Alexander Dorman - Keep away from his DNA!

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Alexander Dorman - Keep away from his DNA!

Post by Burnaby49 »

If you don't it's going to cost you. Life imprisonment without bail and 10,000 ounces of 99.99% pure gold. Alexander has produced the most impressive fee schedule I've ever seen, one of the most colourful too!

The story starts (at least starts for me) with this entry in the Federal Court of Canada registry;
Statement of Claim and 2 copies filed on 06-JAN-2017 Tariff other action - $150.00
The name of the action is;


So, the obvious question, who is Alexander Dorman and who is Jodie Werier? I googled both. This is Werier;
The Honourable Judge Jodie Werier

The Honourable Judge Jodie Werier works as Provincial Court Judge for Family, Youth, Small Claims & Traffic.

The Honourable Judge Jodie can be reached at 604 660-8377
So Dorman, whoever he is, was suing a judge. Not much on Dorman on the net. However he has participated on World Freeman Society in the past. This from three years ago;
Hey all,

I would like to meet up if at all possible. I'm in Vancouver myself and need to get my Notice Witnessed since Notaries won't touch it.

Maybe we could help each other out.

Baraka Bashad
David-Alexander: Dorman ... -vancouver

When the British Columbia notaries refuse to witness a document it generally means we have a live one. So I obtained a copy of Dorman's Statement of Claim from the Federal Court. An interesting read;

1. i claim i am an idiot to legalese and the custom(s) of the legal society;
2. i claim i am not a legal person and or attorney;
3. i claim i am not a member of the 'B.A.R' association, therefore i cannot be a member in good standing;
4. i claim Defendant(s) owe me property [ $2,505,600.00 ];
5. i claim the wrong(s) of trespass [past due debt(s); ];
• see exhibit(s):
A ['Registration Document' ('Record of Live Birth')],
o B [the order],
o C ['Bill' and 'Bill of Particulars'],
o D [proof of purchase (registered mail# RN188615021CA) & certificate of delivery],
o E [notice: 'Default' & receipt],
o F [notice of 'Bad-Faith' & change of venue [PUBLIC] (Notarized and Authenticated) & receipt]
6. i demand: compensation for all costs relating to court and or service(s) thereof;
7. i demand and require my property [ $ 2,505,600.00 ];
8. i claim nothing herein has ability to negate any of my claim;
9. i demand: expunge and delete any and all record(s) against i, retroactively from the beginning, entirely;
The plaintiff proposes that this action be tried at Vancouver, British Columbia.

Dated this 6 date of Jan, 2017

Alexander Dorman
604-665-2391 ... _Claim.pdf

This is The Gathering Place that he uses as a mail drop;
Gathering Place Community Centre

The Gathering Place Community Centre offers programs and services to the Downtown South community. We primarily serve vulnerable populations, including people on lower income, people with disabilities, seniors, people of diverse ethnic backgrounds, the LGBTQ community, youth, and people who are homeless.

We provide accessible and engaging programs with a focus on food and nutrition, health, education, recreation, arts and culture, and community development. ... entre.aspx

So we have a plaintiff who's mailing address is a Vancouver community center suing a Provincial Court judge for trespass. Time to check out if Dorman has had any criminal proceedings. And he does. From BC Courts Online
Offense Date - 18 Jul 2016
CCC - 129(a) wilfully resisting or obstructing a peace officer
He had four hearings at the Downtown Community Court which ended up with the Crown entering a stay of proceedings. Only other piece of information is that Dorman was born in 1975 making him now 41.

As readers know I've had a lot of experience sitting in Vancouver Courts but I'd not even heard of the Downtown Community Court. So time to hit the internet again.
Vancouver's Downtown Community Court

As the first of its kind in Canada, Vancouver's Downtown Community Court pioneered the innovative approach that brings together justice, health and social services in one location – a purpose-designed courthouse.

· A high number of offenders in downtown Vancouver have health and social problems, including alcoholism, drug addiction, mental illness, homelessness and poverty. The court takes a problem-solving approach to address offenders' needs and circumstances and the underlying causes of their criminal behaviour.
· The community court creates new relationships, both within the justice system and with health and social services, community organizations, area residents, merchants, faith communities, non-profit organizations and schools.
· The community court tests new ways to reduce crime and improve public safety. It deals with offenders more quickly through a co-ordinated and informed response, benefiting not only offenders but victims and the wider community as well. ... nity-court

The court doesn't hold hearings in either of the two Vancouver Provincial Court courthouses I'm familiar with. It has it's own courthouse at 211 Gore Avenue in Vancouver's rapidly gentrifying Skid Row. It's right across the street from the Sunrise Market, a Vancouver institution that I frequent. But I'd never noticed it.

So an assumption, Dorman is suing the judge that heard his case notwithstanding that he had his charges dropped. Given the court in which his case was heard and his use of a community center for his mail I'm also assuming he's indigent even though he managed to pony up the $150 Federal Court filing fee. Anything else?

Indeed there is. I managed to get copies of some documents he produced in 2012 and 2013 which I assume are the Notices he said he needed witnessed because "Notaries won't touch it". Take a look at these babies! Two of the most comprehensive Notices of Understanding and Intent And Claim of Right I've seen; ... R+2012.pdf ... R_2013.pdf

Red thumbprints! Hopefully not blood! Full fingerprint sets! Ladybug postage stamps! I'm assuming he used those stamps because they are one cent stamps. No need to squander money when a penny does the job as well as a dollar.

This is what he wants in the 2012 Notice. I'm not correcting cut and paste errors;

Furthermore. I claim that notice to Principal or notice to Agent is notice to the other.

Furthennore. I claim all my inalienable and inherent rights without limitation.

Furthermore, I claim that these rights cannot be given and/or surrendered and/or revoked and/or confiscated and/or taken and/or otherwise removed by any means.

Furthermore, I claim the right to commit absolutely any action and/or omission and/or other. Without justification, of which does not purposely and/or intentionally violate the inalienable rights of another living being without diat living beings unencumbered and free consent, unless I deem it otherwise necessary.

Fllrthcrmore, I claim the right to deny consent to any and all contracts or other union forms under any Act. Statute, or other regulation and it cannot be inferred by act or omission that I have consented. Either directly or indirectly, in any way.

Furthermore, 1 cloim t he right to not understand. or stand-under. any statement and/or claim and/or other made by any government principal and/or agent and/or other legal fiction under any Act, Statute. or other regulation and it cannot be inferred by act or omission that I have consented. eilher directly or indirectly. in anyway.

Furthermore, I claim that any government principals and/or agents acting outside of and/or making inferences outside of Common Law jurisdiction are breaking the law.

Furthermore. I claim that those acting as legal fiction can not deny and/or refuse a living being. however. a living being can deny and/or refuse those acting as legal fiction.

Furthennore, I claim my SCHEDULE. by the rules set within it, for any transgressions by peace officers, government principals or agents.justice system participants. agents of the medical profession, or any other parties who trespass upon and thus unlawfully hinder My Peaceful Seit: as defined in attached Schedule A.

Furthermore. I claim the right to use a Notary Public. without requirement and/or obligation to have and/or hold and/or keep government issued identification, to conduct due process of the aforementioned SCHEDULE against any transgressors who by their actions or omissions harm me or my interests, directly or by proxy in any way.

Furthermore, I claim the right that any action against My Self is required and obligated to be held with in a properly convened open access court de jure with a jury of my peers and recorded by way of video and/or other recording, at my sole discretion, for whatever purpose and/or purposes I see fit.

Furthermore, I claim the right to use any public and/or public funded, property, service, utility and/or other without having to pay.

Furthermore, I claim that all property held by My Self is held under claim of right as allodial.

Furthermore, l claim the right to enjoy the use of my property without having to pay.

Furthermore, I claim the right to refuse joinder with the amended legal fiction/person DAVID ALEXANDER DORMAN and all derivative spel lings thereof. as well as any and all amendments to the aforementioned legal fiction or the amended lineage thereof, and it cannot be inferred that I have accepted joinder, either directly or indirectly, in any way.

Furthermore, l claim the unique identifier# 4: I :F: 14:6:4, case insensitive, that has the power to: rescind and terminate all lawful and legal ownership. contracts and unions to a given subject, placing the aforementioned subject under my claim of right as allodial, with any and all loans, liens or other debt forms remaining with the debtor.

Furthermore, I claim the r ight to rescind and/or void and/or nullify and/or terminate and/or other any and all contracts and/or other union forms, nunc pro tune ab initio. To the maximum extent possible. with any government principals or agents prior to service of notice of this action.

Furthermore, I claim that I am the Director. Administrator and Beneficiary of the aforementioned amended legal fiction/person DAVID ALEXANDER DORMAN and accordingly, it exists for my sole benefit without joinder or consequence to my self or my interests either directly or indirectly in any way.

Furthermore, I claim the right to det'end against any and all unlawful governance and/or regulation by any and all necessary means.

Furthermore. I claim that my Oath and/or Solemn Asseveration before the One True Eternal (aka SUGMAD/GOD). bearing my seal, being my signature/autograph and my fingerprint. is evidence in complete for any purpose in any court. tribunal, and/or other.

Furthermore, I claim that the identity of My Self is forever possible to establish correctly by my Presence as a living, breathing. flesh and blood sovereign human-being together as may be necessari ly sworn attestations ti'om ti'iends, fam ily. and other associates.

Furthennore I claim that th is supersedes any necessity to obtain or ~IT)' any form of external token such as an Identity Card for any lawful purpose of estai>lish ing my true identity for the simple reason that no such token can ever represent the sovereign soul with which I am as a blessed being.

Furthermore, l claim that any and all government principals and/or agents mandates are hereby altered and/or expanded and/or other, as necessary, for my lawful benefit without consequence to my self or my interests either directly or indirectly in any way.

Ftlrthermore I claim that simply due to the fact that I was born in the geographic area known as CANADA I own a share of that corporation.

Affected parties wish ing to dispute the claims made herein are required and obligated to respond appropriately within FOURTEEN (14) consecutive calendar days of service of notice of this action. Responses are required and obligated to be under Oath or attestation, upon full commercial liability, penalty of pe~j ury and registered. by way of registered mail. in the address provided as defined in attached/included Schedule B, no later than fourteen consecutive calendar days from the date of original service as attested to by way of certificate of service.
Some points of interest, at least to me;
Furthermore, I claim the right to use any public and/or public funded, property, service, utility and/or other without having to pay.

Furthermore, l claim the right to enjoy the use of my property without having to pay.
In othe words the usual freeloader philosophy. Screw you Canada but cough up the goodies.

Note the contact address on the 2012 and 2013 documents, Unit 8, 7519 Morrow Road Agassiz. Agassiz is a small community about 60 miles or so to the east of Vancouver. I checked it out on Street view and it is a very pleasant looking townhouse complex. Yet, four years later, his mailing address is a Vancouver Community Center specializing in helping alcoholics, drug addicts, the mentally ill and the homeless and he's getting into squabbles with the Vancouver police. I think it safe to assume that he's had some rough years since 2012.

Apparently his Notices have failed to have the desired effects. I haven't compared the 2012 and 2013 claims in any detail but I did find some new ones in 2013 that might indicate some failures of the 2012 claims.
Furthermore, I claim that my full lawful authorization holds and commands more power and authority than all legal fictions combined as well as the full force and affect of Common Law supporting and upholding inalienable and/or inherent rights, as backed by at least three (3) sovereign people in good standing in Common Law Jurisdiction.
That really ups the ante. I'm guessing that nobody paid attention to his 2012 so he had to beef it up. Then there is this;
Furthermore, I claim that any government principal and/or agent and/or other legal fiction of which have outstanding debt(s) due to myself, such as instruments of a security interest and/or other Fees and/or Penalties and/or other originating from myself either directly or indirectly is/are not authorized for any License(s) and/or permit(s) and/or commission(s) and/or other authorization(s) for any purpose(s) without having settled all debt(s) due to myself first and any and all current License(s) and/or permit(s) and/or commission(s) and/or other authorization(s) is/are immediately suspended and/or terminated without compensation until having settled all debt(s) due to myself first.
I read that to mean that he hit a bunch of government agencies with bills for massive amounts of money owing as a result of the 2012 Notice and they ignored him. So he's tossed this in to shut them down until they pay up. And check out the fee schedule. I can't easily cut and paste it but it is worth a look. Again, while I haven't compared 2012 and 2013 in detail there are some significant changes in 2013 that indicate a failure of transgressing parties to pay up on the basis of the 2012 schedule.

Take for example this one from 2012 for the offense of;
My biological essence and/or seal, or any portion thereof, having been and/or attempted to be forged and/or counterfeited.
The penalty was;
A U.O.C is one troy ounce or 99.99% pure gold.

In 2013 the penalty had been upped to;
And he's serious about demanding those sweet, sweet free government services. From 2012;
My Self being denied and/or refused service by those acting as legal liction. ONE HUNDRED (100) U.O.C. PER TRANSGRESSION AND/OR ONE (I) MONTH IMPRISONMENT PER TRANSGRESSION.
He must have had some difficulties enforcing this one because he changed it in 2013 to;
My Self being denied and/or refused service by those acting as legal liction. ONE HUNDRED (100) U.O.C. PER TRANSGRESSION AND/OR FIVE (5) YEAR(S) lMPRISONMENT PER TRANSGRESSION
And in 2012 he tried to stop anyone from intiating any action against him by banning any mention of himself;
Any communication to and/or about myself OR by any reasonable semblance to any portion of "david-alexander :dorman". ONE HUNDRED (100) U.O.C. PER TRANSGRESSION AND :ONE (I) U.0 .C. PER PRINTED/WRITTEN CHARACTER AND/OR OTHER SYMBOL
But in 2013 he felt the need to rewrite this. I assume as a result of some action or another he was facing;
Any communication, less by the terms set forth within this document and/or its included/attached document(s), sent to and/or about myself either directly or indirectly in any way.

He seems to have had an issue with forced medication.
My Self forced to undergo any ingestion of energies or substances forced onto or into my body, whether under the guise of medication or not ONE THOUSAND (1.000) U.O.C. PER HOUR AND LIFE IMPRISONMENT WITHOUT THE POSSIBILITY OFPAROLE PER TRANSGRESSION
And there is this oddity from 2013 not included in 2012;
My pets and/or animals and/or other living beings deaths, resulting directly or indirectly, due to action or omission of government principal(s) and/or agent(s) TEN THOUSAND (10,000) U.O.C. PER TRANSGRESSION AND LIFE IMPRISONMENT WITHOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF PAROLE PER TRANSGRESSION
He ended the 2013 list with this one which, effectively gives him control of Canada through his own interpretation of what constitutes a transgression;
That baby had been upped from the 2012 penalty of one hundred U.O.C.'s per transgression and five years imprisonment with the possibility of parole. He seems to have had a frustrating year between the 2012 and the 2013 documents.

However he stands a chance of winning his case against the judge! The Crown apparently screwed up and hasn't filed a response in time. From the Federal court registry;
Letter from Applicant dated 01-FEB-2017 asking that no further stops be taken against the defendant through some miscommunication between the plaintiff and Registry staff. Particularily that no steps be permitted with respect to default judgment before the expiration of the 30 day period in which they are obliged to respond...inter alia. received on 01-FEB-2017
One little problem Alexander faces in getting a default judgment. None of his Statement of Claim falls within the jurisdiction of the Federal court of Canada. So, even without a response from the Crown, the court will strike it for lack of jurisdiction. Nice try though.
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Re: Alexander Dorman - Keep away from his DNA!

Post by The Observer »

Ok I spotted why Dorman failed:
1. i claim i am an idiot to legalese and the custom(s) of the legal society;
If he had stopped at the word "idiot" and put a period there and left everything else off, he would have had a much more concise and correct document that was believable.
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Re: Alexander Dorman - Keep away from his DNA!

Post by bmxninja357 »

is he the first to claim he is an idiot (on legal docs i mean)? i only recall him and dean clifford claiming to be idiots. could this be where dean got the idea? i know its obvious and correct that both are idiots and it was nice for the purpose of mutual understanding between them and the courts, but it seems awful specific. where did they come up with this? one of the problems with being an idiot is you are often the last one to know so this is very odd and very specific.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Alexander Dorman - Keep away from his DNA!

Post by Burnaby49 »

bmxninja357 wrote:is he the first to claim he is an idiot (on legal docs i mean)? i only recall him and dean clifford claiming to be idiots. could this be where dean got the idea? i know its obvious and correct that both are idiots and it was nice for the purpose of mutual understanding between them and the courts, but it seems awful specific. where did they come up with this? one of the problems with being an idiot is you are often the last one to know so this is very odd and very specific.

I've seen this before, in fact I'm sure I've posted on it but I can't recall the discussion. I think it's American. It obviously doesn't mean idiot in the sense of proclaiming himself mentally defective although the rest of the document, and Dorman's overall behaviour, proves that for him without him having to explicitly state it.

I assume it just means ignorant of law so he can make it up himself.
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Re: Alexander Dorman - Keep away from his DNA!

Post by bmxninja357 »

i just cant see these two coming up with this Independently. im wondering its source.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Alexander Dorman - Keep away from his DNA!

Post by GlimDropper »

Karl Lentz is pretty big into being an idiot, natural talent for it really. I don't know who was an idiot first or who learned to be an idiot from whom but it is a refreshing burst of honesty from the guru gang.
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Re: Alexander Dorman - Keep away from his DNA!

Post by bmxninja357 »

one of the bundys also claimed to be an idiot. there has to be a history on it somewhere.

whoever said laughter is the best medicine never had gonorrhea....
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Re: Alexander Dorman - Keep away from his DNA!

Post by Jeffrey »

It was invented by Karl Lentz, who shared it with Dean Clifford and others in Canada. Ryan Bundy got it from a woman who got it from Karl Lentz. All explained in the Lentz thread.
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Re: Alexander Dorman - Keep away from his DNA!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I've seen phrases along the lines of "being an idiot to legalese"; but usually it's stated somewhat more elegantly, such as "I am not learned in the law". It's a clear attempt to try to sweet-talk the court into allowing this legal garbage into court based on the liberalized pleading standards for pro se parties.
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Re: Alexander Dorman - Keep away from his DNA!

Post by notorial dissent »

The Observer wrote:Ok I spotted why Dorman failed:
1. i claim i am an idiot to legalese and the custom(s) of the legal society;
If he had stopped at the word "idiot" and put a period there and left everything else off, he would have had a much more concise and correct document that was believable.
I concur. That statement alone pretty well sums it all up.

I agree with that sounds like a bit of Lentz legal genius, can't remember where he last trotted it out, but am pretty sure that is one of his contributions to sovrun ignorance.
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Re: Alexander Dorman - Keep away from his DNA!

Post by Jeffrey »

Just to elaborate. Dorman's statement of claim was filed 2017.

Lentz promoted the use of the idiot argument around 2013 in his lawsuit against Alabama DHR:

Lentz' argument basically uses the archaic meaning of the word idiot, aka a mentally handicapped person, and the fact that the mentally ill cannot be held criminally liable for their actions. Working backwards from there, he believes that merely by calling yourself an idiot, you are therefore immune from all of society's laws.

It can also be rephrased as, "I don't comprehend the law, therefore it does not apply to me". Which is literally pleading ignorance as a defense, which I've always found fascinating because even sovcits love the maxim, "ignorance of the law is no excuse".
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Re: Alexander Dorman - Keep away from his DNA!

Post by notorial dissent »

Lentz is another of the crowd that doesn't like it that words can have more than one meaning, particularly other than the one he wants it to.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Alexander Dorman - Keep away from his DNA!

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

I vividly recall having seen something very similar to this in a very long, handwritten (block lettering, all-caps, in pencil) screed from a jailed, chronically homeless individual who apparently had threatened a judge a few times too many. This was around the turn of the century and I cannot find the source but I remember it clearly because it had been scanned into an enormous .jpg file which is on a dead hard-drive in a dead computer still in the garage (somewhere?).

Just one of the similarities is the formulaic structure of the penalties; hours, days, weeks and months of his incarceration were used to base the fines and punishment he laid out for the officers, prosecutor, court personnel and the judge (as well as then-president George W.)

The reality is we, particularly in the U.S., have relegated far too many mentally-ill people to the streets where the police wind up repeatedly running them through the justice system.
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Re: Alexander Dorman - Keep away from his DNA!

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey wrote:It can also be rephrased as, "I don't comprehend the law, therefore it does not apply to me". Which is literally pleading ignorance as a defense, which I've always found fascinating because even sovcits love the maxim, "ignorance of the law is no excuse".
Exactly. Recently freemen and sovcits have embellished the argument by claiming that they don't understand the law because it is written in "legalese". The argument is that this unfairly denies them justice and that being the case they are perfectly justified in declaring the law invalid.

As you allude to, Jeffery, this claimed lack of understanding doesn't seem to stop freeman theorists from combing through centuries of statutes, case law and legal writings for ideas they might cherry pick.
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Re: Alexander Dorman - Keep away from his DNA!

Post by Burnaby49 »

One thing not explained in all the madness is who exactly is supposed to prosecute anyone who violates the Notice, what court their trial will be heard in (I'm assuming trial, the notice seems to imply automatic sentences), and where they will be incarcerated. I know pick, pick, pick. But these little details nag at me.
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Re: Alexander Dorman - Keep away from his DNA!

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote:One thing not explained in all the madness is who exactly is supposed to prosecute anyone who violates the Notice. . .
Well, that's obvious. . . . it's the same folks who are going to drive we Quatloosians to the poor house for using Allen Boisjoli's name.
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Re: Alexander Dorman - Keep away from his DNA!

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Crown says it's not their fault that they didn't reply in time!
We are legal counsel for the Attorney General of British Columbia. In that capacity, we
have been directed to address this action against the defendant, Jodie Werier. In fact,
the defendant is the Honourable Judge Jodie Werier of the Provincial Court of British

The plaintiff is self-represented. That being so, we wish to avoid any confusion with
respe'ct to the correct calculation of the time limit within which we are to respond to this

Technically speaking, the defendant was not personally served in accordance with Rule
128. However, she did receive a copy of the statement of claim on January 13, 2017.
By our calculation, the 30 day period within which we are obliged to respond does not
expire until February 13, 2017. We ask that the court file be marked accordingly to
ensure that no further steps are taken against the defendant through some
miscommunication between the plaintiff and Registry staff. We are particularly
concerned that no steps be permitted with respect to default judgment before the
expiration of the 30 day period. ... Feb_01.pdf
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Alexander Dorman - Keep away from his DNA!

Post by Burnaby49 »

A flurry of activity from the Crown. These have just been posted on the Federal Court recorded entries website;


Notice of Motion contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Defendant in writing to be dealt with in the Vancouver local office for an Order striking the statement of claim with costs; In the alternative, an order extending the time allowed for s/f of D's statement of defence for 30 day from the date of teh (sic) Court's order; costs of $250; such further relief... filed on 06-FEB-2017


Written Representations contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Defendant concerning Motion in writing Doc. No. 2 filed on 06-FEB-2017


Affidavit of Jodie F. Werier sworn on 06-FEB-2017 contained within a Motion Record on behalf of Defendant in support of Motion Doc. No. 2 filed on 06-FEB-2017


Motion Record containing the following original document(s): 2 3 4 Number of copies received: 3 on behalf of Defendant filed on 06-FEB-2017


Affidavit of service of Cindy Ward sworn on 06-FEB-2017 on behalf of Defendant confirming service of Doc 5 upon Plaintiff by courier on 06-FEB-2017 with Exhibits A filed on 06-FEB-2017
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Alexander Dorman - Keep away from his DNA!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Dorman goes down in ignominious defeat. His Statement of Claim was struck without leave to amend and his action dismissed. The court gave two reasons;

1 - The defendant is a sitting judge and Dorman had come before her in court. This was his only interaction with her. So, while the basis of Dorman's lawsuit was never clearly stated, it was obviously as a result of whatever happened at his court hearing. However, as the decision said;
The Defendant enjoys complete immunity from any civil claim based on her judicial function.
So that one was out.

2 - He said that the defendant owed him $2,505,600 but he chose not to tell the Federal Court why she owed him the money. All he said on the matter of the money was this;
4 - i claim Defendant(s) owe me property [ $2,505,600.00 ]

7. i demand and require my property [ $ 2,505,600.00 ];
Nor did he give any evidence to show how the defendant had trespassed against him. Just the claim that she had. So, as the court said, he pled no material facts to support his claims. He had one victory however. The Crown asked for $250 in costs but didn't get it. Maybe Prothonotary Milczynski thought it pointless given Dorman's apparent financial situation. ... missed.pdf
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
Quatloosian Ambassador to the CaliCanadians
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Re: Alexander Dorman - Keep away from his DNA!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Alexander was back in court today. I wasn't aware that he had a hearing, I found out entirely by chance. A lawyer friend was downtown at the Supreme Court of British Columbia attending a Chambers Session. I've written about Chambers Sessions here;


Essentially Chambers is an amalgamated hearing to expedite small stuff that doesn't require an actual trial hearing. Court approval for routine foreclosures, signing off on a negotiated settlement, that kind of thing. A Chambers Session can have a dozen, maybe more, separate hearings in the course of a morning. My friend had no idea that Dorman was up for a hearing. He was there on a different matter, saw Dorman's name on the daily schedule, and emailed me. I would have scurried down to catch it but Alexander was done before I could get down.

So why was he there? Alexander (I'm risking a billion dollar lawsuit by typing his name) was suing the British Columbia Director of the Department of Vital Statistic for the heinous offense of having Alexander's name in the provincial records. In other words he was trying the 'My name is copyright' routine. My friend didn't clearly hear the amount of money Alexander demanded for this gross infringement of his copyright rights but he seemed to recall a billion or so. The Crown was going for summary judgment, also known "flush this turd down the toilet now". A quick definition of summary judgment is;
Summary judgment is another way to resolve a lawsuit before trial. Such an application is brought where the plaintiff can prove that there is no reasonable defence to the claim, or the defendant can prove that the plaintiff has no reasonable claim against him or her.
The bar is set high for allowing summary judgment because it precludes the plaintiff getting his day in court. However, somehow, the Province of British Columbia managed to convince the Chambers Session judge to stomp on Alexander and his action was dismissed.

There was one unusual change in the Chambers Session routine. Normally, in Supreme Court of British Columbia court hearings, there is a Sheriff present. But generally not at Chambers because it is normally just a bunch of lawyers squabbling. Today's hearing had four sheriffs hanging around in Alexander's vicinity. And possibly relate, maybe not, my friend noted a sticker plastered on the glass at the front of the courthouse saying;

Canada is now under a new common law authority. The power of the Crown and its Parliament, police and courts is nullified. Freedom is at hand!
All certified by the Great Seal of the Republic of Kanata, established January 15, 2015.

You can read about the Republic of Kanata here;

Essentially a Kevin Annett wet dream where he dismissed the government of Canada and replaced it with his own government. Apparently by just deeming it so. However there is one problem that has been thwarting Kevin from his right to govern Canada. The "real" government of Canada inconsiderately ignored Kevin's proclamation and is still acting as if it is the legitimate functioning Canadian government. This gross criminal activity seems to have unhinged Kevin somewhat, at least his latest posting about the republic of Kanata don't reflect a mind entirely happy with the way events have gone; ... n-trudeau/

Anyhow, as I said, I can't connect Alexander to the sticker but it seems a surprising bit of timing. Alexander is an avid Karl Lentz believer so why not Kevin too?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".