OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

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Heather will decide to head for the hills:

Before her next hearing
After her next hearing
Before her trial
Before her sentencing
Never - she wants to experience BEing and DOing behind bars.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Jeffrey »

https://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/cri ... 056629001/

The article is very well researched even mentions OPPT and the ten billion dollars. The prosecution is even using the check kiting analogy we’ve been using on Quatloos.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Burnaby49 »

Shelia Corona sounds like she's in terrible shape. She can barely walk across the street without wheezing and gasping for breath.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Gregg »

TheNewSaint wrote:
Resume wrote: Perhaps a bit catty, but the photo with that story is sure a far piece different from the glamour shot on the HATJ site.
Yeah, i'd say she's aged about 20 years between them.
In fairness, they were taken 10 or so years apart.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Gregg »

For a demented little surprise cameo, The Almighty PAM is posting comments on The Planet Moonbeam Channel, the hits just keep on coming!
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by BoomerSooner17 »

Jeffrey wrote:https://www.knoxnews.com/story/news/cri ... 056629001/

The article is very well researched even mentions OPPT and the ten billion dollars. The prosecution is even using the check kiting analogy we’ve been using on Quatloos.
It certainly taught me something new:
A one-time prosecutor turned prominent member of the Sovereign Citizens movement was arrested on a federal indictment handed up by a Knoxville grand jury as she sought to get into a meeting at the White House with President Donald Trump, testimony Tuesday showed.
I knew from reading the IUV OPPT Magic Water-Powered Sex Bus thread that HATJ was a former attorney, but I was unaware that she was a prosecutor, meaning that at some point she was sane enough not only to get a law degree but to be hired by the government.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by BoomerSooner17 »

Gregg wrote:For a demented little surprise cameo, The Almighty PAM is posting comments on The Planet Moonbeam Channel, the hits just keep on coming!
I owe PAM an eternal debt of gratitude, for it was in googling his name (after watching a youtube video titled "That Awesome Time I was Sued for $2 Billion") that I stumbled upon an online forum known as Quatloos!. It's nice to see that he's still out and about.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Athis »

Has anyone any background on BZ?
The more this goes on and the more I see and hear of her the more obvious it becomes to me that she is far more than a follower or disciple or dupe.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Jeffrey »

In the "#HATJ & RKB Inside the Courtroom Day 1 at Alleged Trial 1.23.18" video BZ indicates she did some sort of TDA thing with USAA bank to the tune of $1.8 million.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Resume »

The commenter Bill Z seems to have a pretty good hook into BZ.
http://i-uv.com/hatj-bills-comment-on-i ... unwinding/
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by JohnPCapitalist »

Resume wrote:The commenter Bill Z seems to have a pretty good hook into BZ.
http://i-uv.com/hatj-bills-comment-on-i ... unwinding/
Impressive. I pulled the closed caption off YouTube and lightly edited it so you can read all the magnificent woo without having to listen to 20 minutes of breathy New Age "philosophy."

Apparently, reality is an illusion so you can just substitute a new one whenever you "unbind and unwind" the old one. This sounds like it's how you might be able to heal fears within you but I'm not sure the law of gravity has gotten the memo about this concept. Well, maybe the law of cartoon gravity as it pertains to Wile E. Coyote when he steps off the cliff has gotten the memo, but the rest of physics may not be there yet. And I am guessing that the court in Tennessee probably hasn't gotten the memo either.

And apparently, the snarky negative tone of the press coverage is actually a good thing because people somehow magically get their perspective on things even if the words say Heather and Randy are complete nimrods.

Oh, and there are tons of people in the powers-that-be that are BEing and DOing on all the right vibrational frequencies, so when the revolution comes all the people oppressing us will be right there with patchouli oil and flowers in their hair, like everybody else.

Check out the crunchy, tasty goodness!
Great great great comment and a lot of questions. So let's see if I can share my thoughts from my perspective on all of this.

This comment is in reference to an article posted by a USA Today affiliate in Knoxville Tennessee and the title of that “pair of sovereign citizens stand trial in Knox; one sought meeting with Trump.”

Okay, so the first part of your comment, Bill, I'm going to take that.

“BZ you say another beautiful example of all unfolding and unbinding/unwinding for all to see.” All of this that we think of as our reality is a false construct. The linear false construct needs to be unbound and unwound.

All of that that we've experienced as separation, duality, polarity and all of the identities that we held from that that we took on from that, all of that needs to be unwound. So all of the mass mind control, all of the programming, all of that is in our cellular memory in our cellular level. And in order to move forward into the truth of what really is, which is so much bigger than just this court case or this MSM story painting Heather and Randy as “sovereign citizens.”

It's much beyond that but I'm going to leave that thought there for the unwinding and unwinding. It all needs to be unraveled. Depending on which area of that you're focusing on, will help you to see what particular unbinding and unwinding needs.

In this case it's the court case in this case it has to do with what we thought was a judicial system, what we thought was how a trial was run, what we thought was this fair and honorable discourse among reasoned learned citizens of the United States going about their grievances.

And if someone was wronged in, purportedly this case the USAA Bank, then you bring it to court and it's all hashed out and it's all fair and very clear and very concise so that's the illusion and this is all being unwound beautifully.

Okay, so the next part, you say “I don't understand much about all this being and doing that you talk about in your other posts. Could you help me understand more about what unbind and unwinding means?” Okay, so we covered a little bit about the unbinding and unwinding, specifically as it relates to this particular case.

I'm going to touch on for a moment the being and doing. The being and doing comes from you. You are a being so you're “being” looking out the window. You're “being” thinking about this case and this article and what BZ's writing that does or doesn't make sense. Your “doing” is writing this comment, following this case, reading this article. So the being and doing comes from you. You're a human being and you're having experiences and you walk through the flow and the process of that. So when I refer to that, it's what you’re being and doing when it comes from you, with you being the expert, with you being the one who is actually guiding and creating and holding your own perspective as you navigate through the perceptions that come up in your world.

Okay, next part: you say “When I read what you wrote it seems to me that you were saying that this news story is a good thing but it certainly does not put Heather and Randy in a very good light.” So I'm going to take that one there. Yes, it is a very good thing because in order for something to be unbound and unwound, in order for the illusion to completely dissolve and be seen for what really is there, it all must be experienced and played out for all to see. And this is a good illustration for that. First of all on a linear level, it's bringing attention to the case.

Yes, they're going to frame it the way they do because it's the media and the media frames things, they frame their narrative in what it is that they're selling, the perception that they are selling for you to take on whole stock rather than navigating it yourself and creating your own perceptions from your direct experience of knowing, and from your internal knowing. So yes it's a good thing, and I love that the title puts in there of Trump. So that's going to call attention kind of flag in the consciousness this article for people who like Trump and this sovereign citizen sought a meeting, who cannot stand Trump and this sovereign …

And a meaning all of that is even if they never go into more detail on the trial what this does is helps each individual unwind and unbind that which lights them up and really triggers them. So they can unbind and unwind those perceptions and those programs that are within them because this is not happening in a vacuum. And all of this is unfolding for each being. It's unavoidable. The choice is whether we do it because we choose to or whether we're doing it because we're on the planet that's rising and expanding in all of this and in essence, it's being done for us.

You said “a lot of people are going to read the story and think that Heather and Randy are just another pair of bank robbers or common criminals.” Well, we just talked about that a little bit. So this is a helpful story for each individual, whether they look beyond this or not. If they look beyond it then they're will see that there is much more to experience in the perception that was being handed to them. Make no mistake about it: people are waking up. They're understanding that the mainstream media is not what its purported to be, and that often they are being sold perceptions. Their own internal knowing is helping them to see that they know the truth and that they have their own discernment meter and valuable eye tech for resonance meter of what's going on and they can feel into what's really so for themselves.

You say then “that doesn't sound like an example of the old order unwinding and opening up so that the new order can be established.” So for that just a point of clarity the old order, that would be the old paradigm that would be the described as the Cabal or the elite or the shadow government. There's lots of ways people describe it somewhere are little [inaudible] pieces of the bigger whole but just on that and then the new order for me from my perspective I wouldn't categorize it as the new order. It's the new earth… The new world… it's the new energy frequency vibration that creates the realities that each of us create by that predominant energy frequency vibration that we hold and it's self authored by each individual creator being. Now there is creative cooperation and coordinated creation of all that, but I just wanted to make it clarity the way I feel into it from that.

So you say it sounds like “the powers that be think the old order is hanging together just fine in this case.” Well, it depends on which level and layer of the “powers-that-be” think. So again there there's much nuance to this. So perhaps on one perspective the powers that be think the old order’s hanging together. Yeah. They they that's probably their perspective. More of the old or the new powers-that-be got the internal memo, and the memo from all around them is that's not the case at all. In fact, many who were in what you would describe as the powers that be are working very hard to have all of this unbound and unwound for all to see. because they know it's for them as well, and they're part of the universal clean up. And so it's unfolding and flowing just beautifully.

And then you say “and if the establishment isn't worried then doesn't that mean we should be a little bit concerned about how this is going?” Well, [laughter] I can tell you that there's a whole lot of us that are doing happy dances all over the place that this is going so beautifully right this moment. And this is just another piece of that. So no worry for most beings on this account.

I can see how some could could look at that and be worried, but again that's where that worry, that vibrational friction that creates that emotion, comes from a dissonance, where we thought that trials were one thing we thought the judicial system was one thing and it should be fair and (Wow!) and the us and the them and all of that, and we're trying to parse out… And you're doing a beautiful job of this, Bill. I so appreciate this comment and these questions because you're doing a piece of your role in your mission to help all of us unbind and unwind this and you're doing it beautifully within yourself with coming forward in your being and doing to write this comment and put it out there and to play with really wanting to to tune into a bit more what's really going on, so nice job.

The last part is “thank you for your help and understanding what's going on. I keep trying so that I can send hope for the right thing to happen, but it's harder than I thought.” I just talked about that a little bit but I so love you, Bill, and the energy of your being the secret of the signature vibrational frequency of your unique essence is shining brightly. And by the very fact of you thinking about this feeling into this, writing this comment, and then having it light up for me in such a beautiful way to create this recording quickly in answer to this comment, so kind of a recorded comment, is an energetic illustration of what's going on. So when you say “so that I can send hope for the right thing,” you are the one who chooses what energy frequency you want to send out, what you transmit to the All.

And one thing I might just add in response to that part of your comment is: play with sending out your knowing and tune in to find that out. Play with sending out this same openness and curiosity and sorting through all of this information and all of what's going on send all of that that beautiful energy that you're holding that prompted you to write to come and send that out to all of the jurors. Send that out to all of the people who are playing their roles so beautifully in the court: the judge, the prosecutors, all the prosecuting team, Parker Still, all of them. Send that out--that feeling into that wanting to truly “see” so the seeing on all levels send out to them if that feels good for you so thank you so much and keep commenting, keep playing.

Much love!
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by howardmappel »

JohnPCapitalist wrote:
waylonmercy wrote:In their recorded conversation Heather told BZ that the trial doesn't matter because Donald Trump is going to set her and Randy free. She also said that she feels sorry for judge and prosecutors because they are clueless. Speaking of clueless: Randy's family.
This is the saddest-but-funniest part of the whole thing. Heather actually thinks Donald Trump is her buddy, ready to do her bidding. She got arrested after showing up at the White House asking to drop in on Trump for a chat where she planned to explain the whole secret treasury cash thing to him and thus unlocking the accounts. Despite being treated as an obvious nutter by the Secret Service manning the guard booth, she actually thought they were going to waltz in there and hang out with The Donald.

Is she crazy? Maybe she has some diagnosable mental illness. But we forget that if the brain doesn't have valid data about the outside world, it can't help but come to some bizarre conclusions. Garbage in, garbage out, as they say. She's been so trapped in the closed bubble of conspiracy theories, new age woo, right wing talk radio and who knows what else that she's not arguing from the same base of facts as anyone else.

Although it would never happen, it would be interesting for someone to interview her and try to find out exactly why she thinks that Trump will pardon these two morons.
She just needs to be able to explain to Trump how to access his TDA and of course he will then pardon her. SHOW HIM THE MONEY!!
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by howardmappel »

wserra wrote:From the Knoxville News article on yesterday's mishugas:
Neither Beane nor Tucci-Jarraf made an opening statement in Tuesday’s trial.
That will speed things up.
Tucci-Jarraf asked [FBI S/A Parker] Still during cross-examination if his agency had or would investigate the Federal Reserve Bank – another government institution Sovereign Citizens insist is illegitimate – for “using unsuspecting American citizens” in a financial scheme she did not explain.
My guess is that his answer was "No".
Beane used his questioning of Still to complain about his arrest.
He wouldn't be a sov if he didn't complain.
It’s not clear yet what specific defense to the charges Beane and Tucci-Jarraf intend to mount.
And never will be.
Defense?? "You ain't the boss of me."
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by waylonmercy »

Lives are going to be in Waylon Mercy's hands.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Burnaby49 »

Tucci-Jarraf was a licensed lawyer in Oregon who worked as a state prosecutor there before her involvement with the sovereign citizens movement. Prosecutors haven't said how she and Beane crossed paths.
From what I can recall she's from Tacoma Washington, not Oregon.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by waylonmercy »

BZ, if you or your Kool-Aid engorged lemmings are reading this, I have questions:

1. If the United States Government is foreclosed and illegitimate, then how can President Trump issue executive orders, and more importantly, set Heather and Randy free?

2. If there is a shadow organization of bankers and assorted miscreants running the world, why would they be compelled to honor get-out-of-jail-free cards issued by Donald J Trump?

3. You know Randy and Heather are going to prison. I would like to know what is in all of this for you. What is your endgame?
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Gregg »

Burnaby49 wrote:
Tucci-Jarraf was a licensed lawyer in Oregon who worked as a state prosecutor there before her involvement with the sovereign citizens movement. Prosecutors haven't said how she and Beane crossed paths.
From what I can recall she's from Tacoma Washington, not Oregon.
I'm not real sure she was ever a prosecuter, if she was, she never had her name attached to a case that I can find. It might be, just guessing, that she worked in the office before passing the Bar Exam.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Resume »

waylonmercy wrote:BZ, if you or your Kool-Aid engorged lemmings are reading this, I have questions:

1. If the United States Government is foreclosed and illegitimate, then how can President Trump issue executive orders, and more importantly, set Heather and Randy free?

2. If there is a shadow organization of bankers and assorted miscreants running the world, why would they be compelled to honor get-out-of-jail-free cards issued by Donald J Trump?

3. You know Randy and Heather are going to prison. I would like to know what is in all of this for you. What is your endgame?
Well, one of the lemmings will tell you:
Dee Ess Double Ewe says : Reply

January 24, 2018 at 11:12 pm

Love it!
Because admitting that Heather and Randy are just another pair of common criminals means all the time invested in this bullshit is wasted, and all the quantum vibrational hoo-haw is the frequency of one hand stroking. So losing is winning, it has to be; HATJ and RKB are martyrs and when they're released from the slams, that's just Trump (or whomever) working behind the scenes to pardon them. If you make up the rules to the game, you never lose. Well, until they haul you off to the rubber room where they'll be no unmonitored playing.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Resume »

Hooey-filled re-cap of day 2;

They really, really think they're winning.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by NYGman »

I tried listening to one of these videos and the associated cackling just makes that task impossible. This is quite serious for HTAJ and Rand, yet they are laughing at what seems to be every aspect of the prosecutions case. They don't seem to understand how a trial works, and really believe this whole thing is a joke. Incredible...
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Gregg »

I got hung up in the drama about them not being allowed to do their laundry in what I can only assume is the laundry room the hotel uses to clean the linens because they found some kind of fleas in the flea bag hotel they obviously chose and then checked out of early.
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