Masonic Fraternal Police Department arrested

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Masonic Fraternal Police Department arrested

Post by Lambkin »

Here is some fresh lunacy. Apparently there is another flavor of sovereign nuttery... ... story.html
An aide to state Atty. Gen. Kamala D. Harris and two others are accused of operating a rogue police force that claimed to exist for more than 3,000 years and have jurisdiction in 33 states and Mexico, authorities said Tuesday.

Brandon Kiel, David Henry and Tonette Hayes were arrested last week on suspicion of impersonating a police officer through their roles in the Masonic Fraternal Police Department, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

Kiel, 31, has worked as the deputy director of community affairs at the California Department of Justice. An office spokesman declined to comment on the criminal investigation but said Kiel is on administrative leave.

Suspicions about the Masonic Fraternal Police Department -- whose members trace their origins to the Knights Templar -- were aroused when various police chiefs in Southern California received a letter in late January that announced new leadership for the group, sheriff’s officials said.

After the letters were mailed, a man claiming to be Kiel and describing himself as the police force’s “chief deputy director” called various law enforcement agencies to schedule in-person meetings, sheriff’s officials said.
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Re: Masonic Fraternal Police Department arrested

Post by bmxninja357 »

I guess it's not just a few freeman types that like to play policeman. Heck these guys even dress up for it. And my what a sense of right, no, duty to do it. with several million members world wide and a belief system that demands an imaginary friend what could possibly be wrong with it.......

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Re: Masonic Fraternal Police Department arrested

Post by NYGman »

I don't understand their desire to be fake cops. Don't they believe the cops have no authority, that laws don't apply to those who opt out?? Seems pointless to me... However, I do like this quote from their web page:
The Masonic Fraternal Organization is the oldest and most respected organization in the “World.”
World is in Quotations, so it obviously isn't the same as our world. I wonder what world they are refering too?
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Re: Masonic Fraternal Police Department arrested

Post by noblepa »

Has there been any response from the REAL Masonic Temple organization regarding this? I'm assuming (I may be wrong) that these bozos aren't really affiliated with the Masons.

A question of law: Is it sufficient to dress up and call yourself a police force, to sustain a charge of impersonating a police officer? Has this group taken any actions, such as trying to arrest or detain someone, or write bogus traffic tickets?

I'm waiting for Orly Taitz to screech that this wouldn't have happened if SHE had been elected Attorney General of Ca.
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Re: Masonic Fraternal Police Department arrested

Post by notorial dissent »

I get the impression, and I could be way wrong, but that this is something that someone in CA invented out of whole cloth. I don't claim to be an expert on the Masons, but I did think I was fairly familiar with all their "real" offshoots, and I've never heard of this one. I can't imagine that the real Masons are even remotely thrilled by this. This one is just really out there in the wind, but the fact that it seems to have snared some sort of ranking, I guess you could call an aide, ranking CA officials. I think it is more likely that the notoriety is more in the realm of the aide working for the CA AG than it is anything else. So far, none of the articles I've seen have been exactly brimming with what I would consider useful information.

I look forward to seeing what the real Masons actually have to say about it.
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Re: Masonic Fraternal Police Department arrested

Post by bmxninja357 »

You seem to be assuming these are not the real masons. Fact is masons have a rich history in law enforcement and the judiciary globally. This site has some spin but you'll get the idea.

Something to consider.
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Re: Masonic Fraternal Police Department arrested

Post by AndyK »

SOME spin :?:

Just for starters, the NTSB seal and South Carolina State Police badges are totally bogus.

Neither of the authentic items exhibits any Masonic symbols.

Someone must have an extreme hatred of the Grand Order to have gone to so much trouble to create all those images.
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Re: Masonic Fraternal Police Department arrested

Post by bmxninja357 »

Personally I'm neither for nor against the masons. But I have found a few different patches of this nature at flea markets. The pics of those patches far preceeded the article in the first post. An image search for freemason police will show that.

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Re: Masonic Fraternal Police Department arrested

Post by Gregg »

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All 33 states? That's obviously some sinister connotation of the 33 degrees of Freemasonry....I guess, but still, its got a ring of Belushi to it...

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Re: Masonic Fraternal Police Department arrested

Post by rogfulton »

Gregg wrote:
Protected: ALL 33 STATES

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All 33 states? That's obviously some sinister connotation of the 33 degrees of Freemasonry....I guess, but still, its got a ring of Belushi to it...

What was the highest count of RuSA states?

I'm currently too lazy to check.
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Re: Masonic Fraternal Police Department arrested

Post by bmxninja357 » ... ice-force/

"In an emailed statement, the Masons of California, the state’s official masonic body, said they have no affiliation with the Masonic Fraternal Police Department or the three individuals who were arrested.

George Braatz, executive secretary for the MSANA, said masons have no national security or justice division of masons."

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Re: Masonic Fraternal Police Department arrested

Post by LightinDarkness »

I posted this at Fogbow, but for the benefit of people who only read this forum, let me be clear - this is basically a group of insane people who have nothing to do with actual freemasons. I inquired to a grand lodge officer in my state, who checked with California and Oregon, and everyone confirmed its just a bunch of nutters. To explain what is going on, here is what I posted at Fogbow:

I know the media doesn't know any better, but calling this "masonic" is incorrect. Freemasons have a strict system on what it means to be a mason, and freemasons are only those that belong to what we call a regular lodge. Regular lodges are those that are in amity and mutual recognition with the United Grand Lodge of England, which is sort of considered the "mother lodge" because all modern lodges descend from it. In the United States, there are usually one or two grand lodges in each state that fall under that standard. Those grand lodges either received their charter from the United Grand Lodge, or they have been found to practice mainstream freemasonry in all ways (such as historically African American lodges). Anyone not a member of a local lodge that was formed by a regular grand lodge is not considered a mason.

In masonic parlance we call these types of people members of clandestine lodges (AKA fakemasons). Because no one owns a copyright on the term freemason, anyone can make up their own lodge. And since most of the rituals have been published for hundreds of years, anyone can play pretend freemason. Why people do these things I'll never really understand, but it usually happens when someone gets rejected for membership from a regular lodge. That can happen for a variety of reasons, but it usually occurs because: (1) the applicant has a criminal background and its not something we can overlook like weed possession, (2) the applicant thinks hes joining the Illuminati and that he becomes a Dark Cabal member when he joins us (this is false, you must be a Fogbow/Quatloos member for that!), or (3) sometimes people are just flat out nuts (often in conjunction with 2).

There is, obviously, no such thing as a masonic police force. Most masonic organizations do not even span outside of a single state. The exceptions would be the side orders like the Scottish Rite and York Rit. Its hilarious that they brought the Knights Templar into this, because that is the name of the final degree in the York Rite. But the York Rite has always admitted that their degrees and titles have no historical connection to the real Knights Templar. We had a time where some questionable masonic scholars were trying to prove otherwise in the 19th century, but that didn't last long.
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Re: Masonic Fraternal Police Department arrested

Post by LightinDarkness »

bmxninja357 wrote:You seem to be assuming these are not the real masons. Fact is masons have a rich history in law enforcement and the judiciary globally. This site has some spin but you'll get the idea.

Something to consider.
I've been a mason for going on 10 years now. You know what my interaction has been with freemason law enforcement? I got pulled over for not fully stopping at a stop sign. The cop was a mason, saw my ring and figured out I was too, and then wrote me a ticket. And then commented that he wished me the best, but as a mason I should know how important it is to set a good example by following the law.

So being a mason....actually got me a ticket. I probably would have gotten off with a warning if I had not had my ring on. Great perks we have with law enforcement, I tell you.

Also, nothing on that website is reflective of reality. With gems like this, how could you possibly believe anything on there?:
The highest Degree masons follow the Luciferian Doctrine.
And if you believe that and want to bring up the Albert Pike quote where he mentioned Lucifer, please be my guest. Because I am more than ready to debunk you on that - its a common conspiracy theorist trope.
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Re: Masonic Fraternal Police Department arrested

Post by bmxninja357 »

I said it had spin. and the purpose was the pictures not really much else. And as I said previously I'm neither for nor against freemasons. I have friends who are freemasons and friends who belive conspiracy theories. I personally have no lean for either side.

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Re: Masonic Fraternal Police Department arrested

Post by Demosthenes »

Black freemasons (Prince Hall Masons) have been around since 1784.

Today, they are a big org (40 grand lodges, 5000 lodges) and do a lot of community networking, charity fundraising, and activism with groups like the NAACP. Eight states (Alabama, Mississippi, West Virginia, etc.) currently do not recognize them as legitimate masons.

Within this large network are truly wingnutty subgroups and some even nuttier copycats. I'm currently aware of at least three that have gone the sovcit route (Los Angeles, Florida, Washington DC, and possibly Georgia.) All of them have tried to pass themselves off as police.

Some have tried to combine elements of A.M.E. Church, Moorish Temple, and Nation of Islam which confuses the hell out of the older members. That's probably the "world" reference.

California has a large and active legitimate Lodge:

One of the subgroups within the CA lodge is the Knights Templar (in California, they're called the The Valiant Magnanimous Order of the Pacific Prince Hall Grand Commandery Order of the Knights Templar for the States of California and Hawaii Organized 1908. ) They wear special uniforms (not police) and play a symbolic role.

The LA trio has cobbled together the Prince Hall trappings and reputation with just about every conspiracy theory out there. Since most of the sovcit conspiracies talk about an uber-powerful secret society that rules the world (NWO, Illuminati, etc.) this trio has decided that they can be the uber-powerful secret rulers of the world if they call themselves the Illuminati and NWO.

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Re: Masonic Fraternal Police Department arrested

Post by Demosthenes »

bmxninja357 wrote:You seem to be assuming these are not the real masons. Fact is masons have a rich history in law enforcement and the judiciary globally. This site has some spin but you'll get the idea.

Something to consider.
"usa vs us" is a sovereign citizen website, right down to the flag fringe theory.
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Re: Masonic Fraternal Police Department arrested

Post by bmxninja357 »

I would have just cut n paste the pictures but I'm on a mobile device and cannot always make it do what I want. It was one of the sites with the pictures on an image search. So I simply linked the site as I could not just link the pics. I could have linked other sites that was just the one I clicked on for the pics.

Those pics or ones like them appear on several sites. Pick which ever one tickles your pickle or don't. Personally I don't care. I simply enjoy when things are proven or disproven and it really matters not from whom the info comes so long as it's sound.

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Re: Masonic Fraternal Police Department arrested

Post by Demosthenes »

Pointing to a sovcit website as proof that sovcits are right...
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Re: Masonic Fraternal Police Department arrested

Post by bmxninja357 »

Pointing to pictures of alleged police patches. Some of which I have seen at flea markets. The site is irrelevant. If you would like you could exchange the site link for a link to only the pictures as perhaps then you could stop implying a non existent connection between my post and anything to do with sov citizens. the fake masons in the original article and a connection that may or may not exist between masons and law enforcement is the issue.

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Re: Masonic Fraternal Police Department arrested

Post by bmxninja357 »

As to the topic it would appear there is no shortage of fraudulent freemason lodges in the u.s.
Here is a list that is a bit dated but it shows a surprising amount of fakes:

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