Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Peterson keeps the updates coming. I am quite tickled by his latest entry, which is a foisted unilateral agreement to Justice Paris of the Tax Court of Canada (http://ecclesiasticsalvation.wordpress. ... ent-paris/). Sadly, we don't get to see the document itself, but "minister" Thomas appears quite pleased with his clever cover sheet (http://ecclesiasticsalvation.files.word ... 5-2014.gif), which I will transcribe as "minister" Thomas is probably going to delete this entry soon enough:
Private and Confidential

Timely response required, may contain libel

to the attention of: Brent Paris
the private man/woman acting as
judge, detach Tax Court
I think a more thorough product warning is appropriate in instances such as this:
may contain libel
does contain bullshit
does inflict head-hurt
Meanwhile, "minister" Belanger is trying to provide assistance to Dean Clifford, for example see the comments to Dean's latest "I will overcome!" video ()
paraclete Belanger
3 days ago

Dean has to sue those attempting to defend their corrupted business in their private capacity ala Roncarelli v Duplessis as they have no statutory authority to do what they are doing unless there is evidence he has brought harm to man woman or property. These bullies and social parasites must be sued in their private capacity..Trying to fix a fraud by using a fraud is only proof of insanity and until Dean steps out of the public side with use of their law they will continue to pummel him as he has never negated their assumption he is a person in law. Until he removes that commercial assumption and brings up faith and scripture like KJV James 2:9 Deuteronomy 1:17,10:17 2 Samuel 14:14, Matthew 22:16, Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11, he will continue to be embroiled in their levered fraud of defacto law.. Use of commercially copy-written code equals assumed benefit and subjection to the jurisdiction of the code by the action of use and respect to the "person" of law and it's property. See section 35 of the interpretation act and know "includes" means that which is mentioned after the word and nothing more. Dean can continue to allow the assumption he is a "person" or not it is not a complex choice but does engage faith as the motive....Being a person or showing respect to a person is sin and sinning according the the book the whole system is based founded upon and ruled by....Get back to your source Dean! Let go of the ego of men!!
Well, given how Dean has been doing up to this point, it certainly can't hurt, can it?

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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Justice Paris? I know him well, an ex-Department of Justice lawyer! The government has an informal system of picking Tax Court judges. They tend to alternate between Department of Justice lawyers and outside tax lawyers. When Brent was annointed they balanced it with Les Little of Thorsteinssons. To quote from Thorsteinssons website;
Thorsteinssons is Canada's largest law firm practicing exclusively in tax
They started here in Vancouver but spread out nationally. I dealt with them for almost 30 years, a lot of it with Les, an original partner back in the day when it was Thorsteinssons Mitchell Little O'Keefe. Les, like me, preferred negotiated settlements so he and I did a lot of that but he was opposing counsel cross-examining me in a number of cases. I thought he made a poor judge, not because he was bias in favour of taxpayers (that was Justice Bell, he hated the CRA) but because, from what I was told, he had temper issues on the bench and his written decisions were done poorly.

However Brent is a very good judge, rarely overturned on appeal. And, very much to point, before he was appointed to the bench he was the Vancouver DOJ Tax Section's expert on the Detaxers and other precursers of the Freemen. I attended a lecture he gave on how to handle Detaxers. So Peterson is facing an expert in the bullshit he is foisting on the Tax Court. If Peterson is targeting Brent with unilateral contracts (Good luck with that Tom!) then Justice Paris must be assigned to his appeal. I can't think of a better judge to handle it.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I get the feeling that Belanger and friends would get their pants in a wad if anyone tried to cite Islamic law in support of their legal arguments; yet they seem blissfully untroubled when they cite Bible verses in support of their own legal arguments.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by notorial dissent »

Yabut, it's their bible, and they can twist it to suit themselves, without actually having to read or understand it. Besides, they make most of it up as they go along.

And, I see that parasite Belanger still hasn't figured out that you can't sue a gov't officer / employee in their private capacity when they are acting within their legal position with the gov't, does go to explain a lot of his epic fail though, lack of understanding about nearly everything.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by JamesVincent »

Finally got around to listening to some of Belangers videos (I say listening cuz I can't stand watching some idiot reading from a script). His Biblical quotes are extremely literal, overly literal, and taken out of context. And none can counteract what I had quoted earlier from Romans 13. I find it.... amusing.... that he spends about 5 mins or so telling how the King James Bible is the highest law and all should obey yet he isn't quoting from it. Most of the quotes seem to come from the Good News or another version.

He does seem to have an especially strong fascination with Mowe, you blood sucking vampire you.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

JamesVincent wrote:... I find it.... amusing.... that he spends about 5 mins or so telling how the King James Bible is the highest law and all should obey yet he isn't quoting from it. Most of the quotes seem to come from the Good News or another version.
As Jack T. Chick would cartoon: "Haw haw haw!" I never thought check that! That's wonderful James - thank you!
JamesVincent wrote:... He does seem to have an especially strong fascination with Mowe, you blood sucking vampire you.
I am merely a humble banana freighter.

SMS Möwe
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by The Observer »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:I am merely a humble banana freighter.
With naval guns and torpedo tubes hidden by sliding walls.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by arayder »

I am struck by how all these freemen gurus eventually employ the "go to" arguement that Canada and the U.S. are merely corporations which they, and like minded freemen, can simply decide not to do business with.

Putting aside the obvious fallacy of this argument it's painfully clear that each of the gurus simply places his or her spin on the pitch before they get down to the real ruse. I suspect each freeman sales job is invented in order to distinguish the wannabe guru from his or her peers.

Mary Croft says it's all about skipping out on credit card bills and mortgages. . .then she gets down to why it she thinks her method works.

Robert Menard pitches a freeman community, on which he never delivers, before he makes the only move freemanary has.

Before he gets down to business Dean Clifford promises a life without cops, car tags, driver's licenses or motor vehicle, firearm and drug laws.

Belanger's ruse is to thump the Bible before he delivers the big lie.

The various pitches in turn give the dead beat, the self-reliant, the rebellious and the religious a sales pitch before the guru of the day tries to seal the deal.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Fussygus »

Certainly the claim that Canada is a corporation is a prevalent claim within the freeman/sovereign movements. I think the issue isn't so much that CANADA IS a corporation, so much as their failure to understand that CANADA IS LIKE a corporation.

Corporations are based on an agreement between parties to engage in a commercial activity for the benefit of it's shareholders. The shareholders themselves discharge control of the corporation to other in order to operate it (directors, and officers). When they assign the task of operating the corporation to these directors and officers they give them strict rules on how the corporation is to be operated; scope of business; distribution of dividends; authority to make decisions; judicial process of corporation; conflict resolution; financing; etc. The shareholders agree to set aside their own personal self interest for the sake of the whole of the corporations shareholders.

Likewise a marriage is like a corporation. It is based on an agreement wherein the two parties agree to forgo each others self interest to instead function for the best interests of the FAMILY. The terms as to how many distinct subsidiaries the FAMILY will engage in (children). What are reasonable terms for the functioning of the FAMILY; financing; affection; duties assigned to each officer of the FAMILY (mother officer is assigned to manage child rearing; father officer assigned to vehicle maintenance, etc). Rules for judicial process are part of the FAMILY and may include deferral of dispute for consideration of another family member or respected friend to overcome disputes between the assigned officers. etc.

Therefore, I would say CANADA (no matter how you stylize the designated name) is only LIKE a corporation. It is like a corporation because it functions in the same way as a corporation. It is the product of the people for the benefit of the people. It has a very specific set of rules that the officers (per sa) operate under, and these rules were based on consent of the elected representatives of the people (directors) based on a need deemed necessary based by the people for the harmonious operation and advancement of Canada as a society. Likewise, it reports it's financial position each year to the people.

So despite the fact it appears LIKE a corporation, I think I am safe to say it isn't in FACT a corporation. Canada IS a nation not a corporation. (though I use the term "nation" without specific consideration).

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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by arayder »

More specifically, freemen theorists say that one may end one's relationship with one's country and negate its authority as easily as one fires the bug man.

The claims of freemen leaders are simply wrong as a fact of history and law.

Neither is it the case, as freemen gurus claim, that the governments of Canada or the U.S. require the individual's permission or agreement in order to subject that individual to the rule of law.

Freeman theory on this matter is simply absurd.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by notorial dissent »

Freeman Theory is a matter of fantasy and willful ignorance, but mostly just fantasy.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Things do not appear to be going well for Minister Peterson. His go-to guy, Minister Belanger (AKA Cudgel) has posted another video haranguing the powers that be for harassing his meal ticket. ... 6RVt4qFwlQ

Peterson was fair and above board in trying to resolve his problems with the various levels of government. He sent everybody Private Agreements which clearly stipulated that if the recipients did not respond they had legally agreed with everything in the agreements. The Private Agreements covered basic religious issues like dropping all tax issues against him, compensating him for a house he lost in 1995 for failure to pay property tax, give him an excemption from paying any and all taxes. Just the bedrock beliefs of the Christian faith. And the authorities, realizing that they were in a hopeless position, conceded everything he demanded! They must have since nobody replied but the dishonourable wretches that I am ashamed to call my government are still apparently harassing him anyhow, forcing him to call on Belanger yet again. So Belanger does what he does best and coughed up another video.

Apparently, according to Belanger, all Canadian civil servants and other government actors make an oath to never offend the abilities of anyone throughout the Queen of England's realm to practice their faith in Christ. This realm includes all of the Commonwealth countries, not just Canada, so Canadian civil servants are apparently required to enforce Christianity in Bangladesh and Pakistan. Good thing I retired! Strangely I don't remember taking that oath, must be an age thing, I forget a lot. Anyhow this means that the employees and servants of the Canadian government are therefore required to let anybody do whatever they want if they say it is part of their Christian religious practice. You know, deeply spiritual things like being mortgage deadbeats (the Volks viewtopic.php?f=48&t=10123) or cheating on their taxes.

Belanger has put everyone who received a Private Agreement on notice that they have committed the tort of breach of duty by not adhering to the Private Agreements. an offense he equates to treason! So Peterson, I assume on Belanger's advice, is planning to sue them all under tort unless they stop and concede that the Church of Ecumenical Redemption International's ministers have god's authority to do whatever they want in disregard of petty man-made laws.

Belanger supplies facts and details! Each of us is an $8,000,000 security bond earning 12.3% P.A. compounded during the course of our lives. The reasons the judges decide against true Christians is because they, and the prosecutors, get a cut of the defendant's annuity if he is found guilty. That accusation will go down well in Tax Court, or perhaps Provincial court if this turns into an evasion charge. It won't get there of course because Belanger has put the CRA on notice that he has ordered the Agency to drop its case against Minister Peterson. So I guess that ends that. Who wouldn't obey the orders of some loon on a home-made video babbling incomprehensible gibberish?

Belanger comments on a purported case about a year and a half ago where a Minister Don Carter of the Church of Ecumenical Redemption International made the CRA look like monkeys. Apparently the court found the CRA employees guilty of fraud in respect to Carter and threw out the case, whatever it was. Funny that I never heard about it. While Belanger loves citing chapter and verse over the statutory law sections he says the Crown has breached and gives copious bible references he strangely neglected to give a citation for the Carter case and I can find no reference to it. No doubt Minister Peterson will have the proper reference when he makes the CRA and the Crown look like fools at his trial. I really, really hope this goes to trial, it has the potential to be highly enjoyable.

While I couldn't find any court decisions where Carter is a party there is plenty about him on the net, He's a CERI old-timer: ... laint.html!topic ... RV66A4aMTY

I liked Belanger's closing video comments "gibberish and law don't go together". Maybe time for Peterson to focus on that. On a brighter note perhaps Belanger has his knees under Peterson's table again and is living the high life on the sunshine coast. Better enjoy it while he can, his stays seem to be of shorter and shorter duration!

Speaking of Belanger coughing up videos he has another one out about the church's brand new ministers, the Volks. ...

Same old, same old. Leave my ministers alone. They don't have to pay their mortgage because lending money is usury and god's Law bans usury. Isn't it grand when sincerely held, newly minted religious beliefs just happen to coincide with blatant self-interest? Pure chance I'm sure. CERI is sure racking up a lot of new Ministers, all they seem to be missing is the congregations to go with them.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by notorial dissent »

Nice to know Parasite Belanger is still running true to form, of course, when you aren't terribly creative to begin with it is hard not to.

You're right, i don't remember that particular oath at all in any of the secret books I have available.

I do think he is welching a bit on his flock suckers a bit, I was solidly given to understand that those magic bonds were worth a great deal more than $8,000,000, maybe he's not telling them about the cut he's taking when they go under.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Burnaby49 »

An update on the good minister. Well, not actually an update as much as a bit of past history. I just had it explained to me how I can search the Tax Court of Canada dockets to find information on current, and more significantly, past appeals to the court. So I checked out Thomas and got this, ... _id=144799

No guarantee it is our boy but he is the only Thomas Peterson in the Tax Court's records so I assume it is him. If so he and his wife filed appeals in respect to income tax assessments in September 2011 but in August 2012 the appeals were dismissed because Want of Prosecution. Apparently all of the various documents that the Tax Court sent to Peterson were returned by the post office and when a status hearing was held he didn't show up. So by the time he and Belanger posted the videos and sent out the unilateral agreements that were the original topic of this discussion the assessments had been confirmed and the CRA was in the process of trying to collect on them.

The failed appeal was in respect to shareholder benefits. That can pretty much mean anything. A company can pay for your new house, a vacation, your living expenses, a new car etc., all shareholder benefits. So apparently Peterson and his wife had been extracting funds from a corporation by having it pay for various personal items and the CRA reassessed it all as income.

As far as I can tell Peterson runs a one-man shop called Bull's Eye research although this doesn't seem to be incorporated and I couldn't find any information on the Tax Court website under the business name. The website is at;

I suspect it is our boy because the website states;
Bulls Eye Research (BER) reports are the brainchild of Thomas R. Peterson, who has been producing Market Strategy Reports since 1996.

Are we always right? Of course not.

BER beats the odds, month by month, with our weekly Market Strategy Reports and you can check our results for yourself by reviewing our historical calls.

Thomas been the secret weapon for billionaire investor fund managers, and some of the biggest traders for over 15 years.

Bulls Eye Research can offer you efficient and effective information tools to manage money and portfolio risk. You can continue to ensure that you remain the best, get rich, keep your clients happy and be the star who calls the markets right, time after time.

Bulls Eye Research is independent and and ahead of the herd. We don't follow the herd mentality. Thomas is not tied to the past, nor buried in corporate morass. BER reports are globally focused for a wide view and open perspective.

Bulls Eye Research is based in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. 3,000 miles from the Wall Street herd so we are unbiased and independent. We don't drink the the Wall Street tap water.
An extremely basic, almost childish website with very little real information. Clearly not up to the standards you'd expect from an outfit that claims to have been the secret weapon for billionaire investor fund managers and some of the biggest traders for over 15 years and states that it advises some of the largest investment firms in the world;
11/19/12 - Market forecasters come and go but Bulls Eye Research (BER) continues on and this week we are celebrating the release of our 700th Market Strategy Report.

With our timely and accurate Market Strategy Reports guiding the investment decisions of top investors (and some of the largest investment firms in the world) for over 16 years Bulls Eye Research continues its excellent tradition with our proven track record of great market calls that has become our legacy.
The website is very coy about how much it costs to subscribe to one of its three levels of subscribership. I tried to find out by following these instructions;

To Subscribe to Our Reports:
Don't miss another Market Strategy Report call 1.604.229.6161
We are offering only a limited number of subscriptions in each category. Please email us to confirm your interest and specify which subscription you are interested in. Email us here.

But I only got this when I clicked the link;

404 Error: Not Found
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Burnaby49 »

I have sad news to pass on about our CERI minister Thomas Peterson, he is dead. I have this unfortunate news from an unimpeachable source, Peterson himself, and who am I to contradict the recently deceased?

When we last left Thomas he was trying to Belanger his way out of his tax problems. We saw how well that worked for the Volks (I know, I know, big talker here promised a dissertation on the Volks. It's taking time, sue me) and I assume Peterson got the same results. No longer having any use for his CERI cover he shut down his website Ecclesiastic Salvation Wordpress ( and has moved on, trying a brand new approach to getting something for nothing.

What is his new scheme all about? Damned if I know. It is entirely new to me and I've seen a lot of this stuff. It does however have a very Bernard Yanksonish vibe to it so maybe Bernie is involved. If Peterson is guru shopping Bernie would be one of my last choices for guru. Then again I could say the same thing about Belanger. It started with Peterson filing this notice of civil claim against the Attorney General of British Columbia;

Claim: ... n_v_AG.pdf

In the Matter of the Trusts affecting property known as THOMAS RAE PETERSON
The Claimant seeks the following relief:

1. an Order that the legal and beneficial title of the above property do vest in the Claimant for all the estate and interest therein which were vested in trust in THOMAS RAE PETERSON
immediately before its dissolution;

2. The Claimant requires this Claim to be heard and assisted by a Specialist Circuit Judge at the
High Court of Chancery, in the Vancouver District Registry, under S9 of the Senior Courts Act
1981 and sections 12 and 18 of the British North America Act, 1867.

3. that the costs of this application be provided for from the estate.

4. Whether this claim in proper form for legal and beneficial title of the property is from the
outset ground for a Remitter to be established in a grant for dependent heirs and beneficiaries of the estate to prevent burden on the public prior to vesting of these titles in the Claimant - since the Claimant is now indigent and depends with beneficiaries on these revested benefits of title to be made available with the kind assistance of the Court.

5. Supreme Court Rules of British Columbia apply to this claim.
If this makes any sense to any of you readers feel free to jump in and enlighten me. The demand that the case be heard in the High Court of Chancery under S9 of the Senior courts Act implies Thomas has been cribbing from British sources since the High Court of Chancery is a British court, we don't have one here in Vancouver and the Senior Courts Act of 1981 is British legislation regulating their own courts and therefore has no standing in Canada; ... s-act1981/

At least the Notice of Civil Claim it is short but Peterson made up for that by filing a 43 page supporting affidavit.

Affidavit: ... terson.pdf

It's full of gibberish like this;
*NOTE: The Claimant here claims the role ofthe Attorney General in an application for a vesting order is more that of an amicus because although he/she is named within it as a party he/she will not make competing claims against the Claimant. Nor does the Attorney General oppose the making of the Vesting Order so long as the Court is satisfied this is a proper case. The role of the Attorney General is therefore to assist the Court on the evidence and the law to ensure an Order is made when justified under the provisions appropriate to the Claim because the Claim is non-contentious and administrative.
Peterson claims that his date of birth was actually the date of his incorporation (he includes a copy of his birth certificate, sorry certificate of incorporation, in a later page). The company acquired him as property but then the company was wound up allowing Thomas to tranfer ownership of himself to himself. Then the company was dissolved.
1. I was Secretary of THOMAS RAE PETERSON from its incorporation to its dissolution. My knowledge of the matters hereinafter deposed to was obtained through acting as such Secretary. I make this statement in support of the claim and am authorized to do so.

2. THOMAS RAE PETERSON was incorporated by law on Dec. 12, 1955 as a limited company. The registered office of the Company was situate in British Columbia. A copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association ofthe Company is now shown to me marked "TRP1". The objects ofthe Company (so far as material hereto) were to carry on the business of owning and managing property of all kinds and to acquire and hold property.

3. After its incorporation the company acquired various Freehold and leasehold properties, including Freehold property known as THOMAS RAE PETERSON ("The Freehold"). There is now shown to me marked "TRP2" the conveyance dated July 12, 2014 of Freehold from one THOMAS RAE PETERSON to the Company. 4. On July 12, 2014 the Company filed a declaration of solvency, and on July 12, 2014 an extraordinary general meeting of the contributories of the Company passed a special resolution that the Company be wound up voluntarily and that Thomas Peterson was thereby appointed Liquidator of the Company for the purposes of such winding up. The said meeting also passed an extraordinary resolution, authorizing Thomas Peterson to transfer The Freehold to the Claimant in specie. There is now shown to me "TRP3" the minute book of the Company containing the said special and extraordinary resolutions, which were registered with the Registrar of Companies on .................. ..!4/o; jzvrs..-

5. Shortly after the said extraordinary general meeting I gave the title deeds of The Freehold to the Claimant and he occupied it and has continued to occupy it as his estate.

6. The property of the Company other than The Freehold was distributed in the course of the liquidation. The final meeting of the Company was held on July 12, 2014 and a copy of the account and return was sent to the Registrar of Companies on ............. .l.f/o!/2015 and registered by him on ........ !.{f.:.(.a!./2015. A copy of the said account and return and the acknowledgement thereof by the Registrar of Companies tied together in a bundle, are now shown to me marked "TRP4". The Company was accordingly dissolved three months later, namely on October 13, 2014.

7. Unfortunately, however, the need for a conveyance of The Freehold to the Claimant was overlooked by my own inability to do any real diligence in the law and in my own ignorance I even wrote regrettable letters to the Attorney General. I did not even fully understand there was a trust and in consequence the legal estate therein never vested in him and there is now no person able to execute a conveyance to him without the kind assistance of the Attorney General. ("When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things". 1 Corinthians 13:11 King James Version. I ask the forgiveness ofthe Attorney General).
Don't blame me, I had nothing to do with drafting this.

He then included a copy of the order he wanted the court to sign;

UPON THE APPLICATION of the Claimant by Claim Form dated_ /01/2015

AND UPON HEARING the Claimant and for the Defendant

AND UPON READING the documents in the Court File recorded as having been read

AND IT APPEARING to the satisfaction of the Court that THOMAS RAE PETERSON the sole Trustee of the above-mentioned property has been dissolved and that the Claimant is beneficially entitled to the said property

IT IS ORDERED that the legal and beneficial title ofthe property known as THOMAS RAE PETERSON do vest in the Claimant for all the estate and interest therein which has vested in THOMAS RAE PETERSON immediately before its dissolution.
The next document is a hand-scrawled copy of his will bequeathing all of his property on his death to himself. And they say you can't take it with you!

I like this part on page 23;

I here appoint THOMAS RAE PETERSON to the office of Executor of the Thomas Peterson Estate and if he is unable to serve, then I name my spouse Pauline as alternate Executor. My Executor and alternate shall have all powers granted by me to carry out all provisions of this Will, may use provisions and procedures for the simplified handling of estates, and shall not be required to post a bond.
Normally the deceased is indeed "unable to serve" as executor of his own will since he is otherwise employed decomposing but Thomas seems to have found a way around that.

After that more hand-written nonsense I'm not going to bother trying to read and some boilerplate copied from elsewhere that is obviously relevant to the dearly departed but has no connection that I can tell. However I admit it is presumptuous of me to say there is no connection when I have no idea what Peterson is talking about.

The Crown's answer is very direct and basically calls Thomas an idiot. All in polite legalese of course;
Division 2 -Defendant's Version of Facts

1. The defendant holds the office of Attorney General of the Province of British Columbia.

2. Thomas Rae Peterson:

a) was born in New Westminster, BC on December 12, 1955;

b) describes himself as the executor and corporate secretary of a fictitious entity called the THOMAS RAE PETERSON Estate ("the fictitious Estate entity") which he incorrectly characterizes as a corporate entity;

c) owns his own assets, and incorrectly asserts that he hold his assets in trust for the fictitious Estate entity;

d) desires to transfer or appear to transfer his assets to the fictitious Estate entity, for a purpose which he has not disclosed, without disclosing his assets.

Division 3 - Additional Facts

1. No officer, agent or employee of the government of BC at any material time: a) encouraged Thomas Rae Peterson to believe that he may transfe r his assets to the fictitious Estate entity or any fictitious entity; or

b) interfered with any attempts by Thomas Rae Peterson to lawfully manage his assets and organize his affairs in his own best interests.


1. The defendant opposes the granting of the relief sought the Notice of Civil Claim.


1. This Court cannot direct the hearing which Thomas Rae Peterson demands in Paragraph 2 of Part 2 of the Notice of Civil Claim, or any proceeding other than a proceeding provided by the Rules of this court and the legislation constituting this Court:

a) There are no Chancery Courts in BC;
b) The Senior Court Act 1981 is a British statute, and has no effect in BC; and
c) This court is a superior court of record, competent to grant equitable relief under sections 2, 4, 7 and 9 of the Law and Equity Act, R.S.B.C. 1996 c. 253 and vesting orders under s. 37 of the Larv and Equity Act, R.S.B.C. 1996 c. 253 to any parties entitled on the merits in a proper proceeding.

2. The Attorney General should not be a defendant in this action involving private rights.

3. Thomas Rae Peterson has not pleaded facts to justify the exercise of the Court's jurisdiction to grant an order vesting any property of Thomas Rae Peterson in the fictitious Estate entity or any actual person.
Defence: ... n_v_AG.pdf

So what is this all about? My guess is that what Peterson is trying to do is:

-kill his Strawman by dissolving it as a company
-the Strawman's property then falls to the Crown as the residual beneficiary of the Strawman's property
-making a claim that Peterson the flesh and blood man has an equitable claim on the Strawman's property, thus the application for the declaration that the Strawman's property is his own.

He doesn't say what property he wants the Crown to cough up and I have no idea what he is getting at with this;
AND IT APPEARING to the satisfaction of the Court that THOMAS RAE PETERSON the sole Trustee of the above-mentioned property has been dissolved and that the Claimant is beneficially entitled to the said property

IT IS ORDERED that the legal and beneficial title ofthe property known as THOMAS RAE PETERSON do vest in the Claimant for all the estate and interest therein which has vested in THOMAS RAE PETERSON immediately before its dissolution.
I could make a wild guess that this relates to his ongoing tax problems and he feels that this court order, duely signed, will clear him of his tax liabilities by killing off the taxpayer and making him, as the natural man and the last man standing, immune from further CRA actions. But that would just be unbelievably stupid so I'm probably wrong. My hunch is Yankson is in the background on this. This scheme has his 'kill the Strawman' motif. But why the UK? In any case, this is a very strange one. Full marks to Thomas for originality.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Speaking of Belanger we have had an unusually long period of silence from him. Generally there is nothing he enjoys doing more than yammering away on his self-made videos that he posts on You Tube. In the two months or so that he was advising the Volks he went on an orgy of video production posting eighteen of them. However not a single one in the four months since. Having suffered through the Volk video barrage I can only thank him for this forbearance.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Thomas Peterson is calling us Dismissive Shills!

Post by grixit »

My guess is that this is another secret bank account ploy. On the death of his strawman, he expects to inherit all that wonderful money held in the trust created when he was born/incorporated.

But the only thing that a strawman has to pass on to a sov is the lead in the song "If I Only Had a Brain".
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . Dr Pepper
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