Mary Croft is Back!

Moderator: Burnaby49

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Mary Croft is Back!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Mary Croft is back in action! Doing something, but I'm not sure what. Mary was, for years, a leading Canadian guru. Then, in 2014, she apparently burned her bridges and disappeared. The last time we reported on Mary we reviewed a scheme she was working on where she wanted her followers to cough up $30US each for a letter. She didn't say what was in it or who it was to be sent too. The purpose of the letter was also obscure but seemed to be related to extinguishing debt. As I said at the time;
Apparently if enough people do this it will shatter the powers-that-be and make all your debts disappear, or something. She wants 10,000 of us Canadians to buy-in before the end of October. That's $330,000, a fair piece of change for somebody that actually doesn't want it.
Then, when she seemed to have collected what she could, she apparently took the money and ran;
This appears to be exactly the case. Mary seems to have taken the money and run. After six years of blather and bombast Mary Croft's website is now dead;

It's now nothing but a web hosting blanket page. Probably means somebody didn't pay the bills. But it's well represented on so I guess Mary is not entirely lost to the ages...
Leaving behind disillusioned followers;
Re: The Answer just $30 Canadian
by fusion » Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:46 pm

everything that has happened in the last few months on that site, and the site being taken down is probably intentional. She knew she was not going to renew her website to keep it up there months in advance and came up with this little scheme of ''Get it now before its too late'' - to fill her pockets from those with unconditional love and trust and all that shite. corrupts..even when we know its worth nothing. And Mary Croft is indeed a ''cash confiscator'' the same as what she has written about in her book. But some people will still believe she is decent and honest, and these people deserve to be ripped off if they cant see WTF is going on right in front of their faces.

I judge people by what they do, the actions they take, not the words that they speak. Otherwise you have people saying "You can trust me, I wrote a book free of charge, im not ripping anyone off'' whilst shoving handfuls of bank notes in their back pockets that they are stealing from you at the same time- through their concocted schemes. No better than Bankers.
A year later Ninja asked;
bmxninja357 wrote:

Anything new from Mary or is she still hiding?

And all that I could reply was;
As far as I can tell she's disappeared without a trace.

And that's where things stood until last week when I found a trace. I ran across her while I was doing some research on the Steinkeys, some Canadian Poriskyite tax evaders I've written up here;


Briefly they went on trial for income tax evasion and eventually pled guilty. Both got conditional sentences and fines. Then they decided that they wanted to renounce their guilty pleas. They'd retained Glenn Bogue, a sovereign-type lawyer and they took their grievance to the Federal Court of Canada where it is currently in the process of being tossed out. As part of my research on them I found this legal notice; ... ey-robert/
Steinkey, Robert
Published 2016-09-19 19:13 UTC

Take notice that I, Stienkey, Robert, unincorporated private-subject of the Queen's Highness, Elizabeth the Second, Supreme Governor of this Her Realm the Dominion of Canada, am the grantee, and heir/beneficiary by nature and characteristic for absolute estate of all equitable and legal right, title and interest in/to/for the Estate of “ROBERT STIENKEY” ab initio February 7, 1956, CERTIFICATE No.1956-07-002823 and authenticated Registration of a Live Birth No. 07-002823. Any adverse claimants who have an interest in said Estate or claim a prior, equal or superior equitable or legal right, title or interest in said Estate capable to confuse, suspend or clog same are HEREBY ORDERED to present upon Oath or Affirmation their adverse interest to Agent C/O 10113 93 Avenue, Grande Prairie, Alberta [T8V 0J9] before the expiration of thirty (30) days of first publication, namely by October Nineteenth Two Thousand and Sixteen, or BE IT RESOLVED, that the legal and equitable rights, titles and interests are wholly, totally and completely the sole superior domain of Stienkey, Robert of Grande Prairie, Alberta, good against all the world.

Claims due by 2016-10-19
Location Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada
Location 2 Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
I have no idea what this means or what it is supposed to achieve but I'm assuming it is in some way related to Bernie Yankson's court attempt (which I attended) to get the Supreme Court of British Columbia to force the government of Canada to cough up his daughter's birth bond and his estate since he was dead. You can read it all here;


NoticeConnect is an entirely legitimate legal notice website trying to take the legal notification business away from print media by providing a cheaper service online;.
Legal notices made easy

NoticeConnect is a platform for individuals and businesses to post legal notices online.
As traditional newspaper readership declines, print advertisements are reaching fewer people. These ads can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars. Conversely, publishing a legal notice on NoticeConnect is simple, wide-reaching, and costs only $112 plus tax.
I thought that whatever the Steinkeys were trying with this may have been part of a larger group effort so I went through all of the legal notices on the website to see if I could find any names I recognized. And Mary popped up. She posted this just over a week ago;
Published 2017-01-16 21:41 UTC

PUBLIC NOTICE – MEC January 16, 2017

Take notice that I, a woman called: Mary Elizabeth Croft, a private citizen under grace, at Bighorn county Alberta at Large of the Dominion of Canada, am the grantee and heir/beneficiary by nature and characteristic for absolute estate of all equitable and legal right, title, and interest in/to/for the estate of “CROFT MARY ELIZABETH” ab initio June 14, 1949, ONTARIO BIRTH CERTIFICATE #49-05-042569 and STATEMENT OF BIRTH #9325 (“Estate”). Anyone with an equal, prior, or superior equitable or legal right, title, or interest in said Estate, capable to confuse, suspend, or clog same is HEREBY ORDERED to present, upon Oath or Affirmation, their claim to witness: Catherine Zombori, ℅ #362-1500 14th St. SW, Calgary, Alberta T3C 1C9, within thirty (30) days of this 16th day of January, 2017, publication, or BE IT RESOLVED, that all legal and equitable right, title, and interest in/to/for said Estate shall, in toto, nunc pro tunc, be the sole domain/property of Mary Elizabeth Croft, at Large, good against all the world.

Claims due by 2017-01-15
Location Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Location 2 Canmore, Alberta, Canada
Location 3 Roswell, New Mexico, United States

And, just below her notice, I found this;
Published 2017-01-15 17:38 UTC

Take notice that I, a man called: Charles Norman Holmes, a private citizen under grace, at the county of Westminster of British Columbia at Large of the Dominion of Canada, am the grantee, and heir/beneficiary by nature and characteristic for absolute estate of all equitable and legal right, title and interest in/to/for the estate of “HOLMES CHARLES NORMAN” ab initio April 4, 1963, MANITOBA CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH # 1963-06-006025 and OFFICIAL NOTICE OF LIVE BIRTH # 2108 (“the Estate”). Anyone with an equal, prior or superior equitable or legal right, title or interest in said Estate capable to confuse, suspend or clog same are HEREBY ORDERED to present upon Oath or Affirmation their claim to witness: Rodger Andreas Schoeber, c/o C30 20837 Louie Crescent Langley, British Columbia (V1M 3H7) within thirty (30) days of this the 15th day of January, 2017, publication, or BE IT RESOLVED, that all legal and equitable right title and interest in/to/for said Estate shall in toto, nunc pro tunc, be the sole domain/property of I, Charles Norman Holmes, at Large, good against all the world.

Claims due by 2017-01-15
Location Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Location 2 Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Holmes is an old acquaintance who also went to court to try and get the government to cough up his birth bond and I was there to record it;


So something is stirring and Mary is involved, maybe even leading it. But I don't know what it's all about. Regardless of the motivation she seems to have finally come out of hibernation after her ignominious scamper in late 2014. I'd though she was gone for good. However she's on shaky ground relying on Catherine Zombori to handle things for her. Catherine has had her legal problems in the past as we've recorded here;


and here;

R. v. Zombori
2013 BCSC 2461

If you want an historical background you can read more about Mary here;

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: Mary Croft is Back!

Post by notorial dissent »

So do you think Croft is really fronting this, or is she just another one of the suckers pulled in to it. Just because she played at being a guru for a while doesn't mean she isn't dumb enough to fall for someone else's bilge.

That strikes me as a template I've seen somewhere else, and can't remember where now.
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Re: Mary Croft is Back!

Post by eric »

notorial dissent wrote:
That strikes me as a template I've seen somewhere else, and can't remember where now.
I've found a few more surprisingly similar ones to these and on the latest Yankson thread with their "Notice Under The Uniform International Trust Act". I'm not sure who produced the template and have searched in vain. It's definitely something pulled from a US sovereign citizen type by my best guess.
notorial dissent
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Re: Mary Croft is Back!

Post by notorial dissent »

As i think about it, it comes to mind that it might be either some Moorish nonsense, or something they co-opted, as I think I remember it in either one of the GA or FL land grab cases, since most of their stuff seems to be pretty much a mish mosh of sovict nonsense.
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Re: Mary Croft is Back!

Post by bmxninja357 »

any new stuff on "mary croft wallet raider"?

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
notorial dissent
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Re: Mary Croft is Back!

Post by notorial dissent »

Last I heard, she threw a class A hissy snit fit and loudly proclaimed she was going to take her marbles and go, who knows where, because no one appreciated her wisdom and properly cowtowed to her magnificence, and apparently she meant it. I guess sometimes they actually are true to their word. :snicker:
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.