Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by Burnaby49 »

Chief Sino Rock General isn't the only one facing his day in Court this month. Brian's trial starts February 19th. Is he apprehensive, is he dismayed? Not a bit of it! To quote the Fighting Freeman;

Brian Alexander
and yes, I have another date in feb...should be fun! look'n forward to it.
January 29 at 11:21am · Like · 1
A man with a forehead like that has reason for confidence! Imagine all the big thinking going on inside of it. But there are always Negative Nellies raining on his parade;
Herbert Ariel
Oh for God's sake Brian, you tried the "I'm not a person" argument in court and it didn't work for you so why would it work for Dean 3 years later? ... pc108.html

CanLII - 2012 BCPC 108 (CanLII)

Counsel for the Crown:
Mr. T. Livingston 29 at 10:07am · Like
However our silver-tongued Brian swats that one away like a Babe Ruth homer;
Brian Alexander
Herbert the government agent...government dick up your finger ever the government says comes out of Herberts face. remote control asshole....lmfao!

January 30 at 6:11am · Like
Refute that if you dare!

Check out the comments in the discussion, well worth a read. I'd say, regardless of Brian's bravado, he seems a bit stressed. ... 542366549/#
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by arayder »

Wow. Anybody looking for a little insight into the mind of the brainwashed freeman should read these comments as well as look into Brian's history.

Alexander insists upon endlessly repeating long ago debunked freeman theories. When he is called out for doing so he brands the other guy a "shill" and asks some off the point, presumptuous question.

Reading Brian's posts and comments reminds me of press accounts of him freaking out Kamloops city hall staff by driving up in his chimney sweep van (which he had covered with hand painted freeman slogans) and barging into offices where he peppered front desk staff with what amounted to freeman theory trivia quiz questions.

It is interesting to note that years ago the King of Freakin' Idiots first got himself in hot water by doing exactly what, the now silent, Robert Menard did just last June. . .calling 911 during an otherwise routine traffic stop.

Such foolishness on Brian's part prompted the oft recounted expletive of the tow truck driver at the scene, "Are you some kind of freakin' idiot?" At Bobby's traffic stop the Toronto cop is recorded as dismissively stating, "It's [just] Robert. . .".

The boys never learn.
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by notorial dissent »

I will have to say, with no real reason to back it up mind you, that the picture of our favorite Freakin' Idiot didn't look at all like I expected, and that is now alas lost to posterity. I will have to admit to a bit of stereotyping, as all the good, competent chimney sweeps, at least as opposed to the Freakin' Idiot variety I've know were all of the tall, willowy scrawny variety. Of which Brian certainly does not appear to be. I can't help but wonder if his atypical appearance and behavior are not indicative of his quality as a sweep as well, since he certainly doesn't have the look of any sweep I've ever known. Maybe his behavior is the result of inhaling too often the improperly cleaned and vented vapors after one of his alleged sweepings? In any event, just one of those things that stroke you when you're least expecting it and not thinking about the subject at hand at all. We now return you to our regularly scheduled psychodrama.
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by fortinbras »

This "Arthur Alexander" name sounds very much like one of Ronald Griesacker's identities.

Whether or not this guy is, does anyone have any recent news about Ronald Griesacker???
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote: Maybe his behavior is the result of inhaling too often the improperly cleaned and vented vapors after one of his alleged sweepings?
Brian has been quite chatty on the internet about his impoverished upbringing, his struggle to put food on the table as a young adult, his child's health problems and his failed marriage.

It seems to me Brian is transferring to the government his embedded anger over the absolutely crappy hand he has been dealt over the years.

I had a good friend in Canada, now passed away, who compensated for his terrible childhood by being the best provider and father he could possibly be. His children, his wife, co-workers and friends were blessed to know a guy who truly made lemonade out of the lemons life gave him.

He was the man Alexander the fool, Clifford the rage disordered and Menard the lazy ought to emulate.

I am amazed at the number of freemen, Alexander being a prime example who, while claiming to be free, can't chart the courses of their own lives. Indeed many freemen seem to enjoy wallowing in their phony victimhood. I think of my friend and I have no sympathy for the whining, dysfunctional freemen who can't make a go of it in what I consider to be one of the most kind, peaceful, just and prosperous countries in the world.

Every once in a while Alexander, almost by mistake, wanders by a legitimate problem facing modern Canadian society like clean air, government inaction, or the proper role of the police in protecting society. But predictably he isn't any better at addressing those issues than he has been at constructing a life for himself.
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by The Observer »

It's a common thread that I see with freemen, sovruns and TPs - the inability to accept that life is not fair. They fail to see that it is really up to them to try make their life as best as possible. So it is no surprise to see them resort to not accepting responsibility for their actions (or lack thereof) when they end up in court.
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by arayder »

Well said, Observer.

I have often noted the freeman's belief that any advocacy for the rule of law and an orderly society is an explicit endorsement of totalitarian rule. Any embrace of personal liberty by freeman debunkers is dismissed by the the freemanary's all-or-nothing, you're-either-with-us-or-against-us mind set.

Freemen babble about common law but they are really talking about anarcho-libertarianism. As far as freemen are concerned anything less that their badly borrowed brand of libertarian anarchism, enshrining absolute individual sovereignty and an absence of statute law, is tyranny.

In classic libertarian anarchism a voluntary society would privately funded law enforcement and the courts and would be operated by open market competitors rather than government and its compulsory taxation. In such a society money, goods and services, would be privately and competitively provided in an open market.

The problem with freemanism is that none of its gurus really understand what such a voluntary society would look like, much less be able to carry it off.

The toked up idea of Freeman Valley was a close as this little dysfunctional cult ever got to anarcho-libertarianism. The idea never got beyond the donations Robert Menard diverted to the purchase of Moose Heads.
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by notorial dissent »

As arayder and Observer so rightly point out, our favorite Freakin' Idiot suffers from the classic FOTL meme, of "it's not fair" so I'll be as big an asshole as I can manage. Besides it is easier and less taxing of the intellect, always assuming there is one there, to sit and curse the dark, than go looking for a match, or possibly open a door or a window, but that's the FOTL way.
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:As arayder and Observer so rightly point out, our favorite Freakin' Idiot suffers from the classic FOTL meme, of "it's not fair" so I'll be as big an asshole as I can manage. Besides it is easier and less taxing of the intellect, always assuming there is one there, to sit and curse the dark, than go looking for a match, or possibly open a door or a window, but that's the FOTL way.

To my dying day I won't believe my Canadian friend turned his life around based on intellect. I think he simply had the bravery to do what he needed to do.

His father left the family soon after his birth and his mother drank heavily, eventually drinking herself to death. In his 40's he found her dead in a pool of blood. He was raised in poverty by his aunt. He took me to a couple of Bluejays games at which he always bought himself a hotdog because he used to sneak into Jays games (they where a minor league team then) and couldn't afford the few cents needed for a dog.

He never missed an opportunity make sure his two sons got to hockey practice. Both boys are highly sucessful adults whose company and friendship I treasure.

In his youth his family failed to take proper care of a hand injury such that he couldn't open his right hand to catch a baseball, football or basketball. Showing his characteristic indomitable spirit he turned to boxing and hockey since he wouldn't need to open his hand playing those sports.

He was a boxing champion, but I never saw him once say a cross word or issue a threat to anyone. He played hockey well into adulthood and quit only when his doctor told him his neck couldn't take one more hit. He was buried in his hockey club jersey.

He never blamed anybody for the shitty deal he got. He never judged anyone and he never passed up an opportunity to help some poor fool who didn't know his butt from a banjo. If I had a dime for every one of his co-workers who came to his funeral in tears I could buy myself ball game hotdogs for life.

When I think of freeman and recall how this guy turned his life around I want to spit and cuss. The irony is that this guy would have urged me to take Alexander to a Jays game, buy him a hotdog and tell him he can still make something of himself.

Please excuse me, Brian, while I spit. . .0----> I'm not half the man this guy was.
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by Burnaby49 »

I said in a prior post;
My non-attendance at your trials is a function of distance, not concern about your righteous wrath. You're just not worth the trip from Vancouver. Speaking of trials Brian's next set of driving while prohibited and obstructing a peace officer charges are set for trial on Feb. 19, 2015. No need to place your bets on how that will work out, Brian is going to lose. To quote the tow-truck driver in the first posting in this discussion;

“You’re a freakin’ idiot.”
Well that's today! And how did his trial work out? Was it an utter defeat of the Crown's case by our magestically browed Freeman's rhetoric and legal wisdom? Not exactly. Brian lasted about fifteen minutes before he got tossed into a courthouse holding cell for contempt of court. ... mpt-court/

He'd said earlier;
Brian Alexander
and yes, I have another date in feb...should be fun! look'n forward to it.
January 29 at 11:21am · Like ·1
He has a strange idea of fun.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by Burnaby49 »

And 'Jibber-Jabber' Alexander gets out! ... mpt-court/
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by notorial dissent »

I can't say that I see what that all accomplished except to reinforce his bad attitude and general lack of respect for the court, and the law in general. I can't see why they expect the next hearing to go any better when he has proven he can get away with this nonsense.
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by littleFred »

Perhaps he'll get banged up for longer, next time. In some circles, getting banged up for pointless displays of defiance is counted as a victory.
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by arayder »

littleFred wrote:Perhaps he'll get banged up for longer, next time. In some circles, getting banged up for pointless displays of defiance is counted as a victory.
In some cultures the ability to overcome, to change your environment, to improve one's situation is greatly valued. But in some groups being able to endure hardships and troubles is all that counts. In these groups building skills, gaining wealth, becoming better educated and gaining status isn't a big deal. What counts is whether you can "stand up to the man" and "take" punishment.

Brian belongs to the latter group.

Unable to rise above his miserable childhood, lack of education and sad adult life Brian has decided his claim to fame will be that he can get more traffic tickets, sass more judges than any other freeman and can do his jail time standing on his head.

Brian's chimney sweep business, to many upwardly mobile Canadian men, would be the foundation of successful business empire. . .businesses he could pass on to his child. But to Brian it isn't about making a new world for himself and his family. . .it's about enduring as much adversity as possible in the sad one he lives in.

. . .and he gets his name in the paper while he does it!
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

littleFred wrote:Perhaps he'll get banged up for longer, next time. In some circles, getting banged up for pointless displays of defiance is counted as a victory.
This reminds me of some of the political radicals who I knew in the early 70s. They would come up with this or that Grand Plan To Smash The Power Of The State by doing something or other; and when they got arrested and/or beaten up/teargassed, they would moan loud and long, afterwards, about how The Pigs were so oppressive towards them. They knew that they would accomplish little, if anything; but they wanted to be able to make their Grand Political Statement and feel like they had Suffered For The Cause.
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by LordEd »

Looks like he's replied in the comments section:
Is this writer being paid by the government to write “jibber-jabber”? what a crock of s–t/lies…the writer negated to inform the public that I WON the last charges in Merritt, and he embellished the facts.

That man who calls himself a judge is joke! I turned my back on the court because I don’t recognize the corrupt court as it’s been highjacked by traitors to the Queen….the principles of fundamental justice include challenging Jurisdiction and asking questions for clarity BEFORE THE TRIAL BEGINS…though government redefines principles of fundamental justice to mean they can negate the principles of justice.

I turned my back on the court bc the judge was negating the principles of fundamental justice..telling me “it’s not in the right form” as if form f—ing matters…refusing to make CROWN prove its jurisdiction, or answer my questions…never once asked me if I was ready for trial…bullying me…I don’t stand for bullying.

courts and government have negated the principles of fundamental justice…and I’ll prove it…stay tuned ;)
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by LordEd »

His next hearing is already on youtube:
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by arayder »

LordEd wrote:Looks like he's replied in the comments section:
. . .That man who calls himself a judge is joke! I turned my back on the court because I don’t recognize the corrupt court as it’s been highjacked by traitors to the Queen….the principles of fundamental justice include challenging Jurisdiction and asking questions for clarity BEFORE THE TRIAL BEGINS…though government redefines principles of fundamental justice to mean they can negate the principles of justice. . .
Whether it's done at the traffic stop or in front of the judge asking endless presumptuous questions seems to be the only tactic Brian has.

Our subject seems to be upset that since his freeman theories have already been addressed and dismissed by the courts he will not be allowed to palaver on about them.

One is reminded of a petulant little girl who becomes livid upon finding that her school classmates will vote in the winter carnival queen rather than simply appoint her.
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by Burnaby49 »

Brian Alexander is back in court on March 19 to fix a date for his contempt, driving while prohibited, and resisting arrest charges. In all likelihood he will once more engage in antics that will put him in jail. He's just been frothing over on Facebook on how he's "Noticed" people and will win; ... 837234052/

However James H. Ariel is being unkind. Very unkind. He's telling Brian what a sad loser he really is by making very unreasonable demands. Like asking Brian to tell us when his Freeman bullshit has ever prevailed in court. This is just cruel, like poking a caged dog with a stick. James just gives Brian a poke from time to time and sits back and enjoys the ensuing incoherent rants. As an example James posted this;
James H Ariel
Okay you say a judge in Queens bench told you that you can opt out yet those same judges told Dean that it's not possible to opt out, in writing. And that's the same Queens bench that wrote the Meads decision. Meanwhile, just last month Brian here got thrown in jail and his arguments were called jibber jabber. So I'm sorry but I don't believe you when you say some judge you can't name told you something that all other judges are saying isn't true.
Which triggered eleven consecutive ranting posts from Brian! However I don't think responses like this;
Brian Alexander
there is a law, that lawis commona law, the nation has always been under commonal law, infact gov codes acts and statutes is centerend on the same principles of that law...common law is just that...fucking common! your just being ignorant bc your a sapsucking motherfucker who got gov so far up ur ass it spews out of your mouth like the devil himself Hitler/Harper
Are going to convince anyone not already in Brian's camp. People like his supporter Amy Smart who have alternate takes on reality as we know it;
Amy E Smart
A written law passed by parliament. Thst makes it null and void right there. Anything from parliament is irrelevant for man or woman. The Queen swore to uphold God's law so all of Parliaments laws are null and void. Also parliament is not a legislative body, it's a coporate body.
6 hrs · Like
Anyhow after that 11 post marathon Brian quieted down for a bit, resting from his monumental exertions, so stick-poking Ariel posted this;
James H Ariel
Okay here's what you keep avoiding. You keep getting thrown in jail and being told by judges that your position is incorrect, so regardless, you need to acknowledge that what you're doing isn't working. Now okay, there's a system in place that requiresme and you to get a license to drive on the road. Now you've opted to not get a license and keep getting arrested, but where is that going to lead, the system is still going while you're in jail. Breaking the rules of the system over and over is not going to get rid of the system.
Which triggered another Brian rantathon which started by comparing himself to Gandhi, MLK and Jesus. Not, I think, a particularly relevant response. However nothing was relevant after this point because Amy kicked in again and started a bible rant. The last twenty minutes or so (as in right now real time) have been a flurry of Brian/Amy posts every minute or two so I bailed.

It's becoming clear why the only place Brian wins is in his own head.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Brian Arthur Alexander - A Freakin' Idiot

Post by notorial dissent »

Is it just me, or does it seem to be a common meme within the FOTL/sovrun movements in Canada that a great many of them seem to have major rage and impulse control issues, along with severe potty mouth? I mean really.
Burnaby49 wrote:It's becoming clear why the only place Brian wins is in his own head.

I can't help wondering how he hears over all the other voices.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.