Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by grixit »

A note from Burnaby49 - Ministers DavidMichelle (a married couple, David and Michelle) are Belanger's latest fools. However I'm slow on the uptake and I scattered postings about them between the two topics below before I decided they were worth a discussion of their own;



So I've moved my various posts on these two to this new topic. Stupidity galore! Since I'm useless at doing anything on computers the move was anything but seamless. This is also why Grixit is listed as the first poster on the discussion. His was the first chronological post I pulled out of the pile. I have earlier posts but they are more relevant to the original topics so I left them there.

Burnaby49 wrote:
However no need to fret about Belanger, it's on to greener pastures for the Paraclete! He had a new sucker post this video just a few days ago criticizing Judge Rooke and his damned Meads decision and defending Belanger for the fine upstanding man that he is;

I believe the speaker is going through a relationship break-up and is being advised on how to handle it by Belanger. He also posted this sad video wishing his kids a happy birthday in absentia and telling them they have a home with him anytime they want one.
Sure, if they can find room among that pile of pizza boxes radiating from the snoring bundle on the couch.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . Dr Pepper
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 4
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

I did a little checking on Belanger's latest sucker. It turns he is one of a pair that call themselves Ministers DavidMichelle. So meet Michelle Lynne who, in this short video, is also vouching for Minster Belanger's probity and upstanding character;

The combined name led me to this video by Minister David, done just yesterday, titled "Ecclesiastical notice of duty of care to Jim Makris Acting as security Lead".

A classic Belanger video but given by David, now apparently a Belanger drone. Jim Makris is the Security Adviser for the Justice Sector Security Office in St. Catherines Ontario. He has some responsibility for Courthouse security which is where he seems to have run into David. There is a series of emails here;

From the website of something called "Children's Aid News" which has copies of emails that Makris sent to various government actors giving updates on a planned protest by what seem to be two groups "Canada Court Watch" and "Canadians for Family Law Reform". Apparently a rag-tag gang protesting something about Ontario Children's aid. This fits nicely into my comment yesterday where I said;
I believe the speaker is going through a relationship break-up and is being advised on how to handle it by Belanger. He also posted this sad video wishing his kids a happy birthday in absentia and telling them they have a home with him anytime they want one.
I'm assuming that David has had his children taken from him and custody granted to their mother. The video is just a general fourteen minute whine to Jim Makris about how he'd phoned Minister David about some letter David sent but didn't given any explanation of what authority he had to intimidate Christian ministers. Same old playbook Belanger has used ad nauseum for decades. A totally pathetic passive-agressive performance. I'm just a humble servant of Christ which of course puts me above all of your laws. Apparently David is facing religious persection for being Christian and has been tossed into jail a number of times while just performing his Christian duty in the courthouse.

Frankly, even by the low standards of Belanger's suckers, this guy seems pretty pathetic. David runs through the Belanger checklist without, as far as I can see, having any understanding at all about what he is saying. The general theme of the video seems to be that Makris has a duty of care under his oath to the Queen to protect Chrisians practicing their faith as written in the King James Bible and that duty includes stopping the courthouse staff from intimidating him.

Persons are dead corporations so he, as a breathing living man, is not a person. He is offended that he is referred to in all capital letters. The False God government of Canada is registered to the United States Securities Commission. He rejects all government legislated laws because they are not written in the King James bible. The Charter says in section 32 that all the laws of Canada apply only to the government and not to private individuals. Note that this is what section 32 of the Charter actually says;
32. (1) This Charter applies

a) to the Parliament and government of Canada in respect of all matters within the authority of Parliament including all matters relating to the Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories; and

b) to the legislature and government of each province in respect of all matters within the authority of the legislature of each province.
The purpose of this section is to make it clear that the Charter only applies to governments, and not to private individuals, businesses or other organizations. It says nothing about the the laws of Canada applying only to the government and not to private individuals. I doubt that David has even bothered to read this. Anyhow, onward. All Canadians are annuities traded on the American Stock Exchange. David is a Watchman as required under Ezekial. He seemed to have been reading all of this from cue-cards. Then to the big question, knowing all this now that he has been brought into awareness, does Makris intend to continue to intimidate Ministers David and Michelle? If he fails to respond in fifteen days with an honourable rebuttal then he has agreed that he has no authority to intimidate Christian ministers and he, and his minions, have no authority over David. He'll have to stop bringing charges and accusations against David/Michelle and from now on court security has to treat David with love and honour.

David offered a proposition that would solve the whole issue but he didn't say why he won't take it. He said "Do we not have the freedom to leave Canada any time we want according to your Charter?". Then he said, to paraphrase, that Canada is such an ungodly shithole that he wants to leave. He doesn't want any part of Canada, it is a fraud and against god. A win-win solution as I see it but David didn't give any indication he was heading to the airport to fly off to a country that is more convivial to a CERI man of god such as himself.

David has put up another video here;

Titled "Ecclesiastcial Notice to Her Majesty the Queen Defender of the Faith" which I'm not going to listen to. I suspect I heard it all before during the Volk saga.

This guy reminds me in a way of Alexander Ream, someone so clueless and pathetic that it seems unfair to mock him. Belanger seems to be, shall we say, moving lower and lower down the food chain. Carol Volk was a gullible fool and this guy seems even worse, just a hapless passive sadsack. Belanger's been relentlessly beating this drum for almost 20 years and this is the best he can do?

So we are facing yet another doomed venture by Belanger fronted by another desperate sucker who is unable, using his own abilities, to struggle through his daily life and hopes Belanger has the answers. Stay tuned.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by LordEd »

He said "Do we not have the freedom to leave Canada any time we want according to your Charter?".
Why yes, you may leave. The only thing is, another country must want to accept you.

I'm sure the other countries are just lining up to accept someone who picks what laws they want to obey.
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Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

Post by Burnaby49 »

Our pathetic preacher is back. Minister DavidMichelle has pumped out another Belanger song and dance video.

Sometimes I just get tired of all this. Belanger has to really bottom-feed to get sockpuppets nowadays. Thomas Peterson had some fire in him;


And even Carol Volk showed signs of life from time to time;


But this guy is just a drone. Anyhow on to the video. I've watched it so you don't have to. Not that anyone would anyhow, including its target Madeleine Meilleur, the Attorney General of Ontario. I'd say he's whining but there isn't enough life in him to even reach that level of emotional involvement. I could feel the will to live just draining out of me as I listened.

He seems to call himself Minister Benahaia (at least that is how I hear it, still given as DavidMichelle on his Youtube page). Gist of it is - A private communication to bring you into an awareness of certain facts. I'm a Christian minister. I follow the King James bible. Same bible her majesty the Queen has sworn to defend, same Queen that you swore an oath to. Then about three minutes of Belanger boilerplate that I'm not going to bother to report. It's right there if you want to watch if yourself. Then to, more or less, the point. Since Canada and the province of Ontario are corporations a minister of god cannot follow their laws. So their laws don't apply to him. He gave her fifteen days to rebut the facts and, if she doesn't rebut the facts, then she has agreed he is right. He even gave her his phone number so she can call him personally. He stopped for about 30 seconds while he scrawled something down then he showed us, his email address under the name Ahayah Ministries. So that is his new name.
The fact that I require you to rebut honourably is the fact that I am a person in law, which is untrue. I'm not, I don't consent to being a person, I need you to prove otherwise.
Ok, a question here. If Ontario is already considering him a "person" why does he want, or expect, Meilleur to rebut that? Why would she rebut her own position for him. Do your own work you lazy sadsack.

Anyhow he also needs her to prove the King James Bible is wrong. She or her minions seem to be intimidating a Christian Minister but he doesn't give details what they are doing. I assume it is something to do with his child custody issues. Then another warning about the fifteen day limit started on May 9th although he only posted the video yesterday. I guess her time is up and he's as free as a bird.

This guy is just sad. So dispiriting listening to him and knowing he's somebody's father.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers

Post by Burnaby49 »

Reverend Belanger - "Physician Heal Thyself"!

Burnaby49 » Mon Jun 29, 2015 6:58 pm

Belanger has another video out titled;

Notice to the private men and women so named who via the legal fiction "ONTARIO CORP"

He's sitting in an extremely noisy chair which screeched whenever he moved during the presentation.

He's pitching in to help Michelle and David who are trying to get agreement with Ontario Corp about something or other. Same old stuff, we are not persons, Intimidating ministers of god, Oath of allegiance, Christian monarch sworn to defend the King James Bible. He droned on until about 3:00 when he laid down the law. The Game is Over! You have lost your game! Look up the Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International. You will find a Justice John Rooke slandered and defamed the Church of Ecumenical Redemption international without having any knowledge whatsoever about it except for hearsay. Belanger started getting very agitated at his own mention of Rooke and started writhing around; SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK! On to the twelve disqualified judges. Turns out that Meads v Meads was only written as damage control to minimize the fallout from the twelve judges getting kicked off the bench.

On and on how statutory law is irrelevant because the real law is the King James bible. All same old same old. He went on how he's not anti-semitic but those damn Jew bankers are fraud artists! When Queen Victoria died in 1901 the Jewish Bankers stole all her money by using Admiralty Law and the law of salvage to claim Canada as an abandoned ship. By eight minutes he was so agitated he was shouting and just about hopping up and down. SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK!

It's something about DavidMichelle not showing up for a court hearing. They gave lawful excuses for not showing up but the court is still after them. Belanger is demanding that the case be quashed for lack of jurisdiction since corporate government courts have no jurisdiction over men and women of god. Between minutes 10 and 12 it is largely incomprehensible. Surety, annuities, tariff books, social insurance number contracts, fraud. Then he spent a few minutes reading all the names in the list below. Some woman was plodding around in the background slamming cupboards taking out garbage, I assume Minister Michelle.

Belanger's got one hell of a miscreant's list this time. All of the names below were posted with his video and have been put on notice that they have 14 days to respond;
Published on Jun 25, 2015

who via the legal fiction "ONTARIO CORP" may be unaware in commision of fraud... The following men and women may be engaged in Intimidation Nuisance Obstruction and fraud [Apel, Harutyun] [ Assistant Crown Attorney ] [905-878-7291] [Chiera, Nick] [ Assistant Crown Attorney ] [905-878-7291] [Dibski, John] [ Assistant Crown Attorney ] [905-878-7291] [Kerr, Charon] [ Deputy Crown Attorney ] [905-878-7291] [Jago, Laurie E] [ Assistant Crown Attorney ] [905-878-7291] [MacKenzie-Bolle, Monica] [ Assistant Crown Attorney ] [905-878-7291] [MacKinnon, Anthony] [ Deputy Crown Attorney ] [905-878-7291] [McGuigan, Maureen] [ Assistant Crown Attorney ] [905-878-7291] [Muller, Lorna] [ Assistant Crown Attorney ] [905-878-7291] [Ward, Mary] [ Assistant Crown Attorney (Acting) ] [905-878-7291] [Brennan, Maura] [ Case Management Coordinator ] [905-878-7291] [Parkinson, Raymonda] [ Case Management Coordinator ] [905-878-7291 ext 3409] [Troake, Diane] [ Legal Administrative Secretary ] [905-878-7291] [Bonney, Wendy] [ Transcriber ] [905-878-7291] [Walter, Kristy] [ Case Management Coordinator ] [905-878-7291] [Kaczmarska, Agata] [ Assistant Crown Attorney ] [905-878-7291] [Gaber, Natasha] [ Case Management Coordinator ] [905-878-7291] [Frew, Kelli] [ Assistant Crown Attorney ] [905-878-9251] [Roda, Emily] [ Assistant Crown Attorney ] [905-878-7291] [Bradley, Sean] [ Assistant Crown Attorney ] [905-878-7291] [Camara, Amanda] [ Assistant Crown Attorney ] [905-878-7291] [Isak, Nora] [ Provincial Prosecutor ] [905-878-7291] [Fisher-Grant, Veruschka] [ Letter of Retainer Crown Attorney ] [905-878-7291] [Menezes, Sarah] [ Legal Administrative Secretary ] [905-878-7291] [O'Marra, Erinn] [ Assistant Crown Attorney ] [905-878-7291] [Khoorshed, Arish] [ Assistant Crown Attorney ] [905-878-7291] [Sala, Samantha] [ Legal Administrative Secretary ] [905-693-3043] [Della Croce, Sandra] [ Operations Manager (Acting) ] [905-878-7291] [Novak, Dawn] [ Legal Administrative Secretary ] [905-878-7291] have all been privately put on notice... They have 14 days to rebuttt the facts just like 794 of your corporate criminal code
Speaking of Ministers DavidMichelle the David half has a new video out titled;

Asseveration of private ministry to the man Stephen J Tanner Acting Halton Police Chief.

If he's rambling on to a Police Chief I assume he's getting deeper and deeper into shit. This one is quite literally unwatchable. He has a window just behind his head with sun pouring in so you can't see his face for the brilliant washout around him.

I did a quick run-through. This is a "private video communication" (not very damn private if it is posted on YouTube) telling the Police Chief that David had skipped his court hearing because he had a lawful excuse. Apparently claiming to be a Christian minister is all you need to avoid all those awkward legal problems that beset we non-ministers. There is an outstanding warrant for David's arrest but since he is a Christian minister the warrant is unlawful.

The guy is a total nitwit. He said that he did not go to court because he does not believe in courts. They are a violation of his Christian beliefs which, in his Belanger fueled dreamworld, allow him to ignore whatever laws he wants because all Canadian laws come from the King James bible and laws that aren't in the bible are invalid. If cops come to his door to arrest him he's holding the police chief personally liable. Apparently arresting him is treason. Then on and on with the same old Belanger bullshit I've written up numerous prior times. Turns out his purported last name, slave-name, title, surety, calling is PALUCH (all capitals) but this is not him because Christ did not have a last name. Talk about a loophole!

This dog was seventeen minutes of Belanger coached rambling. He is about as dynamic as a toad on a rock. At least Belanger can work himself up to a rant. David seemed in danger of falling asleep while droning on.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers

Post by Burnaby49 »

So time for some background on Minister David and Michelle. Firstly Michelle and David put Belanger's new video on their Blog:

I thought for a spot of fun it might be interesting to see what else David has been babbling. And yes, there was some stupid to be found: ... -gift.html
-David explains CERI marijuana beliefs to potheads. I like this passage in particular:
The bible says the heathen is the government persecuting users of weed Not the users them self, christ even said that. not what goes in that defiles you but your evils words that come out. i find pot smokers use no evil words with raw intent MOSTLY. But as for the devil and his lawyers, they accuse us day and night. Well, i have found a remedy. Now that you know the bible 1611 King james you now have the freedom as a man under god to excersise your faith in the bible, assuming you have any.

I have been studying the law for the last year and a quarter. I am battleing against the government right now. They are my Goliath and I am literally Called Dave and i aim to crush them with Gods law. Please feel free to send me opinions, post with a hello or tell a bit about your selves.

The potheads aren't so impressed.

I also found a NEW video from DavidMichelle:

Urgent Notice to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Mary Alexandra: Windsor

Frankly he looks like crap in this one. Stress perhaps? He seems almost incomprehensible;
I'd like to let you know that uh, I'm also being obstructed uh consistently by agents of your uh, uh, your uh, of your uh agents by your agents . . . .
So how did I miss it when I was posting yesterday? Because it wasn't on DavidMichelle's YouTube page it on Queen Elizabeth's Facebook community page! ... 5503521622

And more details of the horrible things happening to David.

David is looking for help in his painting business, "a self motivated man or woman capable of climbing a max of 32' ... 1078215464

Apparently no more than 32 feet allowed. Only 32'! That is the MAX! If you are capable of claiming more I DO NOT WANT YOU!

David is also proselytizing to the OPCA masses: ... 7149445034 ... 3375670541

Oh ho! The MOTHERLODE! It's David and Michelle's Facebook page;

Check out the bullshit! - Sample CERI license plates! ... 509&type=1

I want the oath of "the succubus vampire attorney"! ... 2415153112

- Ecclesiastical Right of way and proof of existence! ... 152&type=1

- "Since i gained membership and active ministry with the Church of Ecumenical Redemption International, i get a ministers card." ... permPage=1

- Facebook, dismiss that account for BLASPHEMY!

Is this a chat log between David and his ex-wife?!?! ... 8007914553

A lot to dig through there. It looks like David has been a Belanger follower for over a year.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers

Post by Burnaby49 »

Some more jems from Minister David's Face Book. ... 4999428187
Ecclesiastical notice of Fraud, Treason, Intimmidation, Obstrcution and Nuisance against the clergyman and minister for the, Church of Ecumenical Redemption International

This is my favorite paragraph:
Fact; the men and women of your commercial courts seem to have mistaken me for an OPCA: freeman on the land or sovereign citizen, but are harming the testimony of christ as a result violating 296 of the Criminal Code of Canada [Ezekiel 33:1-10] because it is blasphemous to call a king james christian commercial as OPCA is short for “Organized Pseudo-COMMERCIAL arguer”, a stupid phrase made up by justice rook in an attempt to slander God’s people in the Meads VS Meads case that was NOT, even a ruling, but an ill effort to sway the people's opinions of christians by openly persecuting us with allegations of commercial activity. Its simply wrong and criminal.
Obviously another sockpuppet Belanger rant against Rooke and Meads. Belanger has a real animus against being identified as an OPCA type. It obviously burns him that he is mentioned in Meads v Meads.

And here is why he doesn't have to come to court!
You agree without dispute to my lawful exemption from “appearing” in your commercial courts on June 12 2015 at 10:00am in Courtroom 2 for a “Judicial Pre Trial’”, and than in August 12 and 13 at 10:00am in courtrooms 12 and 11. You agree without dispute arrest warrants WILL NOT be issued against i for “failure to appear”
Of course, he lost his son Stanley as a consequence of his CERI based idiocy ... 8425468511
Stanley is there involuntarily,serving a foreign family against HIS WILL. As he verbally indicates to me every time. He will verify that in a trial by jury.
Do you believe my son is a PERSON?
Do you believe i am a person?
DO you believe Stanley is a trading instrumentality?
Do you believe you have my consent to use Stanley as an instrumentality?

7. It is agreed without dispute that i have been diligent as the watchman in Ezekiel 33:1-10, in warning you privately, in your private capacity, of your impending pitfalls of law, and that you WILL heed this notice and act with your newly imposed duty of care as to NOT take any further actions to unlawfully seize, steal and reap my son from my family.

8. It is agreed without dispute, you have failed to establish lawful reason or authority to keep Stanley where he is against his will and my will and he will be returned safely and unharmed, physically, mentally and emotionally and spiritually, post haste.

9. it is agreed to a fee schedule charged to you, Annie Lee privately for the amount of $10,000 of face value in pure gold maple leaf coins, or equivalent thereof for every day starting on June 10 2015.

10. It is agreed that any matter not made aware or mentioned in this document will be delegated to the authority of Gods Law.
So, as of today he's apparently made himself $200,000 in Pure Gold Coins!

Going way back to 2014 there's some more fun too. His tasteful original replacement license plate ... 1435757435

which appears to have been G7O 7WW before he turned it over and scrawled on it a red and green handpainted replacement:

NOT [turtle cartoon] FOR HIRE

But in May 9, 2014 he posts an "Ecclisiastical Asserveration" ... 1435757435

a very weird hybrid document! It starts almost sounding KarlLentzian, but then takes on something that is using a kind of variant on the usual CERI language. But what the heck is THAT doing at the end of the document?! Scott Duncan's "Aquilae Seal"? I can't imagine Scott would be to enthralled to see himself linked to a Freemanish document that invokes religious authority.

Michelle's Facebook page is pretty much filled with copy pasta - much less entertaining ... ath.ahayah

However, it seems that her new CERI affiliation has not perhaps been met with much peer and family support ... 1739798017
... Now without going into too much depth, there have been some pretty major changes in my life over the past year, some individuals were made fully aware of the challenges we have been facing, others have not. But i will tell you what almost everyone i have ever called friend has in common. Hardly a single one has so much as sent me a text to touch base. I never wanted anyone to try to jump in and play the hero role, God has that one down. but honestly, it would have been nice for someone to have even just reached out to say hi. not to be one sided, i have tried to make contact with friends, keep things going, but am met with silence. ...
Don't worry, Michelle, you've got David, who replies; "Im definitive". And off in Alberta is a crazy man who wants his AISH back NOW! but nevertheless is eager to help you and David ruin your lives. He's so sweet, helpful, and clever ... just ask the Volks!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

Sadly, albeit entertainingly, David's videos show him to be a much better friend to marihuana than marihuana is to him.

Apologies for my laziness if I missed it above, but do we know what his upcoming trial is about? Some sort of criminal matter such that he has a warrant out for missing the pretrial, or a child custody case and he'll lose his child because he couldn't be bothered to show up? (I see the demand not to be charged with failing to appear but I wouldn't be surprised if he was silly enough to say that about a non-criminal matter)
notorial dissent
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Re: CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers

Post by notorial dissent »

In other words, one more idiot joins the flock of mental midgets, or whatever they are called.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers

Post by Burnaby49 »

Fmotlgroupie wrote:Sadly, albeit entertainingly, David's videos show him to be a much better friend to marihuana than marihuana is to him.

Apologies for my laziness if I missed it above, but do we know what his upcoming trial is about? Some sort of criminal matter such that he has a warrant out for missing the pretrial, or a child custody case and he'll lose his child because he couldn't be bothered to show up? (I see the demand not to be charged with failing to appear but I wouldn't be surprised if he was silly enough to say that about a non-criminal matter)
I don't know. Neither he nor Belanger have bothered to divulge what the case is about. I'm assuming something to do with child custody or maybe marijuana. The guy is just too lifeless to be involve in anything that requires initiative. DUI might also be a possibility. However, trivial or serious, Belanger will make sure he gets a jail term out of it. Just a personal service our reverend offers his flock.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers

Post by Burnaby49 »

And yet more stupidity from Ministers DavidMichelle. This time it's Michelle's turn to make idiotic impotent whining demands. She's put out a video all on her own titled;

Private notice to the private man Stephen J Tanner regarding broken agreement


"This message is to the private man Stephen J Tanner in regards to the agreement he has and has subsequently broken with minister David Ben Ahayah"

That title doesn't look good for David. Stephen Tanner is the acting Police Chief of Halton Ontario, a regional municipality just to the west of Toronto. David just did a video (reviewed above) putting Tanner in his place and explaining how David, as a minister of Christ, was immune from all the laws that Tanner was about to dump down on David. From the title and sub-title of Michelle's video I assume that David's video did not perform as expected. This is Michelle's first real solo video but David loves to hog the limelight. So where is he?

With that background done, let's see what Belanger orchestrated stupidity Minister Michelle is going to inflict on me from this video;

OK, first problem, the sound is absolutely terrible. I can barely make her out, This is not helped by her zombie-like demeanor which essentially duplicates that of David. A matched pair! So be warned, what I relate here is what I can interpret from scraps of the whole, like trying to unravel the meaning of an ancient scroll from a few surviving fragments.

Hello Stephen, I wish we were meeting in better circumstances unfortunately I have some (serious?) things to talk to you today. On June 12th the courts claimed that Minister David, my husband, was required to be at the courts to show surety for a personal ( . . .?) of government fiction. David provided proof to over 300 men and women, yourself included, in the Justice system so-called. He provided lawful excuse why he should not have to be in court.

Break time to open a bottle of wine. I need it. Michelle makes David sound like a public speaking dynamo. What a pair. These videos are a real trial. I suspect most of the bottle will be done by the time the video is done. If not it will certainly be finished by the time I've reviewed the new Belanger video, next on my agenda. Well back to my time of trials;

He has talked to you many times. His lawful excuse is that he is not a person he is a man. And whether or not that sound strange to you really honestly really isn't (something or other). Then gibberish about persons in Canadian Interpretations Act, pure Belanger. (She clearly has no idea what she is even saying. She and David are really, really dense). Interpretations Act says "person" includes corporations and the word "includes" means only that which follows the box it is in like the little cage cell that you've got my husband in right now.

So Chief Tanner did pay attention to David's video. And here I was scorning it! As soon as David put up that video defying Tanner to arrest him, he did exactly that. Mission accomplished!

Also something about a witness box in the courtroom where you can't really talk or do anything then box includes only that which follows.

If this makes no sense to you and you feel I'm not doing my job properly listen to the video yourselves. I challenge you.

So when a person includes a corporation it means that a person is only a corporation. I'm not dead, neither is my husband (I can't vouch for any of that given the amount of sentient life they display on the videos).

We are now only at the two minute mark and that bottle shows serious diminishment so I'm going to skip transcribing a lot of it because she is starting the Belanger rant about Black's Law Dictionary, the absolute rights of Christian ministers to do whatever they want, Intimidation, discrimination, Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the usual Belanger pissing in the wind hissy-fit.

Then she shows a trace of life! David has been diligent, DILIGENT in removing himself from being a person and you're ignoring it, that's not acceptable. (Wow, she's rolled out the big guns! NOT ACCEPTABLE! Well played Michelle, David will be home in time for breakfast).

Furthermore he has an agreement with you Stephen Tanner, he sent you a video on June 12th gaining an agreement with you that the court system is acting in fraud and relayed evidence as to why that's the case and brought you into awareness that any further (?) would be intimidation and harassment and obstruction of a ministry. You did not reply to that video. You sent a confirmation of tacit consent on June 24th way after the fact of the last video. Apparently nobody on that list of 300 people who were required to respond to David did so, She said they were required, REQUIRED when provided with a lawful excuse to rebut it. If you cannot rebut it you cannot move forward, you should know that as the chief of police. And it wasn't rebutted but yesterday morning, on June 7th, 2015, (Did she mean July 7th? David hadn't been arrested on June 24th when he posted the video telling Tanner he couldn't arrest him) when my husband and I were on our way to work, unmarked cars pulled up and surrounded my husband and un-uniformed officers started trying to detain him and kidnap him. A lot of blah, blah blah which ended up with David cuffed and taken away.

OK, this is the exact point where I've finally lost any sympathy whatever for Belanger's victims. David is in jail because of mindlessly following Belanger's orders and Michelle is issuing idiotic remonstrations to the police about their failure to follow and obey Belanger's demented world views. Belanger isn't victimizing the innocent and ignorant, He's just culling the herd. And he's inflicting them on me to report.

Canadian police and the Canadian courts no longer have any sympathy whatever for these clowns. Whatever leniency they had died here;


And fine by me and the vast majority of the Canadian public. These people are just totally worthless useless parasites. Until recently they have had a free ride where they could pull their antics, go and eat up huge amounts of court time arguing total stupidity, and get slapped on the wrist for it. However it looks like that climate of tolerance is changing. When the cops are doing a SWAT type organized takedown of someone as pathetic as Minister David it's obvious they are thinking of all Freeman types as potentially dangerous and armed lunatics. Not, in my opinion, an unreasonable assumption. That's something that Michelle should get in her head if there was actually anything in her head to absorb it. And she was assaulted! When she was trying to ascertain information about who was kidnapping her husband they bruised her! She showed bruises on both arms! You don't want to see them.

Stephen, I'm not sure that you are married, I'm assuming that you probably are but I don't really know you. I have never for one day been apart from my husband. From the day we met, from our first date, we have seen each other every single day. Until yesterday when your unmarked goons forced him in a car, restrained me on the ground, and drove him away. He's locked in a cage right now Stephen and I can't see him. I haven't talked to him for two days (Welcome to the new reality Michelle!). I saw him for about a minute and a half today in a courtroom and we weren't allowed to communicate. I was able to shout out my love to him as he was dragged out by more officers. Do you understand the harm you are doing to my family? Not to mention the obstruction you are causing our ministry by detaining him unlawfully. And without any valid reason. You, you Stephen Turner, are more than aware that any further intimidation, any further harassment, any further arrests, that you will be privately liable because they are your agents and ultimately answerable to you. The court issued a warrant in blatant fraud and you are in awareness of the fraud and you acted on that fraudulent warrant. You had every right as chief of police to say no and tell your officers to stand down using your discretion but you didn't. Because you are all in it for the money. I'll tell you what, you are privately liable. My property has been stolen from me. My husband has been kidnapped from me. You are causing me grievous harm. You are warned that if this continues that you will be held liable. You were made aware of the facts and did nothing about it and your refusal to act is going to cost you.

A challenge to you American readers. You started this shit in motion. Show me a more demented, stupider video than the one I'm currently suffering through. This is what your sovereigns have inflicted on us. Two minutes to go so back to it;

Because now I will be holding you privately liable and I will be bringing a lawsuit against you and a lawsuit against every man, woman, that was involved. Prosecutors, judges, police officers and yourself. Everybody involved in this criminal activity and this blatant fraud . . . . . everybody has become liable. But, Stephen, I'm only doing this as a loving watchman to you. You are harming my family you are harming my ministry you've kidnapped my ministry you've breached an agreement that you have and if you do not stop you've opened yourself up to a total shitstorm (sorry, that was me paraphrasing). It would be my heavy suggestion that you do something to get my husband out of that jail cell. I was sitting in that court today and I watched a pedophile, a man being accused of having child pornography and he is out on bail and yet my minister husband is being detained. Then gibberish about releasing her husband, protecting her family, and saving them from further obstruction, intimidation, harassment and nuisance. God bless you and keep you all safe.

Insane, idiotic, possibly brain dead but feisty! This shows what a sad pathetic choice I made in picking a wife 37 years ago. If Mrs. Burnaby49 had faced the same situation of watching her husband being taken down by SWAT she would have just stood back and let me get arrested. No bruises on her arms! Then she might have visited me in jail to ream me out a new asshole. Then maybe, maybe, just maybe, she would have retained a lawyer to represent me. Maybe; she'd do a cost analysis first. How was I to know back in my callow youth that supportive wives like Michelle were around to stand by me in my future insanity?

That has to be the most demented video I've yet seen. And I'm a veteran of Glenn Fearn videos! It's taken me over two hours to listen to and write down her eleven minute video. I hate her.

I think that this is an important video for two reasons. Firstly it shows that the police, as a result of Raddatz, are taking Freeman types, no matter how hopelessly sadsack they are, as very serious potential violence threats and are acting accordingly. Secondly the Freemen are probably too dense to realize this. Michelle seems to think that David's arrest was a police offense against all that is legal and protected under Canadian law. She is just to stupid to realize his arrest is the new reality. But they will all learn.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers

Post by Burnaby49 »

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers

Post by wserra »

Fall asleep on the keyboard, Burnaby?
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Re: CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers

Post by The Observer »

wserra wrote:Fall asleep on the keyboard, Burnaby?
I think he got into a second bottle of wine...
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Re: CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers

Post by NYGman »

The Observer wrote:
wserra wrote:Fall asleep on the keyboard, Burnaby?
I think he got into a second bottle of wine...
Prehaps a response from watching too many Belanger videos, it can turn your mind in to mush...
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Re: CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers

Post by Burnaby49 »

As strong as the evidence is against me I was entirely sober. My problem was incompetence not sobriety. If you check the mod logs you'll find about a dozen reports on my activities last night between 12:25 and 1:36 AM. Good luck deciphering them into a coherent story.

I was trying to bring all of the various postings on our two Belanger fools together in one discussion. As you'll recall (and as I explained) I had them scattered about three different discussions. So, since I'd apparently figured out how to move posts I decided to move them all to one discussion. Sounds simple? Not in my world.

Short story; I had already started an existing discussion called "CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers" so I decide to move them all there. I finally managed to do it after numerous screwups. However somehow the name of the discussion had been changed to "Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister Belanger's latest victims". I have no idea how that happened. Since a discussion already existed under that name we now had two of them. So I figured I'd just change the revised discussion name back to DavidMichelle. Probably easy but I couldn't figure it out. So I said screw it and started an entirely new discussion titled "CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers", moved all of the posts from the renamed discussion to it, and then deleted the old and now empty discussion. That is why the final report in the moderators logs reads;
Mon Jul 13, 2015 1:36 am
Deleted topic “Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict” written by “Burnaby49” for the following reason
» I was practicing moving posts. This is now empty.
So the explanation for all of the y's is simple. When I created this current DavidMichelle discussion I had to initially post something in it before I could move the files to it. So I just dumped a string of Y's in intending to delete them after I'd done the move. And of course I forgot.

This is how I spend my declining twilight years. As I said;

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers

Post by KickahaOta »

I thought you were just claiming to be the Y'sest of us.
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Re: CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers

Post by Burnaby49 »

KickahaOta wrote:I thought you were just claiming to be the Y'sest of us.
I'd ban you for that except, with my demonstrated moderating skills, I'd probably end up banning myself.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers

Post by NYGman »

Burnaby49 wrote:
KickahaOta wrote:I thought you were just claiming to be the Y'sest of us.
I'd ban you for that except, with my demonstrated moderating skills, I'd probably end up banning myself.
I thought it was something like this:

The Hardest Thing in the World to Understand is Income Taxes -Albert Einstein

Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - As sung by Janis Joplin (and others) Written by Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster.
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Re: CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers

Post by Burnaby49 »

NYGman wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:
KickahaOta wrote:I thought you were just claiming to be the Y'sest of us.
I'd ban you for that except, with my demonstrated moderating skills, I'd probably end up banning myself.
I thought it was something like this:

Show some respect, I was nowhere near being that undignified. As this picture shows I was wide awake;

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".