Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International

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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I just poked through my copy of Russell Miller's "Bare-Faced Messiah: The True Story of L. Ron Hubbard", and in that text (p. 133) the author quotes Sam Merwin, editor of "Thrilling" magazines as saying:
I found him a very amusing guy and bought several stories from him. He was really quite a character. I always knew he was exceedingly anxious to hit on big money - he used to say he thought the best way to do it would be to start a cult.
In the same text at p. 117 reporter and roommate Nieson Himmel is quoted as saying:
He was always broke and trying to borrow money. That was another reason he didn't like me - I would never lend him a cent. Whenever he was talking about being hard up he often used to say he thought the easiest way to make money would be to start a religion.
I have no independent basis to comment on the reliability of this source, but it certainly makes for some interesting reading. I particularly enjoyed the recap of Hubbard's WW II military career, in which Hubbard commanded a submarine chaser, the USS PC-815, and in her shakedown cruise managed to conduct an extended depth charge attack on a known magnetic deposit geological feature and then proceeded to shell Mexican territory.

Bald Faced Messiah also introduced me to this very interesting image of L. Ron auditing a tomato ( Years later, it still sends me into a fit of giggles...

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Re: Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

fortinbras wrote:Fake churches as tax dodges have LONG been in use in the US. An outfit called Life Science Church was started as a tax dodge about 40 years ago and the guy who cooked it up made a fortune from fools who believed his lies about how it would make them completely invisible to the IRS. ...
Something a little odd - I have never encountered this strategy used in Canada. We have fake churches, such as CERI, but I have never encountered members of these organizations attempting to evade income tax on that basis. Awhile ago I poked around looking for those, since it seemed such an obvious and natural gambit that one would anticipate someone has used it, but no.

There are two collections of reported Canadian case law where 'fake churches' have been employed. One are the Belanger/CERI cases described in Meads v. Meads, 2012 ABQB 571 at paras. 134-139, 183-188. The second involve "The Assembly of the Church of the Universe" and its leading figures, "Reverend Brother Michael Baldasaro" and "Reverend Brother Walter Tucker". They feature in a very large collection of cases where the Reverend Brothers either attempt to challenge Canada's prohibition on marijuana use and possession, or to fight charges against them for those offences. A couple good examples for Baldasaro and Tucker are:
The same consistent obsession occurs in both cases - these persons really want their pot and the right to 'proselytize' its manufacture and consumption.

As far as I have seen, none of these cases that involve either of these fake churches, allege failure to pay income tax. I have a suspicion as to why. I think the persons who 'belong' to these churches simply either owe very little or no tax as they have very limited income or are recipients of social assistance benefits (Belanger is definitely one of these) which do not qualify as taxable income.

I suspect Burnaby49 may have some observations on this point.

SMS Möwe
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Re: Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International

Post by grixit »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:
Bald Faced Messiah also introduced me to this very interesting image of L. Ron auditing a tomato ( Years later, it still sends me into a fit of giggles...

SMS Möwe
Does it say whether he cleared the tomato? Or did it need to come up with another $5000 for more lessons?

Hmm, i wonder if i can get catsup to pour faster by using Tone 40.
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Re: Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International

Post by Burnaby49 »

The probable reason we don't have fake churches (apart from the pot smokers) is that there is no advantage to it. The laws differ in the United States and I'm not clear on the advantages of inventing churches there for tax purposes but, in the case of Life Science Church, it seemed to be that the church was promoted as an illegal tax avoidance dodge. They touted that ministers could make sham vows of poverty and transfer all of their income into the church which they controlled since the "church" was their home with a congregation of whomever was in the family. They were told they could put their personal and real property into the church and avoid property and other taxes. The idea was not sophisticated, they didn't actually set up entire fake church operations, just said their home was a church and they were the minister.

Didn't work in the states and it wouldn't work here. You can take a tax-exempt vow of perpetual poverty in Canada if you give all of your earnings to a religious organization under 110(2) of the Income Tax Act;

(2) Where an individual is, during a taxation year, a member of a religious order and has, as such, taken a vow of perpetual poverty, the individual may deduct in computing the individual’s taxable income for the year an amount equal to the total of the individual’s superannuation or pension benefits and the individual’s earned income for the year (within the meaning assigned by section 63) if, of the individual’s income, that amount is paid in the year to the order.

However this is limited to members of a religious order, not to any clown who declares himself a church and the money must go to the larger order, not to his own personally controlled bank account. Additionally the nature of religion is somewhat different here. In the states there are a significant number of megachurches led by one charismatic leader such as Joel Osteen. When you get one guy with control over the till and a lot of cash flow there can be significant tax advantages. I believe there was a discussion thread here about how megachurch leaders got multiple mansion free of taxes because of US clery housing exemptions. While we have a lot of small church groups here they don't have much money and we have no (that I know of) big cash-flow charismatic one-man-shows. So no tax advantage when there is no income to shield.

Where we get significant religious tax fraud and corruption is in the donation receipts they issue. Small, and not so small, religious institutions issuing tax deductable donation receipts for fake donations. One big example here:!msg/c ... KYbyHYPbUJ

However this isn't limited to religious organizations: ... eipts.html
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

With all this media excitement I was curious to see how the “minister” Belanger has responded. To my surprise he has been rather quiet. Instead, however, he has posted a couple videos on his Youtube site that are from the “minister” Catherine Flamond.

Now, Cathie (she seems to prefer that form of her first name) is the notorious CERI member who operates her 1994 Mercury Sable as an “Ecclesiastical Pursuit Chariot”. I’ve always been a little vague as to her role in the CERI movement as a whole, and though I had seen some of her documentation I’d never really examined it in any great detail. Thanks to the material discussed below I know a lot more - for example she's Belanger's landlady and he lives in her basement.

So Belanger hasn't said much since his failed bromance with Menard. Then these videos pop up. And there’s something else strange – the videos were made over a year ago, and as far as I can tell neither Cathie nor Belanger ever made them public. Why do so now? I honestly don’t know.

Anyway, first to the videos. One is short, just three minutes long ( It’s a manifesto to Alberta judges. Cathie announces that she is going to skip her Oct. 23, 2012 trial because she has a “lawful excuse”. Why? It won’t be a fair trial – because of Meads v. Meads, 2012 ABQB 571 – which was released just a few weeks earlier:
… I won’t be able to protect myself at all, you guys are going to intimidate me, and threaten me, and take away my life and liberty, and you’re going to try to make me look like I’m crazy. …
While it’s not stated explicitly it does appear this video is in relation to Cathie's impending trial for operating a motor vehicle without a licence, insurance, etc, via the “Ecclesiastical Pursuit Chariot” excuse.

The comments on the video explain that Cathie is not the target of any arrest warrants for not appearing in court. She further explains:
Cathie Flamond
[Sept 2013]
There are no warrants out for me whatsoever. I am now going after them in a civil court. I have all the proof I need that they are a false god, tyrannical government. I am not doing this to save money, I have paid insurance all my life for nothing, all based on assumption. I am doing this because they are pulling a major fraud They are using your and my name in fraud and they are bullying, intimidating and pushing people to pay these so called tickets.
Now on to the longer video, which from all appearances was again made around the same time, Sept.-Oct. 2012 ( It is close to an hour long, and is entitled “minister Catherine educates us”. Cathie informs the viewer she is no longer a Flamond but a Fraser. She’s mighty annoyed about media reporting on her Ecclesiastical Pursuit Chariot legal action. Out comes Black’s Law Dictionary, and off we go… Person means Persona. Persona means a mask worn on a stage. A person is an all capital letters name – a dead in law name. A “Human” means a “Monster” – that was in an old dictionary.

Yep, it’s the same old thing. Government is evil and a fraud. The only true law is the 10 commandments. Since this is a CERI production we have extensive Bible quotation. I’ll just highlight some interesting moments in Cathie’s “education”.
  • 6:00 – Cathie shows us a photo of her homemade CERI licence plate.

    10:30 – Cathie shows her published local newspaper notice of her “Private Agreement” that allows her to travel in her Chariot.
    12:00 – It’s a pursuit chariot because that is clearly a non-commercial vehicle use.

    15:00 – Cathie got a ticket – but she wrote across it “Refused for fraud” – that’s due to the all capital letter name – and one’s true name is specified in “the Curriculum Act”.

    17:15 – In 1955 the oath was altered to remove the word “do”, which makes the oath “grammatically incoherent”. All post 1955 oaths and officials are fraud!
    When we were born, that’s the slavery. When we were born our parents signed a birth certificate and that was where the 13 families that own the world. If you go and type in 13 families you’ll find all kinds of information about the 13 families that rule the world. They run it. And they’re evil! They bought us at birth, of course without telling our parents what they were doing, and you try and get your statement of live birth and see how many security guards come with it.
    20:40 – Her court date is Oct. 23, 2012 - but she’s not going – she has a lawful excuse, as the government is a de facto government.

    24:30 – That cop committed a Criminal Code offence when he interfered with Cathie – see, here’s her ministerial documentation. It has her photo on it. But then she immediately holds up a driver’s licence and says:
    The 10 commandments, in the third commandment it says do not make any graven images. That’s what a licence is – it’s a graven image.
    25:30 – The only place you see all capital letter names is on headstones, obituaries, so that means you’re dead in law. Look at how different it is from the live birth announcements in the newspapers.

    27:45 – Cathie told the cop who gave her the tickets to not write her name in all capital letters on the ticket – that’s fraud! But he did it anyways… Have a look at the ticket! (It has “Strawman” written beside her name).

    29:00 – 32:00 – Savage treatment and torture after being found driving without insurance – paddy wagons are hard on the butt - she even lost her home. “It’s all about the money and they want every dime you make.”

    34:30 – If Cathie is put in jail she will not eat or drink anything. Why? Because her friend (it’s Belanger) was in jail for seven months for “Gods Gift” (yeah, pot). He was so sick when he came out. Belanger lives in her house in the basement, his room is below hers, and he’s been barfing, and barfing, and barfing – every night, Belanger was in agony! Why? Horrible prison food. “What a horrible place that is. 98% of people should not be in there. Unbelievable!”

    38:30 – Cathie has a friend who refused to sign a birth certificate, and ‘they’ would not let her out of the hospital until she paid $65,000 or signed. A birth certificate is worth $8 million – plus your life’s activities.

    45:45 – The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is real – they say it’s a hoax, but it’s real. And a 33 degree Mason wrote it, because he felt guilty.

    48:15 – The judges have access to the in-court recordings and they can change the record. That’s why they won’t let us record court proceedings.

    49:15 – All judges are actors – that’s what person means. All persons are actors. People use “person” due to brainwashing.

    50:15 – Cathie’s been smoking marijuana since was 9, but that’s God’s Gift. Eating marijuana heals cancer. Everyone should eat marijuana leaves everyday.

    52:30 - Street preachers are actors to scare people from the Church and stop them from reading the Bible.

    53:45 – Read the Protocols of Zion – it will blow your mind. Everything in there has happened.
A few general notes. She sure doesn’t like Associate Chief Justice Rooke after Meads v. Meads. Beyond that, Cathie comes across as quite a lost person, as she complains about being separated, perhaps alienated, from her family. This seems consistent with the kinds of people who have ended up associated with CERI.

Cathie’s legal defence rests on her “Private Agreement” with government actors. If you are curious, a scanned copy can be viewed here ( ... ivate.html). It looks like she faxed it out, as the cover page reads:
Please let me know if you received this. If I do not get a confirmation from you I will assume you have no received it and I will re-send it every 10 minutes until I get a confirmation. Thank you very much.

It appears Cathie also produced a second “Private Agreement”, dated June 21, 2012, which has only recently been posted on another blog: minister Catherine’s “Bringin down house” ( Unfortunately, Cathie (and Belanger) do not appear to believe in paragraphs, so it’s one very, very long, long screed. If features 98 points that will be accepted unless refuted by “Jonathan Denis the private man” - in a mere three days!

I’ll quote a couple of these 98 items:
Ten It is agreed upon with no dispute to the facts forthcoming from you Jonathan Denis the private man acting as Minister of Justice/Solicitor General for the Province of Alberta that my proper given Christian appellation I have been called all my life is Catherine Edith unlawfully registered as of the Flamond family and it is not to be used, spelled or formed in any manner what so ever by any corporate entity as that would be consenting to communicating with the dead as in necrophilia and is a violation of my faith and without my consent.

Eleven It is agreed upon with no dispute to the facts forthcoming from you Jonathan Denis the private man acting as Minister of Justice/Solicitor General for the Province of Alberta that I will not accept claim or have any association with the name CATHERINE EDITH FLAMOND, or FLAMOND Catherine Edith, or FLAMOND CATHERINE EDITH or any other dead in law corporate fiction formation of my private appellation with a commercial postal code applied as that is necrophilia. See section 11.2 of the Canada letter mail regulations.

Sixteen It is agreed upon with no dispute to the facts forthcoming from you Jonathan Denis the private man acting as Minister of Justice/Solicitor General for the Province of Alberta that I am governed by Yahuwah and his son Yahushuwah the Christ I cannot bow to the governments of man and their codes rules and regulations as they are false god’s trading the souls of men/women for profit on the world’s stock exchanges. Revelations 18:9-13.

Twenty Five It is agreed upon with no dispute to the facts forthcoming from you Jonathan Denis the private man acting as Minister of Justice/Solicitor General for the Province of Alberta that the King James version of the Holy Bible is by her Majesties oath to defend it to be in every courthouse in Canada to be sworn on but the powers that be have unlawfully removed them to prevent men and women from using it to defend their faith and to cover up the action of billing the annuities on each bonded case to trade via the stock market for profit.

Twenty Nine It is agreed upon with no dispute to the facts forthcoming from you Jonathan Denis the private man acting as Minister of Justice/Solicitor General for the Province of Alberta that man via corporate law is constantly telling us that we must identify ourselves. The well established law of the land says I need no identification to show any officer unless he has a reasonable cause to believe I have committed a crime. You can refer to the Alberta Guthroe decision for that reference. Keep this Truth in mind...God ordained rulers being his ministers using only his law with a small “m”, with only two reward good and punish evil (John 18:23, Romans 13:3-4, 1 Peter 2:14). That's it! Anything they do beyond this is out of their ordained duties. Ask yourself this question, "Do licenses reward good or punish evil?" Courts are supposed to, but licenses have nothing to do with rewarding good or punishing evil as they are commercial contracts to obey the commercial laws put in place for those engaged in activities for hire.

Seventy Nine It is agreed upon with no dispute to the facts forthcoming from you Jonathan Denis the private man acting as Minister of Justice/Solicitor General for the Province of Alberta that Natural in the Black's Law Dictionary 6th Edition, pg. 712, defines 'Natural' as follows: "Untouched by man or by influences of civilization; wild; untutored, and is the opposite of the word "artificial". The juristic meaning of this term does not differ from the vernacular, except in the cases where it is used in opposition to the term "legal"; and then it means proceeding from or determined by physical causes or conditions, as distinguished from positive enactments of law, or attributable to the nature of man rather than the commands of law, or based upon moral rather than legal considerations or sanctions." Hmmm, what do they mean by this definition? Am I untouched by man (depends on what the word 'man' means), or by influences of civilization? I don't think so. Am I 'wild', or 'untutored'? Not me. Even though the definition states that this word is the opposite of the word 'artificial', it still does not describe who I believe I am. So I must conclude that I am not a 'natural' person’, under this definition of the word 'natural'. …
The only other content to the blog is a video from UCADIA guru Frank O’Collins. Well, I’m not certain if that helps establish much credibility...

So here’s a funny thing. I’ve pretty much considered Belanger and his crew a spent presence in the Canadian Freeman/Sovereign world, almost a historical relic more than anything else. But Belanger’s persistence seems to have gained him a new fan. Whom?

None other than lynchpin Freeman-on-the-Land theorist Mary Elizabeth Croft. In her latest “Spiritual Economics Now” blog post ( she has this to say:
There is NO solution within commerce. The solution to everything is within US. Every “solution to commerce” required that we use statutory law, which only further entrapped us in “commerce”, where we lost our standing. ANY “commercial solution” IS, itself, the trap.

Thanks to “minister Edward-Jay-Robin”, and his ‘owlmon’ videos, and also Bill Donahue’s Ten Commandments lectures, I now grasp the Ten Commandments the first three of which are the most significant:

First Commandment (C1): Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Second (C2): Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, …

Third (C3): Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: …
Is CERI looking at a revival? With the disintegration of the Freeman-on-the-Land community, there may be a ‘bounty of souls’. I’ll be very curious to see if Belanger and Croft team up.

Just think of the Ecclesiastical Pursuit Contracts they could draft...

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, I guess we'll know, when she doesn't show up in court on the 23rd adn they issue a bench warrant for her, won't we???? Daft, just plain daft.
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Re: Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

We must be missing some of this story as it is currently Oct 2013.
I love this bit:
a false god, tyrannical government
as opposed to those true god tyrannical governments which are OK.
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Re: Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Cathie seems to have adopted, as her personal motto, a phrase which I feel encapsulates the sovrun mindset in one sentence:

"I doan' WANNA do that, an' you can't MAKE me!"

When spoken, it must be rendered in the tone of a petulant child.
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Re: Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

That's just what a member of the 13 Families would say!

So I followed Cathie's suggestion and googled "13 Families", which I guess actually means "The 13 Illuminati Satanic Bloodlines" ( And they're 17 in total, thirteen numbered, a bonus Illuminati Satanic Bloodline, and three "Interconnected" families: the Disneys, Krupps, and McDonalds. As in the McDonalds of the Goldened Arched Temple of Ronald McDonald.

Yeah, I know it was the Krocs who pushed McDonalds - but apparently these McDonalds freely distributed their secret Illuminati franchising knowledge to create many (all?) fast food chains for ... well, Illuminati purposes. Which are sneaky. And secret. And obscure.

I was a little disappointed to see that the House of Windsor didn't make the list. Weirdly, Ted Bundy and the Bundy's did.

I learn something new everyday.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International

Post by AndyK »

It's working :!:

All the attention has been distracted towards 'big-name' families while the TRUE Illuminati bloodlines have been overlooked.
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Re: Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International

Post by grixit »

Ted Bundy, Al Bundy, and King Kong Bundy are responsible for the use of Twitter to keep the populace quiescent. See most of the messages and the associated hashtags are full of mind control codes that go straight to the subconscious everytime they're read. Most subtle and insidious, the House of Bundy.
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minister Catherine

Re: Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International

Post by minister Catherine »

Hello Hilfskreuzer,

I was reading your comments about me and I think you should get your facts straight before you write anything as that is defamation. What your doing is called damage control. Every encounter I have ever had with the media is nothing but lies, media prints some truth but it is mostly lies. How can you write about anyone you have never even met or talked to. It is all based on assumptions. I am not associated with any church or group whatsoever. All we are is a bunch of people who know the truth and of course the liars are going to defame us, I knew that right from the start. Truth isn't printed it is taken apart piece by piece to make one look insane.

All I did was what God told me to do in Matthew 5:25 which says: Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison.

In Matthew 18: 15-20 it gives us the format to get these agreements. It says: 15 Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: (private) if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.
16. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
17. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.
18. Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
19. Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
20. For where to or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Do you see anything wrong with that?

The first agreement I got was with The Minister of Justice on July 29, 2010. I was very new to this at the time and I did not do a very good job on it. I got the same agreement with the Minister of Transportation, the Mayor, the City Solicitor, the Premier, 3 police Chief's and a few others.

I did not get any answer back from any of them. It says right in my agreement that if they do not answer me then they agree by tacit consent which means they agree by silence. Yes they do have to answer me if I am wrong as they are public servants.

I was not happy with my first agreements as it did not explain much (as I was new to this) so I did another one. The one you see on google is a scanned copy which google takes and squishes all together to save room. It does not look like that at all. It was also the second one I got with him, the first one I gave him 30 days to answer me, the second one 3 days to answer me and then I posted it in the only newspaper that would print it. None of the papers here would print it except the one it is printed in and I had to advertise it. Does it really matter where it is advertised?

I did not show up in their false god court on October 23rd like I said.

Just before my court date a man came to see me who said he was an R.C.M.P. officer who got fired. He was very interested in my agreements and would not have any eye contact with anyone else in the room except me, he was going over my agreement with a fine tooth comb. He told me that if I went to court they would put me away because I would be classified as crazy or charge me with Treason.

I am not against the government I am against the corporation known as "CANADA" trading the souls of men and women on the stock exchange. See Dunn & Bradstreet.

I believe our government is a tyranny government and they only listen to corporations.
God said "do not add to my law, do not take away from my law, this I command you". That is exactly what they did to make money.

There are only 10 commandments besides the one I quoted above, what is so hard about going by these commandments?

I have to admit though that the R.C.M.P. officer scared me so I moved to Nova Scotia where my family is. While I was there I thought to myself "I cannot let these people scare me, I have the truth on my side" and I started this so I have to finish this so I came back to Edmonton"

My court date was October 23rd 2012 and I did not show up because they are bias, they have a false oath and I wouldn't have a chance against the very system that I am fighting. Right there I would be in the belly of the beast.

Anyway, when I came back to Edmonton I went back to the same house I was living in before i left and my roommate had gotten someone to live downstairs in the basement suite. He was growing tobacco. I was sleeping on June 6th, 2013 and there was a very loud bang on my front door, my dog went crazy. It was the police and swat unit. I had no idea what was going on, there was about 30 of them, they said they had a warrant to search the premises. They put me in handcuffs and took me outside to the neighbors front steps in my pajama's then took me to the police station to grill me.

They thought the guy downstairs was growing marijuana and they wanted to see if I had anything to do with it. I had nothing to do with the guy downstairs as my roommate got him to live there to help with the bills. Also, I was gone for most of the time that he lived there.

After they found out it was not marijuana but tobacco they brought me home. They ran my name and there were no warrants out for me. This was almost 7 months after my court date.

It's been over 3 years since I got my first agreement. The media is defaming me because of it. Why couldn't they just leave it alone. They are trying to make me look like a terrorist by putting me right beside the Freeman on the land movement in the paper, also printing lie after lie. How can you get a story straight when you are assuming and not communicating with the one you are writing about?

Every time I stepped in that courthouse there would be cops following me everywhere and I'm thinking all this over traffic tickets, I must have something here. The whole time I was fighting these tickets in court they gave me the run around, sending me to wrong courtrooms, giving me wrong phone numbers, names etc. What do they have to hide? Could I be right? Do they have a big scam going on. Yes they do, they are racketeering and money laundering, they have a false oath and they are buying, selling and trading us on the stock exchange via our Birth Certificate and the all capitol name. I know who I am do you?

Section 32 and 52 of the charter says that their codes, rules and regulations apply to them not us. Traffic violations are civil and they are putting people in jail over it taking away their life and liberty. Also see 176, 180 and 423 of the Canadian Criminal Code (which applies to them).

I am in no way saying that I am perfect, matter of fact I know I'm not and neither is anyone else. "Let those of you without sin cast the first stone".

So obviously I did something right with these agreements and I knew they would because it is done in honor and it is true. Can you see anything wrong with that? Getting an agreement with your adversary before they take you to the judgment seats? If I did something wrong then please let me know.

I hurt no one, I damaged no property there is no injured party except myself.

One must ask themselves why would they take a 54 year old woman who only got agreements with the higher ups and defame her by comparing her to Guru's, the freeman-on-the-land and the terrorist Timothy McVeigh when I am not violent in any way, I don't even own a gun, I don't believe in them and writing "her way of thinking", what is wrong with the way I think? We are all equal, no one has authority over you or I. If I do damage to another then I am responsible for that damage no one else. Insurance is based on assumption, registration is giving your vehicle to the government so they can control it and a license is a graven image. The Muslims believe that insurance is gambling and they don't carry a driver's license, is it ok for them because they are Muslim and not ok for me because I am Christian? I think that would be considered discrimination.

Christians have been marked for years cause they know the truth and are a threat to their corrupt system, of course they are going to stab at them at every opportunity they have.

What you fail to realize is that more and more people are finding the truth out everyday and you guys are going to look like the corrupt idiots, it is scripture.

People are realizing that the media is in on it, they don't print the truth because it is a threat to their goals and that it is slavery.

I honestly don't care what people think and I knew I was going to be persecuted right from the start as it does say so in the word. I am to store up my treasures in heaven not on earth and that is my intent.

Ezekiel 33: 6-10 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any one from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.
7.So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me.
8. When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand .
9. Nevertheless, if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou has delivered thy soul.
10. Therefore, O thou son of man, speak unto the house of Israel; Thus ye speak, saying, If our transgressions and our sins be upon us, and we pine away in them, how should we live.

There is a reason why we have been brainwashed all our lives to not read the bible. It has our inheritances and our gifts in it and it tells us exactly what the evil doer's are doing to us. They don't want us to know the truth, of course not it will bring their corrupt system to their knees.

I am not going to give up, I started this and I am going to finish this. It is truth! It cannot be denied. It is factual.

I can see why only 1/4th of the earth is saved, so many people are brainwashed and it does tell us in the Protocols of the learned elders of Zion what they have done to us and are still doing it to us today. It says in the good book that we will be their slaves forever, do you think that doesn't mean now, of course it does because they are still doing it today.

Those who have eyes let them see, those who have ears let them hear.

Oh by the way I am not a professional writer I am just a woman who knows the truth and it shall set me free.

Now you are probably going to take this letter that I am writing right now and only quoting a few points from it because you do not have the light within you and you are in on it.

If you are going to print any more about me then it better be the truth and not bits and pieces to suit your own agenda as you are liable also in your private capacity. That is what the media does, only prints what suits them.

I am a mother of 3 and a grandmother of 2 who knows the truth.
Here is some information for the readers if you print this:

The Federal Oath of Allegiance.
The British North American Act, Schedule 5.
The Preamble.
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
The Criminal Code.
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. By the way, I was the one who said it was probably written by a 33rd degree Mason. That is my opinion and my opinion only.
The Coronation Oath, the Queen's swearing in is on youtube, type in Coronation Oath 1953. Where she says that she will defend the faith with all her power as she has her hand on a King James Bible and that Bible is to be in every courtroom in Canada which it is not. They have a Gideon one.

The took the word "do" out of the oath to make it grammatically incoherent which makes it a false oath.

What kind of people do we have in our public servant system that takes a false oath?

Do you think they are trustworthy?

If there is no true oath then there is nothing but lies and deceit, and that is exactly what our so called public servants are doing to us.

If we can't depend on our public servant to be true to us well then I guess we have a corrupt system then don't we. Am I wrong?

Please do your research, don't believe anyone as it says "trust no man" learn for yourself, the information is out there.

No more assumptions please.

blessings minister Catherine Fraser.
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Re: Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International

Post by Burnaby49 »

The first agreement I got was with The Minister of Justice on July 29, 2010. I was very new to this at the time and I did not do a very good job on it. I got the same agreement with the Minister of Transportation, the Mayor, the City Solicitor, the Premier, 3 police Chief's and a few others.

I did not get any answer back from any of them. It says right in my agreement that if they do not answer me then they agree by tacit consent which means they agree by silence. Yes they do have to answer me if I am wrong as they are public servants.
Here we go again.

Perhaps she should get in touch with the Chief for some tips on how to make these unilateral contracts work for her. The man is currently sharing his massive legal knowledge on contract law at his own thread. Speaking of which Mowe certainly has a way of getting these individuals to participate in debate. After reading the nonsense above and the Chief's latest rants I'm beginning to think that may not necessarily be to our advantage and enlightenment.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International

Post by Kestrel »

Here we have another rulebook which is a curious hash cherry-picked from US law, Canadian law, British law, assorted conflicting religious texts, Hammurabic code, and various magistrates' decisions that have already been overturned on appeal. Stir together and serve with a garnish extracted from internet sov'run gurus.

Interestingly, although it bears similarities to another rulebook under discussion on a different Q thread, and is similarly derived, this rulebook is in no way consistent with the former. Which is right? Which is wrong? How could we tell?

Is it even worth the trouble deciding?

I'm not playing along with this one either.
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Re: Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:Speaking of which Mowe certainly has a way of getting these individuals to participate in debate. After reading the nonsense above and the Chief's latest rants I'm beginning to think that may not necessarily be to our advantage and enlightenment.
I was noticing this too. Perhaps we will have to consider charging Molwe an cleanup fee everytime he attracts one of these pests to Quatloos.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

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minister Catherine

Re: Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International

Post by minister Catherine »

What am I doing wrong? Who am I hurting? Is that not what they do with us is contract? They do it every day and that is right? Doing it without full unedited disclosure? Bills of exchange act 55-57.

I am going by the book that the "Head of State" swore to defend. Is that not honorable?

It says right on top of their Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?

Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law?

What do you think that means? It means that God's law is above all others, man made law. Man made law is hurting us whereas God's law does not.

I am not here to argue, I am just here to defend myself against tyrants.

Is this an athiest room? Just wondering!
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Re: Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International

Post by Kestrel »

minister Catherine wrote:Is this an athiest room? Just wondering!
No. We have, and openly welcome, people of every religious mindset, or lack thereof.

We acknowlege the role of religion in the development of our society. We also freely discuss fools who attempt to use religion to shield themselves from secular authority, particularly when the attempts come from fools who set themselves up as independent authorities on all things religious and legal.

What we do NOT do is beat each other over the head with religious arguments. This is not a forum where prosthelytizing is tolerated.
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Re: Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

minister Catherine,

First, please allow me to say how delighted I am to see you have joined this forum – and kindly do not mind my somewhat jaded colleagues – welcome to Quatloos.

I very much appreciate you taking the time to explain the events of the past several years, and I can understand how you may see the media’s representation of yourself as less than flattering. If nothing else, I think we both can agree that popular reporting rarely examines anything below the surface of a story, and as a consequence only on occasion provides what may be an appropriate context.

And that police raid does sound terrifying! I have heard of the same kind of thing happening with orchid enthusiasts who have large indoor collections where they grow those plants.
Now you are probably going to take this letter that I am writing right now and only quoting a few points from it because you do not have the light within you and you are in on it.
I’m not sure if I’m “in on it”, but I do want to be frank and honest; I think you and I have very different views on what the law is and is not. Perhaps that is a topic for another time, but I hope you do not mind if I immediately shift our discussion in a different direction. One of my foibles is that I have an academic interest in a great many subjects. As you may have guessed, one such point of interest are groups such as the one with which I understand you are affiliated, “The Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International”. I’ve been calling it “CERI” for short.
How can you write about anyone you have never even met or talked to. It is all based on assumptions. I am not associated with any church or group whatsoever. All we are is a bunch of people who know the truth and of course the liars are going to defame us, I knew that right from the start. Truth isn't printed it is taken apart piece by piece to make one look insane.
I have tried to learn about yourself and CERI by watching videos and listening to interviews online, as well as reading material posted on the “allcreatorsgifts” website. You are quite correct that is not personal knowledge of yourself and you colleagues.

As a consequence, I am wondering if you could tell me more about your community. I have visited the “allcreatorsgifts” website, and it seems to describe a religious group. Is that incorrect? I note you refer to yourself by the title “minister”. Perhaps you could explain how this community works – is it more a study group? Do you have a hierarchy? Is Edward Jay Robin Belanger your leader or teacher?

If I were to attend one of your gatherings what would it be like?

Is there a reason why CERI members also use a lower case title “minister”, not “Minister”?
Were you once “reformed druids”? I read an article on the “allcreatorsgifts” website where minister Belanger had at one time called himself that.

This is perhaps one of those points where popular sources are inaccurate, but I have seen CERI described as a “pot church”, in that the organization’s main focus is the production and use of marijuana in a religious context. I suspect that is an oversimplification since I have read documents such as your “agreements” which have a far broader intended effect. Can you explain the relationship of marijuana use to the beliefs of the group as well? Is this something that is the ‘core’ of the community, or more incidental? Perhaps marijuana use is important to some who are involved, but not all members?

I am also curious how you have come to where you are. Please feel free to tell me if any of these questions are ones you think are too intrusive – I won’t be offended in any way. How long have you been associated with CERI? How did you first find out about the group and its beliefs? Did they seem strange to you, or were these ideas ones that it seemed you already knew – they were just ‘natural’? Do you feel you share a lot with other members of the group? Or is it ideas and objectives that have brought you together?

You have said that people (authorities?) take steps to make persons with beliefs like yours “look insane”. Do you think that is just two very different perspectives ‘colliding’, or is this a plan? Do you think that pretty much everyone in the government, courts, police, and lawyers are “in on it”? Or are there just a few people ‘pulling the strings’?
One must ask themselves why would they take a 54 year old woman who only got agreements with the higher ups and defame her by comparing her to Guru's, the freeman-on-the-land and the terrorist Timothy McVeigh when I am not violent in any way … They are trying to make me look like a terrorist by putting me right beside the Freeman on the land movement in the paper, also printing lie after lie. …
I sometimes read discussions online between persons who identify themselves as Freemen-on-the-Land, Sovereign Citizens, and members of CERI. I think you see these groups as very different – can you explain how? Do you see the Freemen as violent? If so, why? It seems minister Belanger has had a lot of dealings with people who call themselves Freemen, for example I have watched his videos of his recent interactions with Robert Menard. I know minister Belanger has said he believes that many leaders in these movements are some a kind of government agents or plants - I believe Menard and David Kevin Lindsay were mentioned by name. Do you agree? Does that trouble you? Any thoughts would be very welcome.

Do you know Nanya-Shaabu :El? I think he was involved with CERI for awhile and he and minister Belanger worked together. Bluntly, he seems to me to be a very troubled person.

This is perhaps a strange question, but have you heard of someone or some organization in the Edmonton area selling land obtained from Indians to Freemen-on-the-Land in the last year or so? That is a subject I have been following for awhile, it has to do with the allegations of Freemen squatting on Crown land in the Grande Prairie area. You may have read about that in news reports.

My last inquiry is more general, and I’d like to first put the question into a little context. As I said earlier, I have an academic interest in groups such as CERI, the Freemen-on-the-Land, the Detaxers, and so on. That flows from my curiosity about how people come to hold these ideas, where their ideas come from, and the kinds of communities in which these ideas are popular. I wonder how people with these beliefs find one another. As I have said, these legal and historic perspectives are very different from my own, but I find them interesting.

CERI has been around a long time – I do not know how long you have been involved in that group, but I know minister Belanger has been travelling in those circles for 15, maybe 20 years. I suspect you two have met and come to know many of the dominant persons who were strongly involved in those groups. They are often called “gurus” these days. It seems to me that much of the early history of these people and their ideas is being lost. Little was written down (as far as I know), websites where there once was information and discussions have disappeared. I recall in a recent Youtube video by minister Belanger that he commented his health has not been the best of late.

My personal perspective is that the history of these groups and their members is interesting and important. It appears unusual for ordinary people to become very interested in the details of law and how that operates, particularly when they come to very different but personal perspectives on what law is and how it operates.

In brief, I’d love to hear your perspective on the history of CERI, what it has been and now is, and the personalities who have been involved over the years. I’d like to know about the community, culture, beliefs – I am curious to learn about that context. I would be equally interested in any broader comments on the Freeman, Detaxer, etc. world as you have seen it.

If you happen to be in contact with minister Belanger please feel free to pass along my suggestion that he perhaps record his perspective on this unusual world. I know he has participated in much that now, as I said, cannot be readily accessed by interested persons in the public. I would be very eager to read a record of that kind.

What the public does see is the case law record, and that will, of course, be pretty much permanent. I think you see court judgments as one sided – and frankly I agree – they do focus on only one half of the story – the court’s perspective. In my own exploration I have sometimes found much more and interesting things that happened along with the sometimes terse court judgments. For example, awhile ago I became quite fascinated by an Edmonton-area litigant who called himself (or herself) “kisikawpimootewin” – I believe this is another acquaintance of minister Belanger. There’s a long report on kisikawpimootewin here, if you are curious (viewtopic.php?f=47&t=9526).

Maybe that helps explain my point of view and why I research and write on this subject.

I hope I have not been offensive or unpleasant in my reply, and if I have, please accept my sincere apologies.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
minister Catherine

Re: Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International

Post by minister Catherine »

Hi again,

I read what you posted and I am sorry but I can not answer you right now as my dog is not doing very well and I have to watch him 24/7, it will be to hard for me to watch him and answer your questions at the same time.

I will however do it either tomorrow or the next day it depends on how my dog is doing.

Thank you for understanding.

minister Cathie
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Re: Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

minister Cathie,

Thank you for your reply, and I look forward to reading what you have to share.

However, please, take all the time in the world! I am in no rush and I would very much rather you take the very best care possible of your canine friend. I know he will appreciate that company very much.

All the best to the both of you.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]