Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by eric »

Stanley Stump, a singer/entertainer by trade, was one of the early advocates and activists for some form of tribal council for the Tsilhqot’in. Associated with him is Dorothy Boyd and Holland/Bryfogle, the Tsilhqot’in National Congress and the fake court. They claim to be descendants/heirs of the war chiefs from the Chilcotin Wars.

Totally separate from all of this is the recognized by the authorities (since 1989) Tsilhqot’in National Government which represents six reserves, some of which have associated sub reserves, often quite tiny and isolated consisting of a few families - example Alexis Reserve has 22 sub reserves.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by notorial dissent »

Not sure on the older details yet, but Parson’s history goes back prior to 2014 when he seems to have managed to collect a felony conviction. I will have to see what I can dig up on that. At any rate his current troubles stem from him being among other things an obnoxious SOB it would seem and having a collection of wolf hybrids that apparently had a propensity for being at large and just generally NOT a good neighbor, and in a rural area that DOES NOT win you friends and influence people positively, particularly NOT TN. There were various incidents that led up to him being confronted by an irate neighbor who took exception to having one of the “dogs” appear to be attaching him, and the dog was shot and Parsons went off the deep end and threatened the neighbor and another individual with bodily harm etc, and he apparently came off of his property literally loaded for bear, and the neighbors took offense and called the authorities who caught up with Parsons and arrested him for among other things being a felon in possession. He went to trial and as you can guess things didn’t go well. At one point he and the Mrs barricaded themselves on their farm claiming that they were immune to arrest there since it was sacred ground fo some Indian tribe or some such, oddly the authorities weren’t impressed and arrested him anyway, which I think is where and how we come down to the current events.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by Burnaby49 »

notorial dissent wrote:A further good question to ruin Burnaby's breakfast/morning/imbibing, just who the heck is Stanley Stump Sr and how does he fit in to this morass, other than a sa a possible sock puppet?
I've absolutely no idea, never heard of him before. I'm too terrified of what I might find to type his name in CanLII to see if he's involved in any jurisprudence.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by eric »

First of all you have to use the proper style when talking about Stan Stump. It's Grand Chief Stanley Stump Senior, of the Chilcotin National Congress. From what I can find on Canlii the only references to him are side mentions when talking about Bryfogle. There are a few youtube videos of him singing, not much else, except from what I can tell he's a "real" Tsilhqot’in from Alexis Lake. All joking aside I have to accord the man some respect for realizing that the pre - 1989 system of scattered, isolated, economically unviable reserves needed to be fixed. We're talking settlements of in some cases less than twenty individuals, 350 kilometres from the closest city (Prince George) with no road or air access. Similarly, until about the 1980's, the Cariboo-Chilcotin region outside the major population centers was pretty wild and woolly - some reserves, ranchers, and die hard gold panners hoping to strike it rich was about all to speak of.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by eric »

notorial dissent wrote: At one point he and the Mrs barricaded themselves on their farm claiming that they were immune to arrest there since it was sacred ground fo some Indian tribe or some such, oddly the authorities weren’t impressed and arrested him anyway, which I think is where and how we come down to the current events.
If you're really interested you can find all about Parsons in his own words here:
With respect to Indian heritage:
1. supposedly Cherokee from six generations back!
2. is a member of this tribe: ... ganization
3. When item 2 didn't work out so well (perhaps he stopped paying for his membership) somehow he was "adopted" into the Tsilhqot’in National Congress.

Just another fake Indian.....
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by notorial dissent »

Uh no, the Nemenhah are another batch of pretend Indians, we seem to have a lot of them in the south and ones claiming affiliation with the Sioux, when none exists. It's pretty much a US sovcit thing. I'm pretty sure I've run across this bunch before in another context.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by Burnaby49 »

I've done a posting on a small portion of Bryfogle's legal career;


You can see why I don't want to dig into Suzanne Holland's litigation history. My actuarial lifespan just isn't sufficient for the task.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by eric »

notorial dissent wrote:Uh no, the Nemenhah are another batch of pretend Indians, we seem to have a lot of them in the south and ones claiming affiliation with the Sioux, when none exists. It's pretty much a US sovcit thing. I'm pretty sure I've run across this bunch before in another context.
I was trying to be polite... The Nemenhah actually have a very interesting business plan. You pay them $250 adoption fee plus another $100 per month and that allows you to market whatever off the wall remedy for what ails you with marketing support from them. Consider it the MLM of fake Indians.
notorial dissent
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by notorial dissent »

eric wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:Uh no, the Nemenhah are another batch of pretend Indians, we seem to have a lot of them in the south and ones claiming affiliation with the Sioux, when none exists. It's pretty much a US sovcit thing. I'm pretty sure I've run across this bunch before in another context.
I was trying to be polite... The Nemenhah actually have a very interesting business plan. You pay them $250 adoption fee plus another $100 per month and that allows you to market whatever off the wall remedy for what ails you with marketing support from them. Consider it the MLM of fake Indians.
I wasn't being polite, but you are entirely correct about them. and it does explain a lot.

I don't know what Parson's history, as in I haven't turned up anything yet, was before he was arrested for aggravated assault and became a felon, but I'm equally sure it was colorful and equally unpleasant. He just strikes me as the type, and his mug shot is a real winner too.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by Burnaby49 »

Welcome to the New World Order Canadian genocide brought to you by Communist Canada! It's all in this 2013 video by Suzanne;

It's all about judicial corruption in Canada and how judges are above the law and pervert it. Just by chance she had an example to give us. Her own lawsuit! What a surprise! Not the case regarding her brain damaged son but the one where she sued the province of British Columbia for allowing mercury in dental fillings.

She got a little confused in her interpretation of American law. saying that commercial free speech was protected by the fifth amendment.

Then she got to the genocide! Justice Leask, who decided against her in the dental filling case, aided and abetted the murder of millions of Canadians in accordance with the New World Order! How did that slip by us? Since there were only about thirty million Canadians in 2012 you'd have thought we'd have noticed. You Americans can easily execute a few million here or there at your secret FEMA concentration camps without anyone noticing but you have ten times our population. A few million murders in Canada is serious business.

After that shocking announcement she suddenly changed tack and left us hanging about how Justice Leask had accomplished this notable achievement. She started droning on citing sections of Acts she'd brought up at her hearing that Justice Leask obviously found less compelling than she did. This lead to the self-evident conclusion that if he's not removed from the bench for finding against her that's proof that the New World Order has placed judges exactly where they want them to cover up all the genocidal attacks that they are trying to inflict upon Canadians and Americans. It's all because Leask ignored her interpretation of the Business Practices Consumer Protection Act. The key to the genocide is right here, ripped right from the Act itself!
A deceptive act or practice by a supplier may occur before, during, or after the consumer transaction and, without limiting subsection (1) one or more of the following constitutes a deceptive act or practice. A representation by a supplier that goods or services;

(i) have sponsorship, approval, performance characteristics, accessories, ingredients, quantities, components, uses or benefits that they do not have,
But Leask ignored this case-winning citation and also refused to accept the findings of a court decision where she'd sued the American Dental Association. I looked that decision up. She lost the case. Very badly;
[10] As to the doctrine of full faith and credit and comity, the plaintiff appears to be urging the court to accept and apply certain decisions of courts in the United States. There is no basis in the law of this province or this country for accepting these submissions and I respectfully decline to do so.

[11] As to res ipsa loquitur, it is a doctrine sometimes applicable in tort actions for negligence. Any claims the plaintiff may have had in negligence against these defendants were dismissed by Rice, J. whose judgment was affirmed by the Court of Appeal in Holland v British Columbia, 2009 BCCA 601 (CanLII). There is no present opportunity for the plaintiff to revive those claims; the attempt to do so would be an abuse of process.

[12] As to the plaintiff’s claims of unclean hands and bad faith, I find myself in respectful agreement with the written submissions of counsel for the British Columbia and American Dental Associations:

102. The doctrine of "unclean hands" is not recognized as an independent cause of action at Canadian law. Rather, the doctrine applies at equity to disentitle relief to those who have engaged in deceit or fraud for personal benefit. Those portions of the second statement of claim which purport to allege "unclean hands" ought to be struck as disclosing no cause of action.
Hong Kong Bank of Canada v. Wheeler Holdings Ltd, 1993 CanLII 148 (SCC), [1993] 1 S.C.R. 167

103. Similarly, the doctrine of "bad faith" is not recognized as a tort in Canadian law. This issue was addressed in Berscheid v. Ensign, where the court commented as follows:
The plaintiff has also attempted to plead a tort of bad faith. The plaintiff alleges that the defendant Environment's conduct, either alone or vicariously through its servants, constitutes a tort creating liability for damages.
In my view, there is no such tort. While bad faith on behalf of public officers may be evidence of the tort of misfeasance of public office, bad faith alone is insufficient to create Crown liability.

104. In Heckendorn v. Canada (Revenue Agency), Mr. Justice Meiklem cited Berscheid v Ensign and struck a statement of claim which alleged bad faith as disclosing no cause of action. This remedy is also appropriate in the case at bar.
Heckendorn v. Canada (Revenue Agency), 2009 BCSC 952 (CanLII) at para. 47

[13] The real issue in this application is: does the plaintiff have a potential case under the Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act? To start with, her pleadings do not properly identify such a claim. I agree with the written submission of counsel for the B.C. and American Dental Associations:

“ ... the second statement of claim does not allege that the applicants fall within the definition of “suppliers” set out in s. 1 of the BPCPA, does not allege that the applicants entered into a “consumer transaction” with the plaintiff as defined in s.1 of the BPCPA, and does not indicate which provisions of the BPCPA that the applicants allegedly contravened.”

[14] These faults are a sufficient basis for striking the relevant portions of her statement of claim. However, the Court must decide whether appropriate amendments could salvage the plaintiff’s claim. In my view, the plaintiff’s case cannot be saved by amendments to her pleadings. Her claim is bound to fail.

[15] My reasons for coming to this conclusion are based on the facts alleged by the plaintiff in her pleadings and her submissions to the Court. In 1982 a dentist filled seventeen of her teeth with amalgam fillings containing mercury. At that time she did not know what substance was being placed in her teeth. She did not know that it was called amalgam nor that it contained mercury. She had no dealings whatsoever with the present defendants. She had no idea what views the defendants may have had about amalgam. Her dealings with her dentist might well have been a “consumer transaction” but there is no possibility of categorizing the current defendants as “suppliers”. There is no evidence that the American Dental Association had any presence in B.C. in 1982. The British Columbia Dental Association did not come into existence until sometime after 1995. I am also in respectful agreement with Rice, J.’s finding concerning the remoteness of these defendants from any real legally significant connection to the facts of the plaintiff’s case.

[16] In submissions the plaintiff characterizes her situation as a continuing delict which commenced with the installation of her fillings in 1982 and continued until they were removed in 2005. I am completely unpersuaded by her submission. There may be some legal situations that can properly be characterized as continuing delicts. I do not believe that such an analysis has any place in construing the application of the BPCPA to the present defendants in this case.


[17] The applications by the defendants are granted. The statement of claim against them is struck out, the action against them is dismissed, and they are entitled to their costs on Scale B.
Holland v. American Dental Association
2012 BCSC 1975

Frankly I can't see that citing your own losing cases is a good legal tactic. But then again I don't have Suzanne's vast litigation experience.

So, because of her various court losses, she's exposed Canada as a New World Order dictatorship. Most Canadian are too concerned about next week's paycheque to worry about what life in Canada will be like in the future or how many people the New World Order is murdering in Canada right now, every day. And she's right, I rarely put my mind to the issue of the New World Order's Canadian genocide and I can't say it's a topic of conversation in my few social groups. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and that's exactly what Canada has become. Corrupt from the inside out. Reminds me of this;

With Canada represented by the pig-lizard.

Now some details. The NWO is killing us with mercury. I must be immune because, as a child of the 50's I've probably got more mercury amalgam than actual teeth left. And Suzanne seems pretty sprightly in that video. With the NWO ruthless mass murder of all opponents why haven't they got around to the woman who is so courageously exposing them?

Then she expanded her genocidal radius to include you Americans. Millions of you killed so that drug companies can sell drugs to counter the heavy metal poisoning inflicted on you by the NWO.

Next she got into contrails and started breaking down over the tragedy of it all. She doesn't follow the standard contrail text though where the planes are spraying nanobots and instead says they are spraying us with heavy metals.

She said she hopes that we enjoy the thought that the NWO has a casket with our names, and our children's names on it. "It's fun for the whole family!" Then she told us that, whatever we do, ignore the Georgia Guidestones which outlines the NWO's agenda to reduce and murder billions on this planet. They're so contemptuous of us that they write it in stone and we still don't get it!

These are the Georgia Guidestones;


So, following her expert advice, I'm going to ignore them.

The infallible word of god is vindicated again. Revelations 13:11 says;
And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
And that ended the day's sermon.

It must be true about Justice Leask, I found a website supporting her!

A very poorly presented website, dark blue text on a black background. But putting that quibble aside the website puts out a clarion call for action;

Peter Leask should be hanged for Treason

Who wrote that, Glenn Fearn? It would help if the blogger in charge of it could actually spell the name of the country he lives in, might give him a touch more credibility;

Two-thirds of Candains back electing judges

Those damn Candains, always sticking their noses into Canadian affairs.

Now, as to my apparently offensive comment about her brained damaged son. I'm just trying to be neutral by using Suzanne's own wording in describing her child as given here;
On May 18, 2007 the BC Court of Appeal remanded this case for spoliation hearings (ie destroyed medical documents regarding my son's botched birth)[#CA_______]. During spoliation hearings when my son turned 19 years old, Mr. Justice Brooke of the BC Supreme Court ordered that my brain damaged son was to either hire a lawyer or conduct his own litigation, neither of which my son could do as no lawyer in BC wanted this case and my brain damaged son was incapable of representing himself. I was disallowed to represent him any further after representing him successfully for 2 years to the point that we were almost ready for trial. Mr. Justice Brooke then disallowed me subpoena for the last pieces of information against the doctors and cut the spoliation hearings off prematurely, ruling against my son and I. At an ex parte hearing with no representation, Madam Justice Ross on November 4, 2008 ruled against my son via an empty chair, dismissing his entire claim! Subsequently, I attempted to represent my son at the BC Court of Appeal [#CA036649] with 2 psychological reports giving proof to my son's brain damage, with no reports to the contrary. Despite said reports the appeals court ruled my son was not a person under disability, although the Province of British Columbia had deemed my son to be a person with disability. Prior to the hearing of the appeal, before a 3 justice panel on a motions hearing, opposing counsel disputed the prior assessment for the first time. We sought a third assessment, which upheld the prior assessments, re-confirming my son's brain damage. Even though the assessment was expedited, it took a year. The new assessment could not have been sought until the prior assessment had been challenged in the court of appeal before Madam Justice Levine. She refused, and subsequent panels refused, to first adjourn and await the new report which addressed the challenges raised by opposing counsel; and then refused to received or hear the new evidence (reconfirming the earlier evidence, impeaching the challenge by opposing counsel, and impeaching Madam Justice Levine's "decision".). Later, before another 3 justice panel, the entire case was dismissed, not letting me say 1 word, refusing to receive or accept the impeaching evidence, and then humiliating my son in open court by making him stand up before a 3 justice panel and say he was incapable of arguing his case. All he could do is ask the court to allow me or someone to represent him (which the panel headed by Madam Justice Prowse denied). Ironically, this humiliation of a disabled person took place the same day Prime Minister Stephen Harper was ratifying the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on Canada's behalf, 11 March 2010.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by GlimDropper »

Some folks around here might remember Rudy Davis and his Lonestar1776 YouTube channel, Rudy conducted near daily prison interviews with tax cheat Kent Hovind and since Kent got out Rudy has been taking other Christian patriot political prisoners as he likes to call them under his wing, his latest is none other than Sue Holland. She needs desperate help in getting an ExParte Order to Fox News, Breitbart, InfoWar, WikiLeak, John Dowd and Ty Cobb (because the president's attorneys will be particularly interested in her case). Rudy also added a page about Sue and the Parsons to his website.

And a copy of the order Sue wants sent in all it's crunchy goodness.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by Burnaby49 »

[5] Reasons for Judgement to follow this here order when Canada is compelled to release currently held hostage political prisoner, USCT CJ Zsuzsanna Hegedus-Holland in accordance with prior USCT order File No. U-CA44726-17 dated November 21st, 2017.
By the Court: Zsuzsanna Holland
This here order? What about that there political prisoner?

She'll have to wait in any case. President Trump's a little busy on other issues to make a timely response to the madness.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by Burnaby49 »

Canada's screwed! She's going to call in Nobel Peace Prize winner Kevin Annett and the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State!

You can find out more info on Kevin here; ... _and_State

She actually gives a fairly lucid explanation of why she's being held in a psychiatric institution from 10:00 to 12:18 on the January 20th video. The reason it's lucid is that she quoted from the police report. But after that it's crazyland again. She does have one valid point however. She's still being held after nine months although she's been acquitted by the The Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot'in. She's been acquitted by a court! Too bad that it was by the make-believe court of her make-believe country.

She's being held at Colony Farm, about a half hour drive from my front door if the traffic is light. I don't think I'll visit.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by eric »

Burnaby49 wrote: She actually gives a fairly lucid explanation of why she's being held in a psychiatric institution from 10:00 to 12:18 on the January 20th video. The reason it's lucid is that she quoted from the police report. But after that it's crazyland again. She does have one valid point however. She's still being held after nine months although she's been acquitted by the The Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot'in. She's been acquitted by a court! Too bad that it was by the make-believe court of her make-believe country.
I'm not quite sure if she is being held for reasons associated with the Mike Parsons affair or earlier legal problems dating back to 2014 which have still not been resolved. I am trying to be very circumspect here since there is a publication ban involved, but all the pieces are out there, including her own version of the events on youtube, various news reports and RCMP releases, and her "acquittal" document where she clears herself of all charges. A quick summary is that she became involved with a troubled family in 2014 that resulted in a child abduction, kidnapping, and failure to provide charges against her. I noted that she mentioned the same file number which has the publication ban on it when she was quoting from the police report.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by Burnaby49 »

I couldn't figure that out either. I'm guessing it's the bizarre kidnapping plot since that's the basis of the police documents she was reading from and the quote she made seems to indicate that authorities consider the plot to be a present danger to a significant number of individuals including judges. She might not, at the moment, be being held for either incident since she's in a psychiatric institute rather than a jail. She's being held in Colony Farm Forensic Psychiatric Hospital;
Forensic Psychiatric Hospital is a secure, 190-bed facility that treats and rehabilitates individuals who have come in conflict with the law and are deemed unfit to stand trial or not criminally responsible due to mental illness.

The goal of the program is to restore fitness to attend court proceedings and/or reintegrate patients gradually and safely into the community. The hospital also serves individuals who have been transferred temporarily from correctional facilities to be assessed or receive treatment for a mental illness under the Mental Health Act. The facility consists of 9 clinical units (5 secure, 3 closed and 1 open unit). ... c-hospital

She says she's been nine months without being charged. While I'd take anything she says with skepticism this could easily be true. She could be held under doctors' orders with charges to follow depending on how her treatment works out. Fascinating in a way. Listen to the video. Within her own world-view she's entirely rational and sane yet there she is locked up in a mental institution. There's a pretty high bar to getting committed so she must have serious problems. I've heard a lot of loonier videos than this one by individuals still roaming about on the streets.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by eric »

Hmmm... it could be that the Crown is going for a Not Criminally Responsible case. Thirty day psychiatric assessment and then see what happens - proceed with charges in the conventional pattern, proceed with charges but with a finding of NCR, or some sort of protection order requiring a long term stay in a locked psych ward.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by GlimDropper »

Rudy is overflowing with bull crap updates today, count em, three four videos about Sue and the gang.

Sue Holland Ruled Insane by Judge

Pat Parsons has been entrapped by the Evil, Satanic and Insane (not to mention Rogue) FBI and will need to report to prison in 13 days. A Judge, not a doctor, ruled Sue Holland insane (maybe she caught it from the FBI) and Rudy fears she might receive treatment. Also, the Judge appointed an attorney for Sue and get this, that attorney does not need to follow Sue's orders and probably not even the orders of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot'in Nation either. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Sue Holland calls from Canada Prison #1

Sue was ready for trial on the 26th and wanted to subpoena pert near the entire Tsilhqot'in nation to defend her against accusations of her being cuckoo bananas, well that and to provide proof of the vast, dark conspiracy against her. If enough righteous people write the Judge on Sue's behalf we might avert another Sodom and Gomorrah.

Sue Holland Calls from Canada Prison #2

Sue can't remember the Judge's name (invest in brimstones futures) but then she remembers it. Sue, as the Chief Justice of Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot'in Nation issues an official order for all patriots, law enforcement and right minded people everywhere to Arrest each and every Judge in Tennessee, Nebraska and British Columbia. Oh, and by the way, the excuse the Judge in BC gave for finding Sue incompetent to stand trial is that Sue thinks she's the Chief Justice of Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot'in Nation (how convenient). One last thing, if anyone fails to follow Sue's legal orders they will all be charged with aiding and abetting. We've been warned.

Edit to add: Sue's legal order only seems to apply to people "hearing her voice." I am not very familiar with Tsilhqot'in legal precedents but if you don't hear her issue the order you might just skate on the aiding and abetting charge. So listen at your own risk.

Additional Edit: When it rains it pours US Response to Mike Parson's Appeal.

For those wishing to dispense with Rudy's dramatic narration of the document you can read it here. Tuberculosis tests are unconstitutional, talk about your emanations and penumbras.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by eric »

GlimDropper wrote:Rudy is overflowing with bull crap updates today, count em, three four videos about Sue and the gang.
Sue Holland Ruled Insane by Judge
Pat Parsons has been entrapped by the Evil, Satanic and Insane (not to mention Rogue) FBI and will need to report to prison in 13 days. A Judge, not a doctor, ruled Sue Holland insane (maybe she caught it from the FBI) and Rudy fears she might receive treatment. Also, the Judge appointed an attorney for Sue and get this, that attorney does not need to follow Sue's orders and probably not even the orders of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot'in Nation either. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Ok, here is what the Canadian criminal law system has to say about Ms. Holland. Here's a short backgrounder on the insanity defense in Canada. You are either "not criminally responsible" or "unfit to stand trial". ... l_Disorder ... html#sec12
1. You were sick at the time of the offence, or sick now;
2. NCR orders and UST's are not a get out of jail ticket, they can be lifetime parole or lifetime in a locked ward;
3. since you are/were sick there are a lot of privacy rules in place.

Much of this stuff is under a publication ban simply because a minor was involved but here's a summary of what is allowed to be released from BC Courts Online:
33443-3-C 1 05-May-2014 CCC - 281 abduction of person under 14 Commit Williams Lake BC
33443-3-C 2 05-May-2014 CCC - 215(2)(b) fail to perform legal duty to provide necessaries Commit Williams Lake BC
So in May 2014 she was formally charged with child abduction. Her case drifted through the system, along with a few bench warrants for failure to attend until:
33443-9 1 09-Dec-2015 Application: to revoked bail and bring application for an assessment order pursuant to 672.11 and 672.12 HOLLAND, ZSUZSANNA
In other words, a thirty day psych assessment: ... onsibility
Things aren't doing too well for Ms. Holland:
33443-10 1 29-Jan-2016 Defence application to be provided a lawyer. HOLLAND, ZSUZSANNA
33443-10 2 29-Jan-2016 Defence appl to comple crown to produce documents HOLLAND, ZSUZSANNA
33443-10 3 29-Jan-2016 Defence application for a stay of proceedings HOLLAND, ZSUZSANNA
Summary - the court will provide her a lawyer who will ask for all charges to be stayed (the charges are still there but the Crown will not proceed until she is considered mentally fit enough to participate in her own defence). The rest of the official proceedings are a list of court dates struck off the list.

Bluntly, Ms. Holland has been considered sick enough in a manner that she is a threat to society and requires medical support and supervision until she is well at some yet to be determined time - reviews every two years. So Rudy is publishing the ravings of a sick person who right now is in a psych hospital. Well played Rudy to be abetting the fantasies of a person with mental health issues.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by JohnPCapitalist »

eric wrote:Bluntly, Ms. Holland has been considered sick enough in a manner that she is a threat to society and requires medical support and supervision until she is well at some yet to be determined time - reviews every two years. So Rudy is publishing the ravings of a sick person who right now is in a psych hospital. Well played Rudy to be abetting the fantasies of a person with mental health issues.
This sort of shows how delusions are actually contagious. Rudy listens to Ms. Holland because some random bit of her word salad contains ideas he wants to believe in. In this case, she has magic powers to get Parsons out of jail with her pretend court. Because he's a moronic conspiracy buff who probably never met a conspiracy he didn't believe in, either he or Holland attributed her stay in a state-run home for the bewildered as "proof" that she's on the right track to expose the tyranny and corruption, so they keep her locked up in a secure facility.

Rudy's conspiracist leanings cause him to flip normal skepticism on its head -- for most people, ideas from currently incarcerated mental patients would be presumed less likely to be true than ideas from other people, to put it kindly. But once somebody plays the conspiracy card, he's almost obligated to believe her delusions, and he's doubly obligated to discard any evidence that later appears which might prove him wrong. In other words, the crazier she is and the more paranoid she is, the more right she is, in that warped frame of reference.
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Re: Suzanne Holland Chief Justice of the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot’in Nation

Post by Burnaby49 »

I'm off the hook, GlimDropper misquoted Sue. What she said was;
Blah, blah, blah, blah, under the constitution of the Tsilhqot'in Nation which is the highest constitution in North America I order everybody hearing my voice today who is a patriot and is a law enforcement officer to arrest all judges in Tennessee, in Nebraska, in British Columbia because they are not fit. Anybody who is a judge and who has committed a crime as part of the crime syndicate now in place in British Columbia, in Nebraska and Tennessee and anywhere else in Canada or the United States is ordered to be arrested immediately. Anybody that is a law enforcement officer now needs to arrest all judges immediately and that is now an order from the highest court in North America the Universal Supreme Court of the Tsilhqot'in Nation. Blah, blah, blah, blah.
Since she did not, as reported by GlimDropper, mention "right minded people everywhere" I don't fit within the limits of her order even if I qualified as being in my right mind. I'm not a law enforcement officer so her order doesn't apply to me notwithstanding that's it's a court order from the highest court in North America. Screw you SCOTUS! So I don't have to scurry over to the Supreme Court of British Columbia tomorrow morning and start arresting judges. Perhaps I should go anyhow and inform the sheriffs that it's their duty to start hauling the judges off the bench. But, but, Sue said specifically that her order applies to "everybody hearing my voice today" and if I get the sheriffs to listen to her order it won't be until tomorrow. Foiled by too precise an order.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".