Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by arayder »

Robert Menard
1 hr ·

Two years of struggle and hardship faced with faith and perseverance whilst haters attacked and defamed me is now paying off. The tide has turned and the seeds are sprouting. My wounds have healed and my pantry is full and my fight is back. Watch your six Burnaby.
So Bobby's got his mojo back? Does this mean he is going to use his Quatloos membership and come here to send us all packing?

Dope Clock: It has been 125 days since freeman guru Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by bmxninja357 »

one would think there may be a more productive use of ones time than chasing a retired old man who watches grand kids, goes on pub tours, and posts on an internet forum.

publicly threatening an elderly man on the internet gets no points in anyone's book.

now go fight your charge and shut everyone up or admit you ran like a coward because you were wrong. whats it going to be? you did say you would go fight it on your time. its been two years. fight it or your a liar straight up. that means going to do it voluntarily; not waiting until your arrested on something else and waiving it in quietly for a guilty plea.

i once had faith in you rob. but you don't practice what you preach.
care to prove me wrong?

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Of course he's harassing a decrepit old man, he can feel bold without any consequences. Facing his criminal charges in court would require that he actually grow a pair and face significant potential adverse results, jail time. He prefers to stay on the sidelines and encouraging others to take the risks he evades. Rambling on about me in his Facebook page is his limit for bold courageous actions.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by arayder »

If you want to understand Bobby you need to envision your no-good 10 year old nephew. You know, the one that earned a three day suspension from school and is telling his friends he's going to go back to school and use the secret information he has learned get the principal fired.

Dope Clock: It has been 125 days since freeman guru Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by The Observer »

arayder wrote:So Bobby's got his mojo back?

I interpreted that to mean he got some more money from a new victim.
arayder wrote:Burnaby, the "watch your six" reference is Bobby's attempt at making you think he is going to sneak up on you.
I first thought when I read it without glasses that he was asking to watch Burnaby have sex. Which made sense, given the limited opportunity Menard has probably had in scaring up action for his own love life.
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by arayder »

bmxninja357 wrote:one would think there may be a more productive use of ones time than chasing a retired old man who watches grand kids, goes on pub tours, and posts on an internet forum.

publicly threatening an elderly man on the internet gets no points in anyone's book.

now go fight your charge and shut everyone up or admit you ran like a coward because you were wrong. whats it going to be? you did say you would go fight it on your time. its been two years. fight it or your a liar straight up. that means going to do it voluntarily; not waiting until your arrested on something else and waiving it in quietly for a guilty plea.

i once had faith in you rob. but you don't practice what you preach.
care to prove me wrong?

The fragile egos of narcissists preclude them from doing anything real. Down deep they are convinced they aren’t up to the task.

Menard’s decades long history of self-promotion with no follow through suggests that his latest Facebook fantasy promising a resurgence and payback is just another empty narcissistic brag. He's not going back to face the charges in Ontario, either.

One should not feel too bad at having been duped by Menard. He has spent a life time learning to fool others.

Wising up to Phony Bobby is a good thing.

Dope Clock: It has been 126 days since freeman guru Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Actually Ninja, you're just being a tad premature with your comments. A close look at what Rob has been doing since his bunnyrun from the Toronto Court of Queen's Bench shows that he is indeed focused on his trial and has been working hard on preparing his triumphant return to the court.

Rob was charged with impersonating a peace officer. He has argued for years that he is indeed a peace officer under the definition in section 2 of the Criminal Code of Canada and he has, over the years given detailed explanations of why this is correct in law. So why didn't he stand up like a man in the Toronto court and give it his best shot? Only he really knows but, after reviewing the evidence, I have to conclude that he just didn't quite have his best case ready and so he took an informal adjournment to prepare it. How do I arrive at this conclusion? Firstly these three videos;

These videos were prepared after he ran and give a masterful scholarly analysis of why he fits within the Criminal Code's definition of a peace officer. Just look at my signature for a quote from one of them. He even has a whiteboard! Clearly these were prepared as practice runs while he honed his arguments and just tightened up his presentation in general. That's now apparently done and he's ready to go on the legal side of his defense.

But that wasn't enough, he needed evidence in addition to arguments. So that generated the Freedom of Information search that gained him the documents that triggered this discussion. Now Rob, although letting us know that he now had proof that he had been officially designated a peace officer by the Provincial court of British Columbia, did not actually say that he planned to use these as part of his arguments in a return to Toronto. Instead, to lead us off track, he just brayed about how the documents made me look like an idiot. Mission achieved Rob! But as I said in a prior posting, that couldn't be the real reason he went to the trouble and expense of getting the documents. It would be unbearably pathetic if Rob did all that just to mock me. There had to be some other reason. And he gave us a hint as to his real motives! He said that he was just waiting the arrival of further documents from the court.

He told us about receiving the initial tranche of documents on October 12th. Then, on December 7th, he declared that;
Two years of struggle and hardship faced with faith and perseverance whilst haters attacked and defamed me is now paying off. The tide has turned and the seeds are sprouting. My wounds have healed and my pantry is full and my fight is back.
It was just about two years ago that he fled in abject terror from the Toronto court. But now he says he's back in fighting trim, rejuvenated and ready to go. That can only mean one thing. He's got his second batch of documents from the Provincial Court of British Columbia and they've locked up his case for him. As Ninja noted Rob has said that he'd fight the charges in his own time. His triumphant boast on December 7th must mean that that time is right now!

So off you go to Toronto Rob with my best wishes for fair and impartial justice. I just wish I could be there to see it inflicted on you.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

I think you are right, Burnaby. That was his cunning plan right from the beginning. Sure he teased you by suggesting his papers would make your head explode but that was only an aside, a bit of fun if you like, but it wasn't the primary reason behind his latest adventure. No, he has his sights set much higher than a retired anonymous poster on the internet whose drinking habits are only trumped by Rob himself. It is now obvious what he has been up to. He has been getting his ducks in a row and when accomplished he intends to walk into court, face his accusers and kick ass.
I have to hand it to Rob, he sure fooled me. All along I thought he had been behaving like a child and was only doing what he was doing so that he could get a reaction from you. I mean, how pathetic would that be? How wrong I was though. Rob intends to prove to us that he isn't the lily livered coward we all think he is and show us that he is actually a man. A man's man!
How foolish we will look then. Instead of looking down on him, viewing him as a sad washed out has-been who has never managed to achieve anything in life, we will be forced to eat our words and have no choice but to hail him as a hero when we witness him sticking it to the man.
All hail Rob!
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by Burnaby49 »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:I think you are right, Burnaby. That was his cunning plan right from the beginning. Sure he teased you by suggesting his papers would make your head explode but that was only an aside, a bit of fun if you like, but it wasn't the primary reason behind his latest adventure. No, he had his sights set much higher than a retired anonymous poster on the internet whose drinking habits are only trumped by Rob himself. It is now obvious what he has been up to. He has been getting his ducks in a row and when accomplished he intends to walk into court, face his accusers and kick ass.
I have to hand it to Rob, he sure fooled me. All along I thought he had been behaving like a child and was only doing what he was doing so that he could get a reaction from you. I mean, how pathetic would that be? How wrong I was though. Rob intends to prove to us that he isn't the lily livered coward we all think he is and show us that he is actually a man. A man's man!
How foolish we will look then. Instead of looking down on him, viewing him as a sad washed out has-been who has never achieved anything in life, we will be forced to eat our words and have no choice but to hail him as a hero when we witness him sticking it to the man.
All hail Rob!
How dare you post that scurrilous bullshit? I'm a give and take kind of guy but I have to defend myself against that pack of lies you just published. How do you think you can get away with posting clearly libelous material like this?
No, he had his sights set much higher than a retired anonymous poster on the internet whose drinking habits are only trumped by Rob himself.
Trumped by Menard? TRUMPED BY MENARD? Maybe, way back in his salad days when he was young and vigorous and could even occasionally pay for his own beer. Back then, maybe, he might have "trumped" me in a straight out to the death beer parlor hammer-down session. But time overtakes us all and it's taken a rapacious toll on Rob. Just look at his last few videos and compare them to ones taken even a decade ago. He's like Dorian Grey after he destroyed the portrait.

But I've played the long game, pacing myself so I'm just slightly inconvenienced by advancing age. And retirement has given me vastly more time for intensive training. Two hundred and ninety-six pub in five weeks in Britain last summer. Ask PeanutGallery how I did knocking down real ales with him after a full day pubbing before we met and then continuing on until closing time with YiamCross afterwards. Let Rob beat that even if he is a decade and a half younger than me!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Burnaby, I had no idea that you take the coveted title of The Canadian Who Can Drink Most Pints In One Session so seriously. I was not aware that since your retirement you had dedicated so much time, effort and money towards perfecting your skills in that art. I did not realise that your ultimate goal is to bore the shit out of an audience while delivering your drunken acceptance speech when receiving that most prestigious award. I take my hat off to you, sir. With that in mind I will unreservedly retract that part of my post. After all, the last thing I need at this moment is to get embroiled in a lawsuit with a Canadian alcoholic. I have seen plenty of affidavits containing signed postage stamps but I do not think I am in a position at this moment to receive any affidavits bearing beer bottle labels signed by the stain of a white ring from the bottom of a pint glass. So, Burbnaby, I do apologise.
Just one thing though. There is one thing I should point out. You see, you did have an unfair advantage over Rob here. While you have been out partying, spending your retirement money buying drinks for yourself and your friends so that you could develop your drinking ability to that of a professional, Rob's opportunity to put in some practice has been rather limited just lately. The only time Rob can practice is when he can con someone else into buying him a pint.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Bobby's Cave of Hira: Part II

Post by arayder »

The ole dog has ole tricks.

Back in the early 2000's Menard related to his followers the story of, after a period of personal problems, going under a bridge for days with some law books. Bobby's tale is that after a long period of reflection he discovered freemanism.

It would seem the early freemen wannabe's didn't pay any more attention in world history class than they did in civics and didn't realize that Bobby the Plagiarizer had stolen the story of Muhammad in the cave of Hira.

It is important to note that upon emerging from his own Hira Menard proceeded to give his followers nothing more than recycled versions of existing detax/sovcit theory. As we recall for the next few years Menard managed to con the daylights out of gullible wannabe freemen.

It would seem that nearly a decade and a half later and out of tricks Bobby has gone back his revelation story.

Does anyone think that Bobby's second revelation will be any better than the first?

Dope Clock: It has been 126 days since freeman guru Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by Burnaby49 »

And Rob has posted a picture on Facebook purporting to be me which I can't link but you can find it here; ... riends_tab

Along with the comment;
"I just wish I could be there to see it inflicted on you."
Oh, but you will be.
Wanna know where you fucked up royally? In two instances you stated very clearly that you wish to maintain your anonymity in order to avoid being served court documents. You clearly admit to purposely frustrating justice. That wasn't too bright of you. That's one. Two, you invite anyone who wants to get a hold of you to do so through Ron Usher, A FUCKING LAWYER!!! hahahaha That was simply DUMB!

What this means is that I do not need to know your name to effect service upon you, and you admitting to thwarting justice by frustrating service means getting leave of the court for alternative service upon you through Ron should be a breeze. And, since your harassment and other unlawful actions affected me here in Quebec, guess where the action will be filed. Of course, you can simply ignore it, but then I will get a default judgment against you, and then simply have it enforced in BC. You have a federal government pension, don't you? Getting that garnisheed will not be too difficult. To defend against it, you will have to come all the way out here, and fight me in court here.

Your third mistake was to express that you engage in your actions merely for your enjoyment, as a retirement hobby. There goes any claims you may have wished to use claiming you are acting for the public good. You are a sick man, and you take a perverse pleasure out of mocking those whom you consider inferior. You come across as sadistic, cowardly, adolescent, smug and not too bright.

So thank you.
Thank you for admitting twice that you maintain anonymity to avoid liability, hinder service and frustrate justice.
Thank you for inviting service upon you through Ron Usher, a lawyer. And finally, thank you for stating that your purpose is your own entertainment.
See ya soon.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by The Observer »

Well, this is just pathetic. Why would Rob want to pick on a senile, drunken pensioner in his dotage and unable to defend himself? We know we cannot defend himself since Rob has so cleverly pointed out the missteps that Burnaby made in pursuit of the only hobby left to him: getting free entertainment by observing trials in the courtroom. Sure, he could have picked Bingo, shuffleboard or a million other senseless activities that other idle senior citizens pursue since we determined we could no longer trust them at the workplace. But a man's hobby is his castle, surely Rob could understand and respect that? And how could a toothless old codger who can't even protect himself from Rob's vengeance have the ability to hurt Rob? I don't want to jump to conclusions, but it seems that Rob must have left himself open to a few jabs of Burnaby's literary cane and thus deserved getting a few bruises.

And for those who want to argue that drinking beer is really Burnaby's hobby, you need to pay closer attention. Beer-swilling is Burnaby's career, not a hobby. Big difference.
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by Burnaby49 »

As far as I can tell Rob's biggest source of animosity against me isn't anything I've written or said but something that I actually did. I posted the Toronto court documents. These proved that Rob had been arrested for impersonating a peace officer and charged. He'd gone to trial and attended for a while but fled, and that there was an arrest warrant out for him. Up until the point I posted them he'd not said a word about any of this and it was unknown outside of the Toronto court system. He can argue all day on the internet but he couldn't refute the documents.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by LordEd »

Silly question. Say Menard compels you to visit quebec. What exactly is the chaege? Posting evidence that he has an outstanding warrant in Toronto?

Will a court even listen to him?
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:As far as I can tell Rob's biggest source of animosity against me isn't anything I've written or said but something that I actually did. I posted the Toronto court documents. These proved that Rob had been arrested for impersonating a peace officer and charged. He'd gone to trial and attended for a while but fled, and that there was an arrest warrant out for him. Up until the point I posted them he'd not said a word about any of this and it was unknown outside of the Toronto court system. He can argue all day on the internet but he couldn't refute the documents.
Come now, sir, let's be honest. Wasn't it a fact that you posted those documents without waiting an inordinate amount of time so as to deny Rob the freedom to fight and contest this trumped-up conviction at a time and place of his own choosing without having to admit that he ran away from the Toronto court? I am sure Rob sees your premature posting as equivalent to kicking him in the crotch while he was distracted with more important issues like the ninja goat.
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by arayder »

It is Menard's way to threaten a devastating legal action only to later opine that he couldn't get the job done for this or that reason. When Bobby throws out the promise of a project, a new legal action or some similar fantasy he gets the little rush he so desires. It's what he lives for. It's the first beer in a case of Mooseheads. But when the case is emptied Bobby's laying on the kitchen floor in a puddle of his own piss.

Since the early 2000's Menard has written countless laughingly threatening letters, filed a handful of utterly dismissed court documents and has even issued several threats of violence. This may have gotten Bobby a warm feeling in his shorts, but aside from a few forum jref members changing their user names Bobby has accomplished nothing.

Freeman lurkers should note that Bobby's self-promoted return to action is not for the purpose of reviving a project or providing a service to freemen and freewomen. Rather he seeks to settle a personal score.

How utterly narcissistic!

Dope Clock: It has been 126 days since freeman guru Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by wserra »

Burnaby49 wrote:And Rob has posted a picture on Facebook purporting to be me which I can't link but you can find it here; ... riends_tab
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by arayder »

wserra wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:And Rob has posted a picture on Facebook purporting to be me which I can't link but you can find it here; ... riends_tab
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I think you have to log into Facebook to see it.

Let me point out that over the years Menard has time and time again misidentified his debunkers and in so doing held innocent people up to ridicule and left them open to the possible violent reprisals of mentally unhinged freemen. In this case careless Bobby has posted an interview done with Burnaby49 and in so dong has opened Burnaby and anybody who looks like him to harm.

Menard has also attempted to bully innocent people into identifying his debunkers.

We can all thank God that nobody has harmed the people Blabbering Bobby has misidentified and that everyone the Toothless Toot has tried to bully has told him to go screw himself.

One wonders how Bobby would like it if someone decided to lean on Wilfred Leger, his old money man. One might well assume that, like so many of Menard's former associates, Leger has become disenchanted with Bobby's ways and might be willing to talk about his dealings with him.

You game, Bobby?

Dope Clock: It has been 126 days since freeman guru Robert Menard promised to bring legal actions to secure precedent setting judgments. So far there is no documentation of a single legal action by Menard.
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Re: Robert Menard - Court-Sanctioned Peace Officer!

Post by LordEd »

Doesnt half the Freeman community already know what Burnaby looks like from him sitting in person in court cases?

Where's the beer?