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Post by Burnaby49 »

I know, no religion on Quatloos. But when the Big Guy himself decides to sue the government of Canada it's hard to tiptoe around the issue. Unfortunately there was a minor administrative problem. Since Christ has been dead over 2,000 years it is somewhat difficult for him to personally attend court unless he goes nuclear and triggers the Second Coming. However, if he does so, I assume he'll have more important things on his agenda than suing Prime Minister Harper. So he did what all good managers do and delegated. In this case he's picked a flesh and blood living man to be his agent. At least that is what Robert John Jackson, the purported agent claimed.

He started the ball rolling by filing this Notice of Application to the Federal Court of Canada on July 18, 2014, initiating the battle of the millennium. Make that two millenniums;

http://www.mediafire.com/view/dn9f11hd4 ... cation.pdf

Through this document Lord Jesus the Christ, Robert John Jackson, and David Anthony Jackson were initiating proceedings against the Prime Minster of Canada and the Attorney General of Canada. What was it about? That cheap bum, Canada's Prime Minster, was a deadbeat debtor! He owed Jackson $300,000,000 and he'd refused to pay it!

This is an application for judicial review in respect of the Prime Minister of Canada and the
Attorney General of Canada.
On or about May 28th, 2014 the Prime Minister of Canada received by registered mail Irrevocable Letter(s) of Credit from the Issuer Lord Jesus the Christ through his agents Robert and David.

Within 3 days of receipt of the Irrevocable Letter(s) of Credit neither the Prime Minister nor the Attorney General have produced any written confirmation of a written decision of the Prime Minister's contractual obligation to perform and discharge of the Prime Minister's duties according to legislated mandate as agreed to by the parties to the Irrevocable Letter(s) of Credit.

By swearing an oath to Her Majesty the Prime Minister of Canada is God's Minister acting on behalf of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second is a party to this notice and application subject to Her Majesty's Coronation Oath whereas Her Majesty is Defender of the Faith in all Her realms with a vested security interest in all the affairs of Her subjects.
And Jesus wanted his money.
The applicants make application for:

1) The court to issue a declatory order stating that the Prime Minister and all Ministers of Canada and its several provinces and territories are God's Ministers subject to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Defender of the Faith in all of her realms.

2) The court to issue a writ of mandamus ordering the Prime Minister of Canada the Right Honorable Stephen Harper to perform his contractual obligations as a party to the Irrevocable Letter(s) of Credit of the applicants JACKSON, ROBERT JOHN and ROBINSON, DAVID

3) In the event there is no order for a writ of mandamus (see para. 2 above) then their shall be an writ of mandamus ordering the Prime Minister and/or the Attorney General of Canada to provide both oral and written answer confirming his/their legal and lawful reasons to refuse in writing to perform his/their contractual obligations as a party agreeing to the terms and conditions within the Irrevocable Letter(s) of Credit stating the case law that supports the Prime Minister/Attorney General's position that overthrows or repeals any or all of the sections of the Constitution Act 1867 to 1982 and the Prime Minister/Attorney General must provide his/their reasons on the date of the hearing of this application.

4) An order from the court that discharges the debt obligations pursuant to the Irrevocable Letter(s) of Credit of the applicants JACKSON, ROBERT JOHN and ROBINSON, DAVID ANTHONY.

5) An order and/or writ to such further and other relief that this court may consider appropriate.
So what great evil did our Dark Lord Stephen Harper the First commit that required JC to stomp on him?

The grounds for the application are:
1) As God's Ministers the Prime Minister and the Attorney General made a decision to refuse to give written guaranteed Constitutional/Charter relief, in particular s.24, s.26 and s.129 to the applicants. This decision to refuse to give a written response is known as fettering and thus acting out of their mandated jurisdiction causing grounds for action.

2) The Prime Minister and the Attorney General made decision's to refuse to act on their mandate as God's Ministers to act in good faith and procedural fairness not only to the applicants but also including to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second.

3) There is no official document in existence in Canada separating Church and State therefore; by his refusal the Prime Minister and the Attorney General acted out of jurisdiction and fettered their obligations to perform as God's Ministers thus infringing on the applicants Constitutional/Charter rights and also fettered their obligations to perform as agents of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second.

4) As God's Ministers the Prime Minister and the Attorney General must produce to the court the Irrevocable Letter(s) of Credit DAR-003-14 and RJJ-003-14 for they are the holders in due course and the court must review the facts of the matter and step in to provide a written decision since the Prime Minister and Attorney General have failed to give a written decision.
That's right, a variation of Belanger's Coronation Oath/King James bible scam.

This Application was accompanied by another Irrevocable Letter of Credit. I don't have a pdf of it to put up in Media Fire so I'll just give some particulars. It is for the 300 million amount, issued July 18, 2014 and expiring July 18, 2019. Issued by Lord Jesus the Christ himself. According to the document everyone noted on it, the Federal Court of Canada, the Receiver General of Canada and the Chief Administrator of Court Administrative Services have all agreed that the law governing the letter of credit shall be Christian law as guaranteed by the Magna Carta and as laid down in the King James bible. When the letter of the law might conflict with Jesus' wishes (no idea how since biblical law is his law) then the spirit of the law will take precedence over the letter of the law.

Apparently the purpose of the document was to wipe out any debts the Jacksons owed Canada (income tax?), fund their legal costs, and give them a slush fund. I Particularly liked one line;
Lord Jesus the Christ has forgiven the applicants (the Jackson's) under Christian law and forgives the applicants of all debts and offenses.
Wasn't that nice of him?

The government was given three days to respond with any arguments. If they had any they were to send their written reasons with supporting case law to Jesus directly at a given address which turned out to be a mail drop in Maple Ridge outside of Vancouver. Miss the three day deadline and they were deemed to have agreed to be bound by the letter's terms.

Of course that unemployed slacker Jesus the Christ, after swanning around in heaven for over 2,000 years without pursuing any gainful employment, was a little short of the ready cash necessary to forward the lawsuit. No problem! On July 28th, 2014 his agent prepared this letter to the court registry demanding that the court "forthwith" transfer $1,000,000 to Jackson's bank account;

http://www.mediafire.com/view/oymctbpp6 ... Letter.pdf

Since Christ's demands can't wait for snail-mail Jackson prepared another document ordering Revenue Services of Canada to go to the Federal Court registry with the $1,000,000 demand and order the money to be deposited in Kristi Ludwikowski's bank account. Kristi was David Jackson's wife. The document also instructed Chris Nikkel, who I assume worked for the Canada Revenue Agency's collection department, to draw on this to pay off Kristi's tax debts. And yet another CRA employee was to do the same thing to, as I read it, collect $280,000 to be used to pay off Robert Jackson's tax debts.

http://www.mediafire.com/view/0fopjlo4b ... Letter.pdf

Even though Jackson had thoughtfully provided a deposit form and the letter was signed on behalf of Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords our own Dark Lord, Prime Minister Harper, refused to cough up the money. So, on August 7th, Jesus pumped out yet another Irrevocable letter of Credit.

http://www.mediafire.com/view/iwol8ioxk ... Letter.pdf

He'd decided to stop pissing around with chump change and set the amount owed on the letter of credit to "Unlimited Canadian Dollars". We're finally talking real money! I'm guessing that Jackson ran into some problems with the Federal Court registry as a result of some prior squabble with staff because there was a new term in this letter not included in the July letter;
3. The Confirmer (note - Chief Registrar of the Vancouver Federal Court) must ensure to employ all of the necessary security forces and personnel that are required to ensure· the Constitutional rights (security of person) of the affected parties to this irrevocable Letter of Credit FCC-.002-14 are protected at all times
On page 25 Jesus came up with a new wrinkle. He became a lien grantor with the two Jacksons as the secured parties under the lien. All bound by the Uniform Commercial Code, an American law with no legal weight in Canada. I guess if Jesus Christ himself says the UCC is applicable it's Canadian law now! Frankly I can't make head or tails of the details of the lien. It's so convoluted that I'd be tempted to write it off as pure gibberish if it hadn't been drafted by the King of Kings. Must be pretty binding stuff given how unintelligible it is.

But our corrupt evil government obviously ordered the Federal Court away from the Christian path to the welcoming arms of Satan because, on September 17, Prothonotary Lafrenière stomped on the whole thing with an order to strike without leave to amend! The angels must have wept over the iniquities of men!

http://www.mediafire.com/view/3sr820480 ... _Order.pdf

It was struck even though the Prothonotary himself stated that he was not authorized to do so under court rules;
The Respondents have moved for an order striking the Notice of Application, without leave to amend, on the grounds that the pleading is so clearly deficient that it is bereft of any possibility of success. The Respondents rely on Rule 221 of the Federal Courts Rules; however, the rule only applies to proceedings brought by way of actions. Accordingly, the test applicable on a motion to strike a statement of claim has no application in this case.
So, in desperation, he pulled some obscure unwritten rule of exception out of nowhere;
Justice Strayer concluded that the direct and proper way to contest an originating notice of motion which the respondent thinks to be without merit is to appear and argue at the hearing of the motion itself. He nonetheless accepted that this Court had jurisdiction, in very exceptional cases, to strike a notice of application, at page 600:

[ ... ] This is not to say that there is no jurisdiction in this Court either inherent or through Rule 5 [now Rule 4] by analogy to other rules, to dismiss in summary manner a notice of motion which is so clearly improper as to be bereft of any possibility of success. Such cases must be very exceptional and cannot include cases such as the present where there is simply a debatable issue as to the adequacy of the allegations in the notice of motion. [citation omitted] [emphasis added]

In my view, the present case plainly and obviously falls within the David Bull exception. The Notice of Application is clearly bereft of any possibility of success as it fails to provide any discemable legal basis for the relief sought or any valid grounds for the proceeding and is fundamentally vexatious.
Apparently Jesus can't even use his own name in a court action!
Beyond the fact the proceeding is improperly brought in the name of a deity, the Applicants employ atypical language and terminology often used by a group of vexatious litigants characterized by Associate Chief Justice J.D. Rooke in Meads v Meads, 2012 ABQB 571 (Meads) as Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Argument (OPCA) litigants that fall into categories labeled: Detaxers, Freemen or Freemen-on-the-Land, Sovereign Men or Sovereign Citizens, Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International (CERI), and Moorish Law.

Rooke A.C.J. points out at para 1 "there is often a lack of homogeneity, and some individuals or groups have no name or special identity". What the OPCA litigants have in common is that they "employ a collection of techniques and arguments promoted and sold by "gurus" ... to disrupt court operations and to attempt to frustrate the legal rights of governments, corporations, and individuals". Rooke A.C.J. explains that OPCA litigants are unified by certain factors, including using specific but irrelevant formalities and language which they appear to believe are (or portray as) significant, and citing commercial sources from which their ideas and materials originate. Typical strategies include asserting that all interactions are contracts, and foisting unilateral agreements and demands on others.

The Applicants have failed to identify any legislation or other public duty which requires the Prime Minister to respond to their correspondence, let alone comply with any unilateral "contract". Unilateral foisted agreements have no effect in law: Meads, at para 518. The Applicants clearly adhere to the "everything is a contract" concept, which has been soundly rejected by the Courts. The allegations in the Notice of Application are, simply said, utter nonsense and constitute an abuse of the Court's process. The proceeding amount is plainly frivolous and vexatious and should accordingly be struck, without leave to amend.
But JC doesn't recognize striking without leave to amend and, on September 25th, he came back swinging with an affidavit! An affidavit witnessed by a real notary!

http://www.mediafire.com/view/3i11f7f6g ... idavit.pdf
1. I have studied the Bible and I believe I am a Son of God, a brother, agent and servant of Lord Jesus the Christ;

2. It's my belief after studying the Bible that my sins, debts and obligations are prepaid by Lord Jesus the Clrist when he shed his blood on the cross forgiving Christians;

3. I studied the written ruling of Proto notary Roger Lafreniere dated September 17th\ 2014 and I believe his ruling is a grievous, palpable and overriding error in law repugnant to Christian law, Christian rights, Her Majesty's promises and Biblical scripture; See exhibit' A' attached to this my affidavit.

4. And upon further study of the written ruling it is evident and I believe that Prothonotary Roger Lafreniere failed to apply the required standard of review that meets the criteria to give support for the motion to strike the Notice of Application; See exhibit' A' attached to this my affidavit.

5. I have studied Her Majesty's Coronation Oath and I believe Her Majesty swore an oath that she would maintain the Laws of God; See exhibit 'B' attached to this my affidavit.
Then a two page laundry list of all the things that Robert, a Son of God, a brother, agent and servant of Lord Jesus Christ, (a.k.a. Lord Jesus the Christ) had studied that led him to the conclusion that the fix was in because Jesus couldn't be wrong. And he has authority on his side, he's supported by Black's Law dictionary;
17. I have studied the legal definition of the word "promise" as defined in Black's Law Dictionary and I believe when a promise is made it is an expected right and I have a legal claim of performance; See exhibit 'J' attached to this my affidavit.
After all, if the Dark Lord Harper had disagreed with anything the Jacksons had claimed why hadn't he utilized the opportunity he was given to rebut it? We all know that silence is acquiescence.
21. During the course of my written correspondence with the Respondent prior to the application for judicial review, I observed his non-response and I believe by his tacit acceptance confirms God's law as his authority;

22. I believe that my study of law leads me to reach a reasonable conclusion that the Respondents' non-response is known as 'fettering' and this inaction is an identifiable decision.

23. I believe I have made reasonable conclusions in this 3rd affidavit that are fully supported by my study of Christian law and rights in support of the Motion Record of the Applicants and the written representations. I also believe the Respondent must rebut this 3rd affidavit point for point in an affidavit confirming their factual, legal and lawful basis that is higher than God's word.
I looked "fettering" up just to confirm that Robert wasn't accusing our Prime Minister of some unspeakably degraded sexual act. Unfortunately all that I could find was confirmation that it must be something totally disgusting to decent men and women such as our Quatloosian readers since every definition involved manacles and chains. Ok, I'll agree that Webhick might have some passing familiarity with manacles. Our own Prime Minister! I'm so ashamed of being a Canadian.

In a last desperate attempt to get Canada back on the true Christian path the Jackson's submitted a demand directly to the Prime Minster that he admit that they were right.

http://www.mediafire.com/view/h9fhr68rb ... _Admit.pdf

But, with the court in his pocket, why should he admit anything? So Harper obviously decided to stop using lower level staff such as the Prothonotary and forced one of his enslaved judges to reissue the court order;

http://www.mediafire.com/view/3797bvmbx ... _Order.pdf

And this is where things currently stand. Until the second coming of course when the Canadian government is going to get its ass kicked.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Post by Fmotlgroupie »

He'd decided to stop pissing around with chump change and set the amount owed on the letter of credit to "Unlimited Canadian Dollars".
You have to admire a litigant who, in the middle of a total break with reality, can make that sort of Count of Monte Cristo reference!
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Post by LordEd »

Must not be negligent on my Monty Python duties... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plZRe1kPWZw
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Post by grixit »

You know, only a truly secular country would indulge this demented scribbling. An actual christian government would have long since imprisoned the "brother of Christ" for blasphemy while it decided which gruesome punishment to inflict.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Post by PeanutGallery »

grixit wrote:You know, only a truly secular country would indulge this demented scribbling. An actual christian government would have long since imprisoned the "brother of Christ" for blasphemy while it decided which gruesome punishment to inflict.
Wouldn't devout Christians insist on sticking him back on the cross where he belongs?
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Post by Burnaby49 »

PeanutGallery wrote:
grixit wrote:You know, only a truly secular country would indulge this demented scribbling. An actual christian government would have long since imprisoned the "brother of Christ" for blasphemy while it decided which gruesome punishment to inflict.
Wouldn't devout Christians insist on sticking him back on the cross where he belongs?
He's already suffered enough by being told it was improper to use his own name in a court filing.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Post by fortinbras »

Frankly, I hadn't thought that Jesus had a bank account. I would have supposed that IF Jesus had wanted to enrich Jackson and Robinson with material wealth - a long shot considering Jesus's previous public statements - he would simply have generated enough loaves and fishes for them to sell to amass that sort of money. Jesus apparently opens the bidding at one million (Canadian) dollars and indicates that there really is no monetary limit. Maybe it is significant that Canadian dollar coins are called Loonies.
Maybe it is significant that Jesus's current address is Maple Ridge, BC - a town whose most famous occupant may be actress Molly Parker - or that he cites a number of Canadian law and "the King James Bible" - stuff I was not aware were part of his regular reading - and an alternative cite to the Uniform Commercial Code, which he treats as of comparable value as the Bible, notwithstanding it is US but not Canadian law.

Both Jackson and Robinson indicate that Jesus is their authorized representative in court. I suppose this means that either Jesus shows up for them in court or they lose by default.

Please let me know if/when Jesus puts in a court appearance.
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Post by Burnaby49 »

fortinbras wrote:Both Jackson and Robinson indicate that Jesus is their authorized representative in court. I suppose this means that either Jesus shows up for them in court or they lose by default.

Please let me know if/when Jesus puts in a court appearance.
You've got it reversed. Jackson was supposed to represent Jesus in court. All irrelevant anyhow since our evil government made sure the case was quashed before it made it to an actual hearing. What were they afraid of?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Post by grixit »

I think this time around it is Jesus who washed his hands of the case.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Post by jcolvin2 »

Let he who is without sin file the first lawsuit ...
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Post by wserra »

They'll likely throw the Good Book at this guy.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume