Marc Boyer - Pothead and Prophet of the End Times

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Re: Marc Boyer - Pothead and Prophet of the End Times

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:What's really entertaining is when they don't change the names or case numbers in the interior of the filings from when they were originally for something else entirely unrelated, and even more entertaining when the cites are to civil law and procedure as opposed to criminal when the case at hand is a criminal matter. That is always a perennial favorite
Over the years we have seen some really bad scholarship from this crew.

A favorite of American tax protesters was to cite dismissed arguments brought before the courts as if they were the accepted rulings of the courts.

The detax/freeman/sovcit/GOOGF/TFL subculture's self-deluding ruse is to pretend that any question they ask constitutes a controversy in law. . .even though the question is already settled in law. We have seen freedumb folks show up here citing old, dead case law and pretending it's good because it is older than the new case law.


A example of the above being the recent chatter the amongst the subculture's phony scholars asking how cryptocurrency can be taxable, not realizing that the issue was settled in law years and years ago!

These folks are willfully ignorant.
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Re: Marc Boyer - Pothead and Prophet of the End Times

Post by Burnaby49 »

Marc Boyer R.I.P.

The revival of OPPT got me thinking about Marc. It had revitalized OPPT fanatic Ron Van Dyke into making a batch of new Youtube videos;

And Facebook postings;

but nothing from Marc, another OPPT fan. It had been a long time since I'd checked up on Marc (too long apparently) so I thought I'd see how things were going. He used to send out storms of Youtube videos so I checked his site and found that he'd not posted any new videos in the last three years;

The last video of his that I could find was this from March 2016 which hadn't been posted by Marc.

I'd watched this and was planning to write it up and explain the magic of warehouse receipts but never got around to it. He didn't look well in it but then he never had, at least in my brief acquaintance with him when we met by chance at a court hearing;


I also wrote about that meeting here;


So I went to his Facebook page and found that it had been dormant since July 2016. Mark had been merrily posting away without a care in the world until late March 2016 when he posted this;
Marc Boyer updated his status.

March 27 ·
i just got out of a 5-hour emergency room visit - i have a viral pneumonia infection in both longs - i can hardly breathe - they wanted to hospitalize me for few days but i turned down the offer. if this pneumonia does not clear in the next week means my lymphoma is in full attack again after 12 years of being dormant
But Mark declined conventional medical care and instead tried home remedies. He posted this the next day;
Marc Boyer
I'm truly impressed with the TSUNAMI of support i got since posting that i have been struck with pneumonia. - in 24 hours i got 100 sincere responses - AND prayers were heard - because the antibiotic they prescribed me is working well, - i'll continue to use natural herbs like selenium, oregano oil, my structured colloidal silver water, my Bragg's/THC cider, my POTka tincture, my remarcable cookies and ointments to recover quickly - thanx for the advice and contacts of other herbal solutions. - i get a chance to benefit from my medicine chest and rest.
March 29 at 11:58am

Marc Boyer i declined the option of stay in the hospital and be surgically pumped of fluid, then given antobiotics.
That was his last posting. His Lymphoma diagnosis was apparently correct and he died shortly after this on May 2, 2016.
Caitlan Marie
May 2 ·
Sad to hear a good friend of mine has passed today Marc Boyer you were one of the good guys man! R.I.P thankyou for helping me get onto the CMP and for all your awesome and very lengthy lessons.
Then, the next day his son made a posting saying that he was carrying on dad's work
Marc Boyer
May 3 ·
We are having Alfred Lambremont Webre do an entire video on Exopolitics Radio and Alfred Lambremont Webre for him on all my dad shares, wishes for all and inspires us to carry on.

This is his son Marc Anthony Lackbeard Boyer, send me a message with your friend request on your interest and we are collecting memoirs and many keynote speakers in the activist community to share how we are continuing this great work he has shared and relentlessly pushed for us all to share in this legacy of research, medicines, water, health and freedom redeeming the world from slavery through amnesty and proof of title. He truly sought after the biggest issues he could possibly tackle in the world of Law, medicine, healing our water, awakening our Self and creating conscious community.

We started a project to network all of these works, pages, products, services, knowledge and events creating community through our individual resources collectively for everyone to join and exchange: HEAL - Help Earth Awaken Love

Find us, sign up and lets all grow, share and contribute to all the talented and incredible individuals in our community, sharing food medicines, and all we love on
Cancer, pain, skin, bowel, etc, healing medicines, oils, extracts: Remarcablefoods
Structured and Revitalized water for more farm yield, healthier crops, disease resistance, drinking and healing waterways, fukushima and radiation, overall healing water for homes, businesses, production; everything. Our Living Water Co-op Vancouver

Redeeming all debt in the world with law, property registrations, ending the slavery of birth certificates; Title, Peace on Earth

And the many other pages he started:

VOTE Marijuana Party in Canada
Occupy amnesty
Occupy World
Magna Carta Rallies & Festivals
Cheers to all.

We had a great party for him yesterday, and having another one Friday, May 5th at his regular meeting place with friends and activists @ The Pub 340 starting 3:40 to be there before 4:20.

Anyone is welcome to join.

Sharing in the burden and glory of upholding God's Creation.
Lackbeard? The wake was at the 340 pub. A dump I know well just off Vancouver's skid row. Turns out it was Marc's local but I've been there numerous times and not seen him.

Things continued fitfully for a bit on his FB page but posting stopped by the end of June 2016.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Marc Boyer - Pothead and Prophet of the End Times

Post by The Observer »

Burnaby49 wrote:Lackbeard?
Must be a typo. Given that Sonny is proudly carrying on with Dad's idiocy, the name must be Lackbrain.
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Re: Marc Boyer - Pothead and Prophet of the End Times

Post by notorial dissent »

I'd definitely go with Lackbrain. Has to be genetic. Sigh!!!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Marc Boyer - Pothead and Prophet of the End Times

Post by Burnaby49 »

The Observer wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:Lackbeard?
Must be a typo. Given that Sonny is proudly carrying on with Dad's idiocy, the name must be Lackbrain.
Now now, let's not speak ill of the dead without an in-depth analysis of his later works. Perhaps he was on to something. He believed, somehow, that having or making your own (I'm not clear on this) warehouse receipt entitled you to riches beyond measure. It's all in this video;

Which promises;
Published on Mar 18, 2016

Marc Boyer ( Canada knowingly signed the TPP on date when slavery law had expired. TPP and NAFTA designed to usher in a Millennium of Misery and restore slavery. One solution to initiate a paradise on Earth is through the Warehouse Receipts Act
And for all I know that may be entirely true! I was going to go through it but it was almost an hour and a half long and, after ten minutes, I moved on to something else and never returned. Who knows what revelations I missed through inattention and laziness? But dark forces listened to it and understood its implications!!! This prophetic posting warned us;
Miss-andry Begone
1 year ago
WONDERFUL - if they don't kill him.
And this;
george wood
1 year ago
you need security like no other. This is a serious responsibility eliminated easier than conceived. The world is waiting. Get council and surround yourself with the neccesary people. Do not laugh at your death easier done than said remember the last messiah and his trusted circle. Beware of drones.
And, just two weeks after posting that video he was ill and a little over a month from posting the video he was dead. Even his POTka tincture and Colloidal Silver Water couldn't save him. Coincidence?

As always the dark forces instigated a disinformation campaign;
1 year ago

1 year ago

1 year ago
I won't post the replies to this. They violate any number of Quatloos posting rules.

And this from a guy who, like me, clearly wasn't aware Marc was no longer with us;
Chris LaPoma
7 months ago
So... yeah.. updates?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Marc Boyer - Pothead and Prophet of the End Times

Post by jackroe »

Interesting to see all of this in one place. I met Marc a few times. What I don't get about most of what you guys post here is that you don't seem to acknowledge that guys like him are mentally ill. I remember reading about this challenging jurisdiction, etc. stuff in the early, early days of the Internet, and often times they would just send you to a psych eval and forcibly drug you---maybe that is better for these guys, I don't know. AFAIK with the rise of the Internet and the ability for these things to be more reported, they stopped doing that, that's why it's not until the 2000s that you get actual judgments trying to provide a "legal" basis for rejecting their arguments.

I presume some of them are just con artists who know nothing that they do will fly, but, on the other hand, half of the population in USA (dunno about Canada) can't even read/write at a grade 8 level. A friend who's a Judge, he says, and I believe it, that law is written so a 13 year old can understand it, so half of the population will be unable to comprehend case law, statute law. So, is it intellectual disability, e.g. not having sufficient reading comprehension skills? Is it mental illness? Anyway, I agree with the posts that said Marc was a nice enough guy, but he was clearly delusional---the law stuff, you can always say "well, even if I won't win, I am going to the grave saying that case was wrongly argued." That's a stupid way to do things, but you cannot really call it delusion. But his religious ideas, etc. were textbook psychotic disorder, e.g. the view that volcano events were timed with his treatment by the courts.

AFAIK Marc never charged anyone to give them his advice, he was not a con-artist, he truly believed what he was saying, even if it was nonsensical. I find it fascinating, tho, that the case law seems to have evolved from the late 80s/early 90s. Once they stopped doing psych evals on people, they moved to simply ploughing on through, and then, in the 2000s, it seems that they started producing case law (at least in Canada) to declare people vexatious litigants. Objectively, I wonder what would be more helpful, psychiatric detention? Prison doesn't tend to reform anyone whose problem is a mental illness, it often makes them worse.
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Re: Marc Boyer - Pothead and Prophet of the End Times

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

jackroe wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 2:16 pm ...half of the population in USA (dunno about Canada) can't even read/write at a grade 8 level.
Far from me to call into question your bona fides, but the worst performing state in terms of literacy is Texas with 79%. Most are upper 80%s, so please show your working.
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