Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by arayder »

In western democracies there is a danger that governments and courts will exceed their jurisdiction and authority.

The answer to that problem comes in knowing the limit of the government's authority and holding that estate to that limit, not in denying the government any authority through absurd and fantastic legal theories.

Freemen gurus tell their followers that they have been tricked into the jurisdiction of the courts and that they can work their way out of that jurisdiction through an application of freeman legal practices. When these freeman law practices don't work the subculture shouts treason and tyranny. But the fact is the courts usually act well within their authority.

Constitutions and charters of the western democracies have given governments broad authority to regulate many aspects of life. This line of authority can be traced back through enabling legislation and the clauses (sometimes elastic in nature) of the respective chapters or constitutions.

That being the reality the only workable courses for freemen and their gurus, as I see them, are intense political/legal action and or society changing revolution. Both courses are well beyond the capabilities of the uneducated, booze and weed addled, aging, often ill members of freemanary's guru class.

Lest the gurus read this and opine that society is hidebound, let me point out that in the last 100 plus years the western world has rejected racism, sexism, classism and countless other ills of of the 19th century.

My suggestion to freemen gurus is that they read some real history and law. . . cut back on the brews. . . brush their teeth. . and get a good night's sleep.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten »

But you don't understand... Scott Duncan changed people's lives. He made them free. Now, they don't pay taxes and they get their things seized. :sarcasmon:


Now, they will teach the good news to all the gullible.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by arayder »

coffeekitten wrote:But you don't understand... Scott Duncan changed people's lives. He made them free. Now, they don't pay taxes and they get their things seized. :sarcasmon:


Now, they will teach the good news to all the gullible.
Duncan is no plain speaker. He talks in circles so as to make himself look smart to rank and file tenderizers.

In real life it's about building one's wealth rather than being "your own bank". Frankly, I wouldn't let Duncan or Daoust be my bank, handle my money or give me tax advice. One good way to lose your wealth is to file an illegal tax return.

I have a "bank" in my own safe. My checking account is free. I don't owe anything in a house or car payment. I have money invested that generates income and adds to my wealth. So what do I need Scotty for?
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

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arayder wrote:So what do I need Scotty for?
To free you from all of those other laws that you have been obeying slavishly all these years - like traffic laws, building codes, business contracts, voting laws, securities and investment laws, health and safety codes, travel regulations, etc. After all, don't you want to be free?
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten »

The Observer wrote:
arayder wrote:So what do I need Scotty for?
To free you from all of those other laws that you have been obeying slavishly all these years - like traffic laws, building codes, business contracts, voting laws, securities and investment laws, health and safety codes, travel regulations, etc. After all, don't you want to be free?
But he's not a freeman on the land: he wants to respect the law. He just doesn't pay his taxes and his tickets. Well, true, it's against the law, but... it's not like gurus need to make sense.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

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coffeekitten wrote:But he's not a freeman on the land: he wants to respect the law.
But I am willing to bet that if some law dictates that Scott owes money because of something that he did or didn't do, he will suddenly find a reason why that law should not be respected. This is not about some lofty principle but about Scott's need to avoid paying for a legal obligation.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by wserra »

arayder wrote:So what do I need Scotty for?
To beam you up, of course.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by arayder »

People across the globe suffering under oppressive governments long to emigrate to Canada and the United States where they may freely participate in society. They aren't stopped by oceans, a new language, prejudice, poverty or the need to build new skills.

Yet the gurus tell their followers that participation in free societies and adhering to their laws makes them slaves. The sad reality is that the gurus and their followers are stopped in their tracks by traffic tickets, taxes and routine governmental regulations.

I'd love to see the gurus try to make their way in Syria, Somali or North Korea.

I think it all boils down to the simple reality that the gurus and their followers have convinced themselves that their inability to successfully participate in society is a result of government oppression and not their own incompetence. They're like the poor skating, bad stick handling kid who convinces himself he was cut from the hockey team because the coach didn't want him to make the other kids look bad.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by The Observer »

arayder wrote:They're like the poor skating, bad stick handling kid who convinces himself he was cut from the hockey team because the coach didn't want him to make the other kids look bad.
Except we can find many examples of people who make lameass excuses for why they have not succeeded in their lives who never go down the road that the sovrun/freeman gurus or followers have taken. So it has to be something more than just that condition to explain the likes of sovrunhood.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by arayder »

The Observer wrote:
arayder wrote:They're like the poor skating, bad stick handling kid who convinces himself he was cut from the hockey team because the coach didn't want him to make the other kids look bad.
Except we can find many examples of people who make lameass excuses for why they have not succeeded in their lives who never go down the road that the sovrun/freeman gurus or followers have taken. So it has to be something more than just that condition to explain the likes of sovrunhood.
I think the sovrunhood excuse is just one of the many excuses one might pick.

It has the added attraction of convincing the sovcit/freeman/tenderizer that it took the ranks of the powers that be to hold them down. There is also a community of like believers the excuse maker can join.

And like somebody adding accessories to an outfit the excuse maker can add in a little anti-Semitism in the form of blaming Jewish bankers. I recall a group of detaxers who believed (probably still do) that the halls of power are populated by shape shifting lizards who were/are mining the earth for various resources.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by coffeekitten »


Pete Daoust is offended because he got no answer from his 7 notices of fraud, and of his 3 notices of claim. So, he registered a legal privilege to seize the Canada Revenue Agency (you read it right :lol: ), because if the CRA may seize you, you may seize the CRA. Well, that's what Daoust said. :roll: So, now, he's pissed that the RPDRM blocked his legal privilege. Pete Daoust pretends the RPDRM officer can't block his legal privilege without giving him a reason. And guess what? THAT'S THE PROOF HE'S A SLAVE AND WE LIVE IN A DICTATORSHIP. Maybe it's time to move, Pete, to a better place where your rights will be respected. I would suggest North Korea, or Syria, or even better, Saudi Arabia. You don't need to live in this awful dictatorship that is Quebec, you know.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by notorial dissent »

Poor poor Petey, just gets NO respect, maybe he'll go off and pout for a while now.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:Poor poor Petey, just gets NO respect, maybe he'll go off and pout for a while now.
Yeah, Petey's done such a wonderful job of keeping his home intact and and his family's head above water it figures he'd have no trouble sending the government into a tailspin with a couple of notices and claims.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by notorial dissent »

Comes to mind to wonder if whoever was the lucky recipient of his demands has a general file for all the nutcase mail, bet he's got lots in there.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:Comes to mind to wonder if whoever was the lucky recipient of his demands has a general file for all the nutcase mail, bet he's got lots in there.
The guru class pretends they are making change in society. They form little internet study groups and create legal advice businesses where they promise to get freemen, sovcits, and tenderizers out of traffic tickets, avoid taxes and access the riches they fantasize are contained in secret government accounts.

The truth is their notices and claims go in the circular file. The reality is that fees sent to their legal advice businesses are wasted. The truth is the poor fools who follow their advice are routinely fined and or jailed.

It's one thing to play Dungeons and Dragons and quite another to claim you can teach a minion to kill fire breathing dragons.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by notorial dissent »

Just LARPing of a particular useless and unbeneficial kind.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by bmxninja357 »

arayder wrote: It's one thing to play Dungeons and Dragons and quite another to claim you can teach a minion to kill fire breathing dragons.
I think you mean dunces and dragons.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by GlimDropper »

We need an old style pencil and paper RPG based on Sovcit/Freeman bargle:
Game Master: The courtroom has +3 fringes of admiralty, make your saving throw against jurisdiction.

Freeman Fred: I refuse to acknowledge the ALL CAPs name.

Sov Stew: Tell the Judge that you're a legal idiot.

GM: I think he knows that already. (consults a hit chart) Refuting the strawman offsets the +3 fringe so you'll only need to roll a 12.

FF: (rolls 20 sided dice) Yea, a 15, no jurisdiction.

GM: (throws percentile dice behind the screen) The Judge is lawless and continues to claim jurisdiction.

SS: We were expecting this, I file my writ of Quo warranto.

GM: (rolls dice) He saved for half damage but he's starting to look worried.

FF: I hit him with a Notice of Mistake.

GM: Roll it.

FF: YES, a 20. Double damage.

GM: The Judge flees the court.

SS: Quick Fred, declare the case dismissed with prejudice.
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by arayder »

What's not a fantasy is the harm done to children and families. The wannabes throw away their fortunes and futures leaving their families in ruin. Wives leave. Children who should enjoy secure upbringings are thrust into lives of insecurity and turmoil.

I say the guru class is to blame for these tragedies. Dean Clifford, Bobby Menard, Karl Lentz, Peter of England and Scott Duncan have sent countless gullible wannabes to ruin over the things the rest of us deal with every day. . .traffic tickets, mortgage payments, credit card charges and local tax bills.

I say shame on the gurus!
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Re: Scott Duncan strikes back in Quebec

Post by The Observer »

GlimDropper wrote:We need an old style pencil and paper RPG based on Sovcit/Freeman bargle:
But if I was GMing that, it would go more like this to be a true simulation:
Game Master: The courtroom has +3 fringes of admiralty, make your saving throw against jurisdiction.

Freeman Fred: I refuse to acknowledge the ALL CAPs name.

Sov Stew: Tell the Judge that you're a legal idiot.

GM: I think he knows that already. (consults a hit chart) Refuting the strawman offsets the +3 fringe so you'll only need to roll a 12.

FF: (rolls 20 sided dice) Yea, a 15, no jurisdiction.

GM: (throws percentile dice behind the screen) The Judge is lawless and continues to claim jurisdiction.

SS: We were expecting this, I file my writ of Quo warranto.

GM: (rolls dice) He saved for no damage. And he is still being lawless; he has instructed the court clerk to not enter your filings into the docket without his permission.

FF: I submit an Order for him to recuse himself from the bench.

GM: Roll it.

FF: YES, a 20. Double damage.

GM: The Judge looks totally unharmed and orders you to sit down and to not interrupt the proceeding anymore.

SS: Quick Fred, declare that this is a court operating outside common law!.

FF: Rolling for my declaration...

GM: No need, the bailiff is attempting to restrain you, he rolled a hit. You are now being frog-marched to a cell.
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