Harvey Dent and the Intellectual Freedom Movement

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Re: Harvey Dent and the Intellectual Freedom Movement

Post by Gregg »

USAA really didn't have any choice because of their FDIC regulations in relation to a loss of a material amount. There's not a set amount for when a loss is material and normally for a bank that size $1.5 million isn't enough but the fact that it was part of a systematic attempt at fraud that partially succeeded and the attempt was, it total, for I think $29 million, coupled with the fact that the system in general is getting a spike in this kind of fraud, made it material enough that whoever is in charge of deciding where the line is wasn't going to bet it wasn't under it.

So, even though a million - five is just a big mortgage these days, and even twenty nine million isn't in the scheme of things isn't a whole lot for USAA, the fact that they had a hole in their security that allowed it was the thing that was material, and there wasn't any way to hide it. Given all that, they couldn't just ignore it. It didn't help that they couldn't get the other bank to annul the transfer and they are on the hook for the RV, a little asset that's going the lose tens of thousands of dollars before they will make any recovery.
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Re: Harvey Dent and the Intellectual Freedom Movement

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

It would be a very 'bankster'ish thing to do to simply keep the RV to use as a corporate camper van for fun days out for the board of directors. The thing is massive (would you even be able to drive it without some special driving test?) and would be ideally suited to grinding the faces of the poor and riding roughshod over downtrodden masses, possibly with the VP in charge of Pointless Cruelty scattering shovelfulls of red hot quarters from the back as they go.
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Re: Harvey Dent and the Intellectual Freedom Movement

Post by ssmith »

Speaking of fun outings..... They could all load up in the RV and drive to the courthouse for the January 23rd festivities. Maybe do a little tailgating prior to the start of the trial. If there's an empty parking lot close by, a flag football game could be organized against the OPPT team. Possibilities are endless!
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Re: Harvey Dent and the Intellectual Freedom Movement

Post by morrand »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:The thing is massive (would you even be able to drive it without some special driving test?) ....
Subject to the usual caution that driving laws in the US are set by the states and are not completely uniform across the nation: yes, probably. RVs get a lot of leeway in that regard.

Although, if you were to use it for grinding the faces of the poor, &c., in connection with a commercial enterprise (rather than recreationally), you might need a commercial driver's license.
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Re: Harvey Dent and the Intellectual Freedom Movement

Post by arayder »

notorial dissent wrote:
Gregg wrote: I don't know where, but I did see somewhere that Harvey actually had a tech related job that was a pretty good paying gig not too long ago. I'm wondering whether his loss of the job made him go all sovcit or if he drank the kool aid and that caused him to lose the job, but I'd bet there was some connection.
It is more likely had the job, drank the koolade, lost the job. Funny how employers don't like dealing with krazy people, and I'm betting he fit the bill once he found his mission. I will say that I have a real hard time believing he had a real tech job, unless it was something really esoteric that didn't require doing anything more than the one thing he was really qualified to do. Sovcits as a rule generally have really poor people interpersonal relation type skills. I've seen nothing to indicate otherwise with Harvey.
Harvey goes into a car dealership and tries to fast woo talk himself into a car. He goes into a bank and tries to access his birth certificate account, or whatever he calls it.

So what makes anybody think he's going to get through the most cursory job interview without going weird? Who thinks he's going to handle the first challenging day at work? Who thinks he could run his own business?

It's always been my contention that the best thing the freeman/sovcit community and its leaders could do would be to stop talking legal advice and start taking care of their subculture's collective mental health.
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Re: Harvey Dent and the Intellectual Freedom Movement

Post by The Observer »

arayder wrote:So what makes anybody think he's going to get through the most cursory job interview without going weird?
What makes me think that Harvey could get through a cursory interview? My years of experience of seeing people like Harvey sailing through interviews due to carelessness, or employment policies designed to level the playing field creating pressure to pick enough candidates identified as preferred hires. Plenty of whackos get jobs for the wrong reasons. Just recall how many of those types ended up deciding their job and/or boss sucked and decided to end their career by bringing a gun to work. Now ask yourself about how those people managed to get past the first interview?

So I am not at all surprised that Harvey could have landed a job in the tech industry. The only real question is how long before his employer was able to gain enough courage to terminate him once they realized that Harvey was a train wreck waiting to happen.
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Re: Harvey Dent and the Intellectual Freedom Movement

Post by notorial dissent »

I am still more inclined to the belief that IF Harvey EVER really had what amounted to a tech job he was hired either because someone knew him and he could do the job they required and they couldn't find anyone else, or he was a temp that they hired and could do the job and they didn't want to look for anyone else. Either way, he probably wouldn't have had to have really interviewed, and I really can't see him getting past an interview either. I've seen lots of those over the years with no skills other than the one(s) they were hired for.
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Re: Harvey Dent and the Intellectual Freedom Movement

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

He could have had a tech job before going off the rails. Look at Karen Hudes, Rekha Patel, Neelu Berry, etc. They all had respectable jobs which would have required degree level learning, but none of them now do anything other than spout new age or FMOTL bs.
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Re: Harvey Dent and the Intellectual Freedom Movement

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

This seems to be ploughing into blue seas of speculation that are really not in what I perceive to be the Quattloos ethos of sourced and supportable fact.

Simply slagging people off is neither germane nor productive.
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Re: Harvey Dent and the Intellectual Freedom Movement

Post by arayder »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:This seems to be ploughing into blue seas of speculation that are really not in what I perceive to be the Quattloos ethos of sourced and supportable fact.

Simply slagging people off is neither germane nor productive.
Well, we are speculating. But I think the behavior of these FMOTL/sovcit is interesting. Plus Harvey is a chronic "over sharer" who regularly discusses the details of his life.
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Re: Harvey Dent and the Intellectual Freedom Movement

Post by GlimDropper »

So, what has Harvey Denson been up to? Not a whole lot. His car wash business seems to be going well, enough so at least that he is no longer homeless but is renting a room in Isleton, good on you Harvey. The ACH fraud fad that he did his utmost to promote has died down to a slow simmer with even Harvey warning people not to try and pay their bills with the "secret accounts." It's interesting to note that he never mentions any attempts on his part to confirm the two transactions Harvey claims were never reversed. He paid for a full year of AAA auto club membership and he also paid a PG&E utility bill mid way into the month of July but he was evicted and out on the street on August 2nd. If PG&E or AAA tried to contact him about his payments that contact most likely would have been by mail, mailed to an address he no longer lived at. Harvey has never confirmed that his utility bill "stayed" paid and has never mentioned calling AAA for roadside service to see if they'd show up. Pathetically enough, this is the pinnacle of his ACH achievements, he is after all the leader of the Intellectual Freedom, not the Intellectual Honesty Movement.

This is not to say that Harvey has been an entirely boring, nose to the grindstone work a day kinda guy, he has been morphing, more or less in real time, into a next generation sovcit guru. Late last week Harvey faced arraignment for a traffic ticket and in a refreshingly short video he tries to bargle his way out of it, despite his efforts his court date has been set for early next month. Harvey seems to have confused the Judge entering a plea of not guilty on his behalf with a "Judicial determination of not guilty" and other similar sovereign tropes. In fact he's following the typical sovcit script to a depressingly predicable tee. We can imagine his forthcoming outrage when the trial court refuses to dismiss his case because his rights were violated at arraignment by a not guilty plea he didn't agree with being entered on the record. Actually we wont have to imagine it for long because he's sure to make a video about it. One thing, don't, I mean just do not call Harvey Denson a sovereign citizen because he really hates that.

The last line of that last video link states that Harvey doesn't give a sh*t, he just wants to be free and a more concise example of the this fallacy is hard to find. He must be aware that thousands of videos showing sovcits getting their proverbial asses handed to them in courts or by cops are freely available on youtube but there are of course hours and hours of sovcit bargle training videos online as well. Instead of attempting anything like an empirical exploration, literal trial and error to see if the extraordinary claims are supported by any sort of proof, Harvey launches himself into full on true believer mode not because any evidence exists that these ideas work but only because he "wants to be free." Free presumably in this instance of traffic laws but it doesn't seem to dawn on him that this is the "if wishes were horses" approach and teaching yourself and others to believe in completely unproven bull crap is not a sure fire path to liberation. In fact, I doubt he even cares*.

*- Except of course that he has ~some~ amount of money pending from youtube channel views and online tee shirt sales, money he can not access without a bank account of some kind for the funds to be deposited into. On a recent video costarring another up and coming next gen sovcit guru Harvey confirms what we've suspected for a good while, all of his failed ACH fraud attempts have made him getting a bank account something of a problem. In the past he always tried to make it seem that it was his idea of a noble protest to avoid dealing with the thieving, pilfering banks but this time he expressed the problem in the context of money that was his but he had no access to which makes it sound a lot more like its the banks wanting nothing to do with Him. Heaven forfend and again, depressingly predictable. Except to Harvey and the audience he is cultivating.
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Re: Harvey Dent and the Intellectual Freedom Movement

Post by nancydrew »

GlimDropper wrote:So, what has Harvey Denson been up to? Not a whole lot. His car wash business seems to be going well, enough so at least that he is no longer homeless but is renting a room in Isleton, good on you Harvey. The ACH fraud fad that he did his utmost to promote has died down to a slow simmer with even Harvey warning people not to try and pay their bills with the "secret accounts." It's interesting to note that he never mentions any attempts on his part to confirm the two transactions Harvey claims were never reversed. He paid for a full year of AAA auto club membership and he also paid a PG&E utility bill mid way into the month of July but he was evicted and out on the street on August 2nd. If PG&E or AAA tried to contact him about his payments that contact most likely would have been by mail, mailed to an address he no longer lived at. Harvey has never confirmed that his utility bill "stayed" paid and has never mentioned calling AAA for roadside service to see if they'd show up. Pathetically enough, this is the pinnacle of his ACH achievements, he is after all the leader of the Intellectual Freedom, not the Intellectual Honesty Movement.

This is not to say that Harvey has been an entirely boring, nose to the grindstone work a day kinda guy, he has been morphing, more or less in real time, into a next generation sovcit guru. Late last week Harvey faced arraignment for a traffic ticket and in a refreshingly short video he tries to bargle his way out of it, despite his efforts his court date has been set for early next month. Harvey seems to have confused the Judge entering a plea of not guilty on his behalf with a "Judicial determination of not guilty" and other similar sovereign tropes. In fact he's following the typical sovcit script to a depressingly predicable tee. We can imagine his forthcoming outrage when the trial court refuses to dismiss his case because his rights were violated at arraignment by a not guilty plea he didn't agree with being entered on the record. Actually we wont have to imagine it for long because he's sure to make a video about it. One thing, don't, I mean just do not call Harvey Denson a sovereign citizen because he really hates that.

The last line of that last video link states that Harvey doesn't give a sh*t, he just wants to be free and a more concise example of the this fallacy is hard to find. He must be aware that thousands of videos showing sovcits getting their proverbial asses handed to them in courts or by cops are freely available on youtube but there are of course hours and hours of sovcit bargle training videos online as well. Instead of attempting anything like an empirical exploration, literal trial and error to see if the extraordinary claims are supported by any sort of proof, Harvey launches himself into full on true believer mode not because any evidence exists that these ideas work but only because he "wants to be free." Free presumably in this instance of traffic laws but it doesn't seem to dawn on him that this is the "if wishes were horses" approach and teaching yourself and others to believe in completely unproven bull crap is not a sure fire path to liberation. In fact, I doubt he even cares*.

*- Except of course that he has ~some~ amount of money pending from youtube channel views and online tee shirt sales, money he can not access without a bank account of some kind for the funds to be deposited into. On a recent video costarring another up and coming next gen sovcit guru Harvey confirms what we've suspected for a good while, all of his failed ACH fraud attempts have made him getting a bank account something of a problem. In the past he always tried to make it seem that it was his idea of a noble protest to avoid dealing with the thieving, pilfering banks but this time he expressed the problem in the context of money that was his but he had no access to which makes it sound a lot more like its the banks wanting nothing to do with Him. Heaven forfend and again, depressingly predictable. Except to Harvey and the audience he is cultivating.
Banks, S &L’s and Credit Unions don’t want HD to walk on the same side of the street their offices are on. HD who thinks he’s so smart, but really is only arrogant in his stupidity, didn’t even foresee that his stunt with his own CU, that he admits he had a long standing relation with, might close the door in his face of ever having bank privileges anywhere. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.
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Re: Harvey Dent and the Intellectual Freedom Movement

Post by BoomerSooner17 »

He seems to have achieved his goal: he is definitely free of any intellect whatsoever.
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Re: Harvey Dent and the Intellectual Freedom Movement

Post by nancydrew »


HD is annoyed that Quatloos is picking on him, and not going after what he considers to be real scammers. Because they charge for paperwork, etc.
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Re: Harvey Dent and the Intellectual Freedom Movement

Post by notorial dissent »

Harvey's life is I fear fraught with frustration, and I fear will remain so.
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Re: Harvey Dent and the Intellectual Freedom Movement

Post by TheNewSaint »

nancydrew wrote:
HD is annoyed that Quatloos is picking on him.
I've noticed that the ones who complain about being discussed on Quatloos are the ones with the shortest threads on Quatloos. You're at 5 lousy pages, Harvey, get over yourself.
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Re: Harvey Dent and the Intellectual Freedom Movement

Post by Mike_p »

nancydrew wrote:https://youtu.be/DFSC4f6P0oA

HD is annoyed that Quatloos is picking on him, and not going after what he considers to be real scammers. Because they charge for paperwork, etc.
That's funny! He found 105 matches to his name then claimed there were 105 threads about him.

He' appears to be watching this thread so let's see if he makes any adjustment.
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Re: Harvey Dent and the Intellectual Freedom Movement

Post by Paths of the Sea »

Even Harvey Dent has taken notice of the Baby Holm case.

Check out what he says around the 15:00 minute mark in this video:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrjgU-8 ... e&t=14m58s

I just posted another thread here noting that Karl Lentz was acknowledged for his having given worthless advice to the Holm parents (if you assume they were looking for advice productive of the return of the child rather than what they were, apparently, really looking for).

No telling what all the connections are between Karl, Harvey, Brady, et al.

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Re: Harvey Dent and the Intellectual Freedom Movement

Post by RSVPini »

I'm new to this site but I'm not new to Harvey Denson's continuing story of the man who has lost nearly everything he had, including his family, because he can't hold a job, has shown videos of himself committing and attempting to commit crimes, was evicted and then asked for and received donations from his viewers to pay for his motel room stays and then gives advice to people on how to live AND THEY LISTEN TO HIM!!

I'm addicted. It's like watching a train wreck. It is documented proof there are suckers born every minute waiting to be coached by a YouTube video producer on how to live their lives. I seriously believe that his followers "family" are impressed by him because he knows some words that have more than one syllable. They can overlook the little things like the fact that he has tried to by a $50,000 car with a promissory note and was removed from the dealership by the police, has printed fraudulent checks, defaulted on his car loan, believes the earth is flat, and much more - not to mention that he is a fugitive on the run.

And now, in the latest Harvey video I watched, he mentioned that this website is where all the "Paid Government Trolls" come to discuss strategies. So, of course I had to come and join up because I hadn't gotten the memo from our secret evil government official/leader that I'm supposed to be here. So, here I am. Does anybody know what day is paid government troll payday this month?
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Re: Harvey Dent and the Intellectual Freedom Movement

Post by Burnaby49 »

Welcome to Quatloos RSVPini! Enjoy that welcome, that's the only reward you'll get for posting. I have a sad disillusionment for you. It's all lies. Harvey's statement about all the government money available through Quatloos participation is as true as any other statement he's ever made.

Take me, I'm as close to a paid government troll as you are going to get because I at least once worked for the Canadian government. And I like getting paid. But have I gotten anything out of Quatloos after all these selfless years of dedication? NOTHING!

It's a fool's game. We post and post to entice visitors and our hidden masters reap the financial benefits.
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