Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by wserra »

Möwe's sig wrote:Eckels: I write only what you give me. I impart only your truth.
Kline: Truth cannot be imparted. It must be inflicted.
Möwe obviously leans towards Eckels. I, on the other hand, am partial to Kline.

To each his own.
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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Dean was back in court today though I am a little vague as to what he is trying to do ( ... 0931352298):
Dean Otf Kory
[Oct. 18, 2013]
So I spent the morning in Court today and got the opportunity to serve the Crown and the Court with my Notice of Mistake,I also included a photo copy of the birth certificate,my private I.D. and the receipt placed in my property bag by police after I deposited the B.C. with the Court Clerk at the status hearing months ago before Judge Chester.I asked the Judge"In what capacity does the NAME exist as it appears on the information before the Court?" and he refused to answer me,He stated that I was the "Person" on the information so I then asked what the Court's definition of "Person" is?..again no answer!He told me these issues can be raised at trial! I recorded everything but I wont post it because last time I was charged for publishing the court proceedings so I'll just wait and use this information in any civil proceedings if needed! I stated clearly to the Court that I can not proceed as I have been denied the chance to be made fully informed as to the nature and cause of the proceedings and unless the questions in my "Notice of Mistake" are answered,I would consider The proceedings to be in violation of my right to be made fully informed!
Is this an appeal of his criminal conviction? Some parallel civil proceeding? Unfortunately Dean has not posted a copy of his "Notice of Mistake" documents for review.

We wait and see...

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
notorial dissent
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by notorial dissent »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:Dean was back in court today though I am a little vague as to what he is trying to do...
Then I would say you are at least two steps ahead of Dean, since I am quite sure he does not know what he is trying to do, except maybe extend his vacation time at the local establishment.

All I can see is that he is trying to use the NAME argument to get out of whatever it is he is in the middle of right now, since he seems to be wanting to argue about the definition of "person" and the court isn't having any,I don't understand what he is going on about as far as the BC, or really any of the rest of it, which is really no big surprise when it comes right down to it. If he is still uninformed about the nature of the proceedings, I'm betting it is by his own hand. I'm betting the "Notice of Mistake" is one of those long convoluted lists of questions Sovruns are sometimes want to use. I'm hoping he'll at least publish that to add to the general hilarity of the situation.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Lambkin »

The poor fellow apparently hasn't noticed his mistake.
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I think this might be the "Notice of Mistake" document in question ( ... 3128718164). Kory seems strongly influenced by Scott Duncan, a guru who operated a Facebook Group titled "THE TENDER FOR LAW".

I'm a little vague on the details of Duncan's belief system and how it interrelates to others in the OPCA community. The TENDER FOR LAW group appears to have been shut down.

The Notice of Mistake document appears to be a hybrid of "I've not contracted with the state - leave me alone" and double/split person schemes. Nothing exceptional in that case. I can't imagine this approach will have any effect in court.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by rogfulton »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:I can't imagine this approach will have any effect in court.

SMS Möwe
I think it will have an effect, just not the desired one.
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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Dean Kory was featured earlier this week in another of the ‘Truth Radio’ broadcasts, this time “Canada, The Nation”. This was a two part interview that can be accessed here:
It appears Kory himself will be launching his own ‘Truth Radio’-type broadcast early in November, 2013.

The reason I listened in was there are several specific aspects of Kory’s criminal litigation history about which I would very much like to know more, but sadly Kory was coy on those points. The interview was in general rather amorphous.

In brief, Kory’s chief complaint involves child access. Allegedly he is the primary caregiver for a daughter who has been effectively taken by his ex-girlfriend, who has for the past 2.5 years denied access even though that has been ordered by the courts. This is apparently one of five children Kory has fathered; he mentions access issues with at least one other child.

His current involvement with the courts flows from alleged threats to this girlfriend, which led to an escalating series of court appearances where Kory engaged in Freeman antics, which led to detentions, and further cycles of charges, including intimidation of justice system participants, and last an extended stay in detention after which Kory pled guilty and was sentenced to time served.

The narrative, which I do not find entirely plausible, includes such dramatics as:
  • Kory depositing his birth certificate with authorities as that is the entity to which his charges apply (he has posted this photo of the certificate and its police property receipt) ( ... 978&type=1),

    Kory battling to have the right to record his proceedings, but then getting in trouble by putting those recordings on the 'net,

    assorted police beatings,

    an allegation that he has spent a two-year stretch in pre-trial detention at some point in the past – this involved him being beaten and being starved, and

    that this entire set of events is a scheme by ?the Crown and his ex-girlfriend? to create a profile history of him as a violent person, that profile will then be used to establish he is guilty of threatening that girlfriend.
Kory explains he is not litigating to win, but rather escalating the conflict to create a paper trail of documents and transcripts that he can later use to ?attack the state? ?attack the courts? ?attack his ex? in common law proceedings.

A few global observations. Kory has absolutely no clue on the operation of law and the courts, and appears to be using a cobbled mix of classic OPCA schemes. He engages in that persistent ‘hunt for clues and signs’ that marks so much OPCA litigation. That, plus his apparent litigation strategy, promises a lengthy future interaction with authorities and the courts.

Second, I have no doubt that he is experiencing issues with access to his child, and that at least some aspects of his conduct flow to genuine parental interest and concern. I am also quite unsurprised that Kory has found that the Canadian courts apparatus has not performed very well in addressing his potentially legitimate interests. As I have commented elsewhere on Quatloos, in my opinion family law is badly broken in Canada.

I am observing a category of Freeman/Sovereign litigant in Canada who is not driven by the more common ‘get me out of trouble’ or ‘get me free stuff’ motivations, but rather an attempt to address a parent’s concern about a child after either government seizure of the child or a divorce. Check out the chatter in this message thread for examples ( ... 7804844106) of that. A.N.B. and Amy Collins may also fall into this group.

I cannot imagine that application of OPCA litigation strategies will lead to better results, but I can understand why desperate parents may find themselves tempted to jam invalid pseudolaw such as the ‘everything is a contract’ concept into their family law litigation – but it won’t help. Nevertheless I can understand how they end up in that spot. For Kory I think things will not end well – but I hope I am proven wrong. I offer this as an illustration of just how far he is from any prospect of meaningful interaction with the state, court, and police apparatus ( ... comments=1):
Look at the meaning of Child in relation to the Births Deaths and Marriages Act: Child "Includes" Stillborn, we know stillborn means dead, it's what the word: "Includes" means that causes you to be deemed dead as a "man". "Includes" legally means: What is "Included" excludes all others. Dominion was only granted to "Man" not persons or humans but if you are deemed legally dead, then legally speaking, you can never be granted "Dominion". Dominion is the "Sovereign birth right" to the Mineral and energy wealth of the land. (Sovereignty). You have been legally rendered DEAD by the "State" in order that the STATE inherit the estate of the man that has been legally assumed DEAD. When we turn 21 and get our Key to life, we could never find the 70 year Cestui Key Vie trust, because we were assumed dead at birth. (Stillborn) ... This is how the STATE is slowly taking control of the land, oil, mineral and energy reserve of the world from it's rightful owners, being the Birth Right people born on the land. The State is not our government, it is a private: UNITED STATES FEDERAL RESERVE banking entity run by men that we will never be able to find.
These bizarre beliefs will not merely impede his interaction with authorities. These beliefs will also very likely be a basis to deny his interaction with his children.

And with that, everyone loses.

Oh, and Kory explained he is offering guidance to a friend who has a child facing criminal charges. Yes, this won’t end well.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by JamesVincent »

Depends on what you mean by well. It will end exactly as they say it will since they proclaim they're being held down by the Man for being "free". So, they will end up being put into prison, time and time again, and end up with shattered lives. Yet it will still be the Man's fault since they did everything "correctly". So they will tell others what they went through and another sucker is born. Gotta love self-fulfilling prophecies.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by notorial dissent »

I really must compliment you, you do have a flair for understament.

I would say, from what you have posted, that Kory definitely has a problem with child access, and I'm betting they all extend from his own wonderful personality, starting with the fact that part of it is with the child of one of his ex-girlfriends. If she has been denying access, it is more than likely that she doesn't want the child anywhere near the wit and wisdom that is Kory, and since she is an ex, it is probably to conclude that she has seen some bit of the light and doesn't want or need his interference in their life. The "alleged threats" and the aftermath of those do not speak well of our peaceful Freeman on the land either. It would appear that he is doing a very adequate job of creating the profile of him being violent and threatening all on his own, and generally terminally screwing up his life all on his own.

That Kory doesn't have a clue is becoming more and more obvious, and disturbingly apparent. Kory is what would appear to be a crusader, and they are not known for either common or good sense, or a sense of self preservation, and despite their claims, they are not really concerned about anyone but themselves. They may claim they are doing this for the rights of all parents, but they are really only doing it for themselves, because their right to their "property", their wife/girlfriend, and child/children has been interfered with, in their eyes, adn they're not goign to stand for it. There is nothing altruistic in their behavior whatsoever. There is usually a very good reason why the former is elsewhere and doesn't want the child/children having contact, and in this case I'm betting it is a good and valid reason.

One of the things I've noticed among the Sovrun/Freeman types is that that some of the ones who scream the most about the birth certificate making them property are also the ones who are convinced that their wives/children are their absolute property as well, to do with or ignore as they choose, and no gubmint has the right to tell them what they can and can't do about that .

As you so rightly point out, I do not see a happy ending in any of this for Kory, and I do see his assorted ex's getting together either singly or together and getting orders barring him from contact with their children for the illegal and violent actions he is taking.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

So Dean says he is back in court on December 20, 2013. I’m unclear as to just what this litigation involves. Dean’s explanation ( ... 3868665529) is a little unfocussed:
DEC.20th 9:00 am court room #3
Lindsay Courthouse. 440 Kent St. W.
Lindsay Ontario
K9V 6K2

Everyone is welcome to attend this hearing where I am facing a circumstantial, false accusation of assault and threatening. I will be asking the Crown and Court all the difficult questions they don't seem to want to answer and exercising my inherent rights.The Crown and the Court have been provided with a notice of mistake and I hope,at the very least, this event is educational to all involved! It's been a very long road up to this point fighting for my little girl and our rights have been violated throughout the Court process so far...Wish us luck!
I’m not certain of what is the “assault”, I don’t think I’ve seen that offence in play before.

I am also unclear on Dean’s litigation strategy. You see, his Facebook page is absolutely choked with lengthy pseudolegal texts, some obviously copypasta, others of unclear origin.

His “Notice of Mistake” ( ... 5224349389) appears to be the same document that was used (unsuccessfully) by My Lady Amy Collins (viewtopic.php?f=47&t=9593), so I'm not expecting miracles from that. Of course, it may have been the absence of properly red ink thumbprinted postage stamps that was the defect that sabotaged My Lady, so perhaps I speak too soon.

And then there’s this “PUBLIC NOTICE – CLAIM OF RIGHT – LEX CONVENTIONALIS” ( ... 6996713697) which de-contracts people, I guess:
TAKE NOTICE that my MPP's office, has been informed by the Attorney General of Ontario's office, that Ontario is a common law jurisdiction, and for greater certainty; that I CLAIM THE RIGHT to be governed by the jurisdiction of Anglo-Saxon-Jute common law, based upon 'The Golden Rule'-principle of "Do not unto others, as you would not have them do unto you. . . . .do NO harm." I AM NOT a municipality, Body politic, a local board (extended definition) and the Crown, Her Majesty, HER MAJESTY, Her Majesty and an organization and/or HER MAJESTY and an organization, and/or “includes a corporation.” I AM NOT a PERSON, I HAVE a PERSON, BUT I AM NOT a PERSON, and I RESERVE THE RIGHT as to when I USE the PERSON I HAVE that was created by the PROVINCE OF ONTARIO and/or GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO that acts as the SURETY for it.

Therefore: LET IT BE KNOWN THAT any PARTY without having made it EXPRESSLY known to ME AB INITIO, that you INTEND to ATTEMPT, to contract with ME, then ANY party attempting to contract with ME without the EXPRESS NOTICE required, such attempts SHALL be considered NULL-and-VOID ULTRA VIRES AB INITIO COLORE OFFICII and of no LAWFUL and/or LEGAL force-and-effect.
But the best item - and I bet Dean wrote this one all himself! - is his script for how he will open his trial on the 20th ( ... 978&type=1):
All rise, The Supernumerary is in the Court, First matter of business is HER MAJESTY vs. DEAN KORY, I stand up in the gallery walk to the bar not crossing and without a word spoken, they ask if I am the person they seek by saying "State your name and birth date!" and I respond with " I am here and I will be "PROPERLY PRESENTING MYSELF" today by way of RESTRICTED SPECIAL APPEARANCE, NOT GENERAL APPEARANCE! I do not have a NAME. I have a CALLING. I am called Dean spelled capital D, lower case e-a-n and as for the birth date ,that is 3rd party hear say held by the Registrar General and I was only a baby when that happened and I can not possibly be expected to know exactly when that was. I am the Sole Authorized Administrator for the NAME and I will be "PROPERLY PRESENTING MY VOICE" on and for the public record and I waive the benefits and reserve ALL rights and rebut/remove ALL ASSUMPTIONS/PRESUMPTIONS in this court. Are there any objections?...No?...Let the record reflect that there are no objections. I will now convene a court of public record and of competent jurisdiction and accept your oaths of office. Now before we begin, Anyone having business in this matter must fully identify themselves by NAME and in what capacity you are acting(the roll you are playing) in regards to these proceedings. There are some questions before the court that must be answered as I do not understand the nature and cause of these proceedings, the Court Clerk and Crown have had for some time my rebuttal (have in hand proof of service) to the fallacious belief that I am surety in this matter, for and on the public record, if I, AND/OR PERSONS AND/OR FRIENDS OF THE COURT AND/OR SUCH OTHER PARTIES ACTING IN MY INTERESTS, have led THIS COURT and/or STATUTORY BODY and/or A GOVERNMENT SERVICE and/or AGENTS and/or OFFICERS of such bodies, to believe, by responding to “You”, and/or “DEAN KORY”, and/or SUCH OTHER IDENTIFICATION, such bodies HAVE ADDRESSED ME AS, that I am the PARTY WITH SURETY in this matter, then that would be a MISTAKE, and please forgive me for that was and is NOT MY WILL OR INTENT. I will be interrupted at which point i call upon a point of order, cross the bar and state for the record I do so under duress, head straight for the Clerk and serve proof of service INTO the RECORD and continue on point. State clearly I have the right to"PRESENT MYSELF"and speak to the public record and it is my will and intent to continue without asserting my voice over everyone else's. Whom ever interrupts your right to speak to the record ask them on who's behalf they are speaking and whether they are surety on the claims before the court. If you have correctly established that you have reserved ALL rights,will and intent..."POINT OF ORDER! DID I GIVE YOU LEAVE TO SPEAK?"seems to do the trick! The magic words, or so I've been told: Point of order.

There are questions before the court that MUST be answered before this matter can proceed. (The questions in the Notice of Mistake)... I RESPECTFULLY ASK; by WHAT AUTHORITY ARE "YOU" ADDRESSING me as such?

As the SURETY BOND (BIRTH CERTIFICATE) has been deposited into the COURT [In the custody of Justice Loren E. Chester ONTARIO PROVINCIAL COURT OF JUSTICE: Lindsay Ontario, WHAT EVIDENCE does the COURT have that I, as a MAN who is not lawfully entitled to the BENEFITS of a BIRTH CERTIFICATE [A8123276], have any SURETY in this matter?


WHAT EVIDENCE do YOU have, that I am an OFFICER, an AGENT, a TRUSTEE and/or an EMPLOYEE of the CROWN? WHAT EVIDENCE do "YOU" have of any WARRANT OF AGENCY for the principal?

WHAT EVIDENCE do "YOU" have that there has been any meeting of the minds, any PROPER NOTICE given, any considerable CONSIDERATION offered, or that I have ANY INTENT to CONTRACT in this matter?

As such, I am returning your OFFER, DECLINED, for immediate DISCHARGE and CLOSURE.

If these questions remain unanswered..."I CAN NOT UNDERSTAND THE NATURE AND CAUSE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS." Whilst understanding, claim lack of understanding and refuse to be told anything except the answers to the questions presented which they technically can not answer. Another classification of matters which will discharge a surety is as follows:** (1)Misrepresentation or concealment to induce his becoming surety.The contract is voidable from the beginning as between the surety and all parties privy to such misrepresentation or concealment; if a principal signed under duress, the holder guilty of the duress could not enforce the obligation against a surety.* Ask them if they recognize one standing their ground? declaration of right to question the accuser (the court), are we not in the court? Then are we not now able to remedy this confusion? Is the court confused whether or not it has a validly standing complaint? Because if it doesn't know then it cant prove or bring forth evidence it should possess here and now. Learning to simply stand/hold your claim "in honor" amidst much confusion, intimidation and trickery is the hardest part of the game as we often are our own worst enemies (govern yourself or be governed) but it is also the most exciting part of the game. The part were you really, if your humble enough to learn from your mistakes, get to know yourself, your weakness and flaws. Those are the buttons that THEY consciously press. It is a process of maturity and a very rewarding one at that, when you consider the cost against value ratio...ONLY "PROPERLY PRESENT YOURSELF as "I AM" because you are NOT A NAME! Never lay claim to a name, you as a free human being don't have one, you have an appellation, something you are called. A name is a tag, a label, conformation of your slave status under the modern Roman Empire bonded-slave system.
I thought about trying to trim this down but … it just didn’t feel right.

So - psychiatric mental fitness exam right off the top of the trial? Place your bets!

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Montana Notasovrun »

It appears that Mr. Kory does not know who he is, or no one but he knows, and similarly he won't know where he is when he goes to court. Looks like he thinks they all came to see him as he conducts the session. Psychiatric competency exam seems certain. The bet should be on the diagnosis. Narcissism anyone?
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Kestrel »

I CLAIM THE RIGHT to be governed by the jurisdiction of Anglo-Saxon-Jute common law, based upon 'The Golden Rule'-principle of "Do not unto others, as you would not have them do unto you. . . . .do NO harm.
Where have I heard this before? It's the Wiccan rede: "An it harm none do what ye will"

Is he saying he's a Wiccan?
"I CAN NOT UNDERSTAND THE NATURE AND CAUSE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS." Whilst understanding, claim lack of understanding and refuse to be told anything except the answers to the questions presented which they technically can not answer.
So he admits in writing, nay he proclaims, that he's going to lie in court. Way to go, bubba.
Anyone having business in this matter must fully identify themselves by NAME and in what capacity you are acting(the roll you are playing)...
Yeah, he's on a roll. And when he lands at the bottom of the hill it's going to be ugly.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm betting he doesn't get past the first sentence before the judge very properly tells him to put a sock in it. I would say a competency hearing is definitely in order.

Sounds like he and child services got in to it, and his chickens are coming home to roost.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by LordEd »

I love the birthday hearsay thing. It means he is under oath in a court calling his own mother a liar.
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Stopped in to see how Dean Kory is doing. He has been bouncing in and out of court the last several weeks – a little litigation bunny! I finally had an explanation of his situation, as I will explain below. It's quite the social affair, as he has an energetic group of like-minded correspondents, so it’s always popping and hopping … even when Dean is in detention.

So I knew his next hearing was on Dec. 20, 2013, but I did not understand what this about – I thought it was perhaps some kind of civil litigation. My error – Dean is once more facing criminal charges, which was explained by Dean in a set of messages on the eve of that hearing ( ... 7248759923):
So I'm off to Court in the morning, wish me luck!..If you don't hear from me for a while... you all know why. Christmas in the "Super Jail" should be interesting to say the least....HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

I took my ex back into family court because she took my kid and just moved away...she has kept her from me for over 2 years now...when she saw that the judge was gonna give me access ,she accused me of assault and threatening RIGHT OUT OF LEFT evidence or witnesses,just an accusation all just to keep me from seeing my daughter!

She has a history of mental illness and takes powerful anti depressants...she has lied to the police and the courts in the past and she's been charged and convicted for threats and lies ...all this information was overlooked by the crown so i gave them a copy of all the police reports and court files just so they can't hide these facts!
As you can see Dean seems to have things well in hand. He’d just re-posted his fee schedule, and went off to court with a bevy of kind comments. So there’s a good vibe going!

Then there’s silence. Where’s Dean?! The chatter starts ( ... 3722681767) ( ... 4835149578)

“So did dean get arrested again?” “Some should file a habeas corpus for him if he has been arrested..” “I just called the jail again, he isn’t there…” “I just called his house, his mom has no idea, she thinks hes in custody, she hasn’t heard anything.” That said, no one seems all that concerned – they’re just keeping an eye on their friend. It’s actually quite a festive discussion, all told. Dean's in jail? Oh yeah - that happens. Dean does that.

Kent Barrett of the Human Rights Defenders League in Canada even made a little jest “So where is Dean …and Dean?”, and offered for purchase a “Dean ‘n Dean – JAILHOUSE ROCK!” coffee mug design! ( ... 2189822725).

But on the night before Christmas but who should appear?
Dean of the family Kory, for a celebratory beer!
He’d met a nice judge who popped him from remand,
And told her tale fair, of a late appearance detention!

( ... 1322291740)
I wouldn't normally give kudos to a member of the Judiciary but Madam Justice Ballam has to be one in a million for how she has dealt with today's proceedings. She showed great understanding and impartiality and fairness and I only wish more learned friends of the court would exercise individual thought and righteousness as she has.

I have had my shattered hope in the administration of true justice repaired, at least a little bit today, because of her!
Dean’s explanation arrived in dribs and drabbles, but it appears Dean was delayed on his way to the Dec. 20, 2013 hearing. An arrest warrant was issued as the judge thought Dean had skipped trial. No! But when Dean finally did arrive at the courthouse he was immediately arrested, tossed in detention over the weekend, and then on Monday Justice Ballam released him for a rescheduled hearing, after learning the circumstances of the 20th. Apparently there was a nasty storm in progress at the time.

This is followed by a crap-load of typical Freeman-on-the-Land copypasta and banter.

And on January 2, Dean is back to court again, with a spring in his step, and fresh paperwork ( ... 5163887740):
Well...I'm off to Court this morning to set a new trial date and drop some more paper work into the court file...wish me luck!
And even returned that evening, spirit and body intact! ( ... 9006983815):
All went well...still have to go back on the 9th to set the trial date.It started out in front of a JP who didn't want anything to do with me rebutting the capacity of the name so he put me over to court room 3 to speak to a judge...The judge was a sweetheart and accepted all my files and the Crown said the court appointed lawyer was unavailable to set a date for trial so...looks like the Crown is looking for ways to stall things! lol!

Two nice judges in a row? Will Dean’s luck hold?

In the meantime Dean discloses he and I share a hobby – we both watch Supreme Court of Canada hearings late night on CPAC! I've learned a lot that way - I hope Dean does too. A Facebook bud, Catherine Frain, asks Dean for assistance – her boyfriend, a status Indian, was picked up on a Canada-wide warrant with seven charges! ( ... 6631994423) She asks:
…He is a Status Indian under the Indian Act, yet has no membership to a reservation. Does the Criminal Code of Canada have jurisdiction over First Nations? … Should he present himself as his Spirit Name as the signatory to the NAME? We want all charges dismissed, but he wants to prove fraud in such a way where he does not know the nature or cause of the proceedings since no proper notice was given and everything he has signed has been under duress/coercion.....any ideas?

Dean responds with a blizzard of his form documents: a “Notice of Fee Schedule” a “Demand for Property and Rescission of Signatures”, an “Affirmed Under Penalty of Perjury Declaration” - this is serious stuff!

But time grinds on, and eventually it’s back to court ( ... 5712031412). Dean shares his planned opening statement:
I am standing before this court today by way of SPECIAL RESTRICTION,not GENERAL appearance,I reserve ALL RIGHTS and waive the benefits and convene a court of PUBLIC RECORD! I wish to be provided with the original charging instrument for my inspection to witness for myself the STYLE of WHAT IT IS you are CALLING as it EXISTS on the information before this court so that I may "ACCERTAIN" if THAT ENTITY is me.In what CAPACITY does it exist on the information?....(once presented the document)...seems that THE NAME on this document identifies a LEGAL PERSON, I am NOT A LEGAL PERSON! good morning your Justice, and i was just wondering- at this point-and-time- as the DONEE, i wish to make certain my INTENTION ON-and-FOR the PUBLIC RECORD, to exercise the POWER OF APPOINTMENT conferred upon me, to TRANSFER the CESTUI QUE VIE TRUST which i am the REVERTER to...BARRING any OBJECTIONS from the court - OF COURSE!"
And here I report on the outcome. Nice judge? No, this time it was that mean ol’ Justice Chester, a former nemesis. A court date has been set for March 18, 2014, with submissions by February 20 ( ... 8200333618).

The subject?
Dean Oft Kory [Jan. 9, 2014]
… my constitutional challenge on the applicability of the criminal code so...all good!

Derek Hill
how are you going to challenge it?
[Jan. 9, 2014]

Dean Otf Kory
The applicability...The code only applies to "Everyone person and owner also includes her majesty and an organization" which one is the Crown claiming I am?

At the onset of the trial I'm challenging jurisdiction first and formost!
[Jan. 9, 2014]
The audience is intrigued – and so am I. What arguments do the parties plan to deploy? [All messages Jan. 9, 2014]
Derek G
What sort of submissions had the crown brought forward so far?

Dean Otf Kory
just Meads vs. Meads

Pierre Eleveneightfivetwo
Tell them Dean Otf Kory, F--- you with your Meads vs. Meads, I have NOTHING to do with Measds vs. Meads, not more than I have something to do with Domi vs. leave me the f---ing alone with that bulls---

Derek G
What have you submitted so far?

Dean Otf Kory
Notice of Mistake ,rebuttal to Meads vs. Meads and lots of police reports and family court docs ect.

Derek G
Submitions include motions.
Have you considered a motion to dismiss for lack of standing?

Derek Moran

It's a weasel-word game designed to make you THINK it's case law. In MEADS v. MEADS the party in question was MARRIED and thus makes any claims to be a "freeman" an outright fraud.

This was a rambling "opinion" which had nothing to do with the facts of the matter before the "Justice". The disinformation that came from this allows any other "Justice" to cite it, if the respondent/defendant isn't knowledgeable enough to question the issue.

A "justice" can ramble on about the respondent/defendant's taste in music if they wish, in a ruling, but that does not make such opinions about music "case law".

If the hearing was about JURISDICTION, then it would be case law. It was a divorce, and therefore ONLY AN OPINION.

This is the problem nowadays; People are too ignorant to even question the issues.

James Allan
A man has NO remedy in statutory court. The only parties having standing under a statutory proceeding are the legal person having it right/privileges and duties conferred upon it by Her Majesty (in this case you by doing a constitutional challenge as a legal person) and the Crown prosecutor......

Norah Holloway
I was told not to challenge the charter. Don't argue it because you actually want it to be enforced.... just not on you because it doesn't apply. Or something along those lines.

James Allan
YES, Meads is case law insofar as legal person are concerned. And yes, you guys are going to hate to hear it, but the final decision was correct. The reasons for decision are irrelevant if the final decision is correct. Which it was. It's no different than a cow trying to claim it has a right not to be slaughtered. It has no such recognized rights. Similarly in Meads, Mr. Meads (the man) was trying to claim as a representative (acting in a capacity/surety) of the legal person (the cow) rights the legal person (cow) he was representing cannot enjoy.

Derek G
I was told that pigs fly... MUST be true!

Derek Moran
Mr. Meads didnt even realize- he signed a CONTRACT to get a MARRIAGE-LICENCE, he CONSENTED to it BEFOREHAND...he just 'barked-up-the-wrong-tree,' and the court system has jumped on the opportunity

James Allan
He is not bound by the marriage license to the extent it may be deemed to infringe his fundamental rights and freedoms if he asserts the proper facts. I suspect he had no idea that the license constituted a waiver of his fundamental right and freedoms. See Anselem S.C.R.
[Naughtyness redacted.]

I’m not certain I fully understand all this exposition, but it’s quite interesting to see the Freemanfolk actually talk about Meads v. Meads for a change. Normally the subject appears quite verboten.

As for Dean’s argument, sadly, I give it long odds. I fear that Meads v. Meads will be cited, once again, for the authority that there ain’t no such thing as The Strawman.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

I like that little play on words. Meads doesn't apply to Dean's situation since Mr. Meads, being married, wasn't a Freeman because he was not a "free man". Bachelors only in this boy's club!

The comment makes a valid point. Pretty much all the Canadian Freemen we've reviewed in Quatloos have been single, either never married or, like Dean, divorced. I thought it was because they are such narcissistic jerks but it turns out to be a requirement of the position. Looks like I'll never be able to claim all the wonderful bounty that the Freemen obviously enjoy unless I come to a new understanding with my wife. I'm sure she'll understand that it's been a great 36 years but she's now holding me back from my true destiny.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by JamesVincent »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote: ....“I just called his house, his mom has no idea, she thinks hes in custody, she hasn’t heard anything.”....
SMS Möwe
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:Looks like I'll never be able to claim all the wonderful bounty that the Freemen obviously enjoy unless I come to a new understanding with my wife. I'm sure she'll understand that it's been a great 36 years but she's now holding me back from my true destiny.
Somehow I doubt that your true destiny is to be spending the rest of your life in court, being arrested by the police, moving from pillar to post every week, and not having a dime to your name. Just a hunch on my part.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by LordEd »

The Observer wrote: Somehow I doubt that your true destiny is to be spending the rest of your life in court, being arrested by the police, moving from pillar to post every week, and not having a dime to your name. Just a hunch on my part.
I think says it best...
Not that the freemen aren't choosing this destiny.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I wondered how Dean Kory was doing. So I found out.( ... 0451269590)
Mike Newf posted to ‎Dean Otf Kory
March 18

Mike Newf
whats the word on dean?
March 18 at 3:52pm

Mike Newf
"they put him in jail for 16 days, he should be out in 10"
[March 19, 2014] at 1:41pm

Derek Moran
What was the 'charge' against him/the PERSON really, anyways?
[March 19, 2014] at 1:45pm

Chris Evan
Why? Huh? What?
[March 19, 2014] at 1:50pm

Mike Newf
thats all i have, I just talked to his mom.
[March 19, 2014] at 1:54pm

Gail Marie
Thanks Mike for the update
[March 19, 2014] at 1:54pm · 1

Mike Newf
hes fine, having a great time i'm sure..
[March 19, 2014] at 1:55pm

Gail Marie
that is the neat thing about Dean..."their" punishment isn't punishment for him lol
[March 19, 2014] at 1:56pm
VICTORY! Mom says Dean is in gaol! Total VICTORY!

Dean's court appearance was on March 18. He posted his planned opening statement to the court ( ... 7920436327):
I am standing before this Court today as "I, a man" by way of SPECIAL RESTRICTED PRESENTMENT, not GENERAL APPEARANCE. I reserve ALL RIGHTS and WAVE the BENEFITS. I convene a Court of Public Record and of COMMON LAW JURISDICTION. I wish to be presented with the original charging instrument for my inspection to witness for myself the STYLE of what is written on the information in relation to this Court's question, so that I may ASCERTAIN if that entity the Court is asking for is accurately being used and presented for identification purposes. In what Capacity does it exist as it appears on the information before the Court and does this information identify a LEGAL PERSON? As the DONEE, I wish to make certain my intention on and for the public record, to exercise the power of appointment conferred upon me, to TRANSFER the CESTUI QUE VIE TRUST which I am the REVERTER to...barring any objections from the court. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, SOLE AUTHORIZED ADMINISTRATOR/BENEFICIARY, RESTRICTED AUTOGRAPH, RESTRICTED CAPACITY, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ..........................................................................................I have provided the Crown and this Court with a Notice of Mistake and Fee Schedule and unless I receive a response and answers to my questions, I can not understand the nature and cause of these proceedings.
It looks like his argument focused on his birth certificate ( ... 6979812812):
I Dean affirm, that i am in RECEIPT of the Birth Certificate Bond i am the SOLE-LIVING-BENEFICIARY of, and that it was IN FACT, SIGNED by the Registrar General and their Deputy, UNDER SEAL by the Registrar General, and has indeed been successfully DELIVERED to ME.
March 16


I gave the BC to the court clerk way back when I was before Judge Chester and he signed a warrant for the arrest of DEAN KORY for fail to appear...I was taken into custody 3 days later and during the booking process the police tried to give it back to me,I refused it and they placed it in the property locker with this receipt,but when I was released from the jail days later,it was in my property bag without the receipt.I had to go to the police station to get a new copy of the receipt so I can now prove what they did.
March 16 at 9:54pm

I can empathize how being separated from one's child could be a traumatic thing, but I kind of hope Dean finds some other approach to resolving that issue. Otherwise, as the "DONEE", I think he's kind of "DONE".

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]