The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga begins

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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Notarius - welcome to Quatloos! You have certainly arrived during 'interesting times'.

I have been keeping an eye on the Freemanistani response to Dean's arrest, and there has been some interesting commentary. One item, in particular, is the involvement of ROPE. Certain community members have asked - how is it possible that this particular police subunit was the one to "kidnap" Dean? Is he a "repeat offender", or under parole conditions? That hardly seems possible, as Dean has been emphatic throughout his career as a guru - he cannot - and has not - been touched by government authority.

Or perhaps Dean has omitted a few things over the last couple years?

To date I have not seen any of the Freemen suggest that perhaps in February Dean may not have been simply released from detention and his criminal charges stayed, all without explanation. In looking back on events of that period I am not aware of any proof to negate the possibility there was instead a guilty plea and release on conditions. Perhaps this weekend's events sheds light on that.

After all, simply fabricating a tale of victory is consistent with Dean's "Big Lie" approach. Why lie a little when you can just make things up - and if the paper trail is not published? Why not seize the opportunity.

So that's my little bet - if we get a reported sentencing decision on Dean, watch and see if he pled out to the February 2013 offences.

Anyways, to public response. The CBC news article has received a number of public comments from persons in the Freeman community, both large and small. I will reproduce a few - there is more where these came from:
WeAreChange Victoria
CBC failed to cite the specific FBI report labeling people who believe in the fundamental principles of our Charter and Constitution are now classified as terrorists; where does CBC get off on this? oh wait, CBC is funded by the government. If the editors actually defended individual liberty they would compromise their position on the ladder to be the next one up to suckle on the government boob. Why is a third of this article dedicated to US content when this is dealing strictly with Canadians?
Hayley As Allegedly-Called Yendell
You have no authority over the man we call dean, release him now or admit by virtue of action you are going against him will and enslaving the living breathing man!
Derek Hill
If this article is correct and ROPE did arrest him.

Then by what authority does ROPE have to even arrest him.

Dean is not on parole and he is not a convict.

Again, outright kidnapping right here.
Kate Rene
@Tony frm Banff in an effort to remove ignorance I put together many works for people just like you Tony... go to the writings page but you'll need to take your diapers off and remove your cyst-em mitten strings....kate
Kate, of course, is the notorious Keith Thompson, of 'judge bows to Freeman' video fame (viewtopic.php?f=8&t=6641).

But the real fireworks are on OPCA guru Scott Duncan's Facebook page, where a massive conversation thread ( ... 0246038783), presently with over 1000 comments, has accumulated. Well, ok, calling it a conversation is a little bit of a misnomer; there's a lot of yelling between pro- and anti-Dean Freemen. Quite entertaining.

Norah Holloway, who appears to be an assistant to Dean, has posted this photo of The Muscular Freeman on his way to another place: ... 6855944325

Otherwise, nothing from Mr. Menard. C3PO has not been mobilized. Similarly, Mr. Ream has been quiet to date on this subject.

I am certain they are merely ensuring that they are properly briefed before they whirl into action.

SMS Möwe
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by LordEd »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:But the real fireworks are on OPCA guru Scott Duncan's Facebook page, where a massive conversation thread ( ... 0246038783), presently with over 1000 comments, has accumulated. Well, ok, calling it a conversation is a little bit of a misnomer; there's a lot of yelling between pro- and anti-Dean Freemen. Quite entertaining.
Very entertaining.
Scott Duncan Just so I'm clear:

They ARE REAL. This was staged BY DEAN AND THE COPS.
Scott Duncan These ARE real cops. It hit the news.


He wasn't cuffed.
He wasn't searched.
He was placed in...a PICKUP? NO BARRIER?

They did NOT identify themselves. They just said "come with us". DEAN SAID NOTHING.
Humanity Transcending He did none of what he just taught for the past however many hours. He's teaching others about rights but doesn't assert his own and doesn't question the matter whatsoever? Is it all lip service? Was he in a state of shock...was it staged...very odd

Scott Duncan You are all being played.
And still going.
Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:Otherwise, nothing from Mr. Menard. C3PO has not been mobilized. Similarly, Mr. Ream has been quiet to date on this subject.

I am certain they are merely ensuring that they are properly briefed before they whirl into action.

SMS Möwe
"Mobilized" and "Menard" are not commonly used in the same context from JREF reference.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Scott Duncan repeatedly says "He wasn't cuffed" as though that is of some importance. When somebody is arrested in Canada would/should they be hancuffed every time?
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by notorial dissent »

Strange. I'd say that they identified themselves quite adequately considering they are wearing bullet proofs with POLICE all over them, and carrying guns. Certainly does it for me at least, and it looks like he was in handcuffs in that picture. But then I don't live in a fantasy world either, so maybe my view of things is a bit off by their standards.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by LordEd » ... -1.2439237
The so-called guru of the Freeman on the Land movement, Dean Clifford, was arrested Sunday night in Hamilton on a Canada-wide warrant.

Plainclothes officers from the OPP’s Repeat Offender Parole Enforcement Squad (ROPE) nabbed Clifford after a two-day seminar he was hosting called “Divestment from Corporations and Detaxation” that was being held at the Hamilton Marriott.

Clifford was wanted on an outstanding Canada-wide warrant issued by Manitoba police for assaulting police, resisting arrest and obstructing police in Manitoba, police say.

According to an OPP news release, Clifford is "is currently in the process of being returned to Manitoba."
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by notorial dissent »

Kind of looks like that answers the question of what happened back in Feb.

Maybe the brothers can share a cell, since it is looking like they are both going to be guests of the Queen for the foreseeable future.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by The Observer »

According to an OPP news release, Clifford is "is currently in the process of being returned to Manitoba."
Canada would be better off if they returned him to Somalia.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

There still has not apparently been any ‘official’ word from Dean Clifford on his situation, but a number of interesting tidbits have emerged. One is that a recent CBC report ( ... -1.2439237) indicates that Clifford was picked up on an arrest warrant from charges Clifford had assaulted and obstructed police, and resisted arrest on July 13. Clifford was scheduled to appear in court on Aug. 21, but did not appear, hence the arrest warrant.

So that is that. It appears Dean has “prayed to Baal” and did subjugate himself to state authority. But he just happened to not mention that to anyone.

A “Mike Walling” has spoken to the media and indicated Clifford’s arrest is “kind of scary” and that the Freeman-on-the-Land movement is entirely peaceful – as we all know. That’s a new name to me.

There’s more fun in the stuff percolating inside Freeman circles. One is a rumour that perhaps this entire thing was anticipated, as for example “Free Dean” mugs were abruptly available for purchase almost immediately after Dean’s arrest ( ... 2048635633). Others question why the Muscular Freeman went quietly.

But perhaps the most interesting tidbit is that Dean allegedly was facing far more serious charges. A “Cari-Lee Raven Veilifter” ( (they run to a type don’t they?) has stated that Clifford’s home was raided after he missed his August court appearance and that led to the discovery of illegal firearms and a grow-op. Cari-Lee is not someone whom I monitor but was one of the persons named by Clifford as an in-community saboteur in a now deleted Facebook post from a couple weeks ago.

A number of Freeman-ish commentators are coming out and smelling the stench of conspiracy:
Plausible? Who knows! In any case, feathers are ruffled and flying!

I wonder if anyone has thought to update Darren? He seems forgotten in all the excitement...

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by LordEd »

Looks like Scott Duncan has erased the post, or possibly his entire facebook page, as goes nowhere, or else my facebook is just not working properly at the moment.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Jeffrey »

Illegal firearms would certainly be consistent with some of the Jerry-Kane-ish comments he's made about police.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

LordEd wrote:Looks like Scott Duncan has erased the post, or possibly his entire facebook page, as goes nowhere, or else my facebook is just not working properly at the moment.
Since it doesn't work for me I suspect your Facebook services are at least nominal.

There seems to be a pattern. Scott has/had a Facebook group titled "THE TENDER FOR LAW" ( - and aren't we all a little 'tender for law'? 'Tenderized for law?' Ehh. I'll drop it at this point. Anyway, that group disappeared about the time I had decided it would be a good idea to document Scott's concepts, such as his magic ship THE AQUILLA and what it means to be an un-perogued member of the nobility.

But since I didn't I just really don't know what Scott believes.

I have snooped on snippets in Freemanistan which appear to hint THE TENDER FOR LAW still exists, so perhaps there is a way to make Facebook groups and profiles private. I don't know if that is feasible. Just don't use the service in any substantial way.

Oh Dean? Sure, let's check in on Dean ( Dean is cheerful!
After his abduction on November 24th 2013, he was held in custody in Burlington, Ontario.

He was then transported to Barrie, Ontario via a blacked out 4 vehicle motorcade with emergency lights flashing on highway 401 driving up to 140km/hr.

He was then flown to Thunder Bay, Ontario, where then the OPP transported him to Kenora Ontario. From there, the Winnipeg Police took him into custody and placed Dean Clifford in the Winnipeg Remand Centre in Manitoba.

Dean has read that a Barrie Officer’s affidavit, which stated it was a “warrantless arrest”.

When he arrived, he was put in front of a Justice of the Peace. Dean asked the JP “who was my accuser?” The JP replied after a pause and stated that she was.

Dean had prepared documentation in advance in case an incident such as this were to take place.

The select few who are close to him, who have been given this information to release will be filing his pre written paperwork and will be in their hands today.

Dean wants everyone to know he is doing just fine and he finds the entire situation quite comical. He is not worried at all.

This information comes from a reliable source and a close friend of Dean’s in which they both spoke to each other yesterday.
I could comment but I sadly admit I would only diminish the grandeur of such a statement.

I am not a reliable source and not a close friend of Dean's. I have not spoken to Dean, ever.

All hail The Whisperer Nakhash!

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
notorial dissent
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by notorial dissent »

Can hardly wait until Dean unveils his magical paperwork with all his magical words to make it all go away and hands it to the magistrate, who looks at it, and promptly goes "yeah right, remanded", or whatever the Canadian equivalent of that. Point of interest, are Canadian magistrates allowed to snicker?
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

A bit of background information for those wise enough to stay well away from Canadian criminal courts:
1) since Criminal Law is the same across the country, it isn't rocket science for a court to make a warrant Canada-Wide (i.e. command peace officers (real ones, not the Loony Bun Specials) anywhere in Canada to arrest the accused and bring him to court. That being said, it's rare. Usually they are provincial, or for the Great City of Toronto the radius is (or was) usually 200km if the city (an interesting experiment in displacing crime 200km down the road). The costs are just too high to ship a shoplifter across the country.

The Canada-Wide Warrant suggests there are some fairly serious charges involved (beyond the mild seriousness which the courts, in their wisdom see for assaulting a police officer)

2) one would imagine that Dean was arrested on the strength of the warrant, but it is conceivable that one of the police officers may have arrested him "without warrant" if it was a Manitoba-only warrant which was in the process of being extended (an out-of-area warrant lends itself to providing grounds to believe the accused has committed an offence)

3) Dean would have had his first bail hearing in Ontario (probably fairly locally), and been remanded for 6 days to allow for transport (which seems to have been swift in the fanciful account given by "those in the know")

Good luck with him, Manitoba! Hope you hang onto him better this time.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by GlimDropper »

A brief (30 minute) excerpt from the first day of Dean Clifford's recent seminar. [Link]

At about the 18:30 mark Dean expounds upon what to me at least is a fairly novel freeman notion. That being that A: the Judiciary is a completely separate branch of the government which B: is currently "hand cuffed by law." C: by "viva voce," speaking to the spirit of the law you can remove the Judge's hand cuffs allowing them to do what they really want to do namely, help a Free Man out and "eviscerate" the Crown Attorney. While I do note that this line of reasoning sorta contradicts some previous schtick Dean used about the old men in black dresses his audience seemed impressed.

Even more so perhaps because he used as an example for how Judges really do want to help the Free Man recent developments in his brother's court case. Now Dean was careful to point out that he was still waiting for the transcripts (which he believed would make for an even better story) but he seemed positively optimistic that with the Judge's new found power to help Darren, his case would be disposed of most favorably.

I look forward to hearing details of Darren's pending victory and also to see if the Judge in Dean's case is just as eager to find the freedom to help the Free Man.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Jeffrey »

Clifford's Youtube channel still refers to his arrest as "unlawful abduction".
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by LightinDarkness »

GlimDropper wrote: Even more so perhaps because he used as an example for how Judges really do want to help the Free Man recent developments in his brother's court case. Now Dean was careful to point out that he was still waiting for the transcripts (which he believed would make for an even better story) but he seemed positively optimistic that with the Judge's new found power to help Darren, his case would be disposed of most favorably.
I think their delusion that Judges are in it to help them comes from the fact that they have been given so much leeway in their cases. I've seen so many cases where judges just about fall over themselves trying to get the freeman to reason by doing things like begging them to appoint an attorney or not holding them in contempt when they really should have.

Really it speaks to how good the Canadian legal system really is. Even when your dealing with people whose sole intention is to bog down the courts and avoid justice, they are still given every ounce of leeway possible to come back to sanity. Sometimes I think it goes to far, because such gestures of humanity end up backfiring by letting sov'runs insult the court and deny others due process by taking up immense amounts of court resources.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by LightinDarkness »

Also, as usual, Dean Clifford loves to make up heroic stories where the judges are somehow always on his side. Its never the case when we get the verdict and transcripts, but his followers don't actually ever double check. And thats who these myths are for, his followers, who want to believe so badly that they will never be bothered to ensure Dean is telling the truth. The Heroic Stories of Courtroom Valor he tells in the above video about his brothers case is guaranteed to either never have happened or been a gross exaggeration.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by erwalkerca »

If Dean Clifford started posting decisions and transcripts, he might have to acknowledge the small claims and civil courts cases which ordered him to pay thousands of dollars to the likes of Manitoba Hydro and Centra Gas Manitoba and even ordered his wages to be garnisheed.
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

erwalkerca wrote:If Dean Clifford started posting decisions and transcripts, he might have to acknowledge the small claims and civil courts cases which ordered him to pay thousands of dollars to the likes of Manitoba Hydro and Centra Gas Manitoba and even ordered his wages to be garnisheed.
Oh ho ... do you happen to have a way of providing the public with these forbidden fruits?

And wages?! But, but ... that would suggest Dean is someone's employee?! That's strange, even impossible - I thought he had his own business as a house builder! With tools! And trucks! Maybe even minions!

Are there yet more surprises to come for Dean's Legions?

In other Dean news, faithful sidekick Norah ( ... 5601714325) reports that Dean has already been to court - and apparently triumphed!
Norah Holloway
22 hours ago
Someone just got a call from Dean Clifford. He was brought before the Chief Justice Chartier first thing this morning! Dean dropped his two sentence A-bomb stopped them in their tracks!
I can only imagine the Court and Crown's panicked response:
  • Chief Justice Chartier: What happen?!

    Crown Prosecutor: Somebody set up us the bomb!
Hey, that's a little weird, Chief Justice Chartier is the Chief Justice of the Manitoba Court of Appeal ( How in the world did Dean get in front of him ... unless Dean has already been convicted of something at a lower court?!


SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by erwalkerca »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote: Oh ho ... do you happen to have a way of providing the public with these forbidden fruits?

And wages?! But, but ... that would suggest Dean is someone's employee?! That's strange, even impossible - I thought he had his own business as a house builder! With tools! And trucks! Maybe even minions!

SMS Möwe
Go to the following site.

Click on "name search" and enter "Dean" "Clifford" in the appropriate blocks.

You should get 11 case results. The info is court documents filed (including certificates of decision), parties involved, and court hearing times and dates. No court transcripts.

Cases SC96-01-62739 and SC03-06-05089 have notices of garnishment. One to Wolverine Construction and the other to TJ Phillips.

Seems Dean had a bad habit of not bothering to show up for court, resulting in default judgements.