The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Clovenhoof »

Fmotlgroupie wrote:No, the surcharge doesn't, but obviously the quantum of a sentence reflects to a large degree the court's views on the seriousness of an offence and whether it is so ring that the court denounces, and a $1 fine is, in such terms, a declaration that an offence is basically de mini is and not worthy of denunciation (see R v Omeasoo ).
That's not what's happening. What's happening is that the $1 fine is being added to the existing sentence, so before October 20th, a guy would get 6 months jail, after October 20th it's 6 months jail plus a $1 fine. Before, a guy would get a suspended sentence with probation, now it's a $1 fine plus probation. Judges who adopt this practise -- and while it's a significant number, it isn't a majority, as there are other ways to get around the provisions -- aren't replacing meaningful (ha ha) sentences with the $1 fine, they're adding the fine to the sentence they would previously have imposed.
As to the grievance itself, I'm blown away that a $100 fine (1/27.5 of the $2750 mandatory no-insurance Ticket around here, I think about 1/50 in Ontario) is somehow a life-altering amount is, well, belief-straining at best.
Nobody cares that much about the Provincial surcharges for Provincial offences. We're not talking about people who own cars. Also, the point of principle has less to do with it being life-altering, and is more about the idea that justice should apply to everybody. A $100 surcharge has a grossly disproportionate impact on a person being sentenced in Vancouver's Downtown Community Court than it does on a person who's being sentenced for whatever crime they committed up in Whistler.
I would suggest that perhaps your jurisdiction doesn't have a fine-options program (where the government lets you work off a fine rather than paying it in cash), but Alberta has one and still we hear the same (they can never pay the surcharge!) rhetoric here.
You are correct, B.C. has no fine-option program.
First of all, I think that you don't understand the nature of the surcharge. It isn't related directly to the particular victim of a given offence, but rather goes into a fund that each province (I believe) keeps for funding victim support services. In some jurisdictions, some victims can apply to the fund for compensation for specific damages, but it also funds victim services societies, non-profit quangos which offer counselling, court preparation, etc. to victims of crime.
Please tell me more about the federally funded victim support programs. Everything you talk about are provincially funded programs that pre-exist the federal victim surcharge legislation. The money collected under this scheme goes into the federal government's general revenue.
A more functional accused, say a functional alcoholic who has a job and has turned hings around that he wants to travel to the US, can DARN WELL PAY $100 PER CRIMINAL CONVICTION! It isn't that much compared to the price of anything else in the world.
No argument there. Again, the problem is that justice is supposed to apply to everybody, not just people who have jobs and can travel internationally.
As you can probably tell from my tone, the people I know are appalled by the judges' conduct, instead. I must move in different circles.
You obviously do. I've been a prosecutor for 14 years. The people I know are the judges, prosecutors, defence lawyers, court clerks, sheriffs, and police who work in the justice system. So yes, I'm reasonable confident that we do indeed move in different circles.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Fmotlgroupie »


I don't think we're going to persuade each other philosophically but I think that the destination of the surcharge dollars is a hard fact that's worth sorting out. I haven't found an actual statutory specification for it, but the Department of Juatice backgrounder ( ... 32976.html ) indicates that the money is forwarded to the provincial Victims Services funds, which is also indicated by less official sources ( senate testimony of the federal victims ombudsman ... 0052-e.HTM or the BC section of this review of victim services in the provinces (see the BC section.) Do you have any sources that back up your assertion that the money dissapear a into the CRF instead of being distributed to local victims services programs?
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Clovenhoof »

Fmotlgroupie wrote:Clovenhoof,

I don't think we're going to persuade each other philosophically but I think that the destination of the surcharge dollars is a hard fact that's worth sorting out. I haven't found an actual statutory specification for it, but the Department of Juatice backgrounder ( ... 32976.html ) indicates that the money is forwarded to the provincial Victims Services funds, which is also indicated by less official sources ( senate testimony of the federal victims ombudsman ... 0052-e.HTM or the BC section of this review of victim services in the provinces (see the BC section.) Do you have any sources that back up your assertion that the money dissapear a into the CRF instead of being distributed to local victims services programs?
After the Victim Fine Surcharge (V$) was introduced in its more or less current form, one would expect to see an increase in funding of victims' programs, if indeed the money was in fact going to victims' programs. That didn't happen, at least not here in B.C. The V$, as your article points out, came into being in 2000. In 2002, the province slashed the budgets of several victims' programs. One was the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, which stopped awarding money for pain and suffering to victims of crime. Another was the Court Victims Services Workers program. They had around 100 full-time employees who helped victims of crime navigate the waters of coming to court, being a witness, liaising with Crown to modify bail conditions when necessary. Their budget was cut from around $7 million to $0 -- everybody was laid off.

Those programs, and others, have never been replaced. The Federal government has exactly nothing in place for victims of crime, though the 2014 budget talks about a Victims Bill of Right Act, and vague promises of programs that don't yet exist.

So tell me, how exactly is it that money collected is going to victims, when more money is being collected in the name of victims, but less is actually being spent on them?

That's why I say general revenue.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Clovenhoof »

For what it's worth, they aren't just fleecing victims. In the mid-1990's the B.C. Government made legal fees subject to Provincial Sales Tax. The purpose of the change was for the tax on legal fees to fund B.C.'s legal aid program.

Well, the tax raised - and continues to raise - hundreds of millions of dollars per year, while the legal aid budget has repeatedly been either frozen or cut, all in all about a 40% cut since 2001. The budget currently is I believe at around $75 million per year.

Apparently politicians sometimes speak with forked tongue. Who knew?
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Y'know who we've neglected, with all this exciting Dean Clifford stuff, and "minister" Belanger coming to yell at us?


Last we tuned in, Alex had met the nice Crown Prosecutor lady and they came to an agreement - Alex would write an essay explaining what he'd done and why, and how he never intended to cause any harm, was misled by Bad Men, wouldn't do it again, etc. Then he was going to return to court on March 26, 2014 to present the essay, and get everything all cleared up. Spic and span!

So Alex posted a copy of his essay on his Facebook page ( ... 7614_o.jpg). I think it's worth transcribing in full:
March 25th 2014

Attention: Bail Supervisor Renata, Judge Alexander and whomever else it may concern,

Per the charge of “Personating a Peace Officer” levied against me, the living man, this letter (essay) serves to correct an error and is my second motion to dismiss the charge. My first “Motion for immediate dismissal” I submitted to the court via fax on August 14th 2013 * see attachment page 2.

Reasons for motion to dismiss lays in no evidence that my words and or actions and or presentments complies with the definition of “Personation” (per Black’s Law Dictionary First Edition which describes “Personation” as… “In criminal law. To assume the person (character) of another without his consent or knowledge in order to deceive others, and, in such feigned character to fraudulently do some act or gain some advantage, to the harm or prejudice of the person counterfeited.”)

If my actions, unbeknownst to me, somehow lead the court to conclude I acted in a manner that describes “personation’ (see above) then forgive me as that was not my intent.

This letter serves to correct the error of misunderstanding as well as a motion to dismiss the charge.


Alexander of the Ream Family
Oh dear.

According to the British Columbia Courts online website, Alex's first day of trial is now set for May 21, 2014.

I don't think Alex has been detained awaiting trial, since it appears he posted the essay image after the hearing.

There's also what appears to be an after-action report by an supporter of Alex who was in court - not exactly a pinnacle of clarity, mind you ( ... 8534094701)
Gregor Fpic Jahn
yeah, Alexander, next time you might want to let people know what your appearance is about. the online court listings weren't up to date when I checked last time yesterday.

it was for "compliance with orders" . if I understand that right, the "crown" lady wanted alex to write her some shit, I guess that he is sorry that he fuckwd up and that he is gonna be a slave from now on and is not gonna impersonate the slave master anymore. alex seemed to have failed by filing a motion to dismiss and writing them that he looked up what they accuse him of and that basically has nothing to do with him.

Therese Alexander, who is apparently a full patched "Judge" in that show looked at Alexs little novel, put this half mean smile ("I know that this is gonna make me look stupid but who cares, there are some people with guns ready to hurt people and I will never have to reason why") and admitted that she had no idea what he was talking about. the sheriffs seem to be trained to jump up than and put on their gloves. so, test failed because he was using a dictionary...

there was a bunch of direct and indirect threats. the usual. ..." if you don't, we'll send people with guns after you "and there like, ... plus the obligatory armed servants making the kid shut up.

all in all a pretty shitty investment of your slave dollars.

crown tried to get a symaphy point when all of us went to the next court room, trying to be funny about how an american dictionary could have relevancy in her jurisdiction, whatever she imagines that to be.

trail on may 21st
new west court
[March 26, 2014]
Burnaby49 - I believe you may have yet more quality entertainment impending. Sadly, I don't think "Gregor Fpic Jahn" has either your erudite wordsmithing, nor coherence.

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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by LordEd »

Coincidentally, I had checked on Mr. Ream prior to checking this thread as I found the same content.

He had such a great chance offered to him. I guess he is unaware of the others' results (and probably is because they are not supposed to communicate with him). That, or not deterred.

Opportunity fully squandered. If he gets time, he doesn't really have much offsetting jail time either. The mental health thing probably doesn't count and was unrelated.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

Burnaby49 - I believe you may have yet more quality entertainment impending. Sadly, I don't think "Gregor Fpic Jahn" has either your erudite wordsmithing, nor coherence.
What can I say? If you want lucid accurate reporting you have to go with the pros. You know, we high school graduates. However this does open up a new possibility. I was the only person to report on the Nanaimo Three trial and, as everyone realizes, I am in no way a supporter of Freemen and their antics. However Gregor Fpic Jahn is clearly a supporter and he may well be at Ream's trial. So, if Gregor is able to actually produce a coherent narrative, we may at last have two conflicting reports on the same event for comparison. I know that is asking a lot from him but Alex is worth the effort. After reading a sample of Gregor's prose I'm certainly up for the Challenge!

I didn't bother with the March 26 hearing because I falsely assumed that any sentient being (This may be Alex's loophole!), having seen his three co-defendants go down in flames over the same charge he's on, would bite the bullet and write a Micky Mouse essay how he's been a bad boy. I was wrong.

I've marked May 21st on the calendar but I'm not optomistic. Alex seems to be in a downward spiral that may have him back in psych ward by then.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by JamesVincent »

How would the two reports differ? Let's find out:
Burnaby49 wrote:Well, I wore pants this time so they let me in. Not much really to report, Ream tried to present some sort of documents. The Judge looked them over and handed them to the Prosecutor who quickly handed them back. Afterwards Ream was sentenced to 25 years in jail. I have never seen such quick reactions from the Court in my life.
Gregor Epic Fail wrote:Man, he stuck it to thems! He went whole hog out and gave them The LETTER!. They didnt knows what to do! Theys were running scared I tells you. He so owned them. PWNAGE!
Yup, I think that sums it up nicely.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by notorial dissent »

I think it is safe to say, "The stupid, it runs strong and deep in this one!!"
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by The Observer »

Sorry, but I am still stunned that Burnaby49 showed up at court once without pants on.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Observer wrote:Sorry, but I am still stunned that Burnaby49 showed up at court once without pants on.
I made one little mistake, a slight error in judgement, and I'm branded with it for life. Well I've learned that lesson! When I go to court I still dress like a bum but a bum that meets (at least minimally) the dress code.

The unfortunate part of that sordid episode was that I was trying to get into one of Ream's court hearings. I've managed to see everybody else in the Nanaimo Three saga but Alex still eludes me. Maybe in May.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by grixit »

Burnaby49 wrote:
The Observer wrote:Sorry, but I am still stunned that Burnaby49 showed up at court once without pants on.
I made one little mistake, a slight error in judgement, and I'm branded with it for life.
Does it still hurt when you sit on the branded area?
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

grixit wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:
The Observer wrote:Sorry, but I am still stunned that Burnaby49 showed up at court once without pants on.
I made one little mistake, a slight error in judgement, and I'm branded with it for life.
Does it still hurt when you sit on the branded area?
I knew this would happen. I've become the butt of everybody's jokes.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Cathulhu »

Hey, you weren't wearing pants when I met you.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

Cathulhu wrote:Hey, you weren't wearing pants when I met you.
I thought what happens in Tacoma stays in Tacoma!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by LordEd »

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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Famspear »

It is threads like this one that remind me why it is so important to me that I waste my time here......

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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Cathulhu »

Hey, Burnsie has better legs than I do, but after six knee operations, that isn't saying much.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

There's an awful, awful secret that was accidentally discovered by Burnaby49 during his (mis)adventures with the Nanaimo Three Five Four One: consent = pants.

If you go attempt to court and do not wear pants (only for males - the female secret garment remains undiscovered) then court security is instructed that you must NEVER be admitted into court because at that point the judge must acceded to your pantless authority, disclose his/her oath, bond, and is your fiduciary.

So there you go. No pants? Everyone must respect you're authooritieee!!!!

What Menard and Clifford and Belanger could not provide - it's Burnaby49 who has unlocked the key to Freemanishness - an absence of pants. There's a reason why one feels free when unencumbered by constraining clothing, especially that which affects one's genitals.

Freedom is physical freedom. And from that? Legal authority.

(Or Cheetos.)

SMS Möwe
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by LordEd »

Mr. Ream has posted his trial schedule slip. Apparently he has 2 obstruction charges in addition to the personation.