Re: Carol & Rod Volk: CERI "minister" Belanger's latest vict

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Re: CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers

Post by wserra »

Burnaby49 wrote:So I figured I'd just change the revised discussion name
Edit the first post of the thread. The title of the first post is the thread title.
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Re: CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers

Post by Burnaby49 »

Thanks. Should have been obvious since the first post title was echoed in the unwanted discussion title but it was 1AM and I'm clueless.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers

Post by Burnaby49 »

Well she's puked out another one. It's been about month since her first video and I'd checked just a few days ago. Nothing. I thought I was home-free. Then this;
Cruel and unusual treatment and Discrimination against Christian minister David Ben Ahayah
Published on Aug 4, 2015

Cry for Help to the Canadian Human Rights Commission and to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights regarding cruel and unusual treatment and punishment being done against minister David Ben Ahayah

And it's even longer than the last. I hadn't planned to open a bottle of wine tonight. But, given my experience with her last video, I can't see getting through this one without it. I hate them both.

Sound is no better than the last. And she waited a whole month before posting it, She gives the recording date as July 11. No doubt to sadistically lull me into complacency before inflicting it on me.

This one is addressed to Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Marie-Claude Landry, Chief Commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, David Langtry, Acting Chief Commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, and a couple of others I'm not bothering to post. She reports that Christian minister David Ben Ahayah is being falsely associated with the dead man fiction called David. He's still in Mapleridge Correctional Complex. While this was recorded only four days after his takedown if he'd been released since then there would be no reason to inflict this video on us a month later so I'm assuming he is still incarcerated.

Same old "my husband is not a person he is a man" bullshit. Good luck with that one Michelle! Apparently the Interpretations Act says that "persons" includes corporations. Since, in DavidMichelle's worldview, "includes" really means "includes only" it means that only corporations are persons. Since David is not a corporation he's not a person. I'll bet Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein is riveted to his chair listening to this. He probably has his staff scrambling to get a copy of the Interpretations Act to confirm this stunning revelation!

Then a leaden recitation of multiple sections of the Canadian Charter and Constitution. No doubt, in her own mind, they have some relevance. Then on to how Tanner, Chief of Police, had betrayed them by not obeying his oath and his tacit contract. Then a long ramble whining about the illegality of David's arrest. Apparently Canadian police are required to produce three pieces of ID when they arrest someone. I didn't know that! Since none of the alleged officers produced any ID they were not real police (notwithstanding that she admits that David is in a real jail) so the arrest is illegal. Then her cruel treatment when she tried to intercede in her husband's kidnapping. She showed the bruises again. I need more wine.

David is being mocked by the jail guards! He apparently refused to submit to a strip search because of negative experiences he's had with strip searches in the past. I know nothing about his background but that comment indicates he's had a lot more run-ins with the law than just his current problems. So they locked him into a cell without food or water until he complied with their demands. I'm skeptical. That would make him a lot feistier than anything I've seen indicated on his videos, he barely seems conscious in them.

Then they refused him access to a King James bible because the prison doesn't have a copy of that version. Michelle gets a little condescending at this point saying that the prison doesn't have a copy because the inmates, guards, and chaplains are to stupid to comprehend it. News flash Michelle; from what I've seen of the videos that you and David cough up that description includes the pair of you.

Then to the point, such as it is. She's bringing her target list of individuals into private awareness of the mistreatment and cruelty being inflicted on David and she's holding all of them responsible for David's treatment. Zeid is probably not riveted to his chair anymore because he is cowering behind it terrified by Michelle telling him she won't stand for any further derelictions of duty on his part. She's holding them all personally responsible and liable and if something is not done immediately to get her husband out they will pay for it! Then (for I believe the third time, losing track) she recited all their names and titles, and said they have agreed to the following;

You agree and affirm that the prison can't deny David food and water to force him into a strip-search
You agree and affirm that David has to be given a King James bible
You agree and affirm that David is not a person he is a man, he is a man, HE IS A MAN
You agree and affirm that minister David Ben Ahayah is no longer associated with the dead in law fiction David Pollock
You agree and affirm that you will do everything in your powers to get him a King James bible, protect and defend his beliefs in Christ, that all staff and professionals in Mapleridge Correctional Complex do not subject David to cruel and unusual treatment.

Then she got confused, just too much for her to read off of a piece of paper. We bogged down for a few moments while she got back on Belanger's script.

You agree and affirm that nobody has the right to intimidate David to violate his beliefs by fraudulent imprisonment.

Then it was just too much for her. She stopped, totally confused, and just stared at the paper looking for where she was and not finding it. So she said "your agree and affirm to all of these". Then the consequences of disobedience. If I do not get a personal rebuttal from each of you to all of the agreements above within seven days of receiving this video then you agree to everything stated in this video and you will take immediate action to aid David. We're at 11:00 and I'm beginning to suspect she's drunk. She's having serious difficulty keeping on script. Rambling about Queen's Oath of Allegiance. If her targets don't do what she wants they are committing treason against her majesty. Hold on here. Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein is a UN official. They aren't bound by any oath to the Queen.

Maybe she's being a little loose with the legalities because she is APPALLED by the treatment David is receiving and she will not stand for it or keep quiet about it. You go girl!

Then we're done. One thing of note. She demanded he get his bible, food, water, dignity, whatever, but she did not demand he be released. Maybe, somewhere in the dim recess of her mind, she's starting to realize that all of Belanger's CERI bullshit is worthless and so she is downscaling her demands to the ones that just might be considered reasonable within the context of a normal everyday prisoner who is not a Belanger CERI Minster immune from all of man's laws.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers

Post by Burnaby49 »

Finally, about a month after Minister David Ben Ahayah (AKA David Pollock) was tossed in jail our champion, Minister Belanger himself, head of the Church of Ecumenical Redemption International, steps in to bravely rescue David from the forces of the ungodly!

Or maybe not;
Edward Jay Robin Bondservant
Sorry I missed this Michelle I do hope you continue... ... 3282377025

In other words; too bad suckers, I'm out of here!

Keep in mind that David is in jail for blindly (and stupidly) following Belanger's instructions on how he could CERI all of his troubles away. If you go back to my June 30th posting you'll find a link to a Belanger video, apparently taken in DavidMichelle's house, defending their rights to be lemmings following him. But, as he did with the Volks, Belanger recognizes a losing hand and moves on.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers

Post by Burnaby49 »

Minister David is out of jail! Finally. At least I assume so, he's posting up a storm on Facebook;

Nothing about his personal situation, just rants against Christmas. Which is somewhat odd from a self-avowed devoted Christian. Up until now David has been an avid follower of Parakeet Belanger and CERI, Belanger's church. However I have a fairly extensive history of reading Belanger's loony-tunes documents and listening to his videos and he's never said anything yet against Christmas so perhaps David, after his ordeal at the hands of the unbelievers, is abandoning CERI to find his own path. A path that will, hopefully, keep him out of jail, I'm not too optimistic of Minister Michelle's chances on that score. She's posted an audio file on their Facebook page with the title;

"Michelle Tells the prosecutor that she is intimidated to contract with the Corporation called ONTARIO."

It's very short, just over a minute, and very poorly recorded. However it indicates hard times ahead for Michelle. A transcription of the part I could make out. CO is a court official, MM is Minister Michelle;
CO - What do you want to do?
MM - I'm not contracting with you.
CO - You're not contracting with me you've been charged with offenses.
MM - The person has been charged with the offenses I'm the woman not the person.
CO - We'll deal with the matter when we start court.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Burnaby49 wrote:Minister David is out of jail! Finally. At least I assume so, he's posting up a storm on Facebook;

Nothing about his personal situation, just rants against Christmas. Which is somewhat odd from a self-avowed devoted Christian.
We're pushing the envelope, here, but not really odd. I know a number of Christian sects who do not believe in celebrating "Christmas", preaching that Christmas is a pagan holiday transformed into a commercial holiday, without getting much Christian practice along the way. Whether that opinion is valid is off topic, but it is certainly not uncommon among Christians.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: CERI Ministers DavidMichelle - Belanger's latest suckers

Post by Burnaby49 »

Arthur Rubin wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:Minister David is out of jail! Finally. At least I assume so, he's posting up a storm on Facebook;

Nothing about his personal situation, just rants against Christmas. Which is somewhat odd from a self-avowed devoted Christian.
We're pushing the envelope, here, but not really odd. I know a number of Christian sects who do not believe in celebrating "Christmas", preaching that Christmas is a pagan holiday transformed into a commercial holiday, without getting much Christian practice along the way. Whether that opinion is valid is off topic, but it is certainly not uncommon among Christians.

I didn't post that as a comment on Christian beliefs but as a comment on the possibility that David has severed ties with Belanger. Up until his arrest David was a devoted ass-kissing Belanger follower and a professed adherent to Belanger's marijuana-based church CERI (Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International). Ending up in jail after slavishly following Belanger's guidance seems to have changed his views on Belanger and CERI. While David appears to still be full steam ahead on trying to be a Christianity based guru he seems to be following his own script because if Belanger had such a strong animus against celebrating Christmas he would have been sure to tell us in a half-dozen or so videos.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".