OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Moderators: Prof, Judge Roy Bean

Heather will decide to head for the hills:

Before her next hearing
After her next hearing
Before her trial
Before her sentencing
Never - she wants to experience BEing and DOing behind bars.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by BoomerSooner17 »

While I agree that her only two options are to double down on the crazy or to run, running requires that she realize how much trouble she's in, but short of realizing that running will make things worse. Based on her performance so far, I don't think that she is aware enough to know when to run.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by notorial dissent »

It's a safe bet she'll double down on the crazy, that is just her nature, and I think she will eventually run, or at least attempt to, whether she's smart enough to figure out when is a good guess.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by TheNewSaint »

I think Heather's cue to flee will be when she loses control of the narrative. Once the jurisdiction nonsense is put to bed, the judge will no longer let her argue UCC filings and being the source of all that is.

Now, Heather did drop the crazy and put together a solid argument when she wanted pre-trial release. It's possible she could do so again, just to beat her one crummy charge. Or at least she thinks she can, being the smartest person in the room and all. That's why I picked "between verdict and sentencing" for when she hits the road, Jack.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by wserra »

TheNewSaint wrote:That's why I picked "between verdict and sentencing" for when she hits the road, Jack.
I doubt that she'll get that opportunity. It seems quite likely to me that the Court will lock her up on a guilty verdict. She seems smart enough to realize that. So she either splits before the verdict or not at all.

That's basically why I voted "Never".
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Athis »

Yes I think the moment for decision will be when it is established that her fantasy legal arguments will not avail and she and Randy will be tried under US law. Then she will have to weigh her options.
If she runs she will be choosing exile for life (I presume) so there is the question of family & life in the US
If she stays and faces the music she can continue her "work" as a new age guru or savior; and there will still be a core group around her (BZ et al) and many others who will still pitch-in to support the cause and the martyrs
If she stays she wont suffer too badly or for too long
If she runs it will be for life
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by notorial dissent »

I would hope/think tht the judge would clip her wings before sentencing, but so far it is kind of hard to guess, may depend a lot on what the jurisdiction ruling says and how she reacts. I certainly think she will/would run once the verdict comes in, but then again when it starts to look like it is going south she may take off. The problem is that of assuming she is rational, and that I think is a bad mistake.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by waylonmercy »

Heather will never voluntarily surrender to US Marshals or the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Her freedom is more important to her than being a guru.
Lives are going to be in Waylon Mercy's hands.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Deep Knight »

TheNewSaint wrote:The transcript of Heather's jurisdiction hearing has been posted to the Internet:

i-uv.com web page containing transcript

direct link to transcript PDF

This is a quality sovcit takedown. The judge has a sense of humor, and quickly loses patience for Heather's bullshit, both of which she completely fails to pick up on. ...
You all might be amused to know that this landmark legal document was posted by Freewill at NESARA News, no doubt as an example of how things are done uptown!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Judge Anna! Friends! We The People woke up! Read: I am an American State National an Oregonian. A non US citizen. Un-rebutted on the record stands as fact. !! US Does Not Exist:Tenn. Jurisdiction Hearing Proves Lantern of the Hermit

Judge Anna! Friends!
It is obvious that We The People Woke Up! Read
Open Letter to the Director of United States Department of State
Nina Sidorova

Open Letter to the Director of United States Department of State
Posted: 14 Nov 2017 08:08 AM PST
Submitted to Operation Disclosure

To: Director of United States Department of State Seattle Passport Agency 2nd letter November 8, 2017 first letter dated October 21, 2017 and attached.


Notice to the agent is notice to the Principal and so forth. I do lawful not legal and this is my best effort.

A reply to a communiqué from your department dated 10/31/2017 a trick or treat response that does not provide due process.

Take heed. It is on the record in Federal District Court Portland, Oregon that I am an American

State National an Oregonian. A non US citizen. Un-rebutted on the record stands as fact.

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Military Tribunals Coming for the Wicked
The Enemy Turns and Devours One Another
Nov 4 2017
Mind Boggling Treasonous Acts Exposed and Punished – Mark Taylor

Completed Work of OPPT Proves the United States Doesn't Exist
Tenn. Jurisdiction Hearing Proves

Lantern of the Hermit
Internal Illumination Blog posted by Joseph David Henry Ware Bryan-Royster...
ompleted Work of OPPT Proves the United States Doesn't Exist

Transcript October 18, 2017 Jurisdiction Hearing,
Eastern District Court of Tennessee
Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf and Randall Keith Beane
[All 92 pages!]

watchman November 13, 2017 at 8:42 PM
That "judge" did a lot of "tap-dancing" around HATJ's efforts trying to get her off of her claim. There is no lawful governance. Only municipal corporations offering 'contracts' with coercion. I pray Heather and Randall have victories, with extreme prejudice, in the name of Yeshua, Amen.

Kathleen Crane November 14, 2017 at 10:01 AM
I have faith that Heather knows what shes doing, IMO shes brilliant and I thank her for opening this door for us and educating us to something we knew nothing about.

Heather and Randy
Kathleen Crane

glo November 14, 2017 at 6:22 PM

Posted by Freewill at 7:43:00 PM


Anonymous November 16, 2017 at 12:24 PM
The judge did not do a judge any tap dancing at all. The judge did his/her best to pin down Tucci-Jarraf on the law backing her position, and Tucci-Jarraf could produce nothing! The judge is right, the UCC is not law and any filings based on the UCC do not establish anything. That has been the whole problem with this type of approach. Fake judge Anna uses the same approach. Make a lot of feel good statements, but no basis in any kind of law.

Freewill November 16, 2017 at 12:30 PM
You are a troll... Have you decided to comment on all these postings involving retired federal postal judge Anna?
Besides, the UNITED STATES is a bankrupt corporation that is civilly dead, defunct, does not exist in law, and by law cannot bring a claim against anyone! Reference H.J.R 192 May 1933! You are fake! Troll!

Jacques Lafleur November 16, 2017 at 3:25 PM
After reading the full court transcript, Ms. Tucci-Jarraf completed a masterful defense of the facts and reality surrounding the slave status of humanity... and doing so, inside the lions den no less; delivered to the duly appointed system gatekeepers (judge & court officers)who themselves cannot and in most instances will not see beyond the veil. The issue here is that the entire proceeding is tied to the following fact - we are asking for a paradigm shift from the very people who control the paradigm. If this judge does rule in favour of truth he is biting the hand (system) that feeds him and his days as a judge will no doubt be limited.
Although combative I was surprised that the judge did not jump on the entire proceeding with the usual aplomb using the "contempt of court" strategy reserved for discussions about truth. Ms. Tucci-Jarraf was brilliant in keeping the proceedings moving forward.
It is possible that reasonable men lost inside the illusion and manufactured perceptions permeating todays "reality" may awaken? This may be the case with the judge in this case,although the cutouts generally appointed to these posts are trained and fervent defenders of the process as it has been intentionally conceived. That said, Rest assured that the massive fraud being perpetuated will be defended with cruel blunt force & intent, for the preservation of the money train regardless of the outcome of this case.
Only an informed & awake population can begin to stem the tide of gratuitously fabricated fraud turned onto unbridled abuse against humanity; an abuse, no less, that has been enabled and perpetrated on a humanity that has willingly (but not consciously)agreed to through their own uninformed consent.
We are seeing the beginnings of this worldwide awakening as people are slowly beginning to suspect something is very wrong and expressing this sentiment inside their respective political processes? These masses, unfortunately believe that solutions (change) can be gained through processes designed, conceived and controlled by the guilty perpetrators of the fraud. No attention is being paid to process design and structure and the road to quantifiable improvement?
Till then, courageous people such as Ms. Tucci-Jarraf will be forced to contend truth inside a paradigm expressly designed to systematically reject truth and protect itself?
Bravo to Ms. Tucci-Jarraf

Martin Hansen November 17, 2017 at 4:00 AM
This is an epic case, the government has no jurisdiction, there is no crime. A crime defined as harm to a living man/woman, the accuser must have first hand information of that crime and be present to face the accused. The government cannot be that victim, it is a fiction. Not only does it not exist as Heather has pointed out in her fillings, that it is insolvent, dissolved, bankrupt. If it did exist as a fictional entity it cannot look her in the eye and accuse her of anything, its not a man/woman, its dead, a corp(s)-oration. Even if the United States did exist, this case could not be tried in a court of the United States, as the United States is prejudice, it has a dog in the fight so to speak. This is a common law case to be tried by the people in a common law court that has proper jurisdiction. Heather knows this, and the court is as she says either ignorant, or complicit in the crime being perpetrated on all of the people that this action represents. Its either one or the other, in either case it is just that the court recuse itself, as it is a party to the action.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by TheNewSaint »

I am amused to know that, though someone should teach NESARA News that timeliness is an element of news.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by The Seventh String »

It strikes me that Ms Tucci-Jarraf will do well in the guru business no matter what happens to her.

1. If she runs before she’s sentenced she’s a hero on the run from the big bad bankster men.

2. If she’s sent down she’s the martyr the evil baddies tried to silence by imprisoning her because she told the truth. Release her now!!!1!!

3. If, by any freak of fate she’s found not guilty or her conviction is overturned on appeal because of a legal error in the prosecution or trial process, that’s the evidence she’s been 100% right all along. All Hail Tucci-Jarraf, when do we get our millions, etc.

Neither (1) nor (2) leave her enjoying the life she’s accustomed to and (2) in particular would be rather unpleasant for her and cut her off from BEing and DOing and FUND RAISing all over the internet, but her guru status might well emerge unscathed or even be enhanced.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by waylonmercy »

You left out option #4: Heather dies in prison. BZ calls attorney (or is it lawyer?) Gloria Allred who holds a press conference in front of the Federal Reserve vowing justice for Heather as she hugs Heather's weeping children.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Gregg »

Heather isn't going to die in prison unless she chokes on a ham sandwich. Even if she get's convicted and even with the whole batshit crazy routine, I doubt she gets more than 24 months. She's only charged with one count of conspiracy and while I think its a travesty, them's just the facts.

Randy, on the other hand, could very easily die in prison, not just because he's looking at a LONG sentence, but I also think he doesn't work and play well with others well enough to go that long among dangerous felons to not get killed by his cellie for being an asshole.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Jeffrey »

I was gonna type something about pumping the brakes, this not being North Korea we don’t sentence people to death for wire fraud. But under Heathers own DO BE, worldview anything short of that would be an injustice. The amount of money they stole is equivalent to the average lifetime earnings of several Americans and it being USAA means people bled and died for the dollars HATJ and Beane stole.

In Heather speak, she stole the BEING and DOINGS of multiple humans. It wouldn’t be out of line for the government to do the same to her.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Gregg »

it being USAA means people bled and died for the dollars HATJ and Beane stole.
Well, not really. It was FDIC insured money.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Athis »

As others have said, Heather is unlikely to do any serious time, unlike poor Randy

Randy is not a criminal; he's a victim of the sov ideology, which imo is a mind virus and a mental disorder
That sov nonsense literally takes over their minds and renders them complete idiots
There are stacks of videos on Youtube of deluded sovs bringing unnecessary trouble on themselves and their families

Heather will have to choose between being a martyr at home or on the run
That is if they dont rearrest her as a flight risk when Judge Shirley delivers the bad news she's to be tried under US law

No matter how this plays out a lot of the followers will see it as a victory for the cause
Their level of delusion is unfathomable judging by the comments I read on their site

According to the 18th Oct transcript Judge Shirley should be replying any day now
He did say within 30 days; and that past end of last week I think
When do you guys expect his ruling
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by TheNewSaint »

Athis wrote:According to the 18th Oct transcript Judge Shirley should be replying any day now
He did say within 30 days; and that past end of last week I think
When do you guys expect his ruling
Right about... now:

http://i-uv.com/wp-content/uploads/2017 ... dation.pdf

Unsurprisingly, Judge Shirley has recommended that all Heather's nonsense be thrown out. I'll let you read the whole thing, but the title of one of the sections sums it up nicely:
b. The Defendants’ Claims Have No Legal Support and Defy Common Sense
The idiots at i-uv.com have latched onto the word "recommendation" and think the document is somehow non-binding:
1:07:02 PM 11.18.17 | Edited 1:08:04 PM] Terran: Judge Shirley issued a recommendation not a decision. He effectively moved the hot potato to Judge Varlin. If he was confident he had jurisdiction he would have issued a decision. Varlin, a Title 3 Judge gave him the power to do either. He took what he believes is the safe route and bought time (they think) for the court.

[1:07:15 PM] 11.18.17 Arthur K: Letter of recommendation. If the person who gives a commercial letter of recommendation honestly states his opinion, believing at the time that he states the truth, he is “not liable in an action of deceit, although the representation turns out to be untrue.’ See Communication, Privileged, 3. ~ A Dictionary of Law…. William C Anderson
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Burnaby49 »

A question for you lawyers. Why did the judge recommend rather than order?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by notorial dissent »

Athis wrote:As others have said, Heather is unlikely to do any serious time, unlike poor Randy
Regrettably this is true, she is only on the hook for minor charges and will probably get a light sentence, although it is early days yet, I have faith in her sovcit ability to turn a minor traffic stop in to a full blown felony.
Randy is not a criminal; he's a victim of the sov ideology, which imo is a mind virus and a mental disorder
Quite the contrary, Randy is and was a criminal prior to this, albeit a petty criminal, but a criminal none the less. Part of the reason he got popped was the outstanding warrant from another jurisdiction. If anything, he was sinning above his station.
That sov nonsense literally takes over their minds and renders them complete idiots
There are stacks of videos on Youtube of deluded sovs bringing unnecessary trouble on themselves and their families
They were complete idiots to begin with, they just didn't have operating instructions to get themselves further in to trouble.
Heather will have to choose between being a martyr at home or on the run
That is if they dont rearrest her as a flight risk when Judge Shirley delivers the bad news she's to be tried under US law
She'll stick it out til it becomes obvious that things aren't going her way, if she is still capable of making such determinations. It seems her lucid moments are becoming fewer and fewer.
No matter how this plays out a lot of the followers will see it as a victory for the cause
Their level of delusion is unfathomable judging by the comments I read on their site
This regrettably is true. Cognitive disfunction is one of the hallmarks of this.
According to the 18th Oct transcript Judge Shirley should be replying any day now
He did say within 30 days; and that past end of last week I think
When do you guys expect his ruling
Already issued, and as expected, shuts down HAT's fantasy defense.
Apparently the Tuccis Giraffe Legal Squad doesn't seem to grasp the fact that a Magistrate Judge's findings are ALWAYS phrased as a recommendation and passed to the Federal (Art III) Judge in charge of the case for final decision, which is usually to adopt the findings, as I expecte these will be.

With the possible exception that the Federal Judge may add some thoughts of their own, like revoking HAT's bail.

In other words, NOT a good day for HAT and the being and doing crowd, who are too illiterate and ignorant to parse the clear meaning in the ruling recommendation.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by Gregg »

Over on The Moonbeam Channel, they're making sure they're ready for the final actions...
I see the ramifications of this and the time to celebrate is not yet upon us. Twenty four hours can make a big difference in our world. We need truth. Access and Facilitation. Ok. Have the Essence cards been mailed, or do we connect through our own accounts, or do we just go into any bank and ask for a x dollar amount of a certified check and it will be honored because we all assume that everyone got the message/memo?
Yeah, Sunshine, you just walk in the bank and tell them to give you all the money you want. Use the special code phrase "I have a gun" and they'll take care of you right away.

At the top of the updates, there is this pathetic little update on Randy, notice the part where he still isn't getting along with his playmates and is still getting his daily beatdowns because he's so much smarter than them and he's getting out any day now and when he gets out he has a gazongazillion dollars waiting for him....

Imagine how bleak his life is going to be when he's three years into his 15 and no one from the DO and BE crowd remembers him, and he's just getting his ass beat every day without the cards and conference calls. When Heather gets out, he'll become invisible to her crowd, an inconvenient reminder that not only is she wrong, but sometimes her wrongness destroys people.
UPDATE: 11.14.17

When I spoke with Randy today, he asked me to give You a message. He very much appreciates all the energy that was sent to him on the 11/11 portal, from the conference call we had and the envisioning we held the space for and for all of you who watched and heard the video later and added your energy. And he is so appreciative of your postcards. The situation in the facility right now, the escalations that are occurring via pod mates/inmates is Very difficult for Randy, right now. He said You are his Light Line! Postcards, especially with quotes and passages with expansive messages… and intentional moments where you hold the space for him is vital to what he is doing for All.

Thank You!

Much love, BZ
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Re: OPPT (One Person's Public Trial) - Tucci-Jarraf

Post by NYGman »

Footnotes contain some great stuff
15 The Defendants apparently do not espouse the definition of “judgment” from the same Federal Debt Collection Procedures Act from which they pluck the definition of “United States.” In the Federal Debt Collection Procedures Act, “‘Judgment’” means a judgment, order, or decree entered in favor of the United States in a court and arising from a civil or criminal proceeding regarding a debt.” 28 U.S.C. § 3002(8) (emphasis added). This is but one example of the numerous internal inconsistencies in the Defendants’ arguments. This example illustrates how the Defendants pick and choose various snippets of law—the very law that they claim no longer exists—and then misapply those fragments to try to shore up their fantastical legal theory.
16 At the motion hearing, Defendant Tucci-Jarraf argued that an indictment can only be issued by consent. She claimed this applies to her and all other people. Her incredible and absurd argument
is that no criminal charges can be brought against her, or against anyone, without that individual’s consent. Under her reasoning, anyone can commit any criminal act (burglary, robbery, assault, drug trafficking, or even murder) but cannot be prosecuted, unless they consent to being prosecuted. Even the least educated among us would scoff at this notion. However, those intent upon preying on others would relish such a proposition. Such a system would be untenable, and no nation, country, state, or community could exist under such a preposterous proposition.
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