Whom is first for free room and board 2017!

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Re: Whom is first for free room and board 2017!

Post by eric »

arayder wrote:
bmxninja357 wrote:luke is a nice guy and never seems to go full retard. he does try things but not enough to merit real trouble. nothing you cant buy your way out of anyway. (that i have seen anyway) cant say a bad word about him really. i think there may be a reason you dont see the gurus around him. he is to smart to get taken for too much of a ride.
If you say he's good guy, I believe you.
But I get the idea he didn't have too much skin in the game. My guess is he has always had his arse covered.
So what's with the licence plate episode at 56:20? Members at the gathering start to place some sort of "alternate" plate on the rear of a car and then change their mind and put it on the front "for better light". In Alberta the field is pretty wide open what I can put on the front of my truck but an alternative rear plate is breaking the law. Am I just being suspicious or was somebody just acting the freeman part?
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Re: Whom is first for free room and board 2017!

Post by bmxninja357 »

luke runs a car dealership or some such so he has dealer plates. or did at the time anyway. and back then many of us were trying new things. well, new to the canadians anyway. when i attended there i did see a few odd plates. how it turned out for everyone i can only speculate.

i never went down that path too far as my house, car and job are all based on me having a license in good standing. the risk/reward didn't pass the test.

however i would like to think they did change a law just for me. i started bitching that i had to have an address on my license. it wasn't law, it was policy. i live in a motorhome so any address i put on my license is in essence a lie. but they would sooner the lie i guess as they quickly re wrote the law itself to say you must have an address on your license. and yes i still think its wrong. perhaps central alberta where i spend most of my time would be more accurate. i have had arguments with cops over living in my motorhome and having an address from a different area.

i think luke seeks more for justice in law than most. he dosent just run around spouting bullshit telling folks what they want to hear to turn a profit. he dosent need the money like the gurus. and i think him more likely to to give good advice for free or at his own cost than take money from disenfranchised people grabbing at straws like most opca types.

just my opinion,
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Re: Whom is first for free room and board 2017!

Post by arayder »

bmxninja357 wrote:i think luke seeks more for justice in law than most. he dosent just run around spouting bullshit telling folks what they want to hear to turn a profit. he dosent need the money like the gurus. and i think him more likely to to give good advice for free or at his own cost than take money from disenfranchised people grabbing at straws like most opca types.
The story Luke told at the end of the video was disconcerting since it related a terrible case of police abuse of power.

However, there is the frequent phenomenon of freemen getting together and telling tall tales about encounters with the police. The tale usually includes the teller verbally challenging and eventually discombobulating the cops with their brilliance. It won't do for the freeman to say he got a mere warning from a cortious traffic cop while he sat there tongue tied.

I hope this isn't the case with Luke's story.

The thing the group did do was pass around a fair amount of misinformation especially about banks and money.