Jaren Wayne Feser - unorthodox court entry

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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Jaren Wayne Feser - unorthodox court entry

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

So I noticed a news report today that an individual, Jaren Wayne Feser, had been arrested and charged after smashing a Ford F150 truck into the the outside walls of the Calgary Courts Centre in Calgary, Alberta. This occurred at about 3:00 a.m. on Monday July 29, 2013.

That was odd, but what caught my attention was the way that Calgary Police Services described this activity: that drugs or alcohol were not believed to be a factor, the truck driver had to carefully navigate his way through obstacles and then down a half a block of sidewalk to get to the location of the crash, and this (http://www.calgaryherald.com/Driver+sma ... story.html):
“His conduct is not surprising to us, so we have had situations like this across Canada and we are well acquainted with his ideology,” duty inspector Guy Baker said.
How interesting. No other police statements appear to detail what the "ideology" in question may be. Needless to say, given that description I have suspicions.

Feser faces dangerous operation of a motor vehicle and property damage charges and is in custody (http://www.albertapolicereport.ca/2013/ ... collision/).

Photographs of the truck and crash site show the vehicle embedded part-way through an exterior glass wall. The vehicle is unremarkable, aside from it bears "Bitcoins Accepted Here" stickers on the three visible surfaces.

I searched to see if Mr. Feser is one of our 'usual suspects', but did not find any clear link. What is obvious, though, is that he is trouble.

First, someone of the same name was tried in Hawaii for unlawful possession of red phosphorus with the intention of methamphetamine production. That led in 2004 to a three year prison sentence (http://archive.recapthelaw.org/hid/17946/). This may be the same case (http://www.plainsite.org/flashlight/case.html?id=154378).

In 2009 a "Jaren Wayne Feser", now aged 24, was tried in the British Columbia Supreme Court and received a two year conditional (house arrest) sentence for drunk driving (http://www.madd.ca/english/news/stories/n20090305.htm). Feser's conduct is described this way:
Feser drove his Honda Civic in the wrong lane more than a kilometre, ignoring honking cars, before smashing into the Nissan Pathfinder, which rolled four or five times before landing upside down in a ditch. All six people in the van were taken to hospital with bruises, cuts and neck injuries.

...After the crash, Feser was belligerent and unco-operative with police, laughing about the accident and kicking and spitting at nurses who treated him.
Sounds like a nice enough chap.

Then in Oct. 24, 2012, a Jaren Wayne Feser was arrested for operating a "massive" meth lab in his house a small Alberta town, Galahad (http://www.edmontonsun.com/2012/10/27/p ... berta-town) (http://beaconnews.ca/reddeer/2012/10/rc ... n-galahad/). That certainly suggests we have the same person as involved in the U.S. trial.

Feser's next Court appearance is on August 7, 2013. I will be watching to see if his "ideology" is clarified at that point.

SMS Möwe
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Re: Jaren Wayne Feser - unorthodox court entry

Post by LaVidaRoja »

His "ideology" may be purely meth-induced. He may just be a druggie, not an otherwise wacko.
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Re: Jaren Wayne Feser - unorthodox court entry

Post by notorial dissent »

Sounds like a druggy with some serious authority issues, and from the sounds of it not only a manufacturer, but a serious user, and they be dangerous in any jurisdiction.
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Re: Jaren Wayne Feser - unorthodox court entry

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

LaVidaRoja wrote:His "ideology" may be purely meth-induced. He may just be a druggie, not an otherwise wacko.
That certainly is possible, however, in Canada I am noting a disproportionate number of our criminal Freeman-on-the-Land cases involve defendants who are involved in 'non-hobbyist' narcotics activities (for example R. v. Sands, 2013 SKQB 115; R. v. Boyer, 2007 BCPC 313; R. v. Boyer, 2009 BCPC 278; R. v. Petrie, 2012 BCSC 2109; R. v. Petrie, 2012 BCSC 2110; Micah Green (viewtopic.php?f=47&t=9377)). In these instances Freeman concepts are being explicitly deployed in an attempt to negate criminal prosecution.

That said, these drug offence decisions are clearly a minority of reported Canadian OPCA criminal prosecutions. The most common scenario where OPCA ideas are advanced as a defence in a criminal law context is to escape motor vehicle offences via "traveling".

This drug-oriented focus extends to our gurus, who for example fixate on marijuana legalization (Belanger from CERI) or who are drug producer/dealers (Menard of the World Freeman Society).

In any case, it will be interesting to see what, if anything, emerges.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNMoUnUiDqg at 11:25]
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Re: Jaren Wayne Feser - unorthodox court entry

Post by grixit »

I'm guessing he has a small amount of brain damage from chemical exposure which has caused diminished impulse, irrational rages, control and increased suseptibility to paranoia.
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Re: Jaren Wayne Feser - unorthodox court entry

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

A minor update. Feser's "ideology" has not been confirmed, but additional wrongdoing has now been reported which provides a more detailed timeline.

Feser was arrested in October 2012, and held in pre-trial detention until March. He was then released on bail. Early in July Feser was arrested in Calgary and charged with eight offences, two of which are assaulting a peace officer.

He then rammed the Calgary Courts Centre.

RCMP now report a follow-up search on Feser's Galahad residence (http://beaconnews.ca/blog/2013/08/jaren ... ts-centre/) which determined that even though Feser is facing very serious charges for running a drug lab, that was not enough deter him from ... well, running a drug lab:
On Tuesday, Calgary RCMP Federal Serious and Organized Crime members along with the Edmonton RCMP Clandestine Laboratory Enforcement and Response Team officers executed a judicially authorized search warrant on Feser’s home in Galahad, Alberta.

As a result of the search, Jaren Feser has been charged with five counts of failing to comply with release conditions. Feser allegedly violated the following conditions:
  • Reporting to his probation officer.
    Reporting to the Killam RCMP Detachment.
    Live where approved by his probation officer.
    Not have contact with any commercial chemical and/or laboratory supply company.
    Not attend his home in Galahad, Alberta.
On Wednesday, Jaren Feser was charged with:
  • Producing tenamphetamine, or MDA, a psychedelic drug.
    Producing gamma hydroxybutyrate, or GHB. GHB is commonly referred to as the date rape drug.
    Possession of MDA for the purpose of trafficking
    Possession of GHB for the purpose of trafficking
    Three counts of possession of precursors which can be used to make MDMA, or Ecstasy.
    Possession of precursors which can be used to make Methamphetamine
I offer two observations. First, Feser is dim and persistent enough to be a Freeman-on-the-Land. Second, with this set of antics I will bet a stack of Zimbabwian dollars that Feser has a complete set of "Breaking Bad" DVDs.

I will continue to monitor this possible target.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNMoUnUiDqg at 11:25]