The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

We’re having some drama in Nanaimo, British Columbia. On June 14, 2013 three Freemen-on-the-Land were stopped by RCMP officers who surrounded and extracted the Freemen from their van. The Freemen were then arrested for a mix of motor vehicle offences, resisting arrest, and impersonating a peace officer:

The three arrested are Dave Lange, Alexander Ream, and David Bradley Smith. Ream is out on bail, the others remain in detention. Hearings are ongoing.

Needless to say, the west coast Freemen are outraged by this unlawful brutality! Windows were smashed! Guns were pointed! “Half my stuff was taken!” – Alexander Ream.

A “Free Dave Lange – Political Prisoner in Canada” Facebook group quickly appeared ( and though these are dark times the faithful are certain all will be well in the end.
Capri Adirim

Apparently or 'allegedly' they were arrested for impersonating Peace Officers. But remember they have those Peace Officer 'memberships' notarized, and a notary has a higher legal authority then a Judge!
Lange has a rather simple personal Facebook page ( which, in addition to the many photos of him standing in lush green vegetation, also includes a handsome photo of his special licence plate ( ... 3486_n.jpg) which reads:
Lawfully Travelling
Freeman upon this Land
Not For Hire
World Freeman Society
Claim of Right and Fee Schedule in place
Nah, that won’t attract any “policy enforcement officer” attention.

He’s not just a Freeman, he’s a David-Wynn: Miller certified Freeman ( ... 3885_o.jpg) and takes that damn seriously – he bleeds for his documentation. Literally.

Couldn’t find anything on David Smith. I’m sure more will emerge sooner or later.

Alexander Ream is much more talkative and has been recounting the horror and brutality of his arrest and detention on his Facebook page ( to a rapt audience. “They took half of my shit. Shit.”

His bail release was nothing more than a sham!
I had a "Judge" threatening me to sign a document to be released or I will spend the weekend or more in solitary confinement. I signed the document Under Protest & Duress. The contract is void because they are coercing me to contract. What requires a contract to be valid is full disclosure, mutual consideration, it has to be honest, voluntary consent of all parties or there is no real agreement between the parties. This document is the Terms & Conditions from signing the document. I do not have the original contract or a copy of the original contract whatsoever.

Silly charges. No one is taking responsibility for their own words and actions. The "Judge" is operating in a limited liability capacity. They all hide behind legal titles to avoid personal accountability. They don't swear under oath, subject to perjury and within their complete commercial liability because they know what they are doing is corrupted. They make false claims against you. They always make assumptions and presumptions such as that you ARE the corporate legal name.
Though Ream is back in court on next Wednesday he’s got things covered with this striking four-page fax to the Crown Counsel ( ... 0893948945), which among other things states:
Attention Crown Counsel
I am Alexander Ream.
I insist that you drop all charges against me.
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is the highest law of Canada. Section 52 of the Charter is proof of my claim. Additionally, the Government only has jurisdiction over its own business. Section 32 of the Charter is proof of my claim. These two sections of the charter can be found on page 2 of this document.
Therefore, the government's highest law says that the government only has power over its own business, agents and trustees.
I have included (after the last page of his document) a copy of my notarized peace officer oath. You will observe that I do not claim to be operating under any acts, only as a Child of God using my God given human rights to preserve and maintain the public peace.
I have sworn out an affidavit on pages 3 and 4 of this document.
What proof do you have that I claimed to be acting in the capacity of a peace officer under your acts? Further do you have any proof that I was acting as a government agent? Please produce a paystub, payroll record, contract or other similar document describing duties and remuneration.
Reply in writing under oath and under full liability and provide proof of service within 3 business days or you will be held in default agreement and issued a Certificate of Default Agreement.

Alexander Ream
And really, he’s just a peaceful, misunderstood guy:
To be a Sworn Common Law Peace Officer doesn't grant me extra rights. I simply made an oath to uphold the law and preserve our liberties. I don't mean to uphold legislation by the way because legislation are not law. The law is do no harm. It doesn't mean that I will necessarily punish people who break the law. I believe in prevention not punishment. I believe in natural treatments not punishment. I do my best to see and understand. I do not wish to use violence to solve issues. I look at what causes us the people who are loving creatures to behave criminally. We technically already have the same standing as Sworn Common Law Peace Officers. The only difference is that a Sworn Common Law Peace Officer has a duty to abide by. I have never stated that I was a Peace Officer of CANADA the limited liability bankrupt corporation operating for profit because that would be indeed a wrongful act. I am not a corporate thug.
Naturally, the Freeman-on-the-Land movement is right behind the Nanaimo Three – Solidarity in the face of bankrupt corporate-state thuggery! Robert-Arthur: Menard on Facebook immediately announced:
NOTICE: the people arrested and charged with impersonating a peace officer in Nanaimo, ARE NOT members of The Canadian Common Corps of Peace Officers, and refused to accept advice on the proper form of their oath and contract, and decided to do things their own way.
Oh. Or not.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
notorial dissent
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by notorial dissent »

The Inane Trio sound like quite a collection.

How did Ream manage to get bail when the other two didn't? If he is an example of the legal genius residing with the group I'm amazed he's still not a guest of the Crown.

Sounds like they swallowed real deep of the "freedom to travel" and "commercial liability" swill of their southern sovrunidjit brethren.

Such erudite legal scholarship and persuasive argument! Amazing!

Apparently don't play well with others even in their own fantasy land either.

Somehow, I do not predict this is going to end well for the trio, and that they may end up as more than "political" prisoners.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

notorial dissent wrote:
... How did Ream manage to get bail when the other two didn't? If he is an example of the legal genius residing with the group I'm amazed he's still not a guest of the Crown. ...
It's pretty easy to obtain bail in Canada. While strong Crown evidence of sufficiently egregious misconduct (ie. very violent activities) will result in a court denying bail, the most common reason for pre-trial detention is that the accused has a history of not showing up in court or otherwise not following court orders.

Ream's Facebook page has a little "cattle call" message on June 4 where he is trying to organize a Freeman convoy heading to court with Lange. The comments imply that Lange has not been timely on other occasions when he was scheduled to appear in court. The 'conventional' media reporting comments on outstanding warrants. My very strong suspicion is that Lange and Smith have a history of skipping their court appearances, but Ream does not, and that is why Ream ended up on the street.

But Ream also has magic ways of initialing his name:
Usually I write Under Protest & Duress, but it was a small rectangle digital signature box I had to fill and I had barely enough space to sign my signature. The "Justice Of The Peace" didn't let me sign on the document. She only let me watch it through a computer screen while I was on the other side of the bullet proof glass. They give you the documents after you sign everything. They are tricky. I ended up signing and adding C.V. after my signature because it means the same thing as Under Protest & Duress.
notorial dissent wrote:
Apparently don't play well with others even in their own fantasy land either.
It's all a business. Of course Menard is going to critique those who don't join his official police force! Why, the Nanaimo Three are nothing more than vigilantes!

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
notorial dissent
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by notorial dissent »

I guess I missed the part about Menard forming his own police force, big surprise, sounds like something a sovrun would do.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

notorial dissent wrote:I guess I missed the part about Menard forming his own police force, big surprise, sounds like something a sovrun would do.
But of course! And like all proper police forces, there's merchandising (


5 in 1 Jacket, for the serious Peace Officer and video activists. Removable Fleece lining. Fold out PEACE OFFICER flap on the back, C3PO on the breast, elastic cuffs, large pockets.

Windbreaker with fold out Identifying flaps with C3PO and PEACE OFFICER on the back.

Nylon/Polyester Baseball Cap. C3PO or PEACE OFFICER

High Quality Triform Evidence Notebook and Holders.
And everybody who joins gets a natty badge:

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

And before anyone questions the operational validity of Menard's beaver badge, I provide the following account of a Freeman (heck, THE Freeman) within the courts, dated March 4, 2013 ( ... 9429716475):
So today went to the court house at 222 Main Street. Went to deliver a letter to whoever the Crown Counsel assigned to my case was. At the security check point, I emptied my pockets, including my Badge. The deputy picked it up and siad it was illegal to have that. I said that would be the case if I wasn't a duly sworn peace officer. He gets on his radio and calls for back up. Within ten seconds there are ten deputies in the security room, and all seemed ready to pounce. A corporal approached, looked at it and repeated what the previous deputy had said, then I told him that I was a duly sworn peace officer with the Canadian Common Corps of Peace Officers, and recognized as such by the courts, the Crown, The RCMP, other Canadians and their own Sheriff. The corporal walked away with the badge and showed it to another guy, and got on the phone. At this time I told the guys around me that if they had to arrest me that there was no need for violence. I don't mind saying my adrenaline was a pumping, as they seemed ready to not just arrest but attack but lay a beating with the slightest provocation in the process. About a minute later the corporal came back, handed it back respectfully and said to the deputies "he's a peace officer." The first guy then asked me to remove my headdress, I refused to do so publicly and said if they wanted me to disrobe they would have to take me to the private room. They agreed, I went in there with the corporal, and he checked my hat for cameras and what nots. By this point he was treating me very respectfully indeed. I asked for directions to the Crown Counsel, and one of the Deputies, now friendly and respectful as well, showed me where it was, and inquired who I was making a complaint about. I said no complaint, just a letter serving as both notice and commendation for some RCMP officers. So I go and talk to the crown clerk. I tell her the file number, and after looking into a number of Data bases, she informs me there is nothing yet filed. She found this strange, as they are usually filed within 3 days. So I walked out of there, past the office where all the deputies were now gathered ( I counted [smily icon] and gave them a nice big smile and a namaste bow. I left one of the letters I sent to the AG on a CBC Van. Was a good day.
This court appearance was in response to Menard's alleged 'successful' purchase of a meal from a Vancouver restaurant where he paid via his Association of Canadian Consumer Purchases scheme described in this message thread: viewtopic.php?f=47&t=9326

See? That's what happens when you follow the World Freeman Society approved peace officer qualification processes.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
notorial dissent
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by notorial dissent »

C3PO, really!! Seriously??? I'm sorry, I saw that and the first thing that came to mind was why do they want a flap with a funny gold robot on it. And it went downhill from there.

I can definitely see where the real items might just take offense at them running around wearing "Peace officer" ball caps and the like, funny that!!!!

Imagine Menard trying to make a dime off his fellow loonies. Shocking I say, shocking.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

So Menard's big blow for the freedom of sovereigns everywhere is to stiff a restaurant for a meal and carry a Dick Tracy badge? Pile that on top of Dean Clifford getting charges stayed for doing wheelies in a parking lot and its obvious that these guys are really kicking away the props supporting a collapsing system.

Canada's finally in the game big time.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Unidyne »

I refuse to take seriously any organization whose initials are the same as the name of a character from "Star Wars".

"C3PO" indeed...

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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I can't believe that any cop would ever accept a "badge" which looks like it came in a cereal box or was made by someone at a local craft fair. I suspect that the "freeman" whose badge was "accepted" is either going to get a nasty surprise, sooner or later, or may skate because the cops don't want to deal with hassles like they will get from this clown.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by JamesVincent »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:... or may skate because the cops don't want to deal with hassles like they will get from this clown.
I think that's whats been happening in a lot of cases. It seems, up until a point, that no one wants to deal with these whackjobs. Can you imagine all the paperwork that would have to be filed everytime one of these people just left their house?
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

There's also a difference between "walking around with a toy badge" and "impersonating a police officer" and so far, to the extent of a good chance of a criminal conviction, they appear to have done only the former.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by notorial dissent »

My opinion, fwiw, these people are really dangerous, far more dangerous than they might appear on first or even second glance, and I think your police/etc, and particularly your courts, are taking them much too lightly. We've had similar issues here, and it ALWAYS ends badly.

The biggest problem is that it isn't much of a step from these yahoos pretending to be "peace officers" to really thinking they are, and the next thing that happens is one of the gunny ones does something very regrettably and terminally stupid, and either gets himself or some innocent bystander injured or killed, usually the latter. I realize that Canadians have a reputation for being courteous, peaceful, and law abiding, but terminal stupid is still terminal stupid, and they call it that for a reason, and you seem to be getting more and more of them as time goes on, more's the pity.
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Chados »

I know that in my jurisdiction you can even wear shirts with "POLICE" on them all over the place, as long as you're not trying to pass yourself off as one of the "POLICE" or use that status to do or get something. But if you've got blue lights that work on your car you are in trouble because there's a traffic statute about that, the only lights that can be on a car are amber and white in front and red and white in back. You can't even use selective-yellow headlights in this state, though NHTSA rules allow them. Which is sad...I like the yellow headlights the French used to mandate :)

Just because they didn't arrest this Nimrod on the spot doesn't mean that he's recognized as some sort of common-law cop.
notorial dissent
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by notorial dissent »

Chados wrote:Just because they didn't arrest this Nimrod on the spot doesn't mean that he's recognized as some sort of common-law cop.
No, but it's a real short step from that to them thinking they are if they get away with it once. And in some cases once is too many times.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

A few general comments.

First, I do not believe Menard's March 4 tale of his encounter with court security. Menard has a lengthy and extremely well documented history of fabricating accounts, documents, and schemes that further his purposes, particularly when money is involved. I very, very much doubt that any Canadian court security apparatus would have acted in the manner described - either the 'impending beating' or subsequent 'respectful retreat'. I'd not be surprised if Menard never even was in the courthouse that day. And his 'take off your fez' but only in a private room component is simply absurd. At worst, the security officers would have waved a metal detector around it.

I would say it's alarming that Menard's customer base uniformly just lapped up this brave and bold tale of Freeman authority, except that Menard's usual practice is to simply delete unfavourable comments to his Facebook page.

Second, the Canadian security apparatus is taking the Freeman phenomenon seriously. In 2011 an intelligence bulletin on this subject was issued by the RCMP then subsequently leaked: ... n_RCMP.pdf Further, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service identifies the Freeman-on-the-Land movement as a domestic terrorist threat in this (highly redacted) 2012 report:

So these guys are on the radar for Canadian law enforcement and security. I think the degree of awareness will have a regional bias. For example, Alberta and British Columbia have been hotbeds of all manner of Freeman and Sovereign concepts, first in the DeTaxer period, then as the Freeman-on-the-Land movement emerged. Further, these are the locations where violent interaction with police and government actors are principally reported - we see reports that Freemen have resisted arrest upon being stopped, for example.

There is more extreme violence too. The A.N.B. cases discussed on this board (viewtopic.php?f=47&t=9270) indicate harassment and threats to government officials. I am aware of more incidents of varying seriousness.

Another very worrisome incident of which I am aware was a shooting in Killam, Alberta, a small community near Edmonton, Alberta. The matter has not yet gone to trial and so not much has been made public, so far, but here is the narrative I have been able to reconstruct. Local RCMP learned residents of a home had prohibited firearms. They arrived to search the property, but were met with gunfire. Both officers were injured, but managed to escape. When police later returned they found one of the home occupants dead, the other had disappeared. The dead individual had been killed by a single gunshot to the head.

The missing individual, a Sawyer Robison, remained at large for several days. He ultimately surrendered to police without further violence. During the search period Robison's truck was recovered and a 50 calibre sniper rifle and ammunition was located. Robison has been charged with attempted murder in relation to the RCMP officers, murder of the other individual found shot in the head, his uncle Brad Clarke, and an array of firearms offences.

Robison was later released on bail, but one of his conditions of release was he not associate with any Freemen-on-the-Land. As I mentioned on another thread (viewtopic.php?t=9289), I have also located additional documents posted online that link Robison to Freeman / Sovereign type activities.

This may not be the only instance where RCMP in Alberta have met with extreme violence from Sovereign / Freeman types. I have encountered comments online, which I have not been able to verify, that a James Roszko, who in 2005 shot and killed four RCMP officers ( had sovereign / Freeman affiliations. That was the largest killing of Canadian police officers in over 100 years.

There simply is not that much violence directed at police officers in Canada, and the Killam incident, alone, would undoubtedly set off alarms. The strong security response to Keith Thompson is another indication of this building awareness (viewtopic.php?f=8&t=6641).

I have little doubt that Canadian law enforcement authorities are aware of many dangerous aspects of the Freeman phenomenon, but particularly its potential for violence. Recent jurisprudence indicates that Canadian courts are taking a strict approach, and one that is very security conscious (see in particular the A.N.B. discussion), not just for the courts, but other involved persons. I believe the focus has shifted now that authorities understand this a mass movement, rather than individual and dangerous persons.

Canada is lucky, in a sense - we have the American model to observe and avoid. Our society does tend to have less violence, nor is there an embedded and historic hostility against public institutions. That said, we also have our extremists and unbalanced persons, and they are a real threat when 'agitated' by concepts such as those promoted by the Freeman movement.

Are our police aware of the 'slippery slope' seen in the U.S. where playacting as being a police officer is a precursor to illegal and violent action? I suspect so. Just how things sort out for the Nanaimo Three will tell us much, but I doubt they will be walking free and easy when the legal actions are resolved.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

And on a lighter note, LordEd on the JREF forums has located Mr. Reams Youtube channel:

There area couple videos that caught my eye - First, it's a convoy of Freemen posing around the minivan that was likely the very one from which the Nanaimo Three were so dramatically extracted:

The cast of characters are identified by text titles:
  • Big Dave the mother of process
    Juice the wrench
    Alex AKA "Axle" tough as a coffin nail computer/video expert
    AKA "Gab the wiseman"
    The fractional money man
    Kissy Lips Andy mother of deconstructive logic and spoken word magic
Their mission? To drive to Kelowna B.C., to support Dean Clifford with his 28 charges against an RCMP officer. Our gang is there to serve as "peace officers" and make most certain "that everyone is on their toes".

And now a longer video, some of which overlaps with the previous one, en route to the courthouse:

Clifford's legal action is described by a number of Freeman sources ( ... -does-rcmp) (Scroll down - it's the November 21 to December 7 stuff.) And courtesy of the World Freeman Society ( ... urt-nov-21).

After becoming just that much better acquainted with our posse, I am unsurprised that they would willingly buy into all manner of absurd Freeman-on-the-Land crap. What surprises me is they have any cash to make those purchases...

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

They might have cash but not a lot if their accomodation is any guide. In this video:

They appear to end up staying at the Hotel Regal on Granville Street in Vancouver. Basically a skid-row dump.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
notorial dissent
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by notorial dissent »

Amazing, we had the Keystone Cops, you have the C3PO's, still just can't cope with that name, the question is, which group is the more ridiculous?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: The Nanaimo Three - Political Prisoners in Canada

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Mr. Ream is keeping us up to date on developments concerning the Nanaimo Three via his Facebook page. First, the good news is that Dave "the mother of process" Lange was released, presumably on bail, last Wednesday. Unfortunately, it looks like Lange then skipped a court appearance...
Alexander Ream
10 hours ago
Dave Lange was released on June 19th 2013. It didn't take too long before they issued another unlawful warrant for his arrest. Dave Lange is charged with "failure to appear" at the 222 Main St. Vancouver, BC commercial court. I was there as a witness that day and I have sent an affidavit rebutting the false claim they have made. They are liars and they have the legal system protecting them.
All of the Nanaimo Three are returning to court today. Mr. Ream is unafraid:
Alexander Ream
8 hours ago
I have a court case on June 26th 2013 at 9:30 am in New Westminster Provincial Court room #206. I will put an end to the phony charges. It is not even a real court, but merely a limited liability corporation operating for profit. The only way I can lose is by surrendering. I will stand up for my inherent rights. I will counter their deception and coercion. I will seek remedy for the damages done to me.
Y'know, I wonder if the persons in court are going to hear some familiar dialogue...
Alexander Ream
That is tomorrow. I will watch BraveHeart tonight to get ready.
8 hours ago
Contract, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to stand under the Common Law and tell our enemies that they may take our Strawmen, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM!

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]