Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canada

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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canada

Post by Jeffrey »

Sloppy phrasing on my part. I meant the more limited act of driving around with a bunch of firearms and related paraphernalia. Another SovCit associated with the Bundies, Koenig(?), got caught with an arsenal sufficient to invade a small country, no charges for that, only for the suspended license he was driving on. Possibly libelous to speculate on this but it reminded me of Glenn since my guess was always that Glenn was supplementing his income by buying the gear legally in Texas, then selling it over in Canada where it’s illegal and more valueable. Suspect that’s what Koenig was up to, buying stuff in Florida then selling it in other States where it’s prohibited. Would fit the historical pattern of gun trafficking by sovcits going back to Ruby Ridge.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canada

Post by notorial dissent »

Apparently the Lone star Republic wasn't at all receptive to Fern's line of bS and after a couple of aborted legal attempts he decamped for the more congenial climes of AZ, :sarcasmon: where he has also apparently met with gross indifference. He's still filing and peddling the same nonsense but I don't think anyone is listening. Fern would seem to be a lone loon howling in the wilderness.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canada

Post by thenels »

Hey all,
I am Glenns son , Nelson.

My dad is definitely a wack job(in my opinion) and I don't share his views and haven't talked to him in months. Growing up we were all indoctrinated and because of his involvement with the sovereignty movement , we as a family were put through alot of unnecessary things.

One time my dad gave the mortgage company a new promissory note and insisted that the debt was now paid and he completely stopped paying the mortgage. He was working as an engineer at us airways and he had the means to pay the mortgage, he just chose not to. I remember when we were swimming in the pool and my dad came home and told us the house had been sold at auction.

One time the government revoked his A&P license because he was on the TSA terrorist watch list. My dad is not the type to do a violent crime , just to clairfy. His legal remedies did not solve the issue and his license remains revoked . His status with the TSA and revoked license has taken away alot of opportunities in the engineering world and as such he hasn't been employed for a couple years now.

One time my dad got in a dispute with the American border officials when we were on our way back from my uncle's wedding in canada. They wouldn't let my mom back in the states and we were all forced to live with my grandma in Alberta while my dad went back to work in the states. He insisted my mom didn't need a green card because those are for "persons".

He would tell us often that one of his law suits would pay off and we would be rich. The sad part is we believed him.

A couple years ago my dad called me up and asked to borrow my laptop because the FBI had raided one of his republic of Texas meetings and confiscated all his stuff. I let him borrow it and keep it because it was old and way back when he actually bought it for me.

During car rides we would always hear my dad cursing under his breath , constantly, about the judicla whores and crooks. He disuaded us from the military and told us only stupid mindless people joined the military. Even though he was in the Air Force himself for 8 years. 4 American and 4 Canadian.

Now that us kids are on our own, we can't help but laugh when we see what our dad has turned into and how his actions has cost him his relationship with his family. It's not funny in and of itself but after you grow up and experience unfortunate things you can either laugh or be sad about it and we choose to laugh.

I want to end with a positive not because I believe in trying to see both sides of things.

My dad taught me at a very young age about engineering and cars. Those skills put me very far ahead in the work force and I get to do what I love every day, I'm an R&D engineer. He also taught me about goal setting and organization at a young age. He helped me start an LLC when I was only 15 and I used to to make money while I was in high school. He has helped me financially in the past when I needed it. When he was in a good mood he was very generous and we had some good family vacations to places like six flags , Sea world and the Houston space center.

When I was in high school he gave me his old diesel truck and paid for me to do whatever I wanted to it. I rebuilt the engine and painted it and learned alot of lessons on the way. He always encouraged me in my engineering endeavors and seemed to know everything there was about how airplanes work.

Anyway I just wanted to kind of humanize him for y'all so that you can see him how we see him a little bit. It's really sad what his life has come to but it's his own fault. We think it's hilarious when we see his YouTube videos and his stuff on Amazon. I tend to think that if my dad was more polite and didn't use such rude language in his paperwork they might take him more seriously. Although it's hard when your claims are full of logical paradoxes and quotes and laws taken way out of context.

Feel free to ask me anything.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canada

Post by notorial dissent »

Nelson, welcome to Quatloos. I am so sorry you and your family had to suffer through and for your father's delusions. I am thankful that it hasn't resulted in tragedy for your family. Hopefully it never will.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

Welcome to Quatloos Nelson. Thanks for filling in some of your dad's earlier history. What I know of him is largely post-arrest and trial in Alberta. I knew he was an engineer who left the profession and, while I assumed the reason was sovereign based, I'd never had confirmation. Losing his home because of an apparently sincere belief in his right to pay through a fake promissory note shows he was lost to sovereign craziness years ago. He's clearly now too far down the rabbit-hole to ever come back. He doesn't even have the sense to at leave at least one place where, if not welcome, he's at least not an active target. He's now flagged as a fugitive in Canada and he seems to have burned his bridges in Texas by suing judges and court officials. He's probably currently doing the same in Arizona. Perhaps, as ND suggested, he might fit in Idaho or Montana. Lots of crazies there.

You say he isn't violent and that may well be true but who knows given his current level of demented rantings? He certainly has a disturbing obsession with hangings, as I quoted in an earlier posting;
I was sent a copy of the document very shortly after making the above request. Fearn is suing the various defendants for refusing to open a Wells Fargo bank account for him without a social security number. Obviously such a gross violation of his rights demands severe penalties and redress so he is demanding one of two remedies;

1 - All the defendants suffer death by hanging and the dissolution and bankruptcy of Wells Fargo. I've already mentioned Fearn's hanging obsession. It's still going strong. This is his preferred relief but if it is not available he demands, in the alternate;
2 - The defendants pay him 2.4 trillion dollars.

Britney is apparently a Wells Fargo employee who refused to give Glenn her last name so that he could petition for her violent death properly. He's all yours Texas!
And I doubt he made the TSA don't fly list through the harmless exercise of his first amendment rights. Seems more a second amendment kind of guy to me.

As the main contributor to this discussion I may have some questions to put to you but they'll have to wait. In twelve hours I'll be on a plane to southern California for a few weeks and I go totally offline when I travel. I'll give Texas and Arizona a miss.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

Although it's hard when your claims are full of logical paradoxes and quotes and laws taken way out of context.
I commented on this in an earlier posting. He loves copying individual lines or sentences from various statutes that are totally unrelated to whatever he's talking about, statutes that often have no legal weight in the United States, adding in comments from the congressional record as if they are actual law, then weaving them all together into a meaningless jumble that somehow proves that he is correct in his demented beliefs. Somehow, in what's left of his mind, doing this turns whatever he's created into actual law.

I'll say one thing about your father that I don't say about all sovereign/freemen adherents I review. I think he's totally sincere. He's paid way to high a price not to be.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canada

Post by wserra »

Thanks for posting, Nelson. It's posts like yours that make me feel vaguely guilty about the tone of some of my posts. I'm glad that you have good memories of your Dad, as well as the other kind.

I actually do have a couple of questions. He has been doing the sov stuff for a while, with (of course) no success at all. Why is it that a trained aviation engineer keeps doing something that, as he has seen repeatedly, doesn't work? After all, if he attempted something with planes that repeatedly caused them to crash and burn, he'd likely figure out that maybe he should try something else. And do you know what sent him down that dead end in the first place?

Welcome to Q.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canada

Post by notorial dissent »

I have to go with Wes here, the why and how is a very good question.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

Just a few days ago, after years of trying to forget Glenn Fearn existed (my last posting about him was over two and a half years ago), I made a passing reference to him;
Burnaby49 wrote: Sun Oct 18, 2020 4:59 pm
wserra wrote: Sun Oct 18, 2020 4:44 pm
DNetolitzky wrote: Sun Oct 18, 2020 4:12 pman ongoing phenomenon, like the Republic of Texas
The Bubba Republic of Texas is only "ongoing" by a very broad definition of "ongoing". Very little has changed since the NY Times article of five years ago. It is impossible to take anything seriously that has Glenn Winningham Fearn as a "Senator".
You question the legitimacy of a political organization that has Glenn 'Hang 'Em High' Fearn as an elder statesman? ... 07#p286307

And as soon as I did he popped up on my radar again. It appears he’s having a little difficulty getting the courts of Texas onside in his endless parade of ongoing lawsuits. Poor Glenn’s been declared a vexatious litigant in all of the courts in Texas; ... _23_20.pdf

The defendants in the case at issue were a Sharen Wilson and The Tarrant County Sheriffs Office. This is Sharon Wilson;

I found a Timothy C. Graham who’s a police officer in Euless, Texas but I didn’t bother to Google the rest of the defendants.

The court order is short and to the point;
.. _., IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that Glenn Winningham Fearn is hereby declared to be a vexatious litigant for all purposes. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that proceedings in this matter are hereby stayed; that Glenn Winningham Fearn is ORDERED to provide security to Defendants Sharen Wilson, Tarrant County Sheriffs Office, Timothy C. Graham, Edgar L. Hurtado, Michael R. Collingwood, Michael Brown, Lacy Britton, Stacy White, Echols-Kirksey, V. Nilson, and Linda Martin by posting a bond in the amount $1,000 to cover reasonable expenses incurred in or in connection with the litigation commenced by Glenn Winningham Fearn including costs and attorney fees; that, if Glenn Winningham Fearn fails to post said bond with the Court within 30 calendar days of the signing of this Order, then this suit will be dismissed with prejudice in its entirety pursuant to section 11.056 of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code without further notice to Fearn.
So I decided to check if Glenn is still puking out his revolting videos. Yep; ... yurlAUFlJA

I’m not going to watch, or more importantly listen, to any of them, I’ve done more than my share of that already. But for all you Republic of Texas fans there’s one of Senator Fearn speaking at their 2020 Congress session. And, as a bonus for his ardent admirers there’s an earlier one of him rambling away for almost three hours during some meeting in Arkansas. Enjoy! And for you Fearnites who prefer the written word his book is now available!
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

After posting on a UK thread about Glenn's overwhelming lust for hanging people I thought I'd check up on him given that its been almost three years since my last posting. I couldn't find anything on him in Google. Facebook shut him down in July 2020 and he moved to Rumble;
Youtube Tyrants took my channel down

Youtube wants to be sued because they have taken my channel down twice

Please subscribe to my Rumble channel. I am now uploading videos to Rumble. For my latest content please go to Rumble. ... xLGx34zJ6s

His latest Rumble video was posted five months ago and has the same production values as his old ones with Glenn endlessly droning away about his demented obsessions and the riveting viewing of page after endless page of generally illegible documents shown onscreen. I dipped in at random for a few moments and hit a spot where Glenn revealed to me that a great battle is coming led by Trump. He's even written a book about The Donald that you can buy for $40 plus $4 shipping.
by Glenn W. Fearn and Mike Blackwell
I'll end the suspense, the answer is yes. But don't try using Paypal, they shut down his account.

His SovereignLiving You Tube page has a posting in December 2022 although he claimed it was shut down in July 2020. The posting was a three hour video titled "NEPIS 16 May 2021 Afternoon Session" although the video is just a camera aimed at a computer screen showing various documents while Glenn and two other people drone on. In the ten seconds or so that I listened in Glenn was relating how he was going to send the US army in to take over You Tube in retaliation for taking him down. Since the event being shown was over two years ago he's taking his time about it.

So he's still active and appears to be trying to post on any and all websites that will have him. I was curious if he was still active, he is, but I'm not digging any further into his madness.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canada

Post by wserra »

Burnaby49 wrote: Sun Sep 03, 2023 8:30 pmI thought I'd check up on him given that its been almost three years since my last posting.
For me, it's been over five years. Your check-up inspired me to do one of my own.

Our old buddy Glenn has not filed any new suits recently, at least not in federal courts - not surprisingly, since (as Burnaby wrote) he is now officially a vexatious litigant. He has, however, filed his usual abusive nonsense in old cases long since dismissed. He shouldn't be able to do that, but there is no unified directory of abusive nitwits (a/k/a "vexatious litigants"). Since he filed them in dockets in which he was not declared vexatious, he got away with it.

Anyway, one of those was a 90-page "NON-NEGOTIABLE NOTICE AND DEMAND" that he addressed to a judge who had dismissed one of his cases two years earlier, whom he refers to as "you perjuring treasonous Communist Satanist coward mother fucking coward (sic) son of a bitch". Glenn, you silver-tongued devil. Others might be concerned about the consequences of referring to a federal judge (let alone John McBryde) in this manner, but Glenn is "of the Adamic race, a White Christian male", so he's special. Scattered throughout are similar references to others who have infringed on Glenn's "God-given constitutional (?) rights" - and not just law enforcement and the judiciary, but also certain people at the "Texas Roadhouse in Bedford", "Tracine, the Team Leader at the Walmart" and "Peggy Hayes, the Food and Beverage Director at the Airport Hilton Garden Inn". Any day now, they'll all get theirs.

But it's various of the things he attached to this piece of epic that are of more interest. For example, there's his "Commission for the Office of Charge (sic) d'Affairs" for the Bubba Republic of Texas (p 40). An "intelligence bulletin" about our hero from the Texas Department of Public Safety (p 41). A heart-breaking letter from his daughter throwing him out of her house (pp 42-43). (Why? Who would publicize something like that?) A letter from the TSA informing him that they have told the FAA to revoke any certifications he may have as a security threat (p 44).
I'm not digging any further into his madness.
Me either. I found myself actually feeling sorry for the guy. But then I remembered that he's an abusive asshole.
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Re: Glenn Winningham of the House of Fearn - Sovran in Canada

Post by Burnaby49 »

That's one hell of a court filing but it's no crazier than the few things I reviewed that he's posted online.

I feel absolutely no sympathy for him. His alienation from his family, his criminal record in Canada, all of his problems have been entirely self-inflicted. he's simply a vile person.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".