Erwin-Winn: Badertscher - Another David-Wynn: Millerite

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Erwin-Winn: Badertscher - Another David-Wynn: Millerite

Post by Burnaby49 »

A new fruitcake bubbles to the surface; Erwin-Winn: Badertscher. A genuine eccentric - free-energy device builder, modern times Christian prophet follower, and David-Wynn: Millerite.

Erwin's primary page is here:

Looks like a weirdly ill-written religious thing at first, with a web design that looks like it was done by Eldon Warman. There's some more fun stuck in here. At the bottom of the opening page is a set of links - that's where the goodies are. And as you see, a Millerite copyright notice.

Most of its contents relate to Erwin building Tesla devices and free-energy machines designed by a guy named John Bedini. Since I accept the Second Law of Thermodynamics I just don't spend too much time learning about these things, but Erwin certainly has. Very detailed accounts and photos, schematics of his various projects. This guy was serious about his hobby.

The "Revelations" links lead to material about/by a fringe German Christian prophet from the mid 20th century, Bertha or Berthe Dudde. Very little about her in English online - a few denunciations by evangelicals that Dudde's revelations are Satanic - that sort of thing. Again, can't be bothered.

But the real fun is here

where Erwin spews his Millerite theories. Being a Millerite and somewhat less than fluent in English this gets a little confusing. I think Edwin is selling licence plates for $45 ... I have to admit, they're attractive. I like the postage stamp motif. It looks like the plates are dated 2002, which is about right for the period when Miller was particularly active in Canada. Also points to Warman's DetaxCanada website.


While postage stamps pay a big part in the Freeman mistique even they are at odds as to why they are important and how they are to be employed. So I'm always glad to get information on the proper magical way to use postage stamps:
But the best part is about 60% of the way down the page, a section titled "THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFESSOR". It documents how Erwin had a new neighbor - an English language professor from the University of Calgary. Then they enter into a savage legal dispute over water concerns on the neighboring properties!
As our neighbor's property came for sale, interestingly an English language professor from the University of Calgary bought it. On one of his visits after he had introduced himself as our new neighbor the professor learned that I was studying the TLFC .

The professor told me that he was not aware of any water rights to his new property. It was my Uncle’s property he purchased and a verbal contract existed for our overflow from our water source into Uncle's water cistern on our land for which Uncle paid $5000.00. There where no legal documents ever written concerning the overflow right and no one knew about it except us Badertscher's.

The professor told us that they where hauling in water to the cabin; whence I informed him of the cistern, overflow right (very limited water flow) and existing temporary water line which we opened up for him as a neighborly gesture of good will.

On a hunch later on, I sent him a letter regarding correspondence with the Deputy Official Administrator. The professor then wrote me a letter stating in paragraph 2, that part of the purchase price covers water rights, which is a straight out lie, then he goes on lying some more in paragraph 4 and 5 neither had he any locating rights or any legal access rights to the Badertscher property. This was his comeback for our loving neighborly deed and gesture of truth, with other words he is also a backstabber and traitor!! His character is obviously formed by his dulled guilt feelings through continuous wrong actions towards his neighbors in his language fraud scheme without correcting the wrong. The majority of school principals regarding the English language are well informed of the adjective and verb modification of the noun-fiction to which an English language professor is a leader, which has been organized by the Banksters for years!

For our defence I set up an in the truth claim for the overflow rights and cistern against him correcting his language fraud, attaching a 5000.00 Dollar check for the cistern redeemable within 30 days with a 10 day default answer demand written in the TLFC registered through the Canada Post. Here is a true copy of my document with his letter in which I changed the liar's name to PROFESSOR and corrected some word errors for your benefit:

After 30 days we cancelled the Bank check. Actually at 15 days after delivery, his lawyers/liar’s office sent me an envelope which I promptly returned for the wrong name because they never punctuated my name nor did they write the address in the TLFC…… We earned the cistern and overflow right back plus the 5000.00Dollar

Not wishing the professor any harm is the reason why I did not expose his name. I condemn his wrong actions which are the result of a hard heart and confused thinking, but I am not hesitating exposing it as the deceptive act of the adversary. Take heed if you agree with the professor's ways it will place you into equal guilt and harm of your own soul.
HA! Take that perverter of GRAMMAR! Erwin provided nice scans of his documents that I uploaded onto Mediafire; ... ndence.pdf

Actually one of the best quality scans I've see of anything Millerite.

There's also a fun tale about Erwin's interactions with RCMP Officer Gosselin in 2001, and how Erwin just wishes he had known how to fight back when his ex-wife screwed him on tax issues!
Yes, the bank foreclosed on my home also and stole it from me!!! I too would have fought them, with success that is, if I would have had the knowledge in those days. The same with the government agent who told me that the interest would only accumulate if I would not pay my ex wife's taxes!!......sometime it takes a while but without fail: What goes around comes around!!!!

So one thing about this website is that there are oddities hidden all over the place. Sometimes what looks like a stylized block of text or a picture leads to something else. On the front page, for example, there are three photos near the bottom of the page, two of young children, one of 'the author'. If you click on those, that downloads a letter from Erwin to what appear to be one of his estranged children. These reveal the inner dealings of Erwin's divorce from his wife. From "Hallie.doc":
Some day you’ll see my Website with your picture in it, you’ll click on it and physically get to read what I have been telling you in the spirit for a long time. Your soul knows the truth and is suffering because you do not know the truth physically or are deliberately refusing to give in to truth!

Proverbs 14 : 1
The wise woman builds her house
But the foolish tears it down with her own hands.

As all the ex cared for is material/monetary gain, she stole at least 50’000.00 into her personal secret bank account from the family over the latter few years of our marriage (I trusted her with the book keeping) before the foolish ex filed for divorce; never caring by one iota for you and the other three children’s sanity and rights, all she cares for is herself. A straight human being wouldn’t lie by denying to her husband having had a hysterectomy in her younger years due to her menstrual pains, although in vain, while later conveniently working in the hospital lab with intent and icy insistence falsely proving her husband’s sterility in order to switch the blame to me for her not being able to bear children, which is only the tip of her iceberg. She in fact further demonstrated her cold fraudulent heart by promising me that she would take Hallie away from me. This happened when Hallie was five years old and the only child in the family at that time. It was a plan long coming to which ex’s mother played a large roll, also a frequent Baptist/Alliance Church hypocrite.

While you are trying to find fault in me, know that I never denied my own shortcomings to anyone especially if they had a right to know them or I felt they should know!!! We are all guilty of sin, but we must learn to overcome and correct our wrongs, especially concerning the souls we treat wrongly!!!! While in my younger years I was plagued with the satanic devils and lusts of sensuality up to a certain point, marriage is no exception, but contrary to most folks, I always admitted it being wrong. Honesty is of utmost importance, it is what eventually will lift you out of the hellhole you are in… besides in the after-life everybody will know if one had lied on this earth, thus I make sure no one will ever prove me otherwise.

When she ripped me out of your life, loading her soul with guilt, she robed you of all the spiritual quality times you and I where meant to spend together, When she used you as a lever against me with all her lies in divorce court while raping you of your virginity with the help of this hypocritical traitor society who should blush in shame when looking at themselves in their satanic lust for the procreation act without creating life, she didn’t care of the hurt this would inflict on you.

When you ended up in Vancouver psychiatric hospital telling those lying psychiatrists that you saw spirits dancing around you, laughing at you, accusing you of lying about your dad, telling you that you should kill yourself… when those idiots placed you on Prozac accusing you of suffering of Post traumatic stress syndrome instead of finding out the truth who really was guilty of the abuse.


When the coldhearted ex and consorts psychosexually assaulted and manipulated you to falsely testify to the police about sexual abuse of your father, those blind egotistic unloving hypocrites never cared for one minute of the harm they where inflicting on your soul and mental stability and even themselves as far as their souls are concerned in their arrogant self-soreness, for that matter. They loaded their souls with a heavy burden, which they will be very sorry for, some day!!!


Think positive do not copy the masses that act worse than Pharisees and remember: he, who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone…John8:7

My spiritual support is in fact based on true love and everlasting quality help; always has been, did you forget?

Patiently waiting while in spiritual contact hoping to see you,

Your indeed very concerned and true Swiss Daddy

Erwin apparently lost his house as part of the divorce. The bottom of this page; ... 0Page.html

shows the property that "the banksters" stole from him. Bastards!

There's also this 'blogspot' again mainly on free energy related stuff;

But it's largely inactive.

So there's nothing about Erwin on CanLII, but it's possible his cases are older and therefore not archived. Nothing at the Federal or Tax courts, which surprises me given Badertscher clearly implies he has had taxman issues.

Erwin has some entries in the BC Online Database, though:

Merritt Provincial Court, docket AG11593482-1: 2001 failure to pay toll, not disputed
Nelson Provincial Court, docket 3865: three related matters
Sept. 16, 2009 - Criminal Code 264.1(1) uttering threats
Jan. 13, 2012 - Crown to establish prima facie case in respect to unfit accused
May 1, 2013 - Criminal Code 732.2(3)(a) change to probation conditions - this provision just covers how to make the application.

Interesting narrative in the docket. Erwin got bail on Sept. 25, 2009 but was declared unfit for trial on Oct. 2, 2009. There are various minor steps until Sept. 6, 2012, then a trial is held and Erwin is found guilty on the threats charge. This leads to a 18 month probation order and 5 year firearms prohibition. In 2013 there are applications presumably concerning probation conditions.

Did Erwin get locked up from 2009-2012 to have his head shrunk? That's consistent with the pattern of activity on Erwin's websites - they both grind to a halt in 2008-2009.

On the civil side there area bunch of actions, most clustered in the first half of the 1990's. An action with the Bank of Montreal is probably The Banksters stealing Erwin's home. Presumably Helen Jean Badertscher v Erwin Badertscher is his divorce. Others? No idea.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Erwin-Winn: Badertscher - Another David-Wynn: Millerite

Post by Hanslune »

Say what? What exactly was his point/plane/hoped for objective of sending a 5k check to the guy - what was that suppose to do?
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Re: Erwin-Winn: Badertscher - Another David-Wynn: Millerite

Post by Burnaby49 »

Hanslune wrote:Say what? What exactly was his point/plane/hoped for objective of sending a 5k check to the guy - what was that suppose to do?
It remains a mystery to all but Erwin-Winn. Keep in mind that he was apparently detained in a psychiatric facility for almost three years. You can't assume that sanity guided any of his actions.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Erwin-Winn: Badertscher - Another David-Wynn: Millerite

Post by Hanslune »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Hanslune wrote:Say what? What exactly was his point/plane/hoped for objective of sending a 5k check to the guy - what was that suppose to do?
It remains a mystery to all but Erwin-Winn. Keep in mind that he was apparently detained in a psychiatric facility for almost three years. You can't assume that sanity guided any of his actions.

...aaah so I didn't miss it - it wasn't there!
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Re: Erwin-Winn: Badertscher - Another David-Wynn: Millerite

Post by The Observer »

I like the license plates, I have to think that the US flag being on there must have something to do with an insidious plot to deliver Canada into the hands of the US and make it the 51st state. Heavens know we need the help, after we messed up a couple of invasions during our Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, not to mention completely flubbing the treaty negotiations over the Pacific Northwest Boundary ("54 40 or fight" apparently did little to increase the leverage on our side of the table).
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