April LaJune: I can UCC You!

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Siegfried Shrink
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Re: April LaJune: I can UCC You!

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Oh, yes, so I did. But they'd not read this, would they?
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Re: April LaJune: I can UCC You!

Post by Siegfried Shrink »


April is at it again, with more sov-cit strawman and secret account nonsense, as she demonstrates how to verify your secret accounts. The leap of illogic that the suckers are not supposed to notice is to assume that a number to refer to something is unique. If the number 12345678 is associated with you in some way, no one else can use that number or have it refer to anything but you.Obviously the number 12345678 may crop up in any number of ways where large numbers are involved but the clever, if you call it that, part of the scam is to carry on quickly after the implicit assumption that the number is somehow uniquely personal to you.

In a daring revelation she shows a screenshot of the government warning that no such secret accounts exist, but this is of course more gov lies, as she goes on to prove to her satisfaction that they do. I doubt she is stupid enough to believe this but it is essential that the suckers do.

She also looks up bond numbers using the same process, random numbers (effectively) are entered to prove the suckers have personal bonds when the actual result is simply the value of a specified but random bond that may belong to Howdy Doody or the government of China. (China is more likely)

There is a bit of strawman nonsense and some nitpicking about the exact wording of checks, and some words of comfort for those suckers who are trying the 'package' and being told to FOAD by county clerks when they attempt to file the nonsense paperwork. Also words of comfort to those of the faithfull whose letters to officials have been met with replies hinting at prosecution and fines, and to be fair she does not entirely ignore the plaints of the suckers, she just claims they are part of the deception by the liberals who control everything. (who knew?)

Then the usual sales pitch, of course, gotta keep the money orders rolling in.
She is careful to avoid doing anything herself that she knows to be specifically dangerous, although the whole scamming promotion seems as if it ought to be illegal to me.
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Re: April LaJune: I can UCC You!

Post by Athis »

Also that account she 'created' with Google Wallet using the Fed routing number and her SS number was a scam
The system may accept those numbers; but the account will not exist or be usable
She would have to show she successfully used the account on a transaction that was not cancelled

...at least that is my understanding ??
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Re: April LaJune: I can UCC You!

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

Standard procedure to verify bank accounts relies on the user having access to the account and statement details. There is a small deposit or withdrawal with a code number, usually 4 digits that the user has to enter om the company website to verify they have full use of the account.
Obviously April could not pass this stage of account creation so would be unable to 'buy' anything.

Any random numbers that co-incided with a genuine account somewhere would have done the same.
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Re: April LaJune: I can UCC You!

Post by AnOwlCalledSage »

Siegfried Shrink wrote: Then the usual sales pitch, of course, gotta keep the money orders rolling in.
She is careful to avoid doing anything herself that she knows to be specifically dangerous, although the whole scamming promotion seems as if it ought to be illegal to me.
Regardless of illegality, it's a clear breach of You Tube policy.
Some users create content which attempts to trick others for their own financial gain. Content that deliberately tries to mislead users for financial gain may be removed, and in some cases strikes may be issued to the uploader.
Be wary of claims that seem too good to be true, as they likely are.
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Re: April LaJune: I can UCC You!

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Siegfried Shrink wrote:Standard procedure to verify bank accounts relies on the user having access to the account and statement details.
More common than a code number, I believe, is for the vendor to make two small deposits, and you need to report both amounts for verification. This still requires access to the statement, but I'm not sure all statements report the code number.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: April LaJune: I can UCC You!

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

More common than a code number, I believe, is for the vendor to make two small deposits, and you need to report both amounts for verification. This still requires access to the statement, but I'm not sure all statements report the code number.
As to that I can only say that all electronic transfers into my bank account have some sort of identification, unless the sender did not include one, for example if my partner puts some money in my account and simply does not bother with further details as we both know what it is about. A company intent on verifying an account would not omit such details. I recently verified a new debit card linked to a bank account with Paypal in just such a manner. Paypal withdrew a very small amount and returned the same small amount whem I completed the verification process.
I cannot speak for all accounts, obviously but it does seem to be a common practice in electronic payment systems.

Not that this stage would be reached and reported on if the intent is to mislead. I think the potential victims of fraud, the package buyers, would be generally ignorant of the actual workings of automated bank clearing systems.

I have been unable to get You Tube to notice reports of videos as 'scam bait' Possibly, and not unreasonably they prefer to have more than one report. Just imagine all the competing gurus all reporting each other to reduce competition. :-)

That might be the only workable way to close them down, a massive virtual turf war!
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Re: April LaJune: I can UCC You!

Post by GlimDropper »

Harvey Dent dropped a bombshell fired a spitball this morning. He had been getting kinda catty with April last week, there was an interview that fell through but he seems to be warming back up to her now. In swapping messages with Miss LaJune it comes out that April's $450 paperwork actually comes from Anna von Reitz. Harvey posts screen shots to substantiate the issue. Harvey does not seem to have asked what the cash breakdown between April and Anna is but we have to assume Miss Poptart is getting a cut.

YouTube link, I skipped almost four minutes of Harvey babble.
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Re: April LaJune: I can UCC You!

Post by Gregg »

Off Topic:

Has something bad happened to realscam.com? I get an "account suspended" screen.
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Re: April LaJune: I can UCC You!

Post by Chaos »

Gregg wrote:Off Topic:

Has something bad happened to realscam.com? I get an "account suspended" screen.
Lynn posted at Behindmlm that they are a victim of a dmca claim.
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Re: April LaJune: I can UCC You!

Post by JohnPCapitalist »

GlimDropper wrote:In swapping messages with Miss LaJune it comes out that April's $450 paperwork actually comes from Anna von Reitz. Harvey posts screen shots to substantiate the issue. Harvey does not seem to have asked what the cash breakdown between April and Anna is but we have to assume Miss Poptart is getting a cut.
I'd beg to differ. Copyright is all a plot of that eeebil gummint, except when it comes to being able to copyright your own name and attempt to foist a fee schedule on people for using it in court. I'm sure that April LaJune is stealing it unashamedly. These people aren't really all that good at taking the long view to make strategic investments.
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Re: April LaJune: I can UCC You!

Post by wserra »

Assuming that "DMCA claim" means the usual takedown notice - if it doesn't, I don't know what it means - that doesn't result in the site going down for days. The most it results in is a post or three removed until the dust settles. (I've been doing more of this stuff lately.)

It appears that RealScam has been down for a while. Something else is going on, and I'm curious as to what.
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Re: April LaJune: I can UCC You!

Post by nancydrew »

Fake Judge Anna distancing herself from April LaJune!

https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_ ... 1172673201

Favorite line is April’s charging $450 not for the paperwork, but for her time to babysit her followers. Wow! I think the going rate for a babysitting is like 10-20 per hour!
Siegfried Shrink
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Re: April LaJune: I can UCC You!

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

About April LaJune First of all, I don't know April LaJune. I am not involved in her business at all. When I found out she was using some of my material and selling it as part of a "process" she and her cohorts developed, I contacted her and asked what was going on? She took information I made freely available and incorporated it into her package. No law against that. I made it available to everyone who needs it, with the full intention that even the poorest of the poor should be able to reclaim their good names and estates. At the same time, I haven't reviewed her paperwork package or her process and am not in a position to either recommend or disparage what she is doing and I certainly don't get a "cut" off any of it. Second of all, her reasoning which she expressed to me, is that she and her co-horts have to baby-sit people through the whole process, which takes a considerable amount of time and effort on their parts. So they should get paid for that. Again, no arguments here. A worker is worth their hire. I have neither the time nor the trained personnel to provide direct assistance to all the people who need it. The best I can hope for is that April LaJune and her helpers have their own ducks in order and are using the information to help people as intended --- and not cheating them or using my name in vain. As always, it is a Buyer Beware world and people have to make informed decisions and think things through. What I develop, I have given for free. As a group, the members of The Living Law Firm have survived as mendicants, dependent on free will offerings and book sales to bear the expenses and court fees and all the rest of it. Unbelievable as it may seem, somehow, always, the generosity of others who see what we are doing and why, is sufficient to keep our wheels on the road. I and the others actually associated with me spend our efforts on research and on court actions calculated to restore our lawful government and to secure and return the assets belonging to the American people and the actual states back to them, en masse. Though I advocate individual action to place your own claims to your Names and ESTATES in the public record, there is no way that I and my small group can do any amount of hand-holding. There isn't time and manpower available for us, The Living Law Firm, to fight the main fire and all the brush fires, too. April LaJune has a valid point. I have made the information available for free, and it is there on my website: www.annavonreitz.com for anyone to use, but if you want someone to sit beside you and make sure all the details are done right, as many people do, April LaJune is offering that service. What isn't reasonable is for anyone to think that I am in charge of that effort or getting any kickbacks from it or applying my name to it just because they are incorporating some of my paperwork into their package--- which I haven't even reviewed.
Anna von Reitz
So, no kickbacks then. Her pricing is not universally approved. Or, indeed, at all.
Olaug Johanne Smedsvig Franklin
And she's charging an arm and a leg for it too...Cause when I first saw her video, the first thing I thought about was Anna...I honestly thought the two if to were working together!...Thank you for clearing that up Anna von Reitz
Angel Muehlenkamp
Never ceases to amaze me how many times the first thing an American will do is become an opportunist. This has what has made my stomach turn about Americans. I am proud to come from America. I honor both our Native American brothers and sisters and our Forefathers and I give to many freely without asking for anything back, and I don’t knock anyone who desires to charge a fair price for helping folks, but honestly, this new found American that will gouge his or her Brother or Sister‘s eyes out for a huge profit simply churns my stomach... it also says something about these folks internally, and if we were ever in a time of crisis and panic, these folks will most likely leave all the others of us to perish on our own. I’ve learned to stay away from folks like this, who lack usually in authenticity and caring. What happened to one for all and all for one? In the new energy of our country, what do we truly want? Blessings brothers and sisters... and remember... helping one another is the remembrance of times past and an opening to a whole new way of being in our beautiful country. Anna von Reitz is a prime example of tha
You gotta laugh.......

Going back to the beginning of this thread, when April first started her UCC nonsense, she was paying some guru something for her 'process' but she soon learned that she could get the same nonsense for nothing and never looked back. Since then she has given links to a few other sources of pseudo-law but I expect all the cash stays where it is meant to be, with her.
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Re: April LaJune: I can UCC You!

Post by Jeffrey »

I skimmed through La June and Dent’s little dialogue this week. Surprisingly June seems to have conceded the TDA packages don’t work and trashed the factualized trust paperwork. Dent continues his weird historical revisionism where he simultaneously takes credit for putting out the TDA routing number video while distancing himself from the fallout.
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Re: April LaJune: I can UCC You!

Post by Siegfried Shrink »


The fragrent April seems to have more or less abandoned touting her UCC filing scam as it becomes more and more obvious that it is a waste of time. She is just concentrating on spreading fake news that she finds here and there or makes up as she goes along. This video is just some people in an office.

Virgo Triad grabs her by the throat and shakes her till her head comes off.

Siegfried Shrink
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Re: April LaJune: I can UCC You!

Post by Siegfried Shrink »

The industrious April is still backing away from the TDA and A4V stuff and pumping her credit repair business.


After all her sincerely delivered and utter nonsense promotion over the last 6 momths the pseudolegal racket os beginning to look a bit played out, but on past form alone, I am assuming that what she os saying about credit rating agencies is more claptrap.
I just do notknow anything specific enough about US credit agencies to be sure that what soulds like nonsense really is nonsense.
She claims credit rating agencies have to have the original applications ans signed agreements for loans. This sounds impractical to say the least. She claims to able to get negative information removed from credit records because they do not have thei information.

At 7 minutes in she switches to how to become an American Natiolist which is apparently a more acceptable name for sov-cits now. "The government has made you a business which is why they can tax you" sounds pretty familiar. Strawman, make yourself a person, or not, I get confused and become non taxable.
3rd 2018 and a lot of you have been
having questions about credit repair and
what it is
versus credit consolidation I'm also
going to give you the first two steps
that you're going to need when you're
trying to what when I guess we should
call it as a freedom package becoming a
sovereign citizen that kind of thin
apparently people are shying away from
that particular word but your American
nationalists sovereign Donald Trump in
his administration using that
terminology so you know what I am too
because that's true so credit repair
versus credit consolidation here's the
difference okay
credit consolidation is when you take
all of these bills that you owe and you
put them into one big bunch and you pay
a monthly fee every month to that
supposed organization who is has
negotiated most likely a a fee for you
that isn't as much as it is so if you
owned owed $3,000 now maybe though the
creditor will settle for 1500 personally
I think that that is stupid and I
wouldn't do it because that's just it
doesn't affect your credit score if you
know how to use credit repair all right
so you can get all of those things take
it off of your credit that are on there
here's what happens with credit
consolidation a lot of these companies
will actually buy the debt from whoever
it is you out like if it's a hospital
bill if it's a credit card or something
like that so these credit consolidation
companies will actually buy the debt and
then you're not really paying the debtor
you're paying them okay so they may
they've they've done pennies on the
dollar to get that debt now they've
consolidated your debts for you and it's
supposed to be in this thing this pool
where the
is supposedly getting paid creditors
already been paid all right by these
companies because they bought the debt
so you don't really owe the credit
consolidation company what they're
saying that you owe them because they
just literally bought that debt for
pennies on the dollar but many people
make their mistake and when they get
something in the mail that says we can
help you it's just a way to make money
off of you and so when you use credit
repair what credit repair does is looks
at your credit from all three of the
credit bureaus and sees what's on there
that's negative and can dispute those
negative items it doesn't matter whether
it's a lien from the IRS if it's a
foreclosure if it's a bankruptcy if it's
a student loan credit card hospital bill
doesn't matter what it is you can
dispute all of those items on that
credit report when you dispute those
items you send them a letter and telling
them what you dispute and they're
supposed to look at it
verify it and either leave it on or take
it off here's the catch through the laws
that we have in our country the credit
viewers are supposed to have the
original contract with your signature on
it and the original I didn't say or I
said and the original application that
you signed with your actual Ridgid
original signature on it that means they
have to have the actual paper not a copy
of the paper the actual original paper
the application and the contract they
don't have that they work digitally so
when someone like a hospital or credit
card company or a lien or a bankruptcy
or student loan gives information to the
credit bureau it's
all digital that means they don't have
the original copy they don't have the
original contract and usually there's
not in the red who signs a contract when
you're have a bankruptcy who signs a
application for a bankruptcy who signs a
application or a contract for a lead
nobody you don't sign that stuff even
for a hospital or anything else that is
the criteria that the credit bureau is
supposed to be using to put this stuff
on your credit but they don't care
because people don't push back and
people don't ask him to verify this
stuff so when you're writing letters to
the credit bureau to verify these things
they're supposed to give it to you but
they won't they'll send you a letter
back that says oh we asked him and they
said yeah it's real they didn't ask him
and they don't have the paperwork to
back it up they're not sending you the
paperwork that you requested when you
ask for valid validation of those
accounts it's up to you to make sure you
get that that's what Durango credit
repair does for you we write the letters
we're the ones you send it out we get we
push back so we can get this stuff off
your credit we've gotten child support
things off their liens in the thousands
we're talking about twelve thousand or
more about twenty five thousand dollars
in child support office somebody's
credit all kinds of mistakes are
happening on people's credit seventy
nine percent of the population has a
problem with their credit report and
it's because of unfair practices by the
credit bureaus on reporting so you've
got to fix that and you can call us at

three and we can help you with that you
can also send an email to Tom or you can
go to the TDA account not TDA account or
you're going to go to Durango credit
repair.com and fill out that form there
and Tom will get back with you as quick
as he can to get you started a new
credit repair but it's it's really
when it comes to being able to get
credit in the future for purchases that
you want to make so that's why I think
it's very important now when you're
trying to go through what we should be
calling probably the American
nationalists making yourself declaring
yourself as an American nationalist you
gotta understand something the
government has made you a business which
is why they can tax you when you declare
yourself on the private side of the
equation and now you become a private
person a private man or woman which is a
living being then all of those assets
that you have under the strawman
which is your all-caps name the business
entity that they call you those things
now belong to you and are not taxable in
order to get yourself started along that
path you have to file a DBA you have to
file a trade name as a sole proprietor
okay no incorporation you will be doing
business as whatever's on your social
security card okay because that's the
name of the business that the government
has appointed for you so when you file a
DBA and you say for example mine it says
April of June doing business as April of
June so it would be John Q public doing
business as John Quincy public okay when
you file that as a sole proprietor you
have now taken over as the person doing
the real life in the flesh being doing
business as the business entity that the
government has appointed as your
business okay that's why it's important
because now you can establish that a
government entity has confirmed that you
are doing business as a fictitious
entity all right this is the difference
between me
the real live person and a fictitious
name which businesses are always
fictitious they cannot be real
they're not real they've never been real
they never will be real the government
has to declare you dead in order to be
able to make a business out of you which
is what they've done okay so the first
step is getting a sole proprietor DBA is
what it's called doing business as if
you cannot do it in your state because
they are trying to manipulate you and
tell you that you cannot be have your
name on your social security card as
your business you should be pushing back
on that because that is a lie
entertainers do it all the time
designers do it all the time
and I'm pretty sure the Christian Dior
perfume that that Clark has on on the
other side
Christian Dior is a real person so is
Michael Cordes you need to push back on
that okay if you can't go online to
Colorado you can get it done in five
the next thing you're gonna do is do
four copies of your birth certificate
four certified copies you're gonna get
two of them authenticated you can have
them all authenticate it if you want
it's a double authentication in New York
it's a triple authentication in New York
you have to do County authentication
then you have to do state authentication
and then you have to do a department of
the state authentication that that means
if you're born in New York you have to
go to the county then the state then the
feds anywhere else that I have been
aware of is state authentication of
where you were born and then the
Department of State which is the US
state all you have to do is put in the
search bar authenticate birth
certificate the name of the state it
comes right up it's not that hard guys
it's those are the first two steps
getting birth certificates and making
sure that that at least two are
authenticated keeping one for yourself
one to Steven minuchin then the next
step is and you can do these
simultaneously at the same time putting
in a sole proprietor notification that's
all you got to do it's really not that
alright so that's the video for today
remember these are in date order okay so
today is April 3rd 2018 I'll see you
next time
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Re: April LaJune: I can UCC You!

Post by nancydrew »


Complete tone change on April’s website, than was previously there. In older videos she dismisses any negative comments regarding her scam as fake news, scare tactics.

Negative commenters are referred to as morons and stupid or the usual shill or government agents.

Appropriate warnings of arrests, and no guaranty that it will gain access to any accounts.

I did catch the part in her recent video that credit bureaus are supposed to have “wet ink” contracts. I wonder which one of the credit agencies is supposed to be the repository of all these actual contracts? Visions of the final scene of Raiders of the Lost Arc pop into my head of the endless warehouse that stores all these contracts from every creditor that exists.

But what can I expect from someone who thinks that thinks a valid routing number in an ACH transaction, instantly verifies the account number is also valid?
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Re: April LaJune: I can UCC You!

Post by Arthur Rubin »

nancydrew wrote: Thu Apr 12, 2018 3:27 pm http://tdaaccount.org/tda-account/

I did catch the part in her recent video that credit bureaus are supposed to have “wet ink” contracts. I wonder which one of the credit agencies is supposed to be the repository of all these actual contracts? Visions of the final scene of Raiders of the Lost Arc pop into my head of the endless warehouse that stores all these contracts from every creditor that exists.
I was thinking Warehouse 13.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: April LaJune: I can UCC You!

Post by BoomerSooner17 »

Arthur Rubin wrote: Fri Apr 13, 2018 3:25 am
nancydrew wrote: Thu Apr 12, 2018 3:27 pm http://tdaaccount.org/tda-account/

I did catch the part in her recent video that credit bureaus are supposed to have “wet ink” contracts. I wonder which one of the credit agencies is supposed to be the repository of all these actual contracts? Visions of the final scene of Raiders of the Lost Arc pop into my head of the endless warehouse that stores all these contracts from every creditor that exists.
I was thinking Warehouse 13.
I think the obvious storage location is Fort Knox, behind 21-inch-thick vault doors and the 1st Armored Division.
"Never in the field of human conflict, was so much owed (but not paid), by so few, to so many." - Sir Winston Churchill