Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by arayder »

On a different subject. . .what do you think is Dean doing for sanitation?

My experience with long, sometimes over night hikes, and back pack camping (I know that's different from what Dean's doing) is that clean water to wash up and keeping clothes and equipment clean is a challenge.

Is there a water source in the little "shantytown"?

The new Backwoodsman magazine had an article (Nov/Dec 2016: I Spent Seven Months in A "CarV") about a guy who went through the U.S. west for 7 months or so in a converted economy car. He took seats out to make a sleeping area and used nooks and crannies of the car for storage. I think he said he stopped every once in a while in a camp ground to use the showers and the washing machines and even broke down every once in a while got a motel room for a night.

He said he got healthy on the sojourn, lost weight, walked a lot and meet a lot of people. He used the car's mobility to find cool mountain air and avoid bad storms. He came back to city living when winter came and the days got too short for him. (Not a link to the article)
Last edited by arayder on Thu Nov 17, 2016 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

If you check the link I included in a recent posting ... =3&theater

of Dean's walkabout of his shantytown part of it is Dean giving a quick tour of the sanitary provisions. Basically a very small shack with a sink and a shower so I assume a well. I didn't note a toilet but they do live in the woods.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by arayder »

Burnaby49 wrote:If you check the link I included in a recent posting ... =3&theater

of Dean's walkabout of his shantytown part of it is Dean giving a quick tour of the sanitary provisions. Basically a very small shack with a sink and a shower so I assume a well. I didn't note a toilet but they do live in the woods.
Thanks, Burnaby49.

Yeah, weeks and months away from the shower, sink and washing machine/laundry is a challenge to those of us use to western 21st century routines. There's a whole bunch of 18th and 19th century practices which can be transferred to the camp or the backwoods.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by eric »

Personally I'm not too worried about Dean Kory and his living conditions or personal hygiene. Let's be serious, although he has jury-rigged some sort of heat source and is getting a minimal amount of electricity from somewhere he's going to be getting kind of cold, wet, and depressed come January and I'm forecasting his whole grand adventure will end by February or March with appropriate excuses.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

eric wrote:Personally I'm not too worried about Dean Kory and his living conditions or personal hygiene. Let's be serious, although he has jury-rigged some sort of heat source and is getting a minimal amount of electricity from somewhere he's going to be getting kind of cold, wet, and depressed come January and I'm forecasting his whole grand adventure will end by February or March with appropriate excuses.
As odd as it sounds this seems to be a big step up for him. As I understand it when in Ontario he was living in an unheated shack with no water or power. Winters can get very cold there. At the moment he's living in a heated shack with water nearby and a ready firewood source. I don't know if they have power but something must be recharging his phone and/or computer. And winters are much warmer here. So, on an absolute standard he's living pretty basically but on a relative standard, compared to Ontario, he seems way ahead of the game. He's even (illegally) catching some good looking salmon. All he needs now to complete his dream life is that sweet, sweet, British Columbia welfare and he's working on that.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by eric »

Just an update on Dean's situation. There seems to be some trouble in Hobo Haven:
Dean Kory added 2 new photos.
February 15 at 6:28pm ·
OK...I have been without wifi for a while and this is why...
This new tiny home place that I came to turns out to be a really messed up place. Mike Hunt and his wife Kirsten Shaw are baiting people to come live here so they can exploit, extort and control everyone that comes here...they have drugged 2 of my friends and now my brother all to gain total control to develop their compound...shit is about to hit the fan!...they have messed with the wrong Twins!
RCMP will be here shortly and I will keep you posted!
As Burnaby had mentioned, Mike Hunt was involved in the Grand Prairie incident. If you read down farther in the thread you will discover that others from that debacle were living at Qualicum Beach as well:
Paul Fiola I stayed with him, and yeah, what a disaster!! Glad I got away.
If you need to hear our side or talk about any of it let me know!!
Go get em!!
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 9:17am
Paul Fiola
Paul Fiola ... -or-pussy/

Wife's blog about their bullshit.

Patient or Pussy?
Am I being patient or am I simply taking excuses for not being paid what I am owed? I want to think I am…
The best that I can tell is that Mike Hunt after the debacle decamped Alberta for Qualicum. Sometime along the way, during the summer, Paul Fiola's wife went there as well and was eventually joined by Paul when he got out of jail. If you grovel through Shanda's blog (btw, NSFW) it seems that Hunt was ripping off the campers, at least in their opinion. It's too bad there is trouble in paradise, it was nice to have a major chunk of the Canadian Fmotl all in one easy to access spot, all talking to each other on facebook. As a side note, I find the following phrase from Deano quite amusing:
RCMP will be here shortly and I will keep you posted!
An espouser of FMOTL philosophy has to call the authorities to get himself out of what appears to be a civil matter.... :shrug:
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by The Observer »

Not a surprising story. It always seems when sovruns or TPs start trying to organize their movement, one of their one kind starts tearing it down by taking advantage of our paytriot peeps. Then the victims suddenly develop amnesia about common law, the corrupt government and corrupt courts, and magic words; they instead start screaming for the evil cabalists to come protect them and arrest the scammers.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

I have to admit I dropped the ball on Dean. Everything seemed so idyllic in his hobo heaven that I stopped actively checking up on his postings. I should have Known that it would eventually all go to hell. These guys have as much chance of living together in tranquil peace as a bunch of rabid weasels. I did check sporadically but he wasn't reporting on his current situation, just his old-time Freeman bullshit. I looked in a few weeks ago and found an entry possibly indicating that Dean was in some legal trouble. But too vague for certainty so I didn't report it.
Dean Kory
January 29 at 1:16pm

An arrest for “failure to appear”, when no man –only a trust account– was ever charged, is a violation of human rights under the International Bill of Human Rights (IBHR), Article 9 of both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Show me the law which proves I have to go to court or show me the paper I signed which proves I agreed to. Neither exists.

Under the IBHR, (UDHR #6 and ICCPR #16) we have the right to be recognized, everywhere, as a “person” before the law. We also have the right to WAIVE that right. As Canada and the United States are both signatories to the IBHR, so then, all court officers are bound by this “International Law” which trumps all other “laws” which are only corporate statutes.

The entire court system is commercial fraud. Under the guise of a “crime”, the Crown (prosecutor) charges the Name/trust account, NOT the man, and a constructive trust/court case is created. Only trustees, who have legal title to the trust, can access trust funds, but only via the authorization of the beneficiaries –us, who have equitable title. The only charges we authorize are the ones for our benefit. Maxim of Law: “The one who creates the liability must provide the remedy”. This means that the prosecutor is liable for unauthorized charges against a trust. So, the prosecutor is in violation of Criminal Breach of Trust, and obtaining execution of valuable security by fraud.

They do not want to be liable for THEIR debt to OUR trust accounts. They unjustly enrich themselves and then, by deceiving us into acting as trustee (surety), via intimidation, threat, coercion and fraud, force us to pay, one way or another.

NO case ever has anything to do with justice; it is ALL about ACCOUNTING, SURETY and ‘money’; the court NEVER has jurisdiction; the entire case is FRAUD!
It's nice to see that Dean's friends are still sticking to the old tried and true methods of fighting the man;
Joseph Davia got the same problem where I have my housetruck....Neil Stewart and his brother are a pair of absolute NUTTERS, control freaks, greedy money hungry BIBLE BASHERS....but I got a Common law lien all ready for damages....Psychology Abuse, Stress, Bullying, Breach of Contract and associated financial damages, will file for 10,000,000.00$ in damages then send copies to every Bank Manager and finance company in NZ...... send a Bill NOT an Invoice, with terms and conditions on the back, 24hrs to settle if amount goes unpaid 5% interest compounding on a daily basis will be added for the duration the amount remains outstanding, plus ALL RECOVERY of said debt will be Added to the amount outstanding......its called a FUCK YOU bastards.
It's almost nostalgic, takes me back to the early days when everything was possible.

So it's time to get out the beer and snacks and relax on the couch while watching developments in the Thunderdome.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by notorial dissent »

And the Deano continues to prove he isn't rolling with even a partial six pack of whatever is cheapest and most watered down. Doesn't think, doesn't learn, doesn't seem to get it at all.

I really do like the rabid weasels comment, very apt. And they want to form an independent society, what a world that would be. All the worst of human nature and greed in one fetid flop.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by TheNewSaint »

With this crowd, "I'm being exploited" might mean someone asked them to take out the trash.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

TheNewSaint wrote:With this crowd, "I'm being exploited" might mean someone asked them to take out the trash.
Trash collection doesn't seem to be a top priority in that mudhole. He was probably asked to chip in some cash. You know, help pay his way.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

eric nailed it back in November;
Personally I'm not too worried about Dean Kory and his living conditions or personal hygiene. Let's be serious, although he has jury-rigged some sort of heat source and is getting a minimal amount of electricity from somewhere he's going to be getting kind of cold, wet, and depressed come January and I'm forecasting his whole grand adventure will end by February or March with appropriate excuses.
So eric focused on the wrong reason but the right outcome. Not as good as my forecast though, the one where I said, the day before the election, that Trump would win. To be fair I did have expert help.

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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by eric »

If you go to the trouble of reading through Shaunda's blog you can get an idea of how the community works. It seems to be a collection of misfits many of who have their own difficulties with addiction, unable to hold down a job, sexual identity, etc. Oh well, I suppose it's a step up from living in a homeless shelter. Just saw Burnaby's post about Dean having difficulties by this time. I'm still holding my position though that climate conditions played a part but we can agree to disagree.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

eric wrote:If you go to the trouble of reading through Shaunda's blog you can get an idea of how the community works. It seems to be a collection of misfits many of who have their own difficulties with addiction, unable to hold down a job, sexual identity, etc. Oh well, I suppose it's a step up from living in a homeless shelter. Just saw Burnaby's post about Dean having difficulties by this time. I'm still holding my position though that climate conditions played a part but we can agree to disagree.
It's going to be about money. It always is with these guys.

Dean was trying to get BC welfare but I'm assuming that he didn't qualify. Not wanting to work isn't really a reason that the British Columbia government considers a valid basis to be put on the gravy train, particularly for someone who just arrived from Ontario and applied immediately without even apparently looking for work.

You can find the application form that Dean would have had to fill out here;

It asks awkward questions like this;
Is there an outstanding warrant for your arrest issued under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) or any other enactment of Canada in relation to an offence for which a person may be prosecuted by indictment?

Income assistance or disability assistance will not be provided for adults with outstanding warrants until they prove that their warrants have been resolved. This applies both to outstanding arrest warrants for indictable offences (includes any offence that may be prosecuted by indictment) from BC and other provinces, as well as arrest warrants under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada).
While I don't think this applies to Dean no doubt a significant proportion of the Freeman population get nailed by it.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by eric »

Thanks for answering some of my questions regarding warrants when I skimmed through Shaunda's blog last night. Apparantly one of the holdups regarding the reunion of the two star crossed lovers was the fact that Fiola, although he was serving time, still had some outstanding warrants that needed to be cleared up.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:Trash collection doesn't seem to be a top priority in that mudhole. He was probably asked to chip in some cash. You know, help pay his way.
This remark tends to show that you think that sort of request is reasonable. It also indicates you have no clue about the solid and moral principles of Hobo Heaven. Put in money? Help pay his way? What self-respecting hobo could ever pay his way when asked? Can you imagine what would happen to the time-honored qualities of hoboism if suddenly every bum had to contribute to the upkeep of the lifestyle to which he has become accustomed?

I don't blame Dean for being upset and shocked to find that the paradise he thought he was in has turned out to be a capitalist nightmarish hellhole resembling in some measure the world he had fought hard to escape last year. Any person pulling into that locale with their particle board RV or stolen hand-pushed grocery cart had every right to expect that they would be allowed to live there without a requirement to pay for or participate in the upkeep - at least until the government came in and closed the place down for being a dangerous health hazard.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Burnaby49 »

I've found out why Dean is able to keep posting to Facebook even though his link at Hobo Heaven has been cut. He's in jail in Nanaimo. I assume they have wifi there. According to Nanaimo Law Courts docket 82563-1 Dean is in custody with a hearing coming up early March.

82563-1 1 15-Feb-2017 CCC - 810(1)(a) Fear of injury/damage by another person Cause KORY, DEAN Russell Qualicum Beach BC


82563-1 KORY, DEAN Russell 1 Nanaimo Law Courts 07-Mar-2017 09:00 AM 222 CWI
82563-1 KORY, DEAN Russell 1 Nanaimo Law Courts 16-Feb-2017 09:30 AM 109 JIR IBD

Dean could get bail with $500, but he apparently couldn't raise it. This is the Criminal Code section Dean is charged under;
Sureties to Keep the Peace

810 (1) An information may be laid before a justice by or on behalf of any person who fears on reasonable grounds that another person

(a) will cause personal injury to him or her or to his or her spouse or common-law partner or child or will damage his or her property; or

(b) will commit an offence under section 162.1.

(2) A justice who receives an information under subsection (1) shall cause the parties to appear before him or before a summary conviction court having jurisdiction in the same territorial division.

(3) If the justice or summary conviction court before which the parties appear is satisfied by the evidence adduced that the person on whose behalf the information was laid has reasonable grounds for the fear, the justice or court may order that the defendant enter into a recognizance, with or without sureties, to keep the peace and be of good behaviour for a period of not more than 12 months.

(3.01) The justice or summary conviction court may commit the defendant to prison for a term of not more than 12 months if the defendant fails or refuses to enter into the recognizance.

(3.02) The justice or summary conviction court may add any reasonable conditions to the recognizance that the justice or court considers desirable to secure the good conduct of the defendant, including conditions that require the defendant

(a) to abstain from the consumption of drugs except in accordance with a medical prescription, of alcohol or of any other intoxicating substance;

(b) to provide, for the purpose of analysis, a sample of a bodily substance prescribed by regulation on the demand of a peace officer, a probation officer or someone designated under paragraph 810.3(2)(a) to make a demand, at the place and time and on the day specified by the person making the demand, if that person has reasonable grounds to believe that the defendant has breached a condition of the recognizance that requires them to abstain from the consumption of drugs, alcohol or any other intoxicating substance; or

(c) to provide, for the purpose of analysis, a sample of a bodily substance prescribed by regulation at regular intervals that are specified, in a notice in Form 51 served on the defendant, by a probation officer or a person designated under paragraph 810.3(2)(b) to specify them, if a condition of the recognizance requires the defendant to abstain from the consumption of drugs, alcohol or any other intoxicating substance.

(3.1) Before making an order under subsection (3), the justice or the summary conviction court shall consider whether it is desirable, in the interests of the safety of the defendant or of any other person, to include as a condition of the recognizance that the defendant be prohibited from possessing any firearm, cross-bow, prohibited weapon, restricted weapon, prohibited device, ammunition, prohibited ammunition or explosive substance, or all such things, for any period specified in the recognizance and, where the justice or summary conviction court decides that it is so desirable, the justice or summary conviction court shall add such a condition to the recognizance.

(3.11) Where the justice or summary conviction court adds a condition described in subsection (3.1) to a recognizance order, the justice or summary conviction court shall specify in the order the manner and method by which

(a) the things referred to in that subsection that are in the possession of the accused shall be surrendered, disposed of, detained, stored or dealt with; and

(b) the authorizations, licences and registration certificates held by the person shall be surrendered.

(3.12) Where the justice or summary conviction court does not add a condition described in subsection (3.1) to a recognizance order, the justice or summary conviction court shall include in the record a statement of the reasons for not adding the condition.

(3.2) Before making an order under subsection (3), the justice or the summary conviction court shall consider whether it is desirable, in the interests of the safety of the informant, of the person on whose behalf the information was laid or of that person’s spouse or common-law partner or child, as the case may be, to add either or both of the following conditions to the recognizance, namely, a condition

(a) prohibiting the defendant from being at, or within a distance specified in the recognizance from, a place specified in the recognizance where the person on whose behalf the information was laid or that person’s spouse or common-law partner or child, as the case may be, is regularly found; and

(b) prohibiting the defendant from communicating, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, with the person on whose behalf the information was laid or that person’s spouse or common-law partner or child, as the case may be.

(4) A recognizance and a committal to prison in default of recognizance may be in Forms 32 and 23, respectively.

(4.1) The justice or the summary conviction court may, on application of the informant or the defendant, vary the conditions fixed in the recognizance.

(5) The provisions of this Part apply, with such modifications as the circumstances require, to proceedings under this section.
So my best guess is that Dean has been causing some trouble in the tiny home compound and he started making enough threats that the police responded and threw him in the can. He can't cough up the $500 to get out so he's still sitting there. Dean posted;
they have messed with the wrong Twins!
I'm going to make an educated guess that his brother Darcy isn't going to be a lot of help since he's facing his own legal shitstorms. From his facebook page;
Well..I got arrested and released today. My landlord and her husband were recording me in my home without my consent. Her husband tried to stiff me for payment for work I did for him and his wife drugged me and followed me around with her cellphone video recording me and assaulting me.

So I checked his court records. He makes Dean look like a Church of England vicar. This just in the last month and a half;
Document Count Offence Date Statute Nature Accused City Of Offence
82562-1 1 15-Feb-2017 CCC - 264.1(1)(a) Uttering threats to cause death or bodily harm Commit KORY, DARCY Allen Qualicum Beach BC
82562-1 2 10-Feb-2017 CCC - 266 Assault Commit KORY, DARCY Allen Qualicum Beach BC

Document Accused Cnt Location Date Time Room Reason Result Finding Canc.
82562-1 KORY, DARCY Allen 1 Nanaimo Law Courts 07-Mar-2017 09:00 AM 222 CWI
82562-1 KORY, DARCY Allen 2 Nanaimo Law Courts 07-Mar-2017 09:00 AM 222 CWI
82562-1 KORY, DARCY Allen 1 Nanaimo Law Courts 16-Feb-2017 09:30 AM 109 JIR IBC
82562-1 KORY, DARCY Allen 2 Nanaimo Law Courts 16-Feb-2017 09:30 AM 109 JIR IBC

Appr. Date Doc Ref Accused Cnt # Count Lesser/Incl. Finding
16-Feb-2017 165963-1 KORY, DARCY Allen 1 CCC 810 Fear of injury / damage to property

It's 2AM so I'm not going to try and interpret the details. Sufficient to say British Columbia has had more productive new residents than this pair.

But, in a way, it's just tragic. Dean arrived in BC like it was the promised land. After all of his Ontario heartaches he'd finally found his peaceful paradise in Qualicum Beach. Abundant salmon, his own tiny home, friends, fresh air and woodlands! All he needed to make it perfect was to get his welfare approved. And it's all gone completely to shit.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by notorial dissent »

The Kory boys sound like a right nice lovely pair, just the sort you'd want to share your home and checkbook with. On a positive note, they won't have to be worrying about all that cold wet Winter Spring weather you are known for. Three hots and a cot eh......
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Darcy Kory's FB page actually has something of value: ... nref=story

I've used rocket stoves made out of tin cans and out of logs drilled out from top and side with a 1" extra long spade drill bit.
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Re: Dean Kory - A Study in Free Living

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:I've used rocket stoves made out of tin cans and out of logs drilled out from top and side with a 1" extra long spade drill bit.
Coincidentally I have just seen a video of "Farm Girl" demo-ing a rocket stove but for some reason I can't remember all the details.
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