Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Spotted another Canadian Sovereign Citizen / Freeman-on-the-Land guru with a fairly well developed collection of online resources. But how to capture the essence of the “Peace Maker Society” ( of Winnipeg, and its shiny-scalped leader, Marcel Bessette a.k.a. Marcel Oft Bessette?

[That's "of the family" - the new and trendy way to express your Freemanish nomenclature. "Dash Colon" is passe.]


Yeah, that’s it, money-grubbing.

And it’s not easy to choose that alternative among the various possible options. Because this beastie is pretty damn surreal, though admittedly it falls far from the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen (ahem, (viewtopic.php?f=47&t=9258)).

I’ll start with some cheap shots. Have a look at the “Peace Maker Society” logo ( ... 00_jpg_srz). Go on – it won’t bite. Now, when I look at that I encounter two equally disturbing alternatives. Either our stick-figure man is truly equipped, or the poor bastard is being impaled in the historically appropriate manner. Judging from his excited flailing of limbs, I’m going with option B.

Nothing says “I’m a success” more than dressing for success. Somebody told me that, but hey, I’m a slob, so I probably lack proper appreciation for Marcel’s “Peace Maker Society” robes (!your ... -/mainPage). Check out the panel on the right side of the page as the two images alternate.

Eat your heart out, Illuminoids!

Then there’s the videos ( Oh, oh, so many videos. I’ll chose two:

First a poem, “What Tears At My Soul About The World” ( Marcel speaks from his couch, with tasteful sweater vest and tie, about how things are … bad. So much tyranny. So many stolen children. Stuff. Marcel clearly thinks a lot. And feels. A lot.

But as this second video shows, Marcel is also a Man of Action – in this case his action is getting himself arrested by throwing a hissy fit directed at neo-Nazi and racist Winnipeg Police Service Officer #115 ( Sadly, just audio, but audio with feeling! Marcel explains the incident in this manner:
On July 27th 2011 at 2pm in the afternoon Marcel of the family Bessette was on Unalienable Human Rights patrol. He was on his way to give information to the Police Cadets playing soccer in Central Park titled "What is a Peace Officer."

Marcel gave a man being guarded by a Downtown Biz member some human rights info. Upon going to leave, Marcel noticed the Biz member was agent #115 who had admitted to being a Nazi on audio the week before and he accepted a $2000.00/hr FEE SCHEDULE bill from Marcel.

This agent assaulted Marcel, lied about it, which resulted in Marcel spending a week and a half in solitary confinement at remand center. Marcel and Peace Maker Society are pursuing damages and litigation as we speak.

Please spread the word, share this story, and watch all our videos, then message us at or email us at to get involved in ending this kind of authority abuse. See facebook page for full week and a half long incident report or message below to start human rights patrols, become a member or supporter, or start a free food program in your community today.

In a cautious reply, minister Belanger of CERI disapproves of such language:
paraclete Belanger
the language reduces credibility....yes they exceed their power but reducing yourself to their level seems short of the catch more flies with honey Marc

Love your intent just a bit critical of the delivery...hope your open to constructive criticism,,,Blessings bro!
If you too would like to join the Unalienable Rights Patrol there’s helpful info here (!priv ... firm/c1lrw). They use “… Non Violent Crisis Intervention techniques and Verbal De escalation techniques …”. As Marcel so thoughtfully illustrated in the video noted above.

But once I began to explore the Peace Maker Society homepage what has left me awestruck is Marcel’s greed. Seriously. For a mere $1000 “Minimum Gift” (with an unusual ‘pay as you can’ mode) you get his package of stuff – and it’s worth so much more!
… Marcel our Founding Member doesn't do personal coaching anymore, as his time is taken up working with our 15 or so department heads, which will all have large teams starting Wednesday Sept 4th. They will be who contacts you to arrange your start kit. I will put you on our please contact list if you like. Just leave your name below or Private Message us your contact info ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD!

Know that he would enjoy coaching you, he just honestly doesn't have the time. We are literally delivering these packages to every door in the world starting in about three weeks time.

The "Your Rights, Your Way" Packages are a Minimum Gift of $1000.00 each. This is a bargain when it cost Marcel our founder over $200,000 over 4 1/2 years, with several times getting arrested, held in solitary, help from over 400 experts and tens of 1000's of hours of study etc etc, a thousand dollars, is a steal of a deal. Wouldn't you agree?

We would do it for free, but we would cease to exist if we did that. Our Good Governing Dynamics Law states "We will not harm ourselves to help others, nor will we allow others to harm themselves to help us. We will each do what is best for both parties, and that creates and keeps harmony. This is our society law in everything we do." We hope you understand. …
How about some merchandise (!free ... ogue/c188l)? Hey – the “Peace Maker Society Historic Scroll Poster is marked down from $20 to … $20!

Next, let's peruse the “Peace Maker Society Proven/Used Original Legal/Lawful Document/Template Catalogue” (!lega ... ogue/c1uzk)! Get your magic documents here! For example, for a mere $75 you can purchase this!
Legal/Lawful Man/Woman Identity Document

This is the Identity Document used by Marcel of the family Bessette to open Bank Accounts, P.O Boxes, etc. It is a sovereign, indigenous, unregistered, unincorporated identity document which meets all the requirement of the legal system, yet allows the sovereign, indigenous or unregistered unincorporated man or woman to interact with the corporate system without giving up any unalienable rights.

Original Cost To Peace Maker Society: $350.00 Your cost in a fraction of that. Just change the details to be correct to you and serve it properly to any concerned agency.
Now, I’m used to OPCA gurus selling documentary material but I don’t think I have ever seen a ‘document by document’ individual purchase scheme, particularly when you have to buy the three “Notice Of Understanding & Intent Letter” components separately!? And better yet, their price increases as you get closer to the end of the process - $25, $25, then $50!

Since Marcel doesn’t actually show us the documents in a manner that will allow substantial review it’s a little hard to say exactly what he is arguing, but I’d categorize this as a Freeman-on-the-Land offshoot judging from the mixture of notice and fee schedule documents available for purchase. In other words, Marcel does not appear to be doing anything particularly novel.

Then there’s the cryptic “Freedom Lives Here Café: (choose your personality profile below) products" (!free ... -live/cxe3)
Freedom Lives Here Cafe is how you choose to express your individual style, tastes and community standards that you feel fit you. Freedom Lives Here Cafe is your Freedom Building Profile and Checklist. You will guide your own path to freedom. Look below and choose the profile which suites you best. If non of the below options suites your tastes, email us a description which describes you.
If you choose “Artistic Membership (option 3) for $50 you get … nothing at all!

But there's more! The Peace Maker Society has legal services, the “Peace Maker Society Unregistered, Unincorporated Private Law Firm” (!unre ... firm/c16rm)
We are happy to represent no harm cases, and we will do it for a small gift. Our suggested minimum gift amount will be about 10-25% of what a normal law firm would charge for any given case. Please contact us with your case details, complaint, or question for a customized suggested gift amount quote.
They certainly sound professional! For example, look at their success at whisking Marcel himself out of unlawful policy enforcement officer detention:
Unlawful Arrest Response Team:

We figured it all out when Co Founder Marcel of the family Bessette was being unlawfully held. We will have our program designs available soon. Basically we co ordinate large numbers of people, and get them to call, send letters, emails, protest outside buildings etc.. anywhere there are people being unlawfully held. It's very legal and with that, it makes it the institution being lawfully/legally targeted by our teams, can't carry out business.

P.S. by the sixth day he was imprisoned, we broke the institution he was being held in figuratively speaking. He went from being threatened by gaurds, to having them nicely fill out his paperwork. They were begging him to stop complaining about human rights abuse in the jail by gaurds, as they were getting swamped with public outrage.

We are also developing a one on one advocacy program for prisoners where NGO or our advocates would meet with all prisoners once a day or a few times a week to ensure they are getting everything they are entitled to, and allow them access to remedy if they are being mistreated or unlawfully held. A big problem in prison, is they make contact with the outside world so tough. In Winnipeg, no cell numbers work from in remand, nor does the ombudsman's number.

Also after we got the director of correctional services involved, the society number Marcel was calling was suddenly programed out of the phone so it no longer worked. By luck he had one more, but this is what they do to make it so you can't stand up if they violate your rights. Advocates could help stop this or minimize it anyway.
But now, now we come to the most excellent part of this money-grubbing exercise. Franchises!
Minimum Gift Per 1,000,000 People in area for Local HQ Franchise............................... $25, 000/year

The $25,000 will be raised through locally hosted events held by you. The Application Minimum Gift to reserve your area/Exclusive Territory is only $900.00 to get the process started.

This gains you access and authorization to hold events locally on our behalf which will cover the annual gift amount. There are performance timelines for how and when to hold events so this succeeds.

When compared to fast food chains which can go for a million per franchise, $25,000 is a bargain.

Remember you get 10% of all gifts given in your territory as your gift/pay. So by helping others, you will have abundance yourself.

Start the process, Only a $900.00 Min Gift. We have designed our programs to be accessable by those with the will and drive to make it happen. Most people get more than the above amount back from their taxes. You can also get friends together and do it as a group or organizational project. (Territory Subject To Availablility, Get Yours Before Someone Else Does!)

Greedy Greedy Greedy Multi-level Marketing Greedy Greedy Unlicenced Law Practice Greedy Greedy Greedy We Stole Other People's Documents And Are Selling Them For Much More Greedy Greedy Greedy Greedy!

The Peace Maker Society has a bevy of Facebook pages:
Suffice to say they are ‘low traffic’. The weird thing is the Peace Maker Society group has over 2000 members, though its content is one long Marcel-driven monologue.

So what of The Man Himself? I did not find any reported case law that obviously points to either him or the Peace Maker Society. There’s the usual mix of media interviews (!peac ... edia/c2182). But the real fun starts when we visit Marcel’s own Facebook page ( Lo and behold! He is a member of “Internet Marketing; Make Money Online; MLM; Advertising; Home Business; And So On..” Facebook group ( ... rtisement/). What a coincidence.

Beyond that, Marcel shares his love, comments on his history of abuse, and his distaste for Winnipeg, where he hints at membership in youth gangs ( ... 3817698676):
I have had an epiphany today.... I have been approaching things from the wrong internal perspective. When I was 14 I moved to Winnipeg. Winnipeg is nuts.. its a crazy city, with very abused people, and its very violent etc.

I moved here at 14 from Saskatchewan. I was terrified. I was lucky in that I overcame any circumstance I encountered through being on par or superior to each situation etc.

I am at a point these lessons I learned in Winnipeg, hinder my work, my relationships etc etc. I remembered today, I AM NOT FROM WINNIPEG... I am from Saskatchewan... a place of pretty humble people, pretty simple by today's world standards etc..

I am WITH THIS REMEMBERED PERSPECTIVE... going to integrate my childhood spirit into my current living vessel. The truth is I AM NOT A GANGSTER.... I am a very normal, kinda nerdy guy... who has lived a lot of tragedy in Winnipeg beside others who suffer equally here.

I am at heart a very sweet man, but that man was lost or never given a chance to exist freely, due to the environment which is Winnipeg my parents moved me to, abandoned me to, and to this day fail to see what that choice did to my life at that time.

I have a ways to go, but I am renewing my resolve to be my former self, from before Winnipeg's damage to my life. I will keep the lessons learned, but I must outgrow this little cities, damaged perspective... My experience will keep me safe here, while I do that. Kindness can easily be preyed on in Winnipeg by the majority here, who are neglected, abused and the local police etc, which set this standard of abuse etc.
Well done, Marcel – from gangster to MLM scammer. Workin’ your way up in the world! (Hint – Saskatchewan is a place with lots of people who produce stuff, agricultural and resource-based – perhaps you could therefore honour that heritage and aim a little higher?)

Looking at this with a critical eye, I’d say the Peace Maker Society and Marcel are strictly marginal players in the Canadian Sovereign / Freeman marketplace. I only recently stumbled across this group though, allegedly, it has been active for over four years. Views on its various videos are very low, even by OPCA standards. Reading between the lines, my guess is that Marcel has translated a childhood of gang crime into now institutionalized hatred towards authorities, particularly law enforcement, along with the usual marijuana legalization fetish.

I don’t think we’ll be hearing much from this chap. Other gurus offer the same stuff for much cheaper – or for free. Competing with Dean Clifford, also a resident of Manitoba, is going to be a bit of a challenge.

Still, perhaps Mr. Ream would be interested in joining the Unalienable Rights Patrol. A common perspective, if you will.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
notorial dissent
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by notorial dissent »

Don't hold back Möwe, tell you show you really feel about Marce, and I'm NOT using the French pronunciationl!!!

Hey, I like cheap shots, you can afford more of them and it helps dull the pain of things like this a whole lot quicker.

Won't bite, sayz you!!! I've seen the underneath of some of the rocks you've turned over.

"Unalienable Human Rights patrol", I know you're not kidding, but comeon!!! That's almost as good as "Unlawful Arrest Response Team", adn I'm sure he franchises both of them.

If Marcel is actually getting members at those prices, Barnum has finally been proven right or wrong depending on your opinion of his claim.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

So I ended up wandering over to Marcel's Peace Maker Society webpage. Its been given a facelift, but I think the content is pretty much the same. Marcel seems to be trying to flog his concepts via a multilevel marketing scheme, see for example ( ... 718524735/)
THE TIME IS NOW! (Hiring Local Chief Coordinators To Supervise Your Freedom Your Way How To Rights Package Delivery Teams, and build them locally. Here are some of the details!!!!) If you want to apply, just message below, your city, and email, we will be in touch this week or next week latest.

You just meet the team daily somewhere public to protect your privacy. Then you give them their territories for the day, and consign the packages etc. They get id badges, presentations etc. etc.


We will give you hiring templates for hiring ads, the follow up emails, what to say in interviews, how to train people, all video, all easy to learn. They just follow our templates, and you ensure they do, so it all runs smoothly. Salary caps will be about $200,000- $300,000 for local delivery teams Chief Coordinators. ...
I suspect the interest will be near zero, but who knows...

What motivated this post, however, is something entirely different. As part of Marcel's web redesign he has made publicly viewable one of his documents, an "Affidavit of Identity". You can see it here (!we-s ... -mes/c1urk), scroll down, it's in one of those annoying java document viewers. The Affidavit's contents are nothing too unusual - Freeman-on-the-Land derived text. What left me flabbergasted was who had sworn the affidavit, given its contents. Read and enjoy...
Affidavit of Identity

This document is a matter of Public Record

IN THE MATTER OF THE IDENTITY OF Marcel of the family Bessette, Co-founder of Peace Maker Society

I, Michele Lynn Madick of the City of Winnipeg in the Province of Manitoba, Barrister & Solicitor certify that:

1. THAT I met with Marcel of the family Bessette on February 21, 2012 at Winnipeg Manitoba and verified this man’s identity by examining the original of this unregistered Unincorporated living man’s Birth Certificate, of which a photocopy is contained in this Affidavit.

[paras. 2-5 discuss various identity cards, with various names.]

6. That on April 29, 2009, Marcel of the family Bessette signed his Peace Maker Society Sovereign Member Oath and the Notice of Understanding and Intent and Claim of right cured as law as per due process on September 3rd, 2009. Said Notice of Understanding and Intent and Claim of Right Affidavit Proof of Service is reference no. LT 491 438 449 CA and was accepted by Stephen Harper’s office firstly on July 8th, 2009.

7. That MARC MARCEL ZURAWELL was the former name for the body corporate prior to July 11, 2007. After July 11th, 2007 it ceased to exist as MARC ZURAWELL.

8. After July 11, 2007, the body corporate was then known as MARCEL RILEY BESSETTE.

9. That the unregistered, unincorporated man and living soul known as Marcel- Riley: Bessette reclaimed all unalienable rights as of September 3rd, 2009. He holds all his rights as sovereign rights held by indigenous power. As per the cured claim of right the living man Marcel- Riley: Bessette now operates under the jurisdiction of Peace Maker Society Law.

10. The Birth Certificate still exists but Marcel- Riley: Bessette no longer contracts his private unalienable rights to be governed under Act or Statute but rather as an unregistered, unincorporated flesh and blood man and living soul which is now bound to Peace Maker society sovereign oath as per lawful excuse via claim of right and is in harmony with corporate law, common law and natural law.

11. Unless expressly stated otherwise by Marcel-Riley:Bessette in written contract as interaction with CANADA INCORPORATED or equity law may require in certain circumstances from time to time any and all agreements entered into are with all rights reserved as per uniformed commercial code 1-308 which references the right to reserve unalienable rights in contract.

12. Adverse possession is defined as enjoyment of real property under claim of right.

13. This photo resembles Marcel-Riley: Bessette as a true likeness and I have attached a copy of the receipt from Don’s Photo indicating that said photograph was taken on yesterday’s date, February 21st, 2012 as a Passport photo.

14. The accompanying thumbprint is attached in my presence and is a thumbprint of Marcel-Riley: Bessette.
This is then signed and notarized by Michele Lynn Madick, Lawyer/Notary Public, on February 22, 2012.

Yes, Michele Lynn Madick is indeed a lawyer and a member of the Law Society of Manitoba, and her record ( appears to indicate she is a sole practitioner in Winnipeg who has practiced since 1979.

I am, bluntly, shocked that a lawyer would swear an affidavit with these contents. I know in other provinces (British Columbia, Alberta at a minimum), the Law Societies have instructed their members to not in any way validate Freeman/Sovereign documents, for example to notarize a gibberish item. This goes further - way further! Madick appears to have actually stated these pseudolegal and false claims are actually true!

I simply do not even know what to say!

Beyond this, Madick has one disciplinary item on her record ( ... _11_03.pdf) which led to a fine and reprimand.

Arguably, if the date on this document is accurate then this item was prepared before the legal community in Canada had been fully alerted as to the Freeman/Sovereign phenomenon but ... but ... I just can't see how any competent, principled lawyer could affirm as fact "As per the cured claim of right the living man Marcel- Riley: Bessette now operates under the jurisdiction of Peace Maker Society Law." To do so is incomprehensible. The 'substance' of this Affidavit is obviously, painfully, wrong in law.

Really at a loss.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
notorial dissent
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by notorial dissent »

More to the point, "The 'substance' of this Affidavit is obviously, painfully, NULL in law." I have to agree with you, that an attorney actually participating in this is more than a bit worrying, I certainly think a copy should be forwarded to the local law society for their edification on nuances of law .
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by wserra »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:I am, bluntly, shocked that a lawyer would swear an affidavit with these contents. . . . I just can't see how any competent, principled lawyer could affirm as fact
(1) There are a lot of lawyers out there.

(2) The underlined words do seem to be relevant qualifiers.
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by notorial dissent »

I didn't know the Taft Law Skool had branches up north.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

wserra wrote:
Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:I am, bluntly, shocked that a lawyer would swear an affidavit with these contents. . . . I just can't see how any competent, principled lawyer could affirm as fact
(1) There are a lot of lawyers out there.

(2) The underlined words do seem to be relevant qualifiers.
Yeah. Acknowledged.

I will merely observe that if the legal profession wishes to be a state-sanctioned, self-regulated monopoly then it had better be willing to drop the blade on its 'members' who fail to meet those emphasized criteria.

I poked around Marcel's website a little more and see that he has now reduced his line of products to one item, the "Your Freedom, Your Way" "How To" Rights Package (!prod ... ts-package.), reasonably priced at $1,500.00 Canadian.

The tagline is "Your freedom in a box, you build it your way." Awfully suggestive, if one does not mind me saying so. Yes, you will be free. In your box. Perhaps with nice metal bars.

The product description is illuminating:
Hello Freedom Lovers!!! Want Your Freedom, This Is How You Access Peace Maker Society "Your Freedom, Your Way" How To Rights Packages. Unalienable Rights Can Not Be Taken Or Given, Only Exercised Or Not By You, Your Package Will Make You An Expert On How To Do this, Within Your Own Community Standard.


The "Your Rights, Your Way" How To Rights Packages are a Minimum Gift of $1000.00 - $1500.00 each. This is a bargain when it cost our society over $500,000 over 4 1/2 years, with Marcel or founder several times getting unlawfully arrested, held in solitary, help from over 400 experts and tens of 1000's of hours of study etc, a thousand to fifteen hundred dollars s a gift, is a very fair deal. Wouldn't you agree? Remember you can start for as little a five or ten bucks, jut ask us how. We are consultants not sales people. ...
Well, that got me thinking. Arrested? Held in Solitary? Is this ... possible? I wonder what court records will disclose about Mr. Bessette (or by his former name, Marc Zurawell). Well, in SC05-06-06840 Centra Gas Manitoba Inc. tagged him for an outstanding $7,500.00 amount in May 26, 2005. Marc(el) did not show.

And Marcel seems to have an issue with women. In FD09-01-90803, April 22, 2009, a certain Shaunda Petrova sought a protection order against Marcel. Then on Jan. 30, 2013 in action CI13-01-81727 it was Rosalynd Dalton who did the same. Interestingly, both protection orders were denied.

I suspect Shaunda Petrova is the same individual discussed in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=47&t=9579

It sure is a small world...

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by The Observer »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:And Marcel seems to have an issue with women.
And that seems to be a factor that appears in quite a few of the sovruns who end up on these hallowed pages. Not hard to believe that it might have something do with narcissism, unable to connect socially, lack of empathy for others, an overpowering need to be in control, unable to accept constructive criticism, lack of ability to hold steady work, lack of income, tendency to blame others for their problems, unrealistic expectations that society/family/others should provide them with financial support, and poor logical thinking skills. All of the above are contributing to the future of a very poor relationship with a woman, most likely to result in some form of physical and/or mental abuse. This is not the kind of person who will be thinking on their partner's behalf, not willing to sacrifice to make their partner live or feel better, and more likely to throw the woman under the bus the first chance they get.

You only have to look at the cases of Ed Brown and Pete Hendrickson to see how the results of their behavior has affected the women in their lives. What is sadder is that their mates have not been willing to accept that their husbands have done this to them.
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »


Marcel is posting a mess of videos. (Nearly) no one is watching them, but the contents are ... well ... it's like Gordon Gekko hybridized with Lionel Hutz selling the same scheme conceived years ago by Robert "Freddie Freepickle" Menard. In a bad suit. With a logo of an excited dude being impaled in the background.

Skeptical? Watch:

So - Law Society of Manitoba. HEEEELLLLOOOOO!!!! I think you have unauthorized law firm here!
Marcel Bessette
Our law firm number is 204 926 8558 dial 1. We can offer mediation and litigation help in those kind of cases and advocate on behalf of parents. Our Your Freedom Your Way How To Rights Package, is your base of truth in law, then you go from there. check our website for details, and more study options. Thanks for sharing, keep up the good fight, your words are truth, and that truth revolts us, we will not rest until things are changed.

Love and light
Peace Maker Society Worldwide Voluntary Association Governance HQ:
Geographically Located on the land known as
201 Portage Ave 18th Floor
Winnipeg, Manitoba Gen Del
Dominion of Canada
M-F 8:30am- 5pm.
SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by Burnaby49 »

Canada has exactly the same legal system as Nazi Germany? I never knew that! I got through much of the video but motor-mouth finally wore me out and I was constantly getting distracted by Long Dong Silver in the background.

The standard huckster type. Polished speaker with a BS story purportedly backed up by actual successes. As far as I can tell (hard to keep up at speed he talks although lucid) he claims to have convinced numerous utilities to pay subcontractors by making non-taxable gifts to them rather than taxable contract payments. Not likely.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by Lambkin »

The Observer wrote:You only have to look at the cases of Ed Brown and Pete Hendrickson to see how the results of their behavior has affected the women in their lives. What is sadder is that their mates have not been willing to accept that their husbands have done this to them.
Their mates were participants, enablers, and helped fund their spouses "rebel guru" lifestyle. In short, they got what they deserved. There is room in my heart for the Hendricksons' minor children, but realistically there's probably not much hope for them either.
notorial dissent
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by notorial dissent »

Considering that the offspring seem to be quite intently and intentionally following in their parents foot steps I don't hold out much hope for them.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by The Observer »

Lambkin wrote:Their mates were participants, enablers, and helped fund their spouses "rebel guru" lifestyle. In short, they got what they deserved.
I never said they didn't deserve what they got. I said it was sad that they have failed to accept the fact that their mates were the instigators and still uphold them as innocent and victims, instead of realizing the situation they got themselves into by listening to their husbands.
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by notorial dissent »

They apparently got themselves in to that situation for precisely the reason that they don't have that kind of discernment, and therefore the light of awareness is very unlikely to come on.
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by The Observer »

notorial dissent wrote:They apparently got themselves in to that situation for precisely the reason that they don't have that kind of discernment, and therefore the light of awareness is very unlikely to come on.
Perhaps. But there is also the chance that this comes about because of feelings of being an inadequate person and that somehow they got lucky in attracting the likes of an Ed Brown or Pete Hendrickson. Now it becomes an issue of willing to tolerate their insane behavior rather than face the future of being alone. And that is where the lack of discernment kicks in: not realizing that being alone is far better than spending the future with Mr. Brown/Mr. Hendrickson (or spending the future in prison because of them).
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Well, Marcel Oft Bessette (a.k.a. Marc Zurawell) has managed to get some kick-ass publicity for the Peace Maker Society. How? By making it to the #1 slot of the Manitoba RCMP most wanted list ( ... april-2014). Here's the blurb:
A workplace dispute intensified in January, leading the accused Marc Zurawell to, on several occasions, utter threats to cause the coworker bodily harm. Zurawell, 34, was already bound by a court order to reside at a specific residence. Police soon learned he’d moved without the court’s consent, so a Canada-wide warrant has been issued for his arrest.
Uh oh! And a nice mug shot!

Well, Marcel Oft Bessette is pretty miffed about this, and posted this Facebook reply ( ... 3817698676) linked the 'most wanted' article above:
Marcel Otf Bessette
[May 5, 2014]
Hello World... To our supporters, and Truth Movement in General.


Marc Zurawell doesn't even exist, so how can they charge it?

I committed no crime, didn't utter threats, so how most wanted?

The alleged warrant, is from when I was assaulted by them, and held unlawfully, will post audio below of that incident.


Peace Maker Society has the programs ready, as a result, the corporate slavery system is going after our founding member, with fraud in accusations... How do you make the top ten wanted, for allegedly uttering threats... I say alot that may be mixed up as that, If you were I'd, or any variation of, but I don't threaten people. THIS IS POLITICAL ALL THE WAY. We may need Public Support in the coming months... We hope you will stand by us... as we take the system on... as they are starting it now... all over again..
Marcel/Marc's Facebook page ( is chock full of some wonderfully dopey posts, alternating between obscene and aggressive, to self-serving and ridiculous. A few examples:

Marcel/Marc is the Giga-Entrepreneur! ( ... 3817698676)

Marcel Otf Bessette
[May 4, 2014]
In Sales....

I have been a top producer at over 100 major companies, many fortune 500.

I got my first management position my second week at 17 for breaking records....

I can process 177 letters an hour with 99% accuracy, when you can only do 15.

I ran my own sales consulting firm for years, redesigning sales campaigns and hiring sales teams..

I can out sell damn near anyone, and now I have taken my knowledge, made it a product...

You can see, feel, touch etc...

Who cares who you are, got money, wanna live... wanna own yourself..

Then you need what we got, like me, hate me,
do it or die, and your choice may well doom those you love around you also..

Choose wisely.... or you will become extinct
Without the Peace Maker Society and it's programs You Will Surely Die! ( ... 3817698676)
Marcel Otf Bessette
[May 4, 2014]
But our stuff, through our gifting programs, or you will probably die....almost guaranteed...

Were coming to your door this year.. starting in a few weeks, just a few planning retweaks to accommodate for recently cut management.. . three days after inventory arrives in weeks, we will be everywhere daily, this is my shit... people who want to get paid, come sell our shit.. period
Marcel Rage! Marcel SMASH! ( ... 3817698676):
Marcel Otf Bessette
[May 3, 2014]
And there's much, much more.

Suddenly Dean Clifford seems out-and-out reasonable. How'd that happen?

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That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

He's about as humble as Gassy Rassy.
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by notorial dissent »

Petulant to say the least, and of course he's done nothing wrong, it's all someone else. What, he didn't like the picture on the warrant??

He sounds, you'll pardon, like a Candadian, 20's ish potty mouthed 'prenure, who is all mouth and talk and very little on the follow through, and it is everyone else's fault that he isn't the enormous success he just knows he should be. He mistakes aggression for aggressive, and talk for action. The fact that he is 34 and still acting like this speaks volumes.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Want some cheap giggles? Marcel seems really irritable about being on the RCMP's most wanted list. His solution? Start calling up the offices of high level government officials to tell them they'll really, really regret it if they dare mess with him.

And he thoughtfully recorded the calls and uploaded them on Youtube:
I have to say, this Peace Maker Society sounds pretty formidable - something you wouldn't want to mess with. They're allied with the Knights of Jerusalem! Many private law firms. And Marcel himself is a "Chief Justice" because he is "fully liable." Messing with him will create "a big thing internationally." Time is money for Marcel - "literally 133 million per minute".

Marcel is powerful. Don't mess with Marcel.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Marcel Bessette - The Peace Maker Society

Post by notorial dissent »

I assume, that when, not if, he is apprehended, that the court will insist on the Canadian equivalent of a sanity hearing? It certainly sounds like he would be a prime candidate. I'm still unclear as to how he has managed to not hand himself over yet, he doesn't sound like the sharpest knife in the drawer to begin with.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.