Steve Finney: anti-child slavery agent and Freeman

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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Steve Finney: anti-child slavery agent and Freeman

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Oh dear, it's another one of those non-violent Freemen-on-the-Land that Robert Menard keeps telling us about ( ... th-police/).

Steven Finney got stopped while driving his 2001 Mercury with homemade “Republic of Kanata” licence plates. He refused to identify himself, but pulled out the ubiquitous video camera.
Declaring himself a member of the Freeman movement, Finney told the officer he had no authority over him and warned there would be consequences for his arrest.

"You will be billed $10,000 a second for detaining me," he allegedly said.

Several other officers arrived and, fearing he would try to flee, one of them blocked Finney's car with a cruiser.

When they tried to arrest him, Finney allegedly locked his doors, accelerated and turned towards an officer standing at the side of his car.

The officer had to push himself off the vehicle to avoid getting hit, Edwards said, then drew his gun and pointed it at Finney to stop him from taking another run at him.

Finney was eventually pulled out of the car, forced to the ground and handcuffed after a baton was used to smash his window.
Finney has a prior minor criminal history, which looks like more Freeman antics. He was released, I presume on bail, after three days in remand. He faces trial sometime in the next month.

Finney is employed as a movie theatre cleaner. Or so they think...

In reality Steve Finney is leader of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State ( His incarceration? As a political prisoner!
Steve and Amy have been outspoken critics of the Childrens' Aid Society (CAS) and the police of the Kitchener-Waterloo area for their involvement in trafficking local children. The couple have picketed local CAS offices and called on residents to ignore the "false jurisdiction of crown courts". In response, CAS officials have seized their five year old daughter Amber.

Both Steve and Amy are declared citizens of the Republic of Kanata.

"We need everybody to come down here tomorrow to the courthouse to see what's happening" said Amy in a telephone interview this morning.

"This is a police state. Steve's name wasn't even listed on the court register this morning when he appeared, and they still aren't charging him with anything. They wouldn't allow a bail hearing today even when Steve asked for one because he has a job to go to. They're trying to destroy us for our beliefs and 'cause we know what they're doing to our children. But we won't ever give up."

The Kitchener ITCCS and local Republic of Kanata chapter have called a media conference for 9 am tomorrow, Tuesday October 1, along with a public protest, outside the Kitchener-Waterloo Criminal Courthouse. The address is 85 Frederick street in Kitchener, Ontario.

Come and rally to defend this targeted family, and an innocent man: brave defenders of liberty and our children. Don't let them crush us one by one!

Issued by ITCCS Canada and The Provisional Council of The Republic of Kanata (Winnipeg)
His release? Secured via intervention of powerful international entities!
In response to such flagrant political persecution, the ITCCS and its United Nations affiliates have dispatched two accredited human rights observers to Kitchener to attend the Wednesday, October 2 bail hearing of Steve Finney.

"We were shocked to learn that one of the conditions for Mr. Finney's release on bail is that he disaffiliate himself from any involvement in our Tribunal" said ITCCS legal advisor George Dufort today in Brussels.

"Such a bail condition is certainly not lawful and violates all of the accepted norms of due process. We are appalled that such overt political persecution can go on within Canadian courts. If this is indeed the case, we will be pressing for sanctions and legal action against the government of Ontario and its Attorney General, John Gerretsen; and we will be urging Amnesty International and others to adopt Steve Finney as a Prisoner of Conscience and a recognized political prisoner in Canada."
This ITCCS thing sounds like it has an important job. Did you know that the Childrens’ Aid Societies are child-slavery rings? It’s true!
Steve Finney and his wife Amy Smart, another vocal common law and Kanata activist, have already paid a price for their beliefs. Last month, their five year old daughter Amber was unlawfully seized by Childrens' Aid Society (CAS) workers and kept away from both of her parents.

The CAS makes $100,000 for every child like Amber that they kidnap and place under "crown wardship", resulting in a multi-billion dollar child trafficking industry that Steve and Amy have actively denounced with leaflets, placards and in-their-face confrontations with the "authorities". And that activism has made them beloved by local residents, and hated by police and judges.
Thankfully Steve is unbowed by the experience … nay, invigorated!
"I feel fantastic" said Steve Finney in a brief telephone interview soon after his release.

"I'm more determined now to keep fighting than I was before the arrest. What I saw in Maplehurst prison was sick, like, men sleeping on the floors and these overcrowded dirty cells. But the 35 guys in my cell all know their rights better now after I told them about our work and how Canada is dissolved. I'm going to be out on the street tomorrow fighting for those guys and for our common law rights."
There’s lots of crap on this site. If you want to subject yourself to his wife Amy speaking at length about stuff, well, here’s an hour of ‘truth radio’:
I quit after about five minutes. Instead I'm going to listen to Brian "Freakin' Idiot" Alexander's interview on the same channel. Call me insensitive, but I'd rather learn about how to avoid paying income tax by paying income tax, rather than worry about child slaves.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
notorial dissent
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Re: Steve Finney: anti-child slavery agent and Freeman

Post by notorial dissent »

Right, non-violent Freemen-on-the-Land type.

They let him out on bail after what was effectively an attempt at vehicular homicide and at the very least resisting arrest? In my neck of the woods he'd either still be sitting waiting trial with no bail, or have such a high bail he'd still be sitting anyway. They take that kind of stupid real serious around here, possibly because we've had so many fatalities from just such circumstances.

Sounds like a group that has a strong dislike for child protective services, and probably a very good argument for those aforementioned services.

I feel sorry for the child, the parents are, I think, past helping.
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Re: Steve Finney: anti-child slavery agent and Freeman

Post by Burnaby49 »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote: There’s lots of crap on this site. If you want to subject yourself to his wife Amy speaking at length about stuff, well, here’s an hour of ‘truth radio’:
I quit after about five minutes. Instead I'm going to listen to Brian "Freakin' Idiot" Alexander's interview on the same channel. Call me insensitive, but I'd rather learn about how to avoid paying income tax by paying income tax, rather than worry about child slaves.

SMS Möwe
If Mowe, a masochistically insatiable glutton for Freemen videos and radio talks, couldn't take more than five minutes of this then I'm keeping well away. I'll let him do the grunt-work and settle for his always informative commentary.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Steve Finney: anti-child slavery agent and Freeman

Post by Burnaby49 »

notorial dissent wrote:Right, non-violent Freemen-on-the-Land type.

They let him out on bail after what was effectively an attempt at vehicular homicide and at the very least resisting arrest? In my neck of the woods he'd either still be sitting waiting trial with no bail, or have such a high bail he'd still be sitting anyway. They take that kind of stupid real serious around here, possibly because we've had so many fatalities from just such circumstances.

Sounds like a group that has a strong dislike for child protective services, and probably a very good argument for those aforementioned services.

I feel sorry for the child, the parents are, I think, past helping.
We are far too lenient on pre-trial detention up here. If this had happened in the states bail wouldn't have been an issue because the police officer probably wouldn't have just pointed his gun at the idiot.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Steve Finney: anti-child slavery agent and Freeman

Post by notorial dissent »

I have to agree with you on the first part, and regrettably on the second, but considering the alternative, not so much. As I said, they get cranky around here because there have been so many fatalities on what should have been simple stops, that when someone acts up, it can go very bad very quickly.
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Re: Steve Finney: anti-child slavery agent and Freeman

Post by JamesVincent »

notorial dissent wrote:I have to agree with you on the first part, and regrettably on the second, but considering the alternative, not so much. As I said, they get cranky around here because there have been so many fatalities on what should have been simple stops, that when someone acts up, it can go very bad very quickly.
With all the fatalities of officers over the past few years, sovrun related or not, can't really blame them. In Md. we had about two a year being killed out on the interstates by drug runners or other screwballs during traffic stops. And that was a "good" state, others had a lot higher rates and, of course, things like the Kanes didn't help at all.
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Re: Steve Finney: anti-child slavery agent and Freeman

Post by fortinbras »

Finney falls into the category of "lucky that the police didn't shoot him". His Jerry Kane act would probably have ended very differently if he pulled it in the USA.
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Re: Steve Finney: anti-child slavery agent and Freeman

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Motivated, perhaps, by the desire to subject myself to a sort of visual abuse, I went onto the ITCCS site and scanned downwards. Among other things, I noticed an article entitled "Spiritual Reclamations across the world inaugurate new 'Jubilee Revolution' -- Debts, laws nullified." The article goes on to say that on September 22, an assembly of "[t]raditional elders, shamans and clergy" in Rome and in other cities around the world informed the world that the Church of Rome "has been spiritually disestablished, declared abomination, anathema and anti-Christ, and banished from the world. Christians are now free to be faithful to Christ alone within their own self-governing congregations, separate from the corporate apostasy of the papacy and mediated religion."

Boston was one of the other cities where this happened. Gee -- I live in Boston; and there was nary a word about this in the local media. Given our large Roman Catholic population, you'd have thought that at least SOME of them might have taken exception to this disestablishment; but then, I get this mental image of a group of wackos standing in some park or on some street corner, making their Grand Proclamation, completely ignored by almost every passerby.
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Re: Steve Finney: anti-child slavery agent and Freeman

Post by notorial dissent »

I seriously doubt, that if their entire collection of "traditional elders, shamans and clergy" all decided to get together and loiter in some park there would be enough of them to require a permit, let alone any real attention, other than the laughing and pointing they are usually subject to.
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Re: Steve Finney: anti-child slavery agent and Freeman

Post by JamesVincent »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Motivated, perhaps, by the desire to subject myself to a sort of visual abuse, I went onto the ITCCS site and scanned downwards. Among other things, I noticed an article entitled "Spiritual Reclamations across the world inaugurate new 'Jubilee Revolution' -- Debts, laws nullified." The article goes on to say that on September 22, an assembly of "[t]raditional elders, shamans and clergy" in Rome and in other cities around the world informed the world that the Church of Rome "has been spiritually disestablished, declared abomination, anathema and anti-Christ, and banished from the world. Christians are now free to be faithful to Christ alone within their own self-governing congregations, separate from the corporate apostasy of the papacy and mediated religion."
[sarcasm]Gee, you mean I'm free to be a Methodist now without the Roman Catholic Pope interfering in the United Methodist Church of my choosing?[/sarcasm] That about covers it. :roll:
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Re: Steve Finney: anti-child slavery agent and Freeman

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

notorial dissent wrote:I seriously doubt, that if their entire collection of "traditional elders, shamans and clergy" all decided to get together and loiter in some park there would be enough of them to require a permit, let alone any real attention, other than the laughing and pointing they are usually subject to.
If they did anything in Boston, passers-by probably thought that they were a mix of homeless people and mental patients who had gone off their meds....
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Re: Steve Finney: anti-child slavery agent and Freeman

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Sounds like a fairly accurate description....
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Re: Steve Finney: anti-child slavery agent and Freeman

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Well, it's clear you folks are sorely in need of further elucidation on the jurisdiction and operation of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State. And I'm here to provide it!

Particularly since the Freakin’ Idiot was a bust. Zero entertainment value. However, I can say with comfort that I seriously underestimated the amount of fun one can have with Steve Finney and his lovely companion, Amy.

For example, I bet you all were unaware that the International Common Law Court of Justice (a.k.a. Kevin Annett) had:
  • Ordered the arrest of a collection of 30 senior government and religious officials (March 6, 2013) ( ... be-seized/)

    Dissolved Canada (March 7, 2013) ( ... SOLVED.pdf). This document also convicts Queen ‘Liz II of abducting children, Pope Ratzy of complicity in child rape, torture, and genocide, and Canadian Prime Minister Harper of “lowering the mandatory sentence for child rape in Canada to ONE YEAR, and of covering up the Murder of Indian Children.”

    Found this bunch of people guilty of crimes against humanity (March 24, 2013) ( ... rch-22.pdf). I’ll quote some from this one - it's fun:

    Oyez, Oyez, Oyez. Let all persons give ear and attention to this Public Proclamation issued by the International Common Law Court of

    Under the authority of the Common Law Court ORDER of March 5, 2013, the heads of the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United churches have been found guilty of Crimes against Humanity and a Criminal Conspiracy, and have been sentenced to immediate arrest and the loss of all their property and authority.

    These persons are wanted fugitives from justice and under the law must be surrendered to officers of the Court and not given aid, counsel or sanctuary by any person or persons. Anyone knowing of the whereabouts of these fugitives must reveal them immediately.

    From this moment forth, Pope Francis, Elizabeth Windsor, and all the persons named in the March 5 Court ORDER are hereby and forever declared banished from this community and from any contact with anyone under the age of sixteen years, since these guilty persons are Public Enemies, Dangerous Offenders and a clear and present threat to children.

    Let it also be known that as associates of these convicted persons, and being now aware of their felony, from this moment forth, the members of your church, organization or corporation carry the burden of responsibility and a duty to act to enforce this Arrest ORDER and help to detain them.

    If you, as associates of these convicted persons, fail to act or enforce this Arrest ORDER, you are individually and collectively responsible for the same crime, through your commission of an act of complicity and your omission of a legal duty of care to protect children and others in our community from these convcited persons.

    Such complicity by you may result in your own arrest, and the duty and responsibility to arrest these persons will then fall upon others.

    Let all persons give ear and attention to this adjoining Proclamation of the Court.

    Under the authority of the same Court ORDER of March 5, 2013, and as of that date, the property and assets of your church, organization, or corporation are hereby and forever publicly expropriated as reparations for crimes against humanity, Genocide and murder committed by your church organization and its employees to indigenous nations and children across Canada.

    Accordingly, this building and all of the assets, property and movable objects of your church, organization or corporation are hereby and forever proclaimed to be the property of the people as a whole, and these premises are henceforth proclaimed and are in fact free and open public space.
    Issued a “Bench Warrant Order” for the new Pope (August 1, 2013) ( ... -order.jpg)
I know, I know, you’re just sniggering to yourself and saying: who could possible take this stuff seriously? Well … how about Steve Finney and his lovely companion Amy! Let’s watch them present these documents to:
Naturally there are yet more Freeman/Sovereign antics for your enjoyment:
I particularly recommend the "how to travel" video. Amy has other fun stuff on her Youtube page:

And I found this lovely collection of ‘truth radio’ broadcasts entitled “We The Jury” with Secretary of the ITCCS, Kevin Annett ( I am quite certain those will be highly informative.

So there you go. You're welcome!

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Steve Finney: anti-child slavery agent and Freeman

Post by Kestrel »

Under the authority of the same Court ORDER of March 5, 2013, and as of that date, the property and assets of your church, organization, or corporation are hereby and forever publicly expropriated as reparations for crimes against humanity, Genocide and murder committed by your church organization and its employees to indigenous nations and children across Canada.
Mmmm hmmm. Assuming, of course, that they can get their hands on a Freeman passport which will grant them admission to Italy... I can just see them marching up to the Swiss Guard and trying to enforce that order. I'd buy tickets to watch that go down.

Hey Mr. Freeman... It's already been seven months. You haven't even tried to move on the church down the street from you! What are ya waiting for?

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Re: Steve Finney: anti-child slavery agent and Freeman

Post by Burnaby49 »

For example, I bet you all were unaware that the International Common Law Court of Justice (a.k.a. Kevin Annett) had:

Ordered the arrest of a collection of 30 senior government and religious officials (March 6, 2013) ( ... be-seized/)

Dissolved Canada (March 7, 2013) ( ... SOLVED.pdf). This document also convicts Queen ‘Liz II of abducting children, Pope Ratzy of complicity in child rape, torture, and genocide, and Canadian Prime Minister Harper of “lowering the mandatory sentence for child rape in Canada to ONE YEAR, and of covering up the Murder of Indian Children.”

I'm good with it all as long the arch-criminal Harper keeps sending me my pension cheques.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Steve Finney: anti-child slavery agent and Freeman

Post by notorial dissent »

My understanding is that the Swiss are not known for their sense of humor, and the Swiss Guard are chosen for a genetic lack of one.

I have to admit I would pay to watch that confrontation too, but wouldn't be much surprised at the outcome.

Pity they most likely can't even come up with bus fare between them on a regular basis or we might get some real enjoyment out of all this.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Steve Finney: anti-child slavery agent and Freeman

Post by LightinDarkness »

Mowe, you always find the worst of the worst when it comes to soverigns - and the tradition continues in this thread. It does make me wonder though: I think people like Steve Finney may be charting new waters (OMG ADMIRALTY LAW TERM?!) when it comes to how we classify people as being of sound mind.

What I mean by that is although freeman on the land and their US originators (soverign citizens) believe in patently false things, I can if I stretch my mind to its limits at least see how they came to believe a lot of it. For the common person the law is exceedingly complex and has a magical quality to it - they see strange latin words and watch lawyers and judges speak in a language that seems completely foreign. They observe the legal realm with child-like wonder. And, in that child-like mindset, people who are already predisposed to want to believe in this stuff will easily fall for soverign myths like the magical "right to travel" and the "real common law."

But at some point, you would think there would be a line. But for many of these people, like Steve Finney and his wife, they believe it all. They start their own fake courts, issue magical fake writs, they become all consumed by the mythology. They are clearly otherwise of sound mind - presumably they are able to provide for themselves and outside of this mythology make rational decisions. And yet with this guy in particular, watching some of his stuff, I just don't think he really is of sound mind because hes in so deep - its somewhat of an enigma.

At what point does the line become crossed from "kooky believer in soverign mythology" to "completely disconnected from reality"? Finney is so far over the line he can't even see the line anymore.
notorial dissent
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Re: Steve Finney: anti-child slavery agent and Freeman

Post by notorial dissent »

LightinDarkness, I have to agree with your comments about our good friend, Möwe, although I do at times wonder at his sanity after having been exposed to so much of this.

I am not altogether convinced that the majority of the ones who fall down this rabbit hole are really of sound mind in other facets of their lives either, as many of them seem to be every bit as out there in those aspects as they are in the sovrun/freeman arenas. Some of these people are just scary, and some are plain damn terrifying.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Steve Finney: anti-child slavery agent and Freeman

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

A minor addition to the material in this thread. Amy has a Facebook page ( Whatta surprise. Her friends include many of our favorite people from the Canadian Freeman-on-the-Land movement. I think she has a particular soft spot for Dean Clifford and his Muscular Freemanism.

And who wouldn't.
LightinDarkness wrote:... It does make me wonder though: I think people like Steve Finney may be charting new waters (OMG ADMIRALTY LAW TERM?!) when it comes to how we classify people as being of sound mind.

What I mean by that is although freeman on the land and their US originators (soverign citizens) believe in patently false things, I can if I stretch my mind to its limits at least see how they came to believe a lot of it. ... And, in that child-like mindset, people who are already predisposed to want to believe in this stuff will easily fall for soverign myths like the magical "right to travel" and the "real common law."

But at some point, you would think there would be a line. But for many of these people, like Steve Finney and his wife, they believe it all. ... And yet with this guy in particular, watching some of his stuff, I just don't think he really is of sound mind because hes in so deep - its somewhat of an enigma.

At what point does the line become crossed from "kooky believer in soverign mythology" to "completely disconnected from reality"? Finney is so far over the line he can't even see the line anymore.
I am going to make a suggestion here - a perhaps more useful approach is to not examine behaviour by so much its kookiness as its motivation. Put another way, to what degree does Sovereign Citizen / Freeman-on-the-Land belief attach to the core objectives of a particular person.

I agree that Sovran / Freeman beliefs necessarily will involve some degree of cognitive dissonance. You just can't escape it. I think the same can be said for pretty much any conspiratorial belief or perspective. But for some persons this is just a quirk in their lives - sure, they think David Icke is probably right and Willy Nelson is a shape-shifting human-eating subterranean reptile overlord. But big deal - what are they going to do? Probably not buy his music. It might even be possible to convince this Ickian that he is wrong. It's just not a core belief.

Then you have persons for whom an unusual belief is a key element in a broader part of their lives - even a core element of their identity. I particularly see this in Freeman-on-the-Land family law litigation, or where an OPCA litigant is about to lose a home - such as the customers of This threat or disruption is something big - critical to the person. They will hold on to obviously false belief, to the most absurd degree, in the face of what must be agonizing cognitive dissonance, because the alternative is worse. The alternative is to face up to things such as the Sovran / Freeman was an idiot and blew their family finances. That they are the bad parent. Most people will shy away from those results, and if you season the mix with a little Dunning-Kruger, we plunge straight into the abyss.

It's hard at the moment to judge what ultimately will happen to a lot of Canada's Freemen - but the older, Detaxer movement has pretty much played itself out and so we can use that population as a model. There was a ton of litigation - actually far more than I had originally imagined (the basis for that discovery is something I will hopefully report fairly soon - a really neat find!) - and the overwhelming majority of participants just let things go. Most have returned to society, some even have owned up to their being twits. Gordon S. Wilson (viewtopic.php?f=46&t=9477) is a good example - he was as hard a case as any I have identified. And he got over it.

The Detaxer diehards are interesting - there are two in particular that come to mind. One is Eva Sydel, and in her case she gambled a large business and lost. The second is David-Kevin: Lindsay, who to this day continues to persist even though he is now all but a pariah in the OPCA community. For him, I think it is the degree of his commitment and the adulation he at one time commanded. Sprinkle on some Dunning/Kruger, and these guys simply cannot let go because of the profoundly fundamental link between their ridiculous beliefs and their identity.

I have not dug into the background for Finney but I suspect there's a child seizure in play. That explains his nuttiness.

If this model is correct, and strength of irrational belief flows from the need for the consequences of that irrational belief, then we may even, possibly, have an explanation for why Robert-Arthur: Menard has engaged in his decade long push to be The King of the Freemen. He doesn't mention it often any more but if you dig back to Menard's foundation you find this very peculiar website:
It's a charming and nostalgic example of an Internet long past. I don't think Menard has tinkered with it in many, many years. Here is how the webpage opens:
On Dec 3rd, 2000 a beautiful healthy baby was born. Her loving parents named her Elizabeth. The name means ‘Oath to God’.

Two days later Agents for the Ministry of Children, Family and Community Services ‘legally removed’ that infant from them.

The Ministry conducted no investigation prior to ‘removal’.

Due to their failure to investigate, they mistakenly claimed the child had only one caregiver. They were informed she had two. When told the parents would prove in a court of Law that the Ministry was wrong, that the infant had two caregivers and there was a family in act and intent, the parents where told that if they tried, The Ministry worker would see to it that Elizabeth spent the first five years of her life going from foster home to foster home to foster home. They threatened to permanently harm an infant in order to deny the parents and the infant recourse to the Law. They committed an act of extortion.
Rob is parent #1. The second parent, Megan, was apparently an underage girl with substance issues. I picked up that information from posts on the JREF forum, I am not entirely certain on the back history of where that data originates. That's where to go if you want more detail. I think Menard himself admitted to some disturbing elements of the narrative while he was a participant on that forum.

In any case, look what the 'abduction' event leads Rob to say:
I intend to leave society. I am not moving physically, either. As a human being born in this country, I have the Common Law right to travel anywhere within it. I also have the right to join or not join societies as I see fit. I cannot be forced to consent. If I refuse to consent, none of the statutes everyone else calls laws will have the force of law with me.

I am leaving this party, not because I reject society, but because I wish to embrace it. I want a good one. One that is as free as can be. I reject the way in which this society deliberates, determines and acts for the common goal. I am not even sure we all have a common goal anymore. Those we elect to provide us with food and music are not doing their jobs. The servants are getting uppity and actually think they are in charge. The stole my family and did so unlawfully. The RCMP refuses to investigate them and the elected representatives are not doing their jobs. I am sick of the rules of this house, the meager portions and the blaring music. I will open this long closed door, stand on the other side and wave at you. I will do things lawfully that you cannot do, for you are still in the house.


When I see that members of society once again have recourse to the Law and those we elect to ‘serve the food’ are serving more then they eat, when these statutes are less deceptive and I know that the door outside is wide open at all times instead of being so well hidden, when the servants are acting more like servants, when the portions are bigger and there is less reveling in the kitchen, when the RCMP are abiding by the law and willing to investigate government ministries, then I will consider rejoining.


Do not be angry with me for becoming aware of government deception, or for acting against it. Be angry with those who have hidden this door to freedom from you for so long. Be angry with those who tore apart a family and denied citizens recourse to the law. Be angry with the RCMP for refusing to investigate a government ministry just because it is a government ministry. Be angry with your elected representatives for refusing to address crimes within that same ministry. Be angry with them for using so much deception in their legislation. Be angry with the media for constantly referring to new statutes as laws, instead of telling you they are nothing more then the rules of society and that you are free to leave that society if you don’t like the new statute.

The freedom you will achieve by me opening this door and leaving society will cost you nothing and it will empower you over those who claim they are your government. If we are to have a free society, this door must be open at all times. There is not one person among you who can lawfully force me to consent to being governed, nor is there one among you who can lawfully apply society’s statutes to me when I am outside of society.
Here is a letter Menard wrote - again purely focussed on the family law basis for his discontent ( It's lengthy so I won't quote it, but you cannot escape the obvious core of the author's distress. The letter also clearly outlines the substantial age difference, that Megan was in various difficult circumstances, if not a ward of the state. Menard claims he had no idea how young Megan was until many months after after he was a father.

Let's run this through the ol' Cognitive Dissonance-o-Meter. Rob, a basically unemployable street performer, entered into a relationship which is at best highly suspect with an individual much younger than himself. A child is the result. The mother probably voluntarily (even eagerly) gave the child up for adoption given her circumstances.

Rob is now faced with an array of evils:
  • 1. the nature of his relationship with Megan;

    2. his inability to parent, his absence of any useful work or life skills, probable drug use and addictions, and lack of finances;

    3. the fact the mother of his child wants him no-where near the kid, and probably herself; and

    4. his genuine emotion and bond to his child and his wish to be a parent.
He has failed himself, his child, and the child's mother. If he were honest to himself the consequences would be, at a minimum, grim. So he reverses the blame, and puts the fault outside himself. If only he had been given a chance with Elizabeth Anne Elaine. He'd have shown them all what he could do. It wasn't his fault. He was denied the chance by sinister government authorities who enslave the Canadian population - and the vile mechanism by which they derived the authority to seize his child. Her mother had signed a birth certificate.

Rob doesn't talk about Elizabeth Anne Elaine much any longer. Perhaps it just does not gnaw at him any more. Perhaps he refuses to face the facts of the scenario - it's easier to just leave that out of his narratives with his Freeman-on-the-Land followers. But, if you want an explanation for why I predict that in 30 years we will see Robert-Arthur: Menard still shrieking his outrage at the world?

There is the kernal, the seed from which that grew. And Menard lacks the emotional and intellectual strength to abandon his lies. They are the crutch on which he has tottered forward, every day, for over a decade.

Even as he sees how his crutch is now harming many, many others. He knows. But I don't think he likes to look at it. He deletes stories of unsuccessful Freeman activities from his Facebook page, along with his varied and many schemes once they fail. He no longer visits the World Freeman Society webpage forums - filled with pleas for help, and example after example of failure in court and otherwise.

Can he let go? Of course not. I wonder if he ever stops, looks around, and imagines how Hitler felt in the Fuhrer-bunker beneath Berlin, as it shook under Soviet artillery fire.

SMS Möwe

[Note to readers - I have edited the text of this message and revised some of the details on information about Megan, the mother of Menard's child, after review of other sources so as to more accurately represent information published elsewhere and disclosed in Menard's 'letter to authorites' linked above. My apologies to all for inaccuracies in the initial account.]
Last edited by Hilfskreuzer Möwe on Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Steve Finney: anti-child slavery agent and Freeman

Post by Burnaby49 »

I'd say Mowe's analysis is spot on. Most Freemen seem to be failures because of their own flaws and weaknesses but feel that their wasted lives are in no way a result of their own poor decisions and actions. Instead they seem obsessed with the belief that they deserve success and greatness but this has been stolen from them by an evil government and legal system. Rather than actually confront their flaws and overcome them through work and compromise (you know, the way we reality-based types get through life) they make up a fantasy of how their pathetic lives are not their fault but are the result of dark hidden outside forces that are working to destroy them. So they live in this bubble of self-serving magical solutions. Meanwhile the rest of us just struggle on with the vicissitudes of life as it actually is rather than as we'd like to fantasize.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".