Oregon Malheur Trial

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Re: Oregon Malheur Trial

Post by eric »

Hey, as a pig farmer I take that personally. :naughty:
As a side note, I plan tomorrow to have a carefully controlled loss of temper when berating some employees as to their personal lack of cleanliness in my barn, something along the lines of indicating to them I am not their fairy house cleaning god mother and if they're being paid until quitting time at least clean up after yourself while you're waiting for your employer paid ride home to pick you up.
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Re: Oregon Malheur Trial

Post by notorial dissent »

Day 7 sort of

Pretty much the same as the last two, Refuge employees describing what happened from their view points, the mess, despoliation, and destruction left by the occupiers to their offices and the center. Moving on to further gov't witnesses about what they had seen or been involved, destruction/theft of property, actions they had taken, things that happened during and after the arrests, again nothing earth shattering. Defense not making much in the way of headway or points with either judge, or probably jury. Prosecution expects to rest by Mon or Tue. Cox and CRyan have filed a whole raft more of documents, most all likely will be denied in the next day or so based on summary information. A lot of it coming off of sites like Family Guardian.
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Re: Oregon Malheur Trial

Post by The Observer »

notorial dissent wrote: Cox and CRyan have filed a whole raft more of documents, most all likely will be denied in the next day or so based on summary information. A lot of it coming off of sites like Family Guardian.
That sounds like our sovrun heroes are getting desperate if they are relying on old Family Guardian documents. Wonder how much longer they will go before they start using Dan Meador theories?
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Re: Oregon Malheur Trial

Post by Jeffrey »

Are we sure about that? Fogbow seems to believe they are "crowdsourcing" the paperwork, in other words someone is actively helping them with motions and such, instead of just copy pasting from online sources. And you can see that there's a back and forth with the motions and response to motions.

Just gonna cross-link to their thread since they've got boots on the ground on this one:
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Re: Oregon Malheur Trial

Post by notorial dissent »

The pootlets idea of crowd sourcing(in other words for free) is them copying off stuff from the internet and assorted gurus and then the ones on trial sort of rework it to suit their needs. At least in one case one of the Fogbow people were able to identify a document filed as coming from a civil of several years ago, that had been literally copied almost entire with just names and some dates changed. There is at least one document that someone identified as coming from Famguardian, the rest, who knows? Their idea of crowd sourcing is getting people on the outside to look up stuff on the internet or copying from some guru or other. As in all things involved in this little drama, they aren't even very good at that. As compared to the ones we usually watch, this crowd is severely amateur at this, and THEY ARE ALL SO SERIOUS ABOUT IT.
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Re: Oregon Malheur Trial

Post by notorial dissent »

Day 8 sort of

As usual a multitude(read less than 5, like maybe 2) of pootriot supporters protesting stuffs outside the court, other side of street.

Law Enforcement day, FBI, Oregon State Police testifying mostly about the traffic stop and arrest of the prime poots. Testified to documents, weapons found with poots at arrest and later at the Refuge.

Ammo's driver, Mark McConnell, was government informant working for some LEO group. Poots more than a bit upset at the revelation, more paranoia rampant, big surprise.

As usual, whole raft of motions filed, mostly the same material just recycled one more time. Judge denied most of them still waiting on response to others, some past due.

Tomorrow probably more of the same.
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Re: Oregon Malheur Trial

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notorial dissent wrote:Ammo's driver, Mark McConnell, was government informant working for some LEO group. Poots more than a bit upset at the revelation, more paranoia rampant, big surprise.
Oh, dear. Our poor sovruns didn't expect to be infiltrated? How will they ever be able to stand up to the system if they can't even detect when the system has eyes and ears among them? Just more evidence of their naïve, narcissistic nuttery.
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Re: Oregon Malheur Trial

Post by notorial dissent »

They're also the ones who are morally affronted that the gov't dared to use their [publicly posted utube and Facebook postings as evidence of their crimes, those were supposed to be private after all, just them and the rest of the utube/Facebook universe. Go figure? Rocket surgeons they aren't.
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Re: Oregon Malheur Trial

Post by wserra »

notorial dissent wrote:Rocket surgeons they aren't.
A good thing for the occasional rocket that needs an appendectomy.
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Re: Oregon Malheur Trial

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Ah, yet another fine - this one to nd for a terrible mixing of metaphors. :snicker:

Pay the clerk $5 Quatloos on your way out.
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Re: Oregon Malheur Trial

Post by The Observer »

In defense of nd, I would say it is very likely that some sovrun somewhere at some time compared himself to a "rocket surgeon."
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Re: Oregon Malheur Trial

Post by notorial dissent »

In my own defense, not that it needs defending, it is a Fogbowism referring to the elite intellectual crowd that are the sovcits who think they are the polymaths of the era. Also, too, since they won't know what it is they will think it is a compliment, when it isn't.

Now on to

Day 9 sort of
More of the usual housekeeping business.
Whole long list of LEO witnesses all about pretty much the same thing as yesterday,

Mumbles again showing that he hadn't really prepared by asking questions on cross he didn't know the answers to beforehand, and got smacked by them.

The Defense, at least some of it, is now trying to push the question of just which conspiracy the occupiers are being tried for, and whatever it is it wasn't what they were conspiring, (at least that is as much sense as I can make of it, more will undoubtedly be revealed.)

They broke early today, 2:45, recessed til 9am Mon, partly because the judge had lawyers to yell at.
Judge has finally reached her last nerve with the Great Mumbles, and he has been advised that if he brings up, in almost any way, Finicum's death, since it is not related to anything being tried, from this point on, contempt and $1000. He may be broke by the end of the trial. It does sound like the judge's patience has finally worn thin on this, and probably a number of other issues. In all fairness she has been extraordinarily patient, but it is reaching the point of damaging the trial if she doesn't reign them in, and with the Defense potion coming, that will be crucial. Judge's order applies as to all parties as I understand. She also lit in to Mumbles for being ill prepared and behaving poorly at cross. At one point she told him if he ignored her one more time he'd lose his cross privileges with that witness.

In closing business she again took judicial notice of Fed ownership of the Refuge, and denied the repeat filings of Ammo and Cox on jurisdiction and ownership.

Mon and Tue next week will be more of the same 22 gov't witnesses on guns and assorted evidence. In other words, insomnia cure. The gov't will probably be playing show and tell with all the weapons seized. Gov't intends to rest probably Tue afternoon and Defense will take up 9am on Wed, which should get much more entertaining for a variety of reasons.
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Re: Oregon Malheur Trial

Post by Jeffrey »

Scott Willingham, who was part of the security team during the takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, was sentenced Friday for theft of government property in federal court in Portland.
http://www.oregonlive.com/oregon-stando ... cot_1.html'

And this interesting article:
It would be nearly impossible for jurors not to notice U.S. District Judge Anna J. Brown's growing exasperation with Ammon Bundy's lawyer Marcus Mumford.

She threatened Mumford with contempt of court if he continued to delve into Finicum's shooting. She told him she'd fine him $1,000 for each time he continued to violate her orders.
http://www.oregonlive.com/oregon-stando ... ay_be.html
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Re: Oregon Malheur Trial

Post by Chaos »

Jeffrey wrote:
And this interesting article:
It would be nearly impossible for jurors not to notice U.S. District Judge Anna J. Brown's growing exasperation with Ammon Bundy's lawyer Marcus Mumford.

She threatened Mumford with contempt of court if he continued to delve into Finicum's shooting. She told him she'd fine him $1,000 for each time he continued to violate her orders.
http://www.oregonlive.com/oregon-stando ... ay_be.html
I believe that was done out of the presence of the jurors. all the jurors have heard is instructions on 'subject is irrelevant and to disregard' from court room tweets.
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Re: Oregon Malheur Trial

Post by notorial dissent »

All the jury saw was prosecution objection being repeatedly sustained when Mumbles tried to go off in the woods. However, AFTER the jury was dismissed for the day she lit in to him. It remains to be seen if the message got across.
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Re: Oregon Malheur Trial

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

It would appear he's trying to get at least one juror to hang things up.
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Re: Oregon Malheur Trial

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:It would appear he's trying to get at least one juror to hang things up.
Fogbowsers are suggesting that he used this tactic in a previous case that got thrown out, albeit not because of his actions. This is all he's got and he's keeping Ammon Bundy happy (and paying?) by doing it.
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Re: Oregon Malheur Trial

Post by notorial dissent »

As Arthur points out, I think there are three things to remember with regard to the Amazing Mumbles, 1) he really isn't a very good lawyer, I think that has been amply proven previously, 2) he is playing to his clients vanity, and pocketbook, 3) he really doesn't have, at least that is determinable so far, a trial strategy that doesn't consist of him being found in contempt or that really amounts to anything. I don't think Judge Brown is going to let him, or any of the others for that matter, force a mistrial. I am quite sure that going through this once will have been more than enough for her.
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Re: Oregon Malheur Trial

Post by grixit »

I just realized that i can use sovrun logic to prove that Ammon Bundy is a terrorist. I can do it in one sentence:

"Ammon" Bundy is named after someone who's married to someone named "Isis".
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Oregon Malheur Trial

Post by notorial dissent »

Day 10 sort of

Mostly FBI witnesses giving the last of their testimony, again nothing earth shattering, along with an inventory of the weapons, large number and a 1000 or so spent casings from one site, debris and assorted odds and ends they collected from the refuge, assorted cars and the defendants, mostly housekeeping at this point. Looks like gov't presentation will finish up early tomorrow. Defense not ready to start so they will most likely adjourn then til Wed morning to start Defense cases.

Item of interest, Cox has now filed a Quiet Title action in Harney County court claiming there is a cloud over the title of the refuge land for reasons. She sort of served notice by filing a notice with the court today. Lots of sound legal thinking in this one.
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