Les Raketti of "Copyright-NAME:"

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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Les Raketti of "Copyright-NAME:"

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I recently stumbled on a rather odd Sovereign Citizen-type guru, Les (or Leslie) Rakatti, who operates a number of websites but, in particular, “TM
Copyright-NAME:©” (http://www.copyright-name.com/). He provides the valuable service of obtaining copyright in your own name and then notifying the world of that important step.

Ok, well why would you want to copyright your own name? Very important reason:
Not establishing legal title puts one in a position where someone else can benefit from your work and/or creations. In the common sense, we can identify with the need to protect creative works of art such as books, poems, inventions, and the like but what we may not be aware that someone can also copywrite your name and in effect have ownership of everything created in that name.
Good god! I had no idea!? The first thing I’m going to do is immediately copyright “Michael Jackson”. Let’s see, go to the Canadian Intellectual Property Office copyright search database, “Michael Jackson” – ha it IS available! Take that assorted Jackson family members!


Naturally enough the U.C.C. comes into play:
Welcome to the real world 'as it operates under the Uniform Commercial Code'. The UCC as its known has been adopted in virtually all the countries in the world. Its what all your laws are based on, its what all your lawyers are trained in, its what all your courts base their decisions on. Consider the UCC as the rule book or the operating and procedual manual for all commercial activity or all exchange of energy in the form of all intellectual property, goods and services.
And what’s dangerous about the U.C.C.? Darn it, it's that Strawman again:
One of the pitfalls in contract is unwittingly trading your natural birth rights for perceived benefits you already have in common law. Using the UCC's own rules of procedures you can rectify or delink yourself from any or all contractual obligations if you perceive it not to be in your best interest.
Thankfully Les has a three part process to thwart the forces of commerce.

First, you fill in an internet form to permit a UCC-1 filing via Copyright-NAME: (https://www.copyright-name.com/Security ... t-Here.htm). You have to pay for that. One item on the form is “Other Noteworthy Property i.e.: Leonardo Ci Vinci Painting Mona Lisa”.

Now you fill in a second form (https://www.copyright-name.com/Copyrigh ... t-Here.htm) to create a copyright notice of ownership of your “ALL-CAPS TRADE NAME under common law” that is then foisted on the world! Les on this page asks: “If you question the validity of the copyright notice then why did this famous person post his in 1964 http://bill.copyright-name.com” The link? To a notice of this kind by none other than former U.S. president Bill Clinton (http://www.thezephyr.com/samplecn.pdf)!

Almost done – now you post that notice online (http://www.copyright-name.com/Post-Public-Notice.htm). The cost is modest - $25/year or $20/year for 5 years. It looks like a single person would pay $200 for the entire three-step process (http://www.copyright-name.com/payment-page.htm).

Copyright-NAME: provides a number of examples of recently posted notices, here (http://www.copyright-name.com/Bernard-J ... nhoven.htm) is one for a lucky fellow named “©Bernard-Joseph: Vandenhoven ™” who lives in “Carstairs, Alberta, Canada real land North America [T0M 0N0]”. Thanks to this "Self-executing Contract/Security Agreement in the Event of Unauthorized Use", Mr. Vandenhoven can now charge me $500,000 for unauthorized use of his name.

You might think that it would be reasonable to have some sort of index or search routine for the many important copyright registry notices posted on Copyright-NAME:, but if it exists, I didn’t spot it. Mind you, the webpage is a bit of a mess.

Les also has a second introductory webpage (http://www.international-learning.com/) which promises:
This Membership Site is Loaded – Guaranteed!

Want to know where to go next or to get access to more information on the subject of freedom and sovereignty? Well herein get access to hundreds of hours of videos that attempt to present a balanced viewpoint on the subject and suggest further areas where you can go with peace of mind ...
And criticizes other Sovran sources:
I gotta tell you... I've been to more patriot and freedom sites than I care to admit. I've read oodles of pages... wasted tons of time listening to numerous 3-4-5 hour calls ... and have been so frustrated and confused that I didn't know who or what to believe. I wanted to throw my hands into the air and tear my hair out. I don't know about you but I spent so much time chasing "gurus" and pies-in-the-sky, that I hate even looking back and thinking about it now.

It's easy to do, there is so many tunnels in the rabbit hole that you can really get twisted all around. ... I'm not alone in thinking this either. Maybe you've even done the same things and then got hit by some Alphabet Soup Agency only to find out that there is nobody out there to help you. Those are real horror stories. The latest I heard was that the CRA [the IRS equivalent in Canada] was now going after pensioners who got substantial cash back by using various patriot strategies 10 or 15 years ago. Many are left high and dry are forced to sell their homes because they don't know have a clue on how to fight back and protect themselves. Don't let that be you. And if you have $ signs in your eyes, forget it this is not for you and likely to get you into serious trouble.

Who knows what other horror stories that are out there. I only tell you this not to scare you, but to tell you to take it slow and move forward on a sound foundation. I am of the philosophy that you don't want to be up the creek and be caught without a paddle. I am not suggesting that you do nothing and be frozen in fear. I am only saying that if you do do something, do the prior research yourself so that you are in a position to justify your every move.
Those CRA bastards. Thankfully, Les offers more:
I'm quite certain, that if the people showcased on this site can walk about totally fearless and independent then you can too. Now it is true they have paid a price for what they know. Most if not all, have been willing to park their butt behind bars in order to stand behind the power of their convictions. …

These selected recordings are of people who are willing to give back and show you everything you need to know in order to have an unconditioned mind. Plus, it's motivational too. Just experiencing the power and confidence of someone who is enlightened and walks the walk with no fear is so so powerful and it rubs off. Sometimes you need to plug in and get your blood pumping and your attitude jazzed if you want to make a difference in your life and for those loved ones coming right behind us. This is why we do what we do.
The cost is a modest $10/month.

So how is Les doing? Well, some of his customers are not too happy. You know it’s bad when the people who purchase services this dopey then start posting complaints on consumer advocacy websites (http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Les-Raket ... rec-487589):
He did a half--- job. He has all but disappeared after I paid him $150 to handle the redemption process for me. I had to file a ucc financing statement by myself in my state. He wouldnt even look at it to see if I did it the right way. He is lazy and acts like a clown. Everything I paid for is in vain. A total waste of time. He also posted my personal information online where anyone can see it and won't take it down. It's a half job. The Internal Revenue Service and the rest of them will laugh to death if I show up in tax court with the peice of ---- I printed out from Les RACKETti. He is running a RACKET. Hence, his last name! He has other sites he wants to throw at people to make money. I am not interested in his other sites when he can't even finish one project I paid him for! I don't recommend this guy at all- unless $150 is nothing to you.
So who would buy Les’s services at Copyright-NAME:? Well, how about a certain Jennifer Melisa Herring (viewtopic.php?f=37&t=8998), the Sovereign who offered to pull over for police if they accepted her offer to pay $300,000. Because yes, after reports of that hit the ‘Net, Ms. Herring then proceeded to attempt to assert her ‘copyright rights’ against Patrick Petty of PatrickPetty.com (http://www.patrickpretty.com/2012/12/13 ... or-300000/). The subsequent chatter on that website is very amusing.

There’s some more critical commentary on the “Tabber’s Temptations” website (http://www.tabberone.com/Trademarks/Hal ... t/CN.shtml)

I have not spotted any case law that involves Les, or attempts to enforce his Copyright-NAME: documents.

Les describes himself as a “Writer-Architect” (http://origin.org/ucs/profile.cfm?uid=115359): “I am an architect by training who is interested in developing or participating in developing a world prototype community of "as-wells".” His older contact information leads to Washington state, but what appear to be more recent items place him in Abbotsford, British Columbia. No concrete information on whether Les is Canadian or American, but I’m guessing the former.

He keeps himself busy, operating everything from a flakey but innocuous looking investment promotion website (http://www.visiontowealth.com/) to providing expert social media opinions (http://ezinearticles.com/?Commonsense-T ... id=4176687). Les also operates the “University of Money” (http://www.UofMoney.com). His Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/leslie.raketti) links to a plethora of 'educational' videos.

Another bold development is Les appears to be the chief (only?) mind behind “The Twelve Visions Party of Canada” (http://www.twelvevisionspartyofcanada.ca/). Most of the content of this webpage is doppeled from its parent, a fringe U.S. political party, “The Twelve Visions Party” (http://tvpnc.org/). The parent Twelve Visions Party website appears semi-abandoned.

The Twelve Visions Party has some … interesting beliefs. First, there is the “Prime Law” (http://www.twelvevisionspartyofcanada.ca/Prime-Law.html):
The Prime Law®*

(The Fundamental of Protection)


*The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily.

*The function of government is to provide the conditions that let individuals fulfill that purpose.

*The Prime Law guarantees those conditions by forbidding the use of initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property, or contract.

Article 1

No person, group of persons, or government shall initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against any individual’s self, property, or contract.

Article 2

Force is morally-and-legally justified only for protection from those who violate Article 1.

Article 3

No exceptions shall exist for Articles 1 and 2.
Les subsequently explains (http://www.twelvevisionspartyofcanada.c ... ction.html) that The Prime Law is a “… 3 thousand year old secret guarantees those conditions in your life.” When applied it will achieve the objective(-ist) goals postulated by Ayn Rand and lead to “minimal government and minimal taxation is the emphasis on the sanctity of the individual whose rights must be maintained at all costs and never to sacrificed for the benefit of the majority or the more powerful including government.” The Party’s objective is “… to implement the ‘Prime Law” into the Constitution …”

So what about those “Twelve Visions”? They are rather quirky to say the least (http://www.twelvevisionspartyofcanada.c ... sions.html). For example, here are a couple of those “visions”:
Vision Three: Feel Extraordinary Every Day

Vision Eight: Have the Body You Always Envied

Vision Ten: Have Everything You Ever Wanted (via the free-to-soar geniuses and super technologies)
I must admit, that is a rather bold political platform.

For those of an eccentric bent I offer this dramatization of life after implementation of the Twelve Visions via Neothink and Neo-tech Neothink (http://tvpc.tvpca.letterboxes.org/misce ... ons-ND.pdf). L. Ron Hubbard would be proud.

I didn’t poke around the site for too long but I saw no obvious Sovereign aspects on either the U.S. or Canadian sites. I spotted what appears to be an archive of the Canadian variant’s internal documentation (http://tvpc.tvpca.letterboxes.org/). Sadly, I see no evidence the Twelve Visions Party has ever run a candidate in Canada, and the organization appears, at best, moribund.

Thankfully though Les continues his activities on Copyright-NAME:, for example answering these 2013 questions from his potential customers and mercilessly flogging his $10/month website subscriptions (http://www.copyright-name.com/Q&A-2013.htm). Business may even be good, as the ever astute OPPT folks have identified him as a very helpful resource (http://opptcourtcases.forumotion.com/t7 ... low-canuks)!

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNMoUnUiDqg at 11:25]
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Re: Les Raketti of "Copyright-NAME:"

Post by Burnaby49 »

Some background from a retired CRA bastard. When Raketti say:

The latest I heard was that the CRA [the IRS equivalent in Canada] was now going after pensioners who got substantial cash back by using various patriot strategies 10 or 15 years ago. Many are left high and dry are forced to sell their homes because they don't know have a clue on how to fight back and protect themselves. Don't let that be you.

I assume he is referring to this case previously discussed in, amongst others, this thread:

viewtopic.php?f=47&t=9267&p=158064&hili ... ke#p158064

The trial decision can be found here:

http://www.canlii.org/en/sk/skqb/doc/20 ... qb150.html

On the face of it, by sovereign standards, a case of government oppression. By any other standards apparently a case of someone getting caught up in her own scheme to avoid tax and who acted so badly at trial that the court, reluctantly, imposed a jail sentence. She seems to have tried to avoid paying taxes on her pension payments but she herself was defrauded by an individual that she'd entrusted her pension money too and lost her pension and apparently everything else. She was convicted of fraudulently hiding assets on bankruptcy.

If that is the case he is referring to I have to admit that I have no sympathy whatever for a bankrupt 67 year old retiree being hounded by the CRA for taxes owing. She had a secure retirement funded by a rock-solid government pension and she threw it all away through her own greed and criminal behaviour. If, however, Raketti is referring to something else I'm not aware of it and I look forward eagerly to finding out. All of these pension cash-out schemes, and they were for a while legion, were essentially driven by greed. In the links below the taxpayers took extreme risks and lost the bulk of their pensions in schemes they couldn't possibly have understood to try and screw the government of income tax:

http://www.canlii.org/en/ca/fca/doc/200 ... ca263.html

http://www.canlii.org/en/ca/fca/doc/200 ... ca262.html
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
