Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Given how light the sentence is they seem to regard Brian as just amusement rather than a serious threat to the corrupt power structure. Stand tall Brian!
It really is a stupid state of affairs when the punishment for driving while banned from driving includes a driving ban:
In addition to the seven-day jail sentence for contempt, Dickey handed Alexander the mandatory minimum for a driving while prohibited conviction, which is a $500 fine and a one-year driving ban.
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by The Observer »

notorial dissent wrote:Query, can you parlay a misdemeanor like driving while banned in to something really serious in Canada? If so he seems a perfect candidate.
Please. You know how we see a sovurn as being a sovrun par excellence just by the way they were able to take a simple parking citation and turn it into a life sentence on Devil's Island.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by notorial dissent »

The Observer wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:Query, can you parlay a misdemeanor like driving while banned in to something really serious in Canada? If so he seems a perfect candidate.
Please. You know how we see a sovurn as being a sovrun par excellence just by the way they were able to take a simple parking citation and turn it into a life sentence on Devil's Island.
Yes, but we are talking about Brian 'Freakin' Idiot' Alexander here, who can't seem to do anything right.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by Burnaby49 »

Brian's about to lose his house!
Brian Alexander
November 15 at 3:30pm
class action law suit against CRA.
got a nasty notice of judgement against my house today.
just what i need to inspire me to get active
Tax Audit Solutions :: Class Action Suit Against CRA
The following is an article published was in the Vancouver Sun about a proposed class action law suit against the Canada Revenue Agency. ... 4257496%2F

Now if this reads as I interpret it, that Brian plans to join the class action against the CRA linked in his post, I have a phrenological comment to make about Brian. Look at Brian's magnificent cranium;


You'd think a dome like that would contain a massive intellect. However, if he plans to try and save his house against a CRA judgment by joining this lawsuit, the interior of that forehead is obviously where he stores his bubble-wrap.

The supposed proposed lawsuit is complete bullshit, a scam that died years ago. Check the link. What do you see? An article written by some entity called Tax Audit Solutions. Who the fuck are they? Who knows? They aren't telling us. They claim to be Canada's most respected and trusted tax audit representation company" but they have a website that would have been considered leading edge in 1995;

Click on it and see what you get for information on the firm. Nothing. Unless you consider gibberish like this to be actual information;
We practice Holistic Business Management. We look at problems versus symptoms. What we do must be legal, correct for the greater good of all people, socially correct and be in alignment with Spiritual Laws.

We believe in ethical business. All things must be fair, honest and reasonable. We only support helping clients achieve objectives that are truly in their best interests. If a client wants to engage in bad risk management or tactics that are socially wrong and we don’t support the clients objectives, we will decline to accept their business.

What ever we do for clients must be good for them first and then, and only then, it must also be good for our business.
They are extremely reticent about telling the world who their team of Canadian tax experts are. Generally when I check out an accounting or law firm the first place I go to is the "about Us" section and review the credentials and experience of the staff and partners. However their "about us" link didn't work, at least not for me, so I had to go searching on the web for another way in. I got this;

Which gives a few names and positions but absolutely nothing whatever about the named individuals background, experience, education, or credentials. Just job titles. So lets check out the President, Dan White. I found this firm which promotes speaker services;
Dan White is often referred to by the media as Canada's "Tax Cowboy." He is also the CEO of Tax Audit Solutions - Canada's most trusted and respected tax audit representation company. Widely regarded as one of Canada's best companies at fighting and successfully resolving tax problems with the CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) Dan has assisted numerous companies, corporations, small businesses and individuals with compassionate as well as astute tax audit representation along with tax and financial planning strategies and solutions.
But never mind paid hacks, Dan has his own website which is a lot more forthcoming about him that the firm he purportedly presidents;

Although somehow he neglects to provide his credentials, qualifications, background, details on any cases he's won, or anything really. He's not as specific as I'd like if it was my money at risk in a fight with the CRA.
Dan has a strong business background in management, taxes, sales and marketing. He has held a number of senior positions in various Canadian and International companies.

Dan has traveled on business through many countries which has allowed him to grow as an international business consultant.

Dan is well known in the business world for his many endeavours, not only for his tax and business advice but was also known to the media as “The Master of the Mess” or “The King of Clutter”. He has been a frequent guest on radio and TV. He has been written about and quoted frequently in various publications across the country. He was the co-producer and host of the TV show “Time For Business”, a talk show about business issues. Dan produced an internet show called “Talking about Business where he interviewed various industry experts. Dan founded and ran a successful business club before retiring to be able to focus on helping Canadians with tax problems.
But he does give us this relevant information;
An interesting insight into what made Dan who he is; is that he was raised in the country and spent his youth in the wilderness of northern Alberta…near the North West Territories. Dan White was raised off the land in Northern Alberta in the style of early Canadian Pioneers, surround by aboriginal peoples reservations. His early years were primitive, tough, and character building.

At the age of 12 he had his own trap line where he trapped, skinned and stretched the hides of wild animals for sale to the Hudson’s Bay Company in Fort Vermilion Alberta. His weapons arsenal included a 22 Ga. rifle, a 12 Ga. shot gun and a 38-55 Ga. Winchester lever action rifle.

Dan’s family moved into a log cabin in Alberta’s far north in 1953 to a little hamlet called High Level Alberta, where his parents took up homesteading. There were hard times when what they ate was either shot or picked from bushes. They lived without any modern conveniences like electricity, cars or telephones.

Experiencing the hardships of the North gave Dan an insightful perspective on life.
Vital stuff to know when you're looking for a tax expert. And he does have testimonials.

Great ones! The Best! YUGE! From Julie, and Chris, and RR and DN. You can take those to the bank! And he certainly looks like a guy who could stomp on those CRA clowns, including yours truly! I never had a suit and tie like that!


I would never have had the balls to wear that purple tie!

So let's check out somebody else. What about Anand Dhurjati, their VP International Business, Legal Relations & Litigation Support. About all I could find relevant under that name was this pathetic excuse for a Face Book page.

Which might be him since he claims to have studied international law at the University of Geneva. Note that he doesn't say he actually got a degree out of it. I found another site that might indicate he got something or other for his troubles but I'm not linking to it because it seems to be infested with adware.

And also this absolute bullshit;

It says that he is Vice President International Business, Legal Relations and Litigation Support of the Canada Revenue Agency!

And provides this;!search/prof ... id=profile
Canada Revenue Agency
1751 Wentworth Street Unit 1
Whitby, Ontario l1n 8v5
Which address, not coincidentally, is the address of Tax Audit Solutions. What are their offices like? They offer us a glimpse of what they say are their very extensive premises. ... -gallery-1

Looks like their signage is printed paper taped to the inside of the windows and their offices, while apparently huge, seem to have no staff. No doubt out battling the CRA on Brian's behalf.

I drew a blank on Nick Iliopoulos VP Technology, Marketing, and Julie Gil, VP Operations. And that's about it for the talent roster of Canada's most respected audit representation firm. Seems a little light on the lawyers and accountants that you might expect to represent you in a major class action lawsuit.

But enough quibbling. Tax Audit solutions must be legit, they claim to be a member of The Society of Professional Tax Representatives. Never heard of them so I thought I should check this respected authoritative institution out.

This site is sponsored by Tax Audit Solutions . It is provided at no charge and as part of they commitment to the Society and to the work they do helping other Tax Representatives assist Canadians who have tax problems.

If you are needing help with serious tax problems, go to Tax Audit Solutions (sic) ( and request help. If you need referral to a lawyer, we can also assist with that. First we will advise you if your problem really needs a lawyer to resolve the tax problem that you need help with. (that last sentence reads like it was written by a Nigerian scammer)

So, to prove their credibility, they set up a fake accounting organization and voted themselves in as members. But, then again, maybe I'm being too picky. It's not my home at risk here. I'm sure that Brian did these extremely basic web searches before he decided to join this defunct lawsuit. So let's get back to that lawsuit.

For all my skepticism it has to be legit because an article about it was posted in The Vancouver Sun, my local paper. I've subscribed to the Sun for over forty years but, strangely, I've not read the cited article. Probably because it's fake. Check out the fake link supposedly taking you to the article; ... 89&sponsor =

And have you ever read a newspaper article with purple prose (purple seems to be a theme) like this;
Pervasive discrimination against targeted individuals and businesses calls into question whether Canada is a democracy in name only and not in fact, for some and not for all. The Minister of Revenue orders garnishments at the highest rate, in order that the income of taxpayers is seized as quickly as possible with blatant disregard for the resulting human suffering and destroyed businesses. The CRA garnishes income from any source including family benefits, disability allowances, pensions, business income, investments. The injustice is obvious when the Canadian Minister of National Revenue and the CRA are routinely and arbitrarily targeting individual citizens and businesses in all regions of Canada, allegedly violating the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Human Rights Act, the Canadian Bill of Rights, the Statute of Limitations, Contract Law and the Income Tax Act itself including the Taxpayers Bill of Rights.

The Minister of National Revenue ruthlessly seizes Canadian Citizens and businesses bank accounts and issues liens on personal, business property, and insurance policies. These liens are based on improper certificates – RTP- Requirements To Pay instead of proper Court Orders or Judgments of the Court. The democratic rights and freedoms of targeted Canadian Citizens and businesses are effectively canceled since they are denied due process of the law.

Unrelenting intimidation tactics of the Canadian Revenue Agency cause financial hardship, damage to human dignity and psychological suffering to the members of the Proposed Class Action. The intentional arrogance and misconduct of the tax agents in the process of carrying out their duties is unethical and unconscionable. The CRA and their representatives act as if they are not accountable to the law.
In support of the claimed lawsuit they published this;
Demanding the taxpayers financial information ignores Sections 7 and 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and effectively cancels the rights to privacy, silence and protection against self-incrimination. On February 11, 2009, Louise Dickson of the Victoria Times Colonist reported on the Charter of Rights Victory in Court against the CRA by Hal Neumann and his wife Maureen Rivers.

This precedent setting case, “Jury awards B.C. man $1.3M for taxman’s raid”, resulted in the Supreme Court Jury of B.C. ruling that the CRA invasion and search of a citizens home violated the privacy protection in Section 7 and the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure in Section 8 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Victoria lawyer Steven Kelliher asked the jury to give a message to the CRA — “The CRA don’t rule us. They have an obligation to respect our fundamental rights. They serve us. They don’t prey on us.” The verdict of the jury substantiates the following statement: “Gestapo tactics of the Revenue Agency Brought to Light”.
Actually quite true, Hal Neumann did get a $1.3 mil jury award for the CRA conducting an entirely legitimate search on the house. Unfortunately the article neglected to include this part; ... -1.1065238

Somehow the TAS article goes on and on without actually saying on what legal basis they plan to sue the CRA, you know, the actual legal grounds or at least a story about what, specifically, the CRA has been accused of doing. Just that nobody likes the CRA. Don't need to tell me, I spent 35 years there! I read the whole thing and have no idea what they proposed suing the CRA about apart from this helpful narrowing down of the issues;
The grounds for the proposed Class Action against the Canadian Minister of National Revenue include fraud, discrimination, harassment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, abuse of process, breach of trust, breach of privacy, negligence, breech of confidential relationship, invasion of privacy, arbitrary targeting of taxpayers and abuse of power.
A lot of room there to maneuver but not much in the way of ammunition.

Note that they talk about retaining an actual legitimate lawyer and firm, David Thompson of Scarfone Hawkins, a real, and respected, class action legal firm.

However notice the weasel words;
I want you to know that Scarfone Hawkins LLP Barristers and Solicitors Lawfirm has given the following Case No.: Possible Class Action- CRA-09L9 to the Proposed Landmark Class Action Against the CRA. David Thompson, (P.C.), B.A., LL.B.,

Partner is the Lawyer who is handling the Possible Action.
Read some of the comments at the end. A list of suckers whining about the CRA. Tax Audit Solutions comment? Contact us now for help! I'd say that Brian better reconcile himself to losing his house if this is the what he's pinning his hopes on. I think the first comment on this discussion nailed it;
“You’re a freakin’ idiot.”

So spake Mr. Griffiths, tow truck driver, as he observed Brian Arthur Alexander [Brian-arthur: alexander], a Freeman-on-the-Land, after Alexander was stopped by Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers for speeding.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by notorial dissent »

I would suspect, that unless the laws are considerably different in CN than they are here, that if you are going to file a class action suit, do they even have those in CN, I know UK doesn't, you have to be a lawyer to begin with, so you either have to be one or have one to start out, and it doesn't sound like that is the case here, then you have to file and get the thing certified, and at least the US rules are pretty stringent and I wouldn't expect anything different from CN. So I see several problems just off the start, not to mention that all the grounds they seem to be claiming, have already been tried and failed abysmally as I recall. Those kidn of lawsuits, once they actually get going, are notorious for the amount of time they take to wend through the courts, and as clogged as the Canadian courts are by other freeman/footl/regular nonsense, I can't see this happening in anything like the foreseeable future. So sounds like a typical footl/sovcit tax scam to me, and we all know just how bright Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot actually is, after all he's earned his sobriquet quite honestly for a footl.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by Burnaby49 »

It's now official. The Freeman movement is dead. It started well, a lusty noisy baby squalling about opting out (But collecting government benefits!), starting their own courts and police forces, no damn stinking government licenses any more, no taxes, Freeman Valley, UN enforced rights to an 'adequate' living, Birth bond payouts, the sky was the limit! Then reality. Jail for some, failure for all. But some still held the torch high and carried on. Brian was amongst the most dedicated, the most agressive, the most willing to pay the price in terms of jail time and financial disaster. But even he has given up. This newspaper article is an epitaph for the whole movement; ... eman-land/

A 'where are they now' article. As if Brian was a minor cast member of an obscure 1990's TV show that everybody's forgotten about.
“I’m going down a different road. I think in the next year here, people will have a better understanding of my different directions. I have some plans here in the future in a different direction that has been previous,” he said, adding he is also taking time to focus on his personal life.
That's it for future plans? Vague waffling. That's the best he can do? The man who ended up jailed for turning his back to a judge in court and had to be forcefully extracted from his car by the police when he refused to hold a driver's license?
His new plans, which he declined to decribe in detail, will remain focused on government accountability. Alexander also continues to maintain his website,, which he said he is updating once or twice a year with city-related topics, including the recently rejected Ajax mine and downtown parking.
I checked out An entirely respectable site that takes the local government to task on issues like excess water usage and downtown parking problems.

The website starts out with the mandatory Freeman agitprop;
A Corporate body soul is indeed a "person", but not a natural person like you and I, its a "legal fiction" person legally recognized as a "person" with the same rights and privileges as you or I theoretically. In reality its a fiction created by man who was inturn created by God. [legally recognized in the preamble of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms] U fortunately today's society has been morphed into the opposite; today corporations have quietly gotten rid of God and Religion, [for the most part] and placed themselves in the position of god, [note lowercase] only its a god with the mentality of a five year old playing with a loaded handgun in a crowded room; corporations in reality are Monsters; The corporation's soul purpose in life is to perform and profit at any and all costs. Clinically, Corporate "persons" would be diagnosed as psychopath for that reason; corporations are devoid of all emotions, unable to form emotional attachments or feel real empathy for others, although they often have disarming or even charming personalities. Psychopaths are very manipulative and can easily gain people’s trust. They learn to mimic emotions, despite their inability to actually feel them, and will appear normal to unsuspecting people.

Here in Kamloops [and most other communities all over northamerica] slowly over time the community has been assimilated in to the corporate body soul; oligarchy slowly sucking the life blood out of the community over time, subrogating community pride for corporate oligarchy business plan.
but, that done, he moves into local issues any concerned citizen could post. Like Kamloops removing Kami the fish as the town symbol;


Or taking the town to task for not supporting Brian's favorite riverboat;
Kamloops USE to have many great events and activities, all of them built on dreams and hard work of good honest people within the community. The Wanda Sue is another perfect example; a replica paddle wheeler boat, build in the 70's by George Slack. His family ran it privately, offering wonderful tours of the river from 1983 until 2004 until it no longer became feasible to run the boat due to insurance and operating costs. If the city had any forethought it would have partnered with the Slack family to make it a center peace of Kamloops. Kamloops in its infancy during the 1800's use to have dozens of paddle wheeler ships working up and down the Thompson rivers, Kamloops history is indebted to the fact that the two rivers was one of its strengths that made it the center of transportation of people, goods and home to many early businesses. Anyone with half a brain can see what a jewel in the rough the Wanda Sue is, what a loss it is to Kamloops community...literally its history and contributions to Kamloops is priceless. Today the boat sits rotting and rusting begging for some love and attention.something corporate Kamloops lacks.

And cranky complaints about those newfangled fancy-pants parking meters that ain't worth a lick!
One year later KAMLOOPS has the gall to double parking rates, increase fines and borrow millions, not to build a parkade somewhere else more suitable, but to put in digital parking meters in a time when people can least afford it and business is all ready cringing! Lets not even consider the fact that the old meters have lasted decades with lil maintenance; while in contrast electronic crap is constantly breaking down, so double what is projected for costs. Instead, focus on the gay foolers who have the audacity to say its to "help attract new business, and fill the office space", which to a normal individual seems simply psychotic to charge more in hopes of attracting already cash strapped shoppers. Notice the common characteristics of their crimes; no shortage of corporate cronies backing the crime as a good idea no matter how insane as if to make it all legal and legitimate via perceived public tacit consent.
That's it, Brian was the last one to leave and turned out the lights. I'm reduced to reporting on the likes of Dean Kory who's just an unemployable welfare wanna-be who constantly attracts police attention and minor criminal charges because of his massive sense of self-entitlement.

This is all very depressing. I might as well just post kitten videos. Here you go;
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by fortinbras »

I asked this question two years ago and got no response, so I ask it again.

Any chance that this Brian Arthur Alexander is the former US citizen/criminal Ronald Griesacker?

Griesacker bounced around several American equivalents of FMOL - including but by no means limited to the Republic of Texas and the Montana Freemen, as well as running several low-grade cons of his own - and managed more than once to get out of jail early by betraying his accomplices or his clientele. He went off the radar and the newsclippings around 2000, but one of the last bits of news was that he was trying on new names, and seemed fond of the combination "Arthur Alexander".

If he crossed into Canada then he followed in the footsteps of some other cons .... and, no, you can't send him back. But I am curious if this Brian Arthur Alexander is Griesacker.
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by Burnaby49 »

fortinbras wrote:I asked this question two years ago and got no response, so I ask it again.

Any chance that this Brian Arthur Alexander is the former US citizen/criminal Ronald Griesacker?

Griesacker bounced around several American equivalents of FMOL - including but by no means limited to the Republic of Texas and the Montana Freemen, as well as running several low-grade cons of his own - and managed more than once to get out of jail early by betraying his accomplices or his clientele. He went off the radar and the newsclippings around 2000, but one of the last bits of news was that he was trying on new names, and seemed fond of the combination "Arthur Alexander".

If he crossed into Canada then he followed in the footsteps of some other cons .... and, no, you can't send him back. But I am curious if this Brian Arthur Alexander is Griesacker.
No. Here's a picture of Griesacker; ... tlers-tale

Compare that to the picture in the article on Alexander I just linked. He was 56 in 2012 which would make him 61 now.


Brian Alexander (again check picture), isn't 61. Had Griesacker become our Brian Alexander it would have come out in the numerous court proceedings our Brian's been involved in. He'd have to be here illegally because there is no way someone with Griesacker's record would get permanent resident status, never mind citizenship. An illegal would try to blend in, not force the police to constantly arrest him, check his ID and do background checks. All of of his tiffs with the law and court hearings have taken in Kamloops, a small town where he's well known. He's a local boy.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Kamloops, a small town
Oh, it's a small town? I thought it was a misspelling of "Quatloos."
Dr. Caligari
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by fortinbras »

Very grateful to Burnaby for taking my query seriously. Now I am even more curious as to how Griesacker managed to vanish.