Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:I've used rocket stoves made out of tin cans and out of logs drilled out from top and side with a 1" extra long spade drill bit.
Coincidentally I have just seen a video of "Farm Girl" demo-ing a rocket stove but for some reason I can't remember all the details.
Two brave sovereigns are being cruelly persecuted for just trying to live their beliefs and all you can go on about is rocket stoves? You people disgust me. Dean and his brother are just struggling to make their way in a hard world that expects them to actually earn their own way rather than live off government handouts. A dystopian nightmare for our two dedicated sovereigns.

Well I have proof that Darcy Kory has tried his best to earn his own way through life but was stopped by a system which disapproved of his unconventional methods of trying to earn an honest dollar. He was caught trying to rob disabled adults!
[2] The offence took place on July 18, 2008, at approximately three in the morning. Mr. Kory broke into a home on Topaz Avenue in Victoria. The home was occupied by two disabled adults who lived in the basement area. Their caregiver lived on the main floor up a flight of stairs. Mr. Kory gained access to the basement through a window. Once inside the basement he blocked the door which would allow the caregiver access to the basement. The respondent took a number of items of value from the basement including jewellery and a television. Unable to carry all the items away with him at once the respondent hid the television in some nearby shrubbery. It was when he went to retrieve the television that the police came upon him and arrested him. Had he not been caught in the course of committing the offence the victims would have lost 4 items of jewellery and the television.
R. v. Kory
268 BCAC 314

Nobody can say that he hasn't tried his best at his chosen career;
[4] The appellant is 40 years of age. He has a lengthy record going back to his youth in 1984 in Oshawa, Ontario. The record contains convictions for 36 offences, nine of those committed while he was a young offender. The sentencing judge noted that the record includes eight break and entering and 14 thefts and possession of stolen property offences. The rest are made up of mischief, assault, a weapons offence, drinking driving and a failure to comply with court orders. Mr. Kory had been sentenced in March of 2008 to imprisonment for three months for breaking and entering, possession of house breaking instruments and possession of stolen property. He had been out of prison for a period of nine weeks before he committed the offence with which we are dealing.
This decision wasn't in respect to his trial. He was already convicted. But the Crown appealed the sentence because they felt it was no better than a slap on the wrist.
[1] RYAN J.A.: The (sic) is an application by the Crown for leave to appeal and if leave is granted, an appeal against the sentence of one year imprisonment imposed by the Honourable Judge Smith on January 22, 2009, following Darcey Kory’s conviction for breaking and entering and committing theft.

. . . . . .

[6] In my view this sentence is unfit. It does not reflect the seriousness of this offence – a night time break-in of a private residence while the occupants slept in their beds committed by a persistent offender. In the case at bar the trial judge agreed with defence counsel that he should take into account the “step-up principle”. The “step-up principle” is not a principle or goal set out in the Criminal Code. It is a short hand way of expressing the idea that sentencing requires a measured approach, even for repeat offenders. As Mr. Justice Lambert put in R. v. Robitaille, 1993 CanLII 2561 (BC CA), [1993] B.C.J. No. 1404.
[8] In relation to that argument, I say that the theory that sentences should go up only in moderate steps is a theory which rests on the sentencing principles of rehabilitation. It should be only in cases where rehabilitation is a significant sentencing factor. So the conclusion, in any particular case, that the increase in sentence should not be too large rests on a consideration of the circumstance of the particular offender and a desire not to discourage any effort he may be making to rehabilitate himself by the imposition of a sentence that may be seen by him to be a dead weight on his future life.
[7] In a case such as this, where the respondent has a lengthy record for which he has received consistently low sentences for the same type of offence, the step-up principle is not of great assistance. It has not worked.

[8] Mr. Kory’s record shows that he has not been deterred or rehabilitated by the sentences he has received and remains a threat to his community. This was a serious offence, committed by a persistent criminal. The principle of the protection of the public through a denunciatory sentence ought to have taken precedence in this case

[9] We have been referred to a number of cases which suggest that the range for this offence and for similar offenders can be four years or more. I am of the view that leave should be granted in this case and that the sentence should be increased to one of three years. Mr. Kory was in pre-trial custody for six months prior to sentence. The trial judge credited him with one year for that. By increasing the sentence to three years, the effective sentence will be four years. As a result, by operation of 731(1)(b) of the Criminal Code, the probation order cannot stand and I would set that aside.
No wonder the Korys are disillusioned with the system when a man can't even rob a few helpless disabled people without having the law dump on him.

And there was this little misunderstanding;
Kawartha Lakes Police Service
May 17, 2013 ·
Friday May 17th, 2013

Rather Bold

The City of Kawartha Lakes Police Service was called to a Highway 36 residence Thursday evening at 6:30pm to investigate a suspicious vehicle.

The resident indicated a motorhome RV had been parked at the end of her driveway for the past 2 hours and that a male had just connected the RV to her outside residential hydro receptacle.

After speaking with the male driver, an officer determined the RV to uninsured, and improperly plated.

45 year old Darcy Allen KORY of British Columbia has been charged with driving while under suspension, using unauthorized licence plates and operating the RV without insurance. He will appear in court on June 18th. The RV was removed by police. ... ent=safari

Let's face it, that kind of thing could happen to anyone.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by GlimDropper »

Howdy Shaunda. [Link]

You seem like a very nice person. You have your problems, so do I. I guess that some of us are less public about them is all, that being said I hope the best for you. You didn't sell fancy looking pieces of paper to people telling them that if they gave you money for them then they would own crown land. But you not only know someone who did but you also know people who were harmed for having purchased those fancy looking pieces of worthless paper. In fact, you were one of them.

There are two things that fascinate me about sovereign citizens/FMOTL. One is how some people can believe in a loose set of ideas so far removed from anything like common sense and for which the only verifiable evidence completely impeaches their validity or utility. The second source of interest is watching the people who use these ideas to steal money from their fellow believers.

The people who sold Paul and yourself the fancy looking piece of paper that landed Paul in jail and caused you such hardship are exactly the type of people I'm talking about. Unless I'm wrong and I'd be greatly cheered to be so here but those people have and never will be punished for the damage they did to you in part because their victims did not so much as report the crimes they committed.

If anyone asks you why Quatloos talks about FMOTL, please show them this post.

I hope you have a better and more bountiful tomorrow.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

Burnaby 49 said, “I have to admit I dropped the ball on Dean. Everything seemed so idyllic in his hobo heaven that I stopped actively checking up on his postings.”

Is that what you spend your time doing? Following up on perceived freemen from all across Canada just to bash them online thinking you have any truth to your statements? Your accusations are based on things you read on the internet. You can’t tell me you are so gullible you think everyone types the truth on Facebook.
Actually yes, that is what I spend a lot of my time doing. And no, I never believed things were as idylic as Dean made out. But, without an alternate story, I related the story he was trying to sell. Now we have an alternate story.
Burnaby, you’ve accused Paul Fiola of being FMOTL but truthfully you have very little knowledge of him either. You base your ‘truth’ on your online intel. FMOTL don’t have SIN’s, don’t file taxes, don’t have medical coverage, etc. But Paul works under a SIN, files taxes, has a driver’s license. ONLINE, he questions his government and makes grandiose statements about law and freedom. You are judging his online persona. That makes you a fool.
I've been called worse. That statement is largely incorrect, as least as it pertains to my opinion on freemen. Freeman can, and often do, have SIN numbers and work. And, if they work at employment in Canada, they have no choice about paying taxes, they are taken off at source. Medical coverage? Pretty much everybody has it. Even sovereign tax evaders like Keith Lawson, who hadn't paid taxes in a decade, have it;


As his discussion relates Keith makes copious use of the medical system but he disavowed any responsibility to the governments that provide it. Sheer greedy hypocrisy of course but when has that ever deterred freemen and sovereigns from demanding free services that others pay for?
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by eric »

I fear I may have opened up a can of worms without intending to do so.... Apologies to all, including Shaunda. .... thinking I better talk to her to clear things up.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by eric »

Actually, after some further research, I'm retracting that apology. Although I may have been inaccurate on the fine details as to when Shaunda moved to Qualicum Beach, it appears she has not been entirely truthful.
I NEVER lived there. I have always found my place and paid rent for it. I would never live with Mike and Kirsten. I would go homeless before that!
Scattered throughout her blog are references to a campground where she is staying that exactly matches the description of Hobo Haven, unless there is another one there in an alternate dimension Shaunda is perfectly aware of what is going on there.
On May 28, Facebook “Share A Memory” feature reminded me that it was exactly one year ago I arrived in this park. I’ve shared bits ‘n’pieces about my landlord before. I’m reminded today how truly lucky I was to land here and meet Mike
With regard to the NSFW comment:
If you grovel through Shanda’s blog (btw, NSFW) it seems that Hunt was ripping off the campers, at least in their opinion.” (LOL NSFW, dirty bird read more than one post I see)
I personally don't care about your sexual proclivities. However if you wish to post intimate details about your love life be prepared for some comments.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by eric »

Burnaby49 wrote:eric nailed it back in November;
Since I'm doing so well on the forecasting front I'm pulling out my crystal ball again. Burnaby49 take note - this is right down your alley and dealing with financial statements. Let's take a look at where Hobo Haven is located and its viability in its present form. The campground is on reserve land of the Qualicum First Nations so I pulled the statistics and financial filings of the band. ... 1&lang=eng
Pretty small as many are, only 128 registered members of which only 51 live on the reserve. The key factor when analyzing a particular first nation is to seperate out the government grants and revenue. Generally the federal government supplies funds to provide for basic (read subsistence level) operation of the band to deal with housing, schooling, infrastructure, governance, etc. Many bands operate businesses on or off reserve or receive funds through royalty payments from resource companies that can best be described as gravy. ... s&lang=eng
The Qualicum First Nation has three major sources of outside income - cigarette sales, a day care, and the campground. The campground is far and away their biggest source of outside income - 271K$ as opposed to 95K$ and 68K$ for the others respectively.
So here is my forecast for Hobo Haven. There is a significant shortage of campground space in the province of BC. Operating a campground for the Qualicum Nation is a major source of revenue for the band and letting it sink down into a Hobo Haven results in loss of profits since they occupy revenue generating spaces, detract from the appearance, and aren't great on paying their bills. I suspect that the Band Manager will advise the Council and Chief to step in and clear up this mess.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

It was also my thought that the band might eventually step in. We don't know yet what happened but that's an obvious conclusion. The band land is very valuable, smack-dab in the middle of one of the premier holiday areas in British Columbia. Camping, fishing, ocean, retirement haven, it's all right there and easily accessible from Vancouver. As I said in a prior post;
He's staying at Qualicum Beach, one of the nicest spots on Vancouver Island which, in turn, is one of the nicest spots in British Columbia. Qualicum Beach is a small but affluent village very heavily skewed to retirees. My wife and I spent a week there in the Summer of 2015 in a rented apartment condo right on the beach. We did day trips all over the area. Being just a youngster of 67 I found all the old fogies somewhat depressing but my wife loved the place.
I doubt the band is too happy about part of the land being turned into a dump occupied by deadbeat non-band members. Bands are very sensitive to who stays on their lands and, as eric points out, the land itself is a big income generator.

However we currently have no idea what actually happened to turn Dean's paradise into a dystopian nightmare. All we know for sure is that he is very unhappy about events. So we'll just have to wait on developments.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

Dean Kory
38 mins ·

So it looks as though Facebook or the RCMP have blocked comments on my last post...guess they don't want our side of this to become public. They are flipping the script on this and have charged my brother and I instead. We are safe for the time being, We are going to court March 7 first appearance and disclosure will shine a light on what bullshit angle the Clown Attorney is going to try.
Since I got to this post shortly after it was made I can cut and paste a few comments before (if Dean's claim is true) comments are shut down. I assume this one is supportive;
Kevin Travis
I hate to say this but I'm going to fight to the death on this shit ..born and raised here and I'm a terrorist .... fuck that it's going down
Like · Reply · 17 mins
But I have no idea what to make of this one;
Kevin Travis
Did you record all that zuckfuck you little fucking weasel ..... hey someone else to do ur fourth work as usual cowatds at the top .... they paid their pants one on one
Like · Reply · 17 mins
And the usual total irrelevance;
Ryan Kellas
They better it is the law of the land. Canada recognizes that this country was founded under common law. They are trying to get us all into their corporate fictitious realm.
International covenants have been signed that were suppose to guarantee our fundamental rights are respected. They are violating these covenants!
They get away with it because they have us all indoctrinated into their system through the education system. People need to learn their rights and stand up for others who are fighting to have their rights recognized. United we stand, divided we fall!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by notorial dissent »

One thing I can think of that would be a major negative point would be the increased law enforcement presence and legal liability the hobo jungle would produce, with the ultimate possibility of the band being sued for something illegal and damaging that they would produce. The current crowd is not known for their law abiding behavior patterns, and that could ultimately cost the Band some serious money. They just don't strike me as quality tenants for some reason.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by eric »

Going after a First Nation for damages can be an interesting experience if the business is under direct control of the band. Although this article is somewhat dated it gives you an idea of some of the difficulties: ... t-nations/
Drifting even further off topic it illustrates the potential problems that band-owned businesses face if they need a start up loan for capital or operating expenses. Simply put, the business needs to be carefully structured and jump through hoops so that lenders will even touch it. The campground, as a business under direct control of the band council, rather than a seperate entity, would be a difficult target, although Mike Hunt could face individual responsibility.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

eric wrote:Going after a First Nation for damages can be an interesting experience if the business is under direct control of the band. Although this article is somewhat dated it gives you an idea of some of the difficulties: ... t-nations/
Drifting even further off topic it illustrates the potential problems that band-owned businesses face if they need a start up loan for capital or operating expenses. Simply put, the business needs to be carefully structured and jump through hoops so that lenders will even touch it. The campground, as a business under direct control of the band council, rather than a seperate entity, would be a difficult target, although Mike Hunt could face individual responsibility.
It's my understanding, possibly wrong, that the campground has nothing to do with the Tiny Home encampment. It's an entirly separate property and the campground business is unrelated to Hunt or the Hobo Jungle. From my knowledge of Indian Band issues I'd say that if a damages judgment was decided against Hunt it would be impossible to satisfy it through any connection he might have on the campground operation. Purely theoretical, Dean has no chance of getting a damages judgment against anyone.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by eric » ... h_columbia
The Qualicum First Nation owns a campground that has 32 fully serviced waterfront campsites, and many more tenting sites.
“We’re not fully booked,” said Michael Hunt, manager of Qualicum First Nation Campground and RV Park. “We have a huge amount of unserviced camping – tent camping, dry camping for RV, buses, you name it. We have tons of sites available.”
I did a search on Mike/Michael Hunt and it appears that this is the man, right down to his wife.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

eric wrote: ... h_columbia
The Qualicum First Nation owns a campground that has 32 fully serviced waterfront campsites, and many more tenting sites.
“We’re not fully booked,” said Michael Hunt, manager of Qualicum First Nation Campground and RV Park. “We have a huge amount of unserviced camping – tent camping, dry camping for RV, buses, you name it. We have tons of sites available.”
I did a search on Mike/Michael Hunt and it appears that this is the man, right down to his wife.
Looks like I'm proven wrong at least to some extent. I assume he's manager but the band owns the land and business. However Dean's squat is not on the campground property. The squat is on the west side of highway 19A and the campgrounds are on the east side right on the ocean. Enter "5788 BC-19A Qualicum Beach" in Google Maps then go down to street view and you'll be at an entrance to the campground. You can see the ocean in the distance. Dean lives, or more correctly lived, in the woods to the west.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by eric »

OK, I was damned by the details again - so there are actually multiple campgrounds if I understand your post correctly. So it appears that there is a "legal" campground and also a squat - Hobo Haven, ran as a little side business. Just about what I would have expected if I still had any wits left. Aside from the fact that Quatloos has again achieved the usual fame/ignominy on all of the Korys' friends' facebook pages I guess we have to wait until March 7 (?) to see how this all plays out.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

You have two camps. First is the Qualicum First Nation Waterfront Campground and RV Park. An actual legit business owned and run by the band for regular campers and tourists. Well laid out, organized, beautiful ocean views, you can check it out on its website;

If you walk across the highway (actually now just a two lane local road) and down a trail you get to a muddy clearing where the squat is located. The two properties are close, but are entirely separate entities. I have no idea what financial arrangments existed at the squat but I assume not much since Dean doesn't seem to have $500 to bail himself out of jail.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

Paulo Fiola is angry with us;
Paul Fiolawas feeling entertained.
February 17 at 11:31am ·

So the government teat suckling sheep at Quatloos forums are still at it with the defamatory slander against whom they perceive as 'freemen'. Proving nothing, providing zero evidence, circle jerking each other in their echo chamber of ignorance.
It would make me laugh if it wasn't so sad.
You have way more patience than I Robert Menard and Dean Kory.
They don't deserve our acknowledgement. They have nothing of substance to say.
Zero evidence? Dean's records from BC Courts online serves as evidence in my world. As does the link to a copy of his brother's court decision.

Paul is also in Qualicum Beach. Seems to be becoming a gathering place.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Burnaby49 wrote:Paulo Fiola is angry with us;
Paul Fiolawas feeling entertained.
February 17 at 11:31am ·

So the government teat suckling sheep at Quatloos forums are still at it....

Well, all I can say is that the "government teat" isn't giving me any milk that I can taste.
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Mon Feb 20, 2017 7:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by The Observer »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Well, all I can say is that the "government teat" isn't giving me any milk that I can taste.
I don't think you really meant that - remember to use the /sarcasm flag.

Let's see, military defense, highways, court system, Social Security, Medicare, police, fire and social services, national parks and forests, air traffic control systems, Army Corps of Engineers, education, loans, arts, sciences...oh and the Department of Agriculture who inspects milk production.

But of course the sovruns always overlook the teat that they benefit from.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by notorial dissent »

Inconvenient facts, realities, to be ignored at all costs.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Observer wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:Well, all I can say is that the "government teat" isn't giving me any milk that I can taste.
I don't think you really meant that - remember to use the /sarcasm flag.
Done! Perhaps I omitted it because I've always felt that idjits like Fiola are convinced that we of Quatloos are reaping bountiful benefits which The Great Unwashed like him never get.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools