client under the bus by claiming Morgunus had not done exactly as instructed when issuing his claim of right!

See 2:04

— Menard has, over the years, tried to explain away these instances of failed, patently false paid consultations.

But the most telling evidence that Menard will tell a potential client any story he needs to to get a fee comes in the affidavit of the private investigator who posed as a potential client during the B.C. Law Society’s investigation of Menard’s court room antics. ... igator.pdf

This affidavit shows Menard clearly misrepresenting his abilities and claimed successes so as to gain a fee from somebody he thought was a potential client.

Freeman buyers beware!

Dope Clock: It has been 7 days since Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Robert Menard.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

On Facebook Bobby says:
. . I will give you the shirt off my back if you need it! When I say I've got your back, I do. It's my word and I will always stand by my word!!
Oh please. . .tell it to Lance Thatcher, John Morgunus, Alexander Ream and Brian Alexander and the victims of Lying Bobby's countless money grubbing, attention seeking scams.

Dope Clock: It has been 8 days since Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by grixit »

Does he even have a shirt to give?
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . Dr Pepper
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 4
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

grixit wrote:Does he even have a shirt to give?
He said in the comments to his posting that he had a dirty undershirt he was willing to part with.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by rommelrommel »

eric wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:Do footl's routinely admit DUI busts when they are looking for sympathy? Also, I find TWO accident related arrests shall we say highly suspicious, either he a really crap driver or the alternative. Since he's a rabid footl, I'll go with no license, no ins, AND drunk and/or impaired. We don't want him either, maybe he'll relocate to TX to be with fellow like minded footl Fern.
I'm getting the impression that there's a lot missing from his account. Due to the nature of my work I have contact with a large variety of Temporary Foreign Workers. The basic rules are that a person up here, legally employed, can get away with one "minor" offence such as reckless driving or a DUI, if his employer still wants him after the law is finished with him. A second offence, or if there was a bit of a physical altercation during the arrest, automatically results in a one year exclusion order.
None of that immigration advice is correct. Any conviction that equates to a hybrid or indictable offence in Canada makes you inadmissible. You can be deemed rehabilitated if you only have one conviction, and it was a crime with less than a 10 year maximum sentence in Canada, and it's been 10 years since your sentence was completed. You can otherwise apply for rehabilitation once 5 years has passed. DUI almost always equates to operation while impaired or over 0.08. If you're here on a work permit and you're convicted of any hybrid or indictable offence you're deported. No one is excluded for criminality, it's voluntary departure (allowed to leave) or you go to a hearing facing deportation.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

Welcome rommelrommel and thanks for clearing that up. Rommel's posting was in respect to this discussion a few pages ago;

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Chaos »

arayder wrote:On Facebook Bobby says:
. . I will give you the shirt off my back if you need it! When I say I've got your back, I do. It's my word and I will always stand by my word!!
Oh please. . .tell it to Lance Thatcher, John Morgunus, Alexander Ream and Brian Alexander and the victims of Lying Bobby's countless money grubbing, attention seeking scams.

Dope Clock: It has been 8 days since Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
grixit wrote:Does he even have a shirt to give?
that's gotta be one smelly shirt.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Chaos wrote:
arayder wrote:On Facebook Bobby says:
. . I will give you the shirt off my back if you need it! When I say I've got your back, I do. It's my word and I will always stand by my word!!
Oh please. . .tell it to Lance Thatcher, John Morgunus, Alexander Ream and Brian Alexander and the victims of Lying Bobby's countless money grubbing, attention seeking scams.

Dope Clock: It has been 8 days since Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
grixit wrote:Does he even have a shirt to give?
that's gotta be one smelly shirt.
The "I'll give you the shirt off my back" routine is Bobby's sad attempt at trust building. Nothing more.

One has to figure the freeman legal advice business is not going that well. Bobby figures one problem is lack of trust. He knows he's working freeman gullibles and hence has to keep up the facade of a trustworthy buddy freeman just trying to do his part for the movement.

He's been working the gullible like this since his school days.

He knows his debunkers keep pointing out that he's never come through with the goods for a single freeman, including himself. What's worse is that Bobby keeps peddling the same projects and promises as if their repetition will make them work.

Simply put Bobby pretends to start projects he never really gets going. He promises legal actions he never so much as opens a lap top to start. These ruses are about making money!

But he's got an old dirty tee shirt for ya!

Freemen buyers beware!.

Dope Clock: It has been 8 days since Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
notorial dissent
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by notorial dissent »

arayder wrote:But he's got an old dirty tee shirt for ya!
That he undoubtedly stoleborrowed from someone else.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:
arayder wrote:But he's got an old dirty tee shirt for ya!
That he undoubtedly stoleborrowed from someone else.
Bobby's problem now doesn't involve sharing his moldy clothing.

His problem is that he has led his freeman buddies to believe he is going to be be bringing precedent setting legal actions which will secure the freeman way as a fact of law. Two months from now when nothing has happened and the dues paying members of the CHIRPP have nothing to show for their money they are going to know how is feels to be one of Menard's victims, like Lance Thatcher, John Morgunus, Alexander Ream or Brian Alexander.

Dope Clock: It has been 9 days since Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Dr. Caligari »

like Lance Thatcher, John Morgunus, Alexander Ream or Brian Alexander.
So you're saying Ream got reamed?
Dr. Caligari
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by notorial dissent »

arayder wrote:His problem is that he has led his freeman buddies to believe he is going to be be bringing precedent setting legal actions which will secure the freeman way as a fact of law. Two months from now when nothing has happened and the dues paying members of the CHIRPP have nothing to show for their money they are going to know how is feels to be one of Menard's victims, like Lance Thatcher, John Morgunus, Alexander Ream or Brian Alexander.
The thing is, when your short term memory is gone and your long term memory is not getting any input these sorts of things just slip by. I'm not saying all his followers are total potheads, but it is either that or premature senility, just sayin'.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Dr. Caligari wrote:
like Lance Thatcher, John Morgunus, Alexander Ream or Brian Alexander.
So you're saying Ream got reamed?
Oh, there are more victims then just the above mentioned. There are a bunch of freemen who got in trouble based on crazy ideas they got from Bobby. . .ideas he never acted on because he knew darn well the foolish notions might get him trouble with the law.

One such bad idea was the first large scale project Bobby pretended to start, freeman valley. One of the original ideas regarding land acquisition for the valley was that freemen would use their magic words to occupy public lands roughly the same way they think they can tap into Canada's treasury for grocery money.

Bobby quickly realized that squatting on public lands was going to get him in trouble so he thought up an excuse or two about not being able to get the land via a loan and moved on to the next fund raising scam.

The problem came when Paul Fiola and a group of Alberta freemen took up where Bobby left off and tried at gun point to occupy public land near Grande Prairie.

Andreas Pirelli tried to use a wild variation of Menard's theory to squat in an apartment he rented from a litte old lady.

You can bet Bobby the-not-so-brave threw these folks under the bus as soon as he realized pointing guns at people and trying to cheat little old ladies wasn't going to play well in the court of public opinion.

Dope Clock: It has been 9 days since Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Bobby, your debunkers aren't trying to destroy you. That job is already done. . .thanks in large part to your own booze soaked ineptitude.

But if you want to show us all what a big, swinging thang you are why don't you get busy freeing some freemen wannabes and setting some precedents, like you promised.

The clock is running, sonny.

Dope Clock: It has been 9 days since Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by notorial dissent »

I was going to say that Bobby did the destroying all on his widdle ownsome, he didn't need any help. On the other hand, he's provided us with countless hours of unrivaled amusement with his pathetic antics and near constant whining. Go Bobby Go, on to your next insignificant fail. You'll notice, I didn't say epic, since they never rise to more than minuscule status in the scheme of things.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:I was going to say that Bobby did the destroying all on his widdle ownsome, he didn't need any help. On the other hand, he's provided us with countless hours of unrivaled amusement with his pathetic antics and near constant whining. Go Bobby Go, on to your next insignificant fail. You'll notice, I didn't say epic, since they never rise to more than minuscule status in the scheme of things.
At one time Menard was marginally successful at his only scam.

The way the fraud works is to promise freedom or wealth to freeman wannabes claiming that membership money is needed to fund the project. As money comes in Bobby pretends to be doing something, when he fact he's making no progress toward the completion of the project.

As the flow of membership money grinds to a halt and members begin to question how the project is going Bobby shifts into excuse mode. Either there weren't enough members and money (not Bobby's fault), or the powers that be scuttled the effort (again not Bobby's fault), or group of Bobby's debunkers alerted the everyone to the scam (Bobby will say it's all lies).

The problem is that Bobby has gone to the well too many times and most freemen have figured out that no matter how much money he raises he never really starts the project and never intended to.

Freemen lurkers considering buying memberships in Bobby's newest project, the Canadian Human Individual Rights Protection Program or CHIRPP, should begin by asking Menard to show what happen to the money given to the ACCP effort and detail what he did to advance the project.

If you don't like the answers. . .keep your money.

Dope Clock: It has been 10 days since Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.