Robert Menard

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Re: Robert Menard

Post by AndyK »

notorial dissent wrote:Since I am more than certain that they wouldn't spring for anyone really competent, I shudder to think of who they might, in theory, put to doing it. Training implies organization, and intent, something that FOTL in general and World Freeman or whatever in particular seem to be woefully lacking.

In other words, as they say in Texas, Bobby baby is all hat and no cattle big hat, small liberty tool.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

I'll go with that!!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

The illusion of victimhood is well seeded in the freeman cult.

Whether it's a freeman pretending his foot is being run over by a police car during Dean Clifford's arrest or Bobby calling 911 to pretend he's being threatened during a routine traffic stop, freemen won't stop at anything to make it look like they are being abused by the cops.

A police officer's training helps them correctly assess the threat posed by people they encounter on the street. Training and good judgement helps the police avoid overreaction to non-threatening individuals. Indeed, many unwarranted police shootings start with a cop misreading the level of threat posed.

Knowing this we see the insanity in Bobby proposing to put firearms in the hands of untrained freemen already predisposed to seeing any action by the police as a threat!

We all know Bobby The Useless isn't going to arm himself or anyone else.

The fear is that somewhere there is an unstable C3PO wannabe who, upon hearing Robby the Phony Bobby's insane ramblings, will take it upon himself to gun down a cop.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

More bullshit from Bobby: ... 8414973166
To Whom It May Concern
Due to the unlawful actions of Jack Redlick and the nonfeasance of his superior officers, Edmonton has been chosen as one of five Canadian cities to receive a detachment of The Canadian Common Corps of Peace Officers. Fully trained and equipped, The Canadian Common Corps of Peace Officers is intended to address the growing and unaddressed corruption apparently rampant in so many police forces across Canada.

Canadian Common Corps Officers will be hired directly by the people, from the people, and answer to them, not the Crown, not the politicians. They will be empowered by law to arrest anyone (even police or policy enforcement officers) they witness acting contrary to the criminal code in their pursuit of revenue; to conduct investigations of the same upon receiving complaints from members of the public; to swear out Informations in a court of law operated by the people called The People’s Courts of Law, and to use whatever tactics Edmonton police officers use when effecting an arrest of suspects known to be armed and dangerous.

Many people no longer trust the politicians, the police or the courts, and feel it is time to do something about it. Frustration and a sense of powerlessness results in rash and often tragic reactions. All this is avoidable. All we need are real Peace Officers. Not policy enforcement officers. Not revenue collectors or nannies. We have the right to chose direct democracy, not the representational model now imposed upon us. There is nothing which states we have to govern ourselves using the present archaic and corporate controlled model. It is not necessary to have a majority of the population agree to a new model. We have the right individually. We also have a right to hire from amongst ourselves our own force of peace officers fully empowered by law to protect the public from rogue officers and incompetent leadership, to protect our rights, and to ‘police the police’.

The people of a country have a right to justice and thus a right to convene their own courts, and there is nothing in law which says otherwise, and they have the right use them to bring action at law against the operators of the present de facto ones. Because these existing police officers are such efficient revenue generators for the existing de facto courts and law societies and various governmental regulatory bodies, there is very little incentive to rein them in, and plenty of reason from a mercenary perspective, to allow them their bounty. And for people such as Jack Redlick, inflicting pain on others, and beating them up, IS the bounty.

Logic, reason, observable facts, conscience, duty, all of these support the conclusion that it is time to stand against what is clearly an assault on human dignity and a properly functioning society of free and empowered people. We are not children, we are not property, we are not ruled without our consent. We do not need armed people walking around imposing their will and corporate policies often contrary to our own wishes and conscience, and inflicting harm and damage on us when we have not harmed or damaged anyone to begin with. It is ludicrous to believe otherwise, and it is ludicrous to hire as a peace officer, a violent and possibly psychotic goon such as Jack Redlick.

Any concern you may have about what kind of people The Canadian Common Corps of Peace Officers hires is shot right out the window when you have people like that on YOUR team.

Robert Arthur Menard
Chief of the Peace (Interim)
Canadian Common Corps of Peace Officers.
What an idiot.
"Fully trained and equipped"?
Trained by who? The drug addled Menard? Trained in what? Bullshit?
Equipped? With what? A fake tin badge?

Will Menard ever grow up?
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Jeffrey »

I hope he actually follows through this time so they can finally arrest him for something.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Jeffrey wrote:I hope he actually follows through this time so they can finally arrest him for something.
Well that's the problem. Menard always talks big but never follows through.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by notorial dissent »

Who or what is a Jack Redlick and what has he done to so offend Bobby? I’d like to send him a thank you card if nothing else. anyone who irritates Bobby that much is deserving of praise and thanks.

So Bobby’s going to send out the C3PO’s, I didn’t think he had any left after the three idiots got busted.

So he doesn’t really have any, but he’s going to hire some now. And just how is the public going to pay them, one wonders, since I don’t remember that the public wants them? And what law???? And be answerable to who???? I see so many things wrong so badly wrong with this scenario.

He must have really had some good stuff in his hookah when he came up with this one. YAWN!!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Jeffrey » ... -1.2567450 ... o-be-fired ... 24881.html

I'm not sure how credible the Elderadvocates site is but the rest of it seems legit:
The Edmonton police constable who shot Cyrus Green three years ago told a fatality inquiry on Monday that he fired his gun as the teen ran towards him holding a knife “like a spear."
During a disciplinary hearing, it was heard that Redlick sat in the back of the cop car with Petropoulos, where the pair exchanged words. Rogers drove the car down an alleyway to Jasper Place High School, where he opened the door and let Redlick outside.
"His face was a great big giant black ball ... of blood and bruising," said Huff. "It looked like he had a gotten into a full head-on collision and smashed his head into a steering wheel."
Seems like Menard is piggybacking on a legit case of police brutality to push his Peace Officer gibberish.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

Once again, Robby the Phony Bobby says just enough to seem relevant in the freeman cult without exposing himself to any danger. Bobby doesn't say whether he hired or will be responsible for the C3POs in Edmonton. Neither does he say whether C3POs will be armed, as he has inferred in the past.

Menard will probably try to create a few tall tales about the C3PO's work in Edmonton and make it seem like he's doing something.

Bobby latest C3PO activity stems from his recent traffic stop in Toronto. As far as anyone can tell the driver of the car, in which Menard was the passenger, was pulled over for suspected reckless driving. It seems that when a few more cop cars arrived at the scene Bobby called 911, which started the cops shouting at him through the car window.

As we all know people with narcissistic personality disorders don't take well to being yelled at by people they see as their inferiors. Consequently Bobby, enraged by what he saw was as maltreatment, promised a registry of C3POs and strongly hinted he'll arm the the corps.

Since the traffic stop Bobby's Facebook page has been chock full of bad cop stories he's gleaned from the the web.

It seems the couch sitting, web surfing, brew swilling Menard has finally found a legitimate case of police brutality he thinks he can pile on. Time will tell, but we can be sure Bobby won't put his arse on the line in any way!

Any Edmonton freemen reading this should be cautioned against doing Bobby's dirty work.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

arayder wrote:. Bobby doesn't say whether he hired or will be responsible for the C3POs in Edmonton.
Well, considering he describes himself as the Chief I would imagine he is responsible. It is his organisation after all.
Neither does he say whether C3POs will be armed, as he has inferred in the past.
Armed with a copy of Black's most likely.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by AndyK »

It's shameful that not a single Quatloosian has posted ANYTHING related to the simple tie-in of Menard's organization to Star Wars
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by JamesVincent »

AndyK wrote:It's shameful that not a single Quatloosian has posted ANYTHING related to the simple tie-in of Menard's organization to Star Wars
Cuz that would be insulting Star Wars.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by AndyK »

Not even something along the line of:

[Menard staring deeply into the officer's eyes] "These are not the sovereigns you are looking for."

:?: :?: :?:
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by The Observer »

AndyK wrote:Not even something along the line of:

[Menard staring deeply into the officer's eyes] "These are not the sovereigns you are looking for."

:?: :?: :?:
No, because the response will obviously be:

"You weak-minded fool! He is using an old Freeman mind trick!"


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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

rumpelstilzchen wrote:
arayder wrote:. Bobby doesn't say whether he hired or will be responsible for the C3POs in Edmonton.
Well, considering he describes himself as the Chief I would imagine he is responsible. It is his organisation after all.
Neither does he say whether C3POs will be armed, as he has inferred in the past.
Armed with a copy of Black's most likely.
Bobby's just struggling to be relevant in the freeman cult. He's found something in the papers he can use without getting off his couch. Plus the ruse helps fill the slight Bobby the Narcissist suffered when the cops pulled him over in Toronto and he didn't have to stones to do the C3PO thing. There's the real possibility that the Toronto courts are pouring salt in the wounds by calling him to task for his phony 911 call.

My money says that if Bobby has any C3PO wannabes in Edmonton he's watching their every move so as to make sure he has an out in case one of them grows a set and decides to play cop . . . and gets busted for it.

It's Menard's Nanaimo move. Throw 'em under the bus 'cause they didn't follow the instructions of the master.

The same gambit applies if one of the Edmonton crew decides to pack a fire arm along with his C3PO decoder ring.

But one sure thing is that we are never going to see a Youtube of Bobby playing cop with a pistol on his hip. Daddy and the girls were right. Bobby just ain't got what it takes!
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by JamesVincent »

I think there was something brought up in one of the Star Wars books on how the Jedi mind tricks would not work on alien life forms since their viewpoints and mindsets are so different, there is no common reality to trick. Hence.....
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by grixit »

I wonder if the family of Cyrus Green knows that some blowhard is trying to exploit their tragedy.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by arayder »

This is tragic. Bobby's ole daddy thought he was doing a good thing when he bought an insurance policy that, upon his passing, would give the family's black sheep some money for a pebble dashing business, or some such thing.

Sadly, left with the utility of a few thousand dollars poor ole Bobby has chosen to sit on his couch seeking freeman dupes to do mischief at the expense of families saddled with tragedy.

Ya' gotta figure the Menards knew by just looking in the crib.

Crack another Moose Head, Bobby.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by LordEd »

rumpelstilzchen wrote: Armed with an outdated copy of Black's most likely.
Minor correction needed.
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Re: Robert Menard

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

LordEd wrote:
rumpelstilzchen wrote: Armed with an outdated copy of Black's most likely.
Minor correction needed.
Maybe a copy of Bouvier's 1856 dictionary. After all that's closer in time to the halcyon days of the (reverent bow of head) Common Law (head back to normal); and it probably has a lot of Latin phrases just like real lawyers (not BAR members) use.
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