Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

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Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Thanks to a helpful Quatloosian I have a fellow Vancouverite to discuss, one Thomas Peterson who hits my favorite sweet spot where tax protesters and Freemen meet. To be specific, they meet here;

http://ecclesiasticsalvation.wordpress. ... fo-of-cra/

Thomas has a problem with the Canada Revenue Agency. Well, to be honest, he seems to have a problem with everybody. As far as I can tell from his website he has been sending out unilateral contracts (he calls them Public Notices of Agreement) to pretty much anybody of any consequence in Canada. A selective sample to show that he is having some legal issues with the city of Vancouver and the CRA;

Peter MacKay - Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
Jeff Greenberg - Assistant Director, Vancouver city legal services
Francie Connell - Director, Vancouver city legal services
Ian Dixon - Lawyer, Vancouver city legal services
Judith Guichon - Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia
Jim Chu - Chief Constable, Vancouver city police
Kerry Lynne Findlay - Minister of National Revenue
Andrew Treusch - Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer, CRA

Thomas is generously sharing these Agreements with us and telling us we are free to use them. This is the one to Andrew Treusch. Be warned, Thomas is very wordy;

http://ecclesiasticsalvation.files.word ... itized.doc

So far he has had a 100% success rate since none of them have replied. To be fair some are still in the period of grace he allows for a reply and are probably desperately getting a reply together. However the individuals who have already fully agreed to whatever it is Thomas has contracted with them are refusing to honour their contracts.

He claims that he is being hounded by the CRA for $1,000,000 in taxes owing. I'm skeptical of the amount but it doesn't matter because he has paid it off in full, more than in full. He said in his video that he accepted the CRA's claims on the condition that they accepted negotiable instruments for liquidation. Being a man of his word he sent in $5,000,000 of negotiable instruments to the Receiver General of Canada which should have cleared his debt in full. But the malicious federal government has refused to accept them. What can you do when you've paid in full and are still persecuted and harassed? You seek the assistance of the head of the government of Canada, the queen of England! Unfortunately Judith Guichon, the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia and the Queen's personal representative, has also failed deplorably in her duty by refusing to force the CRA to abide by their agreements;
Thank you for your polite response. However, it seems you and Judith Guichon keep trying to circumvent the main issue at hand, and by doing so are acting in bad faith and may be viewed as accessories after the fact.

It is agreed I am a man standing in the kingdom of God. It is agreed there is no higher standing in the land than that.

It is agreed that Judith Guichon, the private woman acting as Lt. Governor has been given her mandate by me on more than one occasion. It is agreed that so far, she has failed to act on my behalf to halt the interference regarding my executing the duties of my ministry. It is agreed that interfering with my ministry is a breach of your Criminal Code 176, which I make no use of but merely point out as the watchman per Ezekiel 33:1-10 so that she may save herself from harm.

It is also agreed that I have reached a private agreement with the private woman K. Findlay acting as Minister of National Revenue; and the private man A. Treusch acting as Commissioner of Revenue that they are acting in fraud, and that they have no authority to intimidate me or my family into violating the commands of God inter alia. The agreements are memorialized at the website as you well know. Yet Judith Guichon has done nothing to protect my religious freedoms, which apparently is a direct violation of her oath of allegiance to the defender of the faith Elizabeth Windsor.
He adds a little threat to that to get them moving;
It is agreed that if I am not notified to my satisfaction immediately that Judith Guichon is fulfilling her oath and defending my religious freedoms I will be left no choice but to escalate the matter further.

Govern yourselves accordingly,
I'm not going to dig any deeper to see what he wanted of the Queen apart from some comments in a video where he says;
This (his religious rights) is protected by the Queen who has sworn on her coronation to be the Defender of the Faith. This means that they (Canadian government officials) have to respect and abide by the laws in the bible and in the bible, of course it says don't add to my law and don't subtract from my law so if you can find the Income Tax Act in the bible then I guess it would apply to us
Thomas has asked and asked in vain for the CRA to prove that the Income Tax Act is indeed in the bible but they refuse to do so. This "proves solid" that the Income Tax Act does not apply to men and women who chose God's law. I'm assuming that Thomas asked the Queen to give him a hand Applying God's law and she won't support a true believer. The God's law argument didn't work out to well for the Tyskeruds, who ended up guilty of tax evasion, but no doubt Thomas will ably defend it in court.


Thomas mentions Quatloos here

http://ecclesiasticsalvation.wordpress. ... dave-case/

Mowe started a thread on the Church of Ecumenical Redemption International so no doubt he will be very pleased to find it's beliefs are spreading past Minister Catharine's base in Edmonton and are crossing the country in a wave of true believers trying to avoid tax!


A word of caution here for anyone wishing to make any comment on this discussion thread. Quatloos has been publicly chastised by an accredited minister of the Church of Ecumenical Redemption International, a man standing in the kingdom of God. The queen of England herself has agreed there is no higher standing in the land than that.

So, Govern yourselves accordingly.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by notorial dissent »

And here I was going to say, who or what is a Thomas Peterson???

I think I will stand by that assessment, with the addition that it looks like you have found another reservoir of crunchy goodness in the realm of the strange and out there for us to peruse and point and laugh at. Way to go, both of you.

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

I've been instructed by my higher-ups to turn up my nose and pay not even dignify him with a response :snooty:
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Jeffrey »

Ah so he's in the honeymoon phase between him trying gibberish arguments and them not working.

I like that they never wait to see if the "remedies" work before teaching other people what they're doing.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

This is lovely. Without question, Peterson is advancing a pure-stream CERI strategy based attempt to avoid state authority. He even seems to be using video notices as was proposed by "minister" Belanger / "Cudgel" awhile ago. In this video notice he complains that he thinks the Youtube video counter is broken (

I am looking forward to watching this matter progress. If Peterson really does owe the CRA over $1 million then this is not going away. Belanger's crew usually appear to be all but penniless, so I think they have avoided a lot of state and judicial scrutiny by simply being too trivial to follow up.

I wonder if Peterson knows his chief advisor is living in a homeless shelter... After all, the "Urban Manor" sounds rather grand!

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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Since I'm a sad pathetic drunk with no life I've been grinding away through Peterson's Public Notice of Agreement to Andrew Treusch. It seems that Thomas is somewhat clueless to exactly what the head of the Canada Revenue Agency can do for him. He states;
In addition, it is my understanding that as a minister of God, according to my faith and belief I cannot submit to or obey any requests and or demands from the de facto Canada Revenue Agency to file returns and or pay any tax and that my wife and I are exempt (Ezra 7:24). In addition, it is my understanding that as a minister of God, according to my faith and belief, I cannot submit to or pay General Sales Tax (GST) and or Provincial Sales Tax (PST), Property Tax or any other tax to their respective de facto governments, as that would be submitting to and following a false god (Exodus 20: 2-5). I therefore direct you to provide me and my wife with Tax Exemption Certificates, or other Exemption Certificates, or any other effective tool to remove the assumption of the bank tellers or others taking cash for products in all provinces and territories of Canada. This is my command.
The CRA, as an agency of the federal government, has no control or authority over the Provincial sales tax or municipal property taxes so commanding the CRA to give him a Tax Exemption Certificate (a made-up document that only exists in Peterson's imagination in any case) would have no legal effect on these taxes. While he says he cannot morally pay GST and PST he has no choice but to pay them regardless of his professed beliefs because these are automatically collected as part of the price of retail purchases. You can only avoid them by not buying anything. Property tax is unavoidable too because your property isn't going anywhere and eventually the municipality will appropriate it for unpaid taxes. As I noted in my first post he has sent off a swarm of his Public Notices of Agreement to Vancouver city officials. I'm guessing this might be related to problems he's facing with Vancouver over a refusal to pay his property taxes. If so he'll soon be like most other successful Freemen; homeless.

As Mowe says, if Peterson owes $1,000,000 in income taxes, a few letters aren't going to make the CRA go away. However I doubt the amount. How many prosperous religion spouting freemen have we covered on this site? They all seem to be on, or one step from, welfare.

It seems that Peterson may have lost a home in the past as a result of his antics although 1996 is too far back for Freeman nonsense so it may have been something else, but seems tax related;
In addition, via private revelation I now understand that "CRA" and Canada have never had the authority to compel me to violate God's Law. Therefore, in order for me to be able to stand beside God on judgment day and honestly & accurately state that I have always observed and heeded God's Law I not only need you and/or your Office to (a) zero our alleged tax debts, (b) remove the blocks, liens, encumbrances and garnishees on all our accounts, (c) return the funds taken from our bank accounts without permission, (d) to issue a Statement of Account to me showing a Zero ($0.00) dollars balance for the three "taxpayer" Accounts in question, (e) to release any and all funds and/or assets remaining after the setoff, settlement and closure of the Account to the Patron to accounts authorized by the Patron in writing, (f) to expunge the Court judgment records regarding our files from the de facto Tax Court files, (g) to quash, rescind, revoke, dismiss and discharge any and all Court Orders that may be outstanding and or planned, (h) compensate me for the loss of my home in 1996, and (i) to take these actions plus notify all concerned parties in writing with all due haste. I also need you to restore and replace all the funds paid by me in the form of taxes since 1971 (Leviticus 6: 2-5). This is my command.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is trite law that fraud vitiates all contracts and it is also clear that there has never been a bona fide contract or agreement between myself and "CRA". Thus from 1971 I have paid income taxes based on the fraud of "CRA" and this too cries out for an equitable remedy, and the return of all the income taxes paid since 1971 plus one-fifth penalty on same is the only equitable remedy that is fair.
I too wish I could regulate the world to my wishes by commanding it but the ability to command something requires that you have the power to enforce your orders. Peterson will find out how much power he has when he takes this stuff to court. And when he does, If I can keep track of him, I'll be there to give you all the blow by blow account.

I note that in the above quote one of Peterson's commands is;

(f) to expunge the Court judgment records regarding our files from the de facto Tax Court files

I've searched the Tax Court of Canada website under his name for published decisions, appeals currently in process, and appeals filed and found nothing. So I can't confirm what he is babbling about.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by wserra »

Burnaby49 wrote:I note that in the above quote one of Peterson's commands is;

(f) to expunge the Court judgment records regarding our files from the de facto Tax Court files

I've searched the Tax Court of Canada website under his name for published decisions, appeals currently in process, and appeals filed and found nothing.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I had a poke around the Federal Court online file information and found that in file ITA-2570-95 a certificate was filed against “Thomas R Peterson” of Vancouver, B.C. in March 13, 1995. A writ of Fieri Facias (seizure and sale) was issued to the Sheriff of British Columbia the same day. There is no further action on this until Sept. 20, 2005 when a ”satisfaction of certificate” was filed.

That seems a very long delay.

Do we have the name of Thomas’ wife?

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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Burnaby49 wrote:
In addition, it is my understanding that as a minister of God, according to my faith and belief I cannot submit to or obey any requests and or demands from the de facto Canada Revenue Agency to file returns and or pay any tax and that my wife and I are exempt (Ezra 7:24). In addition, it is my understanding that as a minister of God, according to my faith and belief, I cannot submit to or pay General Sales Tax (GST) and or Provincial Sales Tax (PST), Property Tax or any other tax to their respective de facto governments, as that would be submitting to and following a false god (Exodus 20: 2-5). I therefore direct you to provide me and my wife with Tax Exemption Certificates, or other Exemption Certificates, or any other effective tool to remove the assumption of the bank tellers or others taking cash for products in all provinces and territories of Canada. This is my command.
What was that about rendering unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and so on?
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:
In addition, it is my understanding that as a minister of God, according to my faith and belief I cannot submit to or obey any requests and or demands from the de facto Canada Revenue Agency to file returns and or pay any tax and that my wife and I are exempt (Ezra 7:24). In addition, it is my understanding that as a minister of God, according to my faith and belief, I cannot submit to or pay General Sales Tax (GST) and or Provincial Sales Tax (PST), Property Tax or any other tax to their respective de facto governments, as that would be submitting to and following a false god (Exodus 20: 2-5). I therefore direct you to provide me and my wife with Tax Exemption Certificates, or other Exemption Certificates, or any other effective tool to remove the assumption of the bank tellers or others taking cash for products in all provinces and territories of Canada. This is my command.
What was that about rendering unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and so on?

Please, I've already had to chastise Cathulhu over this. She made exactly the same comment about the Tyskeruds in this thread;


My response to her was;
Cathulhu wrote:Y'know, I seem to recall a parable about "render unto Caesar those things that are Caesar's, and render unto God those things that are God's". Even an atheist like me knows the parables about paying taxes better than these "biblical scholars".
Please, don't embarrass yourself by even pretending you can match your scriptural understanding against these giants. It's like a weekend hacker teeing off against Tiger Woods. I'll bet you didn't know (I certainly didn't) that the bible became the legal basis for British law by order of king Alfred the Great (849 to 899) personally!

If your parable had any relevance these two searching minds, being fair honest christians, would have brought it up in court. Since they didn't it is prima facta proven that it has no bearing. The Crown wisely decided not to fight the defendants on their home ground and kept away from religion entirely and based the government's case on non-Alfred law.
I've watched three of his videos so far and in all three he professes to be a deeply religous man knowledgeable about the doctrines of his faith. Would such a person pervert his faith by ignoring a relevant command from god himself just to avoid paying some taxes during his brief temporal stay here?

Unfortunately the Crown doesn't seem to share the same beliefs and Caesar is indeed after him. He'll show them in court how God's Law rules! Or maybe not.

Mowe confirms the loss of his home in 1995. I hadn't thought to dig up info in Federal Court. He may have had an adverse Tax Court decision back then. The Tax Court website only lists all decisions from about 2000 onward. There are some before that but not many. The older ones are in annual published volumes buried in deep storage somewhere. I used to have a full set going back to the 1920s. However, as I related, I can't find anything current so I'm assuming he has not appealed whatever assessment he is complaining about and might well be planning to fight CRA in the BC Provincial courts. I really hope so.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Well, I could certainly win a golf match against Tiger Woods, although I have never played so much as a hole of golf in my life, if I read through the rules of golf and cherry-picked the rules which work in my favor, or the rules which work against Tiger -- especially if I abandon hobgoblins like logic, consistency and accuracy.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I can confirm there does not appear to be a reported judgment of the Tax Court of Canada dating from the 1990's which involves Mr. Peterson.

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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by grixit »

None of these Bible based tax deniers ever seems to pay attention to the taxes of the Old Testament. First fruits, tithes, purification fees, burnt offerings, etc. They really add up.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by cudgel »

I feel that after reading your self centered wordsmithing hatchett job on men and women wishing to follow Christ you may wish to hear what another good minister says in response to your fetid wind of damage control... ...
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by arayder »

cudgel wrote:I feel that after reading your self centered wordsmithing hatchett job on men and women wishing to follow Christ you may wish to hear what another good minister says in response to your fetid wind of damage control... ...
One might wonder exactly what the Almighty's position is on shysters like Belanger filling poor gullibles full of horse shit.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by AndyK »

Perchance he selected his user name because someone applied on to his skill once too often :?:

Cudgel: You are now playing with the big boys. The members here have collective experience dealing with tax laws (on both sides of the argument) in both the United States and Canada (and possibly elsewhere).

You walk in here spouting well-discredited inanities regarding taxation requirements AND expect someone to listen to your blather.

Fuggadeboutit :!:

There is absolutely nothing wrong with those who wish to follow any particular sky-daddy they choose. However, they must remember that (at list those who follow the Words of Jesus) there is a requirement to 'render unto Caesar...' Just because someone adheres to some particular religious school does not remove them from secular society and its associated requirements to play nicely (including paying taxes) with everyone else.

If you wish to continue to beat the dead horse of religion to death, take it elsewhere. That dog don't hunt here.
Taxes are the price we pay for a free society and to cover the responsibilities of the evaders
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by LordEd »

Forget about "knocking those who believe in Christ". According to his logic, you MUST believe in God.

Heed the word of God and his disciples. When its convenience. And interpreted for your own benefit. Oh, and ignore other parts that don't support your position. Especially ignore parts that would mean you are killed or put into slavery for modern practices.

Note: Not in or financed by the legal industry. Most of these arguments are disclaimed with "entertainment use only". I am the one that is entertained.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by LordEd »

Oh, and personal foul to Belanger: declaring God's laws the only valid laws but using the charter of Canada as support. Self-contradiction. 10 yard penalty. First down.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by arayder »

LordEd wrote:Oh, and personal foul to Belanger: declaring God's laws the only valid laws but using the charter of Canada as support. Self-contradiction. 10 yard penalty. First down.

I heard Belanger sucks at the government tit in the form of government disability checks and free government housing.

Is this correct?
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by fortinbras »

I looked it up in the Dictionary ....

... and it turns out that one of the crucial characteristics of a shill is "being paid".
Somebody owes me a lot of money.
No Iraq dinars please, just silver and gold.
Don't keep me waiting.