Stuart Leis - intimidation by fee schedule?

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Stuart Leis - intimidation by fee schedule?

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

This post is regarding something our fearless leader and auxiliary cruiser, Mowe, had been looking for some months back: a reported case of a conviction for s423.1CC (intimidation of a justice system participant) by means of a fee schedule. I haven't found that Grail, but it was an interesting journey and maybe you will all be interested nonetheless (and, less likely, Mowe may not already be three steps ahead of this post).

For variety, I'll narrate this hunt the way I actually started it, Google first then a proper CANLII reading at the end (I skimmed CANLII at the outset but the best bits are always hidden in the least likely decisions)

Stuart Leis (Stu, to be unfairly flippant) has a fairly small YouTube presence, dominated by his (under-appreciated, judging by the hits) videos of a ride in a B17!

Stuart Leis and Bud Leis are having a giant auction of their farm equipment ... 9721.shtml . If any Quatlosians want a tractor they can bid online: ... bscho10088 . Hopefully just because they decided to retire or something, but I suspect that after a decade the wheels of the justice system have finally forced him to pay some bad debts from 2004.

Stu seems to have been a very minor contributor to a blog called In Pursuit of Happiness http://inpursuitofhappiness.wordpress.c ... rstanding/ . Read all about his exploits sending his NOUI/COR to every RCMP detachment in the province, and his chat with the poor corporal sent out to check how crazy he is (quite, but not shotgun crazy it seems).

Is Stu one of those genteel freemen who send crazy documents but stay out of trouble? Sadly no. CANLII has a few decisions on him: ... te&id=Leis

Let's start with the 2004 rulings. 3 of the first 4 are rulings in a 2004 trial for passing hundreds of thousands of dollars in bad cheques. Is he OPCA yet? Heck yeah! Let me quote the charges for flavour:
THAT HE, the said Stuart F. Leis, between on or about April 1, 2002, and September 20, 2002, both dates inclusive, at Kamsack District and elsewhere in the Province of Saskatchewan did defraud one or more persons by deceit, falsehood, or other fraudulent means, by using worthless financial instruments, to wit: one or more of the following:

a) a cheque dated May 4, 2002, payable to “Sydor Farm Equipment”, in the amount of $10,400.00 for a “Degelman Rock Picker”;

b) a cheque dated May 4, 2002, payable to “Farm World Equipment Ltd.”, in the amount of $25,951.00 for a “Bourgeault 7200 Heavy Harrow”;

c) a cheque dated May 9, 2002, payable to “Green Acres Equipment Ltd.”, in the amount of $61,555.00 for a “John Deere 4955 Tractor”;

d) A “Treasury Direct” cheque dated July 18, 2002, payable to “Dell Computer”, in the amount of $39,371.46, as payment for computer equipment;

e) A “Private Treasury Direct Draft” dated August 20, 2002, payable to “Young’s Equipment Inc.”, in the amount of $45,000.00 (United States Dollars), as payment for a 2002 Versatile Model 2210 tractor;

f) a “Private Treasury Direct Draft” dated August 23, 2002, payable to “Young’s Equipment Inc.”, in the amount of $51,500.00 (United States Dollars), as payment for a 2002 Versatile Model 2210 tractor;

g) two “Private Treasury Direct” drafts dated August 26, 2002, and August 28, 2002, payable to “Dodge City Auto Ltd.”, in the amount of $34,150.00 and $265.00 (United States Dollars), respectively, as payment for a 2002 Dodge truck;

h) a “Private Treasury Direct Draft” dated August 27, 2002, payable to “Young’s Equipment Ltd.”, in the amount of $50,000.00 (United States Dollars);

i) a “Private Treasury Direct Draft” dated August 29, 2002, payable to “Bennett Dunlop Ford”, in the amount of $43,035.00 (United States Dollars), as payment for a 2003 Ford F250 Truck;

j) a “Private Treasury Direct Draft” dated August 31, 2002, payable to “Bouchard Imports”, in the amount of $35,790.00 (United States Dollars), as payment for a 1989 John Deere 4955 tractor;

k) a “Private Treasury Direct Draft” dated August 30, 2002, payable to “Young’s Equipment Ltd.”, in the amount of $109,506.00 (United States Dollars), as payment for a 2002 Case model 2388 Combine, a Case model 2015 Combine Header, and a Case model 1010 Combine Header;

and did thereby commit an offence contrary to Section 380(1)(a) of the Criminal Code.



THAT HE, the said Stuart F. Leis, between on or about June 1, 2002, and September 1, 2002, both dates inclusive, at Kamsack District, and elsewhere in the Province of Saskatchewan, did attempt to defraud the Government of Canada by deceit, falsehood, or other fraudulent means, by using worthless financial instruments, to wit: one or more of the following:

a) a cheque dated June 7, 2002, payable to Canada Customs and Revenue Agency in the amount of $37,494.76 for “Fred Leis #612 718 486”.

b) a cheque dated June 14, 2002, payable to “Receiver General”, in the amount of $22,940.91 for “Account #622 866 416”;

c) a cheque dated July 26, 2002, payable to “Receiver General of Canada”, in the amount of $37,828.53 for “Account #621 718 486”; [was the first SIN a typo? And why is CANLII publishing SINs anyway?]

d) a cheque dated August 28, 2002, payable to Receiver General”, in the amount of $9,823.38 for “Account #630 762 896”;

and did commit an offence contrary to Section 380(1)(a) and Section 463 of the Criminal Code.
The summarized 2004 rulings are roughly as follows:
-no, you can't get sworn affidavits from all the crown's witnesses, and you can't get over a hundred subpoenas for just about every bank manager in the province
-no, you still can't get frivolous subpoenas (over 200 now, including magazines and mail order companies, who I guess got some of the bad cheques)
-(court of appeal rejection of an appeal of a previous conviction, except for count 25 which the crown said should be quashed. How effectively did he argue the appeal? Not well:
As to the rest of the convictions, neither Mr. Leis’ notice of appeal nor his factum raised any defence to the charges known to the law. The bond or bonds of which Mr. Leis spoke as having settled any claims against him did not have the effect at law that he claimed for them, and did not constitute a defence to the charges. As to the evidence itself, it supported the convictions.
(I think (guess) that this is basically related to the same types and era of offences as the ongoing trial, but Crown proceeded summarily on these charges and so they were resolved first.)
-sentencing for the bad cheque charges (now convictions). The judge found that Stu wasn't delusional in his beliefs, just too proud to admit he was wrong, and so a conditional sentence (3 months of house arrest followed by 5 months of curfew) would rehabilitate him. This is where old grouches like me get snarky about lenient judges, but for one thing Stu already served 9 months in jail before trial, so that had done whatever good jail could, and for another there's no evidence I could find of him breaching the conditions of this sentence.

Now CANLII jumps ahead from 2004 to 2008, and to a decision about how well Stu's NEXT conditional sentence order (CSO) is working out. What is the offence that got him this CSO?
On April 30, 2007, Stuart Fredrick Leis was convicted of engaging in conduct intending to provoke a state of fear in Judge Bobowski of the Provincial Court of Saskatchewan, in order to impede Judge Bobowski in the performance of his duties contrary to s. 423.1(1) [intimidation of a justice system participant] of the Criminal Code. On the same date, Justice Kyle made a conditional sentence order. Although Justice Kyle ordered that Mr. Leis be imprisoned for a term of 18 months he was satisfied that service of the sentence of imprisonment in the community would not endanger the safety of the community.
So how exactly did Stu try to intimidate the judge? The old horse's head in bed trick? Our sought-after intimidation by fee schedule? His CSO Conditions aren't terribly revealing (no contact with the victim, other court personnel, or any public official except in their normal duties) but perhaps the breaches are. The first breach isn't too revealing (trying to appoint the director of vital statistics as the power of attorney for his (Stu's) name), but the second is paydirt:
[11] On July 10, 2007, Mr. Leis wrote a letter to Ms. Fritz which stated, in part, as follows:

You will recall we also discussed agency. As agent and surety for the legal fiction “name” of STUART FREDRICK LEIS, I quit. Agency has reverted back to the Department of Health and Vital Statistics who created it as evidenced by the Birth Certificate which I delivered to the Queen’s Bench Court and gave you a copy of.

Since I am no longer agent for that “name”, I will have to be paid a fee of $250.00 per hour in silver or gold, with a minimum charge of one hour for any further time spent with you regarding that “name”.

The specific question of the decision in question is whether Stu should serve he rest of his CSO ("imprisonment served in the community") as actual jail time, as a punishment for breaching his conditions. To summarize the decision, the heroic optimism of giving Stu a second CSO in three years didn't work out, and so yes, the rest of the sentence (a little over 7 months) would be served as imprisonment in an actual prison.

The last two decisions on CANLII are a request for bail pending an appeal of the CSO review (denied) and the appeal itself. The bail hearing is, surprisingly, the decision with the most interesting information, because it quotes a transcript of the prosecutor's summary of the intimidation offence:

[Crown attorney]: ... The circumstances surrounding Count 3 on the Indictment are that for the time period in question as set forth on the Indictment behaviour that took place by Mr. Leis, and I’ll get into that, amounted to such a measure – or reached such a level that it did provoke a state of fear in [E.B.]. The individual named had been involved in the justice system prior and had been before the presiding judge [E.B.] prior to his retirement

And through the process of this court and various appearances Stuart Leis spent some time in custody, he also was sent for an assessment. And after that took place and after[E.B.] heard particular cases, several writings and bills and invoices were sent to [E.B.] at the Court House. Writings appeared in newspaper articles indicating that [E.B.] owed Mr. Leis for damages caused to him. One of the invoices was to the tune of in excess of $2,000,000.

And with these documents came what were entitled agreements that were for all intents and purposes, as [E.B.]saw them, one sided agreements in that they were being thrust and forced upon him. That’s how he viewed them and so does the Crown.

It’s trite to say that [E.B] is a justice system participant as defined in the Code. And on one occasion and in particular it was March the 3rd, 2006, at approximately 5.30 p.m., [E.B.]’s wife was at home when her doorbell rang and she answered it without checking to see who it was, but when she did that the individual seated here was present at the door wanting to speak to [E.B.]. She slammed the door indicating he wasn’t home. When [E.B.] entered into looking into these documents a little more closely he stated at one point that when he got halfway through one of the documents he received he became very deeply concerned about his safety and the safety of his wife, for he felt that this individual was so fixated on the amount of money that he owed or supposedly owed he was – I’m going to use his words, ‘I fear of advocating a warrant of execution upon my life and ordering it be carried out directly’, or acting on it himself. Now, this is the fear that this installed (sic) – instilled in – in [E.B.].[2]
And so it seems that we've finally found the facts here, and they aren't terribly helpful. It seems that the fee schedules were part of a broader set of intimidating behaviours, and in any case it was a guilty plea not an actual trial ruling.

And so another OPCA quest ends far short of the hoped for promised land. Ah well, such is the lot of the OPCA and, too often, those who observe them.
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Re: Stuart Leis - intimidation by fee schedule?

Post by JamesVincent »

Well, doesn't look he was too bright. He got ripped off on a lot of the equipment listed, even translating from the ones that were Canadian dollars to US dollars. Guess he figured it wasn't his money, why shop around?

BTW, they don't have anything listed for the auction yet. :cry:
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Re: Stuart Leis - intimidation by fee schedule?

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

JamesVincent wrote:Well, doesn't look he was too bright. He got ripped off on a lot of the equipment listed, even translating from the ones that were Canadian dollars to US dollars. Guess he figured it wasn't his money, why shop around?

BTW, they don't have anything listed for the auction yet. :cry:
Ok, I can't say I understand how the sites work, much less how farm auctions work, but when I click through the first auction site (auctionbill or some such) has a long list of machinery, and the second link (bidspotter) had, well, just the promise that we could live bid online next month, and no listings. I don't know if its just me or perhaps describing the two links (instead of just slapping them both up, as in the OP) may make it easier to check out for the curious.

JamesVincent, since you seem to know what you're talking about, does this seem like a normal amount of equipment for a family farm?
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Re: Stuart Leis - intimidation by fee schedule?

Post by JamesVincent »

Fmotlgroupie wrote: JamesVincent, since you seem to know what you're talking about, does this seem like a normal amount of equipment for a family farm?
I am vaguely familiar with farming, my interest was in the tractors which can be used for other things, but, no, it doesn't. A small, already operating, farm wouldn't need this much equipment. I have a friend out here who farms over 120 acres by himself and has 1 combine (which is a 1973 Deere) and 1 heavy tractor for tilling and whatnot, 1 HD truck and a couple of trailers. Most of the farms around here have similar equipment amounts. Maybe over 1k acres and just starting out, maybe. A used 4955 right now runs around $25-$40k US depending on hours, options and implements coming with. I'm guessing the two different combine headers would be for different crop types. Again, most here would use one header for corn or soy, which is the big thing around here. The Dell computers, even figuring how pricey Dells can be, have no clue what they would need that equipment for. You could buy a server, multiple workstations and satellites, have Dell come out and set it all up and still not spend that much. The rock picker is just that. A tow behind that clears rocks from plowed fields. Can tow it behind just about any tractor but you could rent one also. The same with all the other tractors. Yes, they're nice and all, but you don't need, what, 5 of them? One, maybe two, would be plenty most times.

Edit: You are correct, the first link does bring up an auction, the second didn't. If the equipment listed is all from their farm they either a. had a massive amount of extra equipment or b. had a massive farm. There's enough equipment there for an easy 10k acre farm with multiple workers and multiple season crops. Again, just a layman as far as farming goes.
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Re: Stuart Leis - intimidation by fee schedule?

Post by notorial dissent »

Just a point of curiosity, but were those bozos actually writing checks they were bouncing off the US Treasury? That certainly is what some/most of those sounded like.

This pair sounds like they got contaminated with the Posse Comitatus" movement that we had so much trouble with up in the border states all those years ago, must have leaked across the border to these two.

I would say, from the sounds of it, that these two are not going develop any smarts and that jail is going to be the only resolution to their behavior, that and taking their computers and internet access away from them. It is a lot harder to be really stupid when you have to write it all out by hand.
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Re: Stuart Leis - intimidation by fee schedule?

Post by Border Reiver »

Stewey was one of DND's first introductions to the FMOTL phenomenon back around 2010. He was writing into to the Canadian Forces Chief Warrant Officer and demanding that he exercise his authority and deal with the traitors to HMTQ in the SK Court of Queen's Bench and the RCMP.

Poor man was confused by an official looking document that read like someone put a legal textbook in a blender, hit puree and glued what was produced onto the page.
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Re: Stuart Leis - intimidation by fee schedule?

Post by Jeffrey »

If he was using the SIN as the account number then it was probably the old "pay for stuff with your secret government account" scam.
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Re: Stuart Leis - intimidation by fee schedule?

Post by Fmotlgroupie »

Border Reiver wrote:Stewey was one of DND's first introductions to the FMOTL phenomenon back around 2010. He was writing into to the Canadian Forces Chief Warrant Officer and demanding that he exercise his authority and deal with the traitors to HMTQ in the SK Court of Queen's Bench and the RCMP.

Poor man was confused by an official looking document that read like someone put a legal textbook in a blender, hit puree and glued what was produced onto the page.
What a stark juxtaposition of the overwhelming dignity and precision of the ultimate senior NCO sitting at his desk, against the word-salad lying on the desk in front of him!

Jeffrey, my suspicion reading the passage about the bad cheques to the government is that he was paying off taxes owed by people with the SIN numbers in question (I don't think it's terribly clear from the charge, but maybe people who do more tax stuff than I can comment).

I don't know exactly what he was using to "pay" for things, but I wonder if it was good old fashioned bad cheques, based on all the bank managers who got subpoenaed?
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Re: Stuart Leis - intimidation by fee schedule?

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Given the age of this litigation I think there's a significant chance that Leis was using some variation of the Montana Freeman fake financial document strategy. As I recall these were based around using paperwork scams, usually liens, to create a fake pool of cash, off of which cheques were (allegedly) drawn.

The alternative is this was a very early (for Canada) A4V. Let see ... Menard I think is the first promoter of that in Canada that I am aware of, and it first appears in "Parking Tickets: The Scam Revealed!" ( Published 2004.

Hmm. If Leis was using A4V then he was directly adapting that from U.S. sources. That's progressive!

(I've been meaning to review Menard's "book", the explanation for the A4V strategy is extraordinarily flimsy, even by his standards.)

SMS Möwe
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Re: Stuart Leis - intimidation by fee schedule?

Post by Jeffrey »

The only hints towards what the basis for the scheme is in this line:
He insisted that the Bank Act, R.S.C. 1991, c. 46 and/or the Bills of Exchange Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. B-5, afforded him a defence although he was unable to state what that defence might be.
Could be some early form of Menard's consumer purchase although Mowe's Montana Freeman influence hypothesis seems more likely. James points out that he was getting "ripped off" on the equipment and the $40,000 on computer equipment (for a farm) stands out. The real-world basis of the Montana scheme is to overpay with fake checks in order to get a refund.
Border Reiver

Re: Stuart Leis - intimidation by fee schedule?

Post by Border Reiver »

Fmotlgroupie wrote:
Border Reiver wrote:Stewey was one of DND's first introductions to the FMOTL phenomenon back around 2010. He was writing into to the Canadian Forces Chief Warrant Officer and demanding that he exercise his authority and deal with the traitors to HMTQ in the SK Court of Queen's Bench and the RCMP.

Poor man was confused by an official looking document that read like someone put a legal textbook in a blender, hit puree and glued what was produced onto the page.
What a stark juxtaposition of the overwhelming dignity and precision of the ultimate senior NCO sitting at his desk, against the word-salad lying on the desk in front of him!

Jeffrey, my suspicion reading the passage about the bad cheques to the government is that he was paying off taxes owed by people with the SIN numbers in question (I don't think it's terribly clear from the charge, but maybe people who do more tax stuff than I can comment).

I don't know exactly what he was using to "pay" for things, but I wonder if it was good old fashioned bad cheques, based on all the bank managers who got subpoenaed?
From what I remember about this file (it's been closed long enough to end up in offsite storage) is that he'd filed a bunch of US forms indicating that he had authority to draw on a US bank that normally only loans to cities, states, and other governments, and some other paperwork that seemed to indicate that he had directed the judge in his (then) recent criminal trial for passing bad cheques to be his agent and to settle his debts from that bank.

Still, it gave us something to talk about in the Mess when he spoke at the SNCO Leadership College a couple of years later.
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Re: Stuart Leis - intimidation by fee schedule?

Post by Burnaby49 »

Time for an update on Stuart Leis and his litigation so I did some digging. It appears Stu had a number of outstanding ITA debts that led to as a yet unsatisfied certificates (docket ITA-1380-03) but he has paid off an outstanding Prairie Grain Advance Payment (FC Docket T-2567-97), whatever that is, I assume a government advance on a growing wheat crop.

Beyond that, I tracked Leis' OPCA activities way back. It looks like he had a brief stint as a member of Belanger's CERI:

But that's not all - in 2001 he was the organizer of an exciting appearance in Edmonton of none other than The King of Hawaii - Judge Plenipotentiary David-Wynn: Miller! Which led to this shocking account ( provided by Stu himself:
Once again our Canada has showed its true colors. The country we are told is strong and free. The country that we are told is one of the best places with the highest standard of living in the world. This country is afraid of David-Wynn: Miller, an English teacher who came up to Edmonton Alberta Feb.3, 2001 to give a few of us a little lessons in grammer. He was deported from Canada again for one whole year.

The first time being Nov. 6, 1999 when he arrived at the Calgary airport he was met by all the officials you could imagine. I didn't know we had that many different kinds! They detained him for 10 hours and sent him home back to Milwauke. They will not let him teach the Truth as he put it. A repeat of that occurrance happened again last weekend. Many of us travelled hundreds of kilometers to attend the 2 day seminar on English language and law procedures to be disappointed by a no-show . He is again banned from our country for another year. David-Wynn: Miller was also subpoenaed to appear as witness to 2 different trials the next day in Vegerville, Alberta. Knowing this, Customs had to keep him out because he would have done what he always does... vacate the charges and sue the judge for treason.

When this happened, the (de)fendant was denied his right to a fair trial, denied his right to a witness and has little chance of winning. It was totally illegal to, for the customs officer to disregard his visa and subpoena and in fact the customs officer did break the law to save his own job. But that is how things are done in Canada. I sincerley wish that our fellow Canadians would wake up and realize what is really going on here. Most don't know or care. In fact, most will even defend our system and the thugs who inforce it as we are losing our rights and freedoms daily at an alarming rate. This David-Wynn: Miller must be some kinda guy if they are that afraid of him!! Stay tuned. Meanwhile go to David-Wynn: Miller's website that he claims is getting several hundred hits per day by government officials from around the world.
It seems that Stuart started out as an anti-Canada Wheat Board protestor

( ... and-dried/)

But here's a real gem! A 2005 video of Parakeet Belanger filmed by Stu (

This video comprising parts one and two was in filmed in Kamsack Saskatchewan in 2005 by Stuart Leis. It covers a lot of ground but has as it's main content exposing the centuries old fraud of law banking and enslaving the masses for profit using the Bible as the reason and as the bait to enable their Satanic fraud to succeed. Parts 3,4,5, and six are posted on under 'Truth by Deception" or on the;

website top right. Sadly, parts 3-6 do not appear to have survived...
Last edited by notorial dissent on Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: fixed formatting issue - ND
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Stuart Leis - intimidation by fee schedule?

Post by Hercule Parrot »

Burnaby49 wrote:Time for an update on Stuart Leis and his litigation so I did some digging. It appears Stu had a number of outstanding ITA debts that led to as a yet unsatisfied certificates (docket ITA-1380-03) but he has paid off an outstanding Prairie Grain Advance Payment (FC Docket T-2567-97), whatever that is, I assume a government advance on a growing wheat crop.

Beyond that, I tracked Leis' OPCA activities way back. It looks like he had a brief stint as a member of Belanger's CERI:

But that's not all - in 2001 he was the organizer of an exciting appearance in Edmonton of none other than The King of Hawaii - Judge Plenipotentiary David-Wynn: Miller! Which led to this shocking account ( provided by Stu himself...
I started out with sympathy (eg naive, struggling farmer clutching at straws dangled by reckless FMTOL gurus), but it seems clear that this guy is a willing and determined participant. Sympathy evaporated, hope he goes to jail again real soon.
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Re: Stuart Leis - intimidation by fee schedule?

Post by Jeffrey »

David-Wynn: Miller in Canada around 1999? Same time frame Menard and Clifford get started?

Dots to connect.
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Re: Stuart Leis - intimidation by fee schedule?

Post by arayder »

Jeffrey wrote:David-Wynn: Miller in Canada around 1999? Same time frame Menard and Clifford get started?

Dots to connect.
In some ways these three stooges are the same. All three of them peddle hopelessly arcane and inaccurate legal theories to poor shleps who flunked middle school civics and hence don't have a clue they are being fed BS.

In some ways they differ. Miller is a hyper-pedantic wannabe professor. Clifford is a rage filled man child who loves playing the victim. Menard is a lazy schyster who, when push came to shove, tucked his tail between his legs and went into hiding.

I'd die of surprise if one of these windy gas bags actually gave some sound advice on how to live well and prosper in this world. Like telling people how to avoid debt. . .how to successfully deal with abusive cops. . .how to gain the skills you need to make a living. . .how to raise a family.

Wake up freemen wannabes. The nutty professor, road rage Dean and the cowardly liar don't have the answers.