Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Hanslune »

bmxninja357 wrote:Actually you can wind up in jail for things as trivial as jay walking if your on bail or probation/parole. If they have it in for you any infraction can be a breech.even jay walking. In my younger days I had seen that happen. All bail has the condition to keep the peace and be of good behavior. Jay walking is not good behavior.

..or as one case that happened in my town a guy jaywalked and caused a major traffic accident - got thrown in jail until the came up with bail.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Jeffrey »

The other guy, according to Dean, was there for half a gram of weed.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by bmxninja357 »

And a half gram is enough to arrest a gang member in a city. Or anyone on bail or probation. It's not good behavior.

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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by notorial dissent »

A lot of the sovrunidjit class of criminal get sent to jail/prison for things other than what they were originally arrested for. It is the old and well established and honored tradition of turning a $15 ticket into a major felony through one stupid or another, that really says it all. The footl's being nothing if not but docile plagiarists and followers of other people's handy work seem to be content in following that pattern. That and I'm equally sure that Deano conveniently omits the little details that explain the real why. Would spoil his whine otherwise.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:A lot of the sovrunidjit class of criminal get sent to jail/prison for things other than what they were originally arrested for. It is the old and well established and honored tradition of turning a $15 ticket into a major felony through one stupid or another, that really says it all. The footl's being nothing if not but docile plagiarists and followers of other people's handy work seem to be content in following that pattern. That and I'm equally sure that Deano conveniently omits the little details that explain the real why. Would spoil his whine otherwise.
Cults like fremanism are distinguished by their ability to live in a make-believe world in which the impossible is believable and, indeed likely. Those of us living in the world of the practical scoff at the fantasy that a judge is going to fold up the court at the sound few magic freeman words.

We wonder how any freeman wannabe could seriously believe centuries of western law is going to be set aside by the incoherent and contradictory theories of dumbed down gurus like Clifford, Menard, Annette and Belanger.

I think we should stop and realize it's the impossibility of freeman fantasies that provide their appeal. It's the belief in a bright new world of freemanary that keeps the rank and file freeman going.

We may ask why the freeman doesn't get a grip on his life and start making a real place in the world for himself. But we need to realize that most freemen have been mocked by the competent since childhood. With his economic prospects ruined and branded as a problem to society the freeman takes solace in, not only his fantasies of success, but his hatred of the competent, who he sees as in league with the elite. . . .judges, politicians and Jewish bankers.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by notorial dissent »

Scarily enough the reason it works is because the acolytes really are dumber, way dumber than "Clifford, Menard, Annette and Belanger", the gurus, and I find that terribly disturbing. As to why they were/have bee/are mocked, is because they really are that clueless and inept. No one has to make it up, it is fact. Their only option, other than actually getting help/studying/getting away from their idiot friends/family, is to blame someone else, and "the elite. . . .judges, politicians and Jewish bankers" will do very handily. And then they wonder why people make mock.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:. . . Their only option, other than actually getting help/studying/getting away from their idiot friends/family, is to blame someone else, and "the elite. . . .judges, politicians and Jewish bankers" will do very handily. And then they wonder why people make mock.
Getting one's life together often requires the encouragement and support of friends and family. New skills are needed and old self-destructive patterns of behavior have to be put to rest. Unfortunately, many freemen have alienated their families and old friends. The freeman's new crop of friends are just the sort who would criticize him for doing what needs to be done to get his life on track.

The moderating influence of supportive wives and girls friends is rare in freemen world since most women avoid adult males who can't earn a living, are poorly groomed and spend their time trying to find someone to blame for their troubles.

Most of the gurus are older and have habituated their dysfunctional behavior and engrained their irrational beliefs such that it is likely they will go to their graves spouting freeman BS.

The situation wannabe freemen are in reminds me of my grand parent's admonitions to choose carefully who I decided to run around with as I grew up.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by JamesVincent »

"You can see the violence inherent in the system. IM BEING REPRESSED, COME SEE THE VIOLENCE INHERENT IN THE SYSTEM!
Disciple of the cross and champion in suffering
Immerse yourself into the kingdom of redemption
Pardon your mind through the chains of the divine
Make way, the shepherd of fire

Avenged Sevenfold "Shepherd of Fire"
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by notorial dissent »

I have to bow to arayder on this, family probably doesn't play as much a part as I was implying, although I suspect it varies. Their biggest stumbling block though is hanging around with other like minded failures and then wondering why they can't get anywhere since the group dynamic is biased towards failure and to reinforce their propensity for failure. Perhaps I should have said that part of it entails them figuring out what is pushing them towards their failure. In many cases their friends are not friends.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:I have to bow to arayder on this, family probably doesn't play as much a part as I was implying, although I suspect it varies. Their biggest stumbling block though is hanging around with other like minded failures and then wondering why they can't get anywhere since the group dynamic is biased towards failure and to reinforce their propensity for failure. Perhaps I should have said that part of it entails them figuring out what is pushing them towards their failure. In many cases their friends are not friends.
I think the family as a causal factor probably varies from freeman to freeman.

Menard's sisters think he's nuts and that hurts him more than he lets on. Bobby also likes to pretend that his father's contrary streak, as he relates it, is the source of his opposition to statism government.

Dean on the other hand seems to be encouraged by his brother who yaps "'at a boy's "at him like he's a little puppy.

When family and friends tell freemen they are crazy and tell their wives and kids not to talk to them the freeman cult takes on the role of family for the shunned freeman.

In some cults people actually work even if it is inside the confines of the group. . . where the members won't be shunned as they might if working at the local big box store. The problem with freemenism is that many of the cult members don't work to improve the freeman brand. As close as the group to such a thing was the idea of a freeman valley imagined years ago.

The freeman's aversion to using SINs, having taxes withheld from a pay check or owning a licensed and insured set of wheels to get to work means that for many freemen work as we know it just isn't happening.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by bmxninja357 »

So has dean shut his pie hole in hopes of a pre release or has he been in solitary and can't run his yipper yapper? Or has one (or more) of his fellow convicts shut it for him?

Anyone heard anything?

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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by notorial dissent »

They may well have curtailed his outside communication after some of his more recent stunts, and we know little brother doesn't do well without constant supervision, so the lines of communication may well have been cut. snipity snip..... Since the alternative of him growing up and acquiring some sense just doesn't seem to be in the cards.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:They may well have curtailed his outside communication after some of his more recent stunts, and we know little brother doesn't do well without constant supervision, so the lines of communication may well have been cut. snipity snip..... Since the alternative of him growing up and acquiring some sense just doesn't seem to be in the cards.
I don't pretend to know the ins and outs of the Canadian prison system. But while Dean was in jail waiting for trial he used his excess to the media to threaten police officers. There is no way the Canadian authorities are going to allow Dean to repeat his little game from his jail cell.

Convicted, incarcerated criminals just don't have the same rights as the everyday citizen. So all Dean has to do is break a few prison rules (he's good at that) and he loses the few privileges allowed him by the prison system.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by RaccoonMother »

Any news on the sentencing transcripts?
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

RaccoonMother wrote:Any news on the sentencing transcripts?
Sorry, been out of touch for a while. I have the forms, but they are packed away right now. I am moving on Saturday, but I promise to send them off next week.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Wake Up! Productions »

Well, by my calculations, Dean Clifford SHOULD have been eligible for early release by now. My guess is he will serve the full sentence, which puts his final release date about a year from now.

To those who donated, I apologise for not getting the transcripts. Life took a turn for me, and I had greater family concerns. As of today I have snail-mailed Burnaby49 the $160 that was collected via GoFundMe. According to him, all funds shall be returned to those who donated them.

I will still pop in from time to time, but for now, I just wanted to thank everyone who shook me out of my "freeman" trance.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Jeffrey »

You hear of Mark Drakes? Sounds like a Menard student and Mary Croft student. Doing the driving without license combined with check fraud, but I can't find nothing on the registry or Canlii.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by Hanslune »

Found this piece of information but not sure where to put it on the forum so will cast it here.

Peine forte et dure (Law French for "hard and forceful punishment") was a method of torture formerly used in the common law legal system, in which a defendant who refused to plead ("stood mute") would be subjected to having heavier and heavier stones placed upon his or her chest until a plea was entered, or the defendant died.

This made me think of the many Fmolter's and Sovcivs who won't plead .... and since this is old law it must be good!
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey wrote:You hear of Mark Drakes? Sounds like a Menard student and Mary Croft student. Doing the driving without license combined with check fraud, but I can't find nothing on the registry or Canlii.
Here's his Youtube page:

It seems like the standard freeman word play thing which, created by the freeman subculture, has its own little ball of string extending far beyond the "teachings" of Menard and Croft.

In the first YouTube we see sh*t-for-brains Drakes refusing to identify himself to the traffic cop and then unwittingly doing just that after the cop got him talking.

You can't fix stupid.

Dope Clock: It has been 63 days since freeman guru Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
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Re: Dean Clifford: Sentencing & Beyond

Post by arayder »

Wake Up! Productions wrote:. . . I just wanted to thank everyone who shook me out of my "freeman" trance.
You are welcome, pard.

Dope Clock: It has been 63 days since freeman guru Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.