OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Moderators: Prof, Judge Roy Bean

Heather will decide to head for the hills:

Before her next hearing
After her next hearing
Before her trial
Before her sentencing
Never - she wants to experience BEing and DOing behind bars.
Total votes: 41

Siegfried Shrink
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Surely this is an extradition hearing in DC. The action will all be in Tenn. which is not quite so much on the spotlight.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Burnaby49 wrote:Have you made it to the magical sex bus tour yet? Or the Moroccan debacle? All grand entertainment.
This is rather like a film with mostly flashbacks, there has been mention of a bus but only for preparing alien spaceports. I look forward to a Moroccan debacle, I like a good debacle and they don't seem to make them like they used to.
I will try to understand why the oppt has resurfaced, and envision how Heather will look in orange.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by Burnaby49 »

The bus tour was great, they squandered a fortune buying mobile homes and doing a caravan tour of the US. Here's a shot of them hunkered down for the night;


You can find one deluded participant's story of the tour and Morocco here;

http://www.stillnessinthestorm.com/2014 ... -from.html

And here's a shot of our currently incarcerated Heather. As always, smoking. She was smoking when arrested;

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by Deep Knight »

My favorite part of the Silliness in the Storm thing:
Tetaoun Youssef
We met a contact for the town of Aouchtam who began showing us properties. ... He works for Club Med in Cabo Negro as a concierge and as a man who can "get you anything you need."
Tetaoun Youssef sold me a Guitar for 800 MAD, claiming it was one of the best guitars - hand made - going to a special place to find it for me. I knew as soon as I saw the Guitar it was a cheap mass produced product, probably made in Asia. I was just happy to have something, and it sounded good for a 'boxed guitar.'

A few weeks later, I found myself in Marjane, the Moroccan Walmart, only to discover the very same Guitar on the racks with four others just like it. These guitars were selling for 500 MAD brand new. This was to be one of many examples of Youssef's dishonorable dealings with us, and while I cannot claim to know everything he did was dishonorable, many of the negotiations he did on our behalf we later discovered were to his benefit financially; which he did not advertise. Some of the housing Brian attempted to secure fell through because Youssef was trying to secure a stipend from the Landlord inflating the rent by nearly double.
From a Soul Growth perspective, Morocco is an amazing place for all the reasons I just described. Because everything is negotiable in TRUTH, Moroccan haggling practices provide a wonderful opportunity for one to develop negotiation skills and stand in their power. Morocco will either make or break you, as there are constantly pitfalls weak and gullible minds fall into.

For instance, Tetouan Youssef came in, sold us on bogus deal after bogus deal, revealing the potential for growth in all of us. Our Egocentric identity does not like acknowledging mistakes to change for the better, but the responsibility to gain knowledge and change ourselves is always within our grasp.

"Let he who would be duped be duped" is the Vatican's moral justification laid out in the Papal bulls creating our Corporate legal structure. I think this has wisdom to it, as we must stand in our power, look for knowledge, acting within it to cease being 'duped.' We are response-able after all.
"Hey man, you really got ripped off back there."
"Yes, but it was a remarkable opportunity for soul growth."
"Follow the Money"
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by Burnaby49 »

My favorite was the QEG, a perpetual motion machine they worked long and hard on perfecting. I believe QEG stood for Quantum Energy Generator. They put out begging campaign after begging campaign to finance this enormously expensive high-tch device on the absolute outer fringes of tchnological research. As the Morocco diary said;
The effect the QEG build had on the community focus was all encompassing. Before the QEG, we were creating a space to discuss core philosophies, and how to practically implement them. This was the hard, shadow work, we needed to do to root out all the opportunities for greater harmony. While the QEG build was an overall positive experience, it shifted our focus away from explicit agreements of consensus - adherence to clear transparent communication - to that of a frantic pace. We simply didn't have the time to see our work of building community through.

Hope's organizational display throughout this time was a great example for all involved. I think, if we had an opportunity to regroup after the QEG, her spirit of project management would have been infused into our efforts.

The QEG Build was a wonderful display of harmony, as many people from all over the world worked together in common-unity. Brian worked furiously with Hope and others to have parts couriered over by the steady stream of pilgrims coming to Aouctham. To their credit, we had nearly all the parts available to us within just a few weeks of agreeing to do the build here, a monumental achievement by any standard. The challenges of building an advanced piece of technology in Morocco were ever present. Jamie, and a group of engineers, made constant adjustments to their plans based on what materials were available to work with.
This is the device that needed weeks of air shipments of parts from all over Europe;


You can see why they had such difficulty with the parts. They had to scour every high school science class they could access for 1980's electronics.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by notorial dissent »

I can well imagine they filed, or attempted to file their piles of gibberish, but I doubt seriously the MJ will allow it to stay since it has absolutely nothing to do with the Identity hearing. I suspect the MJ or his clerks will look at it and it will be delisted or whatever the term is by Fri. The only thing they are interested in, is who is she. Once that is settled she is off to TN and is the judge down there's problem. I think her chorus is in for a world of hurt, shock, and surprise tomorrow. Her PD may well be too if he was actually involved in the filing.

The problem is that a lot of the narrative comes from her chorus of the brainless which negates most of the probability of accuracy.

Tomorrow should be popcorn worthy.

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by Jeffrey »

All that aside, how likely is it for Heather to get off due to insanity? No judge that interacts with her or reads her filings is likely to believe she is of sound mind.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by notorial dissent »

I think she is crazy in one sense or another, but not clinically so. I rather suspect that she will just be seen as another slightly off the wall conartist. Her particular variety of crazy isn't new, or even really original, and even with the new agey jibber jabber thrown in she won't come across as too far outside the ordinary. They see this kind of nonsense in tax court all the time. Her chorus will probably do her more harm than good since they will just reinforce the already bad impression she is giving off.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by Gregg »

Mike O'Brien, one of the more prolific You-Tube supporters blew up the transmission in his car today and is not going to make it tomorrow, but he has set up a GoFundMe page to buy a new one. (Why doesn't he just use his TDA? The world wonders)

To curb his disappointment, I posted in his comments what he's missing..
SInce you won't make it to DC tomorrow, I'll tell you what is going to happen. The Judge is going to dismiss a bunch of junk that matters not a bit to Heather's case. He is going to rule that she is indeed Heather. He's going to order her held until the US Marshals can take her to Knoxville to answer the case there. This is an identity hearing, the ONLY issue to be decided is if the person in front of the Judge is the person that is under indictment in another court. Once the Judge decides she is (and since she showed up at the White House and told them who she was, even providing them ID there there's not much question of that) she will be led back to her cell until they take her to Knoxville. NOTHING ELSE is at issue Friday. The Judge doesn't have any grounds to do anything but determine whether or not she is the person who they want to see in another court, and if she is, to send her there.
But y'all can spend the next 18 hours jerking each other off with your pet theories and how she's gonna show the man the power and this is going to change the world and Trump might even set her free tonight, that's his big annoucement, (I have really seen that, he's gonna give you the TDAs and let Heather go...I think he won't) So, enjoy the wet dream, when you wake up Heather is going to take a 14 hour bus ride in the back of a US Marshall Service Van, most likely with no air conditioning. She won't see the outside of a jail or prison for the next 5 years or more and you're almost certainly going to get to go to prison, too. Hope that works out great for ya! Just maybe a few knuckleheads rotting in prison will keep any more desperate people from doing really stupid shit like trying to steal money from the Federal Reserve Bank.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by Gregg »

If I had a little more time and ambition, I'd write a book about this long strange trip

The Great Water Powered Sex Bus Tour,
Free Energy and Secret Free Money The story of Heather Tucci and the OPPT
or something like.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Burnaby49 wrote: You can find one deluded participant's story of the tour and Morocco here;

http://www.stillnessinthestorm.com/2014 ... -from.html
Thanks for that and the captivating photo, not the face that launched a thousand ships but she'd get a few feluccas off the ways.
I'm still in 2013, almost 2014 so I will look at the link when it seems timely.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by Burnaby49 »

You'll get a chance to skip a lot of posts when you get to the QEG. There was a lot of speculation about its circuitry which I found somewhat pointless. Posters tried to prove that perpetual motion machines can't work which I always thought was a given.

But the bus tour, and the accompanying videos, were fascinating.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Up to page 54 now. A low point seems to have been reached, but judging by current events there is more to come.


Has she somehow joined the Moors?

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by Burnaby49 »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:Up to page 54 now. A low point seems to have been reached, but judging by current events there is more to come.


Has she somehow joined the Moors?

If you've made it to page 54 you've seen this;
Looks like OPPT true believer Shane Bennett is still making delusional demands of all the parties involved in foreclosing/selling his house. For those that need a refresher, Shane stopped paying his mortgage sometime in early 2013 because Heather's UCC filings promised him all his debts were fake. Since then hes completely fallen down the rabbit hole. His house went into foreclosure, he sent OPPT courtesy notices to everyone involved, showed up at court spouting OPPT gibberish, etc. After losing in a spectacular manner, now hes invoicing the real estate agent charged with trying to sell the house.
So I'd suggest a digression to this discussion of a relatively local (to me) family, the Volks in Victoria who, like Bennett, lost their home through a combination of unbelievable stupidity and the OPPT gang who virtually coerced Carol Volk into losing their home when the bank might have been open to an accomodation. I'll conced that the Volks also had the Reverend Belanger actively engaged in destroying their lives which was assistance that Bennet did not enjoy;


Pay particular attention to this posting of mine;


Where I made a transcript of a Skype conversation Carol Volk had with the OPPT gang who, with no skin in the game, convinced a deluded Carol that they had set her on a guranteed path to beat the bank, wipe out her mortgage, and keep her house. As I wrote;
I've gone through the RTS (Removing the Shackles) Skype document, formatted it, and condensed it by deleting much of the gibberish. This results in an easier to follow abridged version although I've left some of the gibberish in to give a feel for the crazy. It shows how easy it was for them to manipulate Carol from panic to overwhelming but totally unjustified confidence.

I find it absolutely fascinating how, at the beginning, Carol comes onto the discussion in a total panic, desperate because her life is collapsing and, by the end, she's jubilant that she has the bank on the run, her mortgage gone, and she is actually going to make the bank pay her for the inconvenience of forgiving her mortgage. All because of totally inane comment from strangers.

The only rational actor in this whole crazy world was Carol's husband who was out on the deck getting drunk.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

A plantive word from the younger man 'It's not fraud if it's your account'.
Trouble is it is fraud if it is not your account, and that is the case.

Burnaby, I'll take a look at your links, thanks.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by wserra »

The minute order from yesterday's Rule 5 (identity) hearing:
Minute Entry for proceedings held before Magistrate Judge Deborah A. Robinson: Identity Hearing on Removal as to HEATHER ANN TUCCI-JARRAF held on 8/4/2017. The defendant that is before the Court is, HEATHER ANN TUCCI-JARRAF, per the Court's ruling. Commitment to Another District Order submitted and signed by the Court. File documents forwarded to the originating jurisdiction. as to HEATHER ANN TUCCI-JARRAF. Oral Motion to Withdraw as Attorney by Federal Public Defender David Bos as to HEATHER ANN TUCCI-JARRAF (1) was heard and denied. Oral Motion to Strike Agent Parker Steill's Testimony by HEATHER ANN TUCCI-JARRAF (1) was heard and denied. Oral Motion to represent herself by HEATHER ANN TUCCI-JARRAF (1) was heard and granted. Oral Order granting defendant's oral motion to represent herself VACATED for the reasons set forth on the record. Bond Status of Defendant: Defendant Committed/Commitment Issued; Court Reporter: FTR-Gold; FTR Time Frame: Ctrm 4 [10:05:52-10:15:51; 10:46:33-11:07:41; 11:10:31-11:55:58; 12:05:20-12:17:20; 1:57:08:-2:24:08]; Defense Attorney: David Bos; US Attorney: Lisa Walters; Pretrial Officer: Andre Sidbury;Witnesses: Agent Parker Steill (ldc) (Entered: 08/04/2017)
Please note specifically the two bolded sentences, and exercise your imagination as to the courtroom scene:
Heather: I want to represent myself.

M-J Robinson: OK, let's talk Faretta. [Faretta litany omitted] Do you understand?

Heather: Yes.

M-J Robinson: Allright, I'll hear you as to your identity.

Heather: Pursuant to the one people's standing, authority, value, rights, our principal of law knowingly, willingly and intentionally preserved and protected, in perpetuity, by notice to all beings and the world, being first implemented by International Law Ordinance cognizably noticed as the Constitution for the United States of America, 1791 as amended, and the lawful progeny jurisprudence thereof, internationally affirmed ordinances, starting July 4, 1776, and completed March 1, 1781, ratified 1791, said never being rebutted, re-ratified by public declaration July 25, 2012, insured and governed by public policy, inclusive of UCC 1-103, and any and all the United States of America Federal Government, UNITED STATES, United States, STATE OF . . ., State of . ., and international equivalents: Secured Party, through its bondservants, with all rights reserved and without prejudice, as promised and preserved by public policy, inclusive of UCC 1-308, and any and all the United States of America Federal Government, UNITED STATES, United States, STATE OF . . ., state of . and international equivalents, BY AND WITH DUE AUTHORITY AND STANDING, as held in trust and administered by its Public Trust, through the actions of its duly bonded Trustees, do now duly register and secure public notice of the following Orders of Findings & Actions, FAO, Suspension, and Audit, all issued on July 4, 2012, against DEBTOR, UNITED STATES and the several STATE OF. . ., et. al., inclusive of all voluntary commercial indentures thereto . . . thereof, and therefrom, for cause, NUNC PRO TUNC, PRAETEREA PRETEREA, all three Orders restated and incorporated here as if set forth in full,'with further public notice made via posting said Orders on the world-wide web at http://www.peoplestrustl776.org, the official website of The Public Trust, that is under the sole possession and control of its duly bonded Trustees, Ordering DEBTOR as follows:

M-J Robinson: STOP! STOP! That Faretta stuff - never again! Marshalls - the Chattanooga Choo-Choo!
I gotta get that transcript.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by notorial dissent »

Going to be even more entertaining when she hits Chattanooga, or where ever, :snicker:
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by Gregg »

Eastern District of Tennessee, Knoxville
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by Gannibal »

Minor tangent, can someone recommend some reading on the nature of a Faretta waiver? It's come up once or twice in my discussions with sovcits, but I'm not familiar with what exactly it entails.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

Post by Burnaby49 »

Gannibal wrote:Minor tangent, can someone recommend some reading on the nature of a Faretta waiver? It's come up once or twice in my discussions with sovcits, but I'm not familiar with what exactly it entails.
Just check Wikipedia;


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_c ... mpetencies
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
