Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

Dean's laid criminal charges against the RCMP. Now I know in the world the rest of us live in criminal charges are laid by public prosecutors but in Dean's world he prefers to cut out the middle-man and do it himself!
My brother and I just filed a private information to bring criminal charges against the RCMP officers that kidnapped us.
For you non-Canadians an "Information" is the Canadian word for filed charges in provincial courts.
Criminal charges are set out in written form, either through an Indictment or an Information. An Indictment is the form of a charge typically handled in superior court while an information is the form used in provincial court. ... ndictments

A private information is actually a thing;
Private Prosecutions

Generally, allegations of criminal activity are reported to the police. After the police investigate, they may lay criminal charges. However, anyone who has reasonable grounds to believe that a person has committed an offence may lay an information in writing and under oath before a Justice of the Peace.

When the information is presented to the court by a private citizen, it is then referred to either a provincial court judge or a designated justice of the peace, who holds a special hearing. The purpose of the hearing is to determine whether a summons or warrant should be issued to compel the person to attend court and answer to the charge.

This hearing, held under s. 507.1 of the Criminal Code, takes place in private, without notice to the accused person. At the hearing, the judge or justice of the peace must hear and consider all of the allegations and available evidence.

The Crown must also receive a copy of the information, get notice of the hearing, and have an opportunity to attend. The Crown may attend at the hearing without being deemed to intervene in the proceedings.

If the judge or justice of the peace decides not to issue a summons or a warrant, then the information is deemed never to have been laid.

If the judge or justice of the peace issues a summons, the person will be served with a copy of the summons, which notifies them of the charge and compels them to attend court. If the judge or justice of the peace issues a warrant, the person will be arrested and brought before a justice.

To avoid any abuse of the private prosecution process, the Criminal Code and the Crown Attorneys Act authorize Crown Counsel to supervise privately laid charges to ensure that such prosecutions are in the best interest of the administration of justice. If a summons or warrant is issued and the case involves an indictable offence, the Crown is required to take over the prosecution. So, a private citizen's right to swear an information is always subject to the Crown's right to intervene and take over the prosecution. ... cution.php

But Dean isn't going to get much traction using it in a complaint that he's unhappy about being arrested. That's what "kidnapped" means in Dean's context. However Dean isn't using it for vengeance, he just trying to save his life!
Dean Kory
Just needed to get this made public right away for our safety...the civil filing is where things get straightened out.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by notorial dissent »

Ordinarily I'd probably ask if you were serious, but this comes under the truth is stranger and further out there than fiction clause.

Then I'd ask if these people were really that dumb, but we all know that is rhetorical in regard to these subjects.

So, all I'm left with is just shaking my head. Image

The thing is, with the way they are going, they are going to have more not fewer interactions with the local constabulary.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by The Observer »

Dean Kory wrote:Just needed to get this made public right away for our safety...the civil filing is where things get straightened out.
I think Dean is right about things getting straightened out with that civil filing - just not in the way he thinks it will happen.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

Given Dean's propensity to sue everyone he encounters I thought I should check for any records of any actions he's initiated apart from the flurry of Vancouver Island lawsuits. I found this gem. ... action.pdf

This took place at the trailing end of his time in Ontario before he boldly set out west for a new life of opportunity and discovery on Vancouver Island. An entirely new population of potential defendants to sue! This was his attempt to circumvent a traffic charge, I'm guessing driving without a license.

So, in a counter-attack, on September 14, 2015, he sued Her Majesty the Queen at the Federal Court of Canada. Now, normally, the plaintiff files a Statement of Claim laying out what facts he's relying on and what relief he requests. But Dean, with his vast legal knowledge, decided to file a new type of form, up until now unknown to the court, a Statement of Varifyable Claim. Varifyable! A brand new word freshly coined by Dean for this action! Unless he meant Verifiable. That can't be right, it would be just too pathetic if he invented a new form and couldn't spell the name correctly.

Anyhow a long lament about how he's been falsely identified by the Queen as a "driver" when that all he's doing is exercising his right to travel and he doesn't use the roads for commercial purposes. He's never consented to be a slave and won't contribute to the Queen's crimes against humanity!

Strong stuff but I can't cut and paste from the document and I'm certainly not going to type it out. So I'll just bullet-point the themes;

- Deceptive use of birth certificate

- Ignoring his NOTICE of MISTAKE and CLAIM of RIGHT

- Queen doesn't own him,

- He has chosen not to contribute to the economic, cultural and social development of the Queen operating in Canada. Actually that one is pretty much self-evident.

- All court orders against him are invalid because his rights have been violated under section 7 of the Charter. This is section 7;
7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.
- He tells the court yet again that he doesn't consent to doing any work. Apparently this is a very important point with him. He phrased this as not consenting or exercising a right to contribute to the economic development of Canada. Note that this opting out of responsibilities and refusing to contribute to the general good is a on-way street. The first thing he did when he reached British Columbia was to try and get welfare.

Then a full page affidavit where he goes on about how he is living in fear for his safety because of the criminal actions of the Crown. Tort and trespass against him. Yet again he doesn't consent to work. Everything is common law and the Queen can't operate under statute law. He REQUIRES a court translator to explain all those big fancy words the Crown and Court are throwing at him otherwise it will be IMPOSSIBLE for him to UNDERSTAND THE NATURE AND CAUSE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS.

Then a Notice of Mistake you can read yourselves. Lots of capitalization. He wraps it all up with;

As such, I am returning your OFFER, DECLINED, for immediate DISHARGE and CLOSURE.

The Crown's response to this went way overboard. Rather than counter each of Dean's points in a thoughtful, reasonable manner, refuting the arguments based on law, they instead requested that Dean's entire case be thrown out without review. Specifically the Crown asked the Court to strike the Statement of Claim in its entirety without leave to amend and dismiss the action. Clearly a panic response. However if the Court chose not to give it the toss they wanted the Court to order Dean to make a fresh Statement of Claim that had to meet a totally impossible standard;
iii - Is not scandalous, frivolous, or vexatious;
Now how could Dean be possibly expected to meet that?

The Court, clearly in Her Majesty's pocket, decided to side with the Crown and stated;
AND UPON determining that the Statement of Claim is almost unintelligible and, to the extent that it could be understood at all, appears to plead mattes within provincial and not federal jurisdiction.

THIS COURT ORDERS That the Statement of Claim is struck out.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by notorial dissent »

Poor Dean just gets no respect at all for his vast legal acumen and understanding of the hidden law. I am coming to believe that he is probably not literate enough to understand basic English let alone anything with more than two-three syllables.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:The Crown's response to this went way overboard...
I think you are being too harsh about the Crown. After all, they went out of their way to pay Dean a compliment:
AND UPON determining that the Statement of Claim is almost unintelligible and, to the extent that it could be understood at all...
"Almost unintelligible" is certainly being very generous in describing Dean's documents.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Observer wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:The Crown's response to this went way overboard...
I think you are being too harsh about the Crown. After all, they went out of their way to pay Dean a compliment:
AND UPON determining that the Statement of Claim is almost unintelligible and, to the extent that it could be understood at all...
"Almost unintelligible" is certainly being very generous in describing Dean's documents.
That was the Court's comment, not the Crown.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by eric »

Just a quick update on Dean and his legal issues.I searched the BC courts website today and surprise, there is no mention of his law suits against the Nanaimo Sally Ann or private prosecution of the RCMP officers who kicked him out of his hostel. I guess that didn't go very far (grins).

That being said, the two brothers appear to be good little boys and following along with their bail conditions and required court appearances after their disaster at Hobo Haven:
Document Accused Cnt Location Date Time Room Reason Result Finding Canc.
82563-1 KORY, DEAN Russell 1 Nanaimo Law Courts 09-May-2017 09:00 AM 222 AHR
82563-1 KORY, DEAN Russell 1 Nanaimo Law Courts 11-Apr-2017 09:00 AM 222 AHR SBD
82563-1 KORY, DEAN Russell 1 Nanaimo Law Courts 07-Mar-2017 09:00 AM 222 CWI SBD
82563-1 KORY, DEAN Russell 1 Nanaimo Law Courts 16-Feb-2017 09:30 AM 109 JIR IBD
Darcy's is similar, except he also has the assault charge. Since their court appearances are all scheduled for the same time it appears that the Crown has "tied" the two accused. Translation of the codes reading from the bottom up are that they are following the standard arraignment process of released on bail, check they are following bail conditions, first appearance on 11 April, and the court room antics, if any, to start on 9 May.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

I haven't posted on Dean for a couple of months because he's uncharacteristically become very reticent about his personal situation. It was Facebook post after post of Dean triumphant after he abandoned Ontario and moved west to the golden prospects of British Columbia. Port Alberni with its hunting and fishing! Then his squat up at Qualicum Bay with salmon galore and his own tiny home! The good life at last. Dean posted all of it with videos showing we scoffers how he'd made good.

But when it all turned to shit with Dean tossed out of the Qualicum squat, possible criminal charges, evicted from an indigent hotel in Nanaimo, his personal postings stopped. All we get now are reposts from people like Larkin Rose and some of Dean's golden hits from Ontario. I'm assuming that is going to be it for a while unless, unlikely event, Dean's life takes an upswing.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

Things seem to have again taken a turn for the worst for Dean. The last we heard about him he'd been kicked out of a Salvation Army hostel for indigents in Nanaimo. On March 25th I posted;
I see a pattern emerging. Kicked out of Hobo Heaven, Kicked out of the Sally Anne, Kicked out of the Cambie Hostel. Charges laid against them, jail time and lawsuits against the RCMP, the Cambie, probably the Sally Anne and the owner of the Hobo Heaven. Maybe they're even suing a deer that Dean saw run across the highway!
Well the emerging pattern has continued. I haven't posted anything about Dean's adventures for the past four months because he has been uncharacteristically reticent about sharing them with us. Back in his glory days at Qualicum Beach he eagerly shared with us stories and pictures about the salmon he caught, the beauties of a walk on the beach, his tiny home, life as he wanted it. But after being thrown out of two separate hostels in Nanaimo, silence. But now Dean has finally started posting again about his present circumstances and it appears that he's been kicked out of yet another place, one that makes the Salvation Army look like Trump Towers. He was apparently staying at Rock Bay Landing emergency shelter in Victoria, Burnaby49's home town! ... /rock-bay/

So, to recap, he left Nanaimo, moved to Victoria, and as is his habit, moved into an emergency shelter for indigents. He's no longer there and is in the process of defaming it as much as possible so I assume his parting from the shelter wasn't an amicable one. Par for the course given that he was thrown out of the last three places that I'm aware he was staying at, two in Nanaimo and one in Qualicum Beach. He's now moved from Victoria to Duncan, a beautiful little town about a forty-five minute drive north of Victoria on the coast just opposite Salt spring Island. So he seems to have burned his bridges in Victoria, Vancouver Island's biggest city, and in Nanaimo, the second biggest. Vancouver Island is huge but very sparsely populated so he only has a limited list of places left that provide indigent housing for him to be evicted from. Duncan is really just a village.

For more information about his courageous campaign against the Rock Bay Landing shelter check out this boiling cauldron of outrage on his FaceBook page. ... nref=story

As always he's sacrificing himself to help others;
Dean Kory
My brother and I have several hours of audio video recordings of all the dirt. Staff and Vic P. D. have been in a cozy relationship allowing drug dealers,2 in particular, Chantell and Jimmy, deal meth and herion out of the guys and girls washrooms inside for years untouched. The video I posted above with all the cops is a truck they had parked directly out front for 4 days dealing out of it ,no tickets nothing till someone saw a gun and all hell broke loose.
And risking his life doing it!
Dean Kory
These people found out about all the evidence my brother and I collected and tried to have police take us for a ride to Topaz Park to be attacked by the ones in control of this shit show

But special interests are already trying to defend the indefensible (defined as any organization or anyone who doesn't put up with Dean's antics);
Jessie Reaume
Yeah they do because they are a LEGITIMIATE, NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION, who does more in our community than you could even write in a shitty Facebook comment. You actually have a problem with safe injection sites???
James Sterling
These people's lives are hard enough already without you trying to get this place shut down. If you really give a shit why dont you go around and pick up the syringes or talk to some addicts about why they continue to use? This exposé or whatever you're trying to do is bullshit. You're not going to help anybody by "revealing" this to the world.
Melissa Anne These photos are real, raw , and instead of saying "gross" maybe find out how you can help. We live in a time during a drug epidemic , people are dying , our city is falling apart. Your "ew, gross" comments aren't going to change things and make them better..
Being apart of the solution will, even if its volentering , donating 20$ to any local shelter our cities at most risk attend to help aid clean up and provide sterile equipment .
Maybe even stopping off at any public health unit or pharmacy and picking up the naloxone kits which are free , its a 15minute things to teach you how to use the kit.
Help save a life..
Be part of the solution or don't complain .
Dean's response?
Dean Kory Trish MacIntyre Thank You fine Lady! (: This "Shelter" is nothing more than a scam and a serious danger to all involved, Clients and Good Staff alike!...I'll expose everything over the next few weeks and draw the attention needed to fix it quick before more innocent people die!
Team Dean is on the job so the Victoria better snap to attention and scrabble to do his bidding. Assuming that anyone reads his FB postings or has the slightest interest in them. I suspect this will go the same way as his claimed lawsuits against the Salvation Army, The Cambie Hotel, and the Nanaimo RCMP which all seem to have disappeared.

So what's left after he's been kicked out of every shelter/hostel/skid-row hotel on Vancouver Island that would let him in the door in the first place? Maybe to the big apple, Vancouver! Our skid-row is, with the possible inclusion of Jasper Avenue in Edmonton, the biggest shithole for drugs, prostitution and despair in Canada. Dean will have finally made the big league after his Victoria and Nanaimo sparring practices! He can put this comment to the test that he made about the Rock Bay hostel;
Dean Kory
It's worse than the dirtiest most dangerous back ally I have ever seen
Either hasn't had much exposure to back alleys or he's not yet been to the ones off Hastings Street in Vancouver. As a local booster I'll pit those against anything that Victoria can show him.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by eric »

Either hasn't had much exposure to back alleys or he's not yet been to the ones off Hastings Street in Vancouver. As a local booster I'll pit those against anything that Victoria can show him.
Yup, I'm in agreement. That being said, for reasons not necessary or appropriate to mention here I'm pretty familiar with some of the homeless shelters in Edmonton. There is this one:
and this one that is probably the roughest:
On my first visit to the Jamieson Centre I parked down the street and watched in fascination as one poor sod carefully poured the dregs from various containers he had collected into a mug, drink it down with evident relish, vomited, and then passed out.
Dean is upset because he hasn't really been kicked out, he is on the "matt". Homeless shelters work on the principal that you have a reserved bed for a few months (usually three) while you participate in their programs. Successful "graduation" allows you to move into below market value supportive housing. I have met some people struggling with alcohol or drug problems and they view this as the proudest moments in their lives. Deano is upset because his time limit has expired and I doubt if he participated in any programs so he gets the pleasure of being treated as a walk in and sleeping on a matt on the floor if space is available that night.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by The Observer »

eric wrote:Deano is upset because his time limit has expired and I doubt if he participated in any programs so he gets the pleasure of being treated as a walk in and sleeping on a matt on the floor if space is available that night.
Ah, well then I see the problem. This is an unfair situation that the shelters are placing Dean in, since it works on the merit system. And Dean simply does not agree with that system. Dean expects to be catered to and not obligated to do anything in the least way to generate some trust. This is what happens when you let crusty, unsympathetic citizens like Burnaby the right to vote; such people think that because they had to hustle and bust their butt for 30 or more so years in making a living that the same kind of life style should be inflicted on Dean. A proper slate of candidates would have seen fit to pass some tight laws that would allow Dean to be supported in the style that he would like to become accustomed to. And it would take that money for Dean's support right out of Burnaby's pocket for a good cause instead of allowing him to waste it on silly things like a house mortgage, education of offspring, car payments, food and - oh yeah - beer.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

Your comments about my lifetime of toil for a few meager benefits in my twilight years are very timely;
This is what happens when you let crusty, unsympathetic citizens like Burnaby the right to vote; such people think that because they had to hustle and bust their butt for 30 or more so years in making a living that the same kind of life style should be inflicted on Dean.
Voting is the key to a posting I'm working on for Psam Frank's benefit. I'm advising him to think locally rather than nationally. After being betrayed by our federal politicians he has a golden opportunity to get his voting system implemented in our province. Perhaps he's too overwhelmed by bitterness to see this so I'll point out the way.

Those of you who have read this discussion from the start know that Dean arrived in British Columbia with a dream, a vision of a new life funded out of my pocket by my provincial government which, he assumed, would cough up a disability pension for him for no better reason than he wanted one. It seemed almost in his grasp but, like the rest of his life since he arrived here, the dream collapsed into harsh reality. His constant scrabbling just to keep a roof over his head in indigent shelters show just how far he's fallen from his goal of a government supported lifestyle funded by taxes he's personally never paid in British Columbia or apparently anywhere else.

So, after Dean's sad saga, it would be great to see one of our sovereigns finally succeed at something and Psam has the best shot.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by notorial dissent »

Burnaby, if you substitute "sheer stupidity" for bitterness, then I would agree with you.

The main thing that keeps coming to mind is that most, well nearly all really, voters are hard pressed to vote once every four or however many years you all do it, and the thought of actually having to or being able to vote any time, I just don't see happening. For a great many, once every four years is more often than they can comfortably manage.

The other thing I still don't understand with Psammy's magic system, is that while I can see and understand the vote anytime as often as you feel like thing, what I want to know is just how many like minded idiots does it take voting to affect a change? I cannot get behind something that allows for three like minded idiots voting to change policy, and that is about what I see here. What I keep seeing is a system where the participants voting would actually count for less than it does now.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by The Observer »

notorial dissent wrote:Burnaby, if you substitute "sheer stupidity" for bitterness, then I would agree with you.
I would agree even more if it was rephrased as "Sheer stupidity generates bitterness."
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by notorial dissent »

True, and now that you mention it, and let's not forget FAIL, usually massive FAIL.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

Dean's found the Lord!
"Well, as crazy as it may sound to you, the Lord has been...whispering to me. My life seems to be...drifting in a certain direction, and as a result of ALL of this?
I have decided to dedicate my life and my goals towards ONE purpose:
Helping others.
As God would have me do.

Theres a reason why Ive been so many places, learned to so many things, and met all kinds of different people.

For some time... I have realized, sometimes thru sad reality, that money is not what matters...our connections with, and influences on others is what matters most.

Me...I will NEVER be "rich". I'd end up giving it all away anyways, or spending it on stupid stuff like bikes and shoes lol

So... as it should be, as the Lord is telling me for it to be... money will NOT be a factor or consideration. The Lord will kept me clothed, fed, and housed. That's really all I need. Lets face it... anything outside of a jail cell for ME is golden.
And is also making himself available for yard work and other odd jobs;
Garden weeded? Lawn cut? Door fixed? Wall painted? Fence built? Sink fixed? Maybe you need someone to come to an appointment with you for something or you're in a jam and need a sitter. Yeah, I do kids too...from 1 day to 18 lol
Sorry, breastfeeding is NOT included, but I WILL change a poopy diaper lol ... 6465193597
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Chaos »

Yeah, I do kids too...from 1 day to 18
must be one of dem dare pederphiles we read so much about in the UK threads. don't see why morris and colon would be so jealous.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote:Dean's found the Lord!
"Well, as crazy as it may sound to you, the Lord has been...whispering to me. My life seems to be...drifting in a certain direction, and as a result of ALL of this?
I have decided to dedicate my life and my goals towards ONE purpose: Helping others. As God would have me do.. . .
Excuse me, but what does Dean's religious relevation, however valid or invalid, have to do with sovereign citizen and redemption scams? I don't see one word in Dean's proclaimed Witness to the Lord that has anything at all to do with sovereign citizen and redemption scams.

As I read back through this thread I see countless posts from Burnaby49 maligning Dean for his life style and less than admirable behavior which has nothing to do with sovereign citizen and redemption scams.

My understanding is that Quatloos does not exist so that personal vendettas may be advanced.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Chaos »

bmxninja357 wrote:thing is dean has a near life long propensity to con his fellow man.

indeed. it wasn't long before affinity fraud was next.