Rob Inthe Pagefamily - Conscious Self Governance

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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Rob Inthe Pagefamily - Conscious Self Governance

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Time for another OPCA guru. Our current subject is Rob Inthe Pagefamily, a resident of the Edmonton, Alberta area who has been scaling up his guru activities in eight or so months since I first identified him. I don’t know how much earlier he began to flog his concepts, but it appears to go back at least a couple more years.

He’s yet another of our Canadian hippy drop-out and grow stuff types, as is well illustrated by his Facebook page ( One of his foci is the construction of ‘Earthships’, alternative housing made largely from discarded / recycled materials. This is a big fad among the hippy/occupist/environmentalist facet of the Freeman movement. Used tires are a principal material.

When not living in harmony with nature, Rob does his best to detach himself from the state apparatus. His chief forum for presenting those ideas and his success is the Conscious Self Governance webpage:

So who is Rob (
rob was a former successful IT professional, who after 20 years on the job, ended his career to move his family into the country to build an off-grid home (earthship), grow their own food and establish the pagé family domain. Having spent considerable time (over 3500 hours) since July 2008 testing the theories learned, rob’s teaching on self governance, freedom, sustainable living and balanced living has started to gain international recognition for his approaches to life.

Taking full responsibility and accountability for his life, on a Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual level without forcing his will upon another, meant making significant changes in how he and his family lived and so began the process to remove any and all dependencies on the state and corporations while at the same time working towards building interdependent relationships with other independent people.
Free and sovereign, eh? How did you do that Rob? ( ... /#more-875)?
It is my opinion that the reason I am successful in Self Governance is because I did the following things.

1. I figured out who I am and more importantly, I know who I am NOT.

2. I revoked my consent to being governed and I did that using a modified copy of the US Declaration of Independence. A copy of that declaration can be found here the “resources section” of my site.

3. I declared peace. I am no longer at war with anybody.

4. I canceled all the contracts and refused all benefits and privileges from the state.

5. I sent back all the property of the government, which also includes the birth certificate, passport, drivers license, social insurance card, Alberta health care card, marriage certificate, etc.

6. I established my law form for which I am governing myself. For those who are curious as to what it is, check out Matthew 22:37-40. If you don’t choose a law form, you will default to the default law form (their statutes and regulations).

7. I removed all my dependencies on the State.

8. I accepted God’s covenant as I recognize that I am still dependent on him and all that he provides and all that nature has to provide.

9. Served the state with notice of all the above. That notice was served to the Pope, Queen, Governor General of Canada, Prime Minister, Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, Premier of Alberta, Solicitor General, Attorney General, local county, city police, RCMP, etc.

10. All relationships need boundaries. So I established boundaries by using a claim of right and fee schedules. I also established a protocol for the state to contact me, just as the Queen has a protocol should you want to contact her for anything.

11. I do everything privately. I work very hard to stay out of commerce. I have no bank accounts, mortgages, loans, bills or any service which is delivered by a corporation. All these “invisible” contracts I believe really trip people up as those corporations are entities governed by the state and as such brings people into their jurisdiction.

12. I established the ‘pagé family domain’ from which I raise and serve my family.
So as you see we have another person who claims to have split himself off from the myriad of ‘contacts’ that make one subject to state action. Wanna know more? Buy his “Journey Towards Truth” DVDs ( ... _dvds.html) - $250 what a steal! Truths provided, and in an accessible manner, for example:
Module 5 - Money & Banks. Dedicated to money and learning what it actually is and how the banks work. We will be using the game “Monopoly” as a tool to help drive these concepts home so that we all can get a clear understanding of the system as it works today.
There’s a lot of new-age-ish stuff here, where Rob talks about his martial arts prowess as illustrating mind and body over matter, how being trapped in flawed mental constructs makes one a slave, etc. He often evokes Christian references, but with some weird tones, such as that men and women are “Man and Womb-Man”.

Rob’s 'independence' documents are available online (, and hint at a minimum that Rob isn’t paying his county property taxes (see ... domain.pdf).

His Declaration of Sovereignty is colourful and worth a read ( ... -V.2.0.pdf), particularly as it seems he has declared himself a nation-state:
I therefore, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the decency of my intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good Individuals of this world, solemnly publish and declare;
  • That I am, and of Right ought to be Free and an Independent Sovereign Man;

    That I am Absolved from all Allegiance to the Crown, and that all political, economic, or contractual connection between the Crown and I, is and ought to be totally dissolved;

    And that as a Free and Independent Sovereign Man, I have full Power to conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Trade, govern myself, bear arms, claim further Rights, travel and to do all other Acts and Things which a Sovereign Man may of right do.

    Moreover, for the support of this Declaration, with a firm trust in divine protection, I pledge to other Sovereigns my Life, my Love, my Fortunes and my sacred Honor.
His “Update Fee Schedule and protocol for contacting me” has some fun language ( ... ing-me.pdf). Strawman? What Strawman - he’s dead!
I hereby give you notice that effective August 31, 2009, the post office box / address (PO Box 77035, SAINT ALBERT, ALBERTA T8N6C1) of the legal fiction known as ROB PAGE, or ROBERT E. PAGE (or any numerical or alphabetical alteration thereof) will be closed. If you have any business with that or any other corporation that is associated with these body politics / corporations, I highly recommend that you forward that correspondence to the entity that created it (which I assume is the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta or Governor General of Canada). I will not accept any correspondence addressed to those entities.

I am one of the many heirs to the Kingdom of God. I am a descendant and heir to the Man God created in Geneses 2:7 and whom God made a covenant with. I have accepted Christ’s law form as outlined in Matthew 22:37:40. I am a member of the Israel of God (the family or descendants of Israel). I refuse to worship false idols and false gods, of which your massively fraudulent empire is completely made up of. I choose to have God as my master and I will serve him only.
But Rob, what if we want to talk to you?
1. Post a notice on my Private Post on the east side of the private drive way, which already contains a sign which reads “pagé family domain” and is located at approximately ## Degrees ## Minutes ##.### seconds Latitude and ### Degrees ## Minutes ##.#### seconds Longitude. The notice must include the date, time, Given and Family Name of the Man whom wishes to contact me and subject matter to discuss along with all relevant information I require to make an informed decision.

2. I will review the request and decide on whether or not I will give the party permission to contact me or not. Should I decide to give the party permission to contact me, I will outline the protocol for how that meeting will take place.
Post your Post on the Post.

And the usual fee schedules, though he only accepts payment in silver.

One interesting aspect of Rob Inthe Pagefamily is that he seems to work principally via face-to-face seminars, usually in Edmonton but sometimes in Calgary. Some are relatively small scale, for example occurring in private residences. He has not apparently made the more common transition to web based commerce, and has only two videos ( posted online. Some of his past seminars and their topics are reviewed here ( ... asses.html). I particularly liked his after-action report on what I presume was a nasty incident at traffic court:
*May 22nd – Traffic Court

In this class I will discuss the documents that I wrote and my interpretation of what happened with the court, crown prosecutor and police officer. I will discuss why the court did what it did and explain why I feel that I am still ok and that they cannot ‘force’ their will upon me. This has a LOT to do with how we deal with fear. Some people let their fear dictate their reactions to this event. However, I refuse to let fear cloud my judgment. On Tuesday I will share all the info I have on this case.
Fear is the mind killer.

Needless to say, he has also discerned secret knowledge from reading Meads v. Meads, 2012 ABQB 571.

Rob offers a cornocopia of handy training programs so you too can have yourself arrested and your home foreclosed for failure to pay property tax ( ... tions.html). He will even become your personal tutor, and qualify you to teach others The Authentic Conscious Self Governance Method:
Tutelage Royale Sovereign Program
($9,950 One Time Payment )

This is an exclusive 2 year program which includes online, consulting, in person classes, lectures, book reviews and behavioral training processes to support individuals transition into Sovereignty. It also includes private training and ongoing private coaching with rob in the pagé family.

- Includes all benefits of the Lifetime Membership package shown above.
- Unlimited Private Consultations, Private Training and Private Coaching with rob in the pagé family.
- Opportunity to become a teacher and graduate to support Conscious Self Governance students and consultations for members.

*Please note that there is a large amount of time invested in creating this course and is not complete at this point and time. If you are interested in the course then please notify rob.
Rob lurks on a lot of Freeman-on-the-Land web forums, but his approach is far more 'Sovereign' than 'Freeman', at least to my eye. To date I have not detected any reported Canadian cases that involve Rob or his followers. He seems to have an ill-defined link to another peculiar Alberta group, the Tacit Supreme In Law Court, which I will comment upon on another occasion.

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Re: Rob Inthe Pagefamily - Conscious Self Governance

Post by LaVidaRoja »

If he has removed himself from paying property taxes, how long until the authorities take action?
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Re: Rob Inthe Pagefamily - Conscious Self Governance

Post by Cathulhu »

If he's his own country, then there shouldn't be any repercussions if someone decides to declare war and conquer him.
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Re: Rob Inthe Pagefamily - Conscious Self Governance

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Cathulhu wrote:If he's his own country, then there shouldn't be any repercussions if someone decides to declare war and conquer him.
What I'd like to know is what he'll do if two armed burglars come into his house, get the drop on him and clean him out. I'm sure that he won't call the police -- because, after all, he is Independent and Sovereign. Maybe he'll hand them a sealed copy of his declarations -- I'm sure that those will do the trick.
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Re: Rob Inthe Pagefamily - Conscious Self Governance

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

LaVidaRoja wrote:If he has removed himself from paying property taxes, how long until the authorities take action?
Possibly not for awhile.

I've spoken to a group of municipality lawyers on how they address scenarios such as this and they clued me into an authority that municipalities have across Canada - that any outstanding municipal debt can be secured against real property in that municipality. So, I suspect if we were to look at Rob Inthe Pagefamily's "pagé family domain" land title there would be a 2011 lien, a 2012 lien, and probably soon at 2013 lien.

When the correct threshold of debt accumulates further steps will occur.

SMS Möwe
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Re: Rob Inthe Pagefamily - Conscious Self Governance

Post by Burnaby49 »

It's probably not worth the effort to go after him until there is a significant amount of back-taxes at stake. The municipality can wait, his off-grid earthship probably isn't worth enough to generate much of a tax bill and interest is accruing on the unpaid balance at above market rates. The liens will stop any sale until taxes are collected.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

Re: Rob Inthe Pagefamily - Conscious Self Governance

Post by redbird »

LaVidaRoja wrote:If he has removed himself from paying property taxes, how long until the authorities take action?
he doesn't pay taxes or fines of any kind, he gets other stooges to pay them instead.
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Re: Rob Inthe Pagefamily - Conscious Self Governance

Post by Burnaby49 »

Sadly things have not worked as well for Rob as he planned. Since we last visited Rob a few years ago he has basically done the hippy/homesteader/survivalist thing on a plot of land in northern Alberta, living in his Earthship, raising chickens, etc. Real Freman Valley type stuff, no power, basic survival. He did however continue playing guru with this bargain package; ... tions.html
Tutelage Royale Sovereign Program
($9,950 One Time Payment )

This is an exclusive 2 year program which includes online, consulting, in person classes, lectures, book reviews and behavioral training processes to support individuals transition into Sovereignty. It also includes private training and ongoing private coaching with rob in the pagé family.

- Includes all benefits of the Lifetime Membership package shown above.
- Unlimited Private Consultations, Private Training and Private Coaching with rob in the pagé family.
- Opportunity to become a teacher and graduate to support Conscious Self Governance students and consultations for members.

*Please note that there is a large amount of time invested in creating this course and is not complete at this point and time. If you are interested in the course then please notify rob.
So a leap of faith by potential students. An upfront ten grand payment for a course not yet even completed.

But, after two years in his frozen Eden (it's damn cold in north Alberta in the winter; you get eaten alive by bugs in the summer too) he was suddenly betrayed! For when Rob bought the land for the Pagefamily he had a collaborator. A friend of his wife, "TR". The Pagefamily and TR appear to have purchased the land, I'd guess as tenants in common. Two "earthships" were constructed, but TR soon lost interest. Nine years later, TR sold her share in the land to An Evil Couple. ... 3632094146
Knowing where to put ones energy is tough. We have spent 9 years on building our domain out here. I am extremely proud of all that we accomplished, learned and experienced. Nobody can take that away from us. Our next lesson along this journey comes with a colossal mistake we made 9+ years ago. We allowed a partner, I'll call her TR, to join us as a partner in our project. She was best friends with my wife at the time. We decided to purchase the land as 50% co-owners and we worked on her earthship first. I will share the full scope of what we did once I get our affidavit finished. This all started a few years before I declared sovereignty or did any research into land and all it's issues. TR left the project early and we continued on by ourselves. We brought people to the table to buy out her share as it was imperative that like minded individuals share in our project out here. We have a private agreement that outlines the spirit and intent of living off grid as the Creator intended us to live - free, independent spiritual beings having a healthy relationship with Mother Earth.

Over the past few years I have been accused of being abusive, kicking her out and all kinds of extremely hurtful and slanderous comments. All of which was said behind my back and absolutely none said to me face to face or in affidavit form. I worked very hard to forgive her despite what I was hearing and reading.

Today at noon we were told that TR sold her 50% share to a couple that wants to run power onto the land and do other things that go against the spirit of our project and way of life. We have really struggled with having a relationship with these people. We have very specific boundaries and I feel completely disrespected and violated as they bully their way into our lives.

I cannot comprehend the reasons why they would want to purchase shares in our project and not want to work with us to live in peace, freedom and harmony. The relationship is hostile and I struggle finding peace. Anger issues are a huge concern for me. It took nearly an hour to deescalate the hostility that was directed towards us at our last encounter.

So we are now faced with a monumental decision. Do we stay put or do we walk away and start over? I already feel violated. The sanctity of our domain has been disturbed. I've been ambushed, yelled at and accused of many things ... on the land I have called home for 9+ years. On the land that is supposed to be our sanctuary.

It seems to me that all the scenarios we come up with results in either a law suit or court. As you all know, I refuse to go that route as that would be using the system which is violence against my fellow man. We have 9 years of sweat equity and investment where TR has 1. We are contemplating walking away from a significant portion of it. Sell our 50% share and start over. The only other options is to buy them out, which we don't have funds for, or find another party willing to make them an offer they cannot refuse.

My heart says it is time to go, my brain says stay and fight. Either way, the system has FORCED us into a partnership that we do not want. I have every right to choose who I live and work with. I refuse to live and work with these people. I cannot change them, so there is no use in trying to put energy into doing so. I cannot force them off the land as that would be violent.

So we now look for land for ourselves. We are also looking for buyers who are interested in owning 50% shares in 72 acres of the most beautiful boreal forest in Northern Alberta. There is a nice home we built for mom, earthships, garage, greenhouse, gardens, pasture, barns, chicken coops, managed wood lot, paths and corrals. All built by our hands over the past 9 years. All off grid.

We really do need your prayers right now. We are hurting and in a tremendous amount of pain. I will mourn the loss. I choose to follow my heart as it must lead this decision.

Our dreams and goals are not over, just moving. I will never give up on our relationship with the Creator and Mother Earth. We are in this for the long haul.

My heart needs healing ... I will prevail.
Those bastards! Planning to selfishly put in electric power in their own property just to destroy the spirit of Rob's project and way of life!

I bet they don't give a crap about Rob's private agreement that "outlines the spirit and intent of living off grid as the Creator intended us to live - free, independent spiritual beings having a healthy relationship with Mother Earth" either.

In any case, there's much moaning and groaning over this terrible state of affairs at the Rob in the Pagefamily Facebook page;

From what I've read there it sound like the Pagefamily really are going to bug out and abandon the property. Of course, sooner or later something will have to be done to address the status of the land as Rob inthe Pagefamily and the "intruders" presumably have a 50% share each in a single property.

Well, unless we're going to do the "Sweat Equity" thing. I wonder how much an Earthship is worth? Probably not much, given it's not likely to conform to Alberta's building codes.

In the meantime, the Pagefamily is settling down for a siege while they evacuate ... ... 5348656641

Adding to the drama, Rob is getting all aboriginal in his sense is dispossession; ... 4752071034

Nine years of work, regardless of how little may have been achieved by it, is a lot of invested time to throw away because you don't like the new neighbours.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rob Inthe Pagefamily - Conscious Self Governance

Post by notorial dissent »

I'd say $10k, even Canadian, would be a bad living if you were frugal and got enough suckers students to buy in. Pardon my ignorance, geography was never my strong suit, but that part of Alberta, isn't that kind of like living in the wrong end of Alaska? Sorry I just can't quite picture that as a Freeman paradise, cold, no idea what the soil is like, very short growing season, etc, have to work your butt off just to stay alive sort of place.

Oh goody a daffydavit, along with Freeman agreement, where have we heard that before?? Daffydavits must be powerful ju ju it seems. Must be a really good agreement if one partner can sell out with out agreement of the other partner, or maybe it wasn't such a good agreement after all.

The one thing that surprises me is that they are able to get power out to the other side of nowhere. There are places here in that I know of that are still waiting, and the cost to get lines run in is horrendous, if you can get them done at all.

Wonder who was paying the property taxes, or how they paid for it to begin with.

I hear a whole lot of whinin' going on, and not much else. I also have the sneaking suspicion that there is a great deal we aren't hearing. Ya think?
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Re: Rob Inthe Pagefamily - Conscious Self Governance

Post by Philistine »

Well, at least I've learned one thing today and that's that tractors come from nature. Just not the tires apparently.
My guess is that "TR" actually owned 100% and let nature god boy squat there for 9 years. Now the jig is up.
He'll probably be too old soon to chop wood anyway so it may be a blessing in disguise unless he has a community of several who are willing to support the elders.
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Re: Rob Inthe Pagefamily - Conscious Self Governance

Post by eric »

notorial dissent wrote:I'd say $10k, even Canadian, would be a bad living if you were frugal and got enough suckers students to buy in. Pardon my ignorance, geography was never my strong suit, but that part of Alberta, isn't that kind of like living in the wrong end of Alaska? Sorry I just can't quite picture that as a Freeman paradise, cold, no idea what the soil is like, very short growing season, etc, have to work your butt off just to stay alive sort of place.
I got the impression that he was around St. Albert - not that bad there, if you pick the right spot you can certainly make a living farming - short growing season but long days in the summer and usually enough moisture.
The one thing that surprises me is that they are able to get power out to the other side of nowhere. There are places here in that I know of that are still waiting, and the cost to get lines run in is horrendous, if you can get them done at all.
From experience I have found that usually you can work some sort of deal for power lines - even to the point of trading your air rights for installation.
Wonder who was paying the property taxes, or how they paid for it to begin with.
I hear a whole lot of whinin' going on, and not much else. I also have the sneaking suspicion that there is a great deal we aren't hearing. Ya think?
If he hasn't been paying his property taxes, from my memory of the Alberta MGA, and owning/renting/payment plans he has either two or three years to pay up. It then takes a few months for the legal process to run through before the tax auction. At the auction the reserve bid is FMV plus costs, the landowner gets anything left over after taxes and costs have been extracted.
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Re: Rob Inthe Pagefamily - Conscious Self Governance

Post by eric »

notorial dissent wrote:
I hear a whole lot of whinin' going on, and not much else. I also have the sneaking suspicion that there is a great deal we aren't hearing. Ya think?
There's something that just doesn't quite add up here. All of Rob's stuff indicate he is in the St Albert area. For some reason, not fully explained, he has to vacate the property he is living on. ... 3632094146
So we now look for land for ourselves. We are also looking for buyers who are interested in owning 50% shares in 72 acres of the most beautiful boreal forest in Northern Alberta. There is a nice home we built for mom, earthships, garage, greenhouse, gardens, pasture, barns, chicken coops, managed wood lot, paths and corrals. All built by our hands over the past 9 years. All off grid.
Hmmm, 50% of 72 acres equals 36 acres of raw land in the St Albert area will cost you minimum 2.1 to 2.8K$ per acre, best case 6 to 8K$ per acre, even in today's depressed economy in Alberta. Best case is if you can flog it to a developer, St Albert is reasonably close to Edmonton, although there are potential native land claim issues. If he isn't just squatting, and depending upon his equity, he may get enough to comfortably retire. I would even consider buying it myself in 6 months to a year from now as an investment property.
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Re: Rob Inthe Pagefamily - Conscious Self Governance

Post by notorial dissent »

However, as you say something doesn't add up here, in my opinion, several somethings.

I always have a tendency to take ANYTHING a sovrunidjit/FOML type says with several tons of halite, and I don't see anything here to make me change my mind. I just have the niggling feeling that there is ever so much more to the story than our boy Robby is telling. In fact I'd love to hear TR's version, bet it is interesting, and probably quite revealing in much the same way Deano's former tenant was.
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Re: Rob Inthe Pagefamily - Conscious Self Governance

Post by Bill Lumbergh »

I wonder how he plans on doing these real estate transactions while being totally "off grid". And surely you can't be totally sovereign if you use evil gubmint money?

Let me guess, there's some sort of magical Freeman exception, as there always seems to be in these types of situations. Unless of course he's selling it to some other Freeman weirdo, but i just don't see them having very much money.
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Re: Rob Inthe Pagefamily - Conscious Self Governance

Post by JamesVincent »

Bill Lumbergh wrote:I wonder how he plans on doing these real estate transactions while being totally "off grid". And surely you can't be totally sovereign if you use evil gubmint money?

Pieces of Silver or Gold man, where you been?
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Re: Rob Inthe Pagefamily - Conscious Self Governance

Post by Burnaby49 »

JamesVincent wrote:
Bill Lumbergh wrote:I wonder how he plans on doing these real estate transactions while being totally "off grid". And surely you can't be totally sovereign if you use evil gubmint money?

Pieces of Silver or Gold man, where you been?
Bitcoin man. Where have you been?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Rob Inthe Pagefamily - Conscious Self Governance

Post by notorial dissent »

Kind of hard to do if you don't have a computer and computers take 'lectricity. I'd be more than willing to bet on Freeman magic beans or something else equally valueless.

I still think we're missing whole chapters of the soap opera yet.
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Re: Rob Inthe Pagefamily - Conscious Self Governance

Post by grixit »

Bill Lumbergh wrote:I wonder how he plans on doing these real estate transactions while being totally "off grid". And surely you can't be totally sovereign if you use evil gubmint money?

Let me guess, there's some sort of magical Freeman exception, as there always seems to be in these types of situations. Unless of course he's selling it to some other Freeman weirdo, but i just don't see them having very much money.
Just stamp it with the pawprint of the Lawful Bunny.
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Re: Rob Inthe Pagefamily - Conscious Self Governance

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

grixit wrote:Just stamp it with the pawprint of the Lawful Bunny.
Will Larry the Lawful Llama do?
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Re: Rob Inthe Pagefamily - Conscious Self Governance

Post by The Observer »

I would think he would try to do it the old-fashioned way: barter.

"I would like, Mr. Mortgage Holder, to make my house payment. Here are three chickens and a goat."
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff