Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by Burnaby49 »

And here's Bernie's death-knell (well it would be if he wasn't already dead) in an official version; ... SC2332.htm
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by notorial dissent »

I'd say the court was rather succinct and to the point, something else Bernie doesn't seem to have mastered, along with his vile mouth. Probably the reason he was so put out about the whole thing.

i can't help wonder what he'll do now that his "right" to freely annoy and waste court resources has been denied. maybe he'll throw a real temper tantrum this time and really stamp his feet.
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by Burnaby49 »

I'm afraid that Bernard is just a rank amateur as a vexatious litigant compared to his fellow Canadian Bruno Leduc. Bruno sued a country because it rained while he was there! Try topping that. If that had worked for Bruno Scotland would owe me millions. After seventy or so failed lawsuits over vital issues such as not getting a window seat on a plane or restaurant staff not being sufficiently deferential the courts of Quebec decided that they'd had enough. And the judge that made the determination got out of hearing another eleven of Bruno's cases. ... ather.html
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Wow. Bruno is in a most unusual class of litigants.

I hesitate to even imagine what he could achieve if someone taught him about A4V. Is there any document he would not transform?

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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by The Observer »

My guess about Bruno is that his aim is just the hope that he will get offered settlements from his targets rather than that his suits have real merit and will recover his "damages."
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by JamesVincent »

"Works as a part-time hypnotist"... Is that really a job?
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by Cathulhu »

JamesVincent wrote:"Works as a part-time hypnotist"... Is that really a job?

I actually know a real hypnotherapist, who tells me almost all his work deals with stopping smoking or losing weight. Works with a couple of clinics, makes appointments, all very above-board.
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by grixit »

Hmm, i can picture Bruno doing affirmations, which is sort of hypnosis. "You are great, you are self confident, you are assertive, you never let anyone take advantage of you, you always demand your just due, no one else's opinion matters, you are the sole arbitrator of fairness..."
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by Burnaby49 »

I wrote up a report of Bernie's court hearing on the first page of this discussion. I said in it that;
The rest of his argument was to do with the fact that there were two Bernards, the legal man who was dead, and the flesh and blood man who was rambling in court. Don't know why this was important to him. He hauled out a few lines of some 1666 statute, I couldn't make out which, that had something to do with when a "supposedly dead man" isn't dead he gets to reclaim his estate. Since he was supposedly dead but actually wasn't that proved that the law recognized two Bernard Yanksons and he was entitled to an estate of some kind. There was a lot more but I really wasn't following at this point. Judge recessed at noon and said he would give his decision at three.
Well I finally found out what statute Bernie was babbling about. From RationalWiki;
Cestui Que Vie Act

Many freemen are big on the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666. They claim that this act declared all English citizens dead and lost beyond the seas unless they objected within seven years of their birth, after which they would be declared dead without reasonable doubt. The state would then claim all the property of its citizens in trust.[42] The relevant part of this rather short act reads:[43]

“”Whereas diverse Lords of Mannours and others have granted Estates by Lease for one or more life or lives, or else for yeares determinable upon one or more life or lives And it hath often happened that such person or persons for whose life or lives such Estates have beene granted have gone beyond the Seas or soe absented themselves for many yeares that the Lessors and Reversioners cannot finde out whether such person or persons be alive or dead by reason whereof such Lessors and Reversioners have beene held out of possession of their Tenements for many yeares after all the lives upon which such Estates depend are dead in regard that the Lessors and Reversioners when they have brought Actions for the recovery of their Tenements have beene putt upon it to prove the death of their Tennants when it is almost impossible for them to discover the same, For remedy of which mischeife soe frequently happening to such Lessors or Reversioners. If such person or persons for whose life or lives such Estates have beene or shall be granted as aforesaid shall remaine beyond the Seas or elsewhere absent themselves in this Realme by the space of seaven yeares together and noe sufficient and evident proofe be made of the lives of such person or persons respectively in any Action commenced for recovery of such Tenements by the Lessors or Reversioners in every such case the person or persons upon whose life or lives such Estate depended shall be accounted as naturally dead, And in every Action brought for the recovery of the said Tenements by the Lessors or Reversioners their Heires or Assignes, the Judges before whom such Action shall be brought shall direct the Jury to give their Verdict as if the person soe remaining beyond the Seas or otherwise absenting himselfe were dead.

The intent of this act is obvious: that anyone lost at sea, or having emigrated, for more than seven years can be declared legally dead for the purpose of redistributing their estate. How anyone can arrive at a different conclusion is bizarre. ... m_of_right

Well regardless of how bizarre that commentator found the concept of Freemen using this statute for their own purposes Bernard cited it and relied on it in court. To be fair he did get one thing right. He wanted to be the beneficiary of the estate of the dead Bernard Yankson and who is the more obvious heir than the still alive Bernard Yankson?
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by Burnaby49 »

It's been a while since we've heard from Bernard. When we last discussed him it was late 2013 and he'd just lost his attempt to get the court to force the government to give him his estate. It seemed an unfair decision to me since he was dead which clearly made him the beneficiary of his own estate (don't ask, it gets complicated). As a result of that disastrous loss he'd been declared a vexatious litigant at the Supreme Court of British Columbia and seemed to disappear. Well he's back! He's been busy posting this legal notice in local neighbourhood newspapers;
(s.33(3) and s.56 and 99 (2));

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT; Bernard Bedu Yankson, Private Canadian in trust, non statutory citizen of Canada, hereby claim all right title and interest of the property described herein as parcels; 1. RN082 663 715CA-001 thru RN082 663 715CA-999; 2. RN082 663 777CA-001 thru RN082 663 777CA-999; 3. RN082 663 750CA-001 thru RN082 663 750CA-999; 4. RN082 663 879CA-001 thru RN082 663 879CA-999; 5. RN082 663 882CA-001 thru RN082 663 882CA-999; 6. . RN082 663 817CA-001 thru RN082 663 817CA-999; 7. RN082 663 763CA-001 thru RN082 663 763CA-999; 8. RN082 663 732CA-001 thru RN082 663 732CA-999; 9. RN082 663 848CA-001 thru RN082 663 848CA-999; whereby all Legal interests by nature and by characteristic in Public Nominee; BERNARD BEDU YANKSON and YANKSON, BERNARD BEDU YANKSON, including its property is evidenced and CONVEYED said Legal interests by nature to the Trustee(s) described in; RN057 314 151CA-000 thru RN057 314 151CA-999, while retaining and holding all Equitable interests by nature in Public Nominee (or, potentially under R.S.C., 1985, c. C-44), BERNARD BEDU YANKSON and YANKSON, BERNARD BEDU YANKSON, etc. I; Bernard Bedu Yankson am without notice of any bona fide or would be bona fide purchasers for value or bona fide adverse claimant either by nature or characteristic by legal or equitable rights of claim and that Bernard Bedu Yankson is without notice of any Superior prior, equal, equitable or legal right, title or interest competent to suspend or confuse my equitable and/or legal interest by nature or characteristic, to said property.

All written objections on the ownership or superior claim of trust(s) and estate(s), should be directed to trustee(s) for the Bernard Yanskon Trust, no later than 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, please contact: covenantor: private canadian in trust (of union of counties, regions, provinces, territories of Dominion of Canada), mail in care of: 1545 - 55th avenue, county of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Covenantor/grantor in trust expressly reserves all rights and liberties
And he's not alone. This was posted simultaneously with these;
(s.33(3) and s.56 and 99 (2));

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT; Natalie Margo Desiree Moor, Private Canadian in trust, non statutory citizen of Canada, hereby claim all right title and interest of the property described herein as parcels; 1. RN082 663 825CA-001 thru RN082 663 825CA-999; 2. RN082 663 851CA-001 thru RN082 663 851CA-999; 3. RN082 663 746CA-001 thru RN082 663 746CA-999 and; 4. RN082 663 834CA-001 thru RN082 663 834CA-999; whereby all Legal interests by nature and by characteristic in Public Nominee; NATALIE MARGO DESIREE MOOR and MOOR, NATALIE MARGO DESIREE, including its property is evidenced and CONVEYED said Legal interests by nature to the Trustee(s) described in; RN057 320 166CA-000 thru RN057 320 166CA-999, while retaining and holding all Equitable interests by nature in Public Nominee (or, potentially under R.S.C., 1985, c. C-44), NATALIE MARGO DESIREE MOOR and MOOR, NATALIE MARGO DESIREE, etc. I, Natalie Margo Desiree Moor am without notice of any bona fide or would be bona fide purchasers for value or bona fide adverse claimant either by nature or characteristic by legal or equitable rights of claim and that Natalie Margo Desiree Moor is without notice of any Superior prior, equal, equitable or legal right, title or interest competent to suspend or confuse my equitable and/or legal interest by nature or characteristic, to said property.

All written objections on the ownership or superior claim of trust(s) and estate(s), should be directed to trustee(s) for the Natalie Margo Desiree Moor Trust, no later than 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, please contact: covenantor: private canadian in trust (of union of counties, regions, provinces, territories of Dominion of Canada), mail in care of: 1545 - 55th avenue, county of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Covenantor/grantor in trust expressly reserves all rights and liberties.
(s.33(3) and s.56 and 99 (2));

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT; Jamuna Akosua El Moor, Private Canadian in trust, non statutory citizen of Canada, hereby claim all right title and interest of the property described herein as parcels; 1. RN082 663 865CA-001 thru RN082 663 865CA-999; 2. RN082 663 794CA-001 thru RN082 663 794CA-999; 3. RN082 663 785CA-001 thru RN082 663 785CA-999; 4. RN082 663 729CA-001 thru RN082 663 729CA-999 and; 5. RN082 663 803CA-001 thru RN082 663 803CA-999; whereby all Legal interests by nature and by characteristic in Public Nominee; JAMUNA AKOSUA EL MOOR and MOOR, JAMUNA AKOSUA EL, including its property is evidenced and CONVEYED said Legal interests by nature to the Trustee(s) described in; RN057 320 395CA-000 thru RN057 320 395CA-999, while retaining and holding all Equitable interests by nature in Public Nominee (or, potentially under R.S.C., 1985, c. C-44), JAMUNA AKOSUA EL MOOR, MOOR, JAMUNA AKOSUA EL, etc. Jamuna Akosua El Moor is without notice of any bona fide or would be bona fide purchasers for value or bona fide adverse claimant either by nature or characteristic by legal or equitable rights of claim and that Jamuna Akosua El Moor is without notice of any Superior prior, equal, equitable or legal right, title or interest competent to suspend or confuse my equitable and/or legal interest by nature or characteristic, to said property.

All written objections on the ownership or superior claim of trust(s) and estate(s), should be directed to trustee(s) for the Jamuna Aksoua El Moor Trust, no later than 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, please contact: covenantor: private canadian in trust (of union of counties, regions, provinces, territories of Dominion of Canada), mail in care of: 1545 - 55th avenue, county of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Covenantor/grantor in trust expressly reserves all rights and liberties.
All published nice and legal-like on page 14 of the December 29th edition of the Vancouver Courier;

What does it all mean? Who the hell knows? I sat through Bernard's court hearing while he explained why the court should grant him his multi-million dollar estate and I had no idea what he was talking about. He's become no more coherent. It seems to be a claim to real estate parcels except that the numbers don't correspond to land registry lot numbers. Since he claimed that his estate was being held in trust for him by the Canada Revenue Agency perhaps these are some kind of CRA numbers that Bernie and his merry band think will finally unlock his estate.

One problem for Bernie when his thirty day rebuttal period ends. He's been declared a vexatious litigant so he can't go to court to try and enforce this claim, whatever it is.

Our new player, Natalie Margo Desiree Moor does give us a new link or two however. She's a director of the Omni-Galactic Comitas Gentium Corporation. ... siree-moor ... orporation

As are both Bernard and the Bernard Yankson Trust, Farzana Logan and Espavo Sozo. Omni-Galactic is, or was, a federally incorporated company, set up in 2013, with its head office in Grimsby Ontario. However all of the directors are from Vancouver. I said that it was a company because it was dissolved in 2016 for failing to meet reporting requirements. I've found a list of 20 or so companies with the same address as Omni-Galactic so I assume it's just a registration-mail drop address.

All of the directors give their addresses as RPO 32655, Liberty Square, Vancouver BC V6B 0H5. One problem with that. There is no "Liberty" Square in Vancouver. However we do have a "Library" Square, a full square city block occupied by the main branch of the Vancouver Public Library. This seems to be the place referred to because the postal code V6B 0H5 is the code for that block. However Benard is not addressing mail to the library. There are numerous small businesses within the complex and one is a photocopying, postal box, printing outlet. Note that Bernard actually gives two mailing addresses for himself and his trust. The second, 875 Heron Road, Ottawa, is actually a large Canada Revenue Agency office building. This is where we mail our cheques for outstanding taxes. So I don't think dropping Bernard a line there will get a response.

Espavo Sozo has a bit of an online presence. He's head of a local political party called the Platinum Party;

It's unclear (meaning I'm too lazy to check it out) what the party stands for but they do claim to do these functions;

A) court scrutinizers
B) forensic political journalist
C) forensic political researcher
D) forensic political investigator

They are not taken entirely seriously; ... platforms/

So where is this all going? Maybe we'll find out when the 30 day period expires.
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by notorial dissent »

Private Canadian in trust, non statutory citizen, do either of those things actually make any sense? I mean really!!!!!

I'm glad I'm not the only one making NO sense out of any of this.

Bernie would seem to have a history going back to at least 2009.
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by eric »

notorial dissent wrote:Private Canadian in trust, non statutory citizen, do either of those things actually make any sense? I mean really!!!!!
I'm glad I'm not the only one making NO sense out of any of this.
I've found two more similar "Notices under the uniform international trust act" by Yankson followers. Interestingly enough these link to actual real addresses, rather than postal drops. The last in particular leads me to believe that this is some super-secret advanced method for avoiding foreclosure or municipal tax obligations. I will get around to posting more tonight.
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by bmxninja357 »

eric wrote:I will get around to posting moor tonight.
fixed it for ya.

i look forward to hearing moor on this subject. he was a moor and then he was no moor.
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by eric »

i look forward to hearing moor on this subject. he was a moor and then he was no moor.
I nearly spilled my drink from that one - no worries though - shots of RR washed down with Black Ice are cheap drinks.

A more serious note and a bit of a teaser that goes along with your zombie laws thread
Way back in the 1930's many farmers in Alberta were in such dire straits that they had to walk away from their farms. The land was basicly useless so even if foreclosed upon, sale of the land and assets would not allow the banks to recoup their losses. Along with that the municipal taxes were still outstanding. Things got to the point that with the loss of tax income municipal infrastructure fell apart. (think of a rural Detroit but ten times worse) The government of the time therefore came up with the "Special Areas Act".
Along with dissolving all municipal governance and putting the areas under provincial control, the act allowed farmers to escape their financial obligations, in particular taxes, by signing over their land under a virtually perpetual lease-back scheme and turn it into Crown land. In effect this has resulted in three types of Crown Land in Alberta - public land use undesignated (what everybody pictures Crown land to be), Agricultural grazing (sort of a common pasture), and Agricultural cultivated.
So.... 50 miles east of me is 5 million acres of Crown land with a population of roughly 4000 individuals. The farmers haven't owned their own land since the 30's but they have been sitting on their cultivation leases since then and grazing their cattle at sixty cents per head on grazing leases. Interestingly enough, there has been almost no jurisprudence regarding the Special Areas Act. If you're an OPCA type wouldn't it be fun to resurrect this and claim you could walk away from your mortgage and property taxes?
..... background reading for these ridiculous notices......
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by Burnaby49 »

Congratulations Bernard! They've just had a nine pound registered trust!

Natalie Margo Desiree Moor and Bernard Bedu Yankson intend to apply for a disposition of
land for a Certificate of full absolute title for a Life Estate in fee Simple concerning their interest
and property agreement, and or recently landed estate in their trust as of date: February 4
2017 at 9lbs, landed and received between 10:33 pm to 10:37 pm, witnessed by Kayley
Redgers (and Dawn Henderson (Registered Midwives)), legally described as OROKUU TAJ
ATO MOOR, and or MOOR, OROKUU TAJ ATO, under the British Columbia Vital Statistics
Document Control Number: 55924219, pending registration, where all legal title shall be
vested to the trustees primarily HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of the PROVINCE OF
BRITISH COLUMBIA and; HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in right of CANADA and held under a
special, private account. All equitable interest, right and title shall be retained by Natalie Margo
Desiree Moor and Bernard Bedu Yankson and or, in their creation of any Not-for-Profit
Foundation and Charity for the purposes of acting as trustee for their property in trust. Lawful
consideration shall be conveyed under s. 36 (1)(2) of the Act to the trustees. All disputes may be
issued to the grantors c/o: 1545 55th Ave. County of Vancouver, within 30 days of this notice. ... bEql33FC3A

So he's still trying to monetize his children by getting the Crown to cash out their birth bonds. Make the Queen the trustee of Orokuu (property in trust) and Natalie and himself the beneficiaries. Then, as beneficiaries, make the Crown cough up the millions being held in the bond. That last step in the hard part. Exactly the issue he lost at in court and, since he was deemed a vexatious litigant, he isn't getting another shot at it.
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by notorial dissent »

What an incredible collection of gibberish all amounting to nothing. Makes my head hurt to just read it.
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by eric »

Burnaby49 wrote:Congratulations Bernard! They've just had a nine pound registered trust!
Actually I have all sorts of scattered fragments of this group, Common elements seem to be:
1. They post these weird notices in community newspapers;
2. These notices all follow a similar wording suggesting they have some sort of interaction or a "guru";
3. Although many of the players are from Calgary they share a common element of interacting with persons from "Lotus Land" especially doing "film studies" out there or being members of the Platinum Party.
From what I can tell these notices are similar to what US sovereign citizens worship although I can't track their source. Maybe I should dump what I have and see what the experts here have to say about this crowd. Their syntax and grammatical patterns follow this crazy but I just can't tie it all together.
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm not sure there is any actual guru pushing this. The majority of it is pure Moorish nonsense and what I begin to believe is northern variation of it, not having come from a pure source, but more or less co-opted, and badly. There is some redemptionist nonsense as well, the birth certificate stuff in particular. I'm not sure where the really bad real estate is coming from as that I don't recognize. So I'm seeing at least three fantasy realities. Moor, redemption, and something I can't identify. None of them remotely pure. I'm going with home made mish mash.
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by Burnaby49 »

eric wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:Congratulations Bernard! They've just had a nine pound registered trust!
Actually I have all sorts of scattered fragments of this group, Common elements seem to be:
1. They post these weird notices in community newspapers;
2. These notices all follow a similar wording suggesting they have some sort of interaction or a "guru";
3. Although many of the players are from Calgary they share a common element of interacting with persons from "Lotus Land" especially doing "film studies" out there or being members of the Platinum Party.
From what I can tell these notices are similar to what US sovereign citizens worship although I can't track their source. Maybe I should dump what I have and see what the experts here have to say about this crowd. Their syntax and grammatical patterns follow this crazy but I just can't tie it all together.
We're getting our share of them in Vancouver. The issue of the Courier that had Bernie's notice also had these;

the living woman named Dolores Rebecca: Lee, at the county of Westminster of the Dominion of Canada, attained the age of majority and a party in/to/for/of interest has accepted the name as the grantee, and heir/beneficiary by nature and characteristic for all equitable and legal rights, title and beneficial interest in/to/for "LEE, NGAN WAI DOLORES REBECCA" and all derivative accounts created by Government of Canada, in due course ab initio the Thirty-first day of the Twelve month, Nineteen hundred Fifty-seven this common era.

any with an equal, prior or superior equitable or legal right, title or interest in/to/for said named capable to confuse, suspend or clog is hereby REQUESTED to present their claim from any and all foreign jurisprudence andor alieni juris, juris et de jure- to the trusted witness: Lady Margit, Kocsis UCc 1-308, c/o 7315- 202A Street, Langley, British Columbia [V2Y 0A8] before thirty (30) days of first publication, namely by the 22nd day of the third month in the year Two-thousand Seventeen.

the estate titled Kocsis, Margit at the county of Vancouver of the Dominion of Canada, attained the age of majority; a real party in/to/for/of interest has accepted the beneficial interest in/to/for/of said name titled Kocsis, Margit. the real party in/to/for/of interest claims heir/beneficiary by nature and characteristic for all equitable and legal right, title and beneficial interest in/to/for/of "KOCSIS, GARGIT" in due course ab initio the fifteenth day of the ninth month of Nineteen hundred and fifty this common area. any with an equal, prior or superior equitable or legal right, title or interest in/to/for said name capable to confuse, suspend or clog is hereby REQUESTED to present their claim from any and all foreign jurisprudence and or alieni juries, et de jure - to the trusted witness: David Paul, MacLucas, 308 20277 53rd Ave, Unit 304, Langley, BC [V3A 3V2] before expiration of thirty [30] days of first publication, namely by the 21st day of the 3rd month, Two-thousand Seventeen this common era. ... kWrvB23C7D

We've discussed Margit Kocsis here;


So she apparently didn't learn anything by losing her home.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Bernard Yankson - Also dead. But even Moor litigious.

Post by Hallow »

Interesting here what Ken Goodman has to say about a birth certificate and supplementary letters patent during his presentation made possible by CRA; at approx the 20:54 mark.