Xabre gets screwed in Court! But JackieG will fix everything

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Xabre gets screwed in Court! But JackieG will fix everything

Post by Burnaby49 »

For those who aren't familiar with Xabre he is one of the more rabid true believers in the dwindling band at the World Freeman Society website. Xabre has run into a little legal problem. He wanted to fight a judgment against him for $2,700 but the court concluded that he wasn't present at his own hearing and decided against him.

http://worldfreemansociety.ca/forum/70- ... -garnishee

It's those picky rules of court requiring that parties to an action actually identify themselves as being present. Xabre was willing to admit he was somebody or other, just not the party identified in all capital letters in the court documents. For some reason that wasn't good enough for the court;
Hi guys,

I have a problem in that there was a Judgement against me for the sum of about 2700.00. When I went to court and TRIED to claim "Common Law, he kept asking my Name (Legal Fiction) I kept saying I'm here to speak to this matter before you sir....he said Im not interested in talking about anything with you until you tell me who you are.. I asked if I tell you my name do I have a contract with you...he said no ,then I gave him the first name I commonly go by, and he said I'm going to ask you one more time Are you our are you not so and so (All Caps) I said Here is my birth certificate with the name you are seeking ,but the name upon it does not belong to me as it is crown property.....The gavel came down I rule in favor of the plaintiff...The Person in question is NOT here. This court is now adjourned.

In other words boys and girls I didn't even get the chance to state my case, and now they are just about to lay a garnishee on my sorry ass....Any suggestions on how to appeal?
Of course there are suggestions! JackieG is there to help. He suggested this;

http://www.howtowinincourt.com/FrameSet ... N=91811107

I see a couple of problems with that. First money. This costs US$259 which I doubt Xabre has. Then there is the issue of a specific remedy for Xaber's problem. This is an entire course of what seems to be legally questionable advice in respect to American law. And, while JackieG seems a big fan of Juridictionary there are some unhappy customers;

http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/jurisdict ... fes-884150

But, to be fair, the course does have some fans;

https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/l ... iFQDuy-LgJ

Xabre did not even owe the money. He'd already magically erased the debt through the wonders of unilateral contracts and that was what he'd planned to prove in court. But the judge, fearing Xabre's arguments, kicked him out without a chance to make them;
I'm in Canada...Since both countries are based in Admiralty Law and the "Law of Merchant" the procedure in court is the same.

I believe this judge knew exactly where I was going when I claimed Common Law Jurisdiction, and he wanted to make short work of me. I told him that "I was here to speak to the matter" but he needed to establish who I was and would NOT hear the Case until I admitted that I was the "Legal Fiction" / Person in question, so he basically ruled against the Legal fiction NOT present in the Court room. I believe it was "Abuse of Power" on his part. He knew that if I was to continue that I would have asked him to swear by his Oath and that he would have had to have guaranteed me Fair and Equal treatment under the Acts and Statutes, which by his ruling in favor of the plaintiff right away, he was NOT willing to do.

So I believe I was on the right track, but he ABUSED HIS POWER to make sure I didn't have a chance to beat the case. So now I must pay a garnishee to pay the plaintiff, except for one thing that I never had the chance to show in court. I had already paid ,as I had the Bank "Send me a" TRUE BILL" with an itemized recording of the debt on the right hand column, and a total at the bottom with "Bill" clear displayed in the Header area. The representative of the Bank Signed in blue ink and sent it to me, I in turn signed the bill " Consumer Purchase" on the diagonal singed my name in blue ink and dated it, and sent it back, Under the "Bills of Exchange Act RSC 1985 F11sec.33,57,78,176,and190 in other words I had made a counter offer, and gave them 14 business days to either except or reject the offer. If they did NOT except my offer then they must explain why the ARE EXEMPT from the legislation...which they DID NOT DO.

They did neither SO through their "Tacit Acquiescence " they had AGREED with my offer ,therefore THE DEBT WAS PAID!!! however since the judge through his ABUSE of POWER I never got the opportunity to prove my case, and therefore win it.

judicial abuse at its finest, along with there collusive behavior with the bank, they made sure I would NOT state my case.

In a very minor way I was on the right track because I stood my ground, but it was my first time at bat, and struck out, however if I can find away to appeal this I will Not make the same mistake.
It's hard to fight such blatant judicial corruption. I await further developments with interest.

I said in a posting I that made just yesterday in a different discussion;
In any case I doubt it mattered. As the quotes will show the court wasn't cutting him any slack at all. They seemed heartily sick of him and his antics. This is now a very common reaction to Canadian Freeman type arguments and bullshit. Everyone has had it with them and their freeloading ways.

Xabre was the beneficiary of this attitude. The Canadian courts have had enough of Freeman time-wasting antics. I suspect that if Xabre returns to court to use JackieG's advice he will not be treated with kindness.
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Re: Xabre gets screwed in Court! But JackieG will fix everything

Post by The Observer »

But this is where I always get confused by the Freemen who suddenly start asking for more help after the court hands down a judgment against the LEGAL FICTION. The question in my mind is "why does it matter?" After all, the judgment was lodged against the legal fiction so according to Freeman logic, it shouldn't be effective against the Freeman. All Xabre should have to do is go into his employer and show them whatever proof he has that he is not the legal fiction and that the garnishment is not attaching his wages.

Oh, wait a minute - I forgot. When other Freemen tried that, the employer ignored them. If they hauled the employer into court over the garnishment, the court sided with the employer. I bet Xabre has already researched this "remedy" and decided it wouldn't work.

All I can say is that it must be a hard road to travel as a Freeman.
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Re: Xabre gets screwed in Court! But JackieG will fix everything

Post by Burnaby49 »

The insanity just keeps coming at me faster than I can post it! I did two new discussions in the last 24 hours and I've got another example of JackieG's legal advice I'm going to put up. He'll get his own discussion for that. Belanger's on the rampage again which means I'm going to have to endure another of his videos. And there's a sudden twist in the SerpentKing story. How can a sane man keep on top of the craziness?
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Re: Xabre gets screwed in Court! But JackieG will fix everything

Post by jcolvin2 »

Burnaby49 wrote:I see a couple of problems with that. First money. This costs US$259 which I doubt Xabre has.
"FREEMAN is just another word for nothing left to lose."

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Re: Xabre gets screwed in Court! But JackieG will fix everything

Post by Jeffrey »

he said I'm going to ask you one more time Are you our are you not so and so (All Caps)
How judges manage to speak in ALL CAPS is a mystery that we may never resolve.
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Re: Xabre gets screwed in Court! But JackieG will fix everything

Post by LordEd »

That's a secret only Terry Pratchett knew.
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Re: Xabre gets screwed in Court! But JackieG will fix everything

Post by Burnaby49 »

Xabre was getting a little pessimistic for a while;
Student Freeman

As far as the Garnishee I will investigate trying to appeal it, however some are telling me its to late. I will find out by Wednesday the 15th of July. My other option is to counter sue the Plaintiff that way I must be heard by what ever judge is assigned to this civil action.

I will investigate the "Abuse of Power" and counter suite. I will keep all interested apprised of my progress.

note: This not about the money I can pay it, but I fill I had a small win in this case because the judge said that the PERSON ( Legal Fiction) was not in the court room. That tells me that in fact the "Common Law " does work, my mistake was NOT protesting the judgement in that I DID NOT UNDERSTAND, and if one does not understand the ruling it must be explained, I could have continued but to be honest the intimidation factor was extremely high.

One thing it has proved that the Judiciary ,and the Banksters are most definitely in collusion, if any of you would have been in the court room when this went down, it was (Shall we say) well rehearsed . I was in and out so fast it couldn't have been more than 5 minutes.
But he's found a loophole!
Newbie on the Land

Did you cross the bar? That is, if i remember right, a little wooden fence? If so it may be that when you did you entered into their jurisdiction.

Tricksters, witches, thugs, they conspire in secrecy.

i wish you success, redemption
Student Freeman

No, I stayed behind the bar, as I knew if I were to pass it I would have bee in his jurisdiction.The judge didn't seem to even notice, because as soon as I was asked if I was the "Person " I said No ,I am hear to speak to the matter, and that I am convening a court of Common Law Jurisdiction and that I waive a benefit and so on. It went down hill from there.

Now that you bring that point, "Technicality" Since I was behind the Bar or Dock, on the land as it were, then he had no jurisdiction over me. Therefore his ruling has no weight..Hmmmm now that is an interesting turn. I wonder if it is a valid argument, since we know under Admiralty Law they make up the rules as they go along and lie through their teeth, and do it with a smile.
There you go! Our legal ace JackieG himself couldn't have done better and Xabre didn't even have to cough up $259 for the Juridictionary.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Xabre gets screwed in Court! But JackieG will fix everything

Post by Burnaby49 »

The loophole seems to be closed and the noose is tightening around Xabre's neck. His latest entry at WFS;
Ive just been informed by my boss, that by Wednesday the 15 of July, he will comply with the Court ordered Garnishee, which means fully 1/3 of my NET wages will be taken, every pay period until the $ 2700.00 is paid, unless I can get a stay of Garnishee with in the next two days,which I seriously doubt is going to happen.

What really angers me is that my company just goes ahead and comply's without as much as a By Your Leave from me. Not interested in my part in this thing It just goes to show you how brainwashed we are just because some fucking Judge who IMO abused his process of LAW because I pushed my Common Law rights, and now have nothing to show except being screwed by the system, which has strengthened my resolve to beat these Bastards ,so Not only will I try for a Stay of Garnishee, but I will write the Asst. Chief Justness in Edmonton to investigate Judge N.R. Hess for "Abuse of Process" (check out Blacks Law 9th edition) and further to that I will counter Sue First Calgary Financial, because If I take them to court the judge will have to listen to my side ,I will Rape them if I can...My Resolve is stronger than ever. I will have my day in court.
http://worldfreemansociety.ca/forum/70- ... e?start=10

Talk about going nuclear, he isn't going to just beat them, he's going to RAPE THEM!

JackieG gives sage advice how to avoid the Garnishee; consider quitting your job!
Good for you.

Quitting your job not an option i guess.

That would certainly do it!

To emphasize his meaning JackieG has thoughtfully linked to a video of Johnny Paycheck singing "Take This Job And Shove It". With JackieG on his side how can Xabre lose?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Xabre gets screwed in Court! But JackieG will fix everything

Post by notorial dissent »

Dumbern' a post. It is no wonder he's in the fix he's in and going to get in deeper and worse if he keeps going, and it is someone elses fault, too, also!!!! Truth be told, I'm surprised he's still employed, although he may fix that in short order as well.
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Re: Xabre gets screwed in Court! But JackieG will fix everything

Post by wserra »

Burnaby49 wrote:
What really angers me is that my company just goes ahead and comply's without as much as a By Your Leave from me.
Bastards! How dare they "comply's" with the law!
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Re: Xabre gets screwed in Court! But JackieG will fix everything

Post by Burnaby49 »

wserra wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:
What really angers me is that my company just goes ahead and comply's without as much as a By Your Leave from me.
Bastards! How dare they "comply's" with the law!
Exactly what I thought. How could they just obey a garnishee without getting approval from their employee first? What kind of world do we live in when your own employer won't stand up and help fight for your batshit crazy freeman fantasies? However I'd suggest that Xabre is skating on thin ice with his employer. There is a bright side. If he's fired the garnishee is void. WIN!

It's just outright persecution and fraud. Xabre fixed the problem almost a year ago by paying his debt in full but the corrupt courts are siding with the Fat-Cat Banksters!
If you Go to "Forced to pay Garnishee", On this site, I had actually paid the Bank the first Calgary Financial. in October of 2014

I had the Officer of the Bank send me an actual "BILL" with the Accounting on the right hand side, and with" Bill "in the header area. She singed it in BLUE ink.

I in turn wrote on the Diagonal "CONSUMER PURCHASE" with my signature and date ,and sent it back registered mail, and gave then 10 business days to respond. They never did respond, which means through their Tacit Acquiescence They have excepted my offer, and therefore the BILL is paid....My ptoblem is that I never got the opportunity in court to prove it.
Blue Ink! Tacit Acceptance! The Banksters had even "singed" it. How more legal can you get than that?

http://worldfreemansociety.ca/forum/49- ... ls-of-sale

The Xabre quote was his response to more free legal advice offered by JackieG in the same discussion. Very long-winded but basically just standard A4V.

Unfortunately JackieG is having his own legal problems. He was arrested last month trying to file the most monumental lawsuit in the history of Canada;
I was arrested on Tuesday for filing this and serving an affidavit on the RCMP Court Liaison Officer.

Arrested right outside the court room.

Their excuse was warrants from 3 year old tickets from Saskatoon but the timing shows otherwise.

The court liaison officer did not have to answer for the affidavit as the provincial prosecutor was speaking on the arrest matter which the traffic court prosecutor has no jurisdiction.

Everyone is getting served tomorrow.

Then the war is on.
http://worldfreemansociety.ca/forum/43- ... 5140-filed

Keep fighting Bro! The war is on!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Xabre gets screwed in Court! But JackieG will fix everything

Post by bmxninja357 »

Look again... the good advice fairy blessed that thread with rainbow coloured cut n pastes from days gone by.

With this advice x is sure to find freedom! No job. More debt. Liens on what he did own is next. Win! And my advice of pay off your debts and don't get anymore of them is just terrible in comparison.

I wonder if most of the don't pay it folks realize these approaches make the banks, courts, collection agencies, repo men, etc. More money each time you act this way. And then you boo hoo when you end up on the pogey.

The way to fight the system is to pay it off and aquire no more debt. And while your at it stop living beyond your means. It's super easy. Been doing it for years.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Xabre gets screwed in Court! But JackieG will fix everything

Post by NYGman »

bmxninja357 wrote:Look again... the good advice fairy blessed that thread with rainbow coloured cut n pastes from days gone by.

With this advice x is sure to find freedom! No job. More debt. Liens on what he did own is next. Win! And my advice of pay off your debts and don't get anymore of them is just terrible in comparison.

I wonder if most of the don't pay it folks realize these approaches make the banks, courts, collection agencies, repo men, etc. More money each time you act this way. And then you boo hoo when you end up on the pogey.

The way to fight the system is to pay it off and aquire no more debt. And while your at it stop living beyond your means. It's super easy. Been doing it for years.

Or you can pay the disputed amounts, and sue for its return, if you believe there is no grounds to pay.
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Re: Xabre gets screwed in Court! But JackieG will fix everything

Post by notorial dissent »

But but but he marked up the billing and sent it back along with a unilateral contract and them having to read his mind to figure out what he was doing.....
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Xabre gets screwed in Court! But JackieG will fix everything

Post by The Observer »

I think someone should point out to Xabre that Freemen is just another word for having nothing to lose.
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Re: Xabre gets screwed in Court! But JackieG will fix everything

Post by bmxninja357 »

Nope. My advice sucks. Better plan to be found here http://worldfreemansociety.ca/forum/70- ... =10#139011

I simply don't know what to say to that.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Xabre gets screwed in Court! But JackieG will fix everything

Post by Burnaby49 »

I was just wandering around World Freeman Society checking up some old topics to see if there have been any recent developments to report and I ran across these older postings from Xabre that might give us some background into his current problems. It came from this WFS discussion;

http://worldfreemansociety.ca/forum/49- ... mitstart=0

Which we discussed here;


The last post in our discussion was over seven months ago so I thought I'd check and see if MotorHead had found some way to beat the evil bank in the interim. Nope. But I did find this discussion;
I paid my mortgage with a promissory note - 5 months 2 week ago


I am in somewhat of a battle myself,and going to court on the 15th of april 2015 for a much smaller amount but a debt I have also paid by a Promissory Note notarized by a Notary Public, which makes it a legal document.

I sent it to the Financial institution in question on the 20th of Jan 2015, it is now Feb 5th and have not heard so much as a squeak, so i will wait until 30 days has passed and ask what they are doing with the promissory note as I sent the letter to go with Stating that if they did not except my legal offer ,that they were to explain why they were exempt form the legislation. I have NOT heard nary a word.
I paid my mortgage with a promissory note - 5 months 2 week ago


I have sent along with the Promissory the letter explaining to them the parts of the Bill of Exchange Act, The Banking Act that applies to my P.N. and why it is an "Exceptable method of payment" and IS a "Negotiable Instrument"under that act, as well as reminding them that should they choose to except my P.N. that through the Membership to the "Payment Association" of Canada which they would be a member, may in fact collect those funds, from either the B.O.C or the Canadian Consolidation Fund

Also if they choose NOT to except my LEGAL payment they MUST send me an explanation as to why they are exempt from that legislation. If they choose to send the P.N. back to me then it is agreed that my balance is "0"

I, however believe they are ignoring me for the following , 1.to get me into court and try to have the Judge rule in their favor, or have me,2. after 30 days consider the case closed ,and NOT show up at the appointed date, time, and court room and again have the Judge rule in their favor by my not showing up.

You would think by now I would have had a least a phone call by either the Banks Rep. or their Attorney, but as of yet nothing.

Oh.. and yes i used "Accept" instead of Except, as I am well aware of the Verbal Trickery they use.

I will not wait the full thirty days as it has now been well over ten and their head office is here in Calgary, so I will press the Bank Rep for some answers, and if she, yields to her council then I will call to find their intention and go from there, because they MUST present full disclosure. but my spider sense tells me they have not run into this before and are doing their Due Diligence in this matter....But then so am I.
But then K1W1 tried to pop Xabre's bubble;
I paid my mortgage with a promissory note - 5 months 2 week ago

Xabre wrote:

I am well aware of the Verbal Trickery they use.
Ha! Verbal trickery indeed! I think you really mean except; as in, I reckon everyone except me has to pay for stuff…

Are any of you people (i.e. Xabre, motorheadv10, VNTT) old enough to remember when we used cheques to do business? Do you remember what happened if a cheque wasn’t honoured, or it “bounced”? Yeah, well I can tell you, there was nothing more galling than to accept one of those promissory notes only to find the fuckin’ thing bounced and then having to chase up the shit-head who issued it to get the payment they'd promised. People who make a promise to pay and whose promise then bounces are shit-heads without honour or valid excuse.

So, Xabre and motoerheadv10, why do I get the distinct impression that you two have no intention of actually honouring these “promissory notes” you’re trying to issue, that you‘ll be no better than those dishonourable shit-heads who write out bad cheques?

By the way, a trader is under no obligation to accept a particular form of payment even if it is considered legal tender in the BOE Act; traders don’t have to accept a cheque as payment for goods or services, they don’t even have to accept cash payment -- they can, for instance, insist on payments by credit card only -- and they don’t have to give you the reason why they made that decision. If you don’t like it, you’re always free to go somewhere else to get your stuff. But stamping your feet and insisting they accept a particular form of payment, and then demanding to know why they won’t accept it, is childish.

Xabre, is there any reason why the bank shouldn’t have assumed you knew how credit is created when you went to them and asked for some? Or did you have the words “financially ignorant” tattooed on your forehead and therefore they should have known you were?

And let me get this straight: You made payments from your bank account to another party or parties even though, dishonourably, you knowingly didn’t have the funds in your account to cover them, but in order to keep you in honour, rather than let your payments bounce, the bank extended your overdraft beyond the limit you'd previously agreed to. Ah, but wait: You say you didn’t know how much was in your account and that the bank was irresponsible for not being there to make you aware there were insufficient funds when you made those payments. And presumable the bank should have known that you’re financially irresponsible because you’ve obviously got that tattooed across your forehead, too. Is that right?

So, you claim the bank is dishonourable for extending your overdraft limit to keep you in honour, and also for not knowing that you’re financially ignorant and irresponsible (even if they know it now). And you’re going to argue this in court? Wow, how Freeman of you. I think it’s great that you can, if not so much that you will.

And motorheadv10, in your case I doubt that anyone who matters cares about the merits of your particular argument provided you continue making payments, eh.
Own nothing, owe nothing…
Which triggered this from Xabre;
I paid my mortgage with a promissory note - 5 months 1 week ago


I Was waiting for you to put your 2 cents worth in...and also knew that you would play the part of the opposition as it were.. as is always your route in these little issues.

I have in fact gone over the Bills of Exchange Act of Canada. and the Criminal Code of Canada, and the Banking Act of Canada, and the Canada Payment Association Procedure, and the fact is they DO NOT have to except my 100% legal Negotiable Instrument. but in sending my P.N. I sent a letter explaining that if they did not except it (which I fully expect they wont)then to explain in writing why they are exempt from the legislation, and if they did not then my balance is ZERO ( I have not heard so much as a word from them since sending the Note as of Jan 23)

You speak of honor when in fact the Banks as well as the Judiciary are always in dishonor, as in this loan from the bank, when finding out after the fact that added "Ryder's" to the contract without my knowledge in that they gave me NO Consideration in this Contract, and DID NOT give full disclosure, which therefore rendered the contract null and void, which WILL be my defense if they should NOT except my P.N., which will most likely will be the case. I have no delusion's as to their wanting my ass in court ,but believe me I will be well armed when facing their "Star Chamber". chances are I will lose this case but not without a fight, and not because I'm right ,but because the judge will most likely ignore the rule of law, in favor of the Corporation, which is always the case in a court of Admiralty Law.
However K1W1 was somewhat skeptical of Xabre's motives, implying that he was just another deadbeat trying to get something for nothing;
I paid my mortgage with a promissory note - 5 months 1 week ago

Xabre wrote:
I Was waiting for you to put your 2 cents worth in...and also knew that you would play the part of the opposition as it were.. as is always your route in these little issues.

I have in fact gone over the Bills of Exchange Act of Canada. and the Criminal Code of Canada, and the Banking Act of Canada, and the Canada Payment Association Procedure, and the fact is they DO NOT have to except my 100% legal Negotiable Instrument. but in sending my P.N. I sent a letter explaining that if they did not except it (which I fully expect they wont)then to explain in writing why they are exempt from the legislation, and if they did not then my balance is ZERO ( I have not heard so much as a word from them since sending the Note as of Jan 23)

You speak of honor when in fact the Banks as well as the Judiciary are always in dishonor, as in this loan from the bank, when finding out after the fact that added "Ryder's" to the contract without my knowledge in that they gave me NO Consideration in this Contract, and DID NOT give full disclosure, which therefore rendered the contract null and void, which WILL be my defense if they should NOT except my P.N., which will most likely will be the case. I have no delusion's as to their wanting my ass in court ,but believe me I will be well armed when facing their "Star Chamber". chances are I will lose this case but not without a fight, and not because I'm right ,but because the judge will most likely ignore the rule of law, in favor of the Corporation, which is always the case in a court of Admiralty Law.
Ha! I knew the word you wanted was except rather than accept… that’s just classic.

So evidently my summary of how you’ve acted in business was correct -- or at least you haven’t tried to deny it, have only tried to justify it with a lot of babbling bullshit.

The reason you’re going to lose at court (and no one needs be prescient to see that happening) is because you get your defence from some Joe Public like that talking skull with his arrow infested whiteboard in the video VNTT keeps posting up, from people who have no obligation to give valid information and are at liberty to make up any sort of shit they want, and because you’d ignore any professional advice that doesn‘t square with your pet theory. Have you even bothered to consult a chartered accountant or commercial lawyer about your situation and the theory you plan to use to defend it?

The fact that you’ll invariable lose due to your invalid defence does not make the court that finds against you a Star Chamber. In the Star Chamber, a defendant didn’t get to make any sort of defence of themselves, not even a valid one -- and you’d be coming out of it with your nose and ears clipped off your face. As for the “Admiralty court” nonsense… you can believe you’re a ship at berth all you want but it’s hardly going to help your case, so best you keep that particular belief in the privacy of your own mind, eh.

You say, correctly, they are under no obligation to accept your worthless promissory note (and worthless because you have no intention of actually keeping the promise you’re trying to make) but then you’ve sent a letter demanding to know why they won’t accept it. Furthermore, you expect your “balance to be zero” if they don’t give you an explanation that is acceptable to you. You really are a piece of work, young Xabre.

You say the bank didn’t give you full disclosure, but what you mean is that they didn’t know about your ignorance, that they assumed you knew something when in fact you didn’t. Perhaps you believe they can read your mind. Perhaps you want everyone to presume you’re ignorant about everything and therefore need to be told about everything that happens to you… just like a child. Like I already asked: Is there any reason the bank should have presumed you were ignorant about how they create credit when you went to it and asked for some; is there any reason why they shouldn‘t have believed you were fully cognisant and agreeable to it since you were asking for some? Did you even query them about it at the time?

Xabre, you do a great impression of a child somnambulist stumbling about and dreaming you’re lucid and grown up. You know, I’d almost feel sorry for you and the situation you’ve created for yourself if it wasn’t for the fact I’ve actually had to deal with c***s like you in business. As it is, if I could have it my way, I’d like to see you get your nose and ears clipped off as a lesson and a warning for others to avoid doing business with you. So you should be thankful you’ve got the court to protect you from people like me.
Own nothing, owe nothing…
Which generated this straight from the heart response;
I paid my mortgage with a promissory note - 5 months 1 week ago


KIWI You RAT FUCK...It is blatantly obvious you are in fact a Prick of the highest order...YOU care not of the "Freeman Movement" but forwarding your sick venom. You use this platform to forward your own twisted agenda. You are not about rule of law, or honesty in business, but in the STATUS QUA, you sir are about Big Brother and the Orwellian subjugation of the masses, You Mother Fucker!I Know your Fucking game, and I always tried to give you the benefit of the doubt...but it matters not, because whether right or wrong YOU will always side with the norm and NOT the poor bastards trying to free themselves from what is clearly the Uber elite Fucking over the little guy. You are the Zenith of Big brother, the Apex of NWO shit. Meta was right about you, thats why you helped get him banned because he had your Fucking number PERIOD! He knew the shit you were trying to pull so your and your limp dick cohorts had him fucking Shit Canned!

Let me tell YOU something Kiwi Ive done enough research to know that when I go to court I will throw a major Fuck into those Judicial bastards because I HAVE DONE MY HOMEWORK. I will stand tall and win.,because I'm using THEIR LAW AGAINST THEM!!!

So Fuck you KIWI you are IMO a two faced ,Statist Bastard and I for one will no longer acknowledge your outright BULLSHIT, You are everything the Freeman movement is against!. What your doing here is beyond me, as your nothing but A SHILL and Fucking Troll...So Fuck you and the NAG you road in on!!!
Touchy, touchy Xabre. I hope that wasn't the attitude you took to court. But, on the plus side for these two combatants, our Quatloos debates are palid, bloodless bunfights when compared to the vigorous debate with which they express their convictions over at the WFS!

By the way the guy that K1W1 is talking about in this comment;
The reason you’re going to lose at court (and no one needs be prescient to see that happening) is because you get your defence from some Joe Public like that talking skull with his arrow infested whiteboard in the video VNTT keeps posting up
Is this really, really creepy guy who calls himself "Eternally Aware";


He's like a talking robot in an undershirt.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Xabre gets screwed in Court! But JackieG will fix everything

Post by The Observer »

Interesting that it has been 5 months and Xabre has not managed to post anything regarding his success/progress in court or lack thereof regarding his promissory note. I am wondering if he got put into drydock.
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Re: Xabre gets screwed in Court! But JackieG will fix everything

Post by KickahaOta »

The Observer wrote:Interesting that it has been 5 months and Xabre has not managed to post anything regarding his success/progress in court or lack thereof regarding his promissory note. I am wondering if he got put into drydock.
Well, a vessel in harbor should quite justifiably be afraid of leaks... :whistle:
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Re: Xabre gets screwed in Court! But JackieG will fix everything

Post by eric »

The Observer wrote:Interesting that it has been 5 months and Xabre has not managed to post anything regarding his success/progress in court or lack thereof regarding his promissory note. I am wondering if he got put into drydock.
Doing some quick calculations off the top of my head, if he is making anything more than minimum wage he should be finishing up his garnishee period right about now. This is assuming he hasn't gone down the stupidity route and is relying on the cash economy. What is even sillier about the whole situation is if he had co-operated he would have lower court costs to pay. Similarly, although garnishee orders once granted are difficult to remove, the courts are usually amenable to modification in cases of financial hardship.