Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Chaos »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:
Menard wrote:
Let's suppose I am an insignificant failure, as some claim.
Let's then look at how much time those same people spend talking about me.
If I am an insignificant failure, and they spend all their time talking about me, does that not make them an even greater 'insignificant failure'?
The answer to that question is "No."
Pointing out that the claims of an insignificant failure such as Menard are wrong does not make the person who is pointing at Menard's errors an insignificant failure. In fact, the opposite would be the correct conclusion.
I believe pointing out to people not to step in the Steaming Pile of BM© is quite the polite gesture.
notorial dissent
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by notorial dissent »

Or equally NOT to pick it up and play with it. But then maybe I just have different priorities.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Here's an oldie but a goodie from Menard's salad days: ... =53:31.644

I suggest those of you who don't want to endure the entire 53 minutes scroll to the 16:30 to 19:10 part as well as the 34:20 to 42:02 and 49:11 to 52:15 sections.

Dope Clock: It has been 17 days since Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Up to his usual standards of poor scholarship Menard has posted the laughable "Banker's Manifest" of 1934 which has been revealed as a fraudulent attempt at propaganda. ... h=f5914817

The document is said to have been "revealed" by Charles Lindbergh, Sr. The problem is nobody at Freeman U., including professor Puddywuddle, can find the source of the document definitively attributing it to the alleged 1892 banker's meeting (Bobby's sources can't decide the century in which the document was written).

Freeman lurkers considering availing themselves of Menard's legal advice services should be aware of his poor scholarship!
Dope Clock: It has been 18 days since Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

See this copy of the email I have sent to the law societies of Canada and British Columbia. Some personal information has been redacted for this post.

Federation of Law Societies of Canada
World Exchange Plaza
45 O’Connor Street
Suite 1810
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1P 1A4

The Law Society of British Columbia
845 Cambie Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 4Z9

Dear Law Societies

I would like to take this opportunity to make you aware of the recent activities of Robert A. Menard, a self styled "freeman on the land".

In April of 2008 Mr. Menard was prohibited by the Supreme Court of British Columbia from appearing as counsel, preparing documents for use in proceedings, and identifying himself in any way that suggests he is a lawyer. He was also ordered to pay costs. see: ... nction.pdf

On his Facebook page ( Mr. Menard has recently begun to advertise his services suggesting that he is a lawyer, or can act as one:

Robert Menard
August 4 at 11:48am
Canadian Human Individual Rights Protection Program
(Not associated with Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program)
Canadian Human and Individual rights are being eroded on all sides, from police officers who ignore our basic right to refuse intercourse with peace officers who have not observed a breach of the peace, to Law Societies abusing and breaching public trust to secure unlawful court orders, to government agents acting like they are our masters, instead of our servants.
CHIRPP is a grass roots association of citizens joining together to bring legal action in courts of law to address these injustices.
Membership fees will be used to secure precedent setting judgments protecting the human and individual rights of all Canadians, for education and public awareness campaigns, and advertising and promotions of our organization.
Interested Canadian individuals are invited to contact Robert Menard at for membership information packages.

Robert Menard
July 18
Freeman Course
By Professor Robert Arthur Menard
Freeman ‘Guru’ Extraordinaire
Have you ever wanted to be a Freeman, instead of a ward of the state, or child of the province? Are you tired of funding the fancy lifestyles and perks of those who claim to ‘represent’ you? Do you want to plant the seeds of a direct democracy?
Robert Arthur Menard, Canada’s preeminent Freeman on the Land, is offering a 6 week intensive online instruction course consisting of weekly webinars and individual instructions.
Designed to help you understand the system we live under, and how using trust law your will has been subverted, you will be guided in the process of developing and serving your own Notices and Claims, and trained to stand your ground with honour when challenged.
Tuition is very reasonable, classes are small, and individual support is provided. Family discounts are available for couples.
Contact Rob at to enrol now. Spaces are limited, and going fast, so act quickly.


Mr. Menard's whereabouts are uncertain at this time. Since his 2014 arrest in Toronto for impersonating a peace officer and his subsequent 2015 flight from prosecution he has tried to keep his exact location secret. His last known address was:

37 *** *****-***,
****-****-***-******** Qc
**** ***

I hope this information is helpful.

Austin Rayder


Dope Clock: It has been 19 days since Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Dang, Bobby, you're dumber than a fence post. You're still doing the letters-to-the-authorities thing. How did that work for ya' for the last sixteen years?

Your phony all-for-show pseudo-legal letter in response to a supposed law society "request for written communication" is just a pathetic attempt at face saving. When the courts get after you, you'll know it and there won't be one dang thing you can do about it whether the sword falls in 30 days or not. . .so save us the big swingin' thang pretense, sonny boy.

You aren't a peace officer. You don't own WestJet. You don't get free ACCP meals.

Y our real problem is that now you have to wonder whether the emails you get asking for your legal services are for real, or an attempt to get you to incriminate yourself.

Don't say you don't know what I am talking about. When you got busted for playing lawyer in 2008 the B.C. law society hired a private investigator to call you up and get you on the record lying about your record.

So maybe the next (the first? Have you got one yet?) email you get asking you for legal advice will be the same trap your betters, the authorities, set for you eight looooong years ago?

Wait for it, Bobby. Another Bobby fail is just a click way!

So why don't you just crack open another Moose Head, Bobby, and do what you always do. . .nothing!

Dope Clock: It has been 20 days since Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
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Trouble in Nazi Bob's bunker?

Post by arayder »

I have learned from a credible source that about a week ago a poster on the World Freeman Society forum (probably Nazi's Bob's chief propagandist, Patrick) posted a message touting the National Alliance an anti-semitic and white separatist organization.

In the past Patrick's anti-semitism, holocaust denial and nazi apologism has been encouraged by Bobby Menard. But in this case the pro-National Alliance message was removed from the forum!

One wonders if this censorship indicates there is hitch in the nazification of freemanism.

Care to comment, Bobby?
Dope Clock: It has been 32 days since Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
Tuba Cain
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Tuba Cain »

Wait, did he actually claim that he owned WestJet?
"The only thing which may accurately be said of a man who believes himself to be a poached egg is that he is in the minority" - James Burke, "The Day the Universe Changed"
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

Tuba Cain wrote:Wait, did he actually claim that he owned WestJet?
In 2008, after he was denied boarding onto a Westjet plane for lack of I.D., Bobby wrote the airline an angry, boastful letter in which he made a fantasy based threat to sue their pants off and even take over the airline if management didn't give him what he wanted.

Like each one of Bobby's pathetic narsassistic fantasies, nothing happened.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by LordEd »

Some historical goodies here: ... 49&t=55543
Menard wrote:Bye now, I am going to see if I can have your Christmas bonus cut in half with my fee schedule. Incidentally, there will be more and more people coming to fly without government issued ID and they too will have fee schedules of $2500 an hour, or $60K a day. Now I know many of you children will scoff at the idea of a fee schedule, but I guarantee your lawyers are not, neither is your management and when just a few people do it, you will see a big difference in your pay checks and profit sharing dividends.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Tuba Cain »

Not going to lie, I'm actually kind of let down. Managed to get about a third of the way through that inane prattle - and, yeah, there's lots and lots of it - but all that because he couldn't fly without ID?

I mean, come on! And all the way back in '08 when Menard still kind of mattered a little!

Just feels sub-par, you know?
"The only thing which may accurately be said of a man who believes himself to be a poached egg is that he is in the minority" - James Burke, "The Day the Universe Changed"
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Tuba Cain »

I mean, honestly, he couldn't possibly have thought that any of this was going to work. He knows the Sovcit crap is completely bunk. He knows he's going to need ID to get on the plane... What's the endgame here?

He's a scam artist; of that I do not believe there is a shred of doubt. So why try in the first place (absolutely pointlessly), then write that huge letter (which he knows will do nothing), demanding fees he is not entitled to ( as he well knows), and then post it online for all the world to see?

Why not just punch yourself in the head a few times, in private with no one watching, and then get on with things?
"The only thing which may accurately be said of a man who believes himself to be a poached egg is that he is in the minority" - James Burke, "The Day the Universe Changed"
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

I did a word count. 4,209 words to say he was unhappy.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

It's worth pointing out that Menard had no problem coughing up his SIN in order to get money out of his father's insurance policy and handing over I.D. upon his arrest for impersonating a peace officer.

Menard talks a good game to freeman he might dupe into paying for his lame legal advice. But the truth is he has no trouble doing what he needs to in order to get his government cheese.
Tuba Cain wrote:I mean, honestly, he couldn't possibly have thought that any of this was going to work. He knows the Sovcit crap is completely bunk. He knows he's going to need ID to get on the plane... What's the endgame here?
It's all for show. Menard loves to make up these letters to the authorities and pretend he's making the powers that be sh*t in their pants.

The truth is after his arrest for impersonating a peace officer he begged his lawyer to get him out of jail so he wouldn't have to spend a weekend in the slammer. When he realized his legal theories were going to fail badly and embarrass him in court he fled the jurisdiction of the court like a common criminal.
notorial dissent
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by notorial dissent »

The letter was just another attention ploy, the problem for Bobby was that he wasn't deserving of any. Pretty much the story of his life. He didn't want to play by the airlines rules, he got kicked off the flight. I'm sure, that if they even bothered to respond to the letter, assuming he actually sent it, was considerably less than 4,200 words.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:The letter was just another attention ploy, the problem for Bobby was that he wasn't deserving of any. Pretty much the story of his life. He didn't want to play by the airlines rules, he got kicked off the flight. I'm sure, that if they even bothered to respond to the letter, assuming he actually sent it, was considerably less than 4,200 words.
Bobby never learns. Just a few days ago he got turned in to the Canadian and B.C. law societies for playing lawyer, in violation of a 2008 court order. True to form he responded by writing a lengthy letter he claims he sent to the B.C. law society.

Begging the attention he so badly needs he posted the letter on his Facebook page.

This charade got the narcissistic Menard exactly what he wants and needs. . .a few likes on Facebook.

Think about it, folks. The self styled guru who promised a freeman valley and freeman prosperity is reduced to hiding from the courts and pandering to his toadies on Facebook.

Dope Clock: It has been 33 days since Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by arayder »

From Robert Menard's August 4, 2016 Facebook posting:
Canadian Human Individual Rights Protection Program CHIRPP
(Not associated with Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program)

Canadian Human and Individual rights are being eroded on all sides, from police officers who ignore our basic right to refuse intercourse with peace officers who have not observed a breach of the peace, to Law Societies abusing and breaching public trust to secure unlawful court orders, to government agents acting like they are our masters, instead of our servants.
CHIRPP is a grass roots association of citizens joining together to bring legal action in courts of law to address these injustices.

Membership fees will be used to secure precedent setting judgments protecting the human and individual rights of all Canadians, for education and public awareness campaigns, and advertising and promotions of our organization.
Interested Canadian individuals are invited to contact Robert Menard at for membership information packages
Freeman lurkers have to ask themselves why Menard hasn't at least begun the process of securing the precedent setting judgements he promised 40 loooong days ago. It appears that Menard hasn't taken the first step to do what he's said he'll do, or use the money he's been given for anything other than fill the refrigerator with Moose Heads.

Freeman lurkers should ask what has happened to the money!

Freeman lurkers should also ask if the inquiries by the B.C. Law Society, which Bobby himself reported, have intimidated their leader.

Dope Clock: It has been 40 days (dope clock correction) since Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
Tuba Cain
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Tuba Cain »

I'd just like to take a moment and say that I happen to be a proud resident of the province which produces our rapidly deteriorating hero's preferred beverage.

Actually, for a time I lived within sight of the brewery in Saint John, New Brunswick. Moosehead Pale Ale was my first beer; and, consequently, my beer of choice in the early days of my misspent youth. I've moved on since then - currently enjoying every drop of a glass of Canadian Club 100% Rye - but I can still remember that first Moose Red (as it's known in the pubs around here).

Cheers, Rob! I doubt you can get anything other than Moose Green (lager) wherever the hell you are; but I doubt you're feeling picky.

Also, just have to clarify: it's Moosehead, not Moose Head.

Edited: spacing.
Last edited by Tuba Cain on Thu Sep 15, 2016 12:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
"The only thing which may accurately be said of a man who believes himself to be a poached egg is that he is in the minority" - James Burke, "The Day the Universe Changed"
Tuba Cain
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Tuba Cain »

As long as I'm on the subject, I must take issue with Burnaby's comment of March 15th, 2012:
I'm willing to go as far south as the Oregon/California border. You can keep California. Its unending deficits would swallow up the entire Canadian federal budget liked a starving seal with a herring.

You can have New Brunswick in return.
Feel free to peruse the conversation:


The context being that Burnaby was willing to trade New Brunswick - the province where Confederation actually started (go lick a toad, PEI) - for, essentially, more British Columbia.

Beware the Ides of March Burnaby. It might take a few years, but things catch up!
"The only thing which may accurately be said of a man who believes himself to be a poached egg is that he is in the minority" - James Burke, "The Day the Universe Changed"
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Re: Robert Arthur Menard FOTL (Freeman on the Lam)

Post by Burnaby49 »

I might admit that I'd overreacted regarding my comment on New Brunswick except for one thing. I've been there.

More British Columbia? It's already perfect. Well, it would be if the Americans gave us our coastline back. Thinking it over I wouldn't mind not having to cross the border to get to the Brewtopias of Seattle and Portland either.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".