The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga begins

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notorial dissent
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by notorial dissent »

erwalkerca wrote:Seems Dean had a bad habit of not bothering to show up for court, resulting in default judgements.
Not our Dean, the scourge of the Canadian court system, surely not!!!! :snicker: Why the next thing you'll be saying is that he stretches the truth, or isn't entirely honest and forthcoming with his followers.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Bwahahahahaha - oh, thank you so very much erwalkerca! I had no idea Manitoba had online records of this kind for its courts!

And you are so very correct, Dean indeed does have a habit of not showing up for court!
  • Centra Gas Manitoba Inc. v. Dean Clifford:
    Default judgment against Dean Clifford, failed to appear - $2,651.71, Nov. 25, 2003

    Centra Gas Manitoba Inc. v. Dean Clifford:
    Default judgment against Dean Clifford, failed to appear - $1,807.04, Feb. 19, 2004
    Garnishee from T.J. Phillips granted on July 8, 2004

    Manitoba Public Insurance Corp v. Zachariah Bradley Mastervick & Dean Clifford:
    Default judgment against Dean Clifford - $50,696.07, Dec. 8, 2008

    Centra Gas Manitoba Inc. v. Dean Clifford:
    Default judgment against Dean Clifford, failed to appear - $3,447.41, Dec. 15, 2010

    Manitoba Hydro v. Dean Clifford:
    Default judgment against Dean Clifford, failed to appear - $534.37, Dec. 15, 2010
And this is interesting too. File CR10-02-00918, R. v. Clifford, it appears in 2010 Dean was subject to criminal charges (don’t know what) but had been released on $500 bail. However, he engaged in some kind of misconduct that led to forfeiture of the bail amount being ordered by Justice Menzies on June 14, 2010.

But Dean would never Pray to Baal, would he?!

There are a few more details on Dean’s February 2013 criminal proceedings, but I don’t think it’s possible to make any real conclusion from these online records, other than Dean made a habeas corpus application on Feb. 20, 2013, but when it would have been heard on Feb. 28 it was struck off the list and not heard.

Still, it's not all doom and gloom - Dean has had his triumphs! He received an order from the Residential Tenancies Board for $277.89 from his jerk landlord Medea Bosko in December, 1999.

And in William Fecio v. Dean C. Clifford & Darren Clifford, Fecio sought $4,111.14 from the Brothers Clifford for “replacement & rent of tools”, but on Mar. 6, 1997 Fecio only received an award of $389.58 against them with $100.00 in costs . And yes, there’s the garnishee from Wolverine Construction.

Why oh why have Dean's Faithful never heard of such things?

SMS Möwe
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Jeffrey »

Central Gas, Manitoba Hydro, Public insurance

In other words he's a bum who doesn't pay his utility bills or car insurance.

And it would take some digging but I recall a recent video of his where he tells his followers that they should always show up to court.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Jeffrey wrote:In other words he's a bum who doesn't pay his utility bills or car insurance.
Over on JREF, D'Rok made an acute observation on the Manitoba Public Insurance Corp v. Zachariah Bradley Mastervick & Dean Clifford action:
Auto insurance in Manitoba is mandatory through MPI:

The court registry doesn't say what the action was about, but it's safe to assume it's related in some way to driving without insurance, possibly involving an accident and an action for recovery of benefits. If so, then so much for uninsured FOTLers taking responsibility for the harm they cause behind the wheel.
I would agree, and it seems to me that unless the accident involves some very pricey vehicles then damages of that amount would suggest personal injury to whomever Zach and Dean smashed. It would be very interesting to know if the Insurance Corp. was paid up in full, compliant with the Freeman-on-the-Land perspective on injury to persons and property.
Jeffrey wrote:And it would take some digging but I recall a recent video of his where he tells his followers that they should always show up to court.
Truly, a voice of experience. For once I agree with Dean's advice.

SMS Möwe
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Jeffrey »

I have a hunch that if you dig into the Manitoba Hydro it might be related to this scheme by Menard on getting free electricity and utilities.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Burnaby49 »

Well he seemed to be as crazy as usual but he didn't seem drunk. A step up. Can't say I found it entirely persuasive. I don't think I'd take advice on remittances from a man that can't even spell the word "remittance" and had to leave the space where he planned to put the word blank. And who thinks electrical bills are somehow equivalent to free apple pies.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

An anonymous commentator pointed me to a resource of which I was unaware. The results are interesting – very interesting. The Canadian Federal Court and Federal Court of Appeal have a search engine that allows one to search for proceedings in that court via the involved specific parties:
Let’s start with Dean Clifford (“Clifford, Dean”).

Oh ho – two hits!
  • ITA-10243-00: a “Certificate – ITA” vs. Dean C. Clifford (self-represented) of Winnipeg, Manitoba, filed Nov. 3, 2000
    • Five events:

      Nov. 3, 2000 – Certificate filed
      Nov. 3, 2000 – Request for Writ of seizure and sale filed
      Nov. 3, 2000 – Writ of seizure and sale issued to Sheriff of Winnipeg Centre of the Province of Manitoba cc filed on Nov. 3, 2000 cc’s issued Tariff $30.00
      Nov. 3, 2000 - Certificate of Certificate Registration issued
      Nov. 3, 2000 – Notice of Judgment Debtor filed

    ITA-4926-03: a “Certificate – ITA” vs. Dean Clifford (self-represented) of Winnipeg, Manitoba
    , filed June 3, 2003
    • Two events:
      June 3, 2003 – Certificate filed
      June 3, 2003 – Certificate of Certificate Registration issued
I was not familiar with the “ITA Certificates” in question, but it appears these are a consequence of Income Tax Act, s. 223. A certificate may be filed in Federal Court as evidence that a person has an outstanding unpaid amount due under the Income Tax Act, and/or the mandatory participation Employment Insurance and Canada Pension Plan programs (s. 223(1)).

Once registered, these certificates are deemed to be a judgment of the Federal Court (s. 223(3)) and can be placed as a charge on property, such as real estate (s. 223(5)). Property may be seized by a sheriff under the certificate and sold (s. 223(9)), when directed by the Minister.

So, with that, it appears that Dean Clifford has been twice the target of this procedure. In the 2000 instance the Sheriff of Winnipeg Centre was instructed to seize and sell something, plus $30 in costs.

Now Dean is quite famous for having said that he has not paid income tax in 17 years. Well, it appears we need to add a caveat to that. Dean perhaps has not paid income tax voluntarily for 17 years, but he appears to have indirectly paid what he owed, on at least one occasion.

That was fun! How about Darren?

Yep, him too:
  • ITA-3064-03: a “Certificate-ITA” v. Darren Murray Clifford (self-represented) of Winnipeg, Manitoba, filed April 9, 2003
    • Four events:

      April 9, 2003 – Certificate filed
      April 9, 2003 – Certificate of Certificate Registration issued
      Nov. 24, 2009 – Request for Writ of seizure and sale (Calgary)
      Nov. 24, 2009 – Writ of seizure and sale issued to Sheriff of Alberta cc’s issued Tariff $30
So it appears the CRA patiently waited until 2009 to collect from Darren. Perhaps he had purchased a home at that point.

Unfortunately I do not know of a mechanism, other than pulling the files, to obtain more details on these items. Still, it’s pretty clear that the Brothers Clifford have been less than forthright on their immunity from the Tax Man.

I wonder if anyone else has omitted to disclose proceedings of this kind ...

SMS Möwe
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

The "official" Dean Clifford website has offered an update dated today on his resistance to The Cabal:
The authorised representatives have been able to speak with Dean directly.

Dean has been in court every day since his arrival to the Winnipeg Remand Centre since his kidnapping on Nov 24th.

He has not been allowed to speak at court hearings in which they have been scheduled right at the end of the day and with limited time. After adjournment, he is escorted back to his cell.

There are departments that are integral to the judicial process which are refusing service and doing what they can to hinder the case.

During communications between Dean and authorised representatives, calls have been disconnected at crucial periods of the conversation.

Dean has been moved from solitary confinement to general public at the Remand Centre, and has been afforded writing materials. Court filings have begun.


“It’s a game of tennis…” Dean stated. “They’ve thrown everything they have at me, and now it’s my turn to serve.”
An interesting twist is that the authors of the update are arguing the absence of a litigation entry for this current detention in the Manitoba Courts online database means ... well ... something:
In regards to the recent CBC article, 24th Nov in which they claimed “Clifford was scheduled to appear in a Winnipeg court on Aug. 21, but didn’t show up. As a result, a warrant was issued for his arrest.” According to the Manitoba Court website there is no record of any such schedule up to this date of this posting.

The last hearing was back in February 2013 on another matter in which that case had all 11 trumped up charges dropped and the case was Struck Off and closed. There has been no other case recorded or pending after this event.
A "Free Dean Clifford" Facebook group has also appeared ( but there's not much content or commentary to date.

But what about Darren? Doesn't anyone remember or care about the unfortunate Darren? When I searched online all I found was this additional news report of Darren's November 20 conviction from that wonderfully named Okotoks Western Wheel ( ... ing-arrest). Largely the same material as in the previous media reports, but there's one little quote I rather enjoyed:
Clifford, who represented himself and was wearing ankle shackles at the defence table, said there has been no evidence presented “that I am associated with this Freemen thing.”

However, during opening comments Clifford used rhetoric similar to what members of the Freemen movement, who believe they are exempt from government authority, have used in the past.

“I do not consent to be associated with the legal person under the terms and conditions of the birth certificate especially at the times of the alleged complaint,” Clifford told the court.
All the kewl kids are doing it - that Freemen thing.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Just a few updates.

The Southern Law Poverty Centre has released a news report on Dean Clifford's arrest ( ... -hearings/). I don't see anything new, but it is interesting (at least to me) to see an American commentator's perspective on the situation in Canada. And the SLPC appears to be up and with it when it comes to their superheros...
Clifford’s physical appearance has shifted strikingly over the five years or so during which he has risen to prominence as a movement leader. Initially, he was a short-haired, somewhat grizzled man in an ordinary T-shirt holding forth on matters of law. Then he grew his hair long, and for a while last summer he promoted an image as a kind of hippie sage dispensing antigovernment wisdom. More recently, he has taken on the appearance of Hugh Jackman’s fictional movie superhero, the Wolverine (minus the claws), with pronounced mutton-chop sideburns and spiky hair.
The 30,000 Canadian Freemen number pops up again. I continue to argue that is at least a 10-fold exaggeration.

Protest of Dean's mistreatment and detention continues to be muted. Instead critics from within the Freedom movement emerge one after the other. Most characterize Clifford as a conman. Almost all wonder if he is a government agent. Here are a recent example of this perspective, a short excerpt from a longer discussion:

Tony Boutros of "Global F.A.C.T." Internet radio: ... 587402249/
... DC has left a trail of people, including families, that he has ruined with his lies and deception. He is a Charlatan of the worst kind and 100% motivated by money. And I'm convinced he's controlled opposition. He is being handled. Examine his latest arrest CLOSELY and tell me it doesn't strike you as odd how it went down. There are many aspects about that arrest that raise flags in my mind but one that sticks out the most is how Dean dealt with it. Have you ever known him to be so calm when he's being violated by the police? And why did they wait till he completed his two-day seminar? Why not arrest him at the beginning or the middle of it? There are many questions but this should suffice to peak curiosity for now.

As for his teachings, his track record speaks for itself. How many trucks has he lost so far? Has he ever gotten any of them back? NO. Even though he has been claiming for years that he has cases against them and yet he never produced a single shred of evidence to back those claims up. Has he ever had a victory in court? Have you ever seen actual irrefutable evidence of any victory? Dean has NEVER offered any evidence about any of his claims, yet most swallow his crap hook, line and sinker. And I'm guilty of the same. But once I became aware of who he really is, I started investigating and asking questions about his past and voila. ...
As for Dean himself, there's an apparently new message that has appeared on the website:
The content is also odd, as it describes Dean realizing he has become what he hates:
... I was in court, again, yesterday for a civil matter. As is usual, the night before I was up late thinking of some new excellent motion to draft, some new affidavit that would put people in their place, and I was preparing for how I would tear a strip out of that Judge if he dared mouth off to me, and I was preparing insults for the Lawyer of the Defendant (I’m the Plaintiff), when I realized something, and looked in the mirror in horror, to the realization that I was caught up in their game of ignorance. I also realized, that I was angry, and that I was looking for a fight, and I was ready at the first sign to attack and go on the offensive in an irrational and illogical manner. I think my experiences over the years has caused me to assume that every Judge, every Lawyer, and every Police Officer is a malicious piece of garbage who deserves no respect or quarter. At the same time, we make a lot of noise about how much we do not appreciate being labelled generally as ignorant, anti-government, cop hating anarchists. It was the moment that I realized that I am just as bad as the people I despise. This has happened a couple times in the past and once again, I looked in the mirror, and I am a Hypocrite.
Dean then goes on to state that the State and Government apparatus has a useful and necessary function - social control!
Again, there does need to be some type of system in place as there are billions of incompetent people out there who really would run amok and act like children, drunk driving, stealing, killing, you name it. The system works pretty good for those people. I know it works pretty well, it beat me into shape as I was once quite ignorant, although I have always been a rather responsible individual, even as a child. I would not be the Man I am today without that push to go and learn and make myself better, more educated, and come back stronger every time to overcome what they put in front of me. When you think about it, they are really just a personal trainer in the game of life. ...
The missive ends with Dean commenting on his experience that day in Court, where the legal apparatus treats a delinquent civil proceeding (he says he was almost crushed to death in a workplace incident in 2005 and is suing on that basis) in a manner that is fair and cautious - to him.

And that Dean Clifford and are going to build a brighter tomorrow in a non-confrontational and ... well, pretty new-age-ish manner:
Now on to my point. In keeping with the new year, and the start of the new age in 6 days, I have decided I need to be reborn right along with this galactic alignment, and re-align myself. This site will not be dedicated to showing people how to attack and destroy, or to be spiteful and emotional, as I believe I am not serving the interests of Law and my fellow man by doing any of that. I want to learn to serve the truth, to uncover it, and be its servant. ...

I have claimed before that this is a war against ignorance, and that ignorance was my enemy. So, the first battle has been with myself and realizing where I was ignorant, and how to change that. ...

One of the few things I was correct on, I believe, is that nobody else is going to fix this. The job is ours, it is our responsibility. Logic and reason overcomes anything, and disarms any adversary. Anger and irrational behavior is the exclusive jurisdiction of an uneducated and poorly equipped mind. If our minds go somewhere else, and our mind, being our Spirit, is all that carries on to the next plane of existence, why would you not spend your life preparing and improving the one and only thing that you take with you? To do anything else would be illogical and, therefore, against the Law.
Has Dean turned over a new leaf? Well ... maybe not. While this message has been linked to by quite a few persons in the Freeman community, I noticed something a little strange. First, it's dated Dec. 15, 2013, which is a little peculiar given the first link to this apparently new Clifford missive is dated at least several days before that. And as of the time I am writing this message, Dec. 15 is tomorrow.

Second, the Clifford article seems to have originally been posted in some manner well over a year ago, dated Dec. 15, 2012. Excerpts from the "Building The Future" post are quoted in this message, dated Jan. 2, 2013 ( ... ignorance/). And the link out of the "canadanewslibre" story has a URL with an embedded date - - that matches the date indicated on the "canadanewslibre" story.

So what's up? Perhaps it's just my suspicious character, but I think some of Clifford's associates on 'the outside' are trying to provide a new narrative for him that may present Dean in a better light for his impending criminal litigation. And/or to prepare his followers for an apparently newly compliant Dean - perhaps a guilty plea or two?

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Jeffrey »

What are the odds of a conviction at this point. Was he really doing "donuts" on that parking lot, is it even relevant? Did he really assault the cop as claimed, will we ever see the dashcam video? How much time is he looking at if everything sticks? Did he really stop filing income tax a decade ago, if so why isn't the CRA on his ass?
his track record speaks for itself. How many trucks has he lost so far? Has he ever gotten any of them back? NO. Even though he has been claiming for years that he has cases against them and yet he never produced a single shred of evidence to back those claims up. Has he ever had a victory in court? Have you ever seen actual irrefutable evidence of any victory? Dean has NEVER offered any evidence about any of his claims
Funny how they didn't think of raising these questions until after the arrest. A huge red flag should have been Dean's claim that he was in jail "by choice".

I'm really anxious to see the reaction to a conviction.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Jeffrey wrote:What are the odds of a conviction at this point. Was he really doing "donuts" on that parking lot, is it even relevant? Did he really assault the cop as claimed, will we ever see the dashcam video? How much time is he looking at if everything sticks? ...

I'm really anxious to see the reaction to a conviction.
I'm reading between the lines so take this with a grain of salt. First, Manitoba authorities issued a Canada-wide warrant, and that is what led to the Hamilton arrest. Whatever they want Clifford for, it's something substantial. There have been rumours within Freeman circles that Dean's residence was raided and found to contain weapons and a grow op. That makes a lot of sense as a basis for an arrest warrant of that kind. Again, an educated guess.

If he's found guilty of those items, given his prior record, he will be looking at some substantial jail time. The recent jurisprudence (reviewed here: viewtopic.php?f=47&p=164123#p164123) strongly suggests Clifford will not be released on bail or given a conditional in-community sentence. Depending on the scope of the firearms offences (ie. how prohibited are the firearms, number, ammo), and the scale of the grow-op, I think a likely sentence is in the 'years' range. I'm hard pressed to think of many mitigating circumstances on sentencing. Well, I guess Dean could argue he has reformed himself, since he no longer is a White Supremacist and instead is just a Freeman-on-the-Land. Might be worth something...

There has been another announcement on the website: Dean will be in a Winnipeg court on Thursday, Dec. 19, 2013, and the Faithful are urged to attend ( The unnamed author offers the following additional tidbit:
The powers that be resent how Dean Clifford is empowering others to divest from their tyrannical, extortionate and oppressive system. He has everything handled and is 100 steps ahead. It will be an interesting interview when he updates everyone upon his release to say the least.
I poked around the Manitoba Courts online resources, and there is no Clifford hearing on the Queen's Bench or Court of Appeal lists. I therefore presume Dean is going to be appearing in Provincial Court, if indeed this report is accurate.

I have developed some skepticism on the reliability of reports originating from Dean's sycophants. For example, awhile ago Norah Holloway, a key sidekick, reported that Clifford appeared before Chief Justice Chartier and "dropped his ... A-bomb". That's the Chief Justice of the Manitoba Court of Appeal. So I checked the court lists for that week. Turns out not only were there no appearances by a Dean Clifford at the Manitoba Court of Appeal, there were actually no hearings whatsoever between Nov. 25-29, 2013.

Livin' in a dream world...

Dean should have already had a bail hearing before a Provincial Court judge. Presumably that was denied, though perhaps he refused to "Pray to Baal" again. So there is a possibility that the Dec. 17 hearing is his first application for bail. Otherwise, I suspect this is some procedural step, or Dean has an application of some kind he wants to make. I'm not even going to guess what that could be.

Hopefully someone among the Faithful shows up and reports. After all, it would be interesting to simply know what the actual charges are. Even better, perhaps the media will appear - it seems the CBC, for one, is interested in Mr. Clifford.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Jeffrey »

It seems like the CBC would have reported the raid at his home if one had occurred.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Jeffrey wrote:It seems like the CBC would have reported the raid at his home if one had occurred.
Not necessarily. I become involved in many criminal matters, and I often Google up the accused, at a minimum out of curiosity. A wide majority of criminal investigations, like raids, never make it into the mass media. The exception is in small communities, say in the 1000-10000 population range. In these centres there is often some kind of local media source, but it is sufficiently short on local news that its staff often produce detailed reports of whatever they can find.

That's why some of the most interesting Freeman reporting comes from these locations. They learn of the novel story, follow it closely, and often do a very credible job of understanding less obvious things, like weird tax litigation, or esoteric belief systems.

There are a ton of cases like that in the inland British Columbia small cities - and their local newspaper reporting is good to very solid.

In many ways it's the largest media entities that do the most superficial/questionable job.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I should offer a clarification Jeffrey. If a CBC reporter were to investigate this matter, and popped open the correct criminal action file, they would readily find evidence of a house search. It is pretty much usual (ie. almost always the case) to conduct a search of a residence only with a search warrant.

The police would have to put together a collection of data they allege supports a search warrant - this is usually called an ITO or "Information To Obtain [a Search Warrant]" - then go to an appropriate official, usually a Justice of the Peace, and see if the ITO provided evidence that is a reasonable basis for the proposed search.

The ITO and search warrant will be in the criminal proceeding file.

There are two complications:
  • 1. The ITO will be based on what the police know about the residence, suspect, and alleged misconduct. For example, it may turn out that the police expect to find guns. That's enough for a warrant, but gives you and I no clue if the police instead actually found a grow-op.

    2. The contents of an ITO are normally covered by a pre-trial publication ban, which makes sense since this is what the police think is true, rather than the actual nature of an accused person's misconduct.
So, long and short, could the hypothetical CBC reporter easily find out if a residential search warrant had been issued? Probably. Can they tell you why the warrant was issued, or what the police found? No.

Hope that helps!

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

After the execution of the search warrant the police would have to complete a "report to a justice"(criminal code form 5.2) and submit it to the issuing court; I wonder if it might be available like the ITO?
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Good point Fmotlgroupie - I'd forgotten about that document...

I would think the Report to a Justice should be on the file and available to be reviewed by a member of the public. Like the ITO those can be the subject of a publication ban or a sealing order - I am aware of jurisprudence by media outlets where they argue the contents of those documents should be disclosed.

However I just don't know what is standard procedure - whether the Crown habitually seeks orders to restrict disclosure of those items.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

Have we got a Winnipeg correspondent? Dean's website ( ) is claiming he has a hearing on Thursday, December 19 at 1:00pm (408 York Ave, courtroom 407). They're trying to organize a cluster-[thing] and it might be fun to watch the proceedings
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Burnaby49 »

Fmotlgroupie wrote:Have we got a Winnipeg correspondent? Dean's website ( ) is claiming he has a hearing on Thursday, December 19 at 1:00pm (408 York Ave, courtroom 407). They're trying to organize a cluster-[thing] and it might be fun to watch the proceedings
Unfortunately we Canadian contributors are very thin on the ground. I do what I can in the greater Vancouver area and Mowe makes his inimitable contributions from wherever but, apart from us, that's about it. I'd love to do a review of Dean Clifford's hearing but a 2,500 mile return fight is beyond the range of even a three zone Skytrain ticket.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

I will be able to offer my services in central Alberta, but only once my kid is older (I don't want to be kicking up more if a ruckus than the subject-matter)
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

The Freemanonites in Winnipeg appear to be coordinating with an outfit called Winnipeg Alternative Media ( ( Yes, their material is about what you would expect. Chemtrails! Fluoridation! Vaccines! Vast Ancient Egyptian Secrets!

WAM has taken an interest in Dean Clifford (ie. they are huge fans) and have set up the following Facebook event page to document Dean's Dec. 19, 2013 proceeding:
Looks like 23 people from that group plan to attend. There have been a couple updates posted in the last hour which indicate the public has been excluded from the hearing.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]