The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga begins

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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Jeffrey »

I'll add some points that Fmotlgroupie didn't mention in his summary:

1. We have confirmation that Dean's house was raided and weapons were seized.
2. Some confusion over what the cause of the warrant was. Dean confirms that it was issued because he didn't appear at the August 21 court date, however he claims that no such date was scheduled as evidenced by it not appearing on the court website and continues to claim that the 11 charges that date was meant to deal with were dropped.
3. Unless Fmotl is referring to some other link, they don't share the full transcripts, only out of context snippets. As we theorized, Dean is using the fact that the hearings are closed for PR purposes by omitting anything that would reflect negatively on himself or his legal theories.
4. We finally get a taste of what he is trying to argue to get out of jail.
a. Warrants were fabricated and not endorsed.
b. The event the warrants were issued because of (failure to appear) never happened.
c. The warrant used to search his home was not a search warrant and did not allow the cops to enter the property.
d. The guns which were seized were shotguns with historical value and thus the charges associated with them are bogus.
e. Continues to refer to the arrest as warrant-less despite one paragraph earlier arguing about said arrest warrant.
f. Claims he is not a legal person.
g. Claims he's being charged under statutes and those don't apply to him.
h. Claims it isn't a court of the Queen.
i. Attempts to convene his own lawful court during the hearing.
j. Reference to three documents he's used to try to get out of jail, writ of habeus corpus, demand to show cause, demand for empirical evidence.
k. Claim that the prosecution is trying to use finger print evidence to "peg" Dean to his legal fiction.

So basically despite the perception that DC is some new flavor of SovCit, he's basically resorting to vanilla SovCit tactics, there's literally nothing novel or interesting about the arguments.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

A quick word of thanks to Fmotlgroupie and Jeffrey for their very helpful summaries! I had a chance to read the original update but curiously it has since been removed. The page now starts:


I had an opportunity this morning to view the Youtube video of Dean's telephone conversation, about 8 1/2 minutes long. No sign of any portion missing. Call me suspicious, but I wonder if some revisionist history will appear in a day or two.

I only have a few additional notes to add to the previous comments.

Clifford's supporters continue to claim that the absence of an online court record is significant, however that fails to account for the fact criminal proceedings (most typically) commence in Manitoba Provincial Court, whose files are not available online at present. In other words, disinformation.

I was particularly amused by Dean's claim that his "Demand to Show Cause" document had been ignored - which is no surprise at all given there is no orthodox criminal law document of that kind. Filing such with the court will only result in it sitting in a folder, somewhere. If he did later file a "Habeus Corpus" application then at least he got the name right, and that may trigger a bail review application. Since that would be a subsequent bail review I think that would be heard in Manitoba Queen's Bench, so we might see an electronic record suddenly appear.

Dean's complaint as to the search of his home is more misdirection. If the police had grounds to enter the property to look for him, then any evidence of criminal activity identified incidental to that search would be admissible. The firearms were in a closet? Dean Clifford could have been in that closet. One interesting aspect of the incidental search procedure, detailed in R. v. Nolet, 2010 SCC 24, [2010] 1 SCR 851 ( is that a valid search can cascade off an earlier valid search. You look in the closet to find Dean and find unsecured firearms. That creates reasonable grounds to search for further unsecured firearms, ammunition, and so on. That makes it legitimate to look in not-Dean sized places for items of that kind. And so it may go.

Failure to secure firearms is a serious offence in Canada - up to five years incarceration: Criminal Code, s. 86. Possession of unregistered or illegal firearms is also a serious offence, with penalties of up to 10 years.

The thought occurs to me that if Dean was indeed released on bail then there is a strong possibility that one term of release was that he not possess firearms. Again, time will tell on that.

An interesting case I ran across awhile ago addresses Dean's comment on weapons being simply a family heirloom, and only of some historical significance. The key issue is whether a firearm can be operated as a firearm, not its age. [There are different rules for certain truly antique black powder type weapons.] In R. v. Vader, 2012 ABQB 288 ( the court reviews of when a firearm is a firearm - in this case is a broken, inoperable revolver a gun? The interesting answer is whether the weapon could be put in operating condition in "a relatively short period of time with relative ease". So obviously, age or historical character has no relation to criminal sanction for possession, storage, or use of a firearm. Functionality is what is key.

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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Whoops - mea culpa, I see at the Dean Clifford Youtube website ( that there are indeed two videos for Dean's messsage from jail, with one 16 minutes and identified as the "full" edition. The longer one has only a few dozen views, compared to the over 1500 for the original, shorter 8.5 minute variant.

But the shorter original edition has far more entertaining comments, though some are not particularly supportive. I liked this one from a "David Williams", a name I do not recognize:
David Williams [Jan. 3, 2014]

Oh....Dean Clifford can't get mail, he's in prison on a warrant that he didn't understand....when he gave them "reasonable cause" to search more. It's totally unbelievable that this idiot keeps going back to prison and he still thinks he's in control and that SOMEONE IN THE CANADIAN CARES IF HE'S PISSED OFF.

Oh...yea....the whole system is coming down...and "watch what Dean is going to do once again".....which is the same as always...NOTHING. HE NEVER WINS, and apparently does not understand the ART OF WAR where The Government is just going to wear him out. He's so important that They live his paperwork on someone's desk for 2 weeks. Oh....he went to prison again....but he got charges dropped. Wow; he's free. He's being "left alone" because they are so afraid of him. Yep, their so afraid of him that they will continually charge him and put him in prison....whether it's "trumped up" or not. Yeah Baby....Dean Clifford's got 'em on the run.

Hey Dean....have you acquired any Immunity yet. You said 3 years ago that "you like prison"...because you make more money sitting there than you do on the outside. So, what's a buck a day? IN PRISON AGAIN...and again...and again.....and again...and again....and again....holy smokes, you're winning.

And I see your fan club out here. They're rooting for ya, man.....make 'em proud. Stay in that prison and keep getting arrested FOR YOUR ABSOLUTE FAILURE TO UNDERSTAND THE LAW.

You ran your mouth about me...but I have the Immunity. I "went to peace" because I am not in collusion with your you are....AND, I don't go to prison; EVER. So, come on....tell these people how you're going to take down the Queen and the Governance of Canada. YOU NEVER WIN....YOU ARE FOREVER HARASSED....BUT YOU TALK LIKE YOU ARE WINNING. What a joke. Keep earning that money while you're in there. Tell us if this one works out better than last time, where you filed your monetary grievance/claim. And, I feel for the people that follow you....because you will never win, because the Judges know what I know, and they are better than you...and have "your citizenship contract" in hand; where you have bore "TRUE FAITH AND ALLEGIANCE" TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN.

So, your god is the Queen and you're lost. Sad as hell. They are tired of your disturbance of the Internal Order and International Public Order. Of course, They have no obligation to tell you, since you are Their Cow. Sounds like you're going away for this one. They are now using American Jurisprudence and American Case Law in the Canadian Courts by Variation by Agreement and Modification of Treaty. So since they use US Federal Cases as "precedent in the Courts of Canada", now; they'll probably use the case where "prosecutors are immune from prosecution "for conspiring with Judges to determine outcome of judicial proceedings in advance".

The Right of Self Determination was right in your face. But you prefer prison and teaching others to follow suit.
But at least this other chap has a master plan!
Allen-Nelson Boisjoli [Jan. 3, 2014]

I am preparing a class action human rights claim into the World Court for extortion, intimidation, exploitation, kidnapping, abduction, cruel and unusual punishment, breach of trust, breach of charter...etc. vs the Canadian gov....just get out file with us and we will boot these bums out with World authority! Make sure you keep good documentation and get it on record in at least one of their court proceedings that you do not consent to their services. They are a corporation and they can not force their services on you without consequences.
Start asking for full names of these crooks.
Isn't it odd how so many people know "the truth", but none ever manage to succeed? I keep wondering when that lesson will settle in.

SMS Möwe
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by The Observer »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:Isn't it odd how so many people know "the truth", but none ever manage to succeed? I keep wondering when that lesson will settle in.
What is even odder is how all of them believe that filing these suits, briefs, complaints, or other "magical" documents with the "corrupt" authorities or justices is a winning strategy - as though the courts or administration are suddenly going to say, "Whoa! He has us there! No way we can get out of this situation. Ok, sir, you are now tax-free, you don't need a driver's license, you can ignore any and all laws that we have passed. We now recognize your sovrun status."
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

The update is back up at ... al-centre/ . I won't burden the thread with the full text but I've saved it in case it goes down again.

Also my work on tracking down Dean's least favourite Mountie was in vain, because it was a city cop in the update.

Anybody have any idea where this paragraph means?
There are financing issues for the courts and the prosecutor as they are not getting paid. This has been denoted as a issue for over a month now and still isn’t resolved for them.
Is he conflating a cash bail with salaries? Just going into full-on making stuff up(as opposed to bloody-mindedly warping real events, which gives us much more interesting clues)?

PS - I don't know if I missed this the first time around or it's new, but here's a classic FMOTL pot-kettleism:
everything else that the judge and the prosecution has to say is nonsensical and is obvious they have no case what so ever
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Kestrel »

Dean needs to spend less time blogging and more time taking advantage of whatever high school education program is available to inmates.

His ideas wouldn't make any more sense, but at least they'd be readable.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Jeffrey »

Plenty of time for him to educate himself in jail, he's looking at up to a decade in jail if you add up the assault charges, gun charges, drug charges, and whatever else we don't know about yet.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Fmotlgroupie wrote:... Anybody have any idea where this paragraph means?
There are financing issues for the courts and the prosecutor as they are not getting paid. This has been denoted as a issue for over a month now and still isn’t resolved for them.
Is he conflating a cash bail with salaries? Just going into full-on making stuff up(as opposed to bloody-mindedly warping real events, which gives us much more interesting clues)? ...
I have a suggestion - Clifford subscribes (at times) to the "birth bond" idea, though I think he expresses that as a "trust estate" which is a fractional ownership of stuff in Canada. That is his basis, for example, to claim a chunk of land in Canada as his - he's not squatting - rather that is his fair share of the Canadian landmass. The same goes for other 'parts' of Canada, so for example Clifford personally owns a chunk of the mineral rights, etc.

A part of his schtick is thus not only does the government have no right to tax you if you opt out, but you, Mr. Canadian, have also been ripped off by not receiving your share of the wealth generated from the stuff of Canada.

So what Clifford is saying here combines two concepts: first - that he has staunchly avoided contract with the state during his incarceration, and second - that the government finances and pays itself through the wealth in his trust estate. Since Clifford allegedly continues to have 'opted out', his trust is his own, and the court and lawyers are unable to draw off his trust to pay for salaries, operating costs, etc.

In other words, total make-believe - but that last conclusion is no surprise.

As I see it a lot of Clifford's appeal, beyond the free goodies, derives from outrage. Lookit people - not only do you not have to consent to state obligations, but you're being cheated in all manner of other ways. And then his followers can wave their fists and fee schedules in righteous anger.

So - any predictions on when we will see these disclosed to the public?
Since the last hearing the transcripts from all hearings to date have been obtained and reviewed.
I'm thinking - never.

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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Jeffrey »

In case ya'll missed it there's an extra 40 minute phone call that's been uploaded. Highlights include Dean writing to the UN and Dean writing to the Queen.

He seems convinced he's going to magically get out of jail.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by grixit »

Well that's what it says on that little yellow card.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Jeffrey »

It seems the updates are coming in hot and heavy now that Dean has phone access. They've just posted a 3rd phone call from jail, 30 minutes in length.

Highlights include Dean continuing to believe he is outside their jurisdiction, fee schedules, more references to appeals to the UN and the Queen, glimpse into the Clifford family dynamics (it appears his father is quite upset that he is embarrassing his whole family), Dean perhaps accidentally mentions he is forbidden from getting certain items and has been getting around that limitation by asking people to send stuff to his cellmate "Logan".
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Cathulhu »

grixit wrote:Well that's what it says on that little yellow card.
I used to have an actual "get out of jail free" card. I was dating a bail bondsman. It was his business card.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Jeffrey »

Just realized the guy on the other side of the phone is Darren, Deans brother. They claim he was acquitted and is now free?
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Jeffrey »

The updates seem to have slowed down, the latest Youtube update is an old 4 hour interview where Dean cites his prior influences, Menard, Winston Shrout, etc.

Perhaps this was addressed previously but now I've gotten confused. Darren was arrested for assaulting either a cop while resisting during a traffic cop or his former girlfriends ex? but now appears to be free, and promising to paper terrorize the cop that arrested him and the judge. Meanwhile Dean's timeline is also confusing to me. There was the February arrest when Dean lost control of his truck supposedly, and on the Manitoba court site there's a reference to that being "struck off". Then there's a 5 month gap, the CBC article claims there was another arrest in July and the August hearing he didn't show up to, leading to the Canadawide warrant, search of his home and current arrest and trial.

Am I the only one confused here, there were two different assaults by Darren I think. While with Dean there are huge gaps in what we know. I don't think Dean ever mentioned the July arrest in any interviews so could the CBC have gotten that wrong or was there an additional arrest which Dean didn't notify anyone about then got out on bail? In the interviews Dean is arguing that they are bringing back the February charges even though he believes they were dismissed.

By the way if the source that confirmed the home search is correct Dean should be facing charges for the marijuana growing operation he was running yet in three hours of audio he never broaches that topic. If you recall in several interviews Dean states that the way he has avoided CRA and income taxes is by working only with cash, prepaid cellphones and prepaid credit cards, which is classic drug dealer MO.

There are some sort of inside mechanics going on that we can only guess at. At times Dean behaves like a true believer, at other times he withholds information from his followers. From the phone conversations you can clearly see that Dean is the alpha and has the female and male on the phone clearly under his control. There is clearly some profit motive in the damage control taking place, a negative and public guilty verdict would kill the Dean Clifford DVD and seminar sales, (the recent events also possibly lend credence to the story about Dean getting thousands of dollars from some old woman).

I guess this will all become clearer with time.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by notorial dissent »

OK, first and foremost, the Brothers Clifford are liars and frauds from start to finish, so believing ANYTHING they say or post has a near 100% likelihood of being a serious mistake, not to mention waste of time. I don't think anything they have said or posted recently, or ever?, can be/should be taken at face value.

In truth, I suspect the only real way to tell what is REALLY going on would be to get a good look at the currentest charge sheet(s) and see what is actually going on. At this point the only thing we really know for certain is that one of them is in the pokey for violating his bail, and that the other one is apparently out, under what circumstances we don't truly know.

Maybe one of our northern brethren with better access and more familiarity with local operations can check and give us a definitive answer. i am sure that at this point there should be a rather lengthy list of charges either pending or already active against them.

I have to admit that I am curios at this point as well.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

The narrative on Darren’s activities is a little twisty – I’m using the newspaper reports to reconstruct what is going on. Darren was facing at least three sets of charges:
  • 2011 charges for assaulting his girlfriend’s ex-husband – no idea if that has been tried

    2012 charges for resisting arrest and assault of a police officer; the basis for the arrest was Darren didn’t show up in proceedings on the 2011 charges – that led to an 11 day sentence on Nov. 20, 2013

    Some other unidentified charges for which Darren was still held in custody at the end of the Nov. 20, 2013 hearing.
Presumably since that point Darren “prayed to Baal” and is now out in the public space, receiving telephone calls from his sibling. Unfortunately, Alberta does not have any of its court records online (as far as I’m aware).

Dean’s timeline is even more opaque and given the multiple tales emerging I think it’s simply best to wait until some media reporters clarify the situation.

Unfortunately I have not had a chance to settle down and thoroughly appreciate Dean’s volley of calls from behind bars, but my quick review did turn up a few interesting point. Dean in his telephone messages speaks of separate provincial and federal Crown Prosecutors. That little disclosure tells us something quite interesting. In Canada, the vast majority of criminal offences – the ones specified in the Criminal Code and in provincial legislation – are prosecuted by lawyers who work for the provincial Attorney Generals. This is a little counter-intuitive at first because the Criminal Code is federal legislation, but that’s simply the way things are.

The federal Crown Prosecutors – the Public Prosecution Service of Canada – have a quite narrow domain where they have jurisdiction to prosecute criminal offences that flow from federal legislation other than the Criminal Code. Oh, and the PPSC conduct all criminal proceedings in our three non-provincial territories – but that’s not relevant to the Dean Clifford saga (at the moment). So what does the PPSC handle? A mix of things, including criminal income and excise tax prosecutions, customs and immigration related criminal misconduct, terrorism and war crimes prosecutions, IP, fisheries and environment offences, but the majority of their work is to enforce ...

... drum-roll please ...

the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, SC 1996, c 19.

So – Dean has admitted his current detention relates to a search of his home, and the remaining Freeman-on-the-Land narratives support that proposition. Dean says some of the charges relate to guns found in that location. Those are Criminal Code charges. In Canada criminal offences that are tried together must emerge from the same fact scenario – so it would be inappropriate, for example, to group a firearms-based criminal prosecution with a criminal income tax evasion case. What possible basis could the PPSC have to participate in this action? I can think of two alternatives:
  • 1. Dean’s firearms and associated stuff was imported contrary to customs legislation and there are charges the flow from that. The problem there is that Dean say these are old family firearms. (In the original post these were described as “family air loops”.)

    2. Dean was running a grow-op just as the Freeman rumours have indicated.
My money is on the second option.

SMS Möwe
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Jeffrey »

It sucks that we have to wait until the 28th to probably get an unreliable account of what's going on but the guessing game is fun.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Well, Jeffrey sometimes we have to be patient.

In the meantime, if you are looking for some entertainment, pop by Dean’s Youtube site ( and check out the comments on the “Update From Brandon Correctional Centre” videos. I can honestly say I had not really had that clear a sense of the persons who have been attracted to Clifford, and this sampling of outrage includes some of the most illiterate mewling I have encountered throughout the Freeman-on-the-Land community.

The content is simply hilarious. I offer a few examples, with harsh language redacted:
Godbluffvdgg [Jan. 7, 2014]

Dean, Love you man...You are doing great work...PLEASE BACK OFF, LET THE BABIES HAVE THEIR GAME! I am a tradesman like yourself in Philly, we mechanics are better capable of seeing the problem and fixing it...I know these people and if they were Canadian I would not worry, but you know you're dealing with the Crown...These motherf---ers kill princesses, movie stars and presidents like vermin...They can have you killed like Bill Foust with a f---in phone call...PLEASE FOR F--- SAKE...You have done so much already...On a parallel with Foust, Shrout, Nye, etc etc...Let someone else step up...Go back to work friend, you owe the world nothing...Health, freedom and love to you and yours.
LightUpon Light [Jan. 5, 2014]

I go to court and say can you address my living body as Me from hereon. Me. they cannot string a sentence. Lol...why?.... Every sentence has a word YOU in it....but I have claimed the word ME.....I make the judge talk to himself and do him for Mental incapacity looool.....I play the role and I claim to be the CEO for that corporation called a name...its so simple. My name is ME. My role is CEO President of the corporation called a govt owned name. When asked do YOU have....? I claim I am Me who is You?.Who are YOU addressing?....he cant say I am addressing
John Brady [Jan. 4, 2014]

Dean is a warrior, standing his ground and fighting for his rights! This govt is done. Assume the name your in their realm. Lose the name there in your realm! My name is "i am the witness", i im the witness to you trying to aid/abet me in to committing fraud WITH intent! Thats premeditated murder. Time to privately prosecute the man behind the shield.
And my very favourite:
Kingdizzyworld Jan. 5, 2014]

if they haven't released the order of the court to dean then its all ultra-virus and they could all loose their jobs. if i was a police man i wouldn't risk my job for dean. no matter how much they try and make out like he's crazy. probably the most sane guy in the building !
Yeah man … You can't touch me, man ... it's all ultra-virus!

Can't make this stuff up!

Another interesting tidbit, in a comment to the third video, Scott Duncan a.k.a. “Rogue Support” identifies the person whom I suspect is Dean’s co-accused. The one who got a lawyer:
Rogue Support [Jan. 5, 2014]

We'll just ignore the fact that Darren Boissonneault HELD OPEN THE F---ING DOOR AND INVITED THEM IN! There's no "Home Invasion". The cops were GRANTED PERMISSION.

It is VERY easy to get a warrant if the domicile is EXCLUDED (which this one was), because they DIDN'T NEED IT. Darren Boissonneault lives there too! He gave them permission. Game over. If he thinks there's a "home invasion" here, he is in for a shock.

NEVER accept "disclosure". It's THEIR PROPERTY and is for PERSONS ONLY, so he did the right thing by not accepting it, with or without terms.

The "home invasion" crap is just that. CRAP. That's what you get for letting a cop/rat live with you. I thought that was obvious.
Interesting. Darren Boissonneault is referenced to all over the place as Dean's close friend and roommate.

And here's his Facebook page:

Oh look – Mr. Boissonneault, unlike Dean, appears to have spent a nice Christmas with his family. Perhaps the Freemen-on-the-Land should try Boissonneault-brand legal remedies?

SMS Möwe
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Burnaby49 »

As soon as you told Quatloos about Boissonneault's Facebook page it was taken off-line.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Jeffrey »

Is Darren not the one who manages his website or something like that?

BTW, not to read too much into the view counts but he's gone from 15k views of his arrest video to 600 views for his prison phone calls. And if you search for videos about DC and sort by upload date, post-arrest there are none other than those his own Youtube page created. Which is odd given that it's been ~2 months and how many people cite Clifford as an influence or have interviewed him. The discussion must be taking place on random blogtalkradio shows and facebook pages or maybe Dean, his supporters and his detractors have all vastly vastly over estimated his popularity and influence.

Unless the mythical 30k freemen don't have Youtube access or have migrated to other gurus.

The Boissonneault page loads fine for me. What stood out to me is that he's a member of Menard's consumer purchases Facebook group, which is Menard's "free unlimited hamburgers" scheme and has a total of 68 members.

Perhaps the operant theory should be that Menard is the ringleader here. Invents his 'peace officer" scheme and gets the Nainamo 3 or 5 in jail. Invents 96 is your fix, gets god knows how many people in trouble, including perhaps Clifford. Invents the section 32 Charter argument (unless he copied it from someone else), gets god knows how many people in trouble and also serves as the ideological foundation for Clifford and his brother to get arrested. Proposes the Freemanistani commune, which Clifford takes and runs with only to (possibly) lose the land due to unpaid taxes.