Glenn Fearn exposes the CRA Satanist pigs!

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Glenn Fearn exposes the CRA Satanist pigs!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Glenn is no stranger to Quatloos, he has a very extensive discussion here;


Glenn is a dual Canadian/American citizen who was convicted in Canada of trying to smuggle prohibited weapons across the border from the US. He was sentenced to a jail term but he scurried back to the United States and Canada couldn't be bothered to try and extradite him so he's left in peace to rant and rave in Texas. He's an obsessed sovereign with an overwhelming love of guns and a lust to lynch people. While he hasn't carried the lynching part out as yet it is a standard theme in many of his videos, that anyone he dislikes (everyone working in any government capacity) should be executed by hanging. As I wrote in a prior posting in the above thread;
Fearn's objective measured judicial opinion of Rooke for making this order? "He is a whore, he oughta swing. He deserves to hang and I am looking forward to seeing it and I'm going to see him rot in hell no matter what!".

Then a wrap-up in an "As for Me" section. He wrote on this slide that "If I am really lucky, I will get to see them do that little dance they do at the end of a common law rope". He can't let go of this image and repeats it in the next, otherwise unrelated, slide. This hanging obsession is disturbing. Is this a perverse fetish he practices at home with store dummies robed as Albertan court judges? He's probably a big fan of the hanging scene in Blazing Saddles.

My conclusions. First the most obvious, Fearn is a totally repulsive individual, possibly insane, certainly seriously mentally unbalanced. He is overwhelmingly narcissistic with a massive sense of grievance that the corrupt Canadian whore PIG judges and the Canada Border Services thugs have thwarted his right to do whatever the hell he wants without regards to Canadian laws. The injustice of his criminal conviction is consuming him.

The final conclusion; I'm not watching another Fearn video.
When I said I wasn't watching another Fearm video I meant it however rules are subject to revision and Glenn has changed direction from his gun obsession and has become an expert on the Canadian Income Tax Act! Since I spent a 35 year career as a Canada Revenue Auditor trying to enforce the Act I thought I'd give a listen to his expert viewpoint on massive corruption and fraud in the Canada Revenue Agency, my old employer. He's exposed the CRA by puking out yet another video. Well he's actually spewed up a lot of videos since I last reported on him, eight in just the last month, but I'll skip all but the tax one. He calls the video "Canada's DOJ (note - Department of Justice) aids Tax Agency to Defraud 240+ Canadians Part 1" You can listen to it here;

Massive corruption in the CRA! Treasonous criminal activities abounding but hidden from the public until uncovered by Glenn's awesome investigatory skills! "Have you seen about it in the news or heard about it? Of course not! They're trying to hush it up!" So what is the ''it'' that the CRA is hiding? I'll let Glenn explain it;
Accounting agencies are using a tax reduction strategy used by Fortune 500 companies. To help Canadians reduce their tax liabilities and reduce the burden of tax demands. But they don't mind if their corporate thugs use certain deductions and all that but they don't want the little people using it.
He called it the T5008 Process". Hold on, that rings a bell. The T5008 is a Canada Revenue form regarding the reporting of transactions in securities. You can read about it here; ... 91-17e.pdf
This guide explains how to prepare a T5008 return of securities transactions. Traders or dealers in securities have to file a T5008 information re turn to report purchases of securities as principal for their own account, and sales of securities they make as an agent or nominee, for any vendor. Issuers of securities and their agents or nominees use this information return to report redemptions, acquisitions, or cancellations of securities.

You have to report transactions to all persons, including individuals, corporations, partnerships, trusts, or any other person who resides either in or outside Canada.

You have to report all security transactions falling under any section of the Income Tax Act not specifically excluded under subsection 230(3) of the Income Tax Regulations, even if no tax arises as a result of the transaction. For example, transactions undertaken under section 85 and section 85.1 of the Income Tax Act are not exempt from the requirement to report.

You must also use the T5008 information return to report dispositions or redemptions of debt obligations in bearer form by individuals resident in Canada. Debt obligations in bearer form include commercial paper and banker’s acceptances
Dry, dry boring stuff. How do you make a tax evasion scheme out of it? Glen says it's called the Fiscal Demara Gate and involves Fiscal Arbitrators and DeMara Consulting. Fiscal Demara Gate? Never heard of it and even in retirement I keep on top of tax avoidance and evasion schemes. But I do remember DeMara Consulting and the 220 taxpayers because I wrote about them on Quatloos.


But Glenn knows better than me what actually happened. He's found out that Donna Stancer and Deanna Lavalley's tax evasion convictions were an attempt to cover up CRA crimes! "Instead of following ITA (note - Income Tax Act) tax rules and the T5008 guidelines as required the Canada Revenue agents issued fraudulent gross negligence charges against these taxpayers". More babbling then "It's all about war crimes folks!"

The heart of the fraud accusations seems to be that "the CRA converted expense claims into understated income". Quite true except that the expense claims were faked because no expenses had been incurred and the claims were fraudulent. Fearn made the bald statement that expense claims cannot be penalized under the CRA tax operation manual, a statement that's pure bullshit. The CRA can penalize any taxpayer it chooses under 163(2) of the Act for gross negligence for any reason that the Agency thinks fits the gross negligence guidelines. Faked expense claims fit quite nicely and the Fiscal Arbitrator filers were all hit with gross negligence penalties under 163(2). All but one of these were sustained on appeal. The woman who had her appeal allowed and the penalty removed was essentially deemed to be too stupid to realize her claimed fake expenses didn't exist. Then a rant about how lawyers wouldn't help them and notaries are liars too. "More War Crimes Here!" This was all in the first five minutes of a 21 minute video. After that Glenn went right into his default comfort zone of batshit crazy with a rant about judicial whores, CRA pigs and thieves, Crown liars, Defense liars, Admiralty Court, conspiracies, slavery, suppressed evidence, unprecedented corruption, Satanists, the full-frontal Fearn. Apparently I was paid 'hefty' commissions when I worked for the CRA and had to meet "daily intake goals".

Then a warning to you Americans. Canada was only able to attain this level of corruption, slavery, and crimes against humanity because the government took away our guns. Americans are next. Your government is planning to steal your guns so that they can inflict the same tax corruption on you that the Canadian government does on us. I quit at about the 14 minute point when he was screaming in rage about his perverse, perhaps sexual, obsession with hanging people. He wants to string up, wholesale, all of the Satanist pig Canadian judicial and CRA whores that have somehow offended him. He was raging about war crimes, terrorism, and crimes against humanity when I bailed. Who knew? I've lived in Canada almost 70 years and missed it all. It shows how totally insignificant I was in the CRA that I worked there 35 years and was never, not once, not on a single occasion, invited into the secret club to indulge in war crimes, torture, and terrorism. I wasn't even given the opportunity to dabble in a little fraud. It makes me feel a total failure.

While Glenn said that the CRA has been hiding this shocking lawlessness they were doing a piss-poor job of it because I've been writing about Fiscal Arbitrators for years and I reported the Lavalley and StancerT5008 scam convictions on Quatloos over two years ago.

So how did Glenn get this shocking expose? Somebody, "a friend in Canada" sent him the video. But the friend was afraid of reprisals by the Revenue Agency pigs and thieves so he passed it on to Fearless Freep Fearn to expose the corruption. I would note that while Glenn initially said that the Fiscal Arbitrators were involved in the returns that were reassessed and penalized he made no mention of the Fiscal Arbitrators in the video. The only 'factual' information he gave in his rant related to the T5008 scheme. Perhaps he's saving the Fiscal Arbitrators for Part 2. Yes, as I noted above this abomination was only part 1. Feel free to listen yourselves if you can handle the shocking truth!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: Glenn Fearn exposes the CRA Satanist pigs!

Post by notorial dissent »

Sounds like vintage, and need I say useless, Fern foolery to me.
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Re: Glenn Fearn exposes the CRA Satanist pigs!

Post by BoomerSooner17 »

Burnaby49 wrote:Canada was only able to attain this level of corruption, slavery, and crimes against humanity because the government took away our guns. Americans are next. Your government is planning to steal your guns so that they can inflict the same tax corruption on you that the Canadian government does on us.
Fearn has it backwards. That stuff already happened to us, in 1775 and 1773, respectively. When we threw off the yoke of British tyranny, we tried to help Canada do the same, but the inhabitants of Quebec City were not very receptive.
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Re: Glenn Fearn exposes the CRA Satanist pigs!

Post by fortinbras »

Fearn describes Canadian tax collection (in which "they steel first") as "a war crime". Which is a bit too much.

He also describes the employees (or management) of the Canadian tax authority as "satanists" -- I was unaware that satan-worship had many adherents north of the line. What is the evidence/statistics for this?? Is it a job requirement?
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Re: Glenn Fearn exposes the CRA Satanist pigs!

Post by Burnaby49 »

fortinbras wrote: Sun Mar 18, 2018 5:55 pm Fearn describes Canadian tax collection (in which "they steel first") as "a war crime". Which is a bit too much.

He also describes the employees (or management) of the Canadian tax authority as "satanists" -- I was unaware that satan-worship had many adherents north of the line. What is the evidence/statistics for this?? Is it a job requirement?
It's not an entry level requirement but if you want to get ahead in the CRA you'd better get with the program. I never got past lower middle management because my aherence to Baal was seen as conflicting with the agency's rigid satanist agenda. It's like many organizations, you have to suck up to the bosses by going to the right church.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".