Freemen gurus and fake outrage

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Freemen gurus and fake outrage

Post by arayder »

Faking outrage is a trend in society. Whether it’s a congressman raging at Barack Obama for wearing a brown suit or a donut eating layabout ranting about food labeling changes Tim Horton’s it’s all the same fake outrage.

It’s crying wolf.

The freemen who cry wolf at every turn are the same sort of small minded grandstanders claiming a moral superiority they don’t deserve.

Rather than doing something about social injustice and the ills of society the brain trust of the freeman subculture sits at their computers and waits for another bad cop or crooked politician story so they can have something to cry about.

When was last time you saw Dean Clifford in a protest against corporate greed? When was the last time Rob Menard used his claimed legal brilliance to stop a corrupt government from doing anything? Has Scott Duncan ever contributed a dime to feed a starving child?

Instead of channeling anger into effective action the freemen gurus are busy ripping off rank and file freemen for phony legal advice and associations with faked "communities".
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Re: Freemen gurus and fake outrage

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Nothing new about this - creating false outrage has been a tactic since time immemorial by people trying to motivate the masses to support their pet cause. And this is why I keep saying that FOTL/sovruns/TPs aren't really any different than the rest of mankind in regards of trying to mislead and deceive people. They are just not as successful at it in comparison to others who have done it.

I think there is nothing new under the sun for us to discuss as to the underlying causes of why this particular sector of the population do what they do. Just a waste of bandwith and electrons.
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Re: Freemen gurus and fake outrage

Post by arayder »

The problem with fake outrage is not just that it misdirects outrage, but that it dilutes just indignation.

The gurus mentioned above are not only ineffective in addressing real problems, but worse, they cloud the ability to identify and act upon the truly evil and unjust.

While freemen brain trust caterwauled about perfectly legal and lawful traffic stops and innocuous birth certificates the real problems of the world were left to those who can tell a real problem from a fake one.

The narcissistic guru class of freemen that promises utopian societies, instant riches and earth shaking legal actions is really about personal grandstanding and attention grabbing! You are right, Observer, it's nothing new. The gurus have been pulling this trick for years. But, the guru class's problem is that after nearly two decades of failure the promises don't wash anymore.

All that's left is fake rage.
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Re: Freemen gurus and fake outrage

Post by NYGman »

I think it is quite simple actually, Guru's are never wrong, simple as that. They know everything, and are 100% correct. The problem is that either the acolyte or clueless follower gets it wrong, or the system is so corrupt, that it fails to follow its own rules, and thus the truth is never allowed to be heard. This is not the Guru's fault, again, see my first point, they are always 100% correct, they can not be wrong, they are infallible, so a failure can never be their fault. the mock outrage at failure is just part of the show. They have to blame someone for the failure, as it could never be their fault, as they are 100% correct. It is quite simple actually. :)

From another thread this morning ... 7500934433 the poster has learned from the Guru knows about the Straw man, Birth certificate, contracting, signing, etc. He seems well versed in the Wooo and is seeking advice on what to due with an warrant he has for his arrest. Police have come to his door and he is asking what to do next. The acolytes are all giving him the Strawman, RTS, not the man you are looking for advice, which he has already used. However, apart from telling him to go underground, leave his partner and kids, and disappear, no Guru has stepped in with the necessary magic to get this person off (Driving without a Licence I think was the initial issue). Even though he knows the woo, and has tried everything, looks like he will end up turning himself in.

Will any Gutu step up here, no, why should they, they can't win this one, better to blame the person for doing something wrong than to help now.

Gurus are all alike, they seem to crave attention, have vivid imaginations, and do not care for anyone else but themselves. Some do not even practice what they preach. The Fake outrage, the vague statements, and insistence on banning any opposing thoughts are just par for the Guru corise, and are probably listed in the how to be an Interenet Guru book, they have all read from.
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Re: Freemen gurus and fake outrage

Post by The Observer »

arayder wrote:While freemen brain trust caterwauled about perfectly legal and lawful traffic stops and innocuous birth certificates the real problems of the world were left to those who can tell a real problem from a fake one.
I am not sure of the point you are trying to make here. Do you really expect that a Menard, Clifford or any of the gurus we discuss here were capable of handling real problems of the world? And for every guru that you trot out, I can show an equal or greater number of phonies who have provided false solutions and fake outrage to their followers, grifters who wouldn't lift a finger to solve the real problems of the world.
arayder wrote:The gurus have been pulling this trick for years. But, the guru class's problem is that after nearly two decades of failure the promises don't wash anymore.All that's left is fake rage.
As with the other scammers and mountebanks out there. The more adept of them know when to get out of town and move on to a new flock to fleece, a new script to play and new frontiers to conquer, like Professor Harold T. Hill in "The Music Man."
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Re: Freemen gurus and fake outrage

Post by Burnaby49 »

I think it is quite simple actually, Guru's are never wrong, simple as that. They know everything, and are 100% correct. The problem is that either the acolyte or clueless follower gets it wrong, or the system is so corrupt, that it fails to follow its own rules, and thus the truth is never allowed to be heard. This is not the Guru's fault, again, see my first point, they are always 100% correct, they can not be wrong, they are infallible, so a failure can never be their fault. the mock outrage at failure is just part of the show. They have to blame someone for the failure, as it could never be their fault, as they are 100% correct. It is quite simple actually.
Here's an excellent article on exactly that issue; ... #more-3982
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".