"Irene Gravenhorst, a human woman..."

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"Irene Gravenhorst, a human woman..."

Post by Parvati »

Choosing Freedom: The Irene Gravenhorst Story
Irene Gravenhorst, a human woman living in Common Law jurisdiction, is confronted by RCMP in Admiralty/Marine Law jurisdiction. Watch the interaction, and notice how RCMP attempt to create a Joinder between the 2 jurisdictions...
"J. C. Christian" has done some of the work for those who don't wish to watch (or can't stomach) the videos. Paulite Scholarship: Enslaved by Capital Letters
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Re: "Irene Gravenhorst, a human woman..."

Post by Gregg »

This is all 4-5 years old....and there are no videos posted of when she got to someone who wouldn't listen to sov'run gibberish and threats and they did in fact bodily remove her from the house (kicking and screaming I'm told) took her stuff and left it setting on the curb etc....

No, those are the videos I want to see.
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Re: "Irene Gravenhorst, a human woman..."

Post by ashlynne39 »

This may be one of the most awesome soverign things I've ever read. Unfortunately it won't let me cut and paste the text. It is an e-mail/letter from Irene to the Supreme Court of Canada. She's a nut

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Re: "Irene Gravenhorst, a human woman..."

Post by Thule »

ashlynne39 wrote:This may be one of the most awesome soverign things I've ever read. Unfortunately it won't let me cut and paste the text. It is an e-mail/letter from Irene to the Supreme Court of Canada. She's a nut
Sure? It looks more like a letter to [unknown] about the SC. I would really like to know what actually happened. For some reason I doubt that Irene managed to chase of the judge and halt the sheriffs in their tracks with merely the power of her voice.

Still, Miss Gravenhorst has no objections against letting her straw woman take the straw man of her common law ex-husband to court over support

http://www.courts.gov.bc.ca/jdb-txt/sc/ ... 0-1793.htm
Survivor of the Dark Agenda Whistleblower Award, August 2012.

Re: "Irene Gravenhorst, a human woman..."

Post by educatedindian »

This is the nut behind the so called Sovereign Squamish group, an Indonesian woman sometimes calling herself Irene Peace. If you go to their website, it's basically a pitch for their scams. Where actual tribal websites describes the tribal history and list services for their members, their's say things like "looking for investors interested in avoiding taxes."
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Re: "Irene Gravenhorst, a human woman..."

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

So I spotted a couple news reports on a Dr. Warren Fischer of Nelson British Columbia, who is currently on trial for tax evasion:

http://www.nelsonstar.com/news/20419602 ... obile=true

These articles indicate Dr. Fischer is the co-founder of the Nelson Academy of Classical Oriental Sciences (http://www.acos.org/), which offers all kinds of neat training for acupuncturists- and herbalists-to-be.

The news articles identify Dr. Fischer as a devotee of Russ Porisky, but a little digging spotted this gem: a transcript from Dr. Fischer’s May 8, 2012 court appearance:

http://www.scribd.com/doc/94839762/SINI ... ANSMAY2012

And a familiar name appears. Irene Gravenhorst. Drama ensues as she represents “Ambassador Fischer”:
IRENE-MAUS GRAVENHORST: I claim private natural law and de jure sovereign Sinixt land jurisdiction --

THE COURT: Okay, sorry --

IRENE-MAUS GRAVENHORST: -- as I have permission to stand on this land by the heir apparent hereditary leaders of the Sovereign Sinixt Government.


IRENE-MAUS GRAVENHORST: I am known by the name of the copyright trademark name as the sovereign woman for Irene-Maus Gravenhorse Kiapilanoq, and I'll give you my business card so that you can spell it for the transcript.

THE COURT: No. Okay, ma'am? Ma'am? No, no. Ma'am, just -- ma'am, stop it, okay? Now, Mr. Fischer is here on his appearance, all right? What you want to understand is that you have no right of audience in this court. All right?


THE COURT: No. Ma'am?


THE COURT: Ma'am? Okay, I'm going to ask you to please excuse yourself.


THE COURT: Mr. Sheriff, can you have her out of the courtroom, please? Thank you.


THE COURT: Out of the courtroom, please, ma'am.

IRENE-MAUS GRAVENHORST: -- and I will sue you for assault and --

THE COURT: Thank you.

IRENE-MAUS GRAVENHORST: -- I reserve the right --

THE COURT: Out of the courtroom, please.

IRENE-MAUS GRAVENHORST: -- to remain sovereign. And this is assault. This is police brutality –
Sadly, there our narrative ends. At least Irene’s participation.

So, what has Irene been up to since Quatloos last turned its steely gaze her direction? Well, she’s moving up in the world – she’s a head honcho of the “Sovereign Skwxmu7mesh ©Squamish™ Government”! Check out their cool business cards:

http://www.scribd.com/doc/94839740/BIZC ... SONMAY2012

Whattya know, ©Warren Joseph Darnell Fischer™ is their Education Health Ambassador!

Thoughtfully enough, this organization has a webpage where Hereditary Sovereign Leader Siyam ©Kiapilanoq/CAPILANO™ explains to us the nature of his organization:


And an eye-catching offer:
Welcome to the Sovereign Sovereign ©Skwxwú7mesh-Squamish™ Government (SSG) website. We are pleased to introduce freedom from taxes pursuant to legislated Common Law jurisdiction governance with Government memberships that offer tax free financial choices from our Sovereign ©Squamish / Skwxwú7mesh™ Credit Group and its Underwriter, sovereign ©Squamish / Skwxwú7mesh™ Court Registry, Kanata, Turtle Island.
That sounds like a deal!

All will be pleased to know that the Sovereign Skwxmu7mesh ©Squamish™ Government is not merely a passive entity that offers economic yummies, but is also taking action against those who have cheated us all. Err. Or them. This “Lawful Notice of Bankrupt Status by Default with Secured Liens to Name New Debtors”, dated May 12, 2012, makes certain finks like the Rothchilds, Pope Ratzinger and other no doubt allied churches, a plethora of judges and government officials, Canada, and Prime Minister Harper pay up the $142,002 trillion they owe (plus some minor additional claims) for … well, something or another.

http://www.scribd.com/doc/93930930/Lawf ... ew-Debtors

And another associated fanciful document:

http://www.scribd.com/doc/94839760/NLIE ... F-9APR2012

Don’t worry, Dr. ©Warren-Joseph-Darnell: Fischer™ has his own modest claim for $36,516 trillion in “hard lawful currency”:

http://sovcom.net/wp-content/uploads/20 ... LAIM-A.pdf

He has also thoughtfully placed online this account of his unlawful detention:

http://www.scribd.com/doc/95378688/Wjdf ... pt-May2012

So many injustices. “Theft of my Bio-Metric Date Fingerprinting”, assault and battery, breach of his “SSG insurance policy protection of $21T per offence”, extraterritorial action within the sole “jurisdiction of the SSNG Whuplakn private natural law” … and much, much more. Never, NEVER did Dr. Fischer consent.

And the arrogance of these so-called police officers. You can only shake your head, and force back tears:
They told me to go with them to their vehicle. I responded that I did not consent. They grabbed my arm and escorted me up the stairs to a police truck. I asked them why they protect criminals like the many judges who have been found involved with pedophilia. They responded that they arrest those kind of people too.
In any case, I look forward to yet more fanciful announcements, documents, and exorbitant claims from these fine people!

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNMoUnUiDqg at 11:25]
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Re: "Irene Gravenhorst, a human woman..."

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Whoops, missed this choice tidbit:


I wish we had more "insider's perspectives" on these communities. It appears the source website for the document quoted is no longer online.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNMoUnUiDqg at 11:25]
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Re: "Irene Gravenhorst, a human woman..."

Post by wserra »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:Thoughtfully enough, this organization has a webpage where Hereditary Sovereign Leader Siyam ©Kiapilanoq/CAPILANO™ explains to us the nature of his organization:

That's a lot of stupid scamming for one website.
Whoops, missed this choice tidbit:

Man, the fmotl.com site is even more scamming stupid than the SovSqueamish site.

Y'know, I'm really glad I got up early this morning, so that I had the time to look at these before working. Keep it up, Canada, and your wackos will soon be giving our wackos a run for their dinars.

Matter of fact, I'm moving the thread to the Non-U.S. sub-forum.
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Re: "Irene Gravenhorst, a human woman..."

Post by Chados »

Re http://www.fmotl.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=1873

My IQ dropped ten points just reading that stuff. I can't believe that really happened. That just has to be some sort of a joke.
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Re: "Irene Gravenhorst, a human woman..."

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Chados wrote:Re http://www.fmotl.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=1873

My IQ dropped ten points just reading that stuff. I can't believe that really happened. That just has to be some sort of a joke.
Wanna bet?

Here's some other reports of the SSG's activities:
I first became aware of the Sovereign Squamish Government (SSG) in May 2008, when group members and supporters, led by “Hereditary Squamish Chief Kiapilano,” briefly occupied the Squamish band office and declared a common law jurisdiction over the building, at the same time evicting the band council chief, Bill Williams. The ‘take over’ ended shortly after RCMP arrived and the building was closed for the rest of the day.
This is from the article "Crazy and Confused, Con Job, or Cult?" published on the Warrior Publications blog:

http://warriorpublications.wordpress.co ... b-or-cult/

It's a pretty impressive general introduction to the entire Sovereign Citizen and associated phenomena - nice to see!

There are also reports of this activity on the New Age Fraud and Plastic Shaman webpage forum:


And I note Quatloos gets a mention!

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNMoUnUiDqg at 11:25]
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Re: "Irene Gravenhorst, a human woman..."

Post by grixit »

How can you claim to have some sort of aboriginal cultural authority and then try to establish english style common law?
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: "Irene Gravenhorst, a human woman..."

Post by notorial dissent »

One fantasy is as good as another???
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: "Irene Gravenhorst, a human woman..."

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

grixit wrote:How can you claim to have some sort of aboriginal cultural authority and then try to establish english style common law?
Well, here's the kind of awful and really stupid thing. Hereditary Sovereign Leader Siyam ©Kiapilanoq/CAPILANO™ is kind of correct on this duality. This requires explaining the extremely awkward manner in which Canada has evolved handling of its aboriginal population.

Or not handling its aboriginal population.

I hope I will provide an adequate explanation of this, because quite frankly Canadian aboriginal law is a subject area that makes me want to stab myself in the eye with a fork. Nevertheless, I do end up working in this domain on occasion, and that forces me to try to explain to myself how this mess ought to operate.

So here's my understanding of the theory of how UK law establishes itself in Canada. When Canada was incorporated into the British Empire, British statute and common law miracled itself into operation throughout the incorporated territories. Later the colonial precursors to Canada popped into independent existence, along with the capacity for local law-making and courts. When that happened the local colonial jurisdiction 'inherited' a then current copy of relevant UK legislation and common law principles, and those legal sets potentially (and actually) diverged off on their own paths. Canada then was formed by grouping the colonial precursors, and as the remaining provinces entered Confederation (ie, they were created de novo) those provinces too each inherited the then current UK legal stuff, which was then replaced by local variants.

Or not. If no Canadian law has been created on the same subject, then old pre-Confederation UK law may remain. For example, in some Canadian provinces commercial transactions are still governed by the 1677 UK Statute of Frauds - they inherited it, and never displaced or eliminated the Statute by legislation.

[This is a potential gold mine for a truly inventive Freeman-on-the-Land / Sovereign Citizen guru, because it means that all manner of weird and ancient UK law may still be scuttling in the background in certain Canadian jurisdictions. I've not encountered one who has been clever enough to investigate and exploit this avenue, but there is a definite possibility that a valid legal argument could be made that would have a weird result by exploiting this phenomenon.]

In summary, as soon as the British Crown took authority over an area in Canada, no matter what its inhabitants may have thought, that domain became a common law jurisdiction - just not in the way that Freeman / Sovrans think of the common law.

Now we turn to the aboriginal facet of this mess. The conventional approach to aboriginal 'control' of Canada is the inhabitants had no rights that they could not maintain by force. Unless the aboriginal communities excluded the Crown, they were subject. In the majority of Canada any pre-UK aboriginal legal rights (if they existed at all) were fixed into a defined set by treaties agreed to between the Crown and the aboriginal peoples. For these aboriginal people, the treaties set the total scope of their special rights. In a lot of ways these treaties can be thought of as a kind of contract between the Crown and the aboriginal populations. Britain and then Canada agreed to take certain steps to protect and assist the aboriginal populations, and in exchange the aboriginal communities agreed to avoid conflict. The treaties are more than contracts and Canadian law has evolved to make the treaties a weird hybrid of constitutional documents and trust arrangements.

[I think there is little dispute that the treaty scheme has worked out very, very poorly. Its original intent was to provide aboriginal populations with a land base, certain levels of organizational and logistical support, security from ravenous and sneaky European settlers, and ultimately to provide a format to transition the native population into a western-style agricultural society that would form a bridge to assimilation. This occurred on reserves, areas of land owned by the Crown, but occupied by Indians. However, a significant aboriginal population never left the Indian reserves and these communities developed into very poorly administered and impoverished municipality-like entities, entirely dependent on state support, and where the state is prohibited by its fiduciary duty from taking steps to resolve these dysfunctional entities into something that might work better. It's a real mess.]

In the 80's the academic legal and native studies communities decided to re-contextualize the treaties as being analogous to international treaties between independent nation-states. In this scheme, the pre-contact aboriginal populations were full fledged countries, with their own entire law, governance, and property schemes, which then voluntarily adopted the UK / Canadian common law via a kind of voluntary amalgamation. Around this point most Indian bands insisted on being called "First Nations", as though the change in nomenclature would have a legal effect. It doesn't.

Unfortunately, this context made its way into Canadian Supreme Court of Canada jurisprudence in various ways. It isn't a huge issue with the treaty Indian populations, as their unique rights are in any case structured in the treaties, and those have a somewhat defined scope. Probably the most harmful effect of this shift in context is that it has encouraged decades of fruitless court challenges by Indian bands that have had no effect but to impoverish already stressed communities.

Oh yes, and some lawyers got very, very rich.

But there are some exceptions to this pattern. The first was in Newfoundland where the Beothuk aboriginal population was entirely exterminated. The second is in the arctic where the Inuit population never signed onto treaties. Their special rights have been addressed by creating Nunavut, a separate territory (a 'province-light') for themselves. [It's not working out especially well.] The third exception are the Metis, Canada mixed race population. The courts are currently working out just what are the scope of their special rights - that's in flux.

The last is the most complicated situation. In British Columbia, much of the aboriginal population never entered into a treaty process with the Crown, and that's the case right up to today. The Squamish population that Kiapilanoq/CAPILANO claims to run are the descendants of one such group of Indians who never relinquished their pre-contact rights (whatever they are). So, according to modern treaty theory, groups like the Squamish are still one or more independent nation-states. Or something like that. Because these groups have never formally agreed to the Indian band organization scheme they presumably still have their old pre-contact laws and social structure.

But they don't, because these 'untreaty Indians' were nevertheless put on reserves, and had a democratically selected band chief and counsel leadership structure imposed on them by legislation. That's been the case in many instances for well over 100 years.

In 1993 negotiations began between the Canadian governments and the untreaty Indians to create new treaties that will formalize their Indian status and structure in Canada. Of the 60 untreaty proto-bands, one has managed in 2000 to agree to treaty terms. I think it is charitable to say the process has not gone at all well. There are many, many issues which have emerged. One is that with certain Indian bands there is real dispute over who actually can negotiate - is it a hereditary leadership that never was 'legally' displaced, vs. traditional elders, vs. the elected chief and counsel?

It is in this morass that Kiapilanoq/CAPILANO is swimming, and making his preposterous claims. From what I've read, the Squamish consider him a nobody who has simply inserted himself into the process for his own and greedy purposes. But nevertheless, as crackpot as the SSG seems, it has this very unfortunate crumb of truth.

As noted, this is not my area of expertise, but I'd be glad to attempt to fill in the blanks on this Serbonian bog, if anyone is interested.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNMoUnUiDqg at 11:25]
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Re: "Irene Gravenhorst, a human woman..."

Post by Chados »

That's a theme I've seen in some sovereign practice down here, Mowe. It's most prevalent in these land-patent fraud/allodial title cases. They go dig up some obscure document relating to an original land grant from the King and then wave it around like it gives them tax-free title to the land. Usually, that ends poorly for the sovereign citizen.
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Re: "Irene Gravenhorst, a human woman..."

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I don't think these particular contributions by Irene have been mentioned.

First, we have yet another Zeitgeist-inspired image collage with thumping techno soundtrack thingie, then Irene emerging, sincere and direct, to explain to us the truth:
And now the real treat. Behold as Irene and her buddies appear at the Richmond, British Columbia Court House and affix a "permanent eviction notice" to the courthouse, as the Queen and 'bankers' are trespassing on Sovereign Squamish Territory:
As Red Jacket so eloquently explains, how can the judges not understand that the path we are on, without any doubt, will transform Earth into Mars! (Though presumably a little heavier.)

Subsequently Irene relates yet another triumphant courtroom appearance, and a $300 billion lien on the foolish police officer (oh, sorry, policy enforcement officer) who had interfered with Irene's common law activities.

"I think everybody here is beautiful, and so thank you."

No, Irene, thank YOU. You Go Girl!

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNMoUnUiDqg at 11:25]
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Re: "Irene Gravenhorst, a human woman..."

Post by wserra »

I recently ran across this email purporting to be from Gravenhorst to the Vancouver - er, "Sovereign ©Skwxwú7mesh-Squamish™" - city government. Gravenhorst and company, you see, renamed Vancouver a couple of years ago "by silence as a tacit consent to agree to the served Notice and submitted to the UN Assembly and ICJ". Did anyone notice?

Anyway, it looks like their car was either repossessed or impounded. They want their $21,000,000,000,000 per day (no, I'm not kidding) in damages. Hey, it was quite a car. Oh, and they are "in the process of confiscating funds (a total of $500 trillion) from bank accounts all over the world in the control of George Bush Sr". I don't recall anyone noticing that either. Finally, they want to make it clear that they have no connection with the real Squamish Band Council, although I think we could figure that one out on our own. That lack of connection is important to them, because the real Squamish "continue with the genocide in selling our children to feed the pedophiles at $500 per child per night".

"Hiyshka/thank you"

Dnoargxpt/you're welcome.
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